How does self-esteem manifest itself? Signs of a woman with self-esteem

Think about the meaning of the word “dignity”. This is what every person has before he is assessed in one way or another from different possible points of view, as they say.

Dignity is a special moral and value category that determines respect and self-esteem. This is one of the inalienable and non-transferable intangible benefits that belong to a person from birth (Article 150 of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation). Self-esteem is not directly related to the results of his activities.

Human life is the greatest value, it follows that everyone has dignity, even if he does not realize it. The concept of “dignity” is related to the concept of “honor,” but it is not the same thing. Honor is the assessment of the moral and ethical qualities of a person by others. Honor can be deprived (for example, tearing off shoulder straps by military authorities, breaking swords over the heads of representatives of the nobility and other similar acts). A person cannot be deprived of his dignity.

Actions that degrade the dignity of an individual (insult, slander) may be classified as an administrative offense or even a criminal offense.

Self-esteem is one of the necessary and normal personality traits. We can say that this is the quality of the human soul.

As you know, personality is determined by heredity, environment and upbringing. So, self-respect and self-esteem do not arise in a person on their own. These qualities need to be cultivated. Moral people who have these qualities, first of all, know how to respect others.

In general, developing self-esteem is a necessary component of raising a moral person. This must be taught and accustomed from childhood.

At the same time, you need to understand that pride, self-respect and self-esteem are parts of a person’s natural moral core, which has nothing to do with a sense of self-worth. Self-worth is ephemeral, as any person who has been in truly difficult circumstances for a sufficient period of time understands. A person with a normally developed sense of self-esteem is not afraid to get into a stupid situation and is not afraid to be funny. He can always apologize to others for his wrong actions without feeling any harm to himself.

How to develop self-esteem?

This is not a simple matter, but it is not difficult to answer this question. It is necessary for a person to be aware of himself as a person, so that he can look at himself from the outside, that is, be able to understand how others see him. Of course, a person receives all this in one way or another in the process of his own upbringing in human society.

Sometimes it happens that children at a certain period of their development try to compensate for the lack of self-esteem by striving for some formal achievements (good grades, exemplary behavior). It does not at all follow from this that such children do not have complex internal problems. By the way, good grades and behavior are not sufficient criteria for assessing a person’s morality. This should be understood by everyone who is professionally involved in teaching in one way or another. A sense of self-worth develops on the basis of copying behavior patterns as a result of the influence of others.

How to maintain self-esteem?

To do this, you just need to remain a moral person, that is, deal with people according to your conscience, in accordance with universal moral concepts.

Man and woman: the art of love Dilya Enikeeva


A person's merits can be judged not by his good qualities, but by how he uses them.

F. La Rochefoucauld

A woman and a man should be equal partners in their interpersonal relationships. I evaluate equality not from the standpoint of feminism, that is, in the social aspect, but in the psychological aspect.

The trouble with many of our women is that they do not value themselves highly and do not know how to demonstrate their obvious advantages, and, of course, every woman has them. There are no people made up of only shortcomings, just as there are no people made up of only virtues. Every person has both good and bad. You should not show bad qualities to anyone and try to overcome them, but you should be able to emphasize good ones.

Who came up with this stupid thesis that modesty adorns a woman? Maybe it decorates if there are no other advantages. In the last century, modesty may have been valued. Times are different now. Nowadays individuality is valued. Modesty adorns... another woman.

The most important qualities in a woman, which are the key to her happy destiny, are self-esteem, self-respect, self-confidence and high self-esteem.

You may ask, where can you get self-esteem if you don’t have it? Nurture it within yourself. This is exactly what we psychiatrists do when a person has low self-esteem. We help him gain self-confidence and get rid of his inferiority complex. We do what parents should do.

For normal self-esteem, you need to treat yourself soberly and objectively. There are women next to you who are superior to you in some way - more beautiful, more charming, more intelligent, more successful, more intelligent, more educated. So what? Why, on this basis alone, should one consider oneself worse than them? It is impossible to be the best, just as it is impossible to absorb all the positive qualities. There are no ideal people and there is no need to strive for the ideal. You are who you are, and you will love yourself as you are.

A woman who does not love herself cannot inspire self-love. You are no worse than others, you are different from them, you are an individual.

Surely there are women around you who are inferior to you in some way. Compare yourself with them, analyze how they behave - do they also have complexes or accept themselves as they are and do not grieve about it?

Not having a single advantage is just as impossible as not having a single disadvantage.

L. Vauvenargues

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Let's talk about one more aspect that is important for every woman. This is especially true for Russian women. For girls raised by Soviet parents. For those who have many childhood traumas. For those who have complex female gender scenarios.
We will talk about female dignity. Two positions are very common:
1. Dignity is pride. So it's a sin.
2. I deserve all the best, because I am better than everyone (that is, pride itself).
Both of these positions have nothing to do with dignity. The first one develops in women a feeling of guilt and worthlessness. It is women with this position that allow men to treat them cruelly and rudely.

The second position is pride. Which destroys our relationships with other people and prevents us from loving. It is from this position that women decide the destinies of others, easily break three or four hearts a day, humiliate and terrorize their husbands.
It has nothing to do with self-esteem. Then where is it? And why is it needed?

Self-esteem is the understanding that I am a soul. And I am a piece of God. This means that I have everything that God has. Only in smaller quantities. He is the ocean and I am a drop. Our composition is identical. But the weight is different.

This means that I am good. Initially, I am pure, beautiful, bright and full of Love. I may not behave very well. I may not show myself very nicely. I can get dirty sometimes. But all this does not change my inner essence. Because even under a layer of dirt, I am still the same clean drop. It's just harder to see and feel.

And this is not pride, because pride is if I consider not only myself good, but also all my actions. Even the mean, low and ugly ones.

Self-esteem is necessary for every person. Especially for women - historically, this feeling was gradually destroyed in us.

And we ourselves continued this work, calling dignity pride. And they began to destroy it as sin.

Why do you need self-esteem?

  • To build healthy relationships. If I value myself, I will not agree to a relationship that is obviously doomed. I will be very selective in choosing my husband, friends, and work. I will look for people who make me feel good around me. With whom it will be easy for me to do what is good and right. With whom I can feel like a part of God.
  • To realize your potential. How many creative people do not show their talent in the world, considering it nonsense! There are so many stunning paintings that no one will ever see because the artist considered himself mediocre and threw away his brush. How many sonatas the world will not hear because the composer was sure that he was mediocre. In order to create and show your creations to the world, you need to know that you are worthy of it.
  • In order to calmly allow yourself to take care of yourself. This is a big problem for many women - they don't consider themselves worthy of a massage once a week or a new dress once a month. She does not consider herself entitled to leave home for half an hour, leaving her children with her husband, just to take a walk. Thus, they deprive themselves of the feeling of happiness, and their children of a good mother.
  • To receive love. From the world, from people, from parents, from husband, from children, from friends. You need to feel that you are worthy of it. Then you won’t have phobias that everyone is lying to you. Then you won’t try to curry favor, earn love, work. You will be able to accept it openly and gratefully.
  • To give love. After all, in order to give, you first need to accumulate it in yourself. And if you don't learn to accept it, you won't be able to give anything away. Not to your children, not to your husband, not to the world.

What are the differences between a woman's self-esteem and a man's?

The most important difference is that:

  • A man considers himself more worthy if he has achieved and achieved a lot. This makes his self-esteem high and adequate.
  • A woman feels worthy when she is loved. And the more people love her, the higher her level of self-esteem.

We often chase achievements, hoping that the next catch or trophy will make us more confident and happier. But if we understand that the most important happiness for us is in relationships, then we can save a lot of energy and time.

And if we remember that we are all drops and we are all children of the ocean, then it will become even easier. It’s easier to understand that I’m good. Then you can look for methods of cleansing, other models of behavior and response.

But this will happen from a completely different platform. Platforms - I'm good. I deserve it. And I want to match my father the ocean - in purity, beauty and transparency.


Self-respect helps you survive failures, unpleasant moments, and moves you towards your goals. Self-esteem is formed from childhood. Overestimated, lack of development leads to the absence of this feeling. As a result, a person considers himself inferior, is critical of his actions, and looks up to other people. Without self-respect, insecurity appears. In order to learn to think freely, without looking at the people around you, you should develop these qualities. How to develop self-esteem?

How to cultivate a culture of behavior in yourself?

The first problems begin with non-acceptance of oneself. Lacking clear skills and having lost faith in his strength, a person rushes about in search of a leader or a person to follow. Another category of people tries on the role of the victim, suffering humiliation from their superiors, swallowing attacks from close friends and acquaintances. Weak attempts to fight back end in failure. and lack of understanding of how to act. To correct the situation, think about how to cultivate a culture of behavior in yourself?

Search for positive qualities. Write down on a piece of paper the character traits that you consider positive and necessary when communicating with people. For each quality, draw an image or symbol. Prepare cards with pictures and carry them with you. Symbols help to engage the hemisphere responsible for creativity. Thus, already at this stage you will begin to develop. Secret drawings will help you hide from others what skills you are working on. You can place the pictures in a visible place.
Work on movements and speech. Remember which interlocutor is more pleasant to listen to. Surely someone who calmly discusses is not waving his arms. Confused speech, active gestures and facial expressions are confusing. You no longer listen to the narrator, but follow the manipulations with your hands and wait for the person to go astray again. Such people rarely achieve their intended goals through discussion, as they distract and irritate the interlocutor. Cultivate a culture of speech, talk in front of a mirror, watch your manners. The movements should be slow and solid, and the story should be unhurried.

Working on behavior. Stop imitating anyone or going against your own foundations. This does not mean that you need to make aggressive or provocative attacks in public. People who follow a single line of behavior and inherit their principles are respected and looked up to. Become not one of many, but a person with your own foundations and rules of life. People who are afraid of what others will say about them are far from self-esteem and self-respect.

Working on gaining self-esteem

Harmless jokes from friends, caustic words from colleagues or relatives addressed to you, lead a weak-willed person to self-examination. The situation worsens with resentment and prolonged self-flagellation. If you belong to this category of people, then it’s time to work on gaining self-esteem.

The quality of life is determined by the person himself, forming physical and personal qualities. In other words, whatever you wish for in life is what you will get. Equally important is fulfilling your plans. A plan written on paper will remain a dream if you don’t act.
Write down in a notebook the qualities you want to have. Describe how your day should go, what you want to do on the weekend, where you plan to spend your vacation. By achieving your goals, you gain self-respect and self-esteem.
Do some self-analysis. Look what gets in the way of desires. Frequent reasons are the absence of people around who can support, lack of will, and ignoring one’s own needs. People-theorists belong to a separate category. Such individuals know and can do everything, but only in words. They don’t take active action because they lack the will and.
Love yourself. Forbid speaking negatively about yourself mentally and out loud. Praise yourself for your positive qualities and find the good in your negative aspects. Fulfill small desires every week, large ones once a month. Cross completed things off your list. This motivates you to continue and not stop, pride in yourself appears, and strong-willed qualities develop.

Close your debts. First of all, we are not talking about financial debts, but unfinished business. Make a list of problems and spend 1-2 hours a day solving them. Break large tasks into small parts. Moving forward, you will see the result and clear yourself of the stones of unresolved problems that have been hanging on you for years.

Don't forget that a healthy body means a healthy mind. Include proper nutrition and exercise. Don't make sports mandatory. Choose a section based on your hobbies: playing tennis, dancing, fitness or mastering yoga.

Characteristics such as dignity and respect take time to develop. Make time for studying, do exercises and tasks every day. Don't look for reasons to refuse to work on yourself. You can always find 10 minutes. per day for exercise. Just get up earlier in the morning.

How to develop self-esteem? The tips described above will help, but try to enhance the result with exercises recommended by psychologists:

Determine the values ​​you plan to emulate. Write down the positive qualities of 3 close people. Then give a brief description of each friend, what traits you like, what needs to be strengthened. Conduct a comparative analysis between people, note common qualities and compatibility. Now look what happened.
Draw a map of your life. Mark significant events on a piece of paper while analyzing the past. Arrange them in descending order based on their degree of importance. Remember how you felt during the events taking place, what feelings you experienced.

These exercises help you understand what values ​​are important to you and open up your behavior patterns. Now you understand your weaknesses and know what needs to be adjusted to build your self-esteem.

11 February 2014, 19:13

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