What words are commonly used? Examples of common words in Russian, features and rules

The Russian people live in the vast expanses of our Motherland: on the Don and Kuban, on the Desna and Pechora, on the Neva and Oka, on the Volga and Kama, in the Urals, Irtysh, Ob, Yenisei, Lena and Amur, on the Kola Peninsula and Altai, in the Northern Caucasus and Far East, Kamchatka and Chukotka. All Russians speak the same national Russian language, therefore, for example, residents of the shores of the White Sea and Stavropol region, Smolensk region and Siberia will understand each other, since most of the words they use are known to everyone, i.e., as you already know, popular (commonly used).

The basis of the vocabulary of a literary language is made up of commonly used words. On their basis, further improvement and enrichment of the vocabulary of the national Russian language occurs as a result of the production of new words using different methods of education.

But in different areas there are words that are understandable only to residents of a particular area. For example, the word ammunition- “the handle of the stern oar” is used on the Don, abik- “the top of a coastal underwater rock emerging from the water” - in the Arkhangelsk region, ales- “wet, swampy place, swampy meadow” - in the Smolensk region, ASL- “Armyak made of camel wool that does not allow moisture to pass through” - in Siberia, on the Yenisei, etc. These are words of territorially limited use, or dialectisms.

We encounter words of limited use not only when talking with residents of a particular area. Imagine that you are listening to the conversation of painters painting doors and frames in a house. You understand everything they are talking about, but one asks the other: “We don’t have enough gesso for this room, get it ready.” The word gesso, meaning a mixture of alabaster or chalk with glue, used to prime wood for oil paint, is no longer familiar to everyone. It occurs in the speech of painters and artists.

In every profession, in addition to commonly used ones, special words are used. These are also words of limited use, but limited on a special basis, on the basis of profession, which is why they are called special words, or professionalisms.

Words used in the speech of important social groups, for example, schoolchildren and students, are also limited in their use. In their speech, along with commonly used ones, we encounter special words, for example: tail- “failed exam”; cut off- “fail the exam”; machine- “a test given by a teacher without a preliminary interview”, etc. Such words are argotisms (or jargons) and, unlike dialectisms and professionalisms, have a pronounced emotional and expressive character.

Thus, the national Russian language includes popular, commonly used words and words of limited use (dialect words, professional words and argotisms).

Commonly used vocabulary is also replenished with words of limited use.

So, before, a lonely, unsociable person in some southern provinces (regions) was called Biryuk. I. S. Turgenev in the story “Biryuk” made the following note about this: “In the Oryol province a biryuk is a lonely and gloomy person.” Over time, this word of limited use (dialectal) became commonly used.

Even more commonly used words are replenished by professionalisms. For example, words diagnosis, square, prompter, helicopter, microscope, microbe, nylon, space, which were special, gradually became clear to everyone and became part of the common vocabulary.

In turn, words of limited use are replenished at the expense of popular words. Yes, a common word cap in the speech of printers, it means “a headline, set in large font, common to several articles in a newspaper,” and in this meaning it is professionalism.

Professional words

The types of human activities are varied. It is impossible to briefly list all the specialties and professions that people have - they are so numerous.

Each profession has its own tools and products of labor, and labor processes unique to it. To name all this, there are words that are mainly used in a team united by some kind of production activity, specialty, profession. For example, in the speech of sailors the words are used galley, yard, huys, southwester, topsail, cockpit, rigging, north-west etc. In the speech of miners the words are used face, ledge, fastener, tamper, drift etc.

Modern life is characterized by the development of science and technology. We learn about scientific achievements from periodicals, radio, cinema and television. Technology penetrates into everyday life everywhere, people use different devices, devices, computers, they know, basically, their purpose, structure, and principle of operation. All this leads to the fact that many professional words begin to be used not only by specialists, but gradually become understandable to everyone (generally used). For example, the names of many machines, devices and their parts have become widespread: combine, excavator, escalator, bulldozer, cabin, scuba gear etc.

From the very beginning of the existence of Soviet power in our country, the commonly used vocabulary has been replenished with words of socio-political vocabulary. Thus, the words have become commonly used atheistic, republic, autonomous, revolution, deputy, presidium, agitation, propaganda, democracy, Marxist etc.

In the 20s and 30s. In connection with the electrification and industrialization of the country, many special words related to electrical engineering, radio engineering, automotive engineering, aircraft manufacturing and aviation have come into general use, for example: propeller, fuselage, chassis, airfield, aviator, dynamo, turbine, hydraulic station, car etc.

In the 40s Common vocabulary was replenished mainly due to special military words, for example: sergeant, corporal, front, vanguard, general, officer, lieutenant, marshal, front line, mobilization etc.

In the 50s and 60s. Sciences become socially important: physics, mathematics, biology, chemistry, medicine. Many special words related to these sciences have replenished the national vocabulary of the Russian language. Thus, the words have become commonly used nylon, cybernetics, bionics, reactor, protoplasm, plankton, sterile, vacuum, virus, hybrid etc.

New professional words are either created through different methods of Russian word production from the bases of native Russian and borrowed words, or are borrowed from other languages.

Individual commonly used words can acquire special terminological meaning. So, a special word for motorists appeared - street cleaner(compare with the meaning of the commonly used word street cleaner- “a person who cleans the street, yard”). The first three meanings of the word horizon are commonly used (1. The line of apparent contact of the sky with the earth's or water surface. 2. The circle of knowledge, ideas, interests. 3. The circle of actions, possibilities). In the fourth or fifth meaning this word is special; in hydrology it denotes the height of water in a river or reservoir, and in mining it means a horizontal plane intersecting a mineral deposit at some level.

Explanatory dictionaries include the most common professional words and special meanings of commonly used words with marks specialist.(special) or an abbreviated name of a particular science or profession, for example: bees(beekeeping), bot. (botanical). Lists of professional words are given in special (terminological) dictionaries-reference books and in industry-specific encyclopedic dictionaries. For example, special geographical words are collected and explained in the reference book “Encyclopedic Dictionary of Geographical Terms” (M., 1968), linguistic words - in the books by O. S. Akhmanova “Dictionary of Linguistic Terms” (M., 1966) and D. E. Rosenthal and M.A. Telenkova “Dictionary-reference book of linguistic terms” (3rd ed., revised and additional - M:, 1985).

Dialect words

In the national Russian language, as you already know, there are two main dialects (dialects) - northern and southern, which include independent dialects. A special group consists of Central Russian dialects, which have features of both Northern Russian and Southern Russian dialects.

The basis of the vocabulary of all dialects is made up of commonly used words. In addition to them, local or dialect words are used in dialects, understandable only to residents of a certain territory.

Some dialect words sound the same as words in the literary language, but their meaning is different. Yes, a common word fractional- “dismembered into parts” (“ break the production process into a number of fractional operations") or "frequent" ( clatter of hooves) - in dialects used in the meaning of “thin, weak” ( fractional boy). These are semantic dialectisms, i.e. those that differ from the words of a literary language in their meaning (semantics), but coincide with them in sound.

Common word rooster is at the same time dialectal, since it is used to name this bird in the northern dialect. And in the southern dialect the rooster is called kochet. Such dialectisms are called lexical: they have parallels in the literary language, from which they differ in their sound.

Russian people live in different geographical conditions: some in forest areas, others in the steppe; some are mountainous, while others are flat. This left an imprint on their life and everyday life. So, in the north, a residential house (hut) is built with an underground space; the entrance to the underground is called a word cabbage roll; and in the south underground in the house ( hut) no, word cabbage roll it is unknown there. Such dialect words characterize the peculiarities of the language of the inhabitants of a certain area and are called ethnographisms ( ethnography- a science that studies the peculiarities of life, customs, culture of a nation, nationalities, people living in a particular area).

Some dialect words are known in several dialects, but are used with different meanings. For example, the word vaga in the Kursk region it means “scales”, and in the Tambov region it means “pole”. Word beetroot in the territory of the southern dialects - “beet”, and in the north beetroot- “birch bark vessel”.

Some dialects do not have special words for naming any object, although other dialects have such words. For example, in the north, sheep wool has no special name, but in the south, the word is used for this wave; a field of mown rye in the north is called the word neigh, oats - fescue etc., and in the south in all cases the word is used to designate a field of mown rye, wheat and oats stubble.

Communication between the educated population, who speak a literary language, and native speakers of dialects led to the mutual influence of the literary language and dialects: dialect words penetrated into the literary language, and in dialects, along with local words, common words began to be used as their synonyms.

For example, words such as afterlife, eagle owl, frail, mumble etc.

In Tsarist Russia, the literary language had little influence on dialects, since the population was mostly illiterate. In Soviet times, the literary language was actively disseminated through school, radio, print, and television.

With the spread of the literary language, the scope of the use of dialect words and phrases is narrowing; they are used mainly by older people. First of all, lexical and semantic dialectisms leave the dialect language and are replaced by commonly used words.

Dialect words are part of the dictionary of the national Russian language. Some dialect words are former all-Russian words that have not been preserved in the literary language. To explain the history of language development, it is necessary to study dialects.

One of the outstanding scientists who devoted his life to the study of Russian dialects was Vladimir Ivanovich Dal (1801-1872). He compiled the “Explanatory Dictionary of the Living Great Russian Language” in four volumes, containing more than 200,000 words. V. I. Dahl's dictionary is our national treasure.

Currently, Russian dialects are studied according to a program developed by the Institute of Russian Language of the USSR Academy of Sciences. Linguistic scientists, students, and teachers go on dialectological expeditions. Based on the collected materials, scientists compile regional dialect dictionaries. Currently, a lot of work is being done to compile a multi-volume “Dictionary of Russian Folk Dialects”.

Dialect words that are most commonly used in works of art are included in explanatory dictionaries of the Russian language with the mark region. (regional).

III. Working with the textbook

Find in the textbook and write down the definitions of dialectisms (p. 43), professionalisms (p. 45), jargon (p. 45).

Many words of the Russian language are known to all the people. These words are commonly used, for example: water, earth, sky, bird; green, blue, long; walk, think, talk. Our everyday speech is primarily built from commonly used words. But there are words in the Russian language that not all people use in their speech. For example, the word yaruga (ravine) is used in the speech of rural residents of some places; chamotte (fireproof clay) - in the speech of metallurgists.

What are common words?

Granddaughter, go to the garden and bring some beetroot for borscht.

What should I bring, grandma?


What is this?

Well, in our village that’s what they call beets.

Why didn't the boy understand his grandmother?

Do you call beets by any other word?

The word beet is in common use; it is known to everyone who speaks Russian. The word burak is used only in the speech of residents of a certain area. This is a dialect word.

Dialect words are words used only by the inhabitants of a particular rural area.

Some of the most commonly used dialect words in works of art are included in explanatory dictionaries of the Russian literary language. With them, a litter of the region is given. (i.e. regional).

There are special dialect dictionaries, or dictionaries of Russian folk dialects. In Vladimir Ivanovich Dahl’s “Explanatory Dictionary of the Living Great Russian Language” there are many dialect words collected by him from different parts of our Motherland.

(E. Liechtenstein.)

Write down the words with highlighted spellings and explain them in writing.

7. Professional words are explained in special reference dictionaries and encyclopedias. The most commonly used professional words are given in explanatory dictionaries. With them, a special litter is placed. (what does special mean); other marks indicate which specialties the words are associated with, for example: technical. - technical, marine - sea. One of the meanings of an ambiguous word may be professional.

Find 3-4 professional words in ““. What signs will you use to find professional words in the dictionary?

8. Copy 5-6 words from geography textbooks (botany, mathematics) that are predominantly used in the speech of geographers (botanists, mathematicians). Make up three sentences with any of them.

9. Who is shown in the pictures above? Read the words under the pictures and say if they are all placed there correctly.

Write it down by making corrections. Make up a sentence with any professional word.

10. The artist was asked to make illustrations for these proposals. He got something wrong. What mistakes did he make? What words did he mean: common or professional?

Of course, dialectisms, jargons and professionalisms are interesting in their own way, but without them the Russian language could exist. The popular vocabulary includes a huge number of words of all parts of speech, both independent and functional. We looked at common words, example words and their meanings.

Why do native speakers need local dialects? The use of such words often helps authors of literary texts create special poetics, convey mood, and more vividly express the image of a character. At the same time, writers try not to oversaturate their text with dialectisms, otherwise readers will not understand much.

The purpose of the work is to describe the use of uncommon vocabulary in modern media texts and to assess the appropriateness of its use. Terminological vocabulary includes words or phrases used to logically accurately define special concepts, establish the content of concepts, and their distinctive features. There are dialectisms recorded in explanatory dictionaries of the literary language with the mark “regional”, and extraliterary dialectisms known only in dialects. The expressiveness of slang vocabulary contributes to the fact that words from slangs move into national colloquial and everyday speech, not bound by strict literary norms. Most words that have become widespread outside of jargons can be considered jargons only from a genetic point of view, and at the time of their consideration they already belong to the vernacular. This suggests that the use of jargon and argotisms makes speech not only rude, but also unclear. The use of jargon is most often motivated by the author’s communicative-pragmatic attitude. It should be noted that jargons that have a functional-semantic meaning with various suffixes of disdain are used for the purpose of emotional impact on the reader. Topic 2. The word as a unit of language. Multiple meaning words. The use of polysemantic words in works of art.

For example, the words “brezg” (dawn) and “zobat” (eat) are currently used only in a few Russian dialects. It happens that a lexical unit ceases to be commonly used and becomes professional jargon. Common words are lexical units that can be completely erased from people's memory. Unfortunately, this is true.

Emotionally expressive vocabulary

In addition to stylistically neutral lexical units, among common words there are those that can be pronounced by every person, but only sometimes. For example, the words: “zemlitza”, “bungler”, “newspaper”, “bearded”, “square” - they differ from stylistically neutral lexical units in that they can be called emotional or even expressive. On the contrary, terms (special or dialectal) can be added to this vocabulary, the use of which was previously curtailed. Interesting, isn't it? Common words in the Russian language are of great interest to many researchers.

Since when speaking, speech is not prepared in advance, the characteristic features of this style are incompleteness of the expressed thoughts and emotionality.

Speech styles serve certain areas of human life, and therefore each style is distinguished by two characteristics: the sphere of communication and the purpose of communication. In general, all speech styles can be divided into two large groups: conversational style on the one hand and book styles of speech (artistic, journalistic, official business, scientific) on the other.

Scope of use. These words, as well as the phenomena they signify, are found only in certain dialects.

Obsolete words (archaisms and historicisms).

In such cases, the word becomes archaic, for example: the word vulgar in the meaning of “popular” is outdated. Historicisms are outdated words that denote the names of objects, phenomena, and concepts that have disappeared from modern life, for example: chain mail, loophole, secularist, zemstvo, arquebus.

Knowledge of speech styles gives an idea of ​​what language means should be used in a given situation.

Stylistic errors are the use of verbal constructions or individual words that do not correspond to the stylistic design of the text and violate the communicative expediency of the sentence. Lexico-stylistic errors represent the unjustified use of clericalism, jargon, archaisms and vulgarisms in the text.

You can often find references to stylistic errors in the text, which are a consequence of choosing the wrong word or phrase that does not fit the main text.

It represents the lexical core, without which language is unthinkable, communication is impossible, it consists of words that are expressions of the most necessary vital concepts. There are times when a word from the national dictionary disappears into professional jargon. Dialect words are used mainly in oral speech, since the dialect itself is mainly the oral, everyday speech of residents of rural areas. 3) lexical dialectisms - words, both in form and in meaning, different from the words of commonly used vocabulary: kochet - rooster, nedani - the other day, gutarit - talk, inda - even, etc. Words, the use of which is characteristic of people forming separate social groups, constitute slang vocabulary. Slang vocabulary has a narrow scope of use: it is used mainly among “our own” people, i.e. in communication with people of the same social circle as the speaker.

Getting rid of stylistic mistakes

Modern Russian language. Vocabulary. Vocabulary of limited scope of use. Introduction. Vocabulary. Bustard, 1997. Argo. P. 37. Dialectisms.

To get rid of stylistic errors, special work should be done on them. Preventing and correcting style confusion will develop a person’s linguistic flair and cultivate a person’s speech taste. However, it should be remembered that different mixed styles of vocabulary are often a successful stylistic device aimed at creating an ironic or comic effect.

All linguists know that dialect vocabulary includes words whose distribution is limited to a particular territory. Entrepreneurs use generally accepted and dialect words and expressions, for example, accounting and recounting of goods. He noted the differences between jargons and professional words: argotisms differ from professionalisms in the following features. This means that next to them there are always synonyms of popular use. We found out that the main group of argotisms are popular words with a special, specific meaning.

The main feature of this style is logic, clarity and the absence of any emotion on the part of the author. The journalistic style is used not only for the purpose of conveying this or that information, but also for the purpose of influencing the feelings and thoughts of listeners or readers. The artistic style differs from other book styles in that when writing his works, the author can use almost any of the above styles.

The Russian language has several lexical layers, each of which differs in its scope of use and purpose.

The vocabulary of the Russian language is heterogeneous in terms of the degree of its distribution and activity of use, as well as in the nature of its stylistic coloring. For example: gutarit (South Russian) - to speak, bait (Northern Russian) - to speak. Special vocabulary is the words used in speech by representatives of certain branches of knowledge and professions.

Due to the huge amount of scientific vocabulary. Progress in society, in all its spheres, brings many new technologies and improvements.

Highly specialized terms are understandable only to specialists. Terms belong to the literary language and are recorded in special terminological dictionaries and explanatory dictionaries with the mark “special”. At the same time, the meaning of the units used (jargon, borrowings) is usually expanded and rethought in relation to other areas of activity.

Everyone knows that the difficulty of the Russian language is largely due to the discrepancy between spelling and pronunciation. In particular, there are different types of isolation. Isolation of minor members of a sentence In writing, almost any part of speech, including minor ones, can be highlighted. They are usually used to express strong emotions, such as delight, surprise, anger and others. It is almost impossible to find them in scientific texts. Even literate people make grammatical mistakes. It is easy to notice that some rules of Russian do not cause difficulties, while others regularly trip up the majority.

Special vocabulary includes words and expressions used by groups of people united by occupation, activity, i.e., by a professional community. The growth of scientific and technical knowledge causes the emergence of a large number of new concepts and their names. Professionalisms serve for greater differentiation and clarification of the term (in meteorology, the names of snowflakes depending on their shape: asterisk, needle, hedgehog, plate, fluff, column). 2) others - for pejorative purposes (from the English pejorative - derogatory, disapproving).

There are several difficult points. Why? Because the possibility of understanding one or another of them depends on a person’s education, and not on his belonging to any profession or occupation.

The first sentence has a neutral stylistic connotation, while the second is more emotional - the author shows that the water he drank from the source was very good. Also, through the use of words, negative shades of meaning can be conveyed.

Common vocabulary

1. Common vocabulary.

The most important part of the Russian language dictionary in all its diversity

is a commonly used vocabulary. She represents that

lexical core, without which language is unthinkable, communication is impossible, its

make up words that are expressions of the most necessary vital

important concepts.

National vocabulary is the backbone of the national literary dictionary,

the most necessary lexical material for expressing thoughts in Russian,

the fund on the basis of which further developments primarily take place

improvement and enrichment of vocabulary. The vast majority of incoming

the words in it are stable in their use and commonly used in all styles

The vocabulary of the Russian language includes words that are known and understandable

in everything and are used both in oral and written speech.

For example: water, earth, forest, bread, go, eat, eat, winter, bright,

words that are stylistically neutral, ᴛ.ᴇ, stand out. words that

can be heard equally in a scientific report and in everyday conversation,

which can be read both in a business document and in a friendly letter. Such

There is an overwhelming majority of words in the Russian language. They can also be called

commonly used in the full sense of the word.

In addition to stylistically neutral words in common vocabulary

words are also highlighted that can be used by everyone, but not in

anyway. So, the words water, simpleton, magazine, mustachioed, courtyard,

word, etc., in contrast to words that are stylistically neutral, or

have expression or are emotionally colored. Shades of emotional

colors are created by various diminutives and

increasing and derogatory suffixes (vod-its-a, magazine-chik, yard-ik,

words-echk-o), and expressiveness is conveyed by the special figurativeness of words

speech (simpleton, mustachioed, reckless, dodgy). By using such words, the speaker

expresses his positive or negative attitude towards the subject,

phenomenon. For this reason, these words almost never appear in a scientific report, in

business document. Use of expressive-emotional words

limited to certain styles of speech: they are more often used in

conversational style, often in a journalistic style.

However, the above does not mean that commonly used vocabulary

forms a closed group of words, not subject to any influences.

On the contrary, it can be replenished with words that previously had a limited

(dialectal or professional) sphere of use. Yes, words

burning, motley, loser, tyrant, regular, boring and

no. etc.
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back in the first half of the 19th century. were not known to all speakers

Russians: the scope of their use was limited to professional

(anxious, motley) or dialectal (loser, tyrant,

regular, boring) Wednesday. In modern Russian, these words

are part of the commonly used vocabulary.

On the other hand, some common words over time

may go out of general circulation, narrow the scope of their use:

for example, the words goiter, ᴛ.ᴇ. there is, disdain, ᴛ.ᴇ. dawn, now

found only in some Russian dialects. There are times when

the word from the national dictionary disappears into professional jargon.

Common vocabulary can be contrasted with limited vocabulary

usages – words that are used by people related by gender

occupations, professions, or territorial boundaries.

2. Uncommon vocabulary.

This vocabulary includes special, slang and dialect

vocabulary Moreover, dialect and slang vocabulary, in contrast to special,

lies outside the Russian literary language.

2.1. Dialectal vocabulary

Words whose use is typical for people living in a certain

localities, constitute dialect vocabulary. Dialect words are used

mainly in the oral form of speech, since the dialect itself is the main

image of the oral, colloquial speech of rural residents.

Dialectal vocabulary differs from commonly used vocabulary not only more

narrow sphere of use, but also a number of phonetic, grammatical and

lexical and semantic features. According to these features

There are several types of dialectisms:

1) phonetic dialectisms - words that reflect phonetic

features of this dialect: barrel, Vankya, tipyatok (instead of barrel,

Vanka, boiling water) – southern Russian dialectisms; kuricha, tsyasy, kisser,

Germans (instead of chicken, watch, man, Germans) - dialectisms,

reflecting the sound features of some northwestern dialects;

2) grammatical dialectisms - words that have meanings other than in

literary language, grammatical characteristics or different

from common vocabulary according to morphological structure. So, in

In southern dialects, neuter nouns are often used

as feminine nouns (the whole field, such a thing, Feels

a cat whose meat she ate); in northern dialects forms in

cellar, in the club, in the table (instead of in the cellar in the club, in the table);

instead of the common words side, rain, run, hole, etc.

in dialect speech words with the same root are used, but different in

morphological structure: side, dozhok, bech, hole, etc.;

3) lexical dialectisms - words, both in form and meaning

different from words in common vocabulary: kochet - rooster,

the other day - the other day, gutar - talk, inda - even, etc. Among

lexical dialectisms, local names of things and

concepts common in a given area. These words are called

ethnographisms. For example, the word paneva is ethnographic - so

in Ryazan, Tambov, Tula and some other regions

called a special type of skirt.

A dialectal word may differ from a commonly used word not in form, but

meaning; in this case we talk about semantic dialectisms. So,

the word top in some southern dialects is called a ravine, the verb to yawn

used in the meaning of shouting, calling, guessing – in the meaning of recognizing someone

or in the face, etc.

Dialectisms are often used as means of expression in

works of fiction - for speech characteristics

characters, to convey local color͵ for more accurate, from the point of view

2.2. Professional and special vocabulary

Words, the use of which is typical for people of certain professions,

having as their sphere of use any special branch of science

or techniques, constitute professional and special vocabulary. These two

definitions are necessary so that in the general layer allocated to such

in the way of words to distinguish, firstly, officially accepted and regularly

special terms used, ᴛ.ᴇ. special vocabulary and, secondly,

characteristic of many professions, expressively rethought,

altered words and expressions taken from general circulation.

The difference between technical terms and professional words can be

show in the following examples. In metallurgy, the term “accretion” refers to

remnants of frozen metal in a ladle, workers call these remnants

goat, ᴛ.ᴇ. in this case, nastyl - the official term, goat -

professional. Physicists jokingly call the synchrophasotron a saucepan,

sandpaper is the official, terminological name, and sandpaper

– professionalism, widely used in the non-professional sphere and

Special terminology usually “covers” the entire given special

field of science or technology: all basic concepts, ideas, relationships receive

its terminological name. Terminology of any industry

knowledge or production is created by conscious and purposeful

through the efforts of people who are experts in this field. Valid here

the tendency, on the one hand, to eliminate doublets and polysemous

terms, and on the other hand, to establishing strict boundaries of each term and

its clear relationships with the other units that form this

terminological system.

Professionalisms are less regular. Because they are born in spoken language

people engaged in any profession, they rarely form a system. For

some objects and concepts have professional names, and for

there are no others. The relationship between different professionalisms is also

characterized by a certain randomness and uncertainty. Values

professionalism, usually arising on the basis of a metaphorical

rethinking a word or phrase often intersects with the meanings

other professionalisms. Finally, unlike special terms,

professionalisms are brightly expressive, expressive, and this is their property with

is revealed with particular clarity in the vicinity of the official, bookish

a special term, the meaning of which is duplicated by this professionalism.

In some cases, professionalisms can be used as

official terms; their expressiveness is somewhat erased,

however, the underlying metaphorical meaning is felt quite

Fine. For example, a lever arm, a gear tooth, a pipe elbow, etc.

Although specialized and professional vocabulary has a limited scope

usage, between it and the commonly used vocabulary there is

constant communication and interaction. Literary language is mastered by many

special terms: they begin to be used in ways that are not typical for them

contexts, to be rethought, due to which they cease to be terms,

or are determinologized.

In fiction prose professionalisms and special terms

are used not only for speech characteristics of heroes, but also for more

accurate description of production processes, relationships between people in the workplace

and professional environment.

2.3. Slang vocabulary

Words whose use is characteristic of people who form separate

social groups make up slang vocabulary. So, the jargon of the ofeni -

wandering traders who existed in Russia in the 19th century were inherent

words: rym - house, meleh - milk, sary - money, zetit - talk,

tinker - build, etc.
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In the jargon of bursaks - students of bursa (school,

which combined cramming and cane discipline) - were the words

bond - steal, bug - strictly exact, etc.
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lexical elements that penetrated in the past from social jargons into

commonly used vocabulary are still preserved in it today. These include,

for example, the words swindler, nimble, linden - fake and nek. etc.

At the same time, the vocabulary of youth is preserved and constantly updated -

school and student jargon. It is important to note that for the current state

characteristic, for example, are numerous anglicisms, often intentionally

distorted: gerla - girl, friend - boy, white - white, truzera -

trousers, trousers.

Slang are some re-interpretations of common words.

vocabulary: wheelbarrow meaning car, slip away - leave unnoticed, ancestors -

parents, etc., expressive formations such as stipa, stipuh -

scholarship, amazing - very good, branded - top quality, fashionable and

Slang vocabulary has a narrow scope of use: it is used in

mainly among “our own”, ᴛ.ᴇ. in communication with people of the same social

circle as the speaker. Slang words in works of art

can serve for speech characterization of characters, used in

for styling purposes. So, for example, in Granin’s novel “After the Wedding” in the speech

heroes - young people there are such, slangy in nature,

words and phrases: “This is me in the order of chatter”; ʼʼI would have gone myself instead of Igor, and

tipsʼʼ; ʼʼShe dances - shine!ʼʼ, etc.

At the same time, the use of jargon in a literary text should be

justified both by the general concept of the work and stylistically.

Common vocabulary - concept and types. Classification and features of the category "Commonly used vocabulary" 2017, 2018.

The vocabulary of the Russian language is rich and diverse. But common vocabulary is undoubtedly considered the most important part of it. It is the core, without which it is impossible to imagine language and conversation; it includes commonly used words denoting concepts that are used everywhere. They can be heard on the street, at work, at school, in a store, in other words, anywhere. Folk vocabulary is the basis of the literary national dictionary, a very important material for speaking the native language. This is the foundation that helps you continue to enrich and improve your vocabulary. Its importance cannot be underestimated. Almost all units of folk vocabulary are used actively and constantly; they can be found in every speech style.

Commonly used and stylistically neutral words

The Russian language has many words that are known and accessible to everyone, which can be used both in conversation and in writing. As an example, we can cite the following lexical units: “river”, “soil”, “grove”, “bun”, “walk”, “eat”, “winter”, “catchy”, “work”, “read”, “ newspaper", "woman", "sentence", "face", etc. There are also neutral words that can be found both in scientific work and in ordinary conversation; they can be seen both in official paper and in a letter from a friend. There are a lot of such lexical units in the Russian language. The commonly used ones, which you now know, are distributed throughout the country. They are also used in some other countries where people speak Russian.

Emotionally expressive vocabulary

In addition to stylistically neutral lexical units, among common words there are those that can be pronounced by every person, but only sometimes. An opportunity must present itself for this. For example, the words: “zemlitza”, “bungler”, “newspaper”, “bearded”, “square” - differ from stylistically neutral lexical units in that they can be called emotional or even expressive. This is very noticeable when pronouncing them. Emotional coloring is conveyed with the help of all kinds of suffixes, which can be derogatory-increasing or diminutive-affectionate, and expressiveness is achieved by the unusual figurativeness of words used in speech. By pronouncing such lexical units, a person shows his good or bad attitude towards an event or subject. And not surprisingly, they are very rarely used in scientific works and business papers. Emotionally expressive lexical units are not used in all styles of speech. As a rule, they are actively used in ordinary conversations, and they can also be read in printed publications. It is impossible to imagine how people would speak if it were not for the ubiquity of common words. Terms are a completely different matter, they refer to Do not confuse them with common words. This is a big mistake.

Dialectal and common

But from all of the above it does not follow that commonly used words represent a closed vocabulary that does not have any influence. You shouldn't think like that. On the contrary, terms (special or dialectal) can be added to this vocabulary, the use of which was previously curtailed. For example, the words: “motley”, “tyrant”, “boring”, “burning”, “loser”, “regular” - at the beginning of the 19th century were not as widespread as they are now: the area of ​​their use was limited to the dialect or special sphere. Nowadays, these lexical units are in common use. Interesting, isn't it? Commonly used ones are of great interest to many researchers. In addition, foreigners who are going to Russia often seek to recognize them.

Forgotten commonly used lexical units

Also, some commonly used lexical units may disappear from colloquial speech over time, narrowing the scope of their application. For example, the words “brezg” (dawn) and “zobat” (eat) are currently used only in a few Russian dialects. Many people no longer remember them. It happens that a lexical unit ceases to be commonly used and becomes professional jargon. The majority of people gradually forget this word, which is a little sad. Common words are lexical units that can be completely erased from people's memory. Unfortunately, this is true.

The popular vocabulary has its opposite - words of limited use. They can be heard when you are among people of a certain profession or living in the same territory.


It is also necessary to consider words that are dialectal. They are used in their speech by people inhabiting a specific geographical area. Dialectal lexical units are most often used in simple conversations. And this is quite understandable. After all, dialect refers primarily to the oral speech of people living in villages. It will be incomprehensible to an outsider. However, village residents, of course, also know common words. It would be foolish to think that they cannot use them in their speech.

How do dialectisms differ from common words?

What is the difference between dialect and common words? The former are distinguished by a narrower area of ​​use; in addition, they are characterized by some semantic-lexical, grammatical, and phonetic features. Taking into account their characteristic features, several types of dialectisms can be distinguished. Which ones exactly?

Types of dialectisms

  1. Phonetic dialectisms are specific lexical units. What can you say about them? They contain the phonetic features of any dialect: “tipyatok”, “Vankya”, “bochkya” (in common vocabulary these are “boiling water”, “Vanka”, “barrel”) - belong to South Russian; “kuricha”, “tselovek”, “tsiasy”, “nemchi” (in other words, “chicken”, “man”, “clock”, “Germans”) are words pronounced rather unusually, characteristic of several northwestern dialects. To outsiders their sound may seem somewhat strange. They are closer, of course, to commonly used words.
  2. Grammatical dialectisms are unique lexical units. What is known about them? They have grammatical properties that are not characteristic of a literary language, and they are also not similar to common words in their morphological structure. It is rare to hear them.
  3. Lexical dialectisms are words that are not similar to commonly used ones either in meaning or form. For example, inda - even, kochet - rooster, gutarit - talk, the other day - recently, etc.

Special and professional words

Lexical units that can usually be heard while in the company of people of a certain type of activity belong to special and professional words. They are used in some areas of technology and science. These two terms need to be distinguished in order to understand which word is officially accepted and constantly pronounced (special), and which is expressively reinterpreted, rethought after being borrowed from a commonly used dictionary (professional). The latter are common in the vocabulary of people in many occupations. Thus, common words sometimes give rise to professionalisms.

Special vocabulary, as a rule, completely “covers” a certain special field of technology or science: all important ideas and concepts are denoted by strictly established terms. Professionalism is a little different from them. They are not often presented as a system, since they are taken from oral conversations of people belonging to any specialty. Professionalism can be called quite emotional and vivid words. They sound very expressive. Every person needs to know what common words, dialect and professional words are.

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