How to cheer yourself up at home. How to brighten up your dull everyday life and lift your spirits

Sometimes we get into a bad mood for no reason. And often the only way to get back to normal in such a situation is to change the environment and unwind a little.

But what if this is exactly what you can’t do? Is it possible to cheer yourself up without leaving your own home?

It turns out that you can cheer yourself up without leaving home. If you try, even within four walls you will find something that will improve your mood.

Depression Treatment for Homebodies

All people are different. That’s why everyone copes with depression in their own way. So, for open and sociable individuals, the best way to tone yourself up again is to be surrounded by other people. The less they focus on their problems and their mood, the faster sad thoughts will fly away.

Introverts have it a little more difficult. Once their mood begins to deteriorate, any presence near other people becomes a burden for them. Their only desire in such a situation is to retire and immerse themselves in their thoughts. Only reflection and peace will help individuals of this type cope with the growing blues.

Whichever of the two types of characters you belong to, you have probably noticed that a long stay within four walls can have a depressing effect. That’s why it’s good that there are always a couple of exciting home activities that can cheer anyone up. Whatever you see as your way to get rid of depression, these tips will probably come in handy.

7 ways to cheer up without leaving home

  1. The surest way to cheer yourself up while at home is arrange a dance. Turn on upbeat, cheerful music and dance heartily to it in front of the mirror. Don’t be afraid to look funny, because no one can see you at this moment anyway. If you approach this activity with all responsibility, then after a quarter of an hour you will feel that you are physically exhausted. But he can take it off with his hand.
  2. Staying at home, and even in a bad mood, is an excellent reason reconsider your wardrobe. Yes, not just to review, but also to try on all the things in it. For greater effect, girls can also do a beautiful hairstyle and apply makeup. If you have any gaps in your wardrobe, add the items you need to your shopping list. This way, you will cheer yourself up and make plans for the future.
  3. Get creative. And it doesn’t matter that by nature you are far from artistic mastery. Just pick up paints and try to use them to express your feelings and thoughts on a piece of paper. You may end up with only a colorful abstraction, but your soul will definitely feel lighter.
  4. Take a bath. Yes, this is an old method, but it has managed to prove itself in the best possible way. Mandatory attributes - soft light, lush foam, aromatic oils, relaxing music. How can you stay in a bad mood in such an environment?
  5. If you lead an active lifestyle, then the cause of your bad mood may be simple fatigue. If this is the case, and you feel the need to rest, then the best option would be quiet evening with a nice book. Sit back, open your favorite novel and throw all stupid thoughts out of your head. Each of us deserves a break. Perhaps the time has come for you to take a break.
  6. Cleaning also helps improve your mood, even though at first glance this seems absurd. The fact is that by putting the space around you in order, you thereby organize your thoughts. Put everything in your life - both real and intellectual - on the shelves. And you yourself will be surprised how much easier everything becomes after this. By the way, one of the stages of cleaning can be an audit of your belongings. If you don’t need something or haven’t used it for a long time, then get rid of this item without further thought. With each thing that frees up its place, you will breathe easier and easier. And at the end of the audit, you realize that there is finally room in your life for something new.
  7. Sometimes the best way to get rid of fatigue and blues is the most common dream. Put aside your affairs for the future, curtain the windows, turn off the phone and devote a couple of hours to healthy, sound sleep. There is a high probability that you will wake up as a completely different person - with a new perspective on the same things. Perhaps, after a good sleep, everything that seemed problematic to you before will now turn out to be not worthy of attention at all.

Oddly enough, you can cheer yourself up even when you are within the four walls of your own home. The most important thing is not to regard your stay-at-home life as forced confinement. Take it as an excellent opportunity to have a good rest. After all, if you are worried about a bad mood, blues and despondency, then perhaps it is just a good rest that you are missing.

1 way to cheer yourself up: look through old photos

When you are sad, open a photo album that shows the pleasant moments of your life. Hormones of joy will be released no worse than chocolate! This was shown by studies by British scientists who compared the effects of chocolate, alcohol, listening to music, viewing and looking at old photographs on humans. Music and chocolate had virtually no effect on the mood of most people, alcohol and TV gave a slight boost (1%), but photographs improved the mood in 11% of cases.

Therefore, set your favorite photos on your computer screensaver or look at them periodically.

2 way to cheer yourself up: chew nuts and eat salmon

Always have walnuts on hand as a snack and add salmon to your meals. Both of these foods contain omega-3 unsaturated fatty acids, which can make us less depressed and more peaceful.

3 way to lift your mood: inhale calming aromas

Place scented candles or diffusers in your office. In one Austrian study, two groups of people were given orange and lavender flavors. As a result, they were more positive and calm compared to participants who were not exposed to the aromas.

4 ways to cheer yourself up: open the windows

Let sunlight stream into the room when you wake up. A study of 450 women found that those who woke up under bright light felt more alert and rested. Don't have enough time to relax in bed? Have breakfast and exercise on the exercise machine near an open window. Scientists say that the combination of physical exercise and bright sunshine improve no mood and improves overall tone.

5 ways to cheer yourself up: take a walk in the fresh air

If you work in an office, be sure to go outside. Fresh air improves productivity, relieves sleep problems and depression.

6 ways to cheer yourself up: do exercises

If you have some time, do a couple of exercises. Some people find it difficult to switch from one activity to another, especially when they are in a bad mood, but believe me, with a little effort you will start smiling. The trick is choosing the right workout. There is no point in making great efforts to fight the blues; do something not burdensome - for example , pleasant and household chores mi. And think of it as a mental break, not an exercise.

If you are angry, do something that will keep you from focusing on your thoughts. Play badminton or take up aerobics—learning new moves will clear your mind of negative thoughts.

7 ways to cheer yourself up: get organized

Clutter is a reminder of things that need to be done but are forgotten. This can make you feel like a failure. As a quick fix, some surfaces in your office or somewhere you frequent. Organize everything into folders, drawers and baskets. Even the illusion of order is enough to make you feel freer.

8 ways to cheer yourself up: think quickly

If someone makes you angry, quickly go through all its positive aspects in your mind. If nothing comes to mind, then, negative. Scientists believe that accelerated thinking accelerates chemical processes in the brain, and is simply distracting.

9 ways to cheer yourself up: watch funny videos or comedies

Sincere laughter triggers chemical reactions that instantly lift your mood, reduce pain and stress, and improve your immune system.

10 ways to cheer yourself up: enjoy shopping

Don’t immediately grab a credit card, remember: you should spend money not on things, but on experiences. It has been proven that people who choose to buy things over going to a concert or dining at an expensive restaurant are much happier. Added bonus: you get to spend quality time with your loved ones.

11 Ways to Cheer Up Your Mood: Look Happy

A smile and a satisfied expression on your face can make you happy. If you act like a carefree and confident person, you will eventually become one.

12 ways to cheer yourself up: relax

Peace and quiet can also bring joy. Scientists explain this by an innate desire for solitude (this tendency can already be seen in newborn children - in response to stimuli they close their eyes or turn away). Take a break from your busy day: sit back, close your eyes, and think about your plans for the weekend.

13 ways to cheer yourself up: chat with good acquaintances or friends

Communicating with a cheerful person makes us more cheerful.

14 ways to cheer yourself up: cut vegetables

Prepare some labor-intensive (and healthy) dish. Cooking, along with yoga and, neutralizes negative emotions.

15 ways to cheer yourself up: do good deeds

People who give to charity are more satisfied with their lives and are happier, even regardless of the amount they contribute. Join a charity or find other ways to help people. Researchers say that charity develops in us qualities that help us appreciate all the good things in our lives.

Rosa Vetrova

If you're feeling on the verge of depression, you urgently need to take control of the situation to lift your spirits. Here are a few ways that can help you with this.

Forget about routine

You should definitely add variety to your routine. Go to a nice restaurant on a random day, take a different route to work, or wear an outfit you wouldn't normally wear. Get rid of negative habits and acquire only positive ones.

Just go outside and take a walk

It seems obvious, but you should still take your dog, best friend or partner and go for a brisk walk. This type of training will lift your spirits and give you a fresh perspective on the issues that have been bothering you. Do you think walking is boring? Try to walk in a direction where you can do something useful or treat yourself when you get to your chosen point. Go to the mall and browse the sales. You can even go get some ice cream. If you make walking fun and enjoyable, it will soon become your new good habit.

Take yourself on an outdoor adventure

Exercising and spending time outdoors helps boost everyone's mood. Replace your usual walk around the area with a bike ride, hike, or even kayaking. These aren't the easiest activities, but they're also a lot of fun so you won't feel like you're working out.

Eat more vegetables and fruits

Not only will a healthy diet benefit your body in the long run, but it will also make you feel happier very quickly. In the study, adults who started eating more vegetables and fruits felt significantly more satisfied with their lives, which can be compared to the transition from unemployment to a long-awaited job.


If you drum, you can relax your whole body. The study found that retirees felt significantly less depressed six weeks after taking a drumming class.

Take a rest

Stop watching TV late and go to bed early. If you increase the amount of sleep you get, you can reduce your stress levels and have more energy when you wake up.

Force yourself to smile

The very fact that you smile makes you feel happier, even if you didn't want to smile in the first place. If smiling for no reason seems like a dubious pleasure to you, you should find a reason to smile on your own.

Thank someone

Acknowledge what someone has done for you and send them a thank you note or a small bouquet of flowers. A smile will appear both on his face and on yours.

Play with the dog

Levels of the mood-lifting hormones oxytocin and serotonin were higher in non-pet owners when they played with a dog for just a couple of minutes. If you also don't have a dog, ask a neighbor to play with your dog or volunteer at your local animal shelter.

Compliment a stranger

Did you like the stranger's hair color? Want to know where the stranger bought this amazing hat? Tell them you like something you see and you will definitely cheer them up. And if you start seeing good things in others, you will definitely start seeing good things in yourself.

Make an appointment with a friend

Maintaining a large social network can have an incredibly positive impact on your well-being. The study found that people who had more than six friends whom they met on a regular basis were happier than those who had fewer such friends.

Snack on carbs

Yes, you read that right: carbohydrate-rich foods increase the flow of the amino acid tryptophan to the brain, which increases serotonin levels. You can enhance the effect by choosing slow-processing carbohydrates, such as whole grain bread, instead of white flour baked goods, which wear off after just one hour.

Plan your vacation

If you are buried under everyday problems, then your mood will definitely not be good, which will cause you to look at everything in a negative light. Buying yourself a ticket to somewhere will give you something to look forward to and will also give you a break from your daily routine that will allow you to have a more positive outlook on life.

Buy something stupid

After all, laughter is the best medicine. Buy something that makes you laugh, such as a funny picture, book, magazine, or CD of your favorite comedian. You can even buy a ticket to a comedy show.

Stay in the sun

Especially in winter, when you spend significantly less time outside, it is very important to be in the sun at least a couple of times a week. Sunlight increases serotonin levels, and physical activity stimulates the release of mood-enhancing hormones and chemicals, so give your body your daily dose of sun.

Use a massage chair

Researchers report that massage can stimulate the production of the mood-enhancing hormone serotonin and reduce the production of the stress hormone cortisol. Even just 10 minutes of relaxation can work wonders.

Take a deep breath

Most people with mild depression take shallow breaths because their stomach and chest are so tense. Stretch your chest and take a few deep breaths.

Wear your favorite color

Do you like red? Or do you prefer blue? Wear clothes and accessories in your favorite color that complements your eyes and you will notice that you will feel more confident and smile more often.

Have a cup of coffee

Regular small amounts of caffeine can help reduce your risk of depression. Therefore, you should drink a cup of coffee or tea every morning to get these effects.

Solve the problem

You can boost your self-confidence by solving a particularly difficult crossword or other puzzle. By using your brain power to the fullest and doing something challenging, you can become more confident in your daily life.

Hang a happy photo on the wall

Take a photo of yourself doing something you enjoy, such as skating or skiing, swimming, playing a musical instrument, or simply spending time with family or friends, and place the photo in a visible place to remind yourself of what you do. that you are living a great life and have a lot to be happy about.

Change your sleeping location

Sleeping in a different bedroom can help you combat insomnia, which is a common symptom of depression. Other ways to combat insomnia include avoiding caffeine after 3 p.m., relaxing for an hour before bed, and waking up at the same time every day.

Be your own biggest cheerleader

When something goes wrong, don’t mentally beat yourself up for failure. Remind yourself that you are doing your best, and you can achieve better results if you find the appropriate way.

There are many ways you can cheer up and improve your emotional state. They can be divided into two groups – physiological and psychological methods. The use of these techniques to quickly cheer yourself up, in some cases, depends on the situation and specific circumstances.

How to cheer yourself up in the morning?

Morning is a difficult time for many people, especially women. Most of us have so much to do in the morning - prepare breakfast, get the kids ready for school, get ready. But how to do all this if the mood is at zero and there is no desire to move.

Morning apathy and lethargy will disappear, they will be replaced by vigor and emotional uplift if you apply simple rules:

  1. Breathe deeper. Fresh air activates the flow of oxygen to brain and muscle cells, activates blood circulation and eliminates drowsiness. To do this, simply open the window and breathe in fresh air.
  2. Take a shower. Sometimes it seems that there is absolutely no time for water procedures in the morning, but this is not so. A light shower takes 5-10 minutes, and the effect is simply amazing.
  3. Turn on the music. Psychologists have proven that music has a very powerful effect on the emotional state; upbeat dance music will help lift your mood in the morning.
  4. Smile. Even if you don't want it at all. Human facial expressions are interconnected with the psychological state, and not only mood affects facial expression, but also vice versa.
  5. Treat yourself to some goodies. Even if you are on a diet, the morning is exactly the time when you can indulge in even high-calorie foods and sweets. Delicious food always lifts your spirits, and you'll have the whole day to burn off those extra calories.

How to cheer up at work?

If you couldn’t cope with bad emotions in the morning or had trouble at work, then the following methods will help you get rid of your bad mood:

  1. Conversation - regular communication with a friend or an understanding interlocutor will allow you to escape from sad thoughts, this can be a conversation on the phone or on a social network.
  2. Lay out the problem on paper - divide the sheet of paper into three columns, describe the problem in the first, describe its disadvantages in the second, and possible solutions and advantages in the third.
  3. Do a few simple exercises - as funny as it may sound, squats, push-ups or just vigorous walking up the stairs will help get your blood flowing and refresh your thoughts.
  4. And again, goodies - if you don’t want to spoil your diet with cakes, eat a banana.

Many people have heard about the ability of bananas to increase the level of endorphins in the blood, but few people know what other fruit lifts the mood. It turns out that to improve your emotional state you need to eat fruits high in vitamin C - oranges, tangerines, lemons, mangoes, kiwis, persimmons, gooseberries, currants. In addition to berries and fruits, the list of products for a good mood should include hard cheeses, almost all types of nuts and seeds, seaweed, eggs, oats, buckwheat and, of course, dark chocolate. A proper lunch or snack will help you quickly cope with apathy and despondency.

When talking about bad mood, one cannot fail to mention seasonal changes in emotional state. It’s simple to answer the question of how to cheer up in the off-season – spring and autumn:

  1. Take more vitamins. If fruits and vegetables do not help, buy a vitamin and mineral complex at the pharmacy. This will help strengthen your immune system and give you energy.
  2. Play sports or just walk every day for at least half an hour. Physical activity improves blood circulation and saturates the brain with oxygen.
  3. Arrange a meeting with friends. Communication helps relieve nervous tension and get rid of stress.
  4. Pay attention to your appearance. Go to a beauty salon, change your hairstyle or go shopping. Nothing pleases a woman more than updating her image.

The above tips seem too simple at first glance, but this is precisely where their effectiveness and efficiency lies.

At the end of winter, when the body lacks vitamins and sunlight, it is difficult to constantly be in good shape and hide your bad mood. Fortunately, psychologists have given 10 recommendations that will help improve your mood and help you look at everyday things from a completely different perspective.

In order to always be in good shape, you need to learn to control yourself. You shouldn’t be offended by little things and quarrel with loved ones. It is also important to be able to forgive people, which helps to get rid of negative and vindictive feelings that destroy a person from the inside.

The world should be viewed with humor. A person should come out of any situation with a smile, even if he was insulted or seriously offended. You need to tell yourself “This is all nonsense and will soon pass!” If you believe in this installation, then soon all negativity will really leave your thoughts.

You shouldn’t close yourself within four walls and be offended by the whole world. Psychologists have found that in the company of friends and just on the street it will be easier for a person to endure the unpleasant moments that worry him.

To lift your spirits, it is important to bring something new into your life. You don’t have to buy a ticket to the other side of the world, leave your job or family. Novelty can lie in both a change of hobby and a change in clothing style. New high-heeled shoes will make their owner straighten her back and catch the gaze of interested men. The attention of others greatly improves your mood.

In modern, intense life, it is important to be able to relax. There are many techniques and methods for this. For example, take a bubble bath, light an aroma lamp, turn on calm music and lie in warm water for half an hour. Lemon, grapefruit, tangerine, orange and tea with bergamot can also lift your mood.

Swimming will improve your vitality. Psychologists have proven that water helps relax the body and improve mood. In addition, the pool reduces the risk of injury, unlike other physical activities.

If a difficult situation arises from which there seems to be no way out, you need to stop in time and look around. Often people are unable to devote enough time to simply think. Thoughts, like a closet with clothes, require that they be put in order and cleaned.

You should take life more simply and pay attention to what is happening now. This promotes future success and relieves obsessions. Even the smallest successes are worth rejoicing at. Life is too short to waste it on sadness, anger and envy.

A sense of perspective helps lift your mood. It is worth understanding that life is an endless movement and what seems like a tragedy today may cause laughter tomorrow. As you know, the morning is wiser than the evening.

The last recommendation from psychologists is to forget about difficulties and troubles. Often you want to lie down on the sofa and feel sorry for yourself, but you shouldn’t do this. Psychoanalyst Marion Dilworth notes that to improve emotions, you need to move. You can clean your apartment, watch a movie, or go out into the fresh air.

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