How to pass a test in a technical school. What is a session, and should you be afraid of it? Attitude to the educational process

Are you dreading your first session because you don't know what to expect? This article will tell you in detail whether it is difficult to pass the test and whether it is possible to do it if you are not ready for it.

This article is intended for persons over 18 years of age

Have you already turned 18?

What is a session and how to take it?

For those who are interested in what a session is, it would be easier to answer that it is a period of time (usually about a month) during which students take exams. They go on schedule with an interval of several days or even a week. In full-time and part-time studies, the time may be different; some take the exam immediately, then others, although it also happens that everyone takes it at the same time.

How many subjects are there in a session? Usually this number varies from 3 to 5, no more and no less, most often there are 4 exams. It all depends on the program of your course.

Is it difficult to pass the exam if you are studying full-time or part-time? For full-time students, everything is a little more serious than for part-time students, since the latter, as a rule, are working adults. It’s easier for them both in the psychological sense and in the sense of “tuning” themselves to study. Plus, teachers are often more loyal to correspondence students, they meet halfway, help them learn the material, etc.

If you are interested in the question of whether you can leave the session ahead of schedule and how to do this, then for correspondence students everything is much simpler. To do this, you need to explain your problem to the teacher, write a statement to the dean’s office and come on the specified day. The full-time department can take exams ahead of schedule using the same technology.

Both correspondence students and diaries will have to take exams, but the demand for the latter is much greater, since they study the program directly in pairs, and the former is assigned the role of acquiring knowledge on their own, and in smaller volumes, which is easier. Therefore, the session for part-time students is much simpler and easier than for students who visit their college or university every day.

Is it difficult to pass a test at a college or university?

Already in high school, many students show a healthy interest in what awaits them at the university and often ask whether it is difficult to pass their first exam. This is a very correct approach, to be interested in such things in advance, because as they say, “informed is forearmed!” If you know what the university exam period is in advance, you will definitely have an easier time when it comes.

In order not to reassure you just like that, we note in advance that taking a test is always difficult, and not only in terms of study, but also on an emotional level, especially if this happens for the first time. For first-year students, such a session can be very difficult.

But the difficulty of exams is determined by various factors. In this matter, the main thing is not to be afraid and not to be too nervous. For many, the session is a real test, even if students prepared for the exam every single day, at the last moment they begin to doubt their abilities and end up doing poorly in the session.

As a rule, first-year students (no matter college or university) are very absent-minded and do not yet fully understand what the exam period is. At the very beginning of your studies, it is difficult not to succumb to temptation and go on a spree, because there are so many new and interesting things around. But when the time comes to submit session work, difficulties begin and a very awkward situation arises when you simply did not have time to prepare.

All these are completely natural things, and almost every student has encountered a situation where they were not partially or even completely ready for certain subjects. Of course, this should not be allowed, because in a sense, your future career depends on any session.

In any case, there always comes a moment when the session begins, and here you are plunged into thought, trying to understand whether it is difficult to pass. Some people are interested in the opportunity to simply close it, but some even intend to pass the session with excellent marks without proper preparation. But how to do this if you haven’t studied anything and haven’t prepared in any way? And anyway, is this real? It sounds implausible, but experience shows that even if you didn’t repeat anything at all, it is possible to close the session normally.

Is it possible to pass the exam without preparation?

In fact, based on the personal experience of many former students who have achieved some success and become professionals in their field, it is possible to pass the exam without preparation! But it's difficult. Here everything depends on the specifics of your future profession, the loyalty of the teachers, your personal qualities, especially with regard to stress resistance, since for the first courses the session always rhymes with the words “horror” and “nightmare”. Your mindset for success is also important.

Senior students, namely 3-4, rarely devote their entire time to studying, because most often they start working somewhere or at least part-time. This usually leads to a lack of time and missing classes. But even such guys are often determined to get the highest score on an exam for which they are not ready. And the most interesting thing is that they get it, no joke!

Well, let's summarize.

It is possible to pass the session without preparation, but on this will be influenced by the following factors:

  • your general level of understanding of the subject - if you understand the subject, and not just memorize everything, then passing everything will be much easier;
  • positive attitude - if you constantly whine that you won’t pass your exams and fail the whole session, then so be it! Therefore, tune in to the positive, even if you are not ready;
  • Try not to worry too much - don't take the session as something vital, and don't think that if you don't pass it, your life will go downhill. No, everything is much simpler, so calm down and relax.

Today, each session is most often given in the form of a test task and a short written one, where you need to answer the question, and exams where you need to answer orally are becoming less and less common, this increases your chance of getting a good grade, even if you don’t know anything. You can always try to use small cheat sheets.

Do cheat sheets help you pass the exam without preparation?

Another question that interests all first-year students: how can you successfully pass the exam without preparation using cheat sheets? You should not rely only on tips, you should always use your mind and knowledge - this will be best, but if you are in doubt and want to play it safe, then cheat sheets can help in critical situations.

Let's start with the fact that there are teachers who close their eyes and pretend not to notice how you take spurs out of your pockets and sleeves. Some even tell you in advance to prepare your cheat sheets, or even leave the room when the exam begins. It all depends on the teacher and his loyalty to the students, because there are those who, without asking any questions, kick out a student even for the slightest suspicion. And there’s already “hello, retake.” By the way, yes, you always have a chance to rehabilitate yourself and try again, but at the same time you risk losing your scholarship.

Is it difficult to pass the session: summing up the results

If you are wondering how students at a college or university pass a test, is it difficult and difficult, and is it even possible to pass it without preparation and even if you don’t know anything, then there is a simple answer to all these questions - pass the test without Having the necessary knowledge, experience and moral preparation is quite difficult, but doable. We do not consider a way to solve the problem through bribes, we are talking about surrendering through our personal efforts and perseverance.

On passing exams for excellent in full-time studies, and on is affected by the following:

  • your understanding of subjects;
  • personal qualities and ability to find a common language;
  • teachers' loyalty to you;
  • your ability to withstand stress;
  • your positive attitude.

It also doesn’t hurt to have cheat sheets, but it’s still better to learn to do without them, since the temptation to use them is very great, and there is always a risk of getting caught. Before each exam, try to find out in advance how the teacher reacts to spurs.

Remember that it is easy to pass a test well when you are prepared and also have the above qualities. The sooner you start devoting at least some time to preparing for exams, the better for you. Always find at least 10 minutes a day in your schedule to repeat some rule or formula, and you will succeed!

Learn the material and answer the examiner’s questions, that is, prepare. It's common knowledge, but it almost never works. Having successfully survived the semester, 95% of students are faced with a situation where they need to learn a mountain of tickets in just a few days. But this is also possible: use the “3-4-5” technique, find an alternative presentation of lectures, use visual memory. Prepare notes and force your body to remember as much information as possible. We’ll tell you further how to do all this.

Preparing the body and stimulating memory

Don’t rush to study the moment you receive an assignment or exam papers. Prepare your body. The more efficiently your brain works, the more energy you receive from within - the more successful your preparation will be, the more you will be able to remember and not forget in the future.

What needs to be done for the body:

  • Get enough sleep and follow a daily routine (get up and go to bed at the same time).
  • Eat right - prefer foods rich in carbohydrates and vitamins to sandwiches and snacks.
  • Relax and, if possible, alternate activities - relaxing at the computer or watching a movie is not a good idea.
  • Squeeze more energy out of your body through regular exercise or a mandatory walk.
  • Work on psychological stability, isolate yourself from anxiety and stress.

Common truths. But almost no one follows these recommendations, not realizing the importance of preparing their body for classes during the examination period. But it is precisely his unpreparedness that is the main reason for the inability to remember the simplest formulas, rules, and terms. It seems to you that you are doing everything right, but there are no results. The body simply refuses to learn. It is in your best interest to treat it with care.

Be sure to sleep 7-8 hours or as much as you need. Sleep will not take up your time, so when you are awake you will be able to master about 50% more material than when you are tired and overwhelmed.

Can't sleep because of thoughts about the exam and potential expulsion after receiving a negative grade? Take a walk, drink warm tea with honey and try to relieve yourself of the burden of responsibility - this is just a session that you definitely won’t pass if you don’t sleep.

Eat more foods rich in fiber, complex carbohydrates and vitamins. Nuts, oatmeal, other whole grains, citrus fruits and don't forget eggs. Eggs, by the way, are rich in choline, which improves memory and slows down the aging process.

Also, turmeric, a seasoning that is also included in curry, has a beneficial effect on memory. Nuts and cereals give energy, citrus fruits give vigor. Chocolate will also be beneficial. The main thing is not to overeat. Energy should go to activities, not to digesting food. Remove pies and sweets from the desktop, but you can leave tea and nuts.

Finding motivation and developing a lesson plan

It would seem that there is motivation - you definitely need to pass the test. In reality, it's just a fear of failure and being expelled. You need real motivation. Remember the “bonuses” that are due to students who successfully pass the session.

Firstly, this is a scholarship. Secondly, other incentives for excellent students. Thirdly, this feeling of freedom and a job well done is a euphoria that cannot be compared with anything else. It would be ideal if you can give yourself a gift if you successfully pass the exam - a gadget, a vacation in some unusual place, or at least a holiday with friends.

What is this all for? For the effectiveness of classes. It’s really difficult to force yourself to study every day - you can always put it off until tomorrow or simply fail due to lack of desire. Motivation is necessary so that you study, and not look at the wallpaper or chat with friends on social networks.

No one will stand over you with a stick, no one will force you to teach. You have to show the will and do it with motivation much easier than without it. Imagine that you are an athlete going for Olympic gold. The session is your little war. And you must win. And you can do this if you earn victory through work.

Developing a preparation plan for the session

A mandatory stage of preparation for classes that cannot be neglected. How to pass the session and tests with flying colors if you don’t have an action plan? A lesson plan is a plan of action. Each point in it is specific and measurable. Each part of the material has its own time period. You don’t have to chaotically search for what to learn now and what you can leave for later. Everything is structured and laid out on shelves.

How to develop a preparation plan:

  1. Organize all tests and exams by dates.
  2. Set aside time to prepare for each subject.
  3. If possible, add a reserve 12 hours to this time.
  4. Calculate your daily study time.
  5. Combine everything into a table.

At the end of the day, you should get an approximate idea of ​​the time that will need to be spent preparing for each subject, and a single schedule that must be adhered to.

Soberly assess your strength - 10 minutes is hardly enough for you to learn each ticket. It is important to multiply the time spent on mastering by 2 - these hours will be spent on repeating and consolidating the material. It is recommended to create such a schedule if you have at least 25-30 days to prepare.

Selection of optimal preparation methods

Planning. In this case, you create a schedule, calculate the number of hours needed for preparation, and put everything into a single schedule. A classic method that is highly recommended for students who suffer from a lack of discipline and/or are accustomed to undergoing preparation in a step-by-step, systematic manner. You will know that every day you need to study at least, say, 5 tickets. You will see the end goal every day - this disciplines the student and often simplifies preparation, making the process itself more transparent.

Repeat every other day. The essence of the technique is to start studying with the most complex material, gradually moving on to simpler tickets. At the same time, you need to repeat every day what you learned the day before yesterday. That is: on the first day you learn 5 tickets, on the second another 5 tickets, on the third day you learn 5 tickets and repeat the 5 tickets that you taught on the first day. It is also necessary to leave at least 2 days for secondary repetition: on the first day you need to secure the first half of the studied tickets, on the second - the second, respectively.

Three-four-five. Here it is necessary to divide the preparation into three equal parts. For example, you have 3 days before a test or exam. On the first day, you need to read the material, try to understand it, that is, prepare for a “C”. In the second - study the same tickets in more depth, understand everything and learn the subject with a “B”. In the third - repeat the same material, refresh your memory of the interpretation of terms and prepare for an “A”. This technique is ineffective for preparing for “technical” subjects and laboratory work. But for theory and humanitarian subjects it is quite suitable.

Visualization. Another quite effective method is visualization. We need to visualize not only what we cannot remember, but also the structure of the material as a whole. The method is effective if you are preparing for a maximum of two subjects at the same time. It is best if there is only one item. First, we make notes on all the material: we write (if it’s better remembered) or we mark the printout with markers. At the same time, we write down everything that is difficult to remember (dates, terms, personalities, formulas) - large and neat, so that we can hang it above the desktop later. If you have this information in front of your eyes every day, your chances of remembering it increase significantly.

Emergency measures: preparation 1-3 days in advance

How to pass the exam well if there are only 1-3 days left to prepare? In this case, it is necessary to abandon the classic preparation algorithm with scheduling and step-by-step preparation - you simply will not have time. We also give up the idea of ​​preparing at night - you must sleep at least 5-6 hours every day, otherwise the brain simply will not be able to work at 100%. How to pass the session if you don’t know anything and have very little time left:

  • Find lectures, notes, summaries.
  • Try speed reading or corner to corner reading.
  • View ready-made solutions to problems and delve into the algorithm.
  • Make a brief summary - write down the main points for each ticket.
  • Stimulate brain function with food and walks (oxygen).

We stock up on nuts, chocolate and citrus fruits (if they are not contraindicated for you), eat oatmeal in the morning and start studying.

We don’t take any sedatives, much less psychotropic drugs - it will only get worse.

If you don't have lectures and notes, try to find them on the Internet. If you only have textbooks, read quickly or from corner to corner, using the contents and subheadings as beacons. At the same time, draw up a thesis summary - usually this is 5-6 very short theses for each ticket, like an answer plan. It’s not worth studying on the last night - how to pass the session with flying colors if your brain only wants to sleep and categorically refuses to work? Therefore, get enough sleep before exams.

  1. Partial insulation . When I failed a test in my first year, I immediately realized my mistake: I had not provided enough isolation. You cannot prepare well if you are constantly distracted by conversations with friends, social networks and watching videos on YouTube. Isolate yourself from anything that steals time.
  2. Need to sleep . This is not the first time we are talking about this. Here's what researchers say: Students who get enough sleep are often able to remember 3-4 times more information than those who didn't sleep the previous night. Why torture yourself if you will still lose? Be sure to get enough sleep.
  3. Write notes . Even if you have lectures, even if the writing process itself does not help you remember information, write anyway. It’s better not detailed ones, but abstract ones - 5-7 key points from each ticket. Based on these notes, test yourself and answer in detail, repeat.
  4. Stop taking sedatives . If you are not experiencing panic attacks and sedatives are not prescribed by your doctor, do not take them. Healthy anxiety is normal. Fight it with relaxing music, walks, chocolate and belief in your own success. Sedatives can disrupt brain function.
  5. Eliminate the problem . The session is not a problem. This is a normal working process. Despite its importance, one should not make a tragedy out of what is happening. Even if you are expelled, it will only be a solvable problem. Don’t beat yourself up, don’t create tragedies in your head.
  6. Prepare your body . Eat choline-rich eggs, complex carbohydrate-rich cereals, nuts and energizing citrus fruits to nourish your brain. Walk, giving your body more oxygen. Give your body a rest with a change of activity - if you studied, then dance, chat with friends, the main thing is not to sit at the same computer.
  7. Stimulate your memory . Trust yourself and try to test yourself as often as possible by rehearsing for the exam. Answer on the tickets without peeking at notes and textbooks. Do exercises to develop memory. Make answer plans that make it easier for you to reproduce the material.
  8. Find motivation . It is this that forms the basis of discipline when preparing for the exam. Imagine how you will feel after passing the exam, what bonuses you will receive. Recognize the need to do work that can impact your future success and make it more achievable.
  9. Follow the plan . Without a competent plan, preparation is impossible. If by “study” you mean something abstract and you don’t know how much material you need to learn today, then the task becomes much more complicated. The process itself becomes chaotic, the order of preparation is lost.
  10. Give up "tricks" . Cheat sheets should only be written if it helps you remember the material better. It is not recommended to use them in the exam. Just like earphones or telephones, the likelihood that everything will go smoothly tends to zero. At the same time, anxiety can knock you down and prevent you from answering a ticket even if you have excellent knowledge.

How to pass a session in 1st year

In terms of the level of material, the student’s first session is the simplest, but emotionally the most difficult. You’ve never taken exams in this format, your teachers probably threatened you with expulsion, and you simply couldn’t wrap your head around the colossal amount of material for the semester. Hence the fear, panic, lack of action plan. How to pass 1 session in this case.

Session – there is so much in this word for the student’s soul. Here is the stress before the exam, and the fear of “failing,” and the uncertainty of choice, and the joy of learning, and the triumph of passing the test. If you think about it, a session is a very emotional time. Many are afraid of it, many are waiting for it, but there are probably no students who are indifferent to the approach of the session.

Fact: the session is a big event in student life. The end of the session is usually celebrated vigorously and cheerfully. But before you can afford it, you need to go through the sessional “circles of hell”, pass all the tests, exams and coursework. We’ll talk about how to make friends with a session, and if not make friends, then at least survive it successfully, in this article.

People tend to be afraid of everything new. That's how they are built. This is why students, especially first-year students, often feel afraid before the session. If the word “session” makes you feel uncomfortable, and thoughts about it haunt you, this article is definitely for you. After all, our goal is to save you from unnecessary worries.

“How to pass the session?” – you think. Believe me, you are far from the first person puzzled by this question. After all, all students go through the session. Yes, some are expelled after it, but let’s not focus our thoughts on such consequences - there is no point in that. We’ll tell you better what awaits you at the first session and how best to behave. You can study the title book for coursework according to GOST in the review article by our author.

The session, if you look at it from the right angle, will give you one of the joys available only to man - the joy of knowledge. The reward for your efforts, in addition to grades and autographs in your record book, is your attitude towards yourself. Agree, it’s nice to pass an exam, it’s nice to cope with a challenge and realize your success.

However, the session is a difficult test. And the world is structured in such a way that it is easier for people to go through difficult trials together. Students prepare for exams together, help each other with tests for the test, and together rejoice at a high score in the exam. Together we can do much more than individually. That's why, remember that our team of experienced specialists always ready to do work that you don’t have time for or that causes you difficulties. These professionals have passed more than one test in their lives, and you can really rely on them. Go for it, and no fluff, no feather!

Good day, dear reader! From this article you will learn about how to pass the first session. As we know from a common student parable, a student becomes a real student only after he successfully passes his first session at a university. It would seem that the session - what’s so scary about it? However, many first-year students are terribly afraid of the first session, because... They don’t clearly understand what it is and what they eat it with. Next, we will tell you in detail about the tricks that will help you become a real student.

The end of November causes many students to feel a little afraid - it will come soon... SESSION. Even for some senior students, this word is still frightening, and the onset of this examination period in student life is not a very joyful event for such students. In fact, the session is just a fairy tale... for those who really study!

Here's your first secret successfully passing the first session - study for the sake of knowledge, not for the sake of grades. If from the very beginning of your studies at the university you make it a rule that at the university you need to gain knowledge and only occasionally fool around (it’s absolutely impossible without this, because student years are the best years in a person’s life, well, or some one of the most unforgettable), then you will never have problems passing the sessions.

The advice here is this: perceive your studies as a kind of springboard for your future leap into the world of success. This is why you came to university, to achieve something special, right? And who reaches the heights of success? Who do others envy and constantly criticize a successful person out of envy? Success is achieved only by the person who can do what others cannot do.

Of course, you can achieve success without studying in an academic environment. However, since you have chosen university as a launching pad into a cloudless adult life, then be kind enough to work to the maximum, i.e. start studying in August. Yes, yes. It is very important to come to college prepared so that you are ready for the course load, and most importantly, the curriculum.

Here's the second secret to passing your first session - prepare in advance for upcoming exams and then the session will turn out to be simply heavenly for you.

Advance preparation does not imply sitting daily in front of books and incessant cramming. Perhaps someone is interested, but this is not for us, not for pragmatic people. The result is important to us, because as we have repeatedly written in our previous articles, now everyone needs exactly the result. How it is obtained is another question.

However, you will be assessed precisely by the results of your activities. No one will ask you at 21 what grade you got in the third quarter in Russian. The most they will ask is: are there any C grades in your certificate? In general, they usually ask: what color is the diploma? All! How did you get it? What grades did you have in the quarters, how many books did you read - you will not be asked such questions. People have too little time to compile a detailed dossier about you. Now they are just compiling a dossier of results and that’s it.

However, if you achieve the result you need by constantly cramming books during your studies, then you should think about whether you have chosen the right specialty to receive professional education? We are not saying that books are not worth reading; on the contrary, we always encourage you, dear readers, to, if possible, devote at least a little time every day to this important process - training your brain through reading books.

However, you should not confuse simple reading and comprehension of what you read with clumsy cramming, i.e. banal memorization of material with an almost complete lack of understanding of how to use the acquired knowledge in life. We hope you understand this point, let's move on.

The third secret, or even better, the answer to the question “ How to pass the first session" is your actions are disciplined and systematic. What does it mean? And it’s simple, gentlemen, if you do all your homework that is assigned to you, and, on top of everything else, you also go to almost all classes, then you are guaranteed to be provided with a bonus in the form of an indulgence during the session.

The student who studies conscientiously, and does not just pretend to study, always looks in the eyes of the teacher above the rest of the student mass. What does it mean to “be different from everyone else”? It either means being different from others, either for the worse or for the better, right? The first option does not suit us, because... you are determined to pass the first session and pass it as best as possible.

Accordingly, you should differ from others for the better in order to be first at the finish line, i.e. get the coveted “excellent” grade in your still clean grade book. Therefore, take into account the following rule: responsibility and discipline can smooth out the difficulties of the upcoming session by up to 50%.

In simple words, this means the following: if you attend lectures and seminars to the maximum, always complete all assignments, including homework, then you will practically not be afraid of the sessions, due to the lack of many subjects for you personally. After all, anyone who studies conscientiously will receive an excellent grade “automatically” in many (or it may even happen that in all) subjects.

For those who don’t know, an “automatic” grade is when you are given a grade for an exam without any answer on the exam paper. However, don’t think, dear freshmen, that the “automatic machine” is a freebie. This is far from true, this is a freebie only during the session, but in order to get an “automatic” grade you need painstaking work and perseverance throughout the semester, i.e. in order to get an excellent grade without answering exam questions during the session, you need to work hard all six months to show the teacher that you really deserve an excellent grade, and that an “automatic” grade will be a kind of reward for you for working on throughout the entire semester.

Conclusion: Above we looked at the main tricks that will help you pass the first session. We will briefly list them again so that from your very first session you remember the formula for successful study at the university.

So, the secrets to passing the first session:

1) study for knowledge, not for grades

2) prepare in advance for upcoming disciplines

3) attend classes and do everything that is asked of you

These three simple rules will allow you to gain a foothold in your university and finally become a real student. If you apply these principles from the very beginning of your university studies, then you can have no doubt that you will successfully graduate from the institute, even, perhaps, with honors.

Remember that first the student works for his record book, and then the record book works for him. Hence the conclusion: work as hard as you can in the first two years and enjoy student life and getting “machines” in senior years.

By the way, very soon we will write an article in which we will analyze in detail the exam preparation schedule. If you are interested in reading about how to plan your preparation in order to prepare for all exams, then we advise you to subscribe to site updates and then you will be the first to know about the release of this article!

Now you know about how to pass the first session.

The first session for a student is marked by all sorts of discoveries. This is both experience and practice. But at the same time, every student is haunted by incredible fear before the first session. May you have to take exams many times in the future and go through all sorts of tests. BUT it is the first session that can become special for a student.

Typically, the first session begins at the end of November. The terrible autumn weather adds to the tragedy of what is happening. a constant sleepy state does not allow you to concentrate, and student life prevents you from sitting down to your textbooks. But you have to overcome yourself and start “being a student” in the full sense of the word. It would seem that the session – what’s so scary about it? However, many first-year students are terribly afraid of the first session, because... They don’t clearly understand what it is and what they eat it with. Next, we will tell you in detail about the tricks that will help you become a real student.

The first secret is study

The first secret is that you need to study to gain knowledge, not to evaluate. If from the very beginning of your studies at the university you make it a rule that at a university you need to gain knowledge and only occasionally fool around (it’s absolutely impossible without this, since student years are the best years in a person’s life, well, or one of the most unforgettable), then you will never have problems passing the sessions. Here you can also give one more piece of advice, which is based on the fact that a student should perceive his education as a platform for his future, which will be directly related to his professional career. Of course, you can become a successful person without having a higher education at all. But since we are talking about students, we will vary the information from this point of view.

The second secret is preparation.

You need to prepare for exams in advance. We have consecrated this rule hundreds of times already. But returning to it again, it’s worth thinking about the fact that if you decide to become successful, then make it a rule that you need to prepare for exams on time. NEVER put things off until later. Even if your time is extremely limited, try to take a few breaks to study. Advance preparation does not imply sitting daily in front of books and incessant cramming. Perhaps someone is interested, but this is not for us, not for pragmatic people. The result is important to us, because as we have repeatedly written in our previous articles, now everyone needs exactly the result. How it is obtained is another question. You will be graded based on the results of your work. No one will ask you at 21 what grade you got in the third quarter in Russian. BUT if you gain knowledge by simply memorizing information, without completely delving into its meaning, then this may be a reason to think about whether you have chosen the right field of knowledge.

To pass the first session, you need to be disciplined and responsible. If you do all your homework that is assigned to you, and, on top of everything else, you also go to almost all the classes, then you are guaranteed a bonus in the form of concessions during the session. Teachers also notice all these little things. They immediately identify a group of students who behave more responsibly than others. The student who studies conscientiously, and does not just pretend to study, always looks in the eyes of the teacher above the rest of the student mass.

That is, you must become someone who is different from the rest, but only for the better. Responsibility and discipline allow you to smooth out the difficulties of the upcoming session by up to 50%. To put it simply, if you follow this rule, then you don’t have to be afraid of the session at all. You can even count on the coveted assessment automatically. If anyone still doesn’t know what it is, then we are ready to explain. An “automatic” grade is when you are given a grade for an exam without any answer to the exam paper.

Let's sum it up

WE told you about what rules and secrets will help you pass the first session. We also told you what you need to do so that the first session does not seem so scary. This is a kind of formula and dogma that can become your key to success at university. So, the secrets to passing the first session:

Study for knowledge, not for grades.
Prepare in advance for upcoming disciplines.
attend classes and do everything that is asked of you.

These three simple rules will allow you to gain a foothold in your university and finally become a real student. If you apply these principles from the very beginning of your university studies, then you can have no doubt that you will successfully graduate from the institute, even, perhaps, with honors.

AT the initial stage, the student will work for his record book, and only then will it work for him. So in the first courses, give it your all. This will only help you in the future. Don’t think that if you are a first-year student, there will be some concessions for you. Quite the opposite. In the first year there will be a strict screening of those suitable and unsuitable for training. It is at this time that most students drop out. Some people leave on their own, unable to withstand the onslaught of exams and study material, while others simply cannot pass all the necessary exams. So, the first year session is your indicator of survival at the university.

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