How to cooperate with transport companies. “Tatiana, I offer you cooperation” or how to offer partnership, including coaching

An excellent way out of this situation is cooperation with transport companies. Such organizations are a kind of intermediaries between seller and buyer in the field of wholesale trade. If the cargo is quite specific and requires special transportation conditions, then you should select companies that can provide vehicles equipped specifically for a specific product. This could be a vehicle with a cooling system, a truck with a canopy, or, conversely, with a closed body.

How to choose a reliable transport company

Employees of transport companies, by agreement, can represent the company and negotiate on the organization of cargo transportation by air and rail. In addition, it is possible to entrust them with preparing all accompanying documentation and tracking their delivery to the addressee.

When choosing a transport company, you need to understand that regular customers have the right over time to count on significant concessions regarding the cost of services and service out of turn. Thus, by concluding a contract, for example, for a year in advance, you can be sure that the service will be carried out according to an individual plan.

It should be noted that it is necessary to clearly calculate the route of movement of vehicles with cargo. This way you can minimize costs and reduce delivery time. Many companies also actively cooperate with dispatchers and professional logisticians. Such specialists help you find a product that will optimally fit into the volume of the car on the way back. A car that moves in both directions with a load will naturally bring more profit to its owner and reduce the cost of services for customers.

Important points of the cooperation agreement

When drawing up a contract, it is imperative to indicate the need for especially careful handling and the type of goods transported. Currently, many carrier companies have their own websites on the Internet. Here you can calculate the approximate cost of the service by entering the weight and dimensions of the cargo, as well as the starting and ending points of movement in the appropriate fields.

It should be clarified whether the cargo is delivered only to the delivery point of the transport company or directly to the specified address. Some large corporations locate their own warehouses in public areas, so finding them is not difficult. The contract should include clauses regarding the responsibilities and obligations of the parties in the event of force majeure situations.

From this article you will learn:

  • How to write a proposal for cooperation correctly so that they cannot say “no”
  • How to write a proposal for cooperation on social networks
  • What mistakes should you avoid?

Many businessmen and even managers of large companies have a problem with writing a proposal for cooperation correctly. Either they have no idea how to take on this task, or they make serious mistakes and then get upset when the partnership doesn't work out. The time has come to figure out how to competently and effectively write a proposal for cooperation to a blogger, media person, etc., what are the rules for composing such texts, and how to successfully present yourself and your company.

How to write a proposal for cooperation correctly

Who offers cooperation and to whom?

The need to write a proposal for cooperation usually arises among employees involved in developing the company's business. The texts of such letters are approved by the immediate supervisor or top manager of the company.

It is necessary to find out in advance who will receive your offer: an ordinary employee, a secretary, a manager, a department head. Each of them requires its own approach.

The letter can be addressed personally to the director of the enterprise with which cooperation is planned, or to the head of one of the areas, the head of a structural unit, or even a highly specialized specialist. The decision to initiate interaction will still be made by the company’s management.

Many people underestimate the importance of a commercial proposal (CP) and do not understand why it is needed at all. You should understand the functions of the CP and the methods of its preparation.

Structure of a cooperation proposal:

  • Title. Surely your recipient is an extremely busy person, and he may limit himself to reading only the subject of the letter in order to understand whether he is interested in it or not. Precisely formulate the topic: it should encourage reading the entire message (and not call for the purchase of a product, for example). You can prepare several emails with different headers and test them to choose the most effective option.
  • Problem. Experts in the field of copywriting and corporate communications recommend: if you want to write a high-quality, “catchy” commercial or cooperation proposal, raise issues that are relevant to the addressee at the very beginning of the text.
  • Solution options. By letting the recipient know that you are aware of his problems and understand their importance, you can offer your own solutions: for example, services that may be useful to the reader of the letter, or partnership on favorable terms.
  • Price. Some entrepreneurs, when drawing up a commercial or cooperation proposal, do not dare to indicate the exact prices for their products or services, fearing that this will scare off a potential client or partner. However, experts advise that you still indicate the cost, giving the recipient of the letter the opportunity to decide for themselves whether it is high for him or not. But it is important to justify these prices.
  • Call to action. It must be clear and unambiguous. What do you want to achieve by writing a proposal for cooperation or sending a proposal? Calling, visiting a website, placing an order in an online store, or mutual barter services? Formulate your wish and be sure to list the bonuses and benefits that the recipient will receive, such as a discount on a product on the day the letter is received, for example.
  • Contact details. Indicate not only your phone number, but also other communication channels: website address, groups on social networks, Skype, etc.
  • Date. To prevent the recipient from getting confused in the messages (especially if the proposal is followed by corrected versions, additions, etc.), it is better to immediately indicate the date when the proposal was sent.
  • Signature. The full name and position of the author of the letter must be present in the text, and immediately after the introductory part. If you need to prepare and send a commercial or cooperation proposal in paper form, it is advisable to sign at the end.
  • Pagination. Long multi-page texts, including proposals for cooperation and commercial proposals, require numbering (format “page no.... from...”).
  • Decoration. Paragraphs are drawn up with a red line. In emails, extra spacing between paragraphs is desirable because it makes it easier to read. Justification makes text look neater. When drawing up a proposal for cooperation or commercial proposal, give preference to standard fonts – Times New Roman, etc. The optimal font size is 12–14.

Writing and sending a proposal for cooperation is not all. Call the recipient and ask if the letter aroused interest. If not, then you will need to improve the text and design of the cooperation proposal. You can test the effectiveness of different letter options on regular clients, experts or personal acquaintances.

A few more tips on how to correctly write a proposal for cooperation:

  1. The text must be on company letterhead.
  2. Correctly address the company representative or person you are offering cooperation to.
  3. Thank the recipient in advance - this politeness requirement is very important for business correspondence.

Letterhead This is not at all necessary; you can write a proposal for cooperation on a simple sheet of white paper. But a letterhead with a company logo is an advertising medium and an element of the company’s image.

Greetings– an important part of letters containing proposals for cooperation or the purchase of goods and services. Carefully compose the welcome part of the message. Some recipients need to be addressed by name and patronymic, namely:

Mood of the letter. A commercial proposal should exude confidence in the excellent quality of the product or service being described. Avoid cliches such as “Let me offer you...”, “We hope you will be interested in our proposal”, “We are looking forward to your response” - they make a repulsive impression. There is another extreme: phrases like “We are sure that you will like it!”, “We know for sure that...”, etc., sounding too arrogant and arrogant. Give the recipient the opportunity to form his own opinion about your offer.

Follow a positive style in letters from CP: use the particle “not” and negations as rarely as possible, replace them with affirmative phrases, use synonyms.

Attachments to the letter, coming at the very end, contain various additional information: technical descriptions, calculations, graphs, drawings, etc. You can attach several attachments to the letter, the main thing is not to overload the reader with information.

As for prices, it is better to draw up the financial terms of the offer according to the principle of a layer cake: first describe the benefits and benefits that the client will receive, then indicate the price, then again outline the advantages. For products that have multiple versions, it should be explained what causes the price difference.

Arguments. Of course, any potential partner to whom you wrote and sent a proposal for cooperation, or a possible consumer of your product will have doubts. Especially if your message is profitable to the point of implausibility. Prove that it is feasible and realistic, provide the necessary arguments (depending on the specifics of your product or service).

As arguments, they usually use mini-cases, portfolios of completed projects, customer reviews or their lists, recommendations, calculations, various evidence, certificates and guarantees, photo reports, “before and after” selections, exact product characteristics or a detailed description with all the necessary figures. company activities.

Relevance of the offer. All financial indicators, especially prices, are subject to change, so it is necessary to give the recipient a clear understanding of the timing of their relevance. Indicate the duration of your offer.

Many citizens dream of having their own business that brings good profits. Every aspiring entrepreneur tries to come up with his own brilliant business idea. But this does not guarantee high profitability of the enterprise, since a lot of money must be invested in any new product or service before it begins to be in demand. The easiest way is to take a closer look at existing business ideas and optimize them for modern conditions. In this article we will talk about how to start working for yourself from scratch?

What to do?

So, you have decided, I want to work for myself, what can I do? In this matter, a lot depends on your abilities, knowledge and interests. It's best to do what you enjoy. For example, if you are interested in repairing bicycles, set up your own workshop. Or maybe you like to cook? In this case, can you open a small canteen or cafe? There are plenty of options. The most important thing is that you enjoy what you do, and then you will definitely succeed.

Online consultations

If you worked as a programmer, psychologist, or in any other profession, try to pass on your knowledge to other people by conducting paid consultations.

These services can be provided in different ways:

  1. Cooperate with an agency that will find clients for you;
  2. Create your own website and consult clients online;
  3. Rent an office.

For your activity in this area to be successful, you need to advertise your business in different ways and carry out comprehensive work to develop it. This is the most affordable way to earn money from scratch without investments, which over time can turn into the main source of income.


The easiest way to start working for yourself without investment is tutoring. This activity allows you to earn good money solely on your knowledge. For example, if you know foreign languages, open training courses. Some people do not have a special education diploma, but still have excellent command of the language and can teach it to others. The format of the lessons can be chosen depending on your desire. If you don't want to interact with students in person, try selling video or audio courses.

Dog walking

Many young people are wondering when should they start working for themselves? The answer to this question is simple - the sooner the better. Nowadays, even schoolchildren earn money and create their own businesses providing simple services, for example, dog walking.

This idea came to our country from Europe. Modern people are very limited in time, so sometimes they cannot cope with such simple household duties as walking the dog.

Create your own company that will offer pet care and walking services. At first, you can do this work yourself. One person can take 3-4 dogs for a walk at the same time. When more clients appear, you can hire assistants who love animals and know how to handle them.

Texts to order

Looking for options? If you like to reason and know how to write good texts, you can do it to order and get good money for your work.

In this business, earnings largely depend on your knowledge and skills. To gain the necessary experience, you can first engage in copywriting or rewriting and work for the customer. Over time, when you learn how to write quality texts, create your own website and fill it with interesting content. An exciting Internet resource that is visited by many users will bring good profits.

Marriage agency

Are you thinking about it? This is a difficult question, but if you try, you can easily find the answer. One of the simplest and most profitable options that does not require large investments is your own marriage agency.

Before you start working, you need to create your own website on the Internet, establish partnerships with other partner agencies and conduct an effective advertising campaign. Clients are usually charged not only for the services provided, but also for registering on the site. In addition, you can receive money for the opportunity to view photos or correspondence.


Recently, agriculture has begun to actively develop in our country. For those who live in the countryside, the easiest option to start working in order to earn a good income is their own farm. This is a fairly promising and profitable business that allows you to gain complete financial independence.

Fresh, high-quality products are always in great demand, which is not completely satisfied by domestic products. The state provides support to small agricultural businesses, so if you do not have start-up capital, you can get money to develop your enterprise under one of these programs.


People who have savings in their hands often ask the question - ? To save money from inflation and make a profit, you can invest it in a reliable enterprise that is guaranteed to bring a good income. If you don’t know where to invest your money profitably, consult with experts who can give you practical recommendations.


Are you looking for a way? This is a lot of money, but it is quite possible to get it if you engage in wholesale resale of goods. Trade is the most profitable type of business activity that does not require large investments or special knowledge.

You can buy goods at a low price from the manufacturer in large wholesale and resell them in small quantities to retailers. The most profitable option is resale of real estate. By acting as an intermediary between the seller and the buyer, you will receive a good income without investing a penny.


Many people don’t even imagine how much income their favorite business can generate. If you know how to make some crafts with your own hands, you can earn good money from this. The production of various souvenirs, children's toys, original clothing, etc. is a great way to start working at home without large investments.
Finished products can be sold on the market, in an online store or at crafts exhibitions. Consumers are willing to pay good money for exclusive products that exist in one copy. Over time, you can expand your enterprise and open a mini-factory of souvenirs or children's toys.

Network Marketing

If you want to improve your financial situation, but at the same time, you cannot leave your favorite job, you can take up network marketing. In this case, you can earn money in your free time by advertising dietary supplements, cosmetics, detergents and other products to your friends or colleagues. This is a great option to start working at work in order to get a good increase in the family budget.

Advantages and disadvantages of owning your own business

Before you start working for yourself, you should familiarize yourself with the advantages and disadvantages of entrepreneurial activity.


  • Good income. If you manage to organize your business correctly, it will bring decent profits. You are unlikely to get that kind of money working for your owner;
  • An opportunity to test your strength. The development and success of your business depends on your knowledge and skills;
  • Financial independence. Earnings will now depend on your hard work, and not on the whims of your superiors. Now you don’t have to worry about your salary going down or being fired from your position;
  • Useful connections. Every businessman has new acquaintances, partners and other influential personalities who can help in any difficult situation.


  • Free time. Even if you organize your business perfectly, in any case, you will have to spend every free minute on its development. Only in this case will you be able to earn good money;
  • Responsibility. Now you will be responsible for failures yourself, since all important decisions were made by you personally;
  • Struggle. Owning your own business is a constant struggle with competitors. It is necessary not only to occupy your niche in the market, but also to constantly maintain the positions you have gained;
  • Expenses. At first, you will have to invest your own money without receiving anything in return. The starting capital is returned after a certain period. Only after this you start receiving income;
  • Before you start working for yourself from scratch, weigh the pros and cons to understand whether you can become the master of destiny or whether it is better to devote yourself to working in a team under someone else’s leadership.


Owning your own business is quite complex and costly, but at the same time quite interesting. Thanks to this, you will be able to test the strength of your character and realistically assess the possibilities. To achieve success, you will have to overcome many difficulties. But it’s worth it, because only your own business will allow you to gain complete financial independence.

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How to write a business letter about cooperation so that it is opened, read carefully and responded to? The goal of any business letter is to generate interest. Therefore, it is very important to present your idea and proposal clearly and clearly.

There are 3 components of success in writing a business letter.

  1. The offer must be relevant for the addressee.
  2. The letter must be written formally, but living language, without bureaucracy and florid expressions.
  3. The text of the letter should be well structured.

If the letter does not correspond to at least one of the listed points, then, as a rule, the addressee loses interest in it from the first lines and does not finish reading it.

Based on our practice, we will highlight several important rules that will help you write a competent letter of offer of cooperation.


Rule of address

Incorrect: “Ugh. deputy director!

Correct: “Hello, Sergei Ivanovich!”

It is necessary to clearly know to whom you are sending a letter of cooperation: the addressee’s position, his area of ​​competence and, of course, his name. Abbreviations should be avoided: “Mr.” and other “uv.” deputy directors." Therefore, writing a business letter should begin with a respectful personal address.

2. Rule of the first paragraph

Incorrect: “We are a young, dynamically developing company “X” that offers the best...”

Correct: “My name is Ivan, I represent company X.” I offer profitable cooperation, the essence of which is...”

The main mistake of business letters is praising yourself and your company from the very first paragraph. The first reaction to such an offer letter is to close it and not waste time reading the set of stamps. Therefore, in the first paragraph it is better to briefly introduce yourself and immediately move on to the essence of the proposal.

3. Exclusivity rule

Incorrect: “We send proposals to equipment manufacturing companies...”

Correct: “We met with representatives of your company at a professional exhibition...”

4. Argumentation rule

Incorrect: “Only we have the best prices and a large selection...”

True: “So that you can make a decision on cooperation, we will give several arguments in favor of our proposal.”

Instead of general phrases, it is better to provide clear and convincing facts why your offer is the best.

5. Feedback rule

Incorrect: “If you are interested in the offer, please call us back c 9 to 6..."

That’s right: “I’ll wait for an answer!

Tip 1: How to write a cooperation offer letter

Best regards, Ivan, X company. Mobile phone: 8-029-566...”

At the end of the letter of cooperation, it is important to clearly formulate what you expect from your potential partner: call, respond, order, etc. At the same time, you should avoid directive phrases or, on the contrary, expressions that demonstrate uncertainty in your cooperation. Finally, be sure to include your contact information.

These are just the basic rules for writing a proper business letter. Of course, you can use ready-made samples available on the Internet. But they are betrayed by their stereotypedness and impersonality. Therefore, it is better to write a business letter about cooperation yourself.

Having trouble finding the right words for a business letter? Contact Protext specialists - we will compose letters of cooperation that will work for you!

Marina KATSMAYOR, ProText copywriter


legal registration of business sale

In this article we will try to explain in detail how to sell a business on your own. So let's begin...

Understanding what exactly is being sold: business or property

First you need to understand what exactly you are selling. Sometimes people want to disguise the sale of a business as the sale of certain property in order to optimize taxation or seek other benefits.

For these purposes, this article is unlikely to be suitable. If you still sell a business in the generally accepted sense as a certain established process during which the business owner makes a profit, then this article will help you formalize the sale of your business and at the same time protect your risks as much as possible. However, remember that maximum safety, as well as treatment, is carried out only by specialists. Everything else is artisanal methods. So, we determined that we sell production (services, store, etc.), i.e. business in its usual sense and proceed to the immediate process of formalizing the sale of the business.

Fitting documents. Presentation when selling a business

We deliberately omit the stage of searching for clients to buy the business you are selling, because... This article concerns exclusively its documentation. If you have not found a buyer and still want to carry out a transaction to sell the business yourself, we strongly recommend that you think about the consequences - sometimes they can be irreversible. Better contact the specialists!

But once a buyer has been found, only a small matter remains. You must document the specific “product” to the buyer. The word “product” is put in quotation marks for a reason, but to give this word a special meaning in terms of business. After all, when a business is sold, it is the same product that has certain ideas from the seller and the buyer, just like a product bought in a regular store. And if you, when selling a business, cannot explain to the buyer what exactly you are selling, what dividends he will receive when buying the business, in the future (and maybe in the process of selling the business) all sorts of problems and disagreements may arise.

Of course, before the sale, it is necessary to prepare a complete balance sheet for the buyer, which will display the entire book value of the business (presence of property on an independent balance sheet, bank accounts, accounts payable and receivable, existing contracts, etc.). By showing the buyer more complete information, you protect yourself from possible misunderstandings, because the document presented before selling a business is a strong argument in case of disputes regarding the specific terms of the sale of the business.

Before meeting with a potential buyer, in addition to the above documents, it will also be useful for you to obtain an extract from the Unified State Register of Legal Entities (USRLE), from which the buyer will see who the founders (participants) of the organization are, the organizational and legal form (OPF, by the way, very important information), creation date, tax details and some other information that may be useful to the buyer.

Selling a business through several companies

It is very common (in fact, frequent) for a business to be sold through the sale of several companies, and sometimes through the sale of certain rights of individual entrepreneurs. When selling such a complex complex, it will be difficult to do without a lawyer. But it’s still possible.

The most important thing here is that based on the results of the sale of the business, the buyer has the opportunity to influence all areas of the business without any problems.

At the same time, it does not matter how many organizations he becomes a member of as a result of the sale of the business.

Agreement of intent for the sale of a business

Before selling a business, some participants in this process enter into a so-called letter of intent. Sometimes this agreement is called a preliminary agreement for the sale and purchase of a business or something else. But that doesn't matter. Such an agreement is usually signed when the parties already know exactly what they will receive as a result of the transaction. But our company’s specialists would not recommend rushing to sign it.

Direct conclusion of an agreement (transaction)

The sale of a business itself is a complex process. Sometimes it can last more than one month or even a year (everything, of course, depends on the volume of the business being sold). The first thing you need to do is create a sales plan.

The concept of measurable business goals, its application in planning work with large clients for the long term. The concept of a financial forecast, its role, meaning and purpose, a proactive approach and actual control over the sales process.

Students, graduate students, young scientists who use the knowledge base in their studies and work will be very grateful to you.

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