How I spent my spring break in English. I spent my holidays very well

Each new quarter begins with an essay about how the holidays went, and we remember with nostalgia the carefree days and a lot of free time. Such an essay is an excellent opportunity to sum up the holidays and get in the mood for work. In this article we will look at how to write a topic (in English topic - educational text on a specific topic) “My Vacations” and look at several examples in English.

How is the word "vacation" translated into English?

When translating the word “vacation” into English, difficulties may arise, since the dictionary offers us several options, namely:

In English, all these words are similar in meaning, but have differences in use:

  • Holiday- days when everyone rests, this includes school holidays and holidays (New Year, Defender of the Fatherland Day, May holidays...).
    • Example in English: This year we celebrate New Year's holidays till January 9.
      Translation: This year the New Year holidays are until January 9th.
  • Vacation– vacation, time when you don’t work. In English it is often used when holidays are spent traveling.
    • Example in English: Where did you go on your vacation ?
      Translation: Where were you on vacation?
  • These rules apply to American English, and in British English it is allowed to use the word “holiday" in both cases:
    • Example in the first case in English: I will have two weeks holidays after exams.
      Translation: I will have a vacation for two weeks after the exams.
    • Example in the second case in English: We spent our winter holidays in a ski resort.
      Translation: We spent the winter holidays at a ski resort.
  • Day off/ days off – weekends, one or several days, can be on any day of the week.
    • Example in English: Tomorrow I will have a day off so we may go shopping.
      Translation: Tomorrow I have a day off, so we can go shopping.
    • Example in English: I will have days off on Wednesday and Thursday.
      Translation: I will have Wednesday and Thursday off.
  • Weekends– weekends that fall on Saturday and Sunday.
    • Example in English: I would like to stay at home on this weekends to relax before Monday.
      Translation: I would like to stay home this weekend to rest before Monday.
  • Break- school holidays last several weeks or several months.
    • Example in English: Summer break will start in one month.
    • Translation: Summer holidays start in a month.

In a topic about vacations in English, it is best to use the word “holiday,” although the variants “vacation” and “break” are also allowed.

The titles of the text in English can be as follows:

How I spent my… How I spent...
How I spent my summer holidays How I spent my summer holidays
My winter holidays My winter holidays
My last … holidays My... vacation. (In this case, last is used to mean the last one at the moment)
Where I spent my holidays Where did I spend my holidays
My best holidays My best holidays
My travel on…holidays My trip for... vacation

Examples of topics about vacations in English

Summer holidays

Summer holidays (Summer holidays) - this is the longest and favorite vacation!

Here you can describe:

  • travel at sea;
  • holidays in the camp;
  • hiking in the mountains;
  • holidays spent in the village or at the dacha.
This year I had extremely difficult exams in Mathematics and English. But I passed everything successfully at the end of May and I was so happy to feel myself free for the next three months holiday!

In June my family and I traveled to Sochi by car. We had a few stops in big cities such as Nizhnii Novgorod, Moscow and Krasnodar to have a look at their points of interest and beautiful places. And on the journey I enjoyed wonderful landscapes of fields, forests and lakes. Fortunately, this summer was especially warm and sunny. So, we spent most of the time on a beach in Sochi, lying in the sun and swimming. Once we had a short voyage on a sailing yacht and even tried to steer the boat by ourselves! Later my mother offered us to make an excursion to Olympic Village and this tour made a great impression on me! Now I have a dream to visit the Olympic games. On our way back home we visited relatives in Kazan’ and they showed us the best sights of the city.

I lived in a country with my grandmother in July. I was glad to spend so much time together with her because she lives far away and rarely visits us. We went together to the forest and gathered mushrooms and berries. I also met my old friends there and we walked a lot and went for fishing to the river. I like to live in a country during holidays because the air is so clean and fresh, there are no cars, factories and lack of greenery. Life in a country is calm and placid. I had a good time and gained lots of strength there.

In August I prepared for studies, read books in English for the next school year and started visiting football trainings.

This summer holidays were very nice and I have a lot of good memories about it! Now I am full of vim and vigor to start new term!

This year I had very difficult exams in mathematics and English. But I successfully passed everything at the end of May and was happy to feel free for three months of vacation!

In June, my family and I went to Sochi by car. Several times we stopped in big cities such as Nizhny Novgorod, Moscow and Krasnodar to see the sights and beautiful places of the cities. And on the road I enjoyed beautiful views of forests, fields and lakes. Fortunately, this summer turned out to be especially warm and sunny. Therefore, we spent most of our time in Sochi on the beach, sunbathing and swimming. Once we rode on a sailing yacht and even tried to steer it ourselves! Later, my mother suggested that we go on an excursion to the Olympic Village, and this trip made a huge impression on me! Now I want to go to the Olympic Games. On the way home, we stopped by to visit our relatives in Kazan and they took us to the best places in the city.

I lived in the village with my grandmother since July. I was glad to spend so much time with her because she lives far away and rarely comes to visit us. We went to the forest together and picked berries and mushrooms there. I also met my old friends there and we walked and went fishing a lot. I like to live in the countryside during the holidays because there is fresh air, a lot of greenery, and no cars or factories. Life there is calm and measured. I had a great time in the village and gained strength.

In August I prepared for school, read books in English for the next year and started going to football training.

This summer holiday was wonderful and I have a lot of good memories! Now I am full of strength and determination to take up my studies!

Winter holidays

Winter or Christmas holidays (Winter holidays) are special in their own way for school students, they are filled with New Year's mood and expect a miracle. People watch New Year's films and cartoons, listen to Christmas songs.

This is exactly what can be mentioned in the topic:

  • New Year;
  • Christmas;
  • Winter sports (skis, skates, snowboard...);
  • New Year trees, ice towns.

Example of a topic in English with translation:

Winter holidays are the coldest and there is no opportunity to walk for a long time. However, it is special because of the New Year and Christmas holidays. There is the warm atmosphere around and the expectation of miracle!

We finished studies and started to prepare for holidays. My mother and I cleaned everything and decorated the flat with tinsels and garlands. My father brought a Christmas tree and we decorated it all together. We have such a tradition on the New Year’s Eve because it is the family holidays and we try to spend time together as much as possible. After midnight we congratulate each other and give presents. That’s the part I like most of all not that I get some presents, but because I like to give presents to my family members and see there happy faces.

Another family tradition is go skiing. We go to the park near our house for a couple of hours. There are wonderful views of nature which looks like in a fairy tale! After such activities we come back home for a hot cup of tea and talk about our impressions of New Year holidays.

I also like to go skating with my friends. Usually we go to the skating ring in the city center. It’s beautifully decorated and provided with multicolored illumination. Another place of interest is Ice Town on the main square of the city. There are a lot of ice sculptures and slides so we may spend there almost all day until we’re getting cold.

Maybe there are less opportunities to spend time in winter in comparison to summer but, anyway I like winter holidays! If you want, for sure you may find some interesting activities to do!

Winter holidays are the coldest and it is impossible to walk outside for a long time. But they are special thanks to the New Year and Christmas. There is a warm atmosphere and expectation of a miracle all around.

We finished studying and began to prepare for the holidays. Mom and I cleaned the apartment and decorated it with tinsel and garlands. Dad brought a Christmas tree and we decorated it with the whole family. We have this tradition on New Year's Eve because it is a family holiday and we try to spend as much time as possible with each other. After midnight we congratulate each other and give gifts. I love this part the most, not because I receive gifts, but I like giving gifts to my loved ones and seeing their happy faces.

Another family tradition is skiing. We go to the park near our house for a couple of hours. There are wonderful views of nature, like in a fairy tale! After that, we return home, drink a mug of hot tea and discuss our impressions of the New Year holidays.

I also love ice skating with friends. We usually go to the skating rink in the city center. It is beautifully decorated and illuminated with multi-colored illumination. Another place we love to visit is the ice town on the main square of the city. There are a lot of ice sculptures and ice slides there, so we can spend almost the whole day there until we freeze.

There may be fewer options for spending time in winter than in summer, but I still like winter holidays! If you have the desire, you can definitely find an interesting activity!

Autumn holidays

Example of a topic in English with translation:

In my view autumn is the most beautiful season! There are a lot of colorful leaves in the streets, the sky is usually dark blue and it’s not so hot as in summer. That’s why I think autumn holidays are the best time to travel! Moreover, autumn holidays are short and I need to get a lot of impressions in a short period of time. So, I asked my parents to go to St. Petersburg as it was my dream for a long time since we talked about it on History classes. My parents agreed and we took a train to the North Venice as this city is called sometimes.

When we came there, it was cold and rainy but in a few hours the weather extremely changed! We walked up the Nevskii prospect and making a lot of photos with monuments there. We came to the Palace Square and find the Hermitage there. After a long queue, we finally entered the museum. It was fantastic! We spend there lots of time but anyway it was not enough. On the next day we went to the Isaac Cathedral. There is a great view on the city from it’s tower! The way upstairs by winding stairs was difficult but it was worth of it!

For sure, I may say that St. Petersburg exceeded my expectation. Moreover, I got even more impressions in 1 week then in the whole summer holidays! Therefore, I want to come back there on the next holidays!

I believe that autumn is the most beautiful time of the year. There are a lot of colorful leaves outside, the sky is a beautiful dark blue and it’s not as hot as in summer. That's why I consider autumn holidays the best time to travel! Moreover, the autumn holidays are short and I want to fill this time with events. I asked my parents to go to St. Petersburg, since it had been my old dream since we started studying it in history lessons. My parents agreed and we went by train to Northern Venice, as this city is sometimes called.

It was cold and rainy when we got there, but it cleared up after a few hours. We walked along Nevsky Prospekt, taking many photographs with monuments. We went out onto Palace Square and saw the Hermitage. After standing in a long line, we finally entered the museum. It was wonderful! We walked there for a long time, but still didn’t have enough time to see everything. The next day we went to St. Isaac's Cathedral. It offered a wonderful view of the city. It was hard going up the spiral staircase, but it was worth it!

I can definitely say that St. Petersburg exceeded my expectations. In addition, I got a lot more impressions in 1 week than during the entire summer vacation! That's why I want to go back there for the next holidays!

Spring Holidays

Example of a topic in English with translation:

Finally, it’s getting warmer outside. And spring holidays gives so nice feeling of understanding that winter is leaving and the summer is closer now!

I like this time because the nature around revives, the snow melts, trees are getting green again, flowers are blooming and the whole surrounding are changing. Even people are getting happier and they smile more often.

But we need to help nature and each other to prepare the city for summer. People in our neighborhood come together for community workdays. We clean the area from garbage, old leaves and branches. Some people paint fences and benches. Women plant different beautiful flowers and it makes our yard as nice as botanical garden. In one week our yard is getting better because we take care of it and I don’t feel wasting time, doing this.

spring During holidays it’s already warm and people start to go outside more often. My family and I like to go to the park, walk there along the alleys and enjoy renewed nature. We also visit side-shows there and have fun! Later I take a big ice cream because I don’t need to drink hot tea all the time – it’s nice and warm outside!

I like spring holidays most of all because it’s full of positive emotions and expectation of summer season…

It's finally getting warmer outside. Spring break gives you a pleasant feeling when you realize that winter is leaving and summer is coming!

I love this time because the nature around me is transformed, the snow melts, the trees become green again, the flowers bloom and everything around is transformed. Even people become happier and smile more often.

But we must help nature and each other prepare the city for summer. People in our area organize cleanup days. We clear the area of ​​debris, old leaves and branches. Some paint fences and benches. The women plant beautiful flowers and the yard looks as delightful as a botanical garden. In one week, our yard is transformed because we take care of it and I don’t consider it a waste of time at all.

During spring break, the weather gets better and people start going out more often. My family and I love to go to the park and walk along the alleys, enjoying the awakened nature. We also visit an amusement park and have fun! Then I take a big ice cream, because I no longer need to drink tea all the time - it’s warm and nice outside!

I love spring break more than anyone else, they are filled with positive emotions and anticipation of summer...

Holidays of My Dream

An example of a story in English with translation into Russian:

We can dream about anything, that’s why I decided to describe my dream and maybe one day it will come true... Why not!

First, it should be very long and lasts about a few months! The aim of dream holidays – getting bored and tired of relaxing!

Second, I would like to go traveling far away with my friends and close relatives. Most of all I dream to go abroad and visit London! I read many English books about this city, watched videos and I am sure it’s an unique place and it will make a great impression on me! I study English hard because knowledge of the English language will be very useful there.

Then I want to go to the south, to warm countries where I can just lie in the sun, swim in a warm sea or swimming pool and walk in nice parks full of beautiful flowers.

Such kind of rest is necessary to get strength back and to make yourself feel better!

But it’s also important to stop relaxing on time and start to work! Too long rest – is also not thing for health, because it’s possible to get lazy easily.

So, the best holidays are combination and balance between work and rest! And for sure the best rest is changing of activities!

We can dream about everything, so I decided to describe my ideal vacation and maybe one day the dream will become a reality... Why not!

Firstly, they must be very long and last for several months! The goal of a dream vacation is to get tired of relaxing!

Second, I would like to travel with my friends and close relatives and go somewhere far away. My biggest dream is to go abroad and see London. I have read a lot of English literature and watched videos about this city and I am sure that this is a special place and it will make a great impression on me! I am learning English because knowledge of English will be very useful there.

Then I want to go south to warm countries where I can just sunbathe, swim in the warm sea or pool and walk in picturesque parks filled with beautiful flowers. This kind of rest is necessary to restore strength and improve your well-being!

But it is also important to stop the holidays on time and start working! Taking too long of a vacation is also not good for your health because you can easily become lazy.

Thus, the best vacations are a balance between rest and work! And of course, the best rest is a change of activity!


A topic on the topic “My Vacations” in English is a simple task and you can easily cope with it, just be creative and describe what is closest to you in each season!

Most people like to leave their places on holidays. Some prefer a quite rest in the country or at their dachas. Others go to the seaside and enjoy swimming and sunbathing on the golden beaches of the South. A lot of people are crazy about traveling and feel great visiting new places, getting more impressions and knowledge about them.

As for me, I prefer going to the country on holidays. Almost every summer I visit my grandparents there. This summer was not an exception. In June I stayed in the country for about a month. There I enjoyed the fresh air, pleasant views of the surrounding nature. I helped my grandma and grandpa about home and in the garden. I watered plants and weeded the garden, mowed the long grass.

Besides my grandparents, I have some friends in the country. This summer we went fishing and camping together. It was fun to play ball on the grass! Also we liked lying in the sun and bathing in the river. In the evening we went boating on the lake. We went to the forest and gathered raspberries. It was a real pleasure to stay out of town!

In July I went abroad, namely, to Finland with my parents and a little sister. We were touring by car around the country, so we could see a lot of new places. I had a good time in this country!

In August I stayed in the town reading books, playing football with my friends and preparing for school.

So, I spent my holidays very well and had a good rest!


Most people would like to leave their places during the holidays. Some people prefer a relaxing holiday in the countryside or at their dachas. Others head to the sea and enjoy swimming and sunbathing on the golden beaches of the south. Many people are crazy about traveling and feel great visiting new places, gaining more impressions and knowledge about them.

As for me, I prefer to go to the village for the holidays. Almost every summer I visit my grandparents. This summer was no exception. In June I stayed in the village for almost a month. There I enjoyed the fresh air and a pleasant view of the surrounding nature. I helped my grandparents around the house and in the garden. I watered the plants and pulled out weeds in the garden, mowed the grass.

Besides my grandparents, I have friends in the village. This summer we went fishing and camping together. It was fun playing catch on the grass! We also enjoyed lying in the sun and swimming in the river. In the evening we took a boat ride on the lake. We went into the forest and picked raspberries. It was a real pleasure for a holiday outside the city!

In July I went abroad, namely to Finland with my parents and younger sister. We toured the whole country by car, so we were able to see a lot of new places. I had a good time in this country!

In August I stayed in the city and spent time reading books, playing football with my friends and getting ready for school.

So, I spent my holidays very well and had a good rest!

School is the place where we spend a lot of time. My school is pretty big and I have many friends there. We spend a lot of time together even after school.

Holidays is one of the most beautiful time for all the pupils. I think the best holidays we have is spring holidays. The weather is so beautiful, a school year is almost finished and nobody wants to study.

Spring holidays starts usually almost at the end of March. The holidays are pretty short, more or less 10 days. But it’s enough time to rest and relax after a long winter time.

During spring holidays I usually go to visit my granny. She needs some help in the village and I like to stay close to the nature. Spring is also a good time for barbecue with the family. On the weekend when all our family is together we organize family dinner with barbecue.

Also we have homework for spring holidays. So I try to study almost every day, not to forget the program. Besides I like to read books during holidays. It’s the best time to stay quiet and not in hurry.

I also go out with my friends during spring holidays. We share our experience, have lunch together, spend evenings together.

I like spring holidays a lot. It’s time when we change winter clothes and put skirts on. I start jogging and do exercises.

Few times I went to Europe during spring holidays with my classmates. I can tell you spring is beautiful everywhere. People wake up after winter, children run around and you can really feel that you are happy.

Spring break

School is a place where we spend a lot of time. My school is quite big and I have a lot of friends there. We spend a lot of time together even after school.

Holidays are a wonderful time for all schoolchildren. I think that our best holidays begin in the spring. The weather is great, the school year is almost over and absolutely no one wants to study.

Spring break usually starts near the end of March. The holidays are quite short, more or less 10 days. But there is enough time to relax after a long winter.

During spring break I usually visit my grandmother. She sometimes needs help in the village and I love being in nature. Spring is a great time for a barbecue with the whole family. On weekends, when the whole family gets together, we organize a family barbecue dinner.

We are also given homework for spring break. So I try to study almost every day so as not to forget the curriculum. Besides, I like to read books during spring break. This is the best time to be quiet and not rush anywhere.

I also go for a walk with my friends. We share, chat, dine together and spend evenings together.

I really like spring break. We change out of our winter clothes and dress up in skirts. I start jogging and playing sports.

For several years, I traveled to Europe with classmates during spring break. And I assure you, spring is beautiful everywhere. People are literally waking up after winter, children are having fun and running around and you really feel like a happy person.

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Holidays- (Latin – dog) – break time from school hours, reserved for rest. In the domestic school system there are spring, winter, summer and autumn holidays. The longest ones are in summer, during hot days. It's interesting that... ... Fundamentals of spiritual culture (teacher's encyclopedic dictionary)

holidays- cool; pl. [from lat. Canicula Sirius, a star whose morning rise occurs during the hot season] A break from classes in educational institutions, provided for students to relax. Autumn, winter, spring, summer classes. Schools have started classes ◁… … Encyclopedic Dictionary

Holidays- an established break in classes in educational institutions during the academic year. In Russia Federations in daytime comprehensive schools are traditionally held in autumn (5 days; beginning of November), winter (12 days; end of December beginning of January),… … Pedagogical terminological dictionary

HOLIDAYS- established break in classes at school. institutions during school year. In Russia Federations in daytime general education. schools traditionally hold K. autumn (5 days; beginning of November), winter (12 days; end of December beginning of January), spring (7 days; before the beginning of ... Russian Pedagogical Encyclopedia

holidays- cool; pl. (from Lat. Canicula Sirius, a star whose morning sunrise occurs during the hot season) see also. vacation A break from classes in educational institutions, provided to students for recreation. Autumn, winter, spring, summer kani/kuly. IN… … Dictionary of many expressions

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