What kind of mutants are there? Monsters of Chernobyl: the mysterious world of the exclusion zone

After the accident at the Chernobyl nuclear power plant created an exclusion zone, stories about what was happening inside it began to look like fantastic sensations and surreal myths at the same time.

The main topic that has been worrying all this time for ordinary people who are far from radioactive realities is whether there are mutants inside the Chernobyl zone. There are many stories about people and animals who, as a result of exposure to radiation, acquired certain specific qualities or appearance features.

Reports about Chernobyl mutants mainly appear from three sources - from the “yellow” press, which is so fond of loud headlines and fantastic “revelations”, from show business, which actively exploits this topic in computer games and Hollywood films, and from the Internet, where With enviable regularity, photographs and sometimes videos appear in which pig-sized hares, three-headed dogs or ten-legged cows appear.

It must be admitted that mutations are indeed present in the Chernobyl zone. Moreover, the figure of 24 million people exposed to one degree or another to radiation almost guarantees the appearance of gene mutations in the near future in people living in the European part of Russia, Ukraine and Belarus.

Despite the fact that some Ukrainian sources state that the birth rate in the country of children with certain obvious deviations in physical development is 25%, however, these figures are not confirmed by official data. On the contrary, official statistics show that among people who were evacuated from the affected area, there were no cases of children being born with obvious physical disabilities, exceeding the standard percentage that exists throughout the world.

Today, only information about mutations among plants can be considered officially confirmed, that is, sufficiently reliable information about the presence of mutants in the exclusion zone at the site of the Chernobyl accident. And this is understandable, because the main factor of radioactive contamination, which in principle leads to mutations, is the “contamination” of water and soil. And these factors primarily influence plants.

As a result of the Chernobyl accident, a large release of elements such as cesium 137 and strontium-90, which are radioactive analogues of other substances, calcium and potassium, was carried out. It was the lack of potassium and calcium that made the soil in this region of Ukraine less fertile compared to the black soils of southern Ukraine or southern central Russia.

Also, the Chernobyl accident caused the appearance of a kind of fertilizer in the soil, and most importantly in the water, which led to the rapid growth of a variety of plants, both wild and agricultural crops. All of them, as a result of mutations, began to reach unprecedented sizes. No other changes or genetic modifications were observed among the flora of the Chernobyl zone and its immediate surroundings. In general, according to environmentalists, the damage caused to nature by the accident is much less than the positive effect that the almost complete absence of human activity had on the flora and fauna of the exclusion zone.

What about three-headed dogs?

Alas, or maybe, thank God, they are not there. And no matter how disappointed lovers of all kinds of sensations may be, there are no scientifically explainable and reliable reasons for their appearance. So they will continue to scare website visitors, newspaper readers and TV viewers with mutant animals that have always been born, without any connection to the fact of the accident at the Chernobyl nuclear power plant.

Moreover, world science does not yet have practical data that with a radiation dose of less than one sievert, people become predisposed to mutation or the production of mutated offspring. In any case, the experience of observing the residents of Hiroshima and Nagasaki does not allow us to talk about anything like that.
As for the mutant animals in Chernobyl, some time ago there was even a kind of museum that housed stuffed animals that allegedly mutated in the exclusion zone. However, then these stuffed animals were destroyed, and not a single reliable case of observation and photographing or video recording of a mutant animal in the Chernobyl exclusion zone currently exists.

There are many similar photographs appearing in the press and shown on television. Some say that these are children of Chernobyl, others say that such children were born before the disaster. These could be children of drug addicts and alcoholics, of whom there are many here.

Among the photographs that are abundantly available on the Internet, some are clearly edited, while others are simply presented as anomalies, photos of which were taken in contaminated areas. They are tritely presented as cases of the birth of animals with physical anomalies that periodically appear in any known population.

1990, Ukraine — Between 1989-1990, a notable increase in genetic malformations in animals was noted, in particular in calves and pigs. The following year, almost 400 deformed animals were born, but they only lived for a few hours. In 1990, Igor Kostin took photographs of these mutations, including this eight-legged foal, and sent them to Mikhail Gorbachev to encourage him set up an international commission to investigate the causes of the changes; he received no reply from the Soviet leader. In addition, Kostin gave a set of photographs to a Supreme Soviet deputy, Youri Chtcherbak, who showed them to the Congress of Deputies in Moscow, proclaiming, “If you don't want your children to look like this, you need to act. » Since then, no government commission was created to investigate the phenomena caused, according to some, by radioactive leaks from the sarcophagus. — Image by © Igor Kostin/CorbisBut it has been scientifically proven that even with some viability of mutants, they basically lack the ability to reproduce. Therefore, even if we assume that Chernobyl mutants exist, then three-headed dogs and huge hares will not run around the nuclear power plant for long.

The accident at the nuclear power plant in the city of Chernobyl occurred back in 1986. A huge amount of deadly radioactive substances were released into the atmosphere. It was from that moment that people began to be tormented by the question, are there mutants in Chernobyl?


Many legends have developed around the Chernobyl nuclear power plant. Not long ago, the public discussed the question of whether there are any monsters living in Chernobyl. It was said that mutant people appeared there, or, as they are also called, Chernobyl mutants. Let's find out if there are zombies in Chernobyl?

Photos of mutants actively appeared on the Internet, but everyone understands that Photoshop can work wonders. Therefore, we need some confirmed facts and arguments. Scientists - radiologists studied mutations in multicellular organisms that arose from the action of radiation. During the research, it turned out that some damage to the DNA structure had occurred.


But the occurrence of a mutation in somatic cells does not lead to mutation of the entire organism; only the risk of developing cancer increases. In case of damage to germ cells, there is a possibility of the birth of mutants in subsequent generations.

However, to this day it has not been possible to detect mutations in the descendants of those people who survived this terrible accident. Scientists do not make any predictions, but it is absolutely clear that radiation led to changes at the genetic level among future generations (meaning those born to irradiated parents).

After the Chernobyl tragedy, the incidence of various breakdowns in somatic cells increased in a large number of people and in animals living in many remote regions. Again, scientists make no connections to the accident.

Ukrainian scientists have discovered an increase in mortality in experimental mice that were exposed to radiation in the Chernobyl nuclear power plant area. The change also affected the offspring of these mice; miscarriages became more frequent, in other words, mouse embryos that had undergone mutations were simply not born.

But let's be clear. Radiation is not the only mutagen. Many other chemical elements have the same properties (ethyl alcohol is the most famous). Also, the dependence of the probability of mutation on the intensity or total dose of radiation has not been fully studied. And it is not at all clear how the mutation is expressed at the phenotypic level.

From this we can conclude that people, in fact, have no idea how mutations can arise at the phenotypic level.

Do mutants live in Chernobyl? It’s unlikely that they are there now; the Chernobyl exclusion zone at the moment can only be viewed with deep regret as a testing ground for a natural big experiment.

Do people live in Chernobyl? No one lives in the exclusion zone, but people do live in nearby areas. Moreover, it is people, and not some mythical mutants.

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Chernobyl nuclear power plant after the explosion of power unit 4

The trees are motionless. For many years now, the earth has been covered with yellowed leaves, and radiation feeds its depths. Even the sun's rays illuminating the narrow paths cannot make the wild and abandoned forest smile. We are talking about the Red Forest, located near the Chernobyl nuclear power plant. After the explosion that occurred in 1986, tons of dangerous radioactive substances were released into the atmosphere. Radioactive particles rose up and were carried away by the cloud over long distances.

The coniferous forest was also seriously damaged. Due to the ingress of radioactive particles, it acquired a red color. It is here that the largest amount of harmful elements of radiation is still concentrated. And it is here, according to eyewitnesses, that Chernobyl mutants, unprecedented life forms and giant plants live.

Are these stories true? In order to understand how true these conclusions are, it is necessary to do a little analysis.

Outskirts of the Red Forest

The dangerous properties of radiation in the USSR were known even before the construction of the Chernobyl nuclear power plant. Despite this, neither the danger to the population nor the possibility of unforeseen consequences stopped the steel mechanism called the Soviet Union.

An interesting fact in this situation remains the stories of the workers that shortly before the accident, some of them had nightmares warning about the accident. However, no one paid enough attention to them. And only after a while everything became obvious.

By the beginning of the 90s, the yellow press was born. It is not surprising that stories about the Chernobyl accident and mutants began to appear more and more often in the press. Undoubtedly, it was only to the advantage of representatives of such a publication to talk about mutants in Chernobyl. This fueled a situation that was already difficult. However, whether there are mutants in Chernobyl or not, the common man became increasingly interested. Therefore, with every year and new trends in scientific and technological progress, more and more myths and legends about mutants from Chernobyl appeared.

Exhibit of a museum in Kyiv. Mutations in animals

Myths about Chernobyl mutants

With the popularization of Internet resources and the advent of open access to almost any information, you can’t stop coming across articles and videos telling about the secrets of Chernobyl, mutants, anomalies and secrets of the exclusion zone. Getting acquainted with the Chernobyl tragedy, you find not a single interesting fact that was unknown to many only yesterday. The reasons for the explosion of the fourth reactor, the number of victims, as well as the names of the heroic liquidators - all this information is available today.

This article will only highlight the most powerful X-Men. This means that every character on this list was once on the X-Men's side. So you won't see Apocalypse, Scarlet Witch, or Franklin Richards here.

And so, we present to your attention a list of the 15 most powerful and powerful X-Men:




Peter Rasputin has been a mainstay of the X-Men for years, even surviving death himself to remain part of the team. The metal-plated giant is very soft at heart, refusing to use his powers except to help others. Colossus is one of the most powerful mutants to ever call themselves the X-Men. The Colossus can transform its body into a unique organic steel. Bullets bounce off of him like peas off a wall, and he has even withstood punches from the Hulk.


Emma Frost

Emma Frost

Emma Frost can transform her skin into an organic diamond. Not only is she virtually invulnerable while in her diamond shell, she also has telepathic abilities. She was even classified as an Omega level mutant. Among other things, Emma is excellent in hand-to-hand combat, and can fight back an enemy without turning into diamond or using telepathy.


Professor X

Professor X

Charles Xavier is the man to whom the X-Men owe the "X" in their team name. Without this man, there would not have been a single team of crime fighters, a school for gifted children would not have been built, and this article would not have been written. While he is second to none on the list of the most important characters, he is far from the most powerful. Xavier can't do much against the mutants who are above him on this list.


Rogue (Rogue)

This is not the Rogue you saw in the movie. The movie Rogue is simply not comparable to her comic book version. Rogue has the power to drain the life force of those she touches, so she can gain access to memories, skills, and, more importantly, can take over their abilities. In the comics, she absorbed Ms. Marvel's powers, giving her superhuman abilities ranging from invulnerability to telepathy, as well as the ability to instantly kill anyone just by touching them. It would also not be amiss to mention that Gambit trained her in close combat.




You may think that this is an unfairly low position, but there are reasons for this. Wolverine is a tough guy - bullets are no problem for him, he was torn apart by the Hulk and the very next day he fought with him again. Don't get me wrong, the accelerated healing is cool, but other than his claws, Wolverine can't really measure up to the rest of the mutants.



The optical blasts that Scott Summers' eyes emit are powerful enough to fight the Hulk and blow a hole through a mountain. Cyclops is also an experienced tactician and martial artist on par with Captain America.


Storm (Thunderstorm)

I don’t think it’s worth talking about how powerful the forces of nature can be. Now imagine a woman having complete control over them. She can channel electricity through her body, creating energy blasts and cold waves that freeze objects and people; collect atmospheric pollutants and use them to cause acid rain and toxic fogs; in addition to her innate ability of flight, she can generate wind strong enough to support her weight and the weight of others, allowing her to travel at great altitudes and speeds. Her capabilities are so great that she can subjugate the air in a person’s lungs, as well as refract fogs and smog so that she becomes invisible.



Ulyana Rasputina is the younger sister of Colossus. Magic is significantly stronger than his brother for two reasons. Let's start with her ability to teleport. This power isn't the best, but it's still pretty cool. The second and most important reason is her magical abilities. She received the title of Supreme Sorcerer (Merlin and Doctor Strange held the same title) of the alternative dimension of Limbo. Magik's main weapons are the Soul Sword and mystical armor, with which she becomes invulnerable to magic and capable of destroying anything that uses magic.



Bobby Drake is able to emit intense cold and freeze objects with just the touch of his hand. In addition, he himself can turn into ice and freeze the moist air around him, creating weapons from it, and ice also protects Bobby from physical harm.



The half-man, half-machine traveler is the biological son of Cyclops and a clone of Jean Grey. He inherited his mother's telepathy and telekinesis, but was unable to use them to their full potential due to a techno-organic infection. Despite this, he has other incredible abilities such as mind control, flight, psionic defense, and molecular control of matter. He can also travel through time, create psionic illusions and connect his mind with the “Infonet”, which provides the ability to “read” digital information and broadcasts.

Additional capabilities are provided to him by his various techno-organic implementations. Instead of an arm, he has a bionic weapon equipped with missiles, and also has a cybernetic eye that allows him to see in infrared radiation and fire an optical laser. At its full potential, the Cable could launch an entire city into orbit, and in times of weakness could single-handedly crush half the Avengers.



Legion is the schizophrenic son of Charles Xavier with the ability to create spontaneous mutations. The superpowers he creates manifest as different personalities that constantly fight in his head, further damaging his mind. According to some sources, it contains more than 200 personalities of omega-level mutants. Conceptually, he is unstoppable. He doesn't top the list just because he's crazy. Due to his illness, he is simply unable to develop the mutations to their full potential.



Son of Jean Gray and Scott Summers. Nate Gray is an extremely powerful psionicist, in fact the most powerful on Earth. His telekinetic and telepathic abilities allow him to fly, create psionic illusions, emit destructive psionic beams, read others' thoughts, create protective fields, project himself into the astral plane, and control the minds of other people.




With her amazing ninja skills and the ability to create incredible psionic and telekinetic weapons, Psylocke has always been one of the best X-Men characters. In addition to being a martial artist and one of the most powerful telepaths in the world, Psylocke can teleport, create force fields, shoot bolts of energy, and destroy the nervous systems of her opponents.

After helping Jean Gray realize her full potential, Psylocke reached Omega level, allowing her to be on par with the biggest villains the X-Men have ever faced.



Yes, Magneto is a bad guy. I get that, but he's also led and worked with the X-Men so many times that he deserves to be on this list. But the main reason he came here is that he is one of the most powerful mutants to ever exist. Not only can he manipulate metal, but he can also influence the Earth's magnetic field, manipulate light for invisibility, create impenetrable force fields, generate electromagnetic pulses, extract adamantium from Wolverine's bones, and even kill Apocalypse by scattering every cell of his body to the wind, also not costing forget about its protection from telepathic influences. In addition, Magneto has a brilliant intellect and extensive knowledge in many sciences.


Jean Gray (Phoenix)

Jean Gray (Phoenix)

Despite her humble beginnings as a rather primitive mutant, Jean Gray's alliance with the Phoenix Force resulted in her gaining god-like powers.

Jean has seemingly died more than any other character in the Marvel Universe, and each time she comes back stronger than before. Her current telekinetic and telepathic abilities allow her to influence the minds of others, fly, project her mind into the astral plane and create telepathic force discharges, manipulate matter on a subatomic level, grab objects in Earth's orbit and manipulate hundreds of components, open wormholes through which she can travel faster than light in the universe. When Jean absorbed Psylocke's telepathic powers, her own telepathy increased to the point where she could physically manifest telepathy as a psionic fire phoenix. Jean could increase the speed of neural signals in the brain, allowing her to enhance the mutant's powers to incredible levels.

However, sometimes the Phoenix Forces made Jim go crazy. When she became Dark Phoenix, Gray consumed an entire star along with the five billion inhabitants of a nearby planet. What more evidence is needed as to why she took first place on the list of the strongest and most powerful X-Men?

Zombies in Chernobyl, mutants and other anomalies haunt everyone who may be even slightly interested in the topic of the history of Chernobyl and Pripyat itself. But does this really exist?

The whole world remembered the terrifying date of the explosion - April 26, 1986. This was perhaps the most powerful explosion at a nuclear power plant in the entire history of mankind, as a result of which an incredible amount of radioactive substances and elements was released into the atmosphere.

In just a few days, the emitted radiation, with the help of the wind and favorable climatic conditions at that time, spread across nearby territories, causing devastating damage to all living things. The largest disaster in history in nuclear energy had a negative impact on flora, animals, and the health of people for more than one generation.

Gives us more and more new myths about Chernobyl. We are witnessing the fact that Chernobyl anomalies are developing to this day, but scientists do not dare to predict an improvement in the situation. Radiation never passes without a trace for living organisms. Legends about Chernobyl seem to be something impossible and fictitious, but, for example, a photo of zombies in Chernobyl says the opposite. Who are these zombies in Chernobyl? Do they really exist? Let's talk more about these terrifying facts.

After an explosion occurred at the fourth nuclear reactor on an ill-fated spring night, the authorities decided not to create panic among the population and reported the disaster only a day later.

The evacuation took place calmly and measuredly, and the ordinary population did not know about the consequences that awaited them and subsequent generations. The abmarkation directly affected the main city of that territory - Pripyat. The neighboring rural population, which was located within a 30 km radius, was also severely affected.

By the time the last residents were evacuated, all people and animals, without exception, had already suffered a large overdose of radiation and other dangerous substances that were released into the atmosphere after the explosion.

The level of contamination by toxic substances was so high that in the first months, dozens of infected people died from radiation sickness. But not only those who were close to the Chernobyl nuclear power plant received an excess amount of radiation in their bodies. Within a radius of 200 thousand kilometers, thousands of people received an incurable disease - thyroid cancer.

From school we know that radiation is the best catalyst for the development of mutagenic processes in any living organism. Afterwards, the question of whether there are mutants in Chernobyl is asked much more often.

Even after people left the scene, many of them experienced changes at the gene level. The result of these changes was already evident in the next generation: more than 50 thousand babies born in subsequent years in the USSR had various mutations and deformities.

Instead of the accepted 4% of “natural errors” that could appear, this percentage increased not just several times, but reached a limit of 30%. This is what the official data says. In fact, the birth rate of disabled people was significantly higher.

After research into such a Chernobyl anomaly as the birth of mutants was confirmed, the young generation living in Pripyat was strongly advised not to plan pregnancy and childbirth. In some cases, pregnancy was even prohibited. This is due to the fact that after exposure to radiation, the likelihood of having a child with obvious abnormalities is much higher than ever.

So are there mutants in Pripyat?

Of course there is. Radiation negatively affects the entire living world, as a result of which the anomalies of Chernobyl were recorded and confirmed by photographic and video evidence. There are also mutants among animals in Chernobyl. For example, the most common mutation in livestock was a change in fur, the appearance of a second head or an additional pair of paws.

The Soviet government tried for a long time to hide the consequences of the disaster, but after many years we can fully consider this topic. Popular research on the topic and photos of which are distributed on the Internet attract not only extreme sports enthusiasts trying to get into the exclusion zone, but also new researchers.

Myths of Chernobyl. Is it possible to destroy them?

The legends of Chernobyl are covered with a curtain of uncertainty that frightens, attracts and interests everyone. Are there zombies in Chernobyl? Are there mutants or mutant people in Chernobyl? It was these questions that became the most popular among all the questions asked to guides through the Exclusion Zone and possible residents of that area. This is basically what most questions on this topic mean.

It is worth noting that Chernobyl myths often mention the existence of zombies, photos of which are widely distributed on the Internet. But now almost everyone knows how to use Photoshop and creating similar pictures will not be difficult. Does this mean that mutants in Chernobyl don't really exist? Let's approach this issue from a scientific point of view.

Zombies of Chernobyl - what does science say?

Many studies have been carried out by both biologists and radiologists on the topic of mutation of organisms due to exposure to radiation and other substances that entered the atmosphere after the explosion. Each experiment conducted proved that radiation affects a multicellular organism to a greater or lesser extent, leading to various mutations. Those substances that were noticed changed the structure of DNA and caused various abnormalities.

After the first results of research on whether Chernobyl mutants exist were made public, work in studying radiation and the consequences of the disaster after the Chernobyl explosion continued. Further research showed that a mutation in bodily or somatic cells does not mutate the entire organism.

Radiation significantly increases the development of various cancers of different organs. For example, if germ cells were irradiated, the probability of the birth of mutants in the next few generations increased further (almost up to 70%). This is precisely what many scientists and authorities have been trying to hide or smooth out for a long time.

However, to date, even modern laboratories have not been able to detect mutations in the subsequent generation of people who survived the accident. But this does not mean that we are safe. Scientists' predictions about the future generations of people exposed to radiation do not coincide, and only time will tell what will happen. Changes at the gene level can lead to the most unexpected consequences.

Note that after Chernobyl, cases of changes in bodily cells in a significant number of people and animals, even outside the Exclusion Zone in the most remote regions, became more frequent. Radiologists themselves attribute such mutations to such a loud and frightening concept as the Chernobyl anomalies.


What caused the Chernobyl anomalies?

After radiation exposure in the area of ​​the Chernobyl nuclear power plant, Ukrainian scientists conducted research in laboratories on experimental mice. Surviving subjects showed that the changes affected not only the irradiated subject, but also further offspring. Cases of miscarriage in mice have become more frequent. But why? Is it true that there are mutants in Chernobyl? Could this have provoked their appearance? Let's understand the current situation a little.

After the explosion at the fourth nuclear reactor, tons of different substances were released into the air, including radiation. It follows from this that radiation is not the only reagent that causes changes in multicellular organisms. Ethyl alcohol, known to everyone, and many other chemical elements have the same properties.

To date, all factors of mutation have not been fully studied, as well as the dependence of the probability of mutation on the received single dose and the total excess of radiation in a living organism. And completely unexplored is the fact of how the manifestation of a mutation occurs depending on the phenotype. From this we can clearly conclude that we have no idea how mutations arise and develop at the phenotypic level.

But what is the answer to the question, are there mutants in Pripyat? At the moment, it is difficult to answer this question unambiguously, because the concept of mutation is different for each person. Animals that have been exposed to radiation have obvious abnormalities and can be called mutants. Such animals may have an extra pair of paws, an extra tail or head, or other obvious deviations that frighten us, but at the same time attract us.

What about the photos of zombies in Chernobyl? We can conclude that most of the photos that are distributed on the Internet are the usual work of some prankster. But do not forget that there are currently various workers there who are directly at the nuclear reactor and because of their protective suits and uniforms, impressionable people can perceive them as real monsters.

Chernobyl - a new world and new lives

Years later, some people became seriously interested in the problem of the Chernobyl reactor explosion and the consequences - destruction and loneliness in the area. A striking example of the use of this topic is the famous computer game “Stalker”.

It is based on the area of ​​a closed and unknown zone and various so-called zombies in Chernobyl: monsters, mutants and other unpleasant characters that arose after exposure to radiation. After the release of this game, many began to perceive this image and the heroes of the game as reality. Gamers believe in terrible anomalies in Chernobyl and that the computer idea is true.

However, there is something truthful in this, because radiation affected all multicellular organisms, causing mutations at the gene level. For a long time, various Chernobyl myths will be invented, and we will see and feel the consequences of this terrible disaster.

Thanks to radiation substances and elements, flora and fauna are rapidly developing in a zone remote from life, with uncontrolled mutation and without human intervention. But is it true that there are mutants in Chernobyl? Legends are formed about the Chernobyl mutants from ignorance and obscurity. They scare us with dogs with three heads and previously unknown animals, passing them on from mouth to mouth. Each storyteller adds to these legends with his own fantasies and thereby makes them more terrifying and interesting.

For example, locals who, of their own free will and for certain reasons, refused to leave the 30-kilometer zone, or those who returned to their home after the accident, talk about obvious changes in the plant world: supposedly mushrooms in Chernobyl grow to incredibly large sizes, and Huge vegetable and fruit fruits irradiated with radiation grow in forests and near various roads.

Some truth

It must be admitted that almost all legends of Chernobyl have their share of truth. There are both huge fruits and mutated animals. But, fortunately for us, most of those animals that have mutated due to irradiation with radiation elements cannot have offspring. Today, all kinds of mutants from Chernobyl are becoming less and less common, because thirty years have already passed since the accident. But at first, when everything was strictly confidential and no details were disclosed, people only guessed what was there, and this was a reason to come up with a hundred horror stories about zombies in Chernobyl. And the large number of mutations that appear in children and animals only fueled interest in this topic.

Immediately after the terrible Chernobyl disaster occurred, doctors, scientists and authorities forcibly forced (or, as officially stated, recommended) abortions for pregnant women who were taken out. Due to the high probability of giving birth to mutants or sick children, no exception was made even for women who were heavily pregnant.

The majority did not listen to specialists, but tried to save their baby and gave birth to children. Unfortunately, the scientists were right and many of the children born had obvious deviations not only in appearance, but also in genetic characteristics.

The famous Soviet geneticist Konovalov collected a unique collection of mutants from children susceptible to abortion. This was done so that future generations would understand how devastating human error was at the Chernobyl nuclear power plant and would prevent similar disasters from happening.

Radiation did not spare children: in this collection you can see specimens with mutilated limbs, lack of vital internal organs, mutilated bodies and other abnormalities. It is worth noting that the number of handicapped newborn children some five years after the Chernobyl accident exceeded any indicators, and according to official data, it was almost three times higher than previous data.

Zombie animals in Chernobyl

Most stories that there are mutants in Chernobyl are proven by various photographs, videos and live examples. Most often observed in livestock. Even if the animal did not receive a large dose of radiation immediately after the explosion, it later fed on contaminated fields, where the level of radioactive contamination was hundreds of times higher.

In order to prevent the reproduction of such animals, most of them were shot during the evacuation, and the bodies were given to scientists to study these samples and study how much the animals mutated at the genetic level. Scientists noticed that almost all animals that were about to give birth had obvious fetal abnormalities. This fact once again confirms the colossal consequences of the Chernobyl disaster that everyone is talking about.

The consequences of the release of such a large amount of radioactive elements will disfigure, harm health and cripple living organisms and people for a long time. This is due to the fact that at the genetic level, radiation disrupted reproductive systems, promoted development and was the “founder” of many gene mutations. These mutations will pass from generation to generation, giving rise to myths about zombies in Chernobyl, for many years to come.

Despite the fact that today there should be no strangers in the closed zone for living who are not working at the nuclear power plant, there are enough self-settlers in Pripyat who do not want to leave that area no matter what.

Maybe some people believe that the people living in that area are the same zombies in Chernobyl, photos of which are full of them on the Internet. But in reality these are ordinary residents. The state practically does not help people who decide to stay, and residents, in turn, try to survive as best they can.

In order to stay alive, local residents engage in poaching, go to the most radiation-polluted "" to pick berries and mushrooms, and fish in the Pripyat River. In most cases, the harvest scares us, because the enormous size of mushrooms and various berries exceeds any permissible limits, and the fish reaches the size of a person.

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