How to write a description of a scientific experiment. For what purpose and how are environmental surveys carried out for construction? How is the examination carried out?

Discipline "Banking"

Banks carry out cash transactions in accordance with the cash plan approved by the Central Bank based on their projects. Cash planning bank is based on cash

customer requests.

Cash planning aims to:

a) determine the cash flow through the enterprise’s cash desk;

b) establish the cash flow for current financial transactions, including the payment of salaries;

c) calculate the need for cash to pay wages, taking into account deductions and transfers, and order it from the bank in a timely manner;

d) determine the limit of remaining cash at the enterprise’s cash desk and the procedure for cash collection by the bank.

Cash flow forecast- a detailed estimate of the company’s monthly cash revenue and expenses. As a result, an indicator of cash flow for the month and its cumulative value for the past period can be obtained.

81 Classification of conflicts. Examples of Conflict Resolution Techniques.

Discipline "Management"

Conflict (lat. conflictus) is a collision of oppositely directed, mutually incompatible tendencies in the consciousness of an individual, in interpersonal interactions or interpersonal relationships of individuals or groups of people, associated with acute negative emotional experiences.

There are numerous conflict classifications.

By focus conflicts are divided into “horizontal” and “vertical”, as well as “mixed”. Horizontal conflicts include those conflicts in which persons subordinate to each other are not involved. Vertical conflicts include those in which persons subordinate to one another participate. Mixed conflicts have both vertical and horizontal components.

By meaning For groups and organizations, conflicts are divided into constructive (creative, positive) and destructive (destructive, negative). The former bring benefit to the cause, the latter - harm. You can’t leave the first, but you need to get away from the second.

By nature of the reasons conflicts can be divided into objective and subjective. The first are generated by objective reasons, the second by subjective, personal reasons. An objective conflict is often resolved constructively; a subjective conflict, on the contrary, is usually resolved destructively. O.

Classification of conflicts by type social formalization: formal and informal (formal and informal). These conflicts, as a rule, are associated with the organizational structure, its characteristics and can be both “horizontal” and “vertical”.

In my own way socio-psychological effect conflicts are divided into two groups:

developing, affirming, activating each of the conflicting individuals and the group as a whole;

promoting self-affirmation or development of one of the conflicting individuals or groups as a whole and suppression, limitation of another individual or group of persons.

By volume of social interaction Conflicts are classified into intergroup, intragroup, interpersonal and intrapersonal.

Intergroup conflicts assume that the parties to the conflict are social groups pursuing incompatible goals and interfering with each other through their practical actions. This may be a conflict between representatives of different social categories (for example, in an organization: workers and engineers, line and office staff, trade union and administration, etc.).

Intragroup conflict As a rule, it includes self-regulatory mechanisms. If group self-regulation does not work, and the conflict develops slowly, then conflict in the group becomes the norm of relations. If the conflict develops quickly and there is no self-regulation, then destruction occurs. If a conflict situation develops in a destructive manner, then a number of dysfunctional consequences are possible. These may be general dissatisfaction, poor morale, decreased cooperation, strong devotion to one's group with great unproductive competition with other groups.

Intrapersonal conflict- this is, as a rule, a conflict of motivation, feelings, needs, interests and behavior in the same person.

Interpersonal conflict- This is the most frequently occurring conflict. The occurrence of interpersonal conflicts is determined by the situation, the personal characteristics of people, the individual’s attitude to the situation and the psychological characteristics of interpersonal relationships. The emergence and development of interpersonal conflict is largely determined by demographic and individual psychological characteristics. For women, conflicts related to personal problems are more common, for men - with professional activities.


This style implies that a person is trying to avoid conflict. His position is not to get into situations that provoke the emergence of contradictions, not to enter into a discussion of issues that are fraught with disagreement. Then you won’t have to get into an excited state, even if you are working on solving a problem.


With this style, a person is convinced that there is no need to get angry, because “we are all one happy team, and we should not rock the boat.” Such a “smoother” tries not to let out the signs of conflict, appealing to the need for solidarity. But at the same time, you can forget about the problem underlying the conflict. The result may be peace and quiet, but the problem will remain, and eventually there will be an “explosion.”


Within this style, attempts to force people to accept their point of view at any cost prevail. Anyone who tries to do this is not interested in the opinions of others, usually behaves aggressively, and uses power through coercion to influence others. This style can be effective where the leader has great power over subordinates, but it can suppress the initiative of subordinates and creates a greater likelihood that the wrong decision will be made, since only one point of view is presented. It can cause resentment, especially among younger and more educated staff.


This style is characterized by accepting the other party's point of view, but only to some extent. The ability to compromise is highly valued in management situations, as it minimizes ill will, which often makes it possible to quickly resolve a conflict to the satisfaction of both parties. However, using compromise at an early stage of a conflict that has arisen over an important issue can reduce the time it takes to find alternatives.

Solving the problem.

This style is an acknowledgment of differences of opinion and a willingness to engage with other points of view in order to understand the causes of the conflict and find a course of action acceptable to all parties. The one who uses this style does not try to achieve his goal at the expense of others, but rather looks for the best solution. This style is the most effective in solving organizational problems.

Knocking on Heaven's Door [A Scientific View of the Universe] Randall Lisa


Measurements may not be perfect. In scientific research - as in any decision making - we have to determine for ourselves an acceptable level of uncertainty. Only in this case can we move forward. For example, if you take a medicine and hope it will relieve a severe headache, then you might only need to know that the medicine helps the average person 75% of the time. On the other hand, if changing your eating habits does little to reduce your already low chances of developing cardiovascular disease (for example, from 5 to 4.9%), it may not be enough to convince you to give up your favorite cakes.

In politics, the decision point is even less certain. The public is generally unclear about how much research needs to be done before changing laws or imposing restrictions. The necessary calculations here are complicated by many factors. As discussed in the previous chapter, due to the ambiguity of goals and methods, it is very difficult, and sometimes even impossible, to conduct any reliable cost-benefit analysis.

Columnist The New York Times Nicholas Kristof, advocating caution in handling potentially hazardous chemicals such as bisphenol-A (BPA) in food or food packaging, wrote: “BPA research has been sounding the alarm for decades, and the data is still complex and ambiguous. That’s life: in the real world, legislative action usually has to be taken on the basis of ambiguous and controversial data.”

None of this is to say that we should not seek to quantify costs and benefits when setting policy. However, it is clear that we need to be clear about what each estimate means, how much it may vary depending on initial assumptions or goals, and what was and was not taken into account in the calculations. Cost-benefit analysis can be useful, but it can also provide a false sense of certainty, reliability and security, which often leads to rash decisions.

Fortunately for us, physicists tend to pose simpler questions than those faced by public policy makers. When dealing with pure knowledge that is not expected to be used in practice in the near future, you think about something completely different. Measurements in the world of elementary particles are also much simpler, at least in theory. All electrons are the same in nature. When making measurements, you have to think about statistical and systemic errors, but you can safely forget about the heterogeneity of the population. The behavior of one electron gives us reliable information about the behavior of all electrons. Nevertheless, the concepts of statistical and systemic error are also applicable here.

However, even in “simple” physical systems, it is necessary to decide in advance what accuracy we need, because there are no ideal measurements. In practice, the question comes down to how many times the experimenter should repeat the measurement and how precise a measuring device should be used. The decision is his. The acceptable level of uncertainty is determined by the questions asked. Different purposes require different levels of precision and accuracy.

For example, atomic clocks measure time with an accuracy of one part in ten trillion, but few people need such an accurate representation of time. The exception is experiments to test Einstein's theory of gravity: there cannot be excessive precision and accuracy in them. So far, all tests show that this theory works, but measurements are constantly being improved. With higher precision, previously unseen deviations may appear, representing new physical effects that could not be noticed during previous, less precise experiments. If this happens, the observed deviations will allow us to look into the realm of new physical phenomena. If not, you will have to conclude that Einstein's theory is even more accurate than previously established. We will know that it can be applied confidently over a wider range of energies and distances, and with greater accuracy.

If we “just” need to deliver a man to the Moon, then we, naturally, cannot do without knowledge of physical laws, sufficient to not miss, but it is not necessary to involve the general theory of relativity, and even more so it is not necessary to take into account even more minor potential effects representing possible deviations from it.

From the book The Newest Book of Facts. Volume 3 [Physics, chemistry and technology. History and archaeology. Miscellaneous] author Kondrashov Anatoly Pavlovich

From the book Movement. Heat author Kitaygorodsky Alexander Isaakovich

From the book Knocking on Heaven's Door [Scientific view of the structure of the Universe] by Randall Lisa

From the book The King's New Mind [On computers, thinking and the laws of physics] by Penrose Roger

From the author's book

From the author's book

From the author's book

From the author's book

From the author's book

From the author's book

From the author's book

From the author's book

From the author's book

Measuring g in the Intelligence Service This is not about military intelligence. There, knowledge of the acceleration of gravity is useless. We are talking about geological exploration, the goal of which is to find mineral deposits underground, without digging holes, without digging mines. There are several methods for very accurate

From the author's book

MEASUREMENTS AND TANK The probabilistic nature of quantum mechanics does not mean that we essentially know nothing. Moreover, often the opposite is true. We know quite a lot. For example, the magnetic moment of an electron is its integral characteristic,

From the author's book

ADDITIONAL DIMENSIONS Neither supersymmetry nor technicolor gives us an ideal solution to the problem of hierarchy. Supersymmetric theories do not offer us experimentally consistent mechanisms for breaking supersymmetry, but to create on the basis of technicolor force

Sigmoidoscopy is an endoscopic type of examination that can be used to examine the rectum and lower part of the sigmoid colon. The examination is carried out using a device - a sigmoidoscope, which is inserted into the anus, especially when patients have blood in their stool.

Indications for examination

1. Discharge of blood from the anus;

2. Chronic constipation or diarrhea;

3. Frequent pain in the anus, discharge of pus and mucus;

4. If you suspect cancer;

5. For chronic hemorrhoids.

Of course, there are no contraindications to sigmoidoscopy. But it is necessary to take into account that the procedure is difficult to tolerate: in patients with cardiovascular diseases, with anatomical narrowing of the anus and rectum, in the presence of inflammation in the anus.

Necessary preparation

The main condition for an effective examination is cleansing the colon. Three days before the procedure, it is necessary to exclude vegetables, fruits, and dairy products from the diet, and limit the consumption of bread. On the eve of the study, you can only take tea.

Preparation with the laxative drug Fortrans

1. Prepare the solution according to the instructions - 1 packet of powder must be dissolved in 1 liter of warm water. Calculation of the drug: per 20 kg of patient weight - 1 package (but more than 4 packages cannot be taken);

2. Start of accepting fortrans no later than 18-00;

3. Take the prepared solution gradually (not in one gulp). 1 glass – within 10 minutes, then the next;

4. Take the required dose in two doses, with an interval of 2 hours;

5. Finish your appointment no later than 3 hours before the procedure;

6. The drug is contraindicated for children;

7. Cannot be used for the purpose of losing weight, because Possible dehydration.

How is RRS carried out?

The examination is carried out on a couch, the patient is in a knee-elbow position. First, a digital examination is carried out and then the doctor inserts a rectoscope tube lubricated with Vaseline to the required depth. A rectoscope is a metal tube with a diameter of 2 cm and a length of 30 cm. During the examination, the doctor examines the mucous membrane and can detect the presence of tumors, polyps, hemorrhoids, and cracks. If necessary, samples material for histological examination.

In addition, it is necessary to psychologically and morally prepare for the manipulation (unpleasant, but necessary). Of course, when performing sigmoidoscopy, there is a feeling of discomfort, but the procedure is painless and anesthesia is not used (only in extreme cases - with cracks and injuries of the anal passage).

Asphalt concrete and its mixtures are the main raw materials for laying highways, pavements near airports, shopping centers, residential buildings, etc. The quality of these materials must necessarily comply with GOST regulatory requirements. Determining the characteristics of raw materials is possible only in laboratory conditions. Both the components of the asphalt concrete itself and samples of ready-made coatings (cores) are analyzed.

Asphalt concrete examination: for whom is the service relevant?

All parties involved in road construction are interested in the examination of asphalt concrete. At its expense, the direct performers of the work have the opportunity to control the honesty of material suppliers. Customers who control government agencies receive evidence of the project being completed at the proper quality level and the allocated money being spent efficiently. Each of these parties can initiate laboratory testing of materials.

By following the link, you can see how the examination of asphalt concrete takes place within the laboratory. Samples for research are necessarily selected by its specialists, which completely eliminates the possibility of distortion or “rigging” of research results. The procedure for taking samples at sites is recorded in special acts. After this, the holes formed to the entire depth of the road surface are filled with cold asphalt.

What problems does laboratory examination of asphalt solve?

The main goal of all laboratory studies of asphalt is to improve the quality of paved and existing roads. It can be achieved thanks to a whole range of practical problems solved by examination:

  • selection of the optimal ratio of asphalt concrete mixture components;
  • assessment of the condition of the road surface and prospects for its further use;
  • identification of technological deviations during the commissioning of routes.

Determination of physical and chemical parameters of raw materials and operational parameters of coatings is carried out within the framework of the regulatory requirements of GOST. All obtained results are reflected in official expert opinions. If necessary, these documents can be used as evidence in legal disputes.

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