How to discipline yourself and form healthy habits. This is how the exclusion rule works

Self-discipline is one of the internal mechanisms of a person that are completely regulated by his consciousness. The more developed a person’s consciousness is, the more successfully he can control himself and demonstrate his own discipline. Self-discipline is a skill that many people would like to learn. However, not everyone finds the internal reserves within themselves to begin acting in a given direction. Some of us truly lack strength and effective self-control. Many people for years cannot properly organize their lives and, as a result, achieve the desired success.

Self-discipline skills

Self-discipline allows an individual to constantly grow above himself and strive for new achievements. Self-discipline skills help you cope with everyday difficulties and overcome your own capabilities. What distinguishes a disciplined person from one who does not strive to control his life? Let's try to figure it out.

Consistency in judgment

Developed self-discipline skills allow an individual to develop his own individual point of view on certain issues and adhere to it for a long time. A developed discipline is distinguished by consistency in judgment. Such a person looks quite confident in himself, knowing what he wants to achieve in life. Constancy in judgment is manifested in the fact that a person firmly knows what he wants to achieve in life. His inner convictions remain unaffected by external circumstances, unshakable by those around him.

Self control

Self-discipline teaches you to take responsibility for what is happening. A person with discipline skills knows how to control his momentary impulses and desires. She does not succumb to the numerous temptations that meet her at every turn. A firm belief in what is worth paying attention to and what is best avoided at all costs teaches you not to get hung up on the little things. Failures happen to everyone, but they should be a lesson, not a reason for endless frustration. A person with developed discipline has unsurpassed abilities to control his own actions and actions. Self-discipline skills help a person to successfully experience difficult situations, to relate more easily to current events, to believe in one’s own prospects, to make long-term plans and to believe in their implementation.

Self Confidence

A strong personality is always quite confident in himself. She knows what she wants and what she really deserves. Self-confidence is not achieved in one day. It is the result of hard work and self-discipline. A person who cannot properly organize his life does not have the opportunity to achieve true success. Self-confidence is the result of effective self-improvement, a skill that needs constant honing. If we don’t take care of ourselves, encourage our own capabilities, make plans, nothing will ever happen in our lives on its own. This is why most people prefer to be controlled and easily give the leadership position to someone else. Many people are happy to relieve themselves of any sense of responsibility.

How to develop self-discipline

Self-discipline is a skill that requires a person to constantly maintain it within himself. You cannot work on yourself for many days and then successfully decide that you no longer need it. No, mental strength strengthens over time, just as the muscles of the body grow and strengthen after each workout. How to develop self-discipline? What should you pay special attention to?

Smart planning

Whatever you do, you need to be able to carefully plan it in your head. The more clearly you imagine the result of your own efforts, the more productive the work will be. Proper planning will allow you not to get lost at the most crucial moment, not to get sidetracked and not to lose the main idea. A successful person always makes several types of plans for himself: for five years, for one year, for a quarter, a month, a week and a day. Moreover, it is necessary to plan each next working day from the evening of the previous one. This way there is a greater chance that you will not begin to feel sorry for yourself at the most crucial moment and will not leave the main thing. In the morning, try to do important things as soon as possible. This will free up a lot of time for other activities. With some simple self-discipline you can feel much freer. Try to take into account in advance how long it will take you to complete a particular task, strive to meet the deadlines.

Incentives and penalties

If you are seriously thinking about how to develop self-discipline, the method of rewards and penalties will come in handy. The essence of this method is to constantly stimulate your own achievements with something. If you successfully complete a task for the day, reward yourself. In case of “disobedience”, impose fines. Think for yourself what it will be: a trip to the cinema, a restaurant or an art exhibition. A lot depends on your financial capabilities. You can reward yourself every day, or you can accumulate “bonuses” and please yourself immediately for a successful week. You will immediately feel improvements: increased activity, a desire to achieve more than last month or last week. Such internal motivation will sooner or later lead to significant success. If you can step over your own laziness, apparent hopelessness and despair that nothing is working out, then you will definitely come to the inspiring state of a winner. And first you need to defeat yourself!

Waking up earlier has been proven to release more energy. The earlier a person wakes up, the more he manages to accomplish in a day. Our resources are by no means limitless. This is why it is so important to go to bed and get up at the same time. It turns out that lazy people who like to spend their time in idleness will never become truly lucky. They simply won't be able to bring themselves to wake up before noon. Only early rise helps to reveal the internal reserves of the whole body.


Asceticism is a conscious limitation of oneself in something in the name of achieving a cherished goal. Let's say, if you decide to lose weight, then developing self-discipline will come in handy. Such internal self-regulation will allow you to monitor your own actions and exercise timely control over your diet. Asceticism is also good when you are determined to achieve a specific goal. You deliberately deny yourself some pleasures in order to receive the greatest benefit in the future.

Thus, self-discipline is a very necessary and useful skill, so necessary for the activities of a modern person. People who dream of achieving significant success must master the skills of working effectively on themselves.

One of the most important qualities that allows you to achieve success and learn how to use your time wisely is self-discipline. Self-discipline is a developed habit of keeping all your actions under control, following your own routine and established rules. This habit allows a person to focus on a specific goal, be aware of the ways to achieve it, and not waste time on empty entertainment. Often we choose the Internet instead of necessary and useful things (charging or cleaning). Self-discipline allows us to rationalize our lifestyle.

Developing a habit is not easy. Self-discipline has many enemies that prevent you from doing important things. For example, distractibility or excessive impulsiveness. A person who does not have self-discipline is immediately visible. Usually he fusses a lot, behaves insecurely, uncollectedly. In a conversation, such a person cannot maintain the same topic and often jumps around. Lack of discipline is visible in attitude towards actions. A person presents himself as a victim of circumstances, tries to blame all his mistakes on accidents. You can always hear the typical excuse from him that he simply cannot concentrate or collect himself. But a disciplined person will never have such excuses. He will always do what he promised, always arrive on time, and will not forget about agreements.

The enemy of self-discipline is fatigue. Not everyone can keep themselves within limits at the end of the working day. However, a disciplined person will control himself even if he is very tired. Self-discipline is negatively affected by cheerful suggestions from friends, the opportunity to watch a TV series, or just lie on the couch.

  1. To develop self-discipline, you need to realize what exactly you need, what you want. After all, the rules that need to be followed were not invented by anyone, but by you personally. You believe the established behavior is correct, so you plan to follow it. Conduct a self-reflection session. Figure out what you are going to achieve, set your priorities. It’s better to write down all your plans and dreams on a piece of paper to make it clearer. Do this work in the form of statements. Then you will be able to understand what in this life you value more and what less. What you should pay attention to and what fades into the background.
  2. Self-discipline is the analysis of one's own actions. Only you can decide what you are doing right and what needs to be changed. If you are completely satisfied with your actions, if you do not consider them undisciplined, then how can you change them? Once you decide that you need to do things differently, that your lifestyle is interfering with your success and goals, you will be able to see the undisciplined actions. Then you will realize that you are constantly checking incoming messages, biting your nails, being lazy to go to training, eating a lot at night, and so on. Until you realize the destructiveness of these actions, you will not be able to get rid of bad habits. Self-discipline cannot be developed in one day; developing a habit will take time. Then you will be able to avoid actions that negatively affect your discipline.
  3. It’s easy to write down all your goals and dreams, but it’s not so easy to realize them. At the moment of need for active action, a thousand reasons, a thousand excuses always arise. We decided to get up early, but after the alarm clock rang, the thought flashed through our heads: “Well, just 5 more minutes.” We decided to carry out a large project, but abandoned it when the first difficulties appeared. To avoid such excuses, you need to start with the main thing - give yourself the mindset to definitely bring all things to the end. If you follow this attitude and ignore momentary weaknesses, you will definitely be able to complete what you started.
  4. Don't underestimate difficult tasks. It is likely that you take on some business under the influence of a good mood, sudden passion and desire. But in a day everything can change. You need to immediately realize that complex matters may require more effort and more time. Learn to endure all these difficulties, so you can cultivate courage in yourself. The more often you conquer yourself, the more courageous you will become. Then you will be able to handle any tasks. With the growth of courage comes development of self-discipline.
  5. Talk to yourself more often. This way you can once again talk about your goal, the ways to achieve it, and the desired result. Convince yourself and praise your successes. There is one quote worth sticking to: “The cost of self-discipline is always less than the pain of regret.” Always repeat it if you want to become a disciplined person.

The main purpose of self-discipline is to benefit yourself. If you have driven yourself into a box, if discipline forces you to give up the joys of life, pleasure, rest or sleep, then this will not last long. It is worth using self-discipline to benefit yourself and your body. Take a break from social media and go to bed on time. Do exercises rather than sitting in one position all day. Go for walks. This self-discipline has a positive effect on your physical and spiritual well-being. Create conditions for yourself to relax, then conditions for work and answers to questions will appear. how to learn self-discipline.

To become successful in any business, a person needs to develop certain skills. For example, if you want to become a famous athlete, you need to master technique, learn how to perform various exercises, perhaps work in a team, and so on. You can take any other field and come up with what skills are needed to be successful.

However, along with this, a certain skill stands out that is common to almost any activity: from writing music to working at a machine. It's about self-discipline. In my life I have not met a single person who could say with a reasonable degree of confidence that he has no problems with this skill. However, in order to understand how to develop it, it is necessary to understand what it is.

Self-discipline it is the ability to do what is needed when it is needed.

It would seem that what is so difficult here? You just take it and do it. However, if you've ever tried, you know how difficult it can be. Low self-discipline is the cause of laziness, apathy and other negative psychological phenomena. I bet you yourself know how useful it is to be able to force yourself to do something when it is really necessary.

Self-discipline and willpower

Luckily, you always have the opportunity to develop this skill on your own. And it doesn’t matter at what level you have it now, since there is always the opportunity to make it even better. It’s worth noting right away that self-discipline and willpower, although they are very similar phenomena, they are not entirely the same. Although, perhaps, they are in contact by 90% or even more.

In both cases, we are talking about resisting the desire to do something or, conversely, not to do something. But if willpower is a finite resource or, as they say, a psychological muscle, then self-discipline is a way of life or a model of behavior, as you please. Of course, some readers may disagree with me. Give your arguments in the comments, we’ll be happy to discuss.

In this regard, the methods used to develop self-discipline will be slightly different. If you want, willpower is a sprint, making specific decisions, and self-discipline is a cross, that is, the opportunity remains in the chosen vector of development for a long time. If you are striving to achieve some complex, truly difficult goals, then you simply cannot do without this skill.

The main task that needs to be solved when developing self-discipline is to make a state of complete self-control habitual for you. That is, so that you no longer have to force yourself to do anything. You were clearly aware of exactly what and when exactly you needed and did it without unnecessary delay or psychological resistance. Agree, not a bad prospect?

So, to achieve this, firstly, you need to have at least some goals or objectives. The more global and complex they are, the better. Secondly, it is better to combine the development of self-discipline with some skills. This way you can kill two birds with one stone. The power of self-discipline also lies in the fact that by developing it, you will not have to give up other tasks. On the contrary, you will be able to deal with them more effectively and achieve better results.

At the moment I'm learning to draw. I have a specific goal - to start making money on photo stocks before a certain date. To do this I need to study and practice a lot. However, instead of just developing in this direction, I decided to also practice self-discipline using the methods and techniques described below. All this allows me to achieve much greater results and feel much more confident, strong and truly purposeful.


When answering the question of how to develop self-discipline, it is imperative to address the issue of planning. I often say that 5 minutes spent planning can save up to 15-30 minutes in completing a task. This even works when writing articles - according to a ready-made plan, they are written much faster. What can we say about real life? This may not be so noticeable in the initial stages, but if you compare your performance with and without a plan, you will notice a serious difference.

But let’s return to the issues of self-discipline and how to relate it to planning:

  1. You can set a specific time for completing tasks and try to complete them exactly within the scheduled time period;
  2. You can simply set a list of tasks that need to be completed during the day, and then choose the most appropriate ones, depending on the context of the situation;
  3. You can use block planning. For example, in the morning you need to do this and that, and in the evening you need to do this and that;
  4. Set long-term goals so that you can correctly relate them to short-term ones;
  5. Drawing up a plan should be done in the evening the next day, but not in the morning.

Remember that to develop self-discipline you have there must be a plan. And you should definitely follow it. If it says that you get up at 06:00, then you need to get up at this time. Not at 05:55, not at 06:10, but precisely at 06:00. Otherwise, the rest of your schedule may be thrown off track. Yes, at first it will be quite problematic to stick to all this, but soon you will notice that a properly drawn up schedule allows you to quickly cope with your goals and significantly increases your efficiency.

Fines, fines and more fines

Before writing this article, I studied a lot of literature and chose truly valuable techniques and methods. One of them is a system of fines. In order to train yourself to do everything on time and in the right way, you need to use a whip. And the best whip is various fines. What worries modern people most often? That's right, money. That is why they will be a punishment.

Self-discipline and self-control will develop much faster if you know that failure to complete tasks will lead to negative consequences. I recommend setting a fine of one percent of your average income. Roughly speaking, if you receive 30,000 rubles a month, then the fine will be 300 rubles.

For example, let's say you promised yourself that you would do yoga every day. If on some day you decide not to do anything, then please pay 300 rubles. You can even make the task more difficult and pay penalties if you start the task later or earlier than expected. For example, if you study in the morning, but you were lazy and moved the lesson to the evening.

And who should I pay? Someone who definitely won't pay you back or spend it on you. As an example, if you have children, then with this money you can buy them toys or take them somewhere. Give them to charity, transfer them to your parents or other relatives. In general, they should leave you, and the more benefit they bring, the better.

1% doesn't seem like a lot, but a few fines and you'll realize that it's better to practice self-discipline than to sacrifice money. This will also serve as additional motivation and allow you to get back to normal for a short time, especially if you are currently experiencing a decline in emotional strength.

It's even better if you have someone who can supervise the implementation. However, this will be self-discipline, but simply discipline, like in the army. At first, this will do, but don’t delay it. It’s better if it takes you no more than 1-2 months, and then move on to independent control.

What about the gingerbread?

Self-discipline and self-control are simply impossible without stimulation. Otherwise, you will sooner or later refuse to complete the task. What kind of incentive can there be? It all depends on you, but try not to let it affect your plans too much. For example, I really like massage, but I can rarely afford it. Therefore, the reward of several sessions will suit me quite well.

By the way, soon a MEGA useful post will be published on my blog that can turn your life 180 degrees. If you don't want to miss it, subscribe to updates.

A lot depends on why exactly you need self-discipline. If you want to lose weight, then a week of proper nutrition may allow you to once eat something outside the diet, but not too harmful (not a cake, but, for example, a piece of baked meat). If you stretch every day, you can allow yourself one day to rest, and so on.

You can not deviate from the plan at all, but motivate yourself with something else: going to the cinema with a girl, meeting with friends, and so on. The rules of self-discipline, in principle, may vary from case to case. So you don't have to follow these exact recommendations. You just have to have some kind of “carrot” that will allow you to find strength when things get really hard. And this moment will definitely come.

You can also use star counting technique:

  • Every time you complete a task, add 1 to 3 stars to your piggy bank. If the task is simple, but it took effort to complete it, add 1 star to yourself. If you really put in a lot of effort and spent several hours, then add 2 stars. And if you managed to complete any complex project, then you can safely add 3 stars;
  • Assign yourself certain reward levels that you can receive by exchanging them for stars. For example, for every 20 stars you can eat something outside the diet. For 50 stars you can eat something harmful. And for 100 stars you can eat the way you want all day long. Not a bad motivation, right?
  • It’s better not to make things easier for yourself, but to make the process of getting stars really difficult. This way you will be able to have a truly disciplined approach to getting things done.


Remember that self-discipline, although it has value in itself, should not contradict your other goals, but, on the contrary, should complement them. Therefore, it is recommended to add accounting for various areas of activity to the previous techniques. This is a truly powerful tool that can help you become a much better person.

First of all, this is constant control over finances. Today you can find a huge number of different applications that allow you to keep track of finances in various areas. In the article, I already wrote about the need to keep constant records and control money. Without this, creating assets is quite problematic. Even if you win a million right now, this will not significantly change your financial situation.

Personally, I use iControlMyMoney because I find it the most convenient. Try a few different apps and see what works for you. Constant accounting of funds not only disciplines, but also allows you to improve your financial situation.

It is also worth keeping track of time. That is, how many minutes it takes you to complete a certain task. Or, for example, how much time do you spend on travel, studying, and so on. To do this, it is better to use tables like Excel and round up the values ​​to 5-15 minutes, whichever is more convenient for you. With this, we can clearly see where your time is going and what areas can be optimized to get more done.

In addition, you can use special programs that keep track of the time of which applications you use. This way you can track how much time you waste watching videos with cats or, conversely, spend on work.

Data tracking allows you to clearly see where you are spending your time. This is a very important point in developing self-discipline, as it is crucial. Even if it seems to you that you get a lot done and can control yourself, it’s difficult to track this without digital values. Moreover, you will be seriously surprised at how much time you actually spend and how much of it is wasted.

I hope this article has helped you understand how to develop self-discipline. If you have any questions, ask them in the comments. And be sure to subscribe to blog updates so as not to miss truly important and interesting posts.

Usually, the development of self-discipline is compared to physical exercise - they say that by controlling yourself, setting new and new tasks for your will, you pump up the “self-discipline muscle.”

This comparison is overly simplified (and in general, almost all comparisons and metaphors in relation to psychology work poorly, often leading to the wrong place). And - most importantly - it can lead to a misunderstanding of self-discipline.

Look: we pump up our muscles so that our muscles are strong. But we develop self-discipline in order to work more efficiently and. Strong muscles are a value in themselves (beauty + health + scaring off hooligans), pumped-up self-discipline with no work to do where it can be applied is of no use to anyone.

Second. Let's go from the opposite direction
Let things go with self-discipline. Not even that: forget about the fact that you need to develop self-discipline. Do what you want right now. Do you want to play? Play! Do you want to do nothing at all and stare at the TV? Cheers! Go to bed at 5am? As many as you like! If you took the previous step seriously, then you simply won’t be able to engage in nonsense for long (otherwise you wouldn’t be reading this...). A person constantly strives for the meaning of life - however, this manifests itself in those moments when he does not owe anything to anyone (and to himself). After a week or so of living without discipline at all, a real understanding of the meaninglessness and emptiness of such a life begins to mature.

(I recommend, however, to follow “safety precautions”. For example, ask a friend to talk to you about life in 10 days. Or set yourself a reminder in another way - figure out for yourself what suits you best. And, of course, to those who want to gain self-discipline in order to get rid of bad habits, this step will not help much)

Third. Elimination of interfering factors
You should not set yourself impossible tasks and it is better to use every opportunity to make it easier to achieve self-discipline. As I already said, we need it not on its own, for the sake of abstract self-development, but in order to achieve better results in work, business, and education.
Do you work on a computer? Create a special user (in Windows, start - control panel - user accounts), leaving a pristine desktop, removing toy shortcuts, if possible, turn off the Internet, come up with complex (unrememberable) passwords for email/ICQ and write them down on a piece of paper that You can hide it away or give it to your colleagues or relatives for custody. Move these colleagues and loved ones away from the workplace so that they are not distracted by chatter and chatter.
Leave yourself alone with your work. Give yourself no choice but to work.

(Of course, this tactic is also not applicable to everything)

Fourth. Develop habits
This is a very important, almost universal technique. Much in our lives is habitual, automated, and so it's easy to do. Tell me, do you brush your teeth morning and evening? Does it require willpower on your part? I doubt. The reason is that you developed this habit a long time ago.
You can develop other habits in the same way - in accordance with what you want to achieve. If you need self-discipline in terms of a healthy lifestyle, then learn to do exercises or chew properly. If you want to develop it for the sake of effective work, develop the habit of not being distracted when you work.
An important rule: there is no point in developing several habits at once. Concentrate on one thing. Force yourself to act the way you need to. We decided that it would be good to go to bed no later than eleven - which means that within a week or two you force yourself into bed. Usually 10-15 days is enough to develop a habit. Gradually you will have to put less and less effort into doing what you need to do. And one day the habit will fit into your life so well that you will wonder how it could be done differently.

Fifth. Build a strong skeleton of the day
This “step” is related to the previous one. The point is this: you develop not just useful and necessary habits, but the right habits, tied for a certain time. For example, get up and go to bed at a certain time, do exercises, and so on. A habit attached to a certain time organizes and disciplines itself, starting from it to do what is necessary much easier. Let there be several reference points for self-discipline throughout the day. Among other things, these reference points will help you complete the minimum program once you achieve your goals.

Sixth. Take care of the attitude of discipline and achieving goals
Also related to the previous one. Self-discipline, in particular, is manifested in the fact that a person can do his job without paying attention to emotions. However, we are talking about “cunning methods”, right? Therefore, we must try to make emotions our ally, not our enemy. To do this, try to control your mood during working hours. It is easier to achieve the desired working mood if you use the skeleton of the day described above. For example, jogging early in the morning helps me a lot: you wake up instantly, thoughts run faster, purely physical joy and anticipation of a new day appear. Well, then it is important to “pick up” this mood, not to lose it until the evening, when it should be replaced by pleasant fatigue and satisfaction from a well-lived day. A life worth living means, in particular, that there were no problems with self-discipline.

(Self-discipline in itself can be a source of positive emotions - a taste for an orderly life slowly appears, and it’s just nice to know that you manage your own time, to the extent possible for a person)

Seventh. Set goals and achieve them through self-discipline
It's pretty obvious. Self-discipline, although not a muscle, still needs consistent pumping. Set a goal that is necessary and meaningful to you (at least sit at the computer correctly!) and perceive it as training for self-discipline - then achieving the goal will be much easier (you achieve it as if in passing). Then - a new goal. Repeat until you lose your pulse as long as necessary. There is no need to set global goals right away. Start small - even the smallest. If you think it’s too easy, so much the better, you’ll achieve it faster. It's better to underload than overload.

  • Self-discipline is not a goal, but a means. Don't get too carried away with it. Sometimes the desire to organize everything reaches the point of absurdity, and on the contrary, it interferes with work.
  • Self-discipline is only one aspect of the self-development of your personality. Important, but not the only one. And it should not run counter to your global goals, ideals and meaning of life; on the contrary, it must be in harmony with all this. This principle is violated much more often than one might think. Self-discipline is in vogue now. Therefore, trying to streamline their lives, people (unconsciously) often follow fashion. For example, you can see posts on self-development blogs about how cool and important it is to get up at 5 am. And people begin to tear themselves out of bed with roosters, not caring about the natural characteristics of their body, without thinking whether this manifestation of self-discipline is suitable for them personally. (The authors of such recommendations, of course, have little to blame for this - in THEIR case it can work great. Everyone is different - and everyone’s discipline is also different).
  • You need to regularly “let yourself go free”; you don’t need to be too zealous with self-discipline. Approach it, as you approach self-development in general, calmly, without fanaticism.

Basically everything, however – I repeat – this article is not exhaustive. After all, self-discipline is not only the ability not to be distracted by worthless things and not to waste time. Self-discipline is also:

- the ability to get things done despite distractions
- the ability to control your thoughts, avoiding harmful and destructive ones
- ability to fully concentrate on a problem
- the ability to work towards your goals without seeing immediate results

The list could take a long time. But I’d better write about each point somehow.

I wish you to successfully develop self-discipline and everything else you need!




Do you often tell yourself that tomorrow or Monday you will start a new life? Are you doing the wrong thing that needs to be done urgently? Do you put things off until later, convincing yourself that there is still plenty of time? Can't force yourself to concentrate on your main activity and are constantly distracted? Many people experience such moments, with the exception of very hardworking and strong-willed people. What is the problem? Lack of motivation, time or maybe willpower? This seems like a very difficult question to answer, but it’s absolutely not true – we simply don’t have enough self-discipline.

What is self-discipline?

Self-discipline is the remarkable ability to force yourself to do what you need to do at the right time, regardless of your emotional state. This quality helps you develop, get rid of bad and addictive habits, and also improves your life in the directions you need, making you more productive and efficient. With self-discipline, a person becomes more organized, focused, and moves faster towards his goal and his desires.

It is very important to understand that you cannot develop this ability right away; everything must be done gradually, only then will you achieve the result you need. For example: you go to the gym and begin a rigorous workout without any prior preparation. What will happen to you tomorrow? Most likely, all the muscles in your body will hurt, and starting your next workout on the same day is out of the question. In the same way with self-discipline, you need to start small, gradually increasing the load.

How to develop self-discipline?

1 Understand and accept yourself

One of the rules for developing self-discipline is understanding yourself. Not everyone can immediately accept themselves as they really are. You need to understand your habits and shortcomings, good and bad qualities. Having understood yourself, you will understand which side needs to be disciplined and where to start. After you do this, decide on your strengths. If you wake up late and want to, then getting up around six in the morning will not be very easy. Start getting up fifteen minutes earlier for 21 days. In three weeks this will become a habit, and you will wake up cheerful and full of strength. You need to do the same with the rest of your shortcomings.

2. Value and use time wisely

It is very good to make a schedule for your day, it helps not to waste time on unnecessary things. When you clearly follow a planned plan, you will realize how much you can accomplish in just one day. If you look back and try to add up all the time that you allocated to all sorts of nonsense, it will turn out to be months, or even years, that were wasted. You could easily achieve your desires if you valued and cherished every minute. Time is something that cannot be stopped and returned, so it is foolish to treat it carelessly.

3. Willpower

Another one of the main rules on how to independently develop self-discipline is. This quality forces a person to act, overcoming his laziness, various fears and self-doubt. In order to achieve a quality result in the end, willpower alone is naturally not enough, but it is a necessary and powerful impetus to take the first and decisive steps. Develop it as often as possible: before you go to the store, make a list of necessary purchases and follow only it; if you decide to run in the morning, then get up and go forward with a smile, without missing a single day, and so on.

4. Don’t put things off until later

Many people have the habit of putting things off until later, which will not bring anything good. Naturally, you think, well, what could happen if I complete this task tomorrow? Almost nothing, except that you will have to work harder the next day, because you have another unplanned task. To prevent this from happening, always do everything on time, because the habit of putting off until tomorrow can accumulate a lot of tasks, which will then weigh heavily on your shoulders and spoil your nervous system.

5. Persistence

This quality makes a person work regardless of his mood, strength and feelings. Persistence means taking action even when you want to give up and walk away. It should not be confused with or stubbornness. With the first one, you do the work with a twinkle in your eye, and then only when you are in the mood and desire. With the second, if you are simply doing it out of stubbornness, even knowing that it will harm you. With persistence, you do everything without looking back, no matter whether you like it or not, you can adjust your goals and, if necessary, replace them if nothing works out.

By developing self-discipline, you will see how you gradually change and move towards your goals and desires.

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