How to congratulate you on graduating from college. Congratulations on important events with graduation from university

I congratulate you today,
With graduation from the university, I wish you -
So that the knowledge you gain,
We met your expectations.
So that everything in life will be useful,
May everything you have dreamed about come true!

With graduation from university
I congratulate you
Life is before you
Let him open the doors.

By skipping luck
Let the diploma become
Good job
He will help you find it.

A huge world awaits you,
The peaks beckon,
I wish you success
I am your career.

Congratulations on your successful completion of your studies. Another important step has been taken, I graduated from university. Another step has been overcome, a step to the pinnacle of success and prosperity. I wish that further advancement along this ladder of personal growth will be just as successful. May this path of life be easy and unhindered, and may luck always accompany you.

An important event has arrived -
Graduation from your university,
You had many discoveries,
Meetings, tasks, successes and acquaintances.

Apply all your knowledge with dignity
And find a better job
So that you can live beautifully and calmly,
And good luck awaited you along the way.

Graduated from university. Congratulations!
This is a life stage.
You have a diploma, it's time to work.
Let the start be beautiful.

I want to wish you good luck
In your adult, new life.
And today for your efforts
Receive a laurel wreath.

You have a diploma in your pocket,
All the tests are behind us,
We sincerely congratulate you,
Dear right go!

Get your profession
Learn everything in life
Accept failures cheerfully
And they will pass by everything.

Here's your diploma
And everyone passed the exams,
All the troubles are behind us,
New days are coming.

Congratulations on this step,
You are no longer children,
You will enter adult life,
You will find work you like.

So that the diploma is useful to you,
So that the boss doesn't get angry,
Don’t forget your university,
And help each other!

Finally the exams are passed,
You were solemnly presented with a diploma,
Shouts of joy are heard
You have realized your dream!

We congratulate you from the bottom of our hearts
As graduates, not as students,
We really want to wish you now
A sea of ​​wonderful moments!

May success always await you
On the broad path of life!
And then you're late or early
You can achieve your dreams!

Today we are specialists
Everyone has their own path.
Let it sparkle sunny
Let there be plenty of success!

Let us remember the period of university,
After all, it is like a home for us.
We became friends here and gnawed at science
And they became a friendly family!

Now we have diplomas in our hands,
A responsible and important step.
May knowledge help us all
In steep career turns!

Now it’s time to leave behind students,
With the end of the university, a loud “Hurray!”
Let work immediately, immediately find you,
The rebus will ring loudly with new life,
Let your brave talent excite everyone.
Well, friends, let's get to work -
May your success await you!
May recognition await you
May you be honored
And love flutters,
And aspirations soar!
May the road await you -
Correct thread.
There will be a lot of money -
It will be easier to live!

So the university has already graduated,
The sessions are all over,
And the diploma has already been received, -
The adult path is just ahead!

Peaks are conquered
May it be on your way
Be healthy and loved,
Let your heart warm in your chest!

And let the family be close,
Helps you with everything -
This is the best reward
This is the meaning in this world!

The rector, teachers and students of the St. Petersburg Theological Academy received congratulations on the end of the academic year, which were read out at the solemn Graduation Act on June 30, 2016.

His Eminence the Most Reverend Ambrose, Archbishop of Peterhof, Rector of the St. Petersburg Theological Academy, professors, administrators, teachers and students, employees and workers of theological schools

Your Eminence, dear Bishop!
All-honorable fathers, dear students, beloved brothers and sisters!

I cordially congratulate you on the completion of the 2015/2016 academic year. I especially welcome those who have completed the course of study and are preparing to take holy orders and begin pastoral practice.

You received a wonderful spiritual education, because St. Petersburg theological schools are rightfully considered one of the best in Russia. But don’t think that the learning process is already over. Vice versa. The knowledge that you have received is like a grain that needs to be watered by pastoral experience in order for it to grow into the saving tree of your personal faith and salvation.

The Church constantly tells people about the eternal, so there are no quiet times for a Christian when he can relax and limit his activities only to performing and attending divine services. Today everyone is tested for compliance with the Holy Gospel, for loyalty to the Church of Christ. People trust our words less and less, even the most beautiful and pious ones, and pay more attention to deeds. The priests are compared by Christ to workers in the field, in the middle of a ripe field. We are all required to work for the good of the Church, for the sake of saving our souls and the souls of the people entrusted to our pastoral care.

I prayerfully wish you, dear Bishop Rector, all the teachers and students of the theological academy and seminary, regency and icon painting schools, that our Lord Jesus Christ, through the prayers of the Most Holy Theotokos and the holy Apostle and Evangelist John the Theologian, will strengthen you in further difficult labors in the field of spiritual enlightenment . I invoke God's blessing on all of you

With love in the Lord, Barsanuphius, Metropolitan of St. Petersburg and Ladoga, Administrator of the Affairs of the Moscow Patriarchate.

His Eminence the Most Reverend Barsanuphius, Metropolitan of St. Petersburg and Ladoga

His Eminence the Most Reverend Ambrose, Archbishop of Peterhof, Rector of the St. Petersburg Theological Academy

Your Eminences, venerable teachers and mentors, dear students!

On behalf of the faculty of the corporation, the students of the Moscow Theological Academy, as well as the staff of the Educational Committee of the Russian Orthodox Church, I cordially congratulate you on your graduation day!

Today, for many of you, one of the best days in your life has ended - the days of studying at a theological educational institution, where you were free from all worries and had the opportunity to completely devote yourself to the study of spiritual life and church sciences.

When you now go out on church surveillance, you will first of all feel how heavy a burden of responsibility falls on your shoulders. You had a certain degree of responsibility for diligence in your studies and obedience during the learning process. But now you will be responsible not only for yourself, but also for those entrusted to your care. Pastor, missionary, catechist, singer, icon painter - all these are different types of church service, on which the spiritual and moral atmosphere in the parish, the state of the souls of the parishioners, their temporary and eternal fate depend. Therefore, a minister of the Church, and first of all a priest, cannot afford even the slightest neglect of any of his duties. And therefore, it would not be superfluous to repeat the pastoral admonition of the Apostle Paul to Timothy: “Pay attention to yourself and to your teaching; do this continually; for by doing this you will save both yourself and those who listen to you” (1 Tim 4:16). Saint Theophan the Recluse explains: “In this case, he seems to say, no one will resist your word and conviction - everyone will obey you, follow your teaching and your example and be saved.”

Let these words of the holy apostle become the motto of your entire life; let the weight of the responsibility that lies upon you be balanced by the testimony of a clear conscience about the zealous fulfillment of your duties and the hope of the true word of God, which promises salvation to all sincere workers in the vineyard of the holy Church.

The St. Petersburg Theological Academy rightfully occupies one of the leading positions among theological educational institutions of the Russian Orthodox Church. I sincerely hope that over time the quality of education here will steadily improve, so that future workers of Christ’s field will be ready to confront all the spiritual, intellectual and moral challenges of our time.

I wish all mentors, teachers and students of the St. Petersburg Theological Academy mental and physical strength and God's help in their work for the good of the Church and the Fatherland.

With brotherly love in the Lord, Eugene, Archbishop of Vereisky, Chairman of the Educational Committee of the Russian Orthodox Church, Rector of the Moscow Theological Academy.

Published June 30, 2016 |

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Pairs, sessions, notes,
Abstracts, mountains of books,
Battles of sleep and intelligence...
And parties - what would we do without them?
But it’s not for nothing that you studied!
Congratulations! Finally,
Turned out to be a student
Certified specialist!

You have a diploma in your hands,
Finally got it!
University graduated with a bang -
Now is the time to become a pro!
There's still a whole life ahead,
Stay on the bends!
Be kinder and braver
Respect your friends.
So that life is yours
Blessed and sweet!

Your amazing, fun, emotional student years are over. Today you are again in the status of a graduate, but only now a truly real life is opening up before you, which will certainly raise a number of questions in you and pose many difficult tasks for you. And on this special day, I want to wish you not to be afraid of difficulties, to believe in your abilities, not to lose your sincerity and to make your way always and everywhere!

Graduated from university, congratulations!
Let it be a reward for your labors
Everyone's wishes will come true
And all your dreams will come true.

All doors are open for you,
In a stormy sea, hold on -
You parted ways with your alma mater,
There is a great life ahead.

Let happiness and luck
They will be with you on the way,
I wish you good health,
And in the profession - to grow!

I congratulate you today,
With graduation from the university, I wish you -
So that the knowledge you gain,
We met your expectations.
So that everything in life will be useful,
May everything you have dreamed about come true!

So the days of a new life have crept up -
Graduated from university, diploma is in your pocket.
Let me wish you from the bottom of my heart,
Celebrate this event in a restaurant.

We wish that work finds you,
So that the boss is normal and the salary is in euros,
And so that work is only a joy,
So that there are more bonuses and fewer nerves!

The years of study are over:
The “states” and “tests” are already behind us.
To hell with anxiety, to hell with doubt -
Step out boldly on the path of life!

Student years - the best years -
You still keep it in your memory.
On days when the heart is tormented by adversity,
Let them warm your soul!

University is over! Ahead -
Long road.
All the worries are behind us
Fears and anxieties.

Congratulations! Let your way
It will be interesting
May you be lucky in everything
Life will be wonderful!

Everyone once thought
What to study for many years
At this university you will have to
It turned out - not at all!

The years have flown by quickly,
And the exam is over.
Children, families and work
They are waiting ahead.

May the road be smooth
No bumps, no stones.
Every year to become
More and more successful and bolder.

Vladimir Putin congratulated graduates of military academies and universities on the successful completion of their studies.

V. PUTIN: Dear comrade officers!

I welcome you and congratulate you on the successful completion of your studies.

Here, in the ceremonial halls of the Kremlin, you feel in a special way the greatness of the history of our Fatherland, its military and sovereign glory. This is where we hold meetings of the best graduates of military academies and universities.

The Russian Army and Navy, our officer corps have always relied on historical continuity, on the victorious traditions of all generations of defenders of the Fatherland. This was and is the moral strength and basis of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation.

We remember that during the Great Patriotic War it was the appeal to one’s history, national values, and military traditions that inspired the army and people to fight the enemy. It was then that the guard was revived again, awards were established that bore the names of legendary commanders: Suvorov, Kutuzov, Nakhimov, Ushakov.

Today, when we are doing a lot of work to develop the Armed Forces, we also rely on traditions, and one of the landmark decisions was the restoration of the names of the famous units of the Russian and Soviet armies. I see in this the inextricable unity of the history of our Motherland and the Russian army.

Your duty is to emulate the courage and valor of your predecessors and teach this to your subordinates. To do this, you need to be not just a professional who knows his job, but also a real commander and mentor, serving as an example of integrity and firmness.

Nobility and respect for personnel have always been the strong point of Russian officers - as the famous philosopher Ivan Ilyin said, “The Russian army will never forget the Suvorov tradition, which asserted that a soldier is a person.” This is how it has been and will continue to be.

You have to serve in a difficult, responsible time. Security challenges, unfortunately, are not decreasing; there are plenty of them. And we must adequately respond to any potential threat and defend our national interests anywhere in the world.

We will not skimp on strengthening the Armed Forces or improving the status of military personnel, because we understand well: without a strong army there cannot be a strong, sovereign Russia.

Therefore, you have a lot of hard work ahead of you. You will join the troops at a time when there is a large-scale re-equipment of the army and navy, when you need to master modern weapons, advanced tactics for managing units and subunits, when the responsibility of each of you and the intensity of combat training increases significantly. All these tasks will fall on your shoulders. I'm sure you can handle it, I'm counting on you.

Today in this hall there are also officers who will soon join the ranks of law enforcement agencies and special services. In ensuring the security of Russia, you are responsible for the most difficult areas. These include the fight against terrorism and extremism, reliable protection of our citizens from the criminal threat and corruption, and maintaining public order. And here your professionalism, determination, and ability to carry out orders in the most difficult situation will be in demand.

Dear comrades! The state will continue to do everything to create decent conditions for your service and for the life of your families. Our goal is for the social guarantees of Russian military personnel to correspond to the highest social guarantees for military personnel in other countries of the world.

This year, the reform of the military pay system has been fully completed. Both in the army and in all law enforcement agencies it has increased significantly. Military pensions have increased significantly and will continue to be indexed. We will focus on improving the quality of medical care, building a network of modern military camps with all the social infrastructure, and creating jobs for all family members.

Until 2014, officers who were on the waiting list for housing on January 1, 2012 must be fully provided with permanent housing and apartments. In the future, we will provide housing as planned, without, hopefully, long-term queues. For this purpose, a military mortgage mechanism has been launched. The task of forming a stock of official housing is being consistently solved.

Dear comrades! I am confident that you will always accurately carry out tasks to ensure the sovereignty and security of Russia, reliably defend your country and our people, and protect the honor of your uniform.

I wish you success, happiness and prosperity to your loved ones.

I propose a toast to the continuity of the military traditions of the Russian officer corps, to our valiant Armed Forces, to great Russia! Hooray!

Congratulations on graduating from college in verse

It was not in vain that you were taught for five years:
The dean's office has become like a home to you,
And today they gave you
State diploma!
Yes, you had to try
But it's all over now -
Happy graduation, brothers!
...What was it that skipped a beat in your chest?

The last session is over,
And you have already been awarded your diploma.
Remember that we have one life,
Remember what you were taught.
Improve yourself, be happy,
Forget about your problems right away
You can overcome everything
To succeed in this life.

You have learned the academic way of life
Sometimes the classes weren't easy
You have been striving for knowledge for many years in a row
You are not students anymore, you are graduates!
May God protect you everywhere along the way!
We are releasing you into a greater life now
Alma Mater is always waiting for you on its doorstep
It's time to spread your wings. Good morning!

The latest ratings have been given,
In your notebooks, on the last pages.
We will say goodbye to you today,
You will fly away like big birds.
We loved you like our children,
They scolded them and tried to teach them.
And yet, on graduation evenings
We want you to gather more often!

I wish to be and to take place,
And every year I fall in love with fate,
Do not spare strength and energy,
To succeed in your business!
Don't stumble and don't fall,
Soar high all the time,
Don't forget your student friends
And those who taught us to fly!

Take out your wallets of knowledge,
Count the change and rubles.
Today you will have to part ways with the university.
And the choice of a new, but main path.
Let the reserves of wisdom not dry up,
Which will always help you.
Students are a unique race,
What remains in the heart forever!

School student, graduate, applicant
And for the last 5 years - a student,
You've come such a long way,
And today you will step again
You will have a new life, and you are ready
Confirm with your work again,
It’s not in vain that you studied for 5 years,
There are no better specialists in the world.
Please accept our congratulations,
Let everything you want come true!

Diploma in hand, down with notes,
Say hello to your work!
The institute gave the green light
Or I could give it red.
Close the door with a beautiful gesture,
The institute has become yesterday,
And only the memory warms again
A frequent memory.

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