How the inner voice speaks to us. What does your inner voice tell you? Automatic actions as signs

Good afternoon, Svetlana Evgenievna,
My name is Peter, but I don’t want my name to appear somewhere on the site.
I am a visitor to your website. I first came across it when I could no longer put up with my inner voice, which was tormenting me greatly, and in search of at least some help I began to wander around the sites and came across this site, read a couple of articles, and found them very useful. He began to use something, for a while the inner voice died down, but then again, even I would say with even stronger absurdity, he began to drill into my head, giving me absolutely some absurd arguments that I was already giving in to him.
For example, he (a vile inner voice, just vile, because for some reason it only hurts me, refutes everything that is useful for me, calls everything into question terribly simply... I would like it, of course, on the contrary, to somehow help me), let’s say I start repeating affirmations (but he doesn’t let me, I can practically hear him saying - HOW DO YOU KNOW? This phrase arises in response to all my positive thoughts and it doesn’t allow me to think the way I want.. Let’s say - I’m charming , I am self-confident, I make a favorable impression on people, Nothing can happen to me, and then a voice immediately enters HOW DO YOU KNOW??? and so on, the voice is a bitch, the creature is silent for some reason, but as soon as I start talking about the positive, then the denials begin... I get angry..
And it can also give such arguments - YOU CAN’T CHECK THIS or (if I tell myself I will do everything that doctors and everyone say (doctors, that is, Psychologists), but then the second phrase YOU ARE A FOOL MEANS, SINCE YOU WILL STUPIDLY FOLLOW SUCH RECOMMENDATIONS, MAYBE IT’S ALL A LIE, IT MEANS YOU’RE A FOOL! But if I actually tried some psychologists’ techniques in my own skin and everything worked out, then immediately the voice in my head IT’S ALL AN ILLUSION!
But if I just think about something bad, then the voice is gone...
They say that you need to think about something pleasant if a dialogue arises or switch attention to something else (get busy), but if you do this, it means I’m retreating and not fighting, that is, I’m not thinking positively (since the voice is there), that is I don’t try to convince myself of the positive (since there is a voice), I don’t pray to God (since there is also a voice) and so on, I retreat from everything trying to distract myself, but I want to defeat it and think about the positive, and not switch and ban myself think about the positive, there’s some kind of dead end here..
Please give me some good advice to help.
Thank you in advance.

Hello! We all talk to ourselves i.e. It is normal to have internal dialogue and doubt human nature. Doubts help in uncertain situations from hasty actions. At some stage you need to thank them - let them go - thank you, you put everything in order, now I will act on my own. This method helps people who doubt. Affirmations are also usually effective. But you say you work hard on yourself - it helps for a while and then it gets worse. If it is difficult to help yourself, you need to consult a psychologist. In this mode, you and I do not have the opportunity to discuss how long the voice has been heard, at what age, whether it interferes with work, how able to work at this moment, after what events it arose. The psychologist will talk to you about your childhood, most likely it will take some time to understand the reasons for what is happening. I want to tell you that fighting with yourself is not the path you should take. Is it really easy to live in a state of struggle? No, it's very difficult. You need to love yourself - even with shortcomings, make friends with yourself, because we are friends with others, but we fight with ourselves. Write a list - why do you dislike yourself so much, why do you punish yourself like that? Think about whether this deserves such punishment; even then they return from prison! Forgive yourself for offending and torturing yourself for so long. Now write a list of why you love yourself and why others love and appreciate you. It is indeed easier for a person to imagine a sad outcome of events than a brilliant and excellent one. A very good book, maybe you have read it, Lilian Tu “internal feng shui”, helps to make the mind calm. - and this is a link to the article of this site “When I fell in love with myself” by N.V. Leonova. Charlie Chaplin's poems about relationships with yourself. This is the right way. All the best to you.

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Intuition in psychology means the sixth sense, the inner voice of a person, helping and telling him how to respond or act. It is a premonition and prediction of the future that cannot be rationally explained. This is also how it differs from logic. It is difficult to imagine at least one person who has not experienced the power of intuition. It is present in every person from birth.

Intuition and logic

There are two contemplations of reality: intuitive and logical. They constantly fight with each other: logic is suppressed by intuition and often does not trust it, and intuition is rejected by logic. If they work together, they will stop fighting. The meaning of intuitive work is the generalization of information that we collect from the internal and external world. It can process an infinite amount of information over a period of time and then produce decisions that do not require confirmation. This is expressed in a person’s faith, and we understand what needs to be done and how to act and we feel that this is the right and correct decision.

When logic operates, it tests the conclusion of intuition and, if there is no result, it often rejects the solution recommended by intuition. In thinking, intuition is seen as a strategist, logic as a tactician. The main line is set by intuition, and the time and method of action of this is decided by logic. The operational achievement of a result is considered to be the interaction of a generalizing factor (intuition) with a linear factor of thinking (logic).

Both positive and negative information are important for the inner voice. From it she highlights positive moments that lead to the best outcome. Do not interfere with her work with judgment. Take a break and see what's going on. Watch for signs, symbols, images and pictures.

Each sign and image is of considerable importance for the decision. They cannot be deciphered using a logical method. In short, intuition is a powerful and impressive “tool” to use. You just need to learn how to use it.

So how do you listen to your intuition?

Reproduce the “inner child”

From childhood we were taught how to live fairly and correctly: study well, find a job, build a personal life. But everyone understands the word “right” differently. This also needs to be taught. There is a child inside a person who is afraid to say anything. The main thing is to remember about this kid who wants something unrealistic and let it come out. He will say what he wants. If it is impossible to bring it into the light through meditation, contact psychotherapists who can awaken the people responsible for the creative process.

Learn relaxation

Know how to enter into yourself, be silent for one day and listen to your inner self. Stay alone with yourself and develop this ability. A large number of people cannot imagine life without a television, the sound effects of a radio, or a tape recorder. But it is difficult to break through these obstacles, so the sixth sense becomes silent and does not have time to convey to you what you want. Take a break from everything, lie down in silence for a while, get everything out of your head and accept the truth by conducting an internal dialogue with yourself.

Learn the method of concentration

This method is a continuation of relaxation. Take the same position you took when relaxing and inhale and exhale deeply. Turn off your thoughts and concentrate on your breathing, watch it and do not be distracted by outside voices.


You can switch to meditation after mastering relaxation and concentration exercises. Take the same position as during relaxation. Next, breathe deeply for several minutes, concentrate on breathing for so long until your thoughts provide space in silence. Breathe deeply. Breathing should be quiet and calm. Listen to your inner voice. Do this exercise every day until you listen to yourself without using these methods.

Dismantle dreams

If meditation is out of reach, go to the subconscious. It also tries to bring our intuition to us. By explaining dreams, it will be easier to understand what is going on in the subconscious. You don't have to read dream books. The main thing is to understand what dream images mean to you. It often happens that dreams are not remembered. Therefore, put a pen with a piece of paper next to your pillow, and as soon as you wake up, write down what you saw in your own reality.

Keep a diary

Observe your feelings and keep a journal. Thus, you will understand what makes a person prosperous, happy, successful, prosperous. Don’t write in it all day every second, write down only what gave rise to positive and negative feelings within 24 hours. This makes it possible to better understand oneself, change one’s mood, and feel one’s inner self. Then, perhaps, one’s perception of the world will change.

Love yourself

The main and fundamental property is adequacy in relation to oneself. Say nice words to yourself, accept compliments with gratitude and don’t refuse or make excuses for them. Self-criticism is a major factor. But everything is fine within reason. Praise yourself, even for the smallest things. Trust yourself, accept thoughts and emotions, even if they do not seem so logical. You live only once, so live more correctly for you, and not for others.

Listen to your body

Everyone knows that people with limiting gifts have enhanced intuition. Don't use your dominant hand for a few days. If you are left-handed, do everything with your right hand and vice versa. Close your eyes and sit in silence to listen to your inner voice.

Intuition training and its development

Intuitive thinking is trained and developed through special exercises. To do this you need:

  • focus attention on a specific issue;
  • listen to the first feelings that arise inside you;
  • deal with the created sensations and feelings and follow the accepted messages.

Develop intuition by working with cards or other objects that are distinguished through your inner instinct. Do these exercises for 20 minutes a day and gradually increase the time.

It is necessary to often listen to yourself and distinguish between the thoughts swarming in your head from your inner voice. Transfer all your concentration and attentiveness to emotions and sensations. If you feel that the solution to a question is incorrect, but you feel it is logical, accept it and observe it. If you are unhappy with the result, do not be sad or disappointed, because over time your intuition will give you more accurate instructions.

When appropriate, deviate from pre-conceived plans or use cards in an unfamiliar location.

People often have a fear of missing out. This fear will close the channel of connection with intuition. To do this, you cannot set yourself difficult tasks. Do not use this method for accepting and solving important tasks and problems that relate to property and finances.

Developing concentration will help you learn to choose the inner voice among the many voices heard in your head. Using meditation, martial arts, physical exercise, solving puzzles or riddles, you will get results and achieve their stability. Practice systematically.

Every person's intuition is different. He tells the truth to some and lies to others. Check your intuition and find out when to trust it and when to be cautious. Test it when watching movies and predict how an object seen at the beginning of the film will affect its script. You can do this with friends and compare your inner voice with the intuition of others.

Listen to your inner voice in real life. Predict the actions of acquaintances, friends, relatives, colleagues. When talking with old comrades, guess how the story will end. This way you can test the presence of intuition and develop it.

Let your intuition, together with your subtle sense, not let you down. Feel positive things, and when you do, do something to improve the situation. Develop your sixth sense and use it to accomplish noble and good deeds. Use useful advice from psychologists. We wish you good luck in your business! Health, happiness, prosperity to friends and relatives. Give many happy days to your loved ones. Your intuition will be your assistant.

February 15, 2014

We have two voices: with one we talk to people, and this is our external voice, the other voice that sounds inside us and this is our internal voice is doing its job - it ceases to belong to you, you even speak within yourself in cliches, in the voices of other people, sometimes these are not even familiar characters, people from films or television.

Answer the following questions:

1. What is the tone of your inner voice? If you analyze what you hear over time, then what percentage of time do you hear a critical, disapproving, harsh voice? What percentage of the time do you hear an approving, supportive voice that helps you get things done?

2. Compare the result. See what you hear in your head most of the time? Love and support or denial and ridicule? Translating it into numbers and measuring it as a percentage will help you quickly determine which voice within you you are dealing with.

3. Listen to the sayings within you. Is this voice yours or does it sound like the voice of someone important to you? Listen to the tone and manner of speaking. Who, if not you, could this voice belong to?

4. What do you really want to hear inside yourself? What tone of voice and what content would you like to listen to? Imagine being the inner “voice” of your children – what would you like them to hear from your inner voice?

5. You have already completed an exercise to determine your deepest value. Think about how your inner voice matches your core value? Measure the percentage coincidence of your value with your inner voice? Do you think your inner voice guides you through life in accordance with your deepest value or, on the contrary, leads you away from the things that matter to you? Where is your inner voice leading you? Do you like the route in life you are moving?

After doing this homework, look at the answers you received. Summarize the analysis - to what extent your inner voice still belongs to you. This is very important, since each of us has both internal and external voices with which we tell ourselves stories about who we are. The more often we hear a voice inside ourselves that tells us, for example, that you are not a very good wife or mother, the deeper these stories penetrate into your subconscious. By paying attention to the never-ending internal conversation, you begin to determine for yourself what you want to listen to and what kind of person you will be. Suggestions from constantly repeated dialogue can either be destructive to you or lead you to your goals and to the life you want to live.

But few women pay attention to the quality of the thoughts running through their heads. Because your inner voice tells you your story all the time, you are rarely even aware that you are being “told” something that then has a huge impact on your entire life. All these stories give you an image of who you are. Simply put, we regularly, day after day, practice self-hypnosis.

Perhaps everyone knows what a person’s inner voice is. Many people think that this is something hidden, true, the voice of the subconscious, which certainly knows what we need and what is best for us. Meanwhile, if a person’s inner voice says something bad, it does not necessarily have to be the ultimate truth. So what should you do when your inner voice speaks—listen to it or not?

Voice in our head

Let's say you decide to ask your boss for a promotion. You are almost ready for a heated argument, but suddenly you hear a voice somewhere in your own head: “Better sit quietly and keep a low profile, otherwise you will be thrown out of work altogether.” Or, let’s say, you came up with the idea of ​​enrolling in a painting course for amateurs. You thought that such activities could be a good rest and add variety to your dull life. But your inner voice whispers: “Why do you need this at this age, you’ll only embarrass yourself, you don’t have a drop of talent.” Your enthusiasm immediately bursts like a soap bubble...

Is this a familiar situation? Probably everyone has encountered something similar. They say that when someone hears voices, they should immediately see a psychiatrist. But we will not be talking about such a phenomenon at all. Our inner voice is our inner critic, which acts as an effective brake system. Its task is to extinguish enthusiasm, destroy self-confidence, and strive to pull us down by our feet. At the same time, he is very inventive in coming up with excuses and always finds some reasons for inaction.

If the inner voice says nasty things, and we allow it to control our life, then we will live it colorlessly, we will not try anything new, because we will be paralyzed by fear and doubt. In 99% of cases, it stops us in our tracks, and, as you know, whoever does not move forward moves backward.

Inner voice = intuition?

We tend to overestimate the importance of internal monologues or dialogues with ourselves because we often mistake them for our real self, signals from the subconscious, intuition. For some people, glimpses of intuition really only happen in the form of voices. They say they clearly hear something in their head. How to distinguish this help from the cosmos, the Universe, from the internal brake?

In fact, it is very simple: glimpses of real intuition never criticize, do not engage you in controversy, and do not explain anything. The task of intuition is to protect us, so the “messages” from it will be short and simple: “don’t go there,” “go down another street,” “call home,” and so on. You don't hear in your head that you don't need to go somewhere because you won't cope with something or you'll get lost. Intuition does not say: “Don’t go there because you are in danger.” And the inner critic has only one goal - to weaken us morally and turn us into its victim. Therefore, it is worth getting rid of it or at least learning to control it.

How to stop the war between your ears?

Many people find themselves having more than one voice. And this is not at all a reason to feel crazy or to slip into depression because of internal monologues. This phenomenon needs to be dealt with somehow just because it blocks the realization of dreams.

  1. The first step to victory is to look at yourself from a distance, as an observer, and to change your perspective. Believe that you are not a toy, not a pawn in the hands of the cosmos or the world, you are, if not the only, then one of the main reasons for your own actions. When the inner voice once again begins to say bad things, what should you do? Ask yourself where this came from. Tell yourself that it is your inner voice, not yourself, and believe it with all your heart.
  2. Step two is to learn to allow yourself weaknesses, to openly admit that something went wrong or was done incorrectly. This gives a person enormous freedom, because he no longer has to hide his own weaknesses to himself and the world. Every person has a light and a dark side, an angel and a devil, a hero and a villain. The only question is who will win in a particular situation.

When your inner voice begins to whisper that you won’t succeed, that you don’t know how to do anything, energetically stop yourself and say “stop.” Don’t let yourself be drawn into this game of thoughts and mind, distract yourself with something from them.

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Those who hear “voices in their heads” do not understand that they belong to themselves. Another thing is what we hear when reading to ourselves. To answer this question, psychologist Ruvanee Vilhauer from New York University (USA) conducted a study summarizing and analyzing the experiences of people who “hear” their own inner voice while reading.

Vilhauer used user responses on the largest English-language question and answer site, Yahoo! Answers (At the end of 2009, the site had 200 million users and more than a billion questions and answers). She was able to find 24 questions on this topic posted on the site from 2006 to 2014, and 136 answers in which site visitors described their inner feelings while reading.

The majority of users (82%) stated that when reading to themselves, they “hear” a voice in their head, another 10% did not hear such a voice; from the remaining answers it was impossible to clearly understand what the person felt during the reading process.

Of those who heard an inner voice while reading, 13% did not always hear it, but only in some situations (which could depend on various factors, including the degree of their interest in the text), and about half of them always heard the same voice, for the rest it “sounded” differently at different times. In this case, for example, the speech of different people in the text could be “voiced” in different voices, or the content of an SMS message or email could be “voiced” in the voice of its sender. According to several users, the same inner voice was “responsible” for their reading as for ordinary thoughts. Those who always heard the same voice usually believed that it was their own ordinary voice, which, however, could differ in timbre or tone.

Almost all site users who heard the voice while reading stated that it had some sound characteristics - volume, timbre, accent, and so on. The degree of control over the voice varied - some found it distracting or even frightening, while others could easily change it through an effort of will.

It is noteworthy that for most of those who left comments, their personal experiences seemed to be universal for everyone. For example, some commentators were sure that everyone heard a voice in their head while reading, while others might even consider this a sign of some kind of mental disorder.

For more details, see R. Vilhauer “Inner reading voices: An overlooked form of inner speech,” Psychosis: Psychological, Social and Integrative Approaches, 2016, vol. 8, no. 1.

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