How to write a hard sign. Spelling hard characters in words

1. Where to download thin. Movies in Spanish in good quality? 2. And I just can’t beat the “Spanish Keyboard” in my smartphone (((I think I downloaded it, but I can’t find the letters ñ, á, etc.(

Given: There are grounds for determining alimony in a fixed amount. Question: how to technically do this? how to prove a decrease in the level of support for a child, where to go first - to guardianship or to a judge right away, what certificates and documents to bring, etc. Please share. For me personally, the first thing is the size of the amount - how much can I assign? And they also say that it is very difficult to get alimony in the TDS...


In principle, guardianship is not involved in alimony claims. She is more and more about "high"...

Judges do not like to assign a fixed amount when the defendant has a certificate of some kind of salary.
This is understandable.
With a certificate to the judge, everything is simple - count out 25% and you are free. But with “grounds” everything is complicated, everything is unformalized, the judge must take the trouble to understand the grounds and responsibility for the amount. The judge is lazy and reluctant :(

If the child’s father does not have a job and does not have any certificate, then you can still pay. Where should the judge go if 25% is not seen? Whether you like it or not, you will assign something in a fixed amount. In my opinion, it’s customary to start from the average salary, or something - somewhere the chief bailiff of Moscow wrote about this.

But if you have a certificate of salary of 1000 rubles, then convincing the court that it is necessary to assign alimony in a fixed amount exceeding this very “salary” is very difficult: (But, of course, you still need to try. Because 25 % in any case will not go anywhere, but you never know - what if you come across a decent trial?

As for knocking out already awarded alimony, it’s hard to beat them out not if they are assigned in a fixed amount, but if the defendant does not have an official salary from which they would be automatically deducted. Well, it's difficult, of course. You will have to tightly saddle the bailiff - and then everything will depend on your persistence. Nobody has yet canceled the article for evading alimony.

So, I decided to raise my cultural level - I want to learn how to touch-type, I downloaded Stamina and have been clicking on the first two lessons for several days. But it’s somehow difficult... My fingers get tangled... Who knows how, please tell me which exercise machine is better? How did you learn? How long to study? What are the main points?


For six months, an hour a day. From the methodology - an American book, you look at the book - you print. Specialist. the software was missing.
True, all this happened in the States... in an ordinary American school for ordinary American children...
Shakhijanyan or something else - it doesn’t matter. You can simply press buttons in Word. The main thing is to have more practice.

My wife learned when I bought a laptop with English letters, but didn’t allow me to put Russian letters on it;)
I quickly got used to it ;)

Wonderful animation. Five difficulty levels, each time a new game. After completing a level for the first time, you can return to it at any time. I will only describe the first one: We need to help the hero deal with the bugs. Bugs poke out of their burrows. Everyone has a letter on their back. It's a pity that the letters are still a little small, but overall everything is good. The holes are located just like the keys on a keyboard. The bugs also stick out in the right place. To shoot down a bug, you need to press the key corresponding to the letter on its back. The location of the desired key can be determined blindly at the beginning, based on where the bug appeared, and over time - tactilely, working with a certain finger. It all starts with four keys and is no different from usual...Stanley is dexterous and strong,
He wants to become an athlete.

2. A rebus, for example this: the letter C, then a drawn branch, then two quotation marks (which mean removing the last two letters)
3. Riddle - in which words do the letters Z and S sound the same?
(frost, sled, narrow, etc...)

The hard sign is the 28th letter of the current alphabet, which fragile minds often confuse with the soft sign and do not understand where to write it. The hard sign does not mean any sound and in modern Russian it performs exclusively a dividing function in the pronunciation of some words. This article will tell you about the spelling of hard signs in words.

Letter meaning

The hard sign is one of the oldest letters of the Russian language, which existed in the Cyrillic alphabet from the very appearance of the Russian alphabet, but at that time denoted a sound that in some roots could be pronounced as the sound “o”. At that time the hard sign was called “er” and its spelling was somewhat different from the current one. But in the 20th century, a spelling reform took place that changed the meaning of the pronunciation of a given letter, and now the hard sign performs only a dividing function, but despite this, it plays an equally important role in the Russian language and should not be forgotten about it either.

Spelling words with a hard sign

And now, in our time, there are several elementary rules for spelling a hard sign, which are not at all difficult to remember:

  1. A hard sign is always written before the letters e, e, yu, i. Thus, it is placed after the prefix if it ends in a consonant, for example: shrink; drive up.
  2. A hard sign is written in words of foreign language origin, such as: adjutant; subject; object and others.
  3. In complex words, “ъ” also performs a dividing function, where the above letters appear at the beginning of the second root. An example would be complex words - two-tier, three-tier).

Note: a hard sign is NOT used in abbreviated words, for example: state language, spetseda and others.


Let's look at a few more words with a hard sign so we don't get confused anymore.

So, for example, the words “filming”, “entrance”, “immense”, “present” belong to the first category (words with a prefix ending in a consonant).

And words such as “pan-European”, “conjunctivitis”, “disjunction”, “injection” refer to words of foreign origin.

And finally, the words “three-tiered”, “four-capacity” are complex words, at the beginning of the second root of which there are the letters “e”, “e”, “yu”, “ya”.

We conclude: in the words “quadrangular”, “two-axial”, “three-story”, “two-dimensional” there is no dividing solid sign written, since they use the letters “u”, “o”, “e”, “a”, and before them a dividing solid sign is not placed.

Be literate and never forget about the rules of our native, mighty Russian language!

As I have emphasized more than once on the pages of our resource, I write many articles on a tablet using the Google keyboard. Of course, you often have to edit typed texts on a regular personal computer, but now I can say with confidence that it is quite possible to type texts on an eight-inch tablet, although this is associated with certain difficulties. Today we will talk about how to find a hard character on the Google keyboard.

Indeed, on the Google keyboard, there is absolutely no information about the presence of a hard sign. You can find out where the hard sign is using the scientific “poke” method. I will deprive you of such pleasure and give you full comprehensive instructions on where the hard sign is located on the Google keyboard.

In order for the “ъ”-hard sign to be printed on the screen of your Android tablet, you need to hold down the key with the image of the soft sign for some time. After holding it for a second, another button with the image of a solid “ъ” sign will appear next to the “b” button. Do not rush to remove your finger; in order for the solid sign to appear, you must, without lifting your finger from the screen, move towards the button that appears.

That's all, now you know where the hard sign is on the Google keyboard.

Inexperienced users often cannot understand the most basic capabilities of their tablets. For this to go away, it will take some time and some useful tips, one of which is given in this article. Most often, the letter “E” is missing on the tablet keyboard layout, which is not a particular problem for most, because it is easily replaced with a very similar letter of the Russian alphabet “E”. This is usually what inexperienced users do.
But sometimes you really want to write correctly, and there are situations when you simply cannot do without “E”. We will show you how to achieve what you want.

Let's say you have a tablet based on the operating system iOS or Android , and you can’t overcome yourself and type words like “damn” and “everything” with an “e” instead. In fact, such inaccuracies can lead to the message recipient misinterpreting the text. In this case, proceed as follows:
1. Launch the on-screen keyboard on the tablet;
2. Tap on the letter “e” and hold your finger on it for several seconds;
3. While continuing to hold your finger on the screen, select the desired letter “е” using a sliding movement in the menu window that appears.
4. If necessary, type “е” again, repeat the procedure as many times as necessary.

Moreover, this tactic is applicable not only to selecting the letter “е”, but also works to activate a hard character, which on standard keyboards of gadgets from Apple also missing. The basic symbol for a hard sign is “b”. Similar actions will help you find a few more rarely used symbols. So, if you hold your finger on the “$” icon, for example, a selection menu will appear from many other symbols of world currencies.
Thus, using this simple advice, you will be able to type texts exactly as they should be in compliance with the rules of the Russian language.

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