How to behave after an earthquake. Technical library

An earthquake is vibrations of the earth's crust caused by tectonic processes, less often by human intervention (nuclear explosions, rock mining and their subsequent displacement, etc.) Every person should know how to survive a destructive disaster with the least negative consequences for themselves and their loved ones .

Quick facts about earthquakes

About a million tremors of varying intensity occur on Earth throughout the year; their epicenters are often located at the bottom of the oceans. Powerful earthquakes can cause severe destruction and lead to the formation of a tsunami.

In order to classify earthquakes by power, a magnitude scale was introduced. The most famous is the Richter scale. It contains conventional units from 1 to 9.5, which are calculated by the strength and frequency of vibrations and recorded by a seismograph.

Waiting for an earthquake

If you and your family live in an earthquake-prone area, you need to prepare in advance for a possible earthquake. It is worth preparing an “emergency suitcase”, which will contain everything you need for an emergency: a first aid kit, drinking water, a flashlight, clothes, some money, documents, dry rations. Periodically, the contents of the bag need to be updated (medicines, food, water).

Find a safe place in advance where you can take shelter during an earthquake. Learn the rules of first aid. Write down the telephone numbers of all emergency services in the city on a piece of paper. If possible, store anything heavy and bulky in an apartment located in a seismically dangerous area as low as possible.

During an earthquake

When tremors begin, quickly, without panic, begin to act according to a pre-determined plan. If you are in an apartment building on the first or second floor, take the “alarm suitcase” and leave the building. On the street, try to stay away from buildings, trees, and power lines. Remember that you don’t have time to think; the intervals between tremors are usually 15-20 seconds.

    If an earthquake finds you on the upper floors, try to take the safest place in the apartment. Do not use the elevator under any circumstances; the shaft may be damaged and you will be locked out. You cannot go out onto balconies, loggias and bay windows.

    You can lie down in the bath - if the ceilings collapse, the chances of survival increase significantly. If the apartment has a table or bed that can withstand the fall of a heavy object, you can hide under them. It is advisable that they be located near the internal load-bearing wall. In a panel multi-storey building, you can hide in the toilet, since in such housing its design, as a rule, is a monolithic box. If you no longer have time to hide, stand in the doorway.

    If you find yourself in a car

    If you are driving in a car and an earthquake begins, stop immediately. The road surface may be suddenly damaged. Tunnels, bridges, overpasses, high-rise power lines, roadways in close proximity to high-rise buildings - all this poses a threat to you. Therefore, in such places you should quickly leave the car and run to an open space.

    After the earthquake

    If an earthquake occurred at night and you are in your apartment, do not rush to use an open fire, do not turn on the lights. Gas leaks and ignition are possible.

    Do not touch wires or anything metal or wet, there is a risk of electric shock. Don't fuss, structural elements may collapse. If there are earthquake victims near you, provide them with first aid and call the rescuers of the Ministry of Emergency Situations.

    If you are outside, do not rush to return indoors, as aftershocks are possible. Buildings can be unsafe and dangerous to stay in.

    Based on materials from the site “How Simple”

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1. Collapse of a building is not the biggest danger during an earthquake. Buildings begin to deform, starting from 7 points on the intensity scale, and collapse at 8-9 points. And then, brick houses are more susceptible to serious destruction. Modern buildings that began to be built starting from the middle of the 20th century (including Khrushchev buildings) withstand the potential danger of total collapse even at 9 points, not to mention modern monolithic buildings. In seismically active zones, special attention is paid to special design technologies that will allow the building to withstand even shocks of maximum force.

2. Based on existing experience and statistics of damage during an earthquake, it becomes obvious - The greatest threat to life and health is posed by flying and falling objects, such as lamps, glass, TV, bookshelves, dishes and the like. The chances of serious injury and even death from a collision with such ordinary objects are much greater than from the collapse of a building.

What to do in case of an earthquake

1. First of all, however, as in any emergency situation, under no circumstances it is forbidden panic . Your safety and salvation depend on your calmness and thoughtful actions.

2. Wherever the cataclysm finds you, stay where you are. If you are unable to leave the room within the first 10 seconds, trying to leave the building to escape a possible collapse may cause more trouble than staying inside. If shaking finds you on the street, stay away from buildings, move away to the most open space. Beware of poles, trees and power lines. If you are in a car, again, you need to drive away from houses and any objects that may be knocked down. Turn off the engine and stay inside.

3. As they say, there is no truth in the legs, especially with strong shaking. That's why the first thing to do in an earthquake is to fall to the floor. In this position, it is easier to move while maintaining minimal stability.

5. Protect your head and neck by covering them with your hands. If possible, hide under a massive table or bed. Only if there is no suitable shelter nearby, you should move to an internal wall or low furniture that is not able to collapse on you. The head and neck, in any case, should be covered with your hands.

6. Stay still in your sanctuary in baby pose, and remain in this position until the earthquake ends. However, you should be prepared for the fact that you will be thrown in different directions, as well as surrounding objects.

7. As a rule, after the first wave of oscillations, the second comes. So if the tremors have stopped, do not rush to leave the shelter. It is likely that after the break another wave will follow, most likely stronger than the first.

Fact. According to world experts in the field of rescue in emergency situations, the principle of “Fall, Hide and Freeze” allows you to escape and survive an earthquake with the least damage to yourself. Even if the building is in danger of collapse. The only exception to this rule is if you are in a village house or on the ground floor of an unfortified brick building. In such a situation, it is necessary to leave the premises as soon as possible.

What to do if you find yourself under rubble after an earthquake

1. Do not try to light the space with matches or a lighter.. This will burn up your available oxygen supply and increase the likelihood choke before you are discovered and rescued.

2. Do not make sudden movements or try to get out on your own. By moving even a small brick, you can provoke another blockage.

3. Cover your mouth while breathing to prevent dust from entering your larynx which can cause choking or vomiting. Try not to breathe nose- you may start sneezing, which is why dust will scatter and fill the entire space, and convulsive movements of the body, again, can lead to a collapse.

4. Periodically tap on accessible objects, trying, of course, to choose those that produce better sound: wood and metal. You should only use your voice as a last resort.

What to do after an earthquake

1. Gather your thoughts. When the earthquake ends, you will most likely be confused and not immediately figure out what actions to take. And a lot needs to be done.

2. Turn off the electricity and water supplies, close the gas pipeline. Check the condition of the communications. If you smell gas, open the windows to ventilate the room.

3. Examine your loved ones and those around you, some of them could have been hurt. Provide first aid if necessary.

4. Turn on the radio. Perhaps one of the stations will broadcast about the incident, and the authorities will voice the necessary recommendations.

5. If the building has been destroyed, leave the premises as soon as possible, not forgetting to take documents and money. Don't use the elevator, take the stairs. This must be done carefully and carefully; walk along the edge of the steps, pressing closer to the wall.

6. Watch your step, avoiding sharp debris and broken glass. If the situation allows, it is better to change shoes to a more durable one.

7. Keep a considerable distance from destroyed areas. Especially from beaches and coastlines. Strong earthquakes can cause a tsunami. Based on this, it would not be a bad idea to climb to a hill, no lower than 30 meters. Or move a considerable distance away from the water, preferably at least 3 kilometers.

8. Try to use mobile communications as little as possible. Unless absolutely necessary, it is better not to use the phone at all. After a disaster, telephone lines will be overloaded; by occupying one of them, you can deprive someone who needs it more than you from this opportunity.

Although in domestic regions serious shifts of tectonic plates occur quite rarely, know that Everyone needs to know how to escape and what to do during an earthquake. Share this information with your friends and family. Take care of yourself.

Earthquakes occur due to a shift in the earth's crust, which causes seismic waves that begin to oscillate and collide with each other. Unlike hurricanes or floods, earthquakes occur without much notice and are usually followed by a series of similar, less intense aftershocks. If you find yourself in the middle of an earthquake, you have only a split second to make a decision. Carefully studying the following tips will help you survive when you find yourself between life and death.


crouch to the floor, protect yourself and hold on (indoors)

    Throw yourself on the floor. The “on the floor, protect your head and hold on” technique is similar to the “stop, throw yourself on the floor and roll around” technique used in a fire. While this is not the only method available for staying indoors during an earthquake, it is the preferred method of FEMA and the American Red Cross.

    • Strong earthquakes occur without much, if any, sign, so it is recommended that you lie down on the floor as soon as it starts. A weak earthquake can intensify in a split second; It's better not to take risks than to be sorry later.
  1. Find yourself a refuge. Take shelter under a sturdy table or other piece of furniture. If possible, stay away from glass, windows, exterior doors, walls, and anything that could fall, such as light fixtures or furniture. If there is no table near you, cover your face and head with your hands and sit down, pressed against the inside corner of the building.

    Hang in there. During an earthquake, debris can fall. Hold on to any surface you manage to crawl under and wait for the tremors to subside. If you cannot find a place where you can hide, protect your head with your hands at all times while curled up on the floor.

    If an earthquake finds you in bed, stay where you are. Keep your head covered with a pillow, except when there is a heavy lamp hanging above you that could fall. In this situation, move to the nearest safe place.

    Stay inside the building until the earthquake is over or until it is safe to go outside. Research shows that most injuries occur while attempting to leave a building or move to another part of it.

    • Be careful when going outside. In case of strong aftershocks walk calmly, don't run. Stay in an open area without wires, buildings or cracks in the ground.
    • Don't use the elevator to get out. The power may go out, leaving you trapped. For this, it is best to use a ladder, but only if it is free.

    triangle of life (indoors)

    1. As an alternative to the "on the floor, protect your head and hold on" method, you can use the life triangle. If you can't find a table or take shelter under one, you have other options. Although this method is disputed by many of the world's leading disaster authorities, it could save your life if the building you are in begins to collapse.

      Find a structure or furniture nearby. According to the triangle theory, people who take refuge near household items (not underneath them), such as a sofa, are often protected in the space created by a flat collapse. Theoretically, during a collapse, a heavy ceiling falls onto an object or furniture, destroying the object and creating a cavity or free space nearby. Proponents of this theory believe that sheltering in this space is the safest option for survival during an earthquake.

      Curl up in the fetal position next to a structure or furniture. Doug Kopp, the main proponent and popularizer of this theory, claims that this method is natural for dogs and cats and it will work for people too.

      Take a look at the list of things to avoid during an earthquake. If you can't find a safe place to hide, cover your head and curl up where you are.

      • Never:
        • Stand in the doorway. People who stand in doorways generally run the risk of being crushed to death by the weight of a doorframe falling during an earthquake.
        • Climb the stairs to hide under the furniture. Stairs and stairwells are the most dangerous places during an earthquake.
    2. Note that the triangle of life does not have scientific validity and recommendations from specialists. In fact, this method is a controversial issue. If you have several options for dealing with an earthquake, use the “floor, protect your head and hold on” method.

    survive an earthquake outdoors

      Stay outside until the shaking stops. Don't try to heroically save someone or risk entering a building. It will be best in open areas, where the risk of falling under the rubble of buildings is reduced. The greatest danger lies in the immediate vicinity of the building, at the exit and near the external walls.

Any natural disaster causes panic among the population. In order to avoid wrong actions, every person should know exactly how to behave during such situations. One of the most common is earthquakes. It is impossible to prevent it, but you can save your life. The main thing is not to succumb to public panic and maintain a sober mind. But to understand what to do during an earthquake, you need to know what this cataclysm is.

More about the phenomenon

Earthquakes occur due to vibrations and tremors of the Earth's surface; they are caused by tectonic processes or can be provoked during a strong explosion. In fact, such phenomena occur quite often on our planet, but not all lead to catastrophic consequences. Many occur under the thickness of the oceans, and we simply do not feel them. In any case, everyone should know what to do in case of an earthquake. Whether you save your life or not directly depends on the correctness of your actions.

Some earthquakes underwater cause strong tsunamis that hit with powerful force and kill millions of people. Humanity will never be able to control geophysical planetary processes. That is why there are services that monitor the development of future disasters and take appropriate measures to save the population.

Classification of earthquakes depending on points

There is a specialized earthquake scale that measures magnitude and intensity. The latter is calculated by points, which are determined from the deformation of the earth's crust and the degree of destruction of surface buildings and structures. Let's consider a more detailed twelve-point Mercalli scale:

  • 1 - Such tremors are completely unnoticed by people; only high-precision devices react to minor vibrations in the earth’s crust.
  • 2 - Vibrations are felt by residents of high-rise buildings. Others will not pay attention to this phenomenon.
  • 3 - Noticeable vibration occurs on the top floors of a high-rise building. Chandeliers may sway, water in a glass may tremble. A car parked in a parking lot will set off the alarm due to noticeable vibrations.
  • 4 - Can be described as a moderate earthquake. Everyone who is in the room will definitely feel the movement of the earth's plates. Doors and windows begin to loosen, and the glass makes a characteristic rattling noise. This is especially noticeable in the middle of the night, many people wake up.
  • 5 - Such an earthquake does not go unnoticed; everyone feels the vibrations of the earth's surface. In many apartments, cracks appear on the windows and objects fall from the shelves.
  • 6 - Fluctuations cause public panic. Everyone starts running out into the streets, and pieces of furniture move around the apartment on their own. Heavy objects fall from shelves. Even the trees emit a characteristic rustling of leaves, and the cracking of trunks can be heard.
  • 7 - An earthquake strong enough to knock a person off his feet. Many buildings are covered in cracks, and unstable soil is collapsing. The water in lakes and rivers suddenly becomes cloudy from silt raised from the bottom. Furniture breaks, dishes break.
  • 8 - An earthquake that destroys buildings. Branches on trees break, the ground cracks underfoot.

  • 9 - A catastrophic situation during which buildings are destroyed and many people die. Dams are collapsing and water pipes are bursting under pressure.
  • 10 - The earth doesn't just shake, it moves, and entire cities collapse. As a rule, a couple of hours before a disaster, animals begin to panic, anticipating imminent death. Huge cracks form in the soil, and water splashes out of rivers and lakes. Rails are deformable.
  • 11 - Almost all buildings are destroyed, only a few buildings manage to survive. Railway tracks are deformed for kilometers.
  • 12 - A real catastrophe that destroys all living things. Even river beds change, and out of the blue, fountains begin to burst out of the ground. Completely new lakes are formed, the landscape is transformed beyond recognition.

The higher the earthquake scale, the more difficult it is to correct the consequences. During major disasters, entire cities are destroyed and people are left homeless. Their houses turn into ruins, and rescuers take a long time to retrieve the bodies of the dead from under the rubble.

How is magnitude determined?

The magnitude of earthquakes is determined based on the data obtained from a precise measuring device - a seismograph. Its more common name is the Richter scale. It was developed back in 1935, and since then has been widely used by specialists around the world. It is the amount of energy that is released during a disaster that is taken into account in this scale.

Below are the main figures by which the magnitude of any earthquake is determined:

  • 2.0 - very weak tremors that not all residents are able to notice;
  • 4.5 - moderate vibrations of the earth, causing movement of objects and minor destruction;
  • 6.0 - shocks of such force that buildings are destroyed (during them it is difficult for people to stand on their feet);
  • 8.5 - catastrophic consequences (entire cities literally turn into piles of garbage).

Scientists believe that cataclysms with a magnitude higher than 9.0 cannot occur on the planet.

It's better to prevent than to fix it later

Proper protection of the population from earthquakes significantly reduces the overall percentage of victims. If a possible source of a future disaster is identified, then people must be evacuated. But in any case, everyone must take care of their own safety. You need to be prepared at all times for such an incident and know exactly what to do in the event of an earthquake.

First, take preparatory measures to help cope with panic and unforeseen natural disasters. If you live in a seismic zone, you should definitely have a standard set of items at home that are designed to survive in a dangerous situation. Be sure to collect all documents and keep them in a visible place.

The most important rules

Let's consider the basic measures to prepare for a disaster, as well as what to do in case of an earthquake:

  • A first aid kit with all necessary medications should always be in a visible place in your home. Be sure to put a lighter and a battery-powered radio in there.
  • Buy a small fire extinguisher and check that it is working properly.
  • Situations may be different, so it is better to know the basic rules of first aid. In an emergency, you must be able to independently help others and yourself, take the necessary medications and apply splints to the fracture sites.
  • At the slightest shock, immediately turn off the taps that supply gas, water and electricity to your home.
  • It is better to securely attach heavy furniture to the floor so as not to be crushed by your favorite wardrobe.
  • Always keep the action and evacuation plan in sight, think about where it is best to hide with all family members.
  • Do not keep heavy or breakable items on shelves.
  • Have a supply of water (at least a small flask with you).

Earthquake Actions and Safety Rules

Each person first of all independently ensures his own safety during an earthquake. If you feel tremors, then you should not try to move in a state of panic. If you are indoors, it is better to immediately choose a safe corner and lie down on the floor. Do not forget to protect your head with your hands from possible fragments and falling objects. Do not get up until you are sure that the shaking has completely stopped.

According to statistics, many people die from falling objects. These are cabinets, televisions, heavy figurines, etc. You can escape from a collapsing building, the main thing is to choose the right tactics. In any case, remain calm and do not run outside or indoors.

Follow all the earthquake rules that are developed by rescuers, and then you will save your own life. Be sure to lie down on the floor and move only by crawling. Standing on your feet will likely cause you much more serious damage.

If you live in a dilapidated brick building, then at the slightest shock, grab your documents and run outside. Try to avoid standing near high-rise buildings and trees; find an open, safe area.

Unusual situations and how to survive them

Follow all earthquake safety precautions. If you are on crowded public transport, it is better to leave it and take a horizontal position.

Even being in an elevator requires that a person lie down on the floor. This way you can protect yourself. As soon as everything stops, exit on the first floor and run outside. If the doors are blocked and you feel that the building has undergone significant damage, wait for help from rescuers.

While in a stadium or theater, stay still and cover your head with your hands. In such a situation, there is a high risk of dying from a crush, so do not panic and try to calm those around you.

If you are driving, turn off the car in a safe place. There should be no buildings or bridges nearby. After this, do not go outside, stay in the car. The best thing to do is turn on the radio and listen to the authorities' recommendations on what to do next.

Every urban citizen should know earthquake safety rules. If your home is located near a dam, move to a safe distance from it. When in mountainous areas, take care to stay as far away from high ground as possible.

A person who moves in a wheelchair must block the wheels of the wheelchair, otherwise they will begin to spin on their own, and such an uncontrollable situation will lead to unpleasant consequences.

Compliance with the above rules will ensure maximum safety during earthquakes.

What is prohibited?

Most people die due to wrong actions. They unknowingly put their lives in great danger. Remember what not to do during an earthquake:

  • do not move around the building and do not try to run out into the street if you live on the top floor;
  • Do not stand in doorways under any circumstances;
  • do not panic and act without fuss.

These actions will definitely provoke unfavorable situations that will threaten your life. Now you know what to do during an earthquake and how best not to behave.

Basic actions after an earthquake

Protecting the population from earthquakes is not always successful; often the consequences of a disaster are terrible and require rescuers to work around the clock. Specialists are pulling people out from under the rubble and providing emergency medical care. If you hear people talking not far from you, but cannot move, then be sure to give a sign and shout with all your might.

The rubble is cleared after the population is rescued. It is used to remove debris from destroyed structures.

If a disaster does occur, what should you do? Rescuers advise to behave as follows:

  • Try to stand on your feet and examine all parts of your body, you may have
  • Look around, find out if there are people near you who cannot get up on their own. Help them get out from under the rubble.
  • Reassure the children and keep them in sight, explain that the parents will be found soon. It is necessary to take care of the kids until child psychologists and other specialized help arrive.
  • Check for a gas leak and leave the room at the slightest smell (an explosion may occur).
  • Don't panic and be prepared for aftershocks.

Only confident actions will save your life. You should always know exactly what to do in case of an earthquake. Turn on the radio whenever possible. Listen carefully to what to do during an earthquake. State rescue services contact the population at the slightest danger. This is the only way to prevent large-scale human losses.

The main thing is to behave correctly and be able to reassure others. Panic makes the situation worse. Only well-thought-out actions save people's lives.

The most destructive earthquakes in history

  • 1139 - disaster in Ganja. The strength of the tremors was 11 points. More than 200 thousand people died.
  • 1202 - natural disaster in Syria and Egypt. About 1 million people died. The earthquake is included in the Guinness Book of Records as the most destructive in history.
  • 1556 - about 850 thousand people became victims.
  • 1737 - as a result of strong tremors in India, about 300 thousand people died.
  • 1883 - The eruption of the Krakatoa volcano resulted in one of the largest earthquakes in history. More than 40 thousand inhabitants of the islands of Java and Sumatra died.
  • 1950 - the earthquake in India was so strong that seismic instruments went off scale and were unable to determine the magnitude of the vibrations. After five days of continuous tremors, the eastern part of India was reduced to ruins. 6 thousand people died because the shaking was not in a densely populated area.
  • 1995 - earthquakes of magnitude 10 claimed the lives of many thousands of Sakhalin residents. The city of Neftegorsk disappeared from the face of the Earth.
  • 2010 - shaking in Haiti. 150 thousand people died.
  • 2011 - a terrible earthquake in Japan caused a tsunami, a significant radiation leak and the death of about 30 thousand people.

Later during the day, a series of five earthquakes ranging in magnitude from 4 to 4.8 were recorded.
According to the agency, an unusually long series of tremors caused panic among some of the city's residents.


For those who live in earthquake-prone areas, it is necessary to prepare in a certain way for the possibility of an earthquake.

Earthquake to China in 2010

First of all, at home you need to have a constant minimum supply of canned food, crackers and drinking water (in winter 3-4, and in summer 5-6 liters of water per person per day) in order to survive on your own for several days.

It is necessary to have one or two flashlights at home with fresh spare batteries.
It is necessary to determine in advance the most stable places in the apartment (House) where you can hide from falling stones and beams, making sure to inform all family members about them. Such places are primarily openings of internal doors, corners of rooms and, in no case, openings of external windows, balconies or areas near the external walls of the house.

It is imperative to have a battery-powered radio in your apartment in order to receive accurate information via radio about the actions of the authorities, services and the scale of the disaster.
It is necessary to have hoses at least 5 meters long to connect to water taps in case of fire.

It is necessary to know exactly where and how gas, electricity and water are turned off in the house.
The house must have a first aid kit with the necessary medications, cotton wool, bandages and other medicines.

Brief video instructions on how to prepare for an earthquake

It is necessary to have the telephone numbers of the district and central ambulance, fire service, police, and emergency services next to the telephone.

All furniture and other accessories in the apartment must be in stable condition. Heavy objects and furniture must not be suspended or unstable above beds, prams and chairs; they must be additionally secured to the wall and floor.

Various chemicals, explosive and flammable substances must be stored in secure, closed and stable places.

Doors, passages, and corridors must be free of bulky objects and furniture so that you can easily move around the apartment and get out of it in the event of a disaster.

If unplanned internal partitions are erected in your apartment, it is necessary that they are firmly attached to the walls, floor and ceiling.

Do not leave electrical appliances and household equipment plugged in unnecessarily in your absence, as during an earthquake this can cause fires and explosions.

It is important that all family members know what to do before, during and after an earthquake.


The sooner you feel the initial moment of an earthquake, the greater the chance of saving your life and those around you. The initial moment of an earthquake can be felt in different ways. Sometimes before an earthquake a glow appears over the hills, disturbances in the operation of radio, television, electronic devices, and spontaneous glow of fluorescent lamps may occur. Sometimes, a few seconds before an earthquake, a strong growing rumble occurs underground, after which the first shock occurs.

In other cases, a few seconds before the shock, weaker vibrations may occur, during which dishes begin to rattle and suspended objects sway. Then the first shock occurs, which can last from a few seconds to 1-1.5 minutes.

You must be psychologically prepared for the fact that at this time window glass may burst and fly out, objects may fall from shelves, furniture begins to move, the noise becomes deafening, and cracks may appear on the walls and ceiling.

The most important thing, when you realize that an earthquake has begun, is not to panic, but to follow the following tips:

If there are children in the house, you must immediately place them in a safe place, which can be the openings of internal doors or the internal corners of rooms. You need to move away from windows and external walls, bulky and tall furniture. You can hide under a whitewashed table or desk, workbench and other durable furniture. The greatest danger comes from objects falling from above, stones, beams, etc.

Remember not to run out of a building during an earthquake, as falling debris and collapsing walls are the main cause of many casualties. You have a better chance of saving your life if you look for salvation where you are. You must wait until the earthquake ends, after which you can leave the building. Never try to get out of a building using an elevator, which could get stuck or fall down a shaft.

If the building you are in is low and non-seismically resistant, for example, a brick house, and it is possible to leave it immediately, then in this case you must carefully and quickly leave the building, run away from it to a safe distance.

If you are near a tall building at the time of an earthquake, quickly stand in the doorway to protect yourself from falling debris.

If you are in a fairly open area at the time of the earthquake, move away from power lines and buildings.

If an earthquake catches you in a car, you need to stop as far as possible from tall buildings and other structures and not start driving until the earthquake stops.

If during an earthquake you find yourself in a boat, and there are high-rise buildings and other structures near the shore, then try to swim away from the shore to protect yourself from falling debris. If there are no buildings or structures on the shore, then you need to quickly get to the shore and move away from the water, since an earthquake can cause a tsunami or strong waves.

It must be remembered that after the first shock there may be some lull, interrupted by subsequent, more or less strong shocks. Therefore, actions after the first shock must be careful and deliberate.


The most important thing after the earthquake is over is to maintain composure. It is necessary to save the people trapped under the rubble and prevent even greater casualties in the event of fires and explosions.

After an earthquake, try to follow these tips:

If an earthquake occurs at night and you are in complete darkness, do not rush to light matches or lighters. If you have a battery-powered flashlight, then use it instead. If there are no other light sources, then before lighting matches or a lighter, make sure there is no smell of gas, gasoline or other flammable or explosive substances. Otherwise, an explosion, fire and other secondary consequences may occur, which will cause new victims.

The first step is to check for gas leaks. Try, if possible, to turn off the gas, water and electricity. If there are minor fires, try to extinguish them yourself. If it is impossible to extinguish the fire yourself, try first to remove the surviving children, as well as other injured people, from the fire zone to a safe place.

Do not touch exposed wires or metal or wet objects in contact with them.

If there are intact telephones nearby, try contacting ambulance, fire and other rescue services.

If rescue operations are already underway and there is no need for your help, do not fuss trying to help - this will only complicate the actions of the rescuers.

Do not enter the destruction zone unnecessarily and do not walk among ruins and dilapidated houses, as you may become the cause of collapses and become a victim of falling debris.

If you know that there are people under the rubble and rubble, do not rush to clear the rubble yourself. Try calling people for help. Try to figure out the location of the debris and beams. Remember that any careless and incorrect movement of yours can cause further destruction, breakdown of debris and stones and cause the death of people remaining under the rubble.

If possible, wear strong shoes and clothing made of rough fabric to avoid injury from the sharp corners of debris and glass.

If you find spilled or explosive explosive, flammable or toxic substances, immediately warn others about them.

If there is a radio or repeater nearby, be sure to turn it on to hear information about the scale of the disaster and the necessary measures to eliminate its consequences.

You will also need to prepare to live on your own for one to several days. Therefore, try to select and store preserved food, canned food, crackers, cookies, dried foods, etc. in a dry and safe place.

If stoves and chimneys are damaged, do not light a fire in them under any circumstances, so as not to cause a fire.

If children are around, help them calm down and place them in a safe place.

If an earthquake catches you at work, try to first help your colleagues and others before rushing home.

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