How to increase your motivation to repeat. Emotions and motivation

Do you want to lose weight so you can fit into your favorite outfit, feel healthy, or look great (or maybe all of the above)? Are you looking for extra income to fulfill your dream of going on vacation or buying a new car? Or maybe you just want to declutter your overflowing closet?

Determine why you want to achieve this goal and visualize the end result. Do you want to be in good shape to enjoy increased stamina and strength, or to feel the satisfaction of being admired by others? Will you feel excited when traveling to new places? Will you feel satisfied that you can easily find the item you need in your closet and close the door without any effort? Motivation should be at the forefront of your mind.

Use visualization as a goal-setting method. How will you feel when you achieve your goal? Confident? Excited? Close your eyes and try to imagine your “destination.” Feel it with your whole body. Repeat this exercise at least twice a day.

Write down your goal. This usually leads to better results than simply thinking about the goal. When you put your goals on paper and look at your notes every day, you will remain focused on the desired outcome, especially if achieving those goals will take a long time. No matter what you strive for, there will be many challenges along the way. Write down your goal and keep it in sight. This will make you move towards achieving your cherished dreams.

Break the path to your goal into small steps. Make your entire project more realistic by adding systematicity. Think carefully and write down all the little things that you think will help you move forward.

  • If your ultimate goal is to lose 10 kilograms, you shouldn't expect much success along the way. Enjoy your fitness routine and diet - it's more effective than just dreaming of a slim waist.
  • If you want to earn several hundred thousand rubles for an unforgettable vacation, think about how much you can realistically earn per week. Can you save the appropriate amount each week? Should you find an additional part-time job? Write down all your ideas.
  • Organizing a storage system in a closet can be divided into several stages. Take a look at your closet and decide which shelf to start with. Decide on your priorities and get to work.
  • Create an action plan. Look at your list of goals and objectives. Try to understand what you need to achieve every day to get closer to your goal.

    • What type of training should you choose?
      • Strength training?
      • Cardiovascular training?
    • Where can I find extra money?
      • Overtime?
      • Second job?
      • Saving your current income?
    • How much time will you allocate to organizing your closet?
      • 15 minutes a day?
      • 30 minutes a day?
      • Longer?
    • Where do you start?
      • Floor?
      • Shelves?
      • Hanger?
  • Review your plan daily, adjusting it as needed

    Create a positive atmosphere around yourself, because every difficult journey has its own setbacks. Surround yourself with people who will always support you. Stay focused on your goal. As Edmund Hillary said: “In almost any endeavor there will be times when you will have to overcome significant difficulties, and if you are able to cope with them, you will experience great satisfaction.” Accept failures and stay focused. The path to the goal is as important as achieving it.

  • Laugh at your failures and celebrate your success. Take time to review what you have already accomplished. When a small stage has been completed, give yourself a small gift.

    • Get a massage.
    • Enjoy a delicious meal alone or with friends.
    • Take a bubble bath.
    • Buy new gloves.
    • Do yoga or something that relaxes you.
    • Enjoy a good book.
  • Every person has problems with motivation. Sometimes you need to do something and it just doesn't work out. That's when you need to increase your motivation. But remember, there are no quick fixes. Ultimately, you must take the first step yourself. There are things that can help. Today we will look at 10 of them.

    1. Focus on the end result

    Everything you work on has a purpose. Even if the process itself is boring or unpleasant, the end result is worth it. Think how convenient it is to have all your files organized. Remember that by sending out a newsletter, your customers will buy more from you and negotiate repeat business.

    2. Take a break

    Sometimes, your motivation wanes because you work too hard and too hard. Take a break. Even a few minutes away from your computer can help you relax. It's also a great way to restore a sense of perspective if you're overwhelmed with tasks.

    3. Go for a walk

    One of the best ways to relax is to go for a walk. Even a five minute walk helps. You will get your body moving and warm up your blood. Then, you can return to your work feeling full of energy again.

    4. Make a task list

    Sometimes, your motivation may plummet because you have too many tasks and you don't know where to start. Make a list of tasks for the rest of the day. Take everything out of your head and put it on paper. It will only take a few minutes and will make everything seem much more manageable.

    5. Race against the clock

    Trying to cope with a tedious task? Set yourself a goal to work faster. Try to clear your inbox in just 30 minutes. Try to sort through this huge stack of files yourself in less than an hour. Set a timer and try to beat it.

    6. Talk to a friend

    Friends are a great source of support. A small chat online or a short conversation on the phone can really boost your motivation. If you're dieting or exercising, call a friend and tell them about your progress. If you have any doubts about your freelance design work, consult with other designers. Remind yourself that what you do is valuable.

    7. Drink a glass of water

    Are you drinking enough water? Slight dehydration makes it difficult for a person to remain focused. So if your concentration level drops, take a glass of water to your desk.

    8. Switch between two tasks

    Do you have several big tasks that you need to complete? Find an alternative: work on one for ten to fifteen minutes, then on another, and so on. This helps keep you moving (if you only have ten minutes, you'll be able to focus better than if you had two hours) and you won't get bored doing the same thing.

    9. Make it easy

    If your motivation is generally low, do something simple. Complete one easy task on your to-do list. This could be sending an email, making a phone call, solving some minor problem with your computer, anything that can take you a maximum of 15 minutes. If this is something you've been putting off for a long time, you'll feel great that you've finally done it.

    10. Write down everything you have already achieved

    Maybe you feel like you're not making much progress towards your goal. If yes, then take a piece of paper and write down everything you have already done. Maybe you started working for yourself, gathered some feedback from people you've worked with in the past, and landed your first client. Write down those real, big achievements that will remind you how much you have already overcome.

    Good day, my dear readers. Let's continue the topic of motivation, but in the context of work. For me, the word motivation is not a noun, I believe it is an action. My vision is not based at all on ignorance of Russian grammar, but on the conviction that it is an impulse that generates actions or a fire that can kindle a huge bonfire. So, motivation at work, 10 ways to gain strength and purpose for completing grandiose projects and ordinary turnover.

    Method No. 1

    When I drink my fifth cup of coffee, or scroll aimlessly through my email, I realize that I am far from being in a resourceful state. A simple change of environment helps me. I leave the office on the balcony, into the corridor or go down to the street and take a deep breath. After this, for five to ten minutes I repeat to myself the following phrases: I am a responsible employee, I quickly make the right decisions, and so on. Choose phrases depending on the type of your activity. You can read more about this method in my. But in short, I can say that this exercise reconfigures our brain and body to believe in what you say. Immediately after what has been done, return to work, bypassing colleagues and joint tea parties, so as not to lose the fuse.

    Method No. 2

    Suitable for managers, but you can also apply these tools to yourself personally. Motivation as a management function. There are a large number of different tests on the Internet, use one of them. Select the simplest and most adequate test in your opinion, print it out for convenience and distribute it to your employees. If you take the test yourself, you can do it electronically. Our goal is self-knowledge, or understanding the motives of your employees. Thus, you will see what type of motivation you, or the person you are testing, are prone to, what motivates them, a positive result, or avoidance of consequences. This knowledge will help us find the right keys. For example, it is stupid to scare a person who is driven by positive motives with fines; this will not be a lesson for him.

    Method No. 3

    My favorite example is positive motivation. I recommend using it with any application like pomidoro. You install it on your smartphone, set a timer, for example twenty-five minutes, and devote all this time to continuous work. Upon completion, for productive time spent and results, reward yourself with a cup of coffee, a ten-minute walk, or any other activity that pleases you. After five to ten minutes, set the timer again. We promise ourselves that we will spend the next twenty-five minutes working on some task. In this way, we enthusiastically work on routine tasks all day, stopping every twenty-five to thirty minutes for small pleasant breaks. This is the most productive method in my opinion.

    Method number 4

    Professional motivation. I will say right away that not all people from sixteen to eighteen, I take the period of mass enrollment after graduation, generally have at least some more or less formed opinion about what they will do throughout their lives. Often students receiving their first education are divided into several groups:

    • these are children who entered the place where their results were passed,
    • those who made their own choice
    • children whose parents brought them to a higher education institution at this faculty
    • people after college or those who receive education after a significant gap between admission and receipt of a certificate

    Be that as it may, students are rarely instilled with professional motivation, which is why they little identify themselves with specialists in this field. And as a result, we have uninterested, indifferent specialists who find a thousand reasons to do their work carelessly.

    Retrain yourself. Yes, at a young age our brain absorbs information better. But you have the advantage of experience, a precise goal and developed skills that young people do not have. And you take learning more seriously. It is not necessary to go to university, or immediately leave a job you don’t like. Determine what you want to do and devote two to three hours to it, polish your skills and gradually move away from past activities. Expand your area of ​​competence and in at least a year you will master a new profession, and your success directly depends on your attitude towards the actions you perform.

    Method No. 5

    And again: set goals.

    Routes without a goal are chaotic

    You will come to some result, but what kind of result it will be is unknown. Striving for something specific will either help you achieve what you want, or bring you as close as possible to what you want. Are you thinking about getting promoted? Study the theoretical side of this issue, ask yourself: what do I need to do and what kind of person do I need to become to take this position. Even if you do not receive the desired status, your area of ​​competence will expand significantly.

    Method number 6

    Learn. Forming new skills in the field of your work, creating new ideas, solving problems - all this will help you cope with routine and bring a lot of pleasant emotions. If you cannot sit still, direct your energy in a constructive direction. Be innovative, develop your department, even if this is not your direct responsibility.

    There is always something to improve for yourself, your colleagues and employees. Movement is life. Make your work more interesting, be a factory of ideas and don’t be afraid to convey these ideas to management. Many employers, due to their workload, will be glad to have a passionate person on their team, and you will be motivated to do your work faster and better in order to receive more serious and less boring assignments.

    Method No. 7

    Negative motivation. If you are in the process of avoidance, the best way to avoid reaching a deadline (thus increasing the risk of an unfavorable outcome) is to do everything in advance. In common people this method was called wedge wedge. There is a category of people who are capable of working exclusively in emergency mode. Unfortunately, such people often burn out. If you still belong to this category, you can work under artificial deadlines. Write down how much time you will need for a particular task and start doing it. You will have the usual time limit, but without causing any real trouble.

    Method No. 8

    Keep a diary. This will help organize your actions, and you will clearly see your results. You write a to-do list for the day, put a square in front of it, and shade these squares as you complete them. What you couldn’t do today, put it off until tomorrow. At the end of the week, you analyze how many things you managed to do, what worked, what didn’t work. Next, compare the weeks.

    You won’t believe it, but a large number of shaded squares will increase your importance in their eyes and give you new strength. The main thing is to regularly add to the list and cross off what you have accomplished.

    Method number 9

    Designed for leaders. Organize competitions for your employees. Just please, don’t promise one prize for everyone, be more inventive. Otherwise, instead of playing a motivational game to improve the performance of your department, you will turn it into a swarm of snakes. Emphasize that even if they lose, the participants will gain interesting experience; if this is a sales department, the salary for the period of the game will be higher in any case. Be smart, get your employees interested, make them feel like a team.

    Method No. 10

    If you have an example, or a mentor, or someone whose actions you admire, imagine what they would do in your place. I think if this person inspires you, this is definitely not a person who sits still. When you run out of steam, think about what this person would do in your place?


    And finally, I again want to recommend you Dan Waldschmidt's book, Be the Best Version of Yourself. How ordinary people become extraordinary". One of my favorite fragments is about one athlete.

    “I understand that I simply don’t have the right to be lazy and complain about loss of strength when people with physical defects don’t even think about making allowances for themselves.”

    I wish you success and write what motivates you and gives you the strength to move on no matter what.

    Motivation is very important for success, in fact it is the main driving force for achieving it. Usually a person receives it from the outside: awards, salary, bonuses, recognition from others, etc. But the strongest motivation is the one that comes from within, which through personal attitudes connects all external reasons into one. Here are some tips to push your intrinsic motivation to the limit.

    1. The goal should be high, but achievable

    Even if she doesn't seem like that at first. There is only one life, so everyone dreams of living it in an incredibly interesting way, wanting to get the best. Accordingly, your dream is most likely ambitious. It's not scary. Dreaming of owning a yacht is much better than wanting to be a sailor on one. But that’s why it’s called a high goal, because it takes a very long time to get to it. And in order not to turn away halfway, indifferently waving your hand at her, you need recharging in the form of regular victories. Break your goal into subgoals, make a plan for short-term tasks and complete them step by step. This will give you the necessary incentive and give you a chance to believe in yourself.

    2. Listen to feedback

    Be open to feedback. Always. Even if you are criticized. Well, if they praise, then there is no point in closing. Healthy criticism stimulates your productivity, makes you work better, and points out flaws. Of course, if you only receive negative feedback on a regular basis, it can eventually lead to stress and depression. But the key to success is how you confront them. Turn your enemy into an ally, turn negative feedback into an incentive that will give you the desire to do better despite the expectations of your critics.

    3. Get rid of bad habits

    In your life, it is likely that there are habits that are not at all necessary, but at the same time they greatly interfere with productivity. For example, coming to work on Monday with a deep hangover after a spirited weekend, and then spending half a day recovering, dreaming of a bucket of mineral water and a bed at home. And then there’s this stupid report! Or the common habit of going to bed late on weekdays, knowing that the principle alarm clock will wake you up before sunrise. All this harms your work, and therefore delays the moment of achieving your goal. Get rid of what prevents you from performing your responsibilities as efficiently as possible. Replace bad habits with something healthier, just like replacing a bottle of light beer with a hangover with a glass of water.

    4. Don't stop learning

    If you think that your education ends when you graduate, then you have never been so far from the truth! Real learning comes later, with the realization that it is truly necessary. To succeed, you will inevitably have to improve your professionalism and improve your skills. There is a huge amount of information on the Internet, various courses and trainings - there are many ways, and they are much more accessible than before. Look at failure as an incentive to learn something new and never stop learning.

    5. Celebrate your victories

    A victory (even a minor one) deserves an appropriate reward. Whenever you achieve a desired goal, give yourself a gift. It could be anything: a little spree with friends or buying a new car. The main thing is that the reason really deserves it. The award will give you even more incentive to do good work.

    6. Don't be afraid to take risks

    You will never achieve something great unless you step out of your comfort zone and start taking risks. The fear of taking new chances limits your growth potential and, accordingly, the rewards you could receive. Taking risks is associated with an assessment of potential benefits, and therefore they seem justified and force action.

    7. Take breaks

    Everyone needs them, and you are no exception. A long journey requires passes. It has long been proven that continuous work without rest leads to loss of productivity. Take a vacation and take a break from the endless pressure. This is necessary so that when you return to the office, you take on work with even more enthusiasm.

    8. Be ok with failure.

    Success is not a smooth road paved with a soft soufflé. The path to success is impossible without failures or losses. Develop resilience as it teaches you how to cope with adverse circumstances. The ability to admit failures and solve problems will not only help you avoid them in the future, but will also keep you motivated to move on.

    9. Set deadlines

    The established deadline allows you to take a more responsible approach to completing tasks. Set realistic deadlines so you can focus on a specific goal without getting distracted by others. After completing one task, you will be more motivated to complete the next one. Set due dates for each and follow the plan. But don't put off work for too long. Often, procrastination is tantamount to failure because it weakens motivation and, with it, belief in success.

    10. Inspire yourself

    There is no better incentive to work than the inspiring process of doing it. No matter what work discipline you adhere to, your chances of success will be slim if your work does not bring you pleasure. Love for your work, awareness of involvement in something important and pride in implemented projects are much greater motivation than the notorious desire to get rich.

    I think everyone understands why motivation is needed. Motivation is a kind of “kick” to this or that action, an incentive that forces us to act, and to act successfully. In work, study, even in communicating with people, motivation has a positive effect. However, unfortunately, we do not always have motivation for one or another action. And that is why it is very important to know how to motivate yourself and increase your motivation in every possible way. Each person has their own way of increasing motivation. We’ll also tell you about 7 effective ways to increase motivation, for your own good.

    • Positive attitude. In any case, he is simply irreplaceable. Without a positive attitude, in fact, there is no motivation itself, which is why psychologists recommend that in order to develop motivation, raise your spirits in all effective ways. For example, you can think about what this or that success entails, what advantages you will have in completing the task. This will 100% lift your spirits and you will be motivated to work.
    • Find something you like . It also happens that we lack motivation for the simple reason that we do not like the work we are doing. Therefore, advice to everyone who wants to increase motivation is to find something that your soul is passionate about. Even while doing work that you don’t like, you can find a niche that suits you. The main thing is to look!
    • Switching . It also happens that you find something you like, but you don’t have any motivation to do it immediately. Switching will help you here. For example, you can switch your attention to tasks that you decided to postpone until later. This way, you will take a break from your main activity, complete what you have planned for a long time, and return to your main activity with greater motivation.
    • Simplify your life . Remove everything superfluous and unnecessary from your life, even if it’s not as easy as it might seem. The main thing is to understand that there are true and imposed goals in your life. Your task is to remove everything that is far-fetched and imposed, and leave only what may be useful to you.
    • Engage in self-development . Man is a thinking being, and it is very important for each of us to improve our mental activity by engaging in self-development. Read useful and inspiring books on personal growth, sign up for courses and trainings, look for a mentor, or just communicate with like-minded people, and 100% your motivation will increase!
    • Play sports. Sports - you are the world! This expression has been familiar to us since childhood. However, in addition to this, sport mobilizes all the body’s resources, makes us healthier and more energetic, helps us calm down and forget about all our problems. Scientists have proven that playing sports helps to increase motivation in any activity, even unrelated to it. It’s no wonder that athletes are the most motivated to succeed!
    • Butterfly effect. Any action motivates another action - this is a true fact. Therefore, to increase your motivation, it is recommended to take action. Take one small step towards your dream, just a small thing. Then a couple more of the same small actions-steps, and you will notice that your attitude has changed and your motivation has increased.

    Such tips will help you increase your motivation and get closer to success in any business. The main thing is to strive for this, and remember that if you do nothing, nothing will come of it at all. Good luck to you on your path!

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