How to write a conclusion correctly. An example of the conclusion of a term paper for lawyers on the topic: “Main trends in the development of constitutional law of the Russian Federation”

The last and most important stage of working on a course research is writing a conclusion that reflects all the key conclusions that the author came to in the process of preparing the coursework, even if. Before writing a conclusion in a term paper, you need to familiarize yourself with some recommendations, since it is this part that usually causes the greatest difficulties.

The conclusion is a summary of all the work done.

It includes reasoned conclusions on all questions posed at the beginning and contains a list of solved problems.

The final part is a harmonious continuation of the introduction and the main part, and has the same style with them. The results must be presented accurately, concisely and placed on no more than 2-3 sheets of printed text, formatted in accordance with GOST.

Structure of the final part

  1. Before writing a conclusion in a term paper, you need to re-read the introduction. Conclusion - answers to the questions posed, the personal opinion of the author. It is also important to list the main actions performed in the practical component of the coursework, and once again recall the main numerical indicators.
  2. The conclusion should be stated rationally, indicating the expected effect after the study. It is important to propose ways to introduce the results of the work into the practical sphere.
  3. It is necessary to indicate the goals and objectives set at the initial stage of the work, as well as the main results that the author arrived at.

Basic rules for a competent conclusion

A good option for beginning the final part is to use the words “so...”, “summing up...”, “based on the work done...”. Then the tasks that were solved during the research process are listed. If it was not possible to obtain answers to any questions, it is necessary to indicate this and separately dwell on the reasons. We should not forget about the problematic issues that arose during the work and the ways to overcome them.

An important component of a competent final section is the results of the practical part. The author should justify their real significance, prove the importance of their application in practice, indicate his own opinion on the processes under consideration and support it with argumentation.

It’s a good idea to propose your own plan for improving and modernizing the issues under consideration, which should bring a positive effect in reality in the future.

Example of summing up

Let's give an example of how to write a conclusion in a term paper. This work relates to the field of applied economics. The final part can start like this:

It is known for certain that the profitable component of an organization is the main goal of its formation and further development. In this regard, the need for constant study of its sources, rational distribution and use is important. During the work, the author studied various approaches to solving the problem of determining the essence of profit, the reliability of its receipt, as well as existing ways of rational use. In the course of considering the issue, we proposed ways to transfer the enterprise to a higher level of profit making.

Then it is advisable to indicate specific rational actions to increase the profit of the enterprise and numerical indicators confirming their effectiveness.

In general, drawing up a competent conclusion is not as difficult as it seems at first glance. Conclusion is the logical conclusion of the work done.

Therefore, you should not be afraid of writing it.

    One of the general conclusions given in the conclusion, regardless of the topic and discipline of the abstract, is a conclusion about the degree of study of the problem included in the title. In the introduction, we indicate the source base on which the study is based (i.e., books by authors that are reviewed). In conclusion, we must inform you that the problem has been studied little (sufficiently, comprehensively, comprehensively, insufficiently, etc.).

    From the point of view of the methodology of working with text, conclusions are a generalization. Generalization is also a method of scientific knowledge. Generalization is the process of establishing common properties and characteristics of objects; in the case of conclusions to an abstract, this is the ability to highlight the general (topic of the abstract) in various movements, concepts and approaches. In relation to our example (abstract on the topic ) is a generalization of knowledge about the emergence of Russian religious philosophy, where the main trends are Slavophil teaching, the philosophy of unity of Vl. S. Solovyov and Slavic religious anti-intellectualism.

    Each conclusion in the abstract must be justified and proven by the text of the work.

    Many teachers believe that the conclusion is the most difficult part of the essay, and, despite this, for some reason they do not indicate in their methodological recommendations how to write these same conclusions. Let us emphasize once again that the conclusion must answer the questions (tasks) posed in the introduction. A bad conclusion is summarizing sources on a topic; good – these are the thoughts of the author of the abstract about the topic being worked on, formulated in writing. After the actual conclusions, it is possible and necessary to give some advice on solving the problems raised in the abstract. The conclusion of the abstract shows the degree of elaboration of the topic, and this, by the way, is one of the evaluation criteria for the work. The assessment, of course, consists of many other components, but conclusions are the main thing.

    The last lines of the abstract are a conclusion about whether the goal of the study was achieved or not. They write the following: We found..., explored..., analyzed... Thus, the purpose of the abstract has been achieved. This phrase comes after the answer to the tasks posed in the introduction and the general conclusion on the work.

    Conclusions to the abstract can be written on the basis of a deductive method (from the general to the particular, from general judgments to particular conclusions) and inductive (from the particular to the general, from individual facts to generalizations). Can you answer the question on the basis of what method the conclusions in our abstract will be formulated? Russian religious philosophy of the 19th - 20th centuries?

    Summarizing the above, we can formulate several rules that should be followed when writing conclusions to the abstract:

    1. the purpose, objectives and content of the work must be logically interconnected and reflected in the conclusions;
    2. specificity of conclusions, availability (if possible) of statistical and analytical data;
    3. conclusions should be characterized by premises only on the material of the authors discussed in the abstract, or on their own research;
    4. observance of clarity of wording, which should exclude ambiguity in their interpretation or interpretation.

    We emphasize that a conclusion is a statement about something (work results, analysis of sources) and it should be written as a statement, and not as a listing of what was done in the abstract. The affirmative content of the conclusion is what the author insists on, what he understood (made) when studying the topic of the abstract, in other words, conclusions are the beliefs of the author of the work, which, if necessary, he can prove (with the text of the work) and defend (what he understood from works - his own point of view).

    Stay with us!

This article will tell you in detail how to correctly write the conclusion of any term paper. After all, students often face a problem when it is very difficult for them to formulate a conclusion, although the entire work is written almost perfectly. For most, it is simply not clear what should be written there. However, if you really want to know what and how to write a conclusion, we will help you in this matter.

To write a conclusion correctly, you need to clearly understand what the course work actually is. This work can be divided into 3 components: introduction, main part and conclusion. As a rule, all coursework includes these three parts. By the way, at school they most likely teach the same division of work.

Now you should understand each part separately in more detail.

1. Introduction. Here you should write what will be discussed in the entire course work. In other words, you write a rough outline and meaning of the course work. The introduction describes all the actions that you will perform as part of this work.

In this part, it is necessary to determine the purpose of writing your course work. Target is what you want to achieve upon completion of your research paper. By the way, the conclusion will largely be based on this phrase “upon completion of the research work,” since after writing the main part you will be able to ask yourself the question: “What have I achieved? What results have you achieved?

2. Main part. As for the main part, here you are required to describe in detail what you do, based on the tasks and goals set in the introduction. The main task of the main part is to implement the stated goal of the course work.

When you have completed all the tasks outlined in the introduction, your course work can be considered complete. Now all that remains is to summarize, or briefly describe everything that you have done and what you have achieved. A brief description is exactly what is called a conclusion, which can be contained in 2-3 pages maximum.

3. Conclusions or conclusion For coursework, you need to write after the main part has already been written. There are cases when students write the main part first, and then only begin to think about the introduction. This, of course, is acceptable, but only for those students who clearly know what they want to achieve at the end of their work, what tasks they face.

This way, students write the introduction in their heads and then write it down on paper. If you doubt your ability to remember the entire plan of action for a long coursework, it is better to start your work with the introduction.

It turns out that the introduction can be written both before and after the main part. However, this will not work with the conclusion; it is written only after you have already achieved some results, achieved certain goals and objectives, and this can be done after writing the main part.

To correctly write a conclusion, you should select the most important and significant points from the entire course work. As mentioned above, the conclusion should not take more than 2-3 pages. Based on this, you need to select a limited amount of material from the main part of the work.

But how can you decide what should be taken for conclusion and what should not be taken? What if this material turns out to be unimportant and unnecessary for the teacher? There is also an answer to these questions: you can write a conclusion to your work by taking a small amount of material from each part. For example:

1) From the introduction you will take the purpose and objectives of the research work.

2) From the main part - each specific result achieved through the research.

In this case, you do not need to rewrite word for word the same text that was in other parts of the work. Retell this text in your own words, add some information, make the passage unique. In order not to say a lot of unnecessary words, we will give an example of a correct conclusion, and show in practice how you can correct the same text so that it looks good and does not raise questions for the teacher.

Example of a conclusion in a coursework

Now you will see a vivid example of how you can correctly write the conclusion of a term paper. The work itself is related to joint stock companies.

A small part from the introduction:

“...The main goal of this course work is to consider and study the general principle of operation of joint-stock companies. With the help of scientific research, it is necessary to find out how the structural and functional complex of enterprises is structured, the joint-stock company of which is their organizational and legal form.

The information obtained as a result of the study will become an indispensable tool in understanding the legal side of Russian business as a whole, one of the structural units of which is joint-stock companies. To achieve this goal, it is necessary to set tasks that will help to carefully study this issue:

1) The concept of joint stock company

Initially, it is necessary to define the general provisions of joint stock companies, expand on this concept, and identify all the terms associated with the concept.

2) Types of joint stock companies

Based on the material studied, it is necessary to explore all possible types of joint stock companies. There are open and closed joint stock companies. At the final stage of revealing this task, it is necessary to determine the common and distinctive features of existing types and emphasize their importance in the modern business community.

3) Creation, development and liquidation of joint stock companies..."

Having this material, we process it, and write the following in the conclusion to the work:

“Joint stock companies are widespread not only in Russia, but also in many other countries of the world. Of course, the scope of this course work does not allow us to talk in detail about all aspects of the functioning and work of the entire institute of joint-stock companies. However, based on the tasks set, it seemed possible to reveal the general principles of operation of joint-stock companies as an organizational and legal form of various enterprises.

At the initial stage, it was possible to fully disclose the basic concepts and terms associated with joint stock companies. Based on the material obtained, the similarities and differences between types of joint stock companies were identified. To fully disclose the goal, the author of this course work examined the important issue of the process of activity of joint-stock companies - from their creation to possible liquidation. The issue of the charter of the joint stock company, which is the main constituent document of this organizational and legal form, was also raised...”

Now you see that writing a conclusion is not difficult. You are simply retelling in your own words what was written in the introduction. In this case, you write not what you are going to do, but what you have already successfully completed. Such actions of yours will not be considered a mistake and will not cause criticism from the teacher. Moreover, most writers resort to such manipulation, who at the end of the book remind the reader of how it all began.

Now we should give an example of a passage written in the main part of a research paper:

“In the process of operation of a joint-stock company, the general meeting of shareholders is considered one of the important and obligatory elements. In accordance with current legislation, the meeting must be held at least once a year. In the event that a meeting is convened two or more times a year, this may lead to the idea that the society has serious difficulties in a certain area of ​​​​work that require immediate discussion and concrete steps to correct the situation.”

We now describe the same material in the conclusion:

“It should be understood that the corporate governance system in the country should include not only the successful operation of the joint-stock company and its receipt of current profits, but also the creation of effective internal management structures. The main task of such structures is to conduct a successful business not only at this stage, but also with a view to the future, which will contribute to economic growth and attracting investors.”

This is how a conclusion is drawn up for any course work. Now you know how to do it correctly, so you can immediately begin completing your work efficiently and quickly.

The conclusion is one of the most important sections of the course work. It sums up the work done and is its harmonious continuation. It must be remembered that the conclusion does not contain unnecessary information, but only brief, clear conclusions and research results.

The volume of material is no more than 2-3 pages. The conclusion does not have a clear structure, but it must reflect the following provisions: the essence of the problem (you can also describe its relevance if desired), achieved goals, solved problems, results of practical work, personal opinion and prospects.

Write correctly and correctly Conclusion of the course work The Introduction and Chapter Conclusions will help you. The Introduction already contains information about the problem and its relevance, as well as the goals and objectives of the work. The final part should begin with a statement of the problem and justification of its relevance, as in the introductory part (but in different words, since the Introduction and Conclusion should have something in common, and not be identical). The following describes what goals have been achieved and what tasks have been completed. It is important to note what was not investigated and why, as well as what problems arose during the study. The results of practical work have already been described in the conclusions to the second chapter; it is necessary to present them in the Conclusion, as well as justify their significance and prove the feasibility of application in practice.

For example, in the Conclusion to a course work in economics, students must prove the effectiveness of the calculations made. After this, it is necessary to express a personal opinion, describing your vision of the problem and proposing ways to solve the problems that have arisen. At the end of the Conclusion, you need to show prospects in studying the research topic and suggest ways for improvement.

Example of a term paper conclusion:

Recently, production has widely used programs to simplify data processing, in particular table processors, which can significantly speed up calculations. Therefore, the study of the functions of table processors is relevant and in demand.

In the course of writing the course work, we uncovered professional problems that can be solved using table processors. The most important task is to create macros that allow you to automate your work.

When writing the course project, we studied special literature, including articles and textbooks on information technology, described theoretical aspects and revealed key concepts of the research, considered the practical application of table processors and provided assistance to an enterprise that needed production automation.

During a project we carried out to modernize numerical data processing at the enterprise, we discovered that the processing speed doubled. This allows you to significantly speed up the workflow, reducing the number of unprocessed data on time, and reduce time costs. In the long term, we see the possibility of using the product we have developed in the production process of all enterprises engaged in this type of activity.

Examples of introduction and conclusion in coursework are given; they will help you figure out how to write an introduction and conclusion to your coursework.

Introduction to coursework is the calling card of the study and communicates the overall objectives and value of the work done. Conclusion in course work- these are conclusions based on the results of the study and a brief summary of the achieved goals and objectives.

In terms of complexity, the introduction and conclusion in the course work total approximately 30% of the total amount of work. Although in terms of the number of pages it is only about 10% of the total volume of text.

Coursework begins with the "Introduction" section. The content of the introduction to the coursework may differ slightly depending on whether the coursework is abstract or has an applied nature. Regardless of discipline introduction to coursework should provide clear and concise information about the content of the course work. IN conclusion of course work the main conclusions drawn during the study are formulated.

There are 4 basic principles for writing an introduction and conclusion:

  1. You need to keep within the volume allocated for introduction and conclusion, usually 2-3 pages.
  2. In the introduction, determine the relevance of the topic, formulate the purpose and objectives of the course work, indicate the object, subject, research methods, etc.
  3. Highlight the results of each chapter of the course work, formulate conclusions based on them and write them down in conclusion in accordance with the research objectives indicated in the introduction.
  4. Conclusions must correspond to the objectives set in the introduction.

Introduction to coursework

Introduction of course work contains a rationale for the relevance of the topic, then formulates the object, subject, purpose, objectives, methods used and provides a brief overview of the entire course work.

Total volume introduction to course work is 2-3 pages. Each of the listed points is described starting with a new paragraph, but is not numbered or presented as a title.

Conclusion in course work

Conclusion in course work represents a generalization of the main results of the work performed. It is necessary to follow the logic: the purpose of the course work is a question, the conclusion is a detailed answer to this question.

The conclusion may contain recommendations and suggestions for the practical application of course work materials, and indicate prospects for further research in this direction. Conclusion of the course work should be 1-2 pages in length.

An example of an introduction to a coursework- This is a sample that you should rely on when writing your course work.

The structure of the introduction in the examples below is identical to the structure of the introduction in coursework in other disciplines. It should be borne in mind, however, that the approach to the structure of the introduction may differ in different educational institutions. You can also consult with the teacher on this issue - it won’t get any worse, and the teacher will note that the student is trying and doing something.

The introduction to the coursework must include all the scientific elements required for this type of written work: the relevance of the topic, the object and subject of the research, the purpose and objectives of the coursework.

The inclusion of such elements as research hypothesis, research methods, research structure, significance, characteristics of sources will be an additional advantage when assessing coursework.

An example of an introduction to a course work

Socio-economic transformations in society dictate the need to form a creatively active personality with the ability to effectively and innovatively solve new life problems. In this regard, the school faces the important task of developing the creative potential of the younger generation, which in turn requires improving the educational process.

The system of aesthetic education is designed to teach a child to see the beauty around him, in the surrounding reality. Art can be considered the basis of the school’s aesthetic education system. At school, children encounter works of art mainly during art classes (literature, music, drawing). They play a decisive role in the formation of children’s aesthetic ideals and their artistic taste. All of the above determined the relevance of the course work.

The purpose of the course work is to examine the education of love for the Motherland in drawing lessons. Based on this goal, we can highlight specific tasks posed in the course work:

  1. on the basis of an analysis of literature, to identify the content of instilling love for the Motherland in drawing lessons, the main directions of work on its formation among students;
  2. study the characteristics of the artistic outlook and preferences of students in one of the classes;
  3. develop and conduct one of the educational classes aimed at instilling love for the Motherland in students, and analyze its pedagogical effectiveness.

The object of research in the course work is the methodology of teaching fine arts.

The subject of research in the course work is pedagogical technologies used in art lessons within the framework of the topic “Love for the Motherland.”

The methodological basis of the research in the course work was the scientific works of outstanding domestic teachers, psychologists, methodologists, philosophers, historians, and art critics; publications on folk art and decorative and applied arts, ethnography, culture, as well as regulatory and program-methodological documents of general education.

To solve the problems and test the hypothesis in the course work, the following research methods were used:

  1. theoretical analysis of psychological-pedagogical, methodological,
  2. philosophical, historical-ethnographic, art literature, scientific publications and dissertation research;
  3. analysis of curricula and programs in the fine arts of general education institutions;
  4. analysis and generalization of advanced pedagogical experience in teaching folk arts and crafts;
  5. analysis of works by folk artists of traditional Gorodets brush painting;
  6. ascertaining experiment: pedagogical observations, interviewing, questioning, testing, “cutting” work in the educational process.

An example of a conclusion in a course work

The most important task of teaching fine arts in a modern school is the development of the student’s personality through the formation of his complex inner world. There is an acquisition of scientific knowledge about the objective world around (the goal of the vast majority of school disciplines) and the development of aesthetic tastes and creative perception of this objective world.

Intellectual and spiritual development is a complex, multifaceted process, and the lessons of the aesthetic cycle, including fine art, play a significant role in it.

Fine arts lessons not only develop the level of cognition, but also form the mental world of the individual; they also help to include subjective aesthetic values ​​in the emerging socially significant values, and this is the main task of personality-oriented education.

Based on the above, it should be noted that drawing lessons are a wonderful platform for the development of patriotism and love for the Motherland. There is nothing better than developing in a child a vision of the beauty of Russian nature, the Russian people, their way of life and traditions.

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