How to recognize a person if he is petty. A petty person - this is how it manifests itself

Perhaps the worst trait of a person is pettiness. Who among us does not like to deal with people who are characterized by generosity of soul, generous gestures and wonderful deeds? You are unlikely to get them from a picky person.

In our minds, a picky person is a miser, one who is stingy not only with gifts, but also with feelings. A person who constantly finds fault with others is also called picky. But let's figure out what "pettiness" actually puts into the performance.

What does a picky person mean?

Pettiness is a person’s tendency to attach significant importance to the unimportant, to pay increased attention to trifles, as a result of which the significant remains unnoticed.

A petty person is one who does not notice significant prophetic messages, paying a lot of attention to details. His life is filled with turmoil, minor chores, and worry over trifles.

Details fill the mind of a picky person so much that the truthful arrangement of the prophetic does not form in his head. Excessive nagging
timidity prevents such a figure from rising above the turmoil, experiencing the taste of life and achieving success in it.

Pettiness, like any extreme, can lead to different life problems. A picky person can scrupulously monitor the order in the house, not noticing the psychological tasks of his family members. For him, a child’s homework done correctly is an order of magnitude higher than children’s quarrels with classmates. Everyday little things take up time from a meticulous person and deprive him of psychological sensitivity.

Petty people are overly sensitive; they are often sensitive and vindictive. All this can appear due to the fact that someone turned away from them at a difficult moment, showed inattention, offended an angry person with a joke, or left them without praise at the right moment. But in fact, the reason for the origin of pettiness in character must be sought much deeper...

Why does a person become picky?

According to psychologists, there are two reasons why a person can become picky and meticulous:

  • the presence of a vile disposition, one that begins in early childhood;
  • the circumstances of life that turned the typical man into a meticulous tyrant.

Let's consider the 1st path to the origin of pettiness. As is well known, it is in childhood (up to five years old) that the foundation of the figure is laid. Due to improper upbringing, a child may in adulthood blame his parents for all his failures, finding fault with them over trifles. As for the second way, everyone can be at risk of becoming a picky person. This is due to the fact that life circumstances can spoil the character of any of us. How often one can track the transformation of a cheerful, clear person into a gloomy, harmful object, one who is constantly dissatisfied with something.

It should be noted that it is impossible to say with exact certainty what became the true reason for the origin of pettiness in character: either the child had a predisposition to pickiness, or life made a person like that.

Petty people: how to recognize them?

Which of us girls doesn’t dream of a prince on a white horse?

How disappointed we are when, instead of a decent prince, there is a meticulous man nearby! If, at the beginning of your acquaintance, your chosen one chooses a cheaper bouquet at a flower kiosk, and in a restaurant he shudders when ordering a full meal instead of a cup of coffee, most likely everyone, you are faced with a picky man.

Tolerate him for the rest of your life or end the relationship, it’s up to you. But before you make your choice, we suggest you get acquainted with the obvious signs of a picky man.

Here are some of them:

  • your chosen one does not visit paid hospitals, considering it a waste of money (at the same time, he may be a wealthy person);
  • gets annoyed when you beg him for money for some feminine things (cosmetics, handbags, jewelry, etc.);
  • touchy and vindictive;
  • gives preference to public transport;
  • demanding of you;
  • likes to give lectures on the topic “How to live”;
  • constantly reminds you to return the money he lent you (traditionally we are talking about a small amount);
  • does not make grand gestures (filling a bathtub with champagne or strewing your bed with flowers is not for him).

It’s worth noting that a man’s pettiness isn’t just about counting every penny and not wanting to do romantic things. Due to increased attention to detail, a picky person does not notice what is significant and serious. A scrupulously ironed shirt is much more significant to him than the reason for your bad mood.

In addition, a meticulous person is very irritable and unbalanced. It is easy for those around him to piss him off. Picky men, at any opportunity, will remind friends and family that they live absolutely abnormally.

Often such tediousness leads to a reluctance to communicate with a person who is overly economical, both physically and sensitively.

If we talk about women, then pettiness among them, no matter how unusual, is as common as among men. Finally, the attorneys of the powerful sex are not furious by this unpleasant character trait. Picky ladies are prone to greed and selfishness; they will not miss the opportunity to stir up trouble over a trifle.

And tea men also look for such qualities in their chosen ones as beauty of soul, patience and awareness.

How to overcome pettiness in character

Do not underestimate such a quality of a figure as pettiness. It can lead to a breakdown in relationships, cause misunderstandings and mutual resentment between people.

To prevent this from happening, it is important to promptly help a picky person get rid of internal bile using the following methods:

  • frank conversation;
  • attentive attitude.

Sincere communication between people is accessible to everyone. If people could speak openly to each other, then many problems could be avoided. If one of the family members is being petty, it is worth pointing it out to him and trying to find a solution to the problem together. If we are talking about serious internal discord in a figure, in addition to family support, the support of a psychologist will be required.

And remember: the effectiveness of methods for eliminating pettiness in character will directly depend on what the picky person prefers for himself: groundless indignation at the world around him or love for life.

Perhaps the worst characteristic of a person is pettiness. Who among us does not like to deal with people who are characterized by generosity of soul, broad gestures and beautiful deeds? You are unlikely to get them from a petty person.

In our minds, a petty person is a miser who is stingy not only with gifts, but also with feelings. Also petty is a person who constantly finds fault with others. But let's figure out what is actually meant by the concept of “pettiness”.

What does a petty person mean?

Pettiness is a person’s tendency to attach great importance to the unimportant, to pay increased attention to trifles, as a result of which the essential remains unnoticed.

A petty person is someone who overlooks important things and pays too much attention to details. His life is filled with vanity, petty troubles, and worry over trifles.

Details fill the mind of a petty person so much that the true state of affairs does not form in his head. Excessive nagging
complacency prevents such a person from rising above the hustle and bustle, feeling the taste of life and achieving success in it.

Pettiness, like any extreme, can lead to various life problems. A petty person can carefully monitor the order in the house, not noticing the psychological problems of his family members. For him, a child’s homework done correctly is an order of magnitude higher than children’s conflicts with classmates. Everyday little things take up time from a picky person and deprive him of psychological sensitivity.

Petty people are overly sensitive; they are often touchy and vindictive. All this can arise due to the fact that someone turned away from them in a difficult moment, showed inattention, insulted them with a cruel joke, or left them without praise at the right moment. But in fact, the reason for the appearance of pettiness in character must be sought much deeper...

Why does a person become petty?

According to psychologists, there are two reasons why a person can become petty and picky:

  • the presence of a bad character, which begins in early childhood;
  • circumstances of life that turned a normal person into a picky tyrant.

Let's look at the first path to pettiness. As you know, it is in childhood (up to the age of five) that the foundation of personality is laid. Due to improper upbringing, a child may in adulthood blame his parents for all his failures, finding fault with them over trifles. As for the second way, anyone can fall into the risk group of becoming a petty person. This is due to the fact that life circumstances can spoil the character of any of us. How often can one observe the transformation of a cheerful, sunny person into a gloomy, harmful object who is constantly dissatisfied with something.

It should be noted that it is impossible to say with exact certainty what was the true reason for the appearance of pettiness in character: either the child had a predisposition to pickiness, or life made such a person.

Petty people: how to recognize them?

Which of us girls doesn’t dream of a prince on a white horse?

How disappointed we are when, instead of a noble prince, there is a picky man nearby! If at the beginning of your acquaintance your chosen one chooses a cheaper bouquet at a flower kiosk, and in a restaurant he flinches when ordering a full meal instead of a cup of coffee, most likely you are faced with a petty man.

Tolerate him for the rest of your life or end the relationship, it’s up to you. But before you make your choice, we suggest you get acquainted with the obvious signs of a petty man.

Here are some of them:

  • your chosen one does not visit paid clinics, considering it a waste of money (he may be a wealthy person);
  • gets annoyed when you ask him for money for some feminine things (cosmetics, handbags, jewelry, etc.);
  • touchy and vindictive;
  • gives preference to public transport;
  • demanding of you;
  • likes to lecture on topics "How to live";
  • constantly reminds you to return the money he lent you (usually a small amount);
  • does not make grand gestures (filling a bathtub with champagne or strewing your bed with flowers is not for him).

It is worth noting that a man’s pettiness lies not only in counting every penny and unwillingness to do romantic things. Due to increased attention to trifles, a petty person does not notice what is important and serious. A carefully ironed shirt is much more important to him than the reason for your bad mood.

In addition, a picky person is very irritable and short-tempered. It is easy for those around him to piss him off. Petty men, at any opportunity, will remind friends and family that they are living completely wrong.

Often such tediousness leads to a reluctance to communicate with a person who is too economical, both materially and emotionally.

If we talk about women, then pettiness among them, oddly enough, occurs as often as among men. Of course, representatives of the stronger sex are not delighted by this unpleasant character trait. Petty ladies are prone to greed and selfishness; they will not miss the opportunity to stir up a scandal over a trifle.

But men also look for such qualities in their chosen ones as beauty of soul, patience and understanding.

How to overcome pettiness in character

Do not underestimate such a personality quality as pettiness. It can lead to a breakdown in relationships, cause misunderstanding and mutual resentment between people.

See picky... Dictionary of Russian synonyms and similar expressions. under. ed. N. Abramova, M.: Russian Dictionaries, 1999. petty little, picky, insignificant, frivolous; sucked out of thin air, not worth a penny, idle,... ... Dictionary of synonyms

PETTY, oh, oh; chen, chna. 1. Attaching importance to trifles, little things. M. character. Petty nature. 2. Trifling, insignificant, small (in 6 values). Petty quibbles. M. fact. Petty quarrels. Petty interests. | noun pettiness, and, female Intelligent... ... Ozhegov's Explanatory Dictionary

petty- petty and petty. In meaning “relating to trade in small goods” petty. Petty trade. Small shop. In meaning “trifling, insignificant; attaching exaggerated importance to trifles, trifles” is petty. Petty person. Petty interests... ... Dictionary of difficulties of pronunciation and stress in modern Russian language

I adj. 1. Based on trifles, on insignificant, small, insignificant facts. 2. Not of significant importance, not worthy of attention. II adj. Attaching importance to trifles, small, unimportant facts and circumstances. Intelligent... ... Modern explanatory dictionary of the Russian language by Efremova

Petty, petty, petty, petty, petty, petty, petty, petty, petty, petty, petty, petty, petty, petty, petty, petty, petty, petty, petty, petty, petty, petty, petty, petty,... ... Word forms

petty- Christmas tree; briefly form chen, chna (about a person) ... Russian spelling dictionary

petty- cr.f. me/lochen, me/lochna, chno, chny; smaller/more precise (based on details). Small person. Personal interests... Spelling dictionary of the Russian language

petty- A/A pr; 110 claim see Appendix II (giving exaggerated importance to trifles; based on minutiae) me/lochen me/lochna me/more 260 see Appendix II... Dictionary of Russian accents

petty- Syn: see minor, see frivolous... Thesaurus of Russian business vocabulary

Aya, oh; Chen, chna, chno. 1. Based on trifles, on insignificant, small, insignificant facts. My interests. My nitpicking. My grievances. // Not significant; small. My details. My problems. My information. 2. Giving... ... Encyclopedic Dictionary


  • Orgone box, Zinik Zinovy. The new novel by Zinovy ​​Zinik is a story of personal betrayal, told by a hero of modern times in the language of social networks. Envious, jealous and petty, he discusses the complexities of his own soul...
  • The Orgone Box, Zinik Z.. The new novel by Zinovy ​​Zinik is a story of personal betrayal, told by a hero of modern times in the language of social networks. Envious, jealous and petty, he discusses the complexities of his own soul,...

There are not always only kind and decent people in our environment. As a rule, fate teaches many lessons in the form of meetings with envious and materialistic individuals. A petty person is one who pays attention to completely unnecessary things, leaving the most important thing unattended. In most cases, pettiness manifests itself in many different ways.

Let's talk about this in more detail and find out how to turn communication with such people into a pleasant pastime.

A petty person is an individual who pays attention to all trivial things. He cannot determine the essence of a particular problem and gets hung up on absolutely unnecessary things. Thus, such a person harms himself much more than others. He is so busy with various details that he never gets to the main problem.

It is very unpleasant when the boss plays the role of such a picky person. He forces you to redo the work again and again, finding fault and looking for minor flaws. In family relationships, a petty person is also a real disaster. It is unlikely that your significant other will like to constantly hear about your minor shortcomings.

According to the explanatory dictionaries of Ushakov, Dahl and Ozhegov, a petty person is an individual who pays too much attention to trifles (trifles). We can say that such people always exaggerate the importance of all things and problems. Quarrels, squabbles and provocations are one of the favorite pastimes that a petty person is passionate about. Synonyms for this expression can be found as follows: cheap, pedantic, slanderous.

Of course, it cannot be denied that saving and proper management of financial resources is very important in our time. However, it was not for nothing that the ancient Greeks said that moderation, one way or another, should be in everything.

This is exactly what a cheap person never thinks about. He counts everything, always. Many of them even keep track of what, when and to whom they gave. You should not borrow money from such a person, because he will remember everything, and then every time he will look at you with contempt.

It is impossible to deny the fact that each character trait cannot manifest itself in two people in exactly the same way, but nevertheless, a petty person is a characteristic that includes certain manners of behavior in society. Such people are prone to quarrels and scandals. They look for flaws in everyone and successfully find them. And it’s good if such a person is secretive by nature, and you will never know what opinion he really has about you. The other side of the coin, which occurs most often, is the meanness of such people.

They express their petty opinions about you not to you personally, but to someone else: neighbors, relatives, acquaintances. In other words, such people love to gossip about other people’s insignificant shortcomings. Among other carriers of this character trait, you can find those who say everything to your face. Of course, it’s not particularly pleasant when they constantly look for flaws in you and tell you about them to your face. For this reason, we can say that a picky, petty person, as a rule, is not particularly tactful and polite.

What antonym can be found for this word? Undoubtedly, this is “absent-mindedness.” This trait is characterized by complete indifference to various little things. Pettiness, like absent-mindedness, are negative character traits that need to be changed in oneself.

You need to look for a middle ground where a person will not miss important things, but at the same time will not pay too much attention to the little things. For those around them, communication with this type of people is quite difficult, which often causes conflicts both in the family and at work.

Pierre Buast gives an interesting comparison in his works. He accurately characterizes what a petty person means, and what it looks like from the outside. P. Buast said that such people are like snails - they crawl along the road, stop, bumping into obstacles, examine them, but do not move forward.

In fact, if you don’t waste time on trifles and concentrate on the overall problem, you can accomplish much more. Without getting hung up on trifles, you can live your life to the fullest and not waste time on things that no one needs. It is precisely because petty people do not find time to be happy that they very often grumble and grumble about little things. Most likely, they never thought that the time they spend looking for shortcomings could be used more rationally and to their benefit.

To prevent petty people from annoying you, you need to learn one tricky trick: don’t pay attention to them and focus on the problems that worry them. Of course, sometimes, in order to avoid conflict, a minor defect that a pedant noticed is easier to eliminate. However, you should not do this all the time, because you risk becoming the same picky and petty person.

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We can scold our man for many shortcomings: for the fact that he throws socks around the apartment and does not close the tube of toothpaste, for the fact that he sits at the computer for days and does not pay any attention to us, and, finally, for the fact that constantly spills tomato juice on white carpets and sofas.

And if some mistakes can be forgiven, then some cause real bewilderment and lead to the thought: “Is it worth enduring this further? Should I just leave? One of these serious male flaws is pettiness.

We are sure that a real man should be generous. He doesn’t count every penny, doesn’t get boring, doesn’t try to take advantage of everything, and even less so from the relationship with his beloved woman. And imagine our surprise when, instead of the noble prince, there is a man nearby, choosing a cheaper (albeit worse) bouquet at a flower kiosk, flinching when in a restaurant we order a full-fledged hot dish, and not a small cup of coffee. or every now and then reminding us that in return for the service he once provided, we should also do something. At first, we perceive these actions lightly, trying to explain them as temporary financial difficulties or a bad mood, but when there are too many “misses”, we seriously think that it’s time to run away.

123RF/ Elizaveta Galitckaia

It is difficult to spot a petty man from the first days of acquaintance, but so that you do not become disappointed in your loved one when it is too late, we have tried and prepared a list of “identifying marks” for you. With its help, you will immediately understand who is next to you: a generous man or a petty man.

1. ... does not visit paid doctors. He will stand in a long line for a voucher to see a specialist, cursing the healthcare system at all costs, but will never make an appointment with a paid doctor, believing that this is a waste of money. At the same time, he may be a completely wealthy person, he just regrets spending money on something that he can get for free (albeit with certain inconveniences).

2. ... gets annoyed when you ask him for money for some small thing. Surprisingly, such men can pay for your overall trip abroad. but they will flare up when you ask for money for sheer nonsense. The fact is that our women’s things seem to them just toys, and they don’t want to spend their hard-earned money (not the least) on toys.

3. ...prefers public transport. He will not call a taxi, preferring public transport to convenient transport.

“Why spend crazy amounts of money when you can take the metro?” - this thrifty man will be surprised. No, he’s not greedy, he really doesn’t understand why someone chooses expensive things when they can stick with cheap ones.

4. ... remembers all the hurtful words spoken to him. If during a quarrel you told him something unpleasant, he will remember it for a very long time. Moreover, you will be surprised how good his memory is - he will reproduce everything exactly, right down to your intonation.

5. ... is too demanding. But in relation to you. He is just inclined to make concessions to himself. He has his own clear idea of ​​what you should do. And if suddenly you make a mistake, then he calls you irresponsible and reads morals for a long, long time on the topic of how to live.

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6. ...reminds you of your duty. If the relationship with this man has not yet crossed the line of friendship, then he may well ask you to return the money you once borrowed from him. Moreover, we are not talking about serious amounts; 100 rubles is an excellent reason to remind you that you owe him.

7. ... does not make large gestures. Cover your entryway with flowers or fill your bathtub with champagne? What are you talking about? A petty man will not do such a thing.

Why spend huge sums on something that will later be thrown away or thrown away? It would be better to buy a new iron or multicooker - at least with their help you will iron his shirts and cook dinners.

It's not just that a petty man will count every penny and take you to cheap eateries, in fact there are much more problems than it might seem at first glance. Behind the increased attention to detail lies a reluctance to notice something more serious and important. For example, such a man may carefully monitor how you maintain order in the house, but will not even try to understand the reasons for your grievances and tears.

In addition, petty people tend to be very irritable. It costs others nothing to piss them off; they flare up like a match, which means conflicts cannot be avoided out of the blue. And finally, such men consider everyone else to be wasteful fools and do not miss the opportunity to remind relatives and friends that they are living completely wrong. Sometimes this tediousness drives you to white heat and kills any desire to communicate with an overly economical (and emotionally) person.

It's up to you to decide whether to pursue a relationship with a petty man. Pettiness is not a death sentence, and even these representatives of the stronger sex have their merits, despite the fact that they pay attention to all sorts of nonsense. In the end, we are all not without sin. However, when creating a family with such a person, you must be prepared for certain nuances that may cause you confusion. It is better to understand in advance who is next to you, so as not to rack your brains over the dilemma: what to do next - endure or leave?

There are not always only kind and decent people in our environment. As a rule, fate teaches many lessons in the form of meetings with envious and materialistic individuals. A petty person is precisely one who pays attention to completely unnecessary things, leaving the most important thing unattended. In most cases, pettiness manifests itself in many different ways.

Let's talk about this in more detail and find out how to turn communication with such people into a pleasant pastime.

First side

A petty person is an individual who pays attention to all trivial things. He cannot determine the essence of a particular problem and gets hung up on absolutely unnecessary things. Thus, such a person harms himself much more than others. He is so busy with various details that he never gets to the main problem.

It is very unpleasant when the boss plays the role of such a picky person. He forces you to redo the work again and again, finding fault and looking for minor flaws. In family relationships, a petty person is also a real disaster. It is unlikely that your significant other will like to constantly hear about your minor shortcomings.

What does linguistics say about this?

According to the explanatory dictionaries of Ushakov, Dahl and Ozhegov, a petty person is an individual who pays too much attention to trifles (trifles). One might say that they always exaggerate the importance of all things and problems. Quarrels, squabbles and provocations are one of the favorite pastimes that a petty person is passionate about. Synonyms for this expression can be found as follows: cheap, pedantic, slanderous.

Money loves counting - the motto of petty people

Of course, it cannot be denied that saving and proper management of financial resources is very important in our time. However, it was not for nothing that the ancient Greeks said that moderation, one way or another, should be in everything.

This is exactly what a cheap person never thinks about. He counts everything, always. Many of them even keep track of what, when and to whom they gave. You should not borrow money from such a person, because he will remember everything, and then every time he will look at you with contempt.

What traits do petty people have?

It is impossible to deny the fact that each character trait cannot manifest itself in two people in exactly the same way, but nevertheless, a petty person is a characteristic that includes certain manners of behavior in society. Such people are prone to quarrels and scandals. They look for flaws in everyone and successfully find them. And it’s good if such a person is secretive by nature, and you will never know what opinion he really has about you. The other side of the coin, which occurs most often, is the meanness of such people.

They express their petty opinions about you not to you personally, but to someone else: neighbors, relatives, acquaintances. In other words, such people love to gossip about other people’s insignificant shortcomings. Among other carriers of this character trait, you can find those who say everything to your face. Of course, it’s not particularly pleasant when they constantly look for flaws in you and tell you about them to your face. For this reason, we can say that a picky, petty person, as a rule, is not particularly tactful and polite.

The opposite of pettiness

What antonym can be found for this word? Undoubtedly, this is “absent-mindedness.” This trait is characterized by complete indifference to various little things. Pettiness, like absent-mindedness, are negative character traits that need to be changed in oneself.

You need to look for a middle ground where a person will not miss important things, but at the same time will not pay too much attention to the little things. For those around them, communication with this type of people is quite difficult, which often causes conflicts both in the family and at work.

Pierre Buast gives an interesting comparison in his works. He is a very petty person, and that’s how it looks from the outside. P. Buast said that such people are like snails - they crawl along the road, stop, bumping into obstacles, examine them, but do not move forward.

In fact, if you don’t waste time on trifles and concentrate on the overall problem, you can accomplish much more. Without getting hung up on trifles, you can live your life to the fullest and not waste time on things that no one needs. It is precisely because petty people do not find time to be happy that they very often grumble and grumble about little things. Most likely, they never thought that the time they spend looking for shortcomings could be used more rationally and to their benefit.

To prevent petty people from annoying you, you need to learn one tricky trick: don’t pay attention to them and focus on the problems that worry them. Of course, sometimes, in order to avoid conflict, a minor defect that a pedant noticed is easier to eliminate. However, you should not do this all the time, because you risk becoming the same picky and petty person.

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