How to become interesting to other people. Ask your boyfriend a few questions and you'll find out what he's interested in

Constantly explore new places, learn new ideas and opinions. Bored people often stop being interested in new things.

Share what you learn

Be generous in everything. Not everyone strives for new knowledge like you. So let them at least learn something new and interesting from you.

Do something. Anything!

Dance. Speak. Build. Play. Help. Create. It doesn’t matter what you do, the main thing is to do something all the time. Sitting around endlessly complaining about life is not considered “something”; it is not something worth doing.

Embrace your quirks

Each of us has our own quirks, individual characteristics and our own “cockroaches in the head.” Don't hide them, because they are what make you an interesting and unique person.

Don't be indifferent

If you don't give a damn about everything, then you won't be indifferent to others.

Minimize arrogance

An inflated ego hinders the advancement of ideas. If your arrogance is more obvious than your experience, then be prepared to be avoided.

Allow yourself to shoot

Play with a new idea. Do something weird. Leave your “comfort zone”; this is the only way you can grow and achieve significant success.

Don't follow the crowd

If everyone is already doing it, then you're already late to the party. Start your own business, and others will follow you. Besides, it is much more interesting to steer yourself than to be driven.

Be bolder!

Courage is required in order to have an opinion that contradicts the opinions of others, or to take an unexpected path. If you don't have the courage for this, then you will still be wandering around the office water cooler, discussing the guy who had it.

10. Ignore the bores

It’s safe to be bored, and you will be reminded of this more than once. The bores could have, would have done, should have done... But they didn’t! And now they are indignant because you succeed!

So I thought about the question - “how to make your life more interesting and thereby become interesting for yourself and others?” I think every person faces this question in life. After all, you probably had the feeling that you wanted to change something, change the environment or change your place of work, or that you didn’t have much time to talk to others, because nothing unusual is happening in your life, but everything goes on as usual and every day is like Groundhog Day, I don’t even want to talk about it.

That's why I suggest you try 10 ways to become interesting to yourself and others:

1)Explore the world

Be interested in everything that is interesting (ideas, places, people). Expand your boundaries. After all, if you don’t go beyond the ordinary, you will never become interesting, but will remain a boring person.

2) Share with others.

Share your ideas and findings on this matter, thereby you can find like-minded people or simply become an interesting interlocutor, because not everyone lives such an interesting life as you.

3) Be active.

Your life should be filled with action. Dance, draw, travel, create, the main thing is not to sit still. You will not know the feeling of boredom.

4) Embrace your uniqueness.

All people in this world are different people with their own unusual ideas. After all, they are the ones who are interesting because they bring novelty to life.

5) Avoid indifference.

After all, if you care about those around you, then you are not indifferent to them.

6) Don't be overconfident .

Your arrogance can get in the way of something new. Your ego can overshadow any of your ideas. You need to be inquisitive to gain experience.

7) Try it.

New ideas may not come to life if you do not try to bring them to life, being afraid of something new and unknown.

8)Don't do what everyone else is doing.

After all, if many people are interested in this, then your place will be at the end. Try to do something that no one else is doing. Then you will become a pioneer, thereby taking the helm.

9)Don't react to criticism.

After all, doing something of your own requires courage, because many will dissuade you from it and say that it is not fashionable, not popular, or that no one needs it. The main thing is to move along the intended path.

10) Listen to your intuition.

After all, many interesting discoveries were made thanks to the sixth sense, and they could not always explain where such an idea came from.

Hello, dear ladies! Very often I hear from girls such phrases as “I’m boring”, “I can’t be alone for a long time”, “I’m not fun” and so on. The main problem is that women do not understand how to become interesting to themselves. Today I would like to talk about exactly this and find out what needs to be done in such a situation. How not to turn into a jester, not to go crazy from loneliness and find inner harmony.

Why do you need this

Let's start by finding out why you want to become interesting. And even better - for whom.

There are two options: for yourself and for others. The fact is that for a good result you will have to use a different approach, depending on the answer to the question why.

If you do this for yourself, then we will talk about internal development, communicating with yourself, finding activities that will develop your potential. Here the path lies through self-knowledge and self-study. In this case, you don’t care at all about the opinions of others, about their attitude towards you. And often, the attitude of others even harms in such a situation.

In the case when you want to become interesting to others, things are completely different. Here, the opinions of others and the attitude of others are very important. In this case, the concept of the soul of the company will be very important. After all, these are the people who are the most popular.

In any case, there are some general principles and provisions that can be applied in both options. This way, you can become interesting both to yourself and to be cheerful, sociable and entertaining in company.

She's her own boss

The first thing I would like to talk about is self-sufficiency. This quality will be useful to you in both cases. If you want to learn to be at peace with yourself, then you definitely need to acquire a similar character trait.

The point is that you should not do something for a man, for a girlfriend, for your mother, for your son or anyone else. Your life is in your hands. You have your own thoughts, your own attitude towards things. You and only you are responsible for your actions. You do not depend on others and their opinions of you, but at the same time you treat everyone with respect and dignity. This is where that harmony is.

If you want to be the life of the party, then you need self-sufficiency in order to perfectly understand the difference between useful and important advice from others and simple envy and hypocrisy. This quality will teach you to listen to the opinions of your friends and draw conclusions. Don't blindly trust all words.

I have already raised the issue of this quality in the article “”. I'm sure it will be extremely useful to you. Be sure to read it.

Work and hobbies

Another very important point is what you do. Your job or hobby should bring you great pleasure. You yourself should experience delight and interest in your activity. A girl who sits at home all day and scrolls through her news feed on social networks will not be interesting to herself or those around her.

Have you noticed how the eyes of people who find something they love light up? How do they know how to infect everyone around them with their positivity and positive energy? You can do this too! You just have to start. This can be absolutely any activity. You know yourself well. Remember your childhood, look into your dreams, shake up your imagination.

If you think that your work is completely uninteresting, boring, monotonous and no one will listen about it, then you simply don’t know how to talk beautifully. One of my friends worked as a completely ordinary bank clerk. Loans, financial schemes, numbers, papers and nothing exciting. But he talked about his work with such enthusiasm that everyone sat with their mouths open and did not blink while he talked about his work.

Try to look at your work differently. Find what is interesting about her, why you love her, what admires and inspires you. Explore new facets of your occupation, expand your knowledge, improve your skills. Grow and learn.

If you are currently sitting at home and cannot find a suitable job, then the article “” will be very useful for you. Remember that nothing is impossible in the world.

Don't lose your self

On this path, it is very important not to lose yourself and not become the generally accepted template of an “interesting person.” It is always important to remain yourself and not betray your principles. Many people, in an attempt to become interesting and not be boring, lose their zest. That’s why I talked about self-sufficiency in the first place.

The more versatile you are, the broader your views on the world, the more interesting it will be to talk with you. After all, when a person is very fixated on one thing with him and there is nothing special to talk about. To develop, read more books, watch movies from different eras, study art, pay attention to the exact sciences.

Moreover, a sense of humor will greatly help you along this path. Agree, it’s a pleasure to be in a company where there is someone who knows how to joke. I haven't met girls with a good sense of humor very often, but that's not their fault. In the world it is believed that a woman cannot joke. That's why young ladies don't even try to learn this. But jokes, like mathematical formulas, can be learned. It all depends on you.

Dear women, I am sure that you will definitely succeed in your plans. I would advise you to first learn to be interesting to yourself. Then becoming interesting to others will not be so difficult.

I would be very glad to hear your stories. Have you ever done anything to be the center of attention? Do you have a friend who is the life of the party? And what do you think makes it different from others?

Many women try to conquer men with their spectacular appearance - complex makeup, perfect hairstyle, and, of course, meet them based on their clothes, but for many years they remain with those who managed to ignite a spark of interest in themselves in a man.

To be interesting is always, first of all, to be interested, because every interlocutor is pleased when they listen to him attentively and subsequently will not forget his name or position and will not even fail to inquire about the health of his grandmother, whose illness you talked about for an hour last time . Therefore, by asking relevant questions, listening carefully and with interest to the answers, and also telling general but interesting information about yourself and your life, you can show yourself as a pleasant conversationalist, and this is already halfway to success in a man’s heart.

Having hooked a man with a pleasant conversation, it is very important not to lose his interest in subsequent communication. To do this, you need to be able to keep your distance in a relationship. After all, when meeting a woman, a man feels a mystery in her, which intrigues him and keeps him awake at night, demanding an immediate solution, that is, conversation, meeting, etc. The closer the acquaintance, the more the sense of novelty is lost, emotions, adrenaline and... the man subside switches to another object of interest! Therefore, do not be afraid to demand and give personal space, do not try to control every step of a man, just as you should not retell all the topics that you discussed today over a cup of coffee with a friend. Flirt with a man, intriguing him with how and with whom you spent time. Accept and appreciate the personality of the other person, and he will answer you in the same way, and spending time together will not lose its novelty for many years.

Spend your free time not only on cooking, washing, ironing and other household chores, but also on your own spiritual development, because every man wants to not only be fed, but also just have a heart-to-heart talk. And if a woman constantly brushes it off under the guise of “my milk has run away because of your chatter,” then just as soon the husband will run away too- to where they will listen to him and talk to him.

Get yourself a hobby that you enjoy. And the less men understand about all the intricacies of countless needles, hoops, and decoupage napkins, the better, because with this you once again show your “zest” and arouse genuine interest and admiration for your mysterious pastime.

How to attract a man with your looks?

Don't forget to pay attention to your appearance. This will be pleasant not only for the man, but also for you, because catching the admiring and interested glances of passers-by is the dream of any woman, regardless of marital status.
And finally, last but not least - be self-sufficient! Be interesting and passionate about life on your own, regardless of the presence of a man in it, do not focus on relationships, but look for self-realization in other areas. Use the principle of “reasonable selfishness” - do not try to shoulder all the responsibilities in a relationship and let the man relax, respect your partner’s needs, but do not forget about yours. This way you will avoid the very common mistake of “dissolving” in your partner, which leads to a loss of interest in a man, because who needs to see and communicate with “their mirror” every day.

Yes, men are mysterious and incomprehensible creatures, but by taking advantage of your innate feminine wisdom and intuition, as well as showing proper human attention and warmth, you can always remain necessary and interesting for men, and therefore happy in family life.

Read also:

Orthodox calendar

Wednesday, February 20, 2019(February 7, old style)
Week about the Publican and the Pharisee
St. Parthenia, ep. Lampsakian (IV)
St. Luke of Greece (c. 946)
Saints' Day:
Mchch. 1003 Nicomedia (303).
Day of Remembrance of Confessors and New Martyrs of the Russian Church:
Sschmch. Alexandra Talyzin presbyter (1938); sschmch. Alexy Trinity Presbyter (1942).
The week about the publican and the Pharisee is continuous.
Readings of the day
Gospel and Apostle:
In lit.: -Ap.: 2 Pet.3:1-18 Ev.: Mark 13:24-31
In the morning: - Ps.70-76; Ps.77-84; Ps.85-90 For eternity: - Ps.119-133

There is plenty of general advice on this topic. So general that each point requires instructions. For example:

  • find common topics of conversation with her;
  • listen to her, ask questions;
  • be confident;
  • be original;

But it comes down to specifics: you have a date with a girl. And it’s not clear how to prepare for this date? Maybe read something, watch something, remember something? Where to start communication? What to do if suddenly there is an awkward pause in the conversation?

We men love it when there is a plan of action. We plan the working day, keep a calendar of meetings, write out abstracts if there is an important presentation or negotiations coming up. But for some reason the approach to dating is different. We just buy a bouquet of flowers, take the lady to an expensive restaurant and... the result is zero. But it would be worth spending half an hour to think about what to talk about in this restaurant. The effect of such preparation is much greater.

What should I talk to her about? First I'll tell you How you have to communicate. Need to:

a) Tell interesting stories...

b) ... periodically asking her questions ...

c) ... in order to involve her in dialogue ...

d) ... and then simply manage your conversation.

This is the formula for success. This way you can easily fill painful pauses with interesting stories, turn your attention to her by asking questions, and move the conversation to the topics you need.

So, the first skill for successful communication is the ability to tell stories. Your preparation for a date will begin with preparation. those for these stories. Let's do a little exercise. Take paper and pencil. Write:

  • 3 books that have most impressed you recently and why;
  • 3 movies you liked most in the last year and why;
  • 3 places in the world that you remember most and why;
  • 3 interesting cases from your life over the past month (you can use situations that you observed).

Write in exactly this order. If you don’t have favorite books, movies, places and nothing interesting happens to you... Uh... buddy, sorry, no wonder you don’t have a girlfriend. Why does she need such a bore? What should she do with you?

Ok, we warmed up, and at the end we got a list of topics for stories. Now you need to prepare the story itself. To do this, let's go back to 7th grade and remember how to write an essay. Before you write it, you should make a plan, highlight introduction,the main part, climax And denouement.

A good story contains all four of these parts. Plus it’s full of details and emotions. Now take any topic from your list and make 4 signs:


Main part



Now fill out all these four tablets briefly so that you have a summary for the story. Boring? Lazy? I know. That is why men get off with a bouquet of flowers and an expensive restaurant. So that dinner and a “broom” will brighten up an unbearably boring evening for a girl.

After you have written the story in this format, try to tell it. Then the second, the third... you will be surprised, but if you do this regularly, then very soon you will always have 5-10 excellent stories in stock that are appropriate in any company. And on a date too.

Stories are stories, but you need to take into account a couple more important points that will help not only make the conversation interesting, but also remove tension in communication (which is no less important than the communication itself).

That's why…

Let her open up to you!

Many people are afraid to openly talk about what happened to them. Some are ashamed, while others are simply afraid that their story will not be as interesting as they would like.

Therefore, when you are on a first date, the girl may be as shy about you as you are about her. Moreover, her upbringing will not allow her to entertain you more than you entertain her. So you have to take the rap for two, trying to somehow get her to talk. :)

But you can relieve her of this tension by allowing her to open up to you and begin to communicate more actively (she will thank you for this later).

A good way to liberate a girl is to start talking about something first. If you share a story from your life with her, then it will be easier for her to answer you in kind (the principle of “repaying good with good” will apply here).

Finally, when she begins to tell you something, it is advisable to ask clarifying questions that will help her tell you more details.

And sometimes you can simply ask emotionally: “Yes, okay?”, “Seriously?”, showing strong interest in her story.

Continue to use the tit-for-tat approach by sharing your stories with her. This way she will be more willing to say something in response.

Take her to another reality

Sometimes you can dream! Why not?

You just need to dream correctly, involving the girl in an alternative reality.

How to do this?

It’s enough just to ask her any question from the topic around which you will build your joint alternative reality. For example: " Are you jealous? Imagine if some girls called me all the time. Would that make you angry?».

And after her answer, continue: “ Imagine, we are at home in the evening, and someone is constantly texting me. I'm saying don't worry, they're just groupies, but you're still nervous. Then you go into the kitchen and start breaking dishes. Then we make up and make love on the remains of this dish. Then we break the dishes together and make peace again right on these dishes...».

You can use a less explicit alternative reality: " Would you like to live on a desert island?" And after her answer: “ Imagine how you and I would run along the beach, get food, drink rum. I would climb palm trees for coconuts and hunt birds. And you would roast these birds on the fire...».

When you dream with her like this, then it bonds you more than if you went on 10 mediocre dates.

A couple of tips for good communication

When you communicate with her and tell any stories, do not look at her scared and uncertain. Your look should radiate confidence as if your story is the best in the world.

If you are afraid that she will not appreciate what you are telling, then this will be visible in your reaction- you will look at her fearfully, as if afraid that she will not begin to carry on the conversation. Try to hide these manifestations of your behavior.

It is equally important that you sit to the side of her, and not opposite her. Firstly, when you sit opposite, there is a strong barrier between you in the form of a table. Secondly, communicating with a girl involves at least some kind of touching, which can only be done while sitting on her side.

Try to speak confidently. Especially when you take her to an alternative reality. You're going to say it anyway - so why not say it confidently right away? If you start to mumble or your voice trembles, she will immediately feel that all your words are unnatural for you.

All these rules are simple and, at the same time, very effective. Especially try to pay attention to the first point of this article. After doing this at least 5 times, you will learn to communicate emotionally automatically, without even thinking about what exactly you are saying.

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