How our subconscious works. The subconscious can do anything


...the brain can and does directly influence material reality.

By cruel irony, a person begins to change the reality in which he exists precisely on the day, hour and minute when he stops continuously reacting to it.

The greater the number of repetitions, the greater the strength and ability to express the thought.

The first step to starting a new life is surprisingly simple: you just need to monitor the flow of your thoughts and direct them accordingly.

You say that you strive for financial prosperity, but you constantly complain about the lack of money and the high cost. You obsess over what you don't have, you're frightened by incoming bills, you're anxious and agonizing over how to cope with the situation. You strive for financial wealth, but your consciousness is tuned to the lack of money and worries, and you will never achieve this wealth.

A successful person always has a mind set up for success.

The surrounding reality can change only after you develop a new type of consciousness, but not before. A new consciousness must lead the way.

You are a gardener and you can nurture your garden or leave it neglected. But know: you will have to reap the fruits of either your labor or your own inaction!

You imagine what could and will happen to you, and you live as if it were happening in reality.

1. Decide what you want to achieve: pass an exam, get promoted, meet someone, earn a lot of money, win at squash.
2. Relax. Take a break from your work for a few minutes and take a breath, resting your body and soul.
3. For five to ten minutes, mentally imagine the desired reality.

1. Always imagine your goals as if they were all happening to you right now. In your mind, make it a reality. Create detailed images. Get into the role and play it mentally.
2. Visualize your goal at least once a day, without missing a day. Repetition is the mother of learning.

Any thought that arises in your brain and takes hold there will have an impact on your life.


Live with the feeling of confidence that you have already achieved what you want. Don't strive for everything to turn out well. Just fix it in your mind as a fait accompli. Replace the setting: “Everything must go well” with “Everything went well.” It's all over, you've done it, so enjoy the victory of what you've achieved. Congratulate yourself.

Constantly ingrain in yourself the feeling that you have what you want, regardless of the nature of what you want. It's yours. Live with it. Feel it. Rejoice and tremble. Consider it completely yours. Own it in your inner world.

TWO CONDITIONS FOR SUCCESSFUL APPLICATION OF THE THOUGHT BOOKMET METHOD1. Always use this technique with the thought that you have what you want or have achieved what you strive for. 2. Do this regularly, literally every day, for at least five minutes. It is much better to do this technique for five minutes every day than for an hour once a week.

By affirming, you influence the thoughts that arise in your brain. The human brain can only hold one thought at a time, so the essence of the affirmation is to “fill” your brain with thoughts that support your goal at that moment.

Beware of using statements that are unconsciously directed at yourself.
"I'll never achieve this."
"I will never do this."
"This is impossible".
"I'll fail."
"I don't know how to communicate with people."
"I know I'll make a mistake."
"I always lose."

All you have to do is repeat your affirmations! I would recommend starting in the morning because the morning hours set the tone for the rest of the day.

The feeling of satisfaction from what we have achieved leaves us too quickly; soon we completely forget that we got what we wanted. All attention is concentrated on new goals and desires, and the feeling of joy from past achievements disappears.

Recognize, acknowledge and acknowledge your strengths again.

Certain attitudes and behaviors will promote the development of intuition, so they are worth cultivating.

By accepting the fact of the existence of intuition and believing in its power, you will create the prerequisites for its work.

If you learn to think of intuition as a natural and useful part of everyday life, it will manifest itself.

But thoughts like “I will never solve this problem” or “I will never find the answer to this question” signal to the intuition that it is not worth worrying about.

The roots of your “today” lie in the past.

This is what you must master: force your brain to produce thoughts at will and discard thoughts that you do not need.

If we are sure that making money is not easy, it is only because money is actually not easy to make. A person considers himself worthless - this is how it really is. If it seems to us that life does not promise anything good, it really does not promise anything good.


In almost any problem area of ​​life, you yourself are both the problem and the solution.

Life is full of recurring disappointments, heartaches, defeats and problems, and if you are not careful, this burden will simply drag you down. It is necessary to strengthen self-esteem to maintain a healthy life.

Learn to look at your stresses and problems as opportunities and opportunities, rather than responsibilities or obstacles.

The consciousness of a successful person believes that every aspect of your life contains an enormous amount of opportunity, simply enormous!


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A true story from the life of a man who worked with his subconscious. Ivan lived a calm and measured life. It seemed to him that he would not be able to achieve the desired heights, due to his shyness and indecision. His plans rarely ended in success, as anxiety and fear of the unknown spoiled his entire mood.

By the age of 30, he had failed to fulfill a single serious plan. Giving up at the last moment is a way out that Ivan used for many years, until he decided to change himself and his perception of the surrounding reality.

He began the process of implementing his plan by studying literature on the topic of self-development. The works of John Kehoe were a real discovery for the young man. He re-read book after book, and over time began to practice the presented techniques for working with the subconscious.

After a month, Ivan was able to build a scheme of action that perfectly suited his personality. They selected the optimal methods for studying their inner world. And after a couple of weeks, communication with the subconscious began to bring results.

Ivan changed his place of work, but remained devoted to his specialty (banking). The authorities immediately noticed his fighting spirit and activity. A promotion was just around the corner, as he was entrusted with the management of a serious project.

But the changes did not end with career growth. The young man was able to meet a woman with whom he began a romantic relationship. He began to think about starting a family. Ivan does not want to stop there, as he strives to know all the facets of his subconscious.

The subconscious has limitless power and influence. If a person does not know how to handle his inner self, he can bring endless problems upon himself. Most of the actions taken, ideas conceived and emotional experiences are directly associated with the subconscious.

Often one gets the impression that some unknown force forces one to think in a certain direction, controlling all subsequent actions. Such actions are explained by the fact that specific attitudes and programs are formed in the subconscious. They are laid down by the person himself, based on different views, fears, experiences and strong emotions.

An important role in the development of the subconscious world is given to the process of education. Parents have a close bond with their children. Adults convey to them their own understandings and moral views, which are absorbed in the person’s subconscious for life.

Society plays an equally important role. The media can program people's subconscious without any extra effort. Such influence does not always have a positive effect on a person’s life.

To create special settings, various NLP (Neuro-Linguistic Programming) techniques are used. This psychotherapeutic direction is based on the technique of modeling all types of human behavior (verbal, non-verbal).

It is important to note that many creative individuals are people who have learned to direct their internal energy in the right direction, while creating positive attitudes that have a beneficial effect on the life of a member of society.

“To be a creative person means to be able to see or imagine various favorable opportunities for solving life's problems. Creativity gives you the right to choose.” (Ernie Zielinski)

The initial steps of working with the subconscious are based on a detailed analysis of your own inner world. The deeper you can dig, the more opportunities you can find.

Methods of working with the subconscious

Working with the subconscious requires an individual approach to the matter, since the characteristics of the character and perception of reality of each person individually are taken into account. To facilitate the process of self-knowledge, specialists have developed special techniques.

  • Reprogramming

It is based on changing subjective experience and replacing habitual patterns. The main task is to form new behavior patterns that contribute to the discovery of new opportunities. The reprogramming process helps to get rid of negativity, so all attitudes are positive or neutral. A prime example would be meditation or affirmation.

  • Deprogramming

This method abandons the standard avoidance of stereotypical views. Its goals are aimed at effectively solving existing problems. A person must face his fears and learn to overcome them. Initially, you need to find the reason for the deviation, then analyze it and find a rational way out of the situation. Among such techniques one can note Dianetic auditing or the BSFF technique.

  • Programming

Programming is characterized by working with a person in a trance state. The technique strives to ensure that consciousness can fully penetrate into the sphere of the subconscious, as well as rationally control it and ensure high-quality results. Hypnosis or self-hypnosis is the best choice.

12 rules for working with the subconscious

The human subconscious makes it possible to discover secrets that were previously unknown to people. Having learned to work with it, a person will find new talents in himself, become smarter and more receptive to the world around him. To do this, you must adhere to a number of rules.

  1. Down with negative emotions! Anger, resentment, irritation, dissatisfaction and other negative feelings contradict logical decisions, which are essential when working with the subconscious.
  2. Force your thinking to work in the right direction. Every day you should get rid of the negative thoughts that have accumulated during the day. Ideally, you need to learn to control your thoughts and periodically correct them.
  3. Get rid of stereotypes. Don't take all the advice from other people. One person's life experience will not always suit another. Self-development requires spiritual transformation, and not submission to established concepts.
  4. There's no need to rush. Managing the subconscious is not the easiest task. It takes time and careful work on yourself. Instant reaction is a rare occurrence in the initial stages.
  5. Get enough sleep. Sleep is a source of vitality and energy that is necessary to accomplish great things. The fatigue that accumulates over the course of a day slows down the body's functionality.
  6. Take breaks to rest. You can’t get hung up on work for too long. It is recommended to periodically arrange moments of relaxation for yourself (the optimal number of times is 3-4 per day). 10-20 minutes will be enough to put your thoughts in order. The ideal companions for this process are pleasant music (sounds of nature, classical compositions, songs of your favorite bands) and a cozy atmosphere.
  7. Do things that make your soul happy. The subconscious will be grateful for pleasant emotions. The more the body receives pleasure from what it has done, the easier it will be to connect the external world with the internal.
  8. Treat your subconscious mind like a business partner who provides its services in exchange for certain actions. Don't forget to pay yourself. The payment may be a banal word of praise or a small gift. Please yourself = satisfy your subconscious.
  9. Treat yourself in advance, not at the last minute. A good mood is a great motivator. You don’t need to reward yourself only after completing work; it’s better to do it before your planned task.
  10. Say “no” to other people's desires! The priority should be on the things you crave, not anyone else. To make it easier to navigate your thoughts, you can select a small notebook to write down all your desires and thoughts for the future. When you want to complete a task, make sure that it does not contradict the list.
  11. Practice trance (a process during which the state of consciousness changes). Complete relaxation is recommended not only during periods of physical or mental stress, but also on vacation. The brain is always working! You need to remember this. Regular trances will help you better focus on the sensations and emotions that a person experiences at one time or another.
  12. Evaluate your life. You can use a 10-point or 100-point scale. If you are completely satisfied with your life activity, do not hesitate to put the maximum. If the scores do not suit you, they seem too low, think about which area of ​​your life is working in the wrong direction and try to correct the situation.

List of books that will help you learn to control your subconscious mind

There are many literary sources that can help a person find an approach to his subconscious. Each of the authors provides the reader with effective techniques that can be used in the process of self-development.

  • “The subconscious can do anything” John Kehoe

The book will become a guide to your inner world. The author talks about how consciousness can change external reality and reveals the secrets of the successful lives of celebrities of the twentieth century. Kehoe compiles a list of tips that you can try in practice.

  • "The Power of Your Subconscious Mind" Joseph Murphy

The work provides a number of thoughts that trouble modern people. Why do some manage to achieve the desired heights, while others fail to get out of the gray everyday life? How can you learn to manage your life? Is it possible to move into the future with confidence? The author tries to find answers to these questions.

  • "The Secret" Rhonda Byrne

Rhonda is of the opinion that the mind has limitless possibilities, but not everyone knows how to use them. If you pay due attention to this issue, you can learn to control all thoughts, directing them in the right direction. There is a film adaptation of the book that will help you delve deeper into the topic.

  • “Reality Transurfing” Vadim Zeland

The author gives clear recommendations regarding the process of self-development. All the examples he talks about in his book are part of his own life experience. Zealand provides enough facts regarding the capabilities of a person who was able to conquer his subconscious.

  • “The book is a dream. Everyday Magic" by Jill Edwards

In her work, Jill says that getting out of dull everyday life into a bright, colorful world is much easier than it might initially seem. Everything is possible if you pay attention to those areas of life that need change. Consciousness and subconsciousness must be in harmony.


Learning to work with the subconscious without leaving your comfort zone is almost impossible. To achieve the desired result, you will have to spend a lot of time and effort. Today, there are various techniques that take into account the individual characteristics of each person. Anyone can control their inner self. It’s worth trying to choose the best way to realize your plans.

The subconscious can do absolutely anything that a person once believes in. Psychologists compare the power of the subconscious to a certain magnetic substance that will attract everything that falls under a person’s personal beliefs. As a result, the process of attracting into a person’s life those events that correspond to the specified belief is launched. Moreover, there is no mysticism in this.

And it doesn’t matter whether a person shares this point of view of psychologists, the power of the subconscious will still continue to work, regardless of the presence of faith in it. For example, a person is sure that life is never easy, there are a lot of difficulties and problems. As a result, difficulties and all sorts of troubles will be attracted to him. The Universe will help ensure that this person's life is filled with what he believes in.

What is the human subconscious?

Consciousness consists of two large groups of chakras - the controlling part of consciousness and the realizing part. The controlling part of consciousness (intellect, spiritual, ajna) is intended to carry out conscious processes of thinking, perception and control.

Implementation part- this is the human subconscious, designed to carry out automatic, unconscious processes occurring in a person’s consciousness, in his energy and body. But in addition to the subconscious, the realizing part also includes the Superconscious and general consciousness, which is represented in a person by two chakras (the 13th world chakra and the Essence chakra).

Structure of the subconscious

The subconscious is the five corresponding chakras located along the spinal column:

  • Muladhara,
  • Svadhisthana,
  • Manipura,
  • Anahata,
  • Vishuddha.

The subconscious is primarily intended to carry out commands from the control part (head chakras) and carry out automatic processes of perception, thinking, control of energy systems and processes in the body.

The impact of cognition on a person

It is characterized by receiving a ready-made answer (intuition, reflex, etc.) in the form of thoughts, images, sensations (emotions, automatic reactions). It is the subconscious that is the accumulator and bearer of all the experience of the human Soul, accumulated over all incarnations on Earth.

That is, knowledge, qualities, feelings and sensations, talents and abilities ever discovered and developed by a person in his distant and near past are hidden in the subconscious.

How does the power of the subconscious work?

The subconscious controls all aspects of a person’s life. It is responsible for his health, gives him social status, personal life, family, education, work.

How does this happen?
The universe lives and develops according to the laws to which human life is subject. But man does not live according to the dictates of the Cosmos. He sets the rules of his life himself. Thanks to the subconscious, a person’s real life is adjusted to his inner beliefs.

There is a force in a person’s subconscious that is capable of attracting everything that is consistent with his inner world. If a person has certain beliefs regarding any area of ​​life, the subconscious attracts events and phenomena into his life that correspond to these beliefs.

If a person talks about illnesses and misfortunes, he receives them again in even greater quantities. For example, if he claims that money is not easy to earn, his work turns into daily hard labor. From time to time people try to improve their lives, but change does not come. Therefore, the causes of all diseases that people suffer from are, as a rule, hidden precisely in the subconscious. Because it is there that those mistakes are found for which a person receives negative effects on the body and fate in the form of certain diseases.

It is impossible to change external circumstances if internal ones are not affected. Only by changing his subconscious will a person receive new life from the universe. First you need to believe in the possibility of change, form new beliefs.

The subconscious can help us fulfill any desires; it can also tell us how to achieve this or that goal - we just need to understand what it is telling us.

After identifying old negative beliefs, you need to fill your subconscious with the exact opposite thoughts - positive ones. Having understood the principle of operation of the subconscious, you can use its power to benefit a specific person. The source of well-being is within oneself. If you show persistence, perseverance and consistency, your quality of life will gradually change. Realizing this, you can build a new, better world.

The subconscious mind stores not only everything good (positive potential), but also everything bad that a person has ever done and experienced: accumulated sins, errors in knowledge, negative qualities and emotions (accumulated and unresolved grievances, fears, anger, envy , pride and other negative emotions).

It is in the subconscious that all the millions of mistakes and stupidities that a person has made in all his previous lives and did not correct them (did not realize the mistakes and did not atone for sins) are stored.

The language of the subconscious is expressed in feelings, emotions, and therefore you need to treat your emotions very carefully, especially if we are talking about inexplicable feelings. Another little secret for working with the subconscious is that it does not hear the word “no”.

So, for example, you shouldn’t formulate your desires in the style of “I don’t want to be shy, I don’t want to be afraid.” It is necessary to reformulate these desires so as to exclude the negative particle - “I am relaxed, I am brave.” And do not forget that the desire must be formulated in the same way as if it had already happened. Remember that for the subconscious there is only one time - the present.

It is also worth noting that another version of the language of communication of the subconscious with us is our dreams. In a dream, the subconscious advises us, prompts, points out our mistakes. But you need to be able to interpret these signs and messages correctly. Let the subconscious become your assistant - do not hesitate to turn to it for help and advice. You just need to find the key to the secrets of the subconscious, understand the language of the subconscious, and your life will radically change for the better.

Actually, spiritual development and purification largely involves identifying and eliminating problems of the subconscious: rewriting negative programs, replacing them with positive ones, eliminating energy blocks, negative emotions and qualities (pride, fears, deceit, greed, resentment, anger, etc.). etc.) and the formation of the necessary positive ones (self-esteem, fearlessness, goodwill, sincerity, etc.), this also involves the removal of karmic punishments and impacts associated with relevant problems.

The book The Subconscious Can Do Everything talks about a number of principles that can change the life of any person, filling it with success and happiness. Using huge reserves hidden in the subconscious allows you to solve the most difficult problems of everyday life, when logic is powerless. The book The Subconscious Can Do Anything is a must-read for everyone who wants to live a fulfilling life.

John Kehoe - About the author

John Kehoe is a Canadian author and personal growth coach. First, John Kehoe went into the forest and stayed there for several years, eating what he found around. During this time, John Kehoe proved that he was able to survive in any conditions. In solitude, John Kehoe meditated and sought revelation in the surrounding nature. John Kehoe's task was to study the functioning of the brain and the possibilities of fully using its potential away from the bustle of the city and social patterns. The result of these studies was his “Mind Power” program. Since 1978, he began to travel and spread his ideas around the world. His book “The Power of Mind” became a worldwide bestseller and has been translated into many languages. In addition to her, John also wrote 4 more books

In 1978, John Kehoe returned to civilized life and proposed his self-development program. Already in 1980, the lectures given by John Kehoe were a huge success. And this is not surprising!

The Subconscious Can Do Anything - Book Review

The book Subconscious Can Do Everything includes exciting stories told by Arnold Schwarzenegger, Hillary Clinton and Bill Gates.

Chapter 1. A different view of reality.

In this chapter, the author talks about the view of modern physics on the Universe as a limitless indivisible network of dynamic activities. Today scientists confirm that we (people) are not separate elements, but part of a single whole of the Universe. There is also a theory of the holographic effect, which says that the Universe is a giant hologram.

The interaction of consciousness and the material world no longer seems like something fantastic today: consciousness is energy in its subtlest and most dynamic form.

There are many things in the world, friend Garatio, that our sages never dreamed of.

Chapter 2. Consciousness.

By perceiving your thoughts as a reality that exists alongside what we call “material reality,” you come closer to understanding the unique relationship between the two. According to the author, we live simultaneously in two worlds, two realities: the internal reality of our thoughts, feelings and views and the external reality where people, places, things and events exist. Unable to separate these worlds, we allow the external world to dominate our lives, assigning the internal only the role of a “mirror”, reflecting everything that happens to us. Inner consciousness is a powerful force whose influence is felt in every aspect of our lives.

The first step to starting a new life is surprisingly simple: you just need to monitor the flow of your thoughts and direct them accordingly. Have you already decided what you want from life? Health? then develop health consciousness. Authorities? Develop a consciousness of power. Material well-being? Develop a consciousness of prosperity. And so on.

It is the brain that creates the reality around you. You may or may not agree with this. You can realize this and force your brain to work for you, or you can let everything take its course, allowing your brain to work in such a way that you will constantly be haunted by failures. But the reality you live in will always be created by your brain.

Chapter 3. Visualization, or mental representation.

What makes a person a winner? How do successful people differ from unsuccessful people? “It’s all in my head,” says Arnold Schwarzenegger.

The author of the book The Subconscious Can Do Anything, John Kehoe, describes the following secrets of successful visualization:

1. Decide what you want to achieve: pass an exam, get a promotion, meet someone, earn a lot of money.

2. Relax. Take a break from your work for a few minutes and take a breath, resting your body and soul.

3. Within five to ten minutes, mentally imagine the desired reality.

Two conditions for successful visualization:

1. Always imagine your goals as if they were all happening to you right now. In your mind, make it a reality. Create detailed images. Enter the role and play it mentally.

2. Visualize your goal at least once a day, without missing a day. Repetition is the mother of learning.

Any thought that arises in your brain and takes hold there will have an impact on your life.

Chapter 4. Bookmarking thoughts.

If visualization is like creating your own video, then bookmarking a thought is like voicing it, but instead of words, you add corresponding feelings to the image. Unlike visualization, when bookmarking you first of all concentrate on the feeling of what is being presented. You shouldn’t spend a lot of time on pictures; you need to first of all concentrate on the sensations of what you have achieved.

Two conditions for successful application of the thought bookmarking method

1. Always use this technique with the idea that you have what you want or have achieved what you are striving for.

2. Do this regularly, literally every day, for at least five minutes. It is much better to do this technique for five minutes every day than for an hour once a week.

Chapter 5. Statement.

The possibilities of mental training are endless, and its results are eternal, but still very few people bother to direct their thoughts in the necessary direction that would bring them success; usually everything goes on its own

Brice Marden

An affirmation is a simple statement that a person repeats out loud or silently, depending on the circumstances. You can do this anywhere: while driving a car, in a doctor's office, in bed before going to bed.

What to keep in mind when making your claim

1. You don’t have to believe what you claim! If you believe what you claim, well, great! If you don’t believe me, there’s nothing scary about it! The brain itself chooses the content of your statement, and the thoughts necessary in the given situation will arise in consciousness

2. Affirmation should always be positive! Frame it as an affirmative rather than a negative sentence.

3. The statement should be brief. Sometimes even two words can have an amazing effect!

Chapter 6. Awareness.

Many people tend to see their own failures and shortcomings rather than recognize their achievements and successes. Try to realize your success, make the longest possible list of your advantages, it should contain at least twenty points.

Recognize, acknowledge and acknowledge your strengths again.

Chapter 7. Subconscious.

Hidden in your subconscious is the power that can change the world.

William James

The subconscious often helps a person by guiding his activities. Through intuition, dreams, sensations and premonitions, it tells us the necessary ideas and solutions.

The Universe miraculously helps us, but we accept only a tiny part of its help. Once you understand the laws of your life and how they work for you, you will begin to accept them with pleasure. Remember, your subconscious can do anything!

Chapter 8. Intuition.

Below are three steps that will help you awaken your intuition naturally and effortlessly:

Take a few minutes to think that you do have a powerful subconscious mind, that there are absolutely correct answers and solutions, and that your subconscious mind will find it for you. The consciousness should be constantly reminded of the existence of such a powerful assistant as the subconscious.

Clearly formulate what you want from your subconscious: what answers, solutions, and views on the problem you want to receive from it. Repeat to yourself at least ten times to feel that the process has been completed.

Relax and fill your brain with confidence that the correct answer will be revealed to you.

Completing all three steps takes no more than five minutes.

Chapter 9. Dreams

Dreams will show you where you are and where you are going. They will reveal your destiny to you

In this chapter, John Kehoe talks about how to program your brain to sleep.

1. Tell your brain before going to bed: “Today I will have dreams, and I will remember them.” Repeat this to yourself about twenty times.

2. Place a piece of paper and a pencil next to your bed. Prepare to accept dreams.

3. When you wake up, do not jump out of bed at the moment when consciousness slowly returns to you. Try to restore your sleep bit by bit.

Chapter 10. Reality

What is happening in your life at the present moment is not just an accident, but the result of the work of your consciousness in the past. In the book The Subconscious Can Do Anything, John Kehoe recommends

1. Always be aware of what you are thinking. Today's thoughts create your future.

2. Change your attitude towards any troubles in life. Become aware of all adversities and fight them with the power of your brain

3. Determine for yourself a daily “creation period”, free from everyday worries. This is the time when you will get a boost of energy

Chapter 11. Concentration and reflection.

According to John Kehoe, concentration does not require matchmaking efforts, but practice. It is a skill that can be learned and developed. Reflection, according to Kehoe, is the only technique most suitable for developing concentration skills. You can reflect on what inspires you or what you want to understand more deeply.

Chapter 12. Views and their roots.

There is no area in our life in which a person does not have certain views and beliefs, many of which are developed in early childhood. What you believe is what you get. Try to choose your beliefs wisely

Any new belief takes time and attention to take root and flourish.

Chapter 13. Self-esteem

Something we hide will create insecurity in us until we admit that this something is ourselves.

Robert Frost

Our self-esteem consists of a mental representation of all the concepts formed over the years. Try to take yourself seriously. The way you think about yourself is the way you will become. Love yourself!

Chapter 14. Creative inclinations.

In the book, the subconscious can do anything, John Kehoe identifies six creative strategies for improving your life.

1. Be an explorer. The researcher constantly tries new, unexplored ways to solve ordinary problems. The researcher avoids well-trodden paths.

2. Ask questions. Ask about everything! It's a stupid question that wasn't asked.

3. Have a bunch of ideas. The best way to give birth to a good thought is to give birth to many thoughts

4. Break the rules - break habits. A creative approach often involves breaking old stereotypes and creating new ones.

5. Let your imagination do the work.

6. Fill the well. This means that you must take care of yourself, learn to count your strengths and consciously replenish your resources.

Chapter 15. No problems, only opportunities.

Once a person believes in his own abilities and begins to look for the opportunities that exist in every situation, the acquisition of knowledge is simply amazing. Nothing happens by chance. We are part of the universe, which always sends us certain signs and signals in the form of problems. Try to understand the problem and turn it into an opportunity!

Chapter 16. Heal yourself.

The mind is the best healer


Our body is a wonderful self-healing mechanism designed to monitor everything that happens to it. Our body is a self-healing mechanism.

Spend a few minutes every day basking in thoughts of your own health and strength. Send these thoughts to the blood system, to the tissues, cells. Imagine how the energy spreads throughout your body. Explore your body like a magical healing mechanism.

Chapter 17. Consciousness of a successful person.

Anyone who dreams of financial independence must develop the consciousness of a successful person. It is a state of mind that is suitably attuned and open, allowing one to expect and see success and opportunity everywhere. The book The Subconscious Can Do Everything lists five steps you need to take to develop the mindset of a successful person:

Step 1: Develop your belief in success.

This World is full of riches. Life brings joy and pleasure. Every aspect of my life contains an unlimited number of possibilities. My success depends only on myself.

Step 2: Seek and find abundance in the present.

You are surrounded by abundance and all you have to do is open your eyes

Step 3: Be confident that success is everywhere

Step 4: Listen to tapes and read self-help books, become a member of a group or organization whose goal is to achieve success.

Step 5: Constantly associate yourself with successful people, both real and imagined.

Chapter 18. Our relationship.

Personal relationships are as important as the air we breathe. Changing relationships means changing yourself. In this chapter, the author explains how to attract the treatment you deserve, how to attract business contacts, and how to attract your spouse.

Chapter 19. Train hard and the results can exceed all expectations.

Train your mind. Only a clear idea of ​​what we can do and what we can become stimulates us to regularly work to create a new reality.

Who is this book for?

John Kehoe's book, the subconscious can do anything, deserves the attention of any person! The time it takes to read the book will be about 2-2.5 hours, and the result can turn your mind around and put you on the right path of development!

The subconscious is a very multifaceted concept. A person performs many actions unconsciously. And if you learn to manage this unconscious, as well as influence the unconscious of other people, you can qualitatively change your life for the better.

Let's talk about the difference between consciousness and subconscious, as well as ways to control your subconscious.

This term was first used by Freud. In his understanding, the subconscious is the unconscious of a person. These are all actions, instincts of a person that he does not control - they are performed automatically, outside the mind.

The subconscious is an incredibly broad concept that can be studied forever. Philosophers, psychologists, psychiatrists, even lawyers and art critics talk about it in their works. It is on the manipulation of the unconscious that popular trainings on pickup, NLP, sales techniques and others are based.

A person manifests his subconscious in four aspects:

  1. Inspiration, intuition, creative insight: all these phenomena are the result of the work of the unconscious. They cannot be provoked by the brain, but they can be caused if you know how to influence your own subconscious
  2. Instinctive behavior, a pattern of action in frequently repeated situations. For example, if you accidentally touch a hot stove, you will immediately withdraw your hand. It will happen unconsciously - you don't think before you do it. If you meet someone you know, you will automatically say hello - this is also thanks to the work of the subconscious, which you do not control
  3. Perception and storage of information. Over the course of your life, you gain a huge amount of knowledge, most of which you don’t use and therefore “forget.” But in fact, all information remains recorded in the subcortex of the brain; it can suddenly appear in a stressful situation
  4. Motives of behavior that force one to act contrary to public opinion and one’s own principles. For example, a certain girl grew up in a single-parent family, and then unconsciously repeats this model in her own relationships - gives birth to a child out of wedlock, becomes a single mother

It is important to understand the difference: consciousness is something that you can control, think about. The subconscious is beyond control. But you can learn this control, narrow the scope of the unconscious beyond your control, and achieve a high degree of awareness.

This is not an easy job and requires a lot of time. But it’s worth it - by understanding the secrets of the subconscious, you qualitatively change your life and learn to achieve what you never dared to dream of before.

How is the subconscious formed?

To understand where to start working with the subconscious, you need to know where to start. There are many programs that are embedded in your brain throughout your life, forcing you to act in one way or another.

Your mind is programmed in several ways:

  • Parents, educators, teachers. The programs that these people lay down are literally cemented in the subconscious, and it is usually difficult to change them. Therefore, it is difficult to get rid of complexes, clamps and attitudes instilled in childhood. Only a competent psychologist should work with this part of the unconscious.
  • Media. Every day we see a lot of images on TV screens, on the Internet, and in magazines. This shapes the unconscious very subtly. The media in general is a very powerful way to quietly control a large number of people, putting the necessary attitudes in them. If you learn to filter information coming from the media, you will be incredibly surprised, you will begin to notice important little things that you did not attach importance to before.
  • Friends, constantly surrounded by people, company. They also put many attitudes into the human subconscious. For example, many who fell into “bad company” as teenagers begin to smoke, abuse alcohol, and break the law. Growing up, they do this unconsciously, thinking that they really want it
  • Established skills and habits. If you repeat a certain action many times, it is programmed in the subconscious and becomes a skill brought to automatism. The simplest example is that you are learning to ski. First you fall, stumble, first you think, and then you place your feet in the right way, brake, accelerate. At first, you have to mentally repeat the necessary actions. Time passes, after a lot of training, skating happens by itself - the brain is no longer involved, because the unconscious has turned on
  • External manipulation. There are many techniques that allow you to “turn on” the unconscious of another person and force him to act in his own interests. This is “breaking the pattern”, and “mirroring”, and provoking emotions - playing on fears and complexes

Watch the video that reveals the secrets of the human subconscious:

How to influence a person's subconscious?

The power of your subconscious is great, and its possibilities are almost limitless. Therefore, a person with a high degree of awareness, who is able to control his unconscious and influence the unconscious of others, is practically omnipotent.

There are a great many exercises, techniques, methods and trainings aimed at working with the subconscious - not even a book is enough to tell about them all. But we will share a few very popular and effective ones.

Getting rid of fears

This is a very simple exercise. But only at first glance, because fighting your own fears is the most difficult thing that exists. After all, fear is the strongest human emotion that controls everything.

What to do? Write down a list of what you're afraid of and then do it. Better several times. After a couple of repetitions, there will be no trace of fear left, and you will acquire a new skill.

Important: the exercises may seem absurd, strange, wild to you, and you will not have the desire to do them. This is normal - but if you want to become the best version of yourself, get out of your comfort zone and take action.

For example:

  • If you're afraid of heights, try skydiving
  • If you are afraid of the judgment of others, go out into a crowded place, stand on a bench and start reciting poetry loudly
  • If you are afraid of getting rejected by a girl, go up and try to meet 20 girls within an hour


The power of self-hypnosis is extremely great. Nowadays it is fashionable to use affirmations, to send “requests to the Universe” - it really works and helps to achieve the desired goals.

One way to get what you want is through affirmations. They represent a kind of text that contains your desire. But there are a few rules:

  • Do not use the particle “not”: instead of “I want not to get sick” - “I want to be healthy”
  • Speak in the present tense as if the wish has already been fulfilled: not “I want a red convertible”, but “I have a red convertible”
  • Concretize the desire so that it does not come from an unexpected source: not “I got rich” (it may turn out, for example, that your relative dies and leaves an inheritance), but “I got rich, and everyone benefited from this, everyone is happy and healthy.”

Practice, try to write phrases correctly, gradually you will learn to write your request correctly. And try to believe that affirmations work - otherwise they will be useless

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