How to deal with a hyperactive child at school. Hyperactive children: what to do with a restless child, how to raise them and whether they need treatment - advice from a psychologist to parents

More than 200 years ago, the German physician Heinrich Hoffmann was the first to describe hyperactive child and called him “fidgety Phil.” But only in the 60s of the 20th century did doctors begin to evaluate excessive mobility not as a character trait, but as an incorrigible mental defect.

One teaspoon per hour

You came home from work in the evening, and your son didn’t do the simplest thing: the bed is not made, the sock that was thrown in the center of the room two days ago is still there, and everything is strewn with chips. You ask: “Was it really difficult to lift? Why aren't you ashamed? Why are you torturing me like this?”

These questions are incomprehensible to an ordinary child, but the hyperactive mind lets them through like a colander through water. It’s only the specifics that grab him – it’s better to start straight from the bottom without unnecessary emotions.

Do not offer large-scale plans like cleaning the apartment to a hyperactive child. Fears the task is too big. His ability to concentrate on one task is limited. So what, let him wash a teaspoon per hour, says Dr. Martin. The main thing is that you have the patience to give these “spoons” regularly, load them and not get annoyed that your fast child does everything so slowly.

I don’t live by orders!

- Get ready, please! We have to leave in five minutes! - the mother addresses her eleven-year-old daughter. She continues to do her own thing, because, firstly, for her there is no “we”, there is only “I”, and secondly, the word “should” is too vague. She begins to torment her mother with questions: “Why exactly in five minutes and not in six?”, “Who should it be?” And this is just the beginning of a long, aimless discussion. Do you want your child to start getting ready? Get him interested: “Can you pack your things in three and a half minutes?”

It is very important that the task is in the form of a question, not an order. And then the result will not be long in coming.

No sound

If you want to be heard, whisper. The louder we scream and swear, the more likely they are to “turn us off.” Hyperactive children are more capable of this “blackout” than anyone else. During periods of big showdowns, we look to them like fish, silently opening their mouths. This is their defense against parental emotions. But as soon as you begin to whisper, they will begin to listen. And then your word will be worth its weight in gold. Sometimes it is useful to communicate without words at all; for young children, a “traffic light” system has even been developed, where red is a prohibition sign, yellow is an alarm, and green is permission. Hyperactive children are much more sensitive to pictures than to verbal information.

No interrogation needed

The worst thing you can demand while talking to your daughter or son is: “Look me straight in the eyes!” Dr. Martin teaches parents not to seek eye contact and allow the child to twirl something in his hands during a conversation - a pencil, a toy, a handkerchief... “Manual activity” increases his ability to concentrate. But if he stands straight and looks into your eyes, all his strength will go into maintaining this stance. And the meaning of the words will fly by.

On our own

My teenage son came home from school irritated, it was a bad day. To the question: “What happened?” replies: “None of your business!” Parents can explode and punish, they can sympathize. But experts advise: it’s better to stay in your mood. Read a magazine, watched TV, cooked dinner - keep doing it.

If the child feels that the adult is not irritated, he calms down. Ideal parents for hyperactive children are those who are able to maintain stone calm in any situation. There are few of them; usually, in hyperactive children, parents themselves quickly become irritable. And then the question arises: who is raising whom here?

Confused word

A twelve-year-old girl has been torturing her mother for three hours in different variations:

- Well, why can’t you bring a couple of white rats into the house, why?

The mother asks in despair:

– Don’t you understand the word “no”?

The girl frankly admits:

- I don't understand.

And it's true. An ordinary child will be upset by the ban, but he will quickly get over it. For a hyperactive person, “no” is a small disaster, a reason to put adults under siege, by any means necessary to force them to change “no” to “yes.”

Psychologists, working with hyperactive children, use the following reward system: the best prize goes to those who were able, if not the first time, but at least the second time, to accept “no” without arguing. In addition to rewards, there is also punishment, for example, the child must write on paper five or ten times: “I will try to accept refusal calmly.” They say this measure is very effective.


Hyperactive children need to know that there is a Boss in their house. As soon as they notice that the boss is not there, they immediately take his place.

It is very difficult for single mothers to cope with a son who is a boss or a daughter who is a boss. Children begin to correct: “You’re not cooking right,” or even evaluate: “You’re raising me wrong!” – this brings parents to tears.

One father, coming home from work and listening to his 15-year-old son, who did not fulfill any of his requests (because “it was all stupid”), said: “If you argued like that with your boss at work, you would just be fired right away.” . From his son’s eyes, he realized that the young man was surprised, afraid for the future, and therefore, without unnecessary reminders, he went to take out the trash.

War and Peace

When a parent just opens his mouth to talk to the child, he must know what he wants - war or peace. Hyperactive people always have something to scold for, so there is a reason for war. But if you want peace, you must first bring yourself to your senses. Before an educational conversation, you should sit in a chair and put your legs on the table - from this position it is more difficult to push and shout. Our calmness is exactly what a hyperactive child needs. Only it helps him, protects him, gives him confidence.

“I’ll surprise you yet,” says the thirteen-year-old son, who has hundreds of undertakings in his plans and not a single one has yet been completed even to the halfway point. But you have to believe and not tell him too much.

Hyperactive child - this is not a sentence, but what should parents do in this case?

Psychologist's advice guarantee a way out of difficult situations and help you find a way out with your own child.

When we are faced with such a question as raising a hyperactive child, thoughts like: “I’m a bad parent” or “Why am I being punished for this” are spinning in our heads.

Parents become despondent. But you shouldn’t beat yourself up or reproach your child.

Conduct an examination to know for sure that this is the reason.

If your suspicions are justified, you should make a series of changes in your life and the life of your baby in order to gradually correct the behavior, and not engage in self-flagellation.

Main signs and causes of ADHD

The full diagnosis is: attention deficit hyperactivity disorder, abbreviated as ADHD.

It appears at an early age. It is difficult to determine exactly when, because up to a certain point the child’s behavior seems normal.

Although sometimes some signs are difficult to ignore.

Children react very strongly to changes in lighting or loud sounds, are nervous, suffer, and their motor activity is not as developed as that of their peers.

But all this can be attributed to all sorts of circumstances that are often not taken seriously.

We figure out how to cope with a hyperactive child

But when it starts, the first suspicions arise.

Unbalance, hot temper, and inability to complete assigned tasks appear, even if intelligence tests say otherwise.

Let's look at the signs in more detail:

Unbalanced behavior

Inability to manage both positive and negative emotions. Low self-esteem.

The child cannot concentrate on one object

He fidgets in his chair and moves around.Attention quickly switches to extraneous thoughts.

A child with ADHD has specific behavior

Talks a lot, interrupts elders, is emotional and absent-minded

In appearance, the behavior looks like clumsiness, everything falls out of hand.

At a young age, there is a delay in speech development. The child cannot connect words into sentences.

The child is conflicted and quick-tempered, touchy and irritable

He argues and even fights with other children.

Often distracted by the slightest sound

Therefore, he cannot concentrate on the task at hand and is inattentive.

With this behavior he pretends to involve adults, shows selfishness and excessive activity.

We study the causes of hyperactivity and learn to deal with them

Fine motor skills are slightly developed

Can't button up buttons or tie shoelaces and has ugly handwriting.

The reason for this behavior is a mild form of brain dysfunction.

In almost 70% of cases this occurs due to poor nutrition of the mother, drug use, etc.

ADHD often manifests itself due to a genetic factor: one of the parents had similar symptoms in childhood.

Advice: also significantly affects the child’s condition. Make sure your home becomes a corner of peace and quiet.

Such children need a special approach

What kind of furnishings should there be in the house? Organization of work at school

How to behave at home

Dealing with a hyperactive child is always difficult.

Especially if, deep down in your soul, you constantly compare him with an abstract or completely existing girl (boy) without deviations.

Screaming, getting nervous, and prohibiting is absolutely useless and will not lead to anything good.

You can only change the atmosphere in the house, your internal reaction to his behavior and develop the right tactics.

It is important to remember that a child with ADHD knows no inhibitions, he does not understand the word “no,” but he responds well to praise.

Dealing with such a child is not easy

It is very important for him, as an individual, to know that he is at least good at something and that his mother loves him and does not torment him with reproaches.

At the initial stage, this is a nervous person, in constant mental tension.

That’s why it’s so important that he has a separate room with his own privacy zone, where the child can “cool down” a little.

Decorate it in calm colors, avoiding contrasts. Discuss a new way of communicating with your spouse.

There should be no shouting, arguing, or swearing in the house. Your task is to make everyday life calm, without unexpected surprises.

You can find an approach to even the most difficult child

Create a daily routine that will become an “iron” rule, no matter what.

Don't rush your child, but give clear boundaries for completing the task. For example: 18:00–18:40 - cleaning up toys.

It is ideal to have a wall timer that shows how much time is left.

In general, for such children the concept of time does not exist.

They have a broken cause-and-effect relationship: “did the right thing now” - “received a reward tomorrow” does not work.

Feedback is needed immediately. At school this is almost never possible, so at least let everything become obvious at home.

If you did something right, praise or reward with a treat. The “token system” performed well.

The main task of parents is to properly organize the baby’s time.

Buy any plastic chips and give them out for every task completed or small victory.

When you have 10 of them, for example, visit the zoo, buy a toy or something special.

How to behave at school

At school, first of all, talk to the teachers or class teacher about your child's special needs.

Many people don’t know what ADHD is, explain it to them in detail. Teachersshould become your allies, not your enemies.

It is best if your child sits directly in front of the board, close to the teacher, so that he can quickly and easily ask a question.

It would be good if the tasks were given fractionally and recorded with chalk on the board. Ask not to demand too much from him at once.

There are psychological techniques that will facilitate the education process

Perhaps at first the first victories will look like this:

  1. Completed the task from start to finish without jumping, but wrote the letters crookedly
  2. Handwriting has become smoother, but there are missing letters
  3. Answered correctly, but the numbers are pointing in the wrong direction

Believe me, inspired by encouragement, the little one will try even harder, which will have a beneficial effect on his overall performance.

Stimulate his interest in this way. Expect only the best from your child, and he will try to please you more often!

Advice: do not exclude physical activity. Enroll your child in a sports section, where the emphasis is on individual achievements, but without unnecessary emotions and a competitive component.

A large number puts the child into a stupor.

It’s simply difficult for them to even decide to think about so many tasks at once.

It is important to create a comfortable environment at school and at home

Therefore do the following:

  1. Write the answers to the problems scattered on regular thick paper.
  2. Cut them out into puzzle shapes (about 10 pieces or more in total)
  3. Place it on the floor in the room

Let the child solve the example and immediately find the corresponding one from the general pile.

Little by little he will complete the whole puzzle and feel like a winner!

Learning letters can be a challenge because there are so many of them. Turn the challenge into a game.

Create a field of 33 cells, each containing a letter.

Place a machine purchased in advance for these purposes at the beginning and for each correct answer move it forward one square.

Finding an approach to a child with ADHD is realistic

An incorrect answer stops the machine. After 3 mistakes, transfer the game to the next day.

Children with ADHD overcome obstacles with great joy, especially if they know that they will be praised or fed something tasty for this.

You can also play for wishes, just set small limits - no more than 5 letters at a time.

It often happens that while doing math homework, problems arise with recording the result of your thoughts on paper.

That is, the child knows the answer, can tell how he came to it step by step, but is not able to write it down.

This is due to the fact that he is required to do two things at once, and for those who suffer from ADHD, this is an incomprehensible burden.

Don't ask for too much; allow them to answer verbally.

Turn parenting into a fun game

The ability to write is certainly important and, of course, it needs to be practiced, but in this case we recommend making a concession.

Pretty soon he will get used to speaking and writing at the same time.

Use physical activity whenever possible.This approach works best in a playful way.

Ask your child a question and, having received the correct answer, allow him to take a step forward, and for an incorrect answer or a step without asking, allow him to take two steps back.

This will help strengthen the skills we need and teach us to focus.

Talk about the problem with your teachers

Make sure that the place where he will do his homework does not contain any distracting pictures or movable objects or animals.

Many people note that working with headphones is the best way to calmly complete a task.

Try it! Maybe this advice will work for you too!

Autogenic training - Schultz model and Alekseev technique

These methods will help hyperactive children calm down physically and mentally, fall asleep peacefully or fully relax.

Autogenic training allows you to partially restore the functions of the nervous system and stabilize the reserve capabilities of the cerebral cortex.

The method can be practiced independently, but for the first time it is recommended to carry it out under the supervision of a psychotherapist.

The Schultz model is designed for younger ages (4–9 years), and Alekseev’s technique is intended for use by persons aged 8–12 years.

With the right approach, your child will learn to understand himself and his behavior

Schulz model

The presenter offers to sit comfortably on a chair or rug.

Listen carefully to him and fulfill every request, even if it seems wrong.

  1. Hands. Imagine that you are holding a lemon in one hand. Squeeze your palm and squeeze out all the juice. Notice your sensations in your hand. Isn’t it true that the experience of relaxation is much more pleasant?
  2. Arms and shoulders. Imagine that you are little kittens. Stretch your arms forward, then up, then back. Stretch as hard as possible and then drop your arms to your sides. Feel the relaxation of all muscles. The shoulders and arms became much softer.
  3. Shoulders and neck. Now you are turtles, basking in the sun. Danger is approaching you! Pull your head into your shoulders, and pull your shoulders up, hold this for 30 seconds and relax again, stretch your head.
  4. Jaws. Squeeze them tightly, so that even your neck tenses. Imagine that you come across hard chewing gum. Now relax your jaws and feel how good it is. Open your mouth slightly, relax.
  5. Face. Imagine that an annoying fly has landed on your nose. Drive her away using your facial muscles without using your hands!
  6. Stomach. A baby elephant is heading towards you and doesn’t look at his feet! He might step on you! Tighten your stomach as hard as you can and relax it as the baby elephant passes by.
  7. Legs. Stand in an imaginary “puddle.” Tighten your toes and feet, sinking deeper and deeper into the mud. Get out and bask in the sun.

Praise your child for any achievements

Alekseev technique

In this method, you should imagine each part of the body as a large lamp, and your consciousness as a small night light.

Gradually extinguish the lamps one after another, using the formulas: “I relax... (arms, legs, neck), they are warm and motionless,” “I am completely relaxed,” etc.

Gradually turn off all lamps except the consciousness night light. You should fall into a state of light slumber, as if lying in pleasant warm water.

Tip: Dictate these instructions into your phone. Play them at the same time every day for your child before bed for deep relaxation.

Neuropsychological play therapy

The presented exercises are intended to correct behavior in a relaxed playful manner.

Do not force your baby to play with them and do not overload him for more than 20 minutes.

A tired, hyperactive child who has overexerted himself may become capricious or uncontrollable.

And, of course, be patient

Exercise No. 1

Place a rope on the floor or mark the edge of the carpet as a boundary. On one side there is a river, on the other there is a bank.

The presenter offers to follow his commands: shouts “river” - you need to jump into it, shouts “bank” - you should return.

When all the children understand the conditions, proceed to the main part. First, the teams are named in random order, then alternating “river-bank-river-bank”.

Children fall into a certain rhythm. Change the sequence unexpectedly.

Advise the one who made a mistake to say the command out loud, and then act.

This will help manage difficulty switching between tasks and impulsivity.

Exercise No. 2

Ask your child to boss you around and teach you something he can do himself.

Children with ADHD are unable to concentrate on multiple issues at once

For example, draw a cat, but he must pronounce your every action out loud, without using gestures.

This will help explain how planning works in reality.

Exercise No. 3

Blindfold yourself and ask your baby to command where you should go so as not to crash into standing objects (two steps to the left, one to the right). This will teach him to analyze the situation.

Advice: do not disrupt your daily routine, even if this threatens a scandal. Make concessions only in minor situations.

When hugs become medicine OR how to cope with a child's hyperactivity.

“Due to restlessness and restlessness, such a child immediately catches the eye,” Elena Nikitina, a psychologist at the Center for Family Psychology, describes a hyperactive child.

"Such a child is impatient and fussy. Impulsive and aggressive. He cannot hold his attention on one thing for more than 5-10 minutes. He talks a lot and quickly, asks countless questions, but does not wait for answers to his questions, since he manages to become interested in a minute something else,” the psychologist completes the picture.

These symptoms, as well as excessive nervous excitement, insufficient control over movements and emotions, poor coordination of movements, and rapid fatigue define hyperactivity syndrome.

Many experts note an annual increase in the number of children with this mental disorder. For example, Lidia Kulik, a pediatric neurologist at the Okhmatdet National Children's Specialized Hospital, notes that the situation in her practice has worsened to 20% over the past 5 years. As well as the fact that boys are three times more vulnerable to this disease than girls.

The vast majority of parents begin to worry about this unusual behavior of children when it is time to prepare for school (the peak of the disease occurs at 5-7 years of age). It is then that it becomes clear that the child is unlikely to last the time allotted for the lesson at his desk. In addition, he will probably have difficulty finding friends.

“If such a child likes a toy while playing with other children, the first impulse will be to take it away from him, and not ask him to play,” says Elena Nikitina. “If only for this reason, they are not very successful in communicating with peers.

On the playground, hyperactive children are like a tornado that destroys everything and everyone in its path. Therefore, parents of other children try to keep their child as far away from them as possible. Accordingly, hyperactive children have a problem of social adaptation.

Despite the fact that, with some exceptions, hyperactivity does not affect the child’s general intelligence, so problems with school performance may arise mainly due to restlessness, inability to concentrate and poor memory; At school they are unwanted students and are not accepted.

Of course, it is more convenient for teachers to send such a child to a psychiatrist or neurologist than to find an approach to him. Therefore, in our country, many hyperactive children are transferred to education according to an individual program, thus delaying the pace of their overall development and socialization.

Taking into account the annual deterioration of the situation, today the issue of hyperactivity worries not only parents, doctors and psychologists, but also government officials. Indeed, according to some expert estimates, in Russia alone today there are from 300 to 500 thousand such children.

Psi factors

The father brought a boy with hyperactivity disorder to the psychology center. A psychologist is working on a child, and dad is waiting for 8-year-old Misha in a chair, reading a newspaper. Both are interesting to watch: a man, swinging his leg, fidgets in his chair, throws sheets of paper with sharp movements; the boy also swings his leg, at the same time shaking the chair on which he cannot sit quietly.

During a conversation with a psychologist, it turned out that in childhood, my father’s medical record contained a note from a neurologist about increased nervous excitability.

According to experts, in many cases, hyperactivity in children is genetically determined. By the way, in adolescence and in adults, the vast majority of symptoms of the disease are smoothed out due to better self-control.

In some cases, hyperactivity is a consequence of brain injury, abnormal childbirth, or pregnancy with complications. Lydia Kulik talks about not isolated cases of the disease in children born by cesarean section.

In addition, it is necessary to note another important factor in the occurrence of the disease - socio-psychological. It is possible that, to some extent, hyperactive syndrome is a disease of modern society, the 21st century and the acceleration of the rhythm of life.

Kulik is convinced that the computer and television play an important role in its appearance, because they, splashing out showers of negative information to the masses, provoke aggression and nervous excitability not only in children, but also in adults.

However, the socio-psychological aspect of this disease is, first of all, the influence of the family. We are talking not only about dysfunctional families in which, for example, one of the parents suffers from alcoholism.

Quite the opposite, because only by observing a child can one understand the problems they have. As we know, a child is, in fact, a mirror reflection of the relationship between parents.

Love = treat

“Don’t touch it! Put it down immediately! When will you finally be like all the children! Not a child, but what a horror!” - The mother screams at the baby in the neurologist’s office, snatching the doll that the child had just taken from his hands and returning it to the doctor’s table.

A child with attention deficit hyperactivity disorder ( ADHD) , a tense and nervous woman brought me to an appointment asking for treatment. In principle, an ordinary child should not be treated this way, and a hyperactive one especially should not be treated this way.

These children are extremely sensitive and vulnerable, and have low self-esteem. Any harsh criticism of them, comparison with other children, increases their self-doubt. However, it is easier for parents to yell at or punish their child than to show patience and calmly point out their mistakes to the child.

Having some experience, Lydia Kulik believes that sometimes, looking at parents, one can confidently say that it is they, not the children, who need help, at least psychologically.

Elena Cherepanova, a psychologist at the Center for Child and Family Psychology “I + Family,” says that hyperactivity is often found in children from families where there are no warm emotions.

Hyperactive children are treated both with medications (stimulants, amphetamines) and with the help of various psychological techniques and exercises aimed at developing self-control, developing communication skills, perseverance and attention (correction is developed individually).

For such children, a routine and a special diet (limitation in sweets) are mandatory; activities to develop tactile sensations (sculpting, finger painting), and playing with water are useful for them; sport; and in general they require special handling.

These methods are certainly effective. However, helping a child to truly, and not partially, relieve the symptoms of the disease is possible only on the condition that the parents want to help, and not to simplify their life.

Therefore, we are ready not only to spend a long time on classes, adhering to one line of education, but also to work on ourselves: to solve our own psychological problems, to improve the microclimate in the family.

To begin with, you should try to accept the baby’s personality. Try to love him for who he is, and show these feelings without hesitation. At least with the help of the “Rule of 8 Hugs”, which is proposed by Elena Nikitina.

“Hug your child AT LEAST 8 times a day so that he feels the love he really needs from you.”

This is important for any child, especially for a hyperactive one. Moreover, hugs calm and relieve tension. Love, according to experts, is the best medicine.

Article sent by: laiem

Many parents are interested in the question: how does hyperactivity syndrome differ from the normal development of a child. All children at an early age are characterized by inconstancy, restlessness and increased activity. So, when should you sound the alarm?

What is hyperactivity syndrome?

Often, noisy, restless, inattentive, disobedient children, characteristic of a certain personality type, are unjustifiably classified as hyperactive. But such Only a specialist can make a diagnosis followed by mandatory drug treatment and psychological correction.

As a rule, the first symptoms of hyperactivity, which in most cases are combined with attention deficit, appear at the age of two or three years. But the greatest number of requests for help from specialists occurs at 6-8 years of age. This is due to the active preparation of children for school, where the entire symptom complex of hyperactivity and attention deficit manifests itself.

So what is it? Attention deficit hyperactivity disorder ADHD, abbreviated as ADHD, is a disorder of the central nervous system, manifested by difficulty concentrating and increased motor activity.

Today there are:

    Hyperactivity without attention impairment;

    Attention disturbance without hyperactivity;

    Hyperactivity with impaired attention.

The most common is the last option, when the child has a combination of the previous two.

How to understand that a child is hyperactive?

In order to figure out whether a child is hyperactive, you need to know main symptoms of this syndrome, which manifest themselves for at least 6 months in a row.

    The first manifestations of ADHD can be observed in a newborn. Such children are very sensitive to external stimuli. They are frightened by bright lights, loud sounds, sleep poorly, and are capricious for no apparent reason.

    In the first year of life, the baby’s movements for a long time have a chaotic, thoughtless character. The child seems clumsy. Speech development is delayed compared to peers.

    A protracted crisis of three years, the child’s adaptation in kindergarten, which increases physical and psychological stress on the child’s body, leads to increased manifestations of the hyperactivity symptom complex. Such children cannot fulfill the exact requests of the teacher, maintain attention on one subject, or sit still for a long time. The main task of parents and educators during this period is to notice, recognize and help the child cope with this disorder.

    A significant deterioration in behavior and inattention manifests itself in a child when attending preparatory classes before school. During this period, the greatest number of requests to psychologists for help and correction occurs. Children during this period quickly become overtired. Their emotional development is delayed and manifests itself in negativism, stubbornness, and temper. They build relationships with other children in a difficult and long way. They often conflict. Self-esteem is low. Academic achievement is low even with high intelligence scores. They often make ridiculous mistakes due to inattention. Constantly distracted by extraneous stimuli. They cannot sit still and walk around the classroom. They do not respond to adult comments.

    After 7-8 years, the syndrome acquires pronounced symptoms. Academic performance is low. Inattention, restlessness, inability to listen or read a task to the end, failure to complete started tasks, forgetfulness, detachment, followed by impulsiveness.

Why does this problem occur?

Hyperactivity in a child is manifested as a result of immaturity of the cerebral cortex, which leads to the child’s inability to adequately recognize external signals. This causes the child to become restless, inattentive, irritable, and fussy. There are many causes of ADHD, the main ones being:

    Hereditary factor;

    Complications during pregnancy and childbirth, birth injuries;

    Bruises, head injuries, severe illnesses in early childhood;

    Social factor.

Scientists have proven that this disorder can be inherited. The chances of attention disorder and hyperactivity increase several times if a close relative in the family had this disease in childhood.

Poor lifestyle, poor diet, alcohol abuse, smoking, taking strong medications, women, especially in the early stages, during pregnancy, when the basic formation of the child’s brain is taking place. Complicated childbirth, asphyxia in the newborn, perinatal encephalopathy, cesarean section and birth injuries in 60% of all cases cause the further development of attention deficit and hyperactivity in the child. Head injuries and bruises, severe infectious diseases suffered in early childhood play an equally important role. And a dysfunctional family environment negatively affects the development of the child as a whole and aggravates the situation even further.

Methods and methods for correcting hyperactivity

An effective method of correcting hyperactivity, depending on the severity of the symptoms, is self-study with the child or professional help from a psychologist. She aimed at developing perseverance, gradually complicating and prolonging the time for performing various tasks, developing voluntary attention through various techniques and tests. Correction and development of the baby's emotions.

If the diagnosis of ADHD is made by a neurologist or psychiatrist, then the child is prescribed medication based on a long and thorough examination. If the origins of this disorder are problems in the functioning of the brain and its cortex, then properly selected treatment by specialists and compliance with all recommendations can completely rid the child of this disease.

The development of a child directly depends on the parents. And if, for independent reasons, a child is diagnosed with a disorder of attention and behavior, then correct and timely actions can significantly help the child.

An organized daily routine, discipline, distribution of daily workload, proper rest, increased self-esteem, and healthy nutrition will significantly improve a child’s performance. Children with ADHD need reducing stress on the nervous system by eliminating prolonged viewing of TV and computer games, protection from nervous shock.

If you cannot cope with this disorder on your own, you should not be afraid to seek help from specialists; clear and correct implementation of their instructions will ensure a quick recovery.

Nowadays, children are increasingly talking about hyperactivity. Many people do not fully understand what this term means and apply it to all mobile and active children. However, hyperactivity is not just increased activity of the baby, it is a violation of the child’s behavioral reactions associated with impaired brain function.

What kind of hyperactive child is he? What should the parents of such a child do? After all, they will have to face a lot of problems, learn to correct their child’s behavior, and help him adapt to school, and this is usually very difficult.

The term “hyperactivity” itself means greatly increased activity and excitability of a person. Hyperactivity is most common in children, as they have less control over their emotions.

With hyperactivity, the nervous system is usually unbalanced. The child develops behavioral disorders that require correction. In the modern world, more and more children suffer from this disorder.

Typically, a hyperactive child has the following disorders:

  • Cannot concentrate attention on any action for a long time. This especially often causes problems at school.

After all, it is difficult for a child to sit through a lesson, listen to the teacher, and complete assignments. Such children are forgetful and absent-minded. Even sitting in front of the TV for a long time is problematic for such children.

  • Increased emotionality and impulsiveness.

Hyperactive children often cannot control their emotions, splashing them out on others, and commit unexpected impulsive actions.

  • Motor activity is excessive.

Many children, especially at preschool and primary school age, are quite active. However, hyperactive children stand out even against their background. They cannot sit still, they literally dance if they are seated. Their hands and legs are in motion, their eyes dart, their facial expressions change.

If a child has one or two of the above disorders, then most likely these are simply age-related behavioral characteristics. With age, the child will learn to better control his emotions, and his behavior will level out. However, if the baby has all of the listed disorders, then this is a reason to consult a specialist.

It is important to suspect and diagnose this disorder in time, rather than later reap the fruits of misunderstanding your child.

From a medical point of view, hyperactivity - hyperdynamic syndrome - is a diagnosis. It can be installed by a neurologist or neurologist. Most often, this diagnosis is associated with minimal brain dysfunction and dysfunction of the central nervous system.

In the next video, Dr. Komarovsky will tell you what hyperactivity is:

When it appears

It is believed that hyperdynamic activity syndrome manifests itself most clearly in preschool (4-5 years) and primary school age (6-8 years). The child ends up in a children's group and cannot withstand the modern pace of learning.

All the signs of his hyperactivity immediately appear: the teacher or educator cannot cope with the child, he does not master the curriculum and other problems of his behavioral disorders.

However, the first signs of hyperdynamic syndrome can be detected in infancy. Such babies are very active and emotional: they get out of their diapers, fall, if you turn away for a moment, they sleep poorly, their sleep is superficial, restless, and they can scream all night for no reason.

As they grow older, the behavior of hyperactive children continues to “delight” their parents: they get out of playpens and strollers, often fall, get into everything, and knock over everything.

Babies are already 1-2 years old and active and overly mobile; mothers can barely keep up with them. They are not interested in games where you need to think, add, build. It is difficult for a hyperactive child to finish listening to a fairy tale or watching a cartoon; he cannot sit still.

What should parents do if they suspect their child has hyperactivity disorder?

Norm or pathology. False hyperactivity

Very often, hyperactivity is confused with normal child behavior, because most children aged 3-7 years are quite active and impulsive, and have difficulty controlling emotions. If a child is restless and often distracted, then they say that he is hyperactive. However, for elementary school children, a lack of concentration and the inability to sit still for a long time is usually the norm. Therefore, hyperdynamic syndrome can be difficult to diagnose.

If a child, in addition to attention deficit and increased activity, has problems establishing relationships with peers, is inattentive to the feelings of others, does not learn from his mistakes, and does not know how to adapt to the environment, then these signs indicate a pathology - attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD).

From a neurological point of view, this diagnosis is quite serious and the child needs treatment, the sooner the better.


If parents suspect that their child has ADHD, they should consult a pediatric neurologist. The doctor will prescribe the appropriate examination that needs to be completed. Indeed, more serious pathologies may be hidden under the symptoms of hyperdynamic syndrome.
Diagnostics includes three stages:

  1. The doctor collects data on the child’s behavior and reactions, about the peculiarities of pregnancy and childbirth, previous diseases, hereditary pathologies of family members.
  2. Conducts special tests and evaluates results and the amount of time spent, as well as the reaction and behavior of the child in this case. Usually such tests are carried out for children 5-6 years old.
  3. Electroencephalogram. This examination assesses the condition of the child's brain. It is painless and harmless.

After receiving all the results, the neurologist makes a diagnosis and gives his conclusion.


The main signs that help recognize a child’s hyperactivity:

  1. The child has increased causeless motor activity. He spins all the time, jumps, runs, climbs everywhere, even if he knows that he shouldn’t. It lacks the process of inhibition in the central nervous system. He just can't contain himself.
  2. Can't sit still, if you sit him down, he spins, gets up, fidgets, and cannot sit still.
  3. When talking, he often interrupts the interlocutor and does not listen to the question. to the end, speaks off topic, does not think.
  4. Can't sit quietly. Even when playing, he makes noise, squeaks, and makes unconscious movements.
  5. He cannot stand in line, he is capricious, and nervous.
  6. Has problems interacting with peers. Interferes in other people's games, pesters children, and does not know how to make friends.
  7. Does not consider the feelings and needs of other people.
  8. The child is very emotional and has no ability to control either positive or negative emotions.. Often creates scandals and hysterics.
  9. Child's sleep is restless, during the day he often doesn’t sleep at all. In his sleep he tosses and turns, curls up into a ball.
  10. Quickly loses interest in activities, jumping from one to another and not finishing.
  11. The child is distracted and inattentive, cannot concentrate, and often makes mistakes because of this.

Parents of hyperactive children face difficulties from an early age. The child does not obey his parents, it is necessary to control him all the time, constantly being nearby.

You can learn more about the signs of this syndrome by watching the video:


Experts consider the following situations to be the main reasons that can cause dysfunction of the child’s nervous system, and, consequently, hyperactivity syndrome:

  • Heredity (genetic predisposition)
  • Damage to brain cells in the prenatal period or during labor.

This may be fetal hypoxia, infections, birth injuries.

  • Disorders caused by an unfavorable family environment, abnormal living conditions, improper educational process, illnesses and injuries after birth.

According to statistical data, male children are more likely to suffer from hyperactivity.. For every five boys, only one girl is diagnosed with this condition.

Classification of attention deficit hyperactivity disorder

There are the following types of attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD):

  1. Hyperdynamic syndrome without attention deficit.
  2. Attention deficit disorder is present, but without hyperactivity (it usually occurs in female children - these are calm, absent-minded, quiet girls).
  3. A combination of attention deficit disorder and hyperdynamism.

ADHD can be primary, occurring in utero, or secondary (acquired), acquired after birth as a result of injury or disease.

There is also a distinction between a simple form of the disease and a complicated one. In the complicated form of ADHD, other signs are added to the symptoms: nervous tics, stuttering, enuresis, headaches.


Treatment of ADHD requires a comprehensive approach. Some procedures, medications, and diets are used, but the main emphasis is on psychological correction and the right approach to raising a hyperactive child.

In Europe and the United States, psychostimulant drugs are widely used to treat ADHD. They are quite effective, but have many side effects. The main ones are digestive disorders, headaches, insomnia, and growth retardation. In Russia, ADHD is treated with nootropic drugs that have a positive effect on brain function (Holitilin, Encephabol, Cortexin).

These remedies are more effective for attention deficit.
When focusing on hyperdynamic syndrome, drugs are used that affect the inhibitory reactions of the central nervous system (Fentibut, Pantogam).

Only a doctor can prescribe medications! The medication is taken under the supervision of a specialist. In addition, it is possible to use procedures involving stimulation of the brain with weak pulses of electric current.

The child’s nutrition is also important. So, with an unbalanced diet, children’s metabolism is disrupted, which can provoke irritability and moodiness. A growing body requires protein, vitamins and minerals. The diet should contain foods with high levels of Omega 3 fats, which have a beneficial effect on the central nervous system. But it is better to reduce the amount of sweets and carbohydrates. It is better to give your child berries and fruits. You can leave a little dark chocolate in your diet.

Psychological correction of the child’s behavior is mandatory during treatment. The psychologist helps the child better understand his actions, and also gives advice to parents on building relationships with such a child and methods of raising and teaching him.

Most children “outgrow” this disease if they have no complications and receive timely treatment. In some cases, ADHD continues into adulthood, especially if timely and adequate assistance is not provided to the child.

You can learn more about the treatment of the syndrome from the video:

Features of communication with such children

Raising a hyperactive child can be difficult. Even with strong love for their child, parents cannot always withstand all his tricks; they often break down and scream. And it happens that they stop raising him altogether, deciding “what he grows up, he grows up.”

It is not uncommon for parents to try to instill strict discipline in such a child, brutally suppressing all his antics and disobedience. The child is punished for the slightest offense. However, such upbringing only aggravates the child's behavior problems. He becomes more withdrawn, insecure, and disobedient.

You should not go too far in relation to children with ADHD, so as not to add new problems to existing disorders.(stuttering, urinary incontinence, etc.). It is necessary to find a different approach to each child with ADHD, taking into account his neurological characteristics.

What should parents, educators and teachers do?

A child with hyperdynamic syndrome requires a lot of parental attention. It is necessary to try to listen to him, help him complete tasks, develop his perseverance and interaction with the outside world. He needs praise and rewards, approval and support, more parental love. Before punishing a child, parents should take into account that he is quite normal in intelligence, but he has problems regulating his motor activity. Therefore, he does not deliberately do what he was forbidden, but simply cannot stop himself.

It is necessary to properly organize your daily routine. Come up with your own rituals. Walk outside more. It is advisable to enroll your child in a sports section. Swimming, gymnastics, running, horse riding, and sports dancing are good options. It is also necessary to set up a sports corner at home so that the child has a place to splash out his energy.

When sending your child to kindergarten, you need to choose the right one in advance, where there are groups with the opportunity to play, children actively move, complete tasks and answer as desired. Talk to the teacher about the baby's special needs.

If a child’s behavior causes a conflict in the kindergarten, then it is better to take him away from there. You can’t blame the baby that it’s his fault, say that this group just didn’t suit him.

Studying at school also has its difficulties. Discuss what a teacher should do so as not to traumatize a hyperactive child and help him adapt in the classroom. When doing homework, you should prepare in advance and avoid distractions. Classes should be short but effective so that the child does not lose attention. IN

It is important to do your homework regularly, at the same time. It is necessary to observe the child and determine the most appropriate time: after meals or after physical activity.
When punishing a hyperactive child, you should not choose those that do not allow him to move: put him in a corner, sit him on a special chair.

Positive qualities of hyperactive children

Despite all the unpleasant behavioral characteristics of children with hyperdynamic syndrome, they also have many positive qualities, the development of which parents should pay special attention to.

  • A hyperactive child has creative, creative thinking.

He can come up with a lot of interesting ideas, and if you have enough patience, he can be creative. Such a child is easily distracted, but has a unique view of the world around him.

  • Hyperactive children are usually enthusiastic. They are never boring.

They are interested in many things and are, as a rule, bright personalities.

  • Such children are energetic and active, but often unpredictable.

If they have a motive, then they do everything faster than ordinary children.

  • A child with ADHD is very flexible, resourceful, and can find a way out where others would not notice, and solve a problem in an unusual way.

The intelligence of children with ADHD is not impaired in any way. Very often they have high artistic and intellectual abilities.

Specific ways to communicate and interact with such children are given in the following video:

Psychologists note that if a child has signs of hyperactivity, then they should begin to eliminate them, the sooner the better. This approach helps to avoid difficulties arising from the child’s behavioral disorders, stress and disappointment on the part of his parents and surrounding people, and even the baby himself. Therefore, when a diagnosis of ADHD is established, you should not neglect the help of a specialist doctor and psychologist, so as not to waste time.

Psychologists note that a properly organized daily routine and a favorable family environment helps a child in the treatment of ADHD. In addition, the psychologist’s advice is as follows:

  1. Provide your child with a calm, stable, non-irritating environment. This will help reduce the accumulation and release of strong emotions.
  2. He must develop the necessary reflexes that will help him strictly adhere to the daily routine. For example, go to bed after mom reads a fairy tale or sings a song.
  3. To relieve excess physical activity, it is necessary to organize classes for the child in sports sections.
  4. Do not force a hyperactive child to do tedious work for a long time or sit in one place. Periodically allow active activities to release excess energy.

Eliminating problems associated with hyperactivity in children is a completely feasible task. The main thing is to give the child the opportunity to throw out excess energy, to interest him in the learning process, to develop creative abilities, and most importantly to take into account the child’s characteristics when assessing his actions.

Cartoons for the prevention of hyperactivity.

The following cartoons will help your child understand more about his condition; by discussing the plot and characters with your child, you can help him fight this problem.

Here's a list of cartoons:

  • "Fidget, Myakish and Netak"
  • “Masha is no longer lazy”
  • “He’s so absent-minded”
  • "Wings, Legs, and Tails"
  • "Petya Pyatochkin"
  • "Monkeys"
  • "Naughty Bear"
  • "I don't want to"
  • "Octopuses"
  • "Naughty Kitten"
  • "Fidget"

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