How to make time for yourself? How to make life happy? Enjoy shopping alone.

24 .02 .2012

With love, Olga Androsova

You will be interested in trainings:

As a result, you will organize your tasks and goals, learn to plan effectively, prioritize and manage changes in work and life. From the training you will take away goals and plans for at least 10 years, the next year, 3 months and the next day. Those. You will begin to plan and manage time already during the training, and all you will need later to achieve your goals and get results is to use simple and practical planning technology in life.

How to devote time to all areas of life while being in harmony? Bogushtime

Every person dreams of his life being harmonious, full and, of course, happy. Every day is unique, full of hope and great mood. An active and successful person always wants to devote time to family, business, development, sports, and communication with friends. But more often it turns out exactly the opposite. All day you spend the whole day doing work, tactics and strategy, giving presentations, earning money, and by the evening you realize that you don’t have time to do anything else besides work tasks. Is this a familiar situation?.. I know how to help you. Listen, here are the detailed instructions. Just write it down and take action!

Every person dreams of having a harmonious life, full and, of course, happy. Every day is unique, full of hope and great mood. An active and successful person always wants to devote time to family, business, development, sports, and communication with friends. But more often it turns out exactly the opposite. All day you spend the whole day doing work, tactics and strategy, giving presentations, earning money, and by the evening you realize that you don’t have time to do anything else besides work tasks. Is this a familiar situation?.. I know how to help you. Listen, here are the detailed instructions. Just write it down and take action!

At the end of each month, make a plan for the next month.. That is, on the 30th or 31st you should already have a ready-made plan for the next month.

Be sure to consider your goals in every area of ​​your life.. Don't forget to schedule time for each task.

When the month is over, analyze it, this is the only way you can effectively make plans for the future. At this stage, you create your personal time bank, you decide how many hours can optimally be allocated for each area. For example, you went to the pool 8 times, on Tuesdays and Thursdays, the chosen time suited you, you got the desired result. Sign up for 8 pool lessons for the next month. If you were in the pool only 6 times out of 8, and it tripled you, sign up for 6 lessons. Using the same principle, you analyze all tasks, decide how much time you need to devote to each and arrange them on a schedule.

Only you can decide how much time you need for sports, communication with family and friends, development and business. Create your personal time bank and take action!

With love, Olga Androsova

Nowadays, many people are too busy to think about themselves. If you are one of them, you certainly need to learn how to make more time for yourself. I know you work hard, take care of your family, do everyday household chores and it seems impossible to take the time to take care of yourself. But luckily, it's possible even if you're overwhelmed. How can you make more time for yourself? Below is a list of simple tips on how to make more time for yourself.

1. Develop your spirituality.

Developing spirituality is one of the best ways to think about yourself. I always find time for this. Since I'm a morning person, I prefer to do this in the morning. I think it helps me have a better perspective on the whole day. Plus, it's a great way to start your day. Cultivating spirituality can reduce your stress levels and make you a better person.

2. Exercises.

One of my favorite ways to get more time for myself is to exercise. I know it might be boring, but if you do what you love, you'll understand. I enjoy running and swimming and they help me relax after a hard day at work. Exercise is good for your physical health, emotional well-being and your weight. Your family or girlfriend may not want to join you when you exercise. Ah, this is a great way to take some time for yourself.

3. Enjoy doing your hair and makeup.

We are often in a hurry when preparing to go to work or a party, and do not have time to enjoy the process. For me, my makeup and hair are very important, and I don't like it when I'm in a hurry. I'd rather get up earlier than worry about time later. Enjoy doing your hair and makeup and you will feel better about yourself. The best thing about this is that you are focused only on yourself.

4. Enjoy shopping alone.

Going shopping alone is another easy way to take time for yourself. Take your time, think about what your soul asks for and have fun. You don't have to look for anything specific. When shopping alone, you should not talk to anyone, so that no one will distract you. I love shopping with my mom and girlfriend, I also enjoy shopping alone. I feel amazingly rested and refreshed after purchasing.

Watching your favorite TV show or movie can be a good way to relax and take some time for yourself. Think about your favorite movie or show, find it online and watch it alone. I think this is a really fantastic way to spend your evening after a hard, stressful day. You deserve it.

6. Call your friend.

One of the nicest things you can do to take time for yourself is to call your close friend. When I feel tired or depressed, I can lock myself in the bedroom, call my best friend and enjoy a pleasant conversation with her. Luckily, my children and husband don't mind me talking on the phone and they don't bother me.

7. Social networks.

Social media has many negative effects and is also a great way to take time for yourself. In fact, we can use social media for good as long as we don't abuse it. This is a great way to take your mind off the hustle and bustle of life. Enjoy social media for a while and get back to real life. It's important to not let social media ruin your life.

This way, you'll have some of the best ways to get more time for yourself every day. It's important to take a little time every day, no matter how busy you are. It helps reduce stress and anxiety and can even improve your health.

Time goes by very quickly. It's easy to think that tomorrow it will be easier to do certain things that will improve our lives. Thus, we imagine that in the future we will have more money, relationships will become more harmonious and stronger, and we will have enough time at our disposal to stop and enjoy the moment. However, if we simply wait for such events without doing anything today, then nothing will come of it. We invite you to learn about what you should start devoting time to now. In the future, you will see how these things will make your life more interesting, happier and more successful.

Better take care of yourself

Start with the little things. Go to the hairdresser a little earlier than you really need a new haircut. Avoid staying up late watching TV so you can spend more time sleeping. Start eating more vegetables, drinking more water and eating at least one piece of fruit for breakfast every day. You should introduce new habits gradually, then it will not seem difficult to you.

Make time for your interests and hobbies

Do what you love. And you can even just browse a website related to a topic that interests you. During your lunch break or on your way home from work, you can stop by a specialty store and look for, for example, good sneakers if you plan to go jogging.

Initiate long, intimate conversations with your loved ones

Instead of waiting for the right moment, start a heart-to-heart conversation with someone close to you. Even if at this time you are just sitting and drinking tea in the kitchen. Don't wait for your loved one to initiate the conversation.

Listen to others carefully and without judgment

This requires not so much time as concentration. So, the next time you want to judge your interlocutor or express your opinion to him, restrain yourself and just listen carefully to him.

Read great books

It may seem like you have to spend less time checking out the latest gossip in a women's magazine or website. But you will be surprised how easily you can say goodbye to such a pastime in favor of reading classical literature. Start with one book. And soon you won't be able to stop.

Write something by hand

Instead of sending an email to a colleague, boss, child or friend, write it by hand. It won't take much time, but it will bring pleasure to both you and the recipient.


Thoughts do not leave a person while driving, walking, doing homework, etc. However, raising your voice while singing will help you relax, freeing yourself from extraneous thoughts. This activity will bring you joy and energize you.

Go somewhere by train

If you get to work every day by subway or train, then skip this point. If not, then keep in mind that a short train ride can have a relaxing and calming effect, which is so necessary for modern people. For more fun, bring your partner, friend or kids.


Stop by and have a party! The reason for this may not only be a birthday or New Year. Find an excuse to buy balloons and cake and invite a few friends.

Just sit and listen to the music

Don't use music as background to any activity. Just sit back and turn on your favorite songs. You can also try music that you were not interested in before, it is quite possible that you will discover new horizons for yourself.

Take time for your health

For some unknown reason, we very often find ourselves too busy to pay attention to this important point. However, you should not put off taking care of your own health until later.


Take time for this wonderful feeling. Often we take the people around us for granted. Think about it and show them that you love them.

Communicate with animals

Get yourself a pet. If you can't do this, then visit a zoo, an animal shelter, or a friend who has a pet. Communication with our smaller brothers gives a feeling of peace that cannot be obtained anywhere else.


There's no need to paint the walls in your room or become the next Picasso. Just buy brushes and paints at the store and try to paint something on canvas. Drawing helps you relax and have a great time.

Record a video

Use your phone, computer, or camera to make a video in which you talk about your life. Years later, you'll be glad you did it.


Take time to move. Moreover, it is not necessary to start training fully. Just turn on the music and move your arms, legs, and head.

Write a list of your life goals

If you have not yet put on paper what you would like to do in life, then do not put it off. Items from a written list are much easier to complete.

Breathe deeply

Spend some time on this activity every day. All you need to do is take a few deep breaths. This will fill your lungs with oxygen and relax.

Every day, stop in front of the mirror for three seconds, look into your eyes and say, “I love you.” This will give you energy.

Spend part of your time without gadgets and other electronics

You should do without a telephone, TV, computer or other equipment for at least one hour every day. This will allow you to clear your mind and give it rest.

Be in nature

All great creative people talk about how important it is for them to be in nature every day, even for a short period of time. Therefore, no matter what the weather is like outside, go out regularly into the fresh air and enjoy the beauty of the world around you.

ALLOW, give something to whom or for what, separating to supply, give, assign a portion to whom or for what. He gives part of his income to his relatives. While working, take time to relax. Give me some leisure time, let's talk. Xia, sufferer. Allotment Wed, ·about. husband's lot, about... Dahl's Explanatory Dictionary

devote- GIVE, liu, only; linen (yon, ena); Sov., what to whom. Give, provide, selecting from what n. U. part of the money to whom n. U. attention, time to whom what n. Ozhegov's explanatory dictionary. S.I. Ozhegov, N.Yu. Shvedova. 1949 1992 … Ozhegov's Explanatory Dictionary

time Encyclopedic Dictionary

time- I see time; unism. in function tale usually with inf. About a favorable, suitable moment for doing something. Morning is the best time to go to sea. It's time for lunch. It's not time to sit idly by. Now is not the time for jokes. II month... Dictionary of many expressions

Time- me; pl. times, men, menam; Wed 1. Philosophy. The main (along with space) form of existence of endlessly developing matter. Infinity of space and time. Outside of space and time there is no movement of matter. // Irreversible... ... Encyclopedic Dictionary

Give- Nesov. trans. 1. To separate, allocate, give to someone an inheritance II 1., part or share of something. 2. transfer Give someone or something some time, attention, etc. Ephraim's explanatory dictionary. T. F. Efremova. 2000... Modern explanatory dictionary of the Russian language by Efremova

Time for business, time for fun- Words from a collection of falconry rules entitled “The Book of the Constable: New Code and Order of the Falconer’s Way,” which was compiled in 1656. by order of Tsar Alexei Mikhailovich (1629 1676). First published (1865) P.... ... Dictionary of popular words and expressions

The time will come (novel)- The time will come There Will Be Time Genre: Science fiction

waste time- running around, running around like a chicken with an egg, running around like a fool with a dirty bag, running around like a fool with a written bag, running around like a fool with a written bag, babysitting, clattering, making fun of, getting excited, freaking out, fiddling around, paying a lot of attention, dancing in a circle, babysitting... ... Dictionary of synonyms

Masterforex-V- (Masterforex 5) Masterforex V is an online training project in the field of the Forex currency market. Exposure of the Masterforex V training project, the organizer and teachers of the Masterforex 5 fraudulent academy, methods of deceiving the project’s clients... ... Investor Encyclopedia

X Congress of the RCP(b)- March 8, March 16, 1921, Moscow. 1,135 delegates from more than 732,000 party members. Contents 1 The situation in the country during the congress 2 Factional struggle ... Wikipedia


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One day I came to an osteopath with a sore back. I remember him saying, “What the hell, stop, rest! Or do you want to break down on the go?!” I then looked at him as if he were a horse that couldn’t trot. I? Stay? But this is completely impossible, I have so many urgent matters!

He was like my back: just as desperately preventing me from turning or bending. He reminded me of a conservative, with outdated views on life, something like “a woman’s place is at home, in the kitchen.” But I still went for consultations with him, because the result spoke for itself: my back became better.

Then I did not yet realize that physical ailments (back pain, stiff neck, sore knees, headaches, insomnia, constant awakenings at night) were alarm signals that my body gave in the hope of conveying that I needed to stop and urgently change something. in life. Otherwise, all my plans will go to hell, I simply won’t be able to work.

I've come a long way since then, reconsidered my life and the years I lived on the run and realized the true value of self-care and time spent on myself.

Never stop critically analyzing your life.

No matter how old we are, life is always willing to throw a couple of problems at us. Whatever life situation you are in (married life, single, with or without children), no matter who you work, there is more and more responsibility every day. In modern life, people are constantly in a hurry to get somewhere, trying to combine their personal and professional lives.

The frantic rhythm pushes us to constantly search for highly effective solutions and forces us to strictly allocate time (the famous optimization). And all this in order to manage to solve as many problems as possible in a day, month, year. And now we no longer notice these signals - eternal quarrels with colleagues or relatives, chronic fatigue, frequent illnesses, inability to resolve conflicts or prevent them.

We completely devote our lives to someone or something, while our own lives pass by.

Without noticing it, we burn out physically and emotionally. In pursuit of a deadline, we lose the thread leading to the essence of real aspirations and desires. When people come for consultations with psychologists, at first they do not even realize that they are in a state of emotional exhaustion or burnout. The person feels tired, complains of constant physical ailments, persistent colds or headaches. “But everything else is fine,” he says. I was like that myself.

I was always amazed by the mothers who left school with their children with an eternal smile that said: “I’m doing great, and you?” But if you take a closer look at them, you can see that they do not look very good, haggard, dressed in the first thing that came to hand. Then you find out that they are divorced, and rarely on their own initiative, suffer from a sense of injustice, because they completely devote their lives to someone or something, and their own passes by.

Where do we get this habit of not allowing ourselves to rest, relax, and feel at least for a short time the ease of life?

I often met women with such problems in consultation. And I thought: where did we get this habit of not allowing ourselves to rest, relax, and feel at least for a little while the ease of life? Where does this feeling of guilt come from if you work from morning to night and at the same time raise a child? Or a feeling of injustice (I am not appreciated at work or in my family)? Why does anger arise at children, parents or partner?

Until we get rid of stress, we will not be able to be good employees, mothers, or wives. Take time for yourself, because going to a beauty salon or walking through your favorite stores, drinking coffee with a friend means finding new strength for productive work. Allow yourself to arrange your life in such a way that you get joy and pleasure from it. After all, when you find balance and find peace, you can share them with your loved ones and charge them with your energy. If you can’t put your life in order, try to communicate with people who have succeeded in order to draw from them positive energy, love for life, get an incentive and begin to change your life for the better.

To make things go faster, stop

To look at a painting in a museum, you need to stop and take a couple of steps back. You need to do the same to understand yourself. Stopping, resting, analyzing your emotions and feelings, summing up, spending time alone with yourself - this means opening the doors to the present and future.

To draw a line and draw conclusions, you need to reflect on:

The organization of our life,

The results of our relationships with others (with a partner, children, family, friends, colleagues),

Daily routine

The ability to listen to your body,

Responsibilities and tasks

We also need to take into account our desires, sources of pleasure, and aspirations.

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