What types of recreational resources and recreational centers. Recreational resources of the world: types and their use


"Recreational resources and their classification"


In the development of tourism and recreation, the role of recreational resources is great. Therefore, in order to determine the possibilities of using a territory for recreational purposes, it is necessary to study and evaluate the recreational and tourism resources that the territory possesses.

Under recreational resources understands the components of the natural environment and sociocultural phenomena, which, due to certain properties (uniqueness, originality, aesthetic appeal, therapeutic and health significance), can be used to organize various types and forms of recreational activities. Recreational resources are characterized by contrast with the usual human environment and a combination of various natural and cultural environments. Almost any place that meets two criteria is recognized as recreational resources:

1) the place differs from the habitat familiar to a person;

2) represented by a combination of two or more naturally different environments;

Classification of recreational resources

Recreational resources can be classified as follows:

1) by origin;

2) by type of recreational use;

3) according to the rate of depletion;

4) if possible, economic replenishment;

5) if possible, replacing some resources with others;

6) if possible, self-healing and cultivation;

The involvement of recreational resources in the process of recreational activities can be different in nature:

1) perceived visually – landscapes, excursion objects;

2) use without direct expenditure;

3) directly spent in the process of recreation;

Based on their origin, natural recreational resources are divided into physical, biological, and energy-informational.

Physical recreational resources are all components of inanimate nature classified as physical and geographical resources: geological, geomorphological, climatic, hydrological, thermal.

Energy-informational recreational resources are fields of noospheric nature that serve as factors of attraction of an area or landscape and have a positive effect on the psychophysical (emotional and spiritual) state of a person. This type of resource is the basis for the development of cultural and religious tourism.

Biological recreational resources mean all components of living nature, including soil, faunal, and floristic.

All natural recreational resources - physical, biological, energy-informational - are interconnected and inextricably linked by flows of matter and energy, forming complex recreational resources of natural-territorial recreational complexes;

On this basis, types of natural recreational resources are identified: geological, morphological, climatic, etc. Each type of natural recreational resource has its own characteristics, unique to them, on the basis of which types are distinguished:

1) if possible, use (direct and indirect).

2) according to the degree of attractiveness;

3) for medicinal and health-improving properties;

4) by historical and evolutionary uniqueness;

5) according to environmental criteria.

Recreational resources are largely derived from the recreational needs of the population, which in turn are determined by the tasks of socio-cultural development of the territory. Thus, the main reason and factor for transforming the totality of certain properties of a territory into recreational resources is the needs of the socio-cultural development of the territory.

Tourist resources are understood as combinations of natural components, socio-economic conditions and cultural values, which act as conditions for satisfying human tourism needs. Tourist resources can be divided into the following groups:

1) natural – climate, water resources, relief, caves, flora and fauna, national parks, picturesque landscapes;

2) cultural-historical – cultural, historical, archaeological, ethnographic objects;

3) socio-economic conditions and resources - economic and geographical location of the territory, its transport accessibility, level of economic development, labor resources, etc.

It should be noted that recreational resources are a broader concept than tourist ones, since they include components of nature, socio-economic conditions and cultural values ​​as a condition for satisfying all human recreational needs, including medicinal ones.

To identify the recreational potential of the territory, it is important to conduct a recreational assessment of natural resources; assessment is a reflection of the relationship between a person (subject) and elements of the environment or the environment as a whole. In science, there are three main assessments of natural resources: medical-biological, psychological-aesthetic, and technological.

Climate plays a leading role in biomedical assessments. When analyzing, it is necessary to identify the comfort of conditions, determined by climatic and medical-biological characteristics, but the concept of “comfort” is relative, because For some types of recreation (for example, skiing), conditions typical for the winter period of the middle zone and for the transition seasons of the northern territories can be considered comfortable.

In a psychological assessment, first of all, the aesthetic qualities of the territory are taken into account - exoticism and uniqueness. The exoticism of a territory is defined as the degree of contrast of a vacation spot in relation to a permanent place of residence, and uniqueness is defined as the degree of occurrence or uniqueness of objects and phenomena. Scientists have proposed a number of provisions for measuring the aesthetic properties of a territory. Thus, the most attractive landscapes are border ones: water-land, forest-glade, hill-plain.

Technological assessment reflects the interaction of humans and the natural environment through the “technology” of recreational activities and technology. Firstly, the possibilities for a certain type of recreation are assessed, and, secondly, the possibilities of engineering and construction development of the territory.

An economic assessment of natural recreational resources is necessary for the economic justification of investments in the reproduction, protection and improvement of the use of recreational resources. This assessment is closely related to the type of resource, its quality, location relative to areas of demand, technology of use, and environmental qualities. The connection can be expressed by a system of qualitative and quantitative indicators. Quantitative ones include the availability of places of recreation and tourism, their carrying capacity, the consumption of medicinal resources per person per day, the concentration of people in recreational areas, etc. Qualitative indicators take into account the attractiveness of a tourist site, landscape, level of comfort, etc.

A particular difficulty in assessing recreational resources is that they must be considered both from the position of recreation organizers and from the position of vacationers. The effectiveness of recreation is determined by the possibility of combining different types of activities, which suggests the need for an integrated approach to resource assessment. When assessing resource combinations, it is important to identify the weight and significance of individual components that make up the overall value of the natural complex.

There are various methods for assessing natural recreational resources, but the most common and most appropriate for a comprehensive recreational analysis of a territory is to assess the degree of favorability of certain parameters for recreational research. When considering natural resources, it is advisable to use a factor-integrated assessment of the resource depending on the type of recreational activity in which this resource is used.

Also, for the development of the tourism industry, it is of great importance to take into account the norms of anthropogenic load on natural complexes, since illiterate exploitation of natural resources has a detrimental effect on the ecological state of natural complexes. Thus, a prerequisite for the suitability of natural recreational resources is the ecological well-being of the natural environment.

Types of natural recreational resources

Among recreational and tourism resources, the role and importance of natural recreational resources is especially great. They are divided into:

1) climatic;

2) geomorphological;

3) hydrological;

4) hydromineral;

5) soil-vegetable;

6) faunal.

A special place among them is occupied by landscape and natural resources, which are complex recreational resources.

Let's consider certain types of natural recreational resources.

Climatic recreational resources.

Climatic recreational resources are meteorological elements or their combinations that have medical and biological properties and are used in the process of recreation.

This type of recreational resources is fundamental. Certain types of climate contribute to an effective increase in the physical and spiritual strength of a person, both on their own and in combination with other natural resources that can be classified as recreational in a given region. In this sense, climatic recreational resources may have a regional aspect.

The impact of climate on the human body is called bioclimate. In accordance with this, bioclimatic parameters differ from ordinary meteorological characteristics, since they represent the complex impact of the meteorological characteristics of air masses on the human body: temperature, wind speed, humidity, pressure.

To assess the bioclimate, all bioclimatic parameters are considered according to the degree of favorableness of their impact on the human body. At the same time, unfavorable factors that place an increased burden on the adaptive systems of the human body are called irritating. Meteorological conditions leading to less pronounced tension of adaptive mechanisms in the human body are called training conditions. In general, they are relatively favorable, and for most people who do not suffer from serious illnesses, they are useful conditions that have a training effect. Gentle climatic conditions are favorable for all people without exception, including weakened patients on medical holidays in a sanatorium or resort.

Recreational resources are natural cultural and historical complexes and their elements that contribute to the restoration and development of a person’s physical and spiritual strength, his ability to work and health, which, given the current and future structure of recreational needs and technical and economic opportunities, are used for direct and indirect consumption and production of resort and tourist services.

Recreational activities use resources - natural and man-made processes and phenomena that can be used to meet the needs of the population and organize the recreational economy. Recreational resources constitute the most important part of natural potential; their role in the formation of modern environmental management of the region is constantly increasing, especially from an ecological and geographical point of view. Recreational environmental management is aimed at meeting the needs of the population, primarily local ones, in recreation areas, sanatorium and resort facilities created on the basis of balneological resources, and at the development of sports and educational tourism, mountaineering. The protection and rational use of recreational resources fits into the overall strategy of rational environmental management of the region in the form of a territorial recreational system. Traditionally, components of natural or cultural landscapes are primarily referred to as recreational resources. Climatic, water, hydromineral, forest, mountain, socio-cultural (historical and cultural monuments) and other types of resources are distinguished. In recreational environmental management, the resource can be the beauty of the landscape and the landscape diversity of the area, the material and spiritual culture of the country, the environmental friendliness of nature, and the uniqueness of the architecture. When assessing a recreational resource, its beneficial effects on human health and well-being are taken into account. For example, when assessing climatic conditions, temperature and wind regimes, precipitation regimes are considered; Ultraviolet radiation resources are of great importance, providing the body’s protective reactions. All elements of the weather form its quality in terms of comfort. Among the recreational resources, mineral waters, therapeutic mud, water and forest are very popular. Mineral waters are divided into several groups: mineral waters, the effect of which is determined by their ionic composition and mineralization; carbon dioxide; hydrogen sulfide, etc. Therapeutic muds - peat, sapropel and others, as well as mineral waters, have a healing effect. In Russia, 49 deposits of medicinal mud are used. Among them, the largest are Lake Shira in the Krasnoyarsk Territory, Lake Medvezhye in the Kurgan Region, and Uglovoy Bay in the Primorsky Territory. Recreation by the water, on the coasts of seas, rivers, lakes, and reservoirs is very attractive. Each reservoir has its own problems of recreational use. However, there are also common features that boil down to water pollution and deterioration of their quality, and thereby a decrease in resource potential. Pollution can occur due to industrial and domestic wastewater, agricultural and municipal waste, and the activities of vacationers. Recreational use of natural resources is divided into various types according to the time of rest - short-term and long-term, summer and winter; according to the degree of organization - organized and unorganized; by type of resource use - recreational water use, forest use. As a rule, recreational environmental management is focused not on one, but on several types of resources. These can be climatic, water, forest resources at the same time. Therefore, types of environmental management are distinguished that use a complex of resources: sanatorium and resort treatment (climate, balneo, mud therapy); health-improving nature management - swimming and beach, walking; sports - sports tourism, mountaineering, fishing, hunting; educational tourism - to historical places, travel to other countries; gardening and summer cottages. From the point of view of recreational forest management, forest cover, species composition, and the presence of a coastal strip are important. The forests of the regions of Central Russia are considered the most suitable for recreation. The forest cover here reaches 30-35%, the forests are mixed with undergrowth, usually easily passable, with low swampiness. Forests of different tree species composition have a wide range of colors and sounds, and are distinguished by a variety of undergrowth, which makes their aesthetic, emotional, therapeutic and psychological impact especially beneficial. Forest thickets interspersed with open spaces of meadows, river floodplains and bush-overgrown banks of forest rivers and lakes with a variety of topography are the best conditions for recreational environmental management in Central Russia. The diversity of the emotional impact of forests of different composition is reflected in the saying: To choke in a spruce forest, to get married in a birch forest, to work in a pine forest. Most recreational resources are almost inexhaustible; they are dynamic: types of recreation appear - water slalom auto rally, sports tourism, allowing you to explore new areas of the planet. In modern, very dynamic life, the availability of a place for short rest during the day, on weekends is of great importance; In cities, parks, gardens, embankments, and green areas serve this purpose. Landscape art and architecture have deep historical roots. In ancient times, the emperors of China, Japan, and Korea created gardens with artificial grottoes, streams and paths, ornamental trees and shrubs. Of particular interest are the Hanging Gardens of Babylon, the idea of ​​which was subsequently used in Italy, Persia, Russia, and is now used almost unchanged in Western Europe for green roofs.

The definition of recreational resources can also be given in the following contexts:

Recreational resources as a result of anthropogenic activity (the impact of humans and their activities on nature), which, due to such properties as unique historical and artistic values, originality, aesthetic appeal and healing and health value, can be used for organized activities;

Recreational resources as a combination of various components, factors of natural and anthropogenic landscapes that create favorable conditions for various types and forms of human activity;

Recreational resources as, to a certain extent, transformed natural conditions and cultural and historical objects, brought to the level of manufacturability under the influence of social needs and the possibility of direct use in recreational services.

Consequently, recreational resources include two types of resources: natural and anthropogenic.

Natural recreational resources are a territorial combination of natural components with the functional, temporary and territorial comfort of recreational activities.

The complex nature of recreational activity and the diversity of its connections with natural conditions determines the advisability of considering not only the territorial combination of natural components, but also the results of anthropogenic human activity (the so-called anthropogenic factor in ecology) as a natural recreational resource.

Recreational resources in the recreational economy act as conditions for recreational activities. In order for natural conditions to become natural resources, it is necessary to spend social labor on their study, evaluation and preparation and bringing them to the degree of manufacturability necessary for direct use in the recreational economy.

The resource base of tourism consists of tourist and recreational resources, which are closely interconnected. Tourist resources are understood as a set of natural and man-made objects suitable for creating a tourism product. As a rule, these resources determine the formation of tourism business in a particular region.

The territory and its geographical location is a resource for the development of the recreational economy. In addition, each territory has certain specific resources, which are called recreational.

Recreational resources- these are objects, phenomena and processes of natural and anthropogenic origin that are used or can be used for the development of recreation and tourism. They are the material and spiritual basis for the formation of TRS of various types and taxonomic ranks.

The main property of recreational resources is that they have the ability to restore and develop a person’s spiritual and physical strength. Such resources are suitable for both direct and indirect consumption, providing various services of a resort, medical and recreational tourism nature.

Recreational resources are divided into two main groups: natural and historical and cultural.

Natural recreational resources include natural and natural-anthropogenic geosystems, natural objects, phenomena and processes that have internal and external properties and characteristic features for organizing seasonal or year-round recreational activities. Within the framework of natural recreational resources, climatic, landscape, orographic, balneological, biotic, mud, water and other resources can be distinguished. In turn, each of these types consists of separate subspecies, for example, balneological resources are divided into mineral waters of different chemical compositions, and therefore, different therapeutic effects.

Historical and cultural recreational resources include recreationally attractive historical monuments, archaeological architecture, places associated with the life and work of outstanding historical figures, territories where pronounced ethnographic features have been preserved, places of worship, museums, art galleries, etc. All these recreational resources attract people in order to satisfy their spiritual needs and are able to satisfy the thirst for knowledge, changing the environment for the psychophysiological restoration of the individual.

The material and technical armament of recreation and tourism with the latest fixed assets, the increasingly clear intervention of economic levers in this area of ​​economic management, constructive changes in the natural and historical-cultural environment, which are systematically carried out by people, necessitate the allocation of socio-economic recreational resources. These include the material and technical base of recreation and tourism, the corresponding transport infrastructure, labor resources, etc., as well as various water parks, swimming pools, stadiums, tennis courts, etc. The share of such man-made recreational resources is constantly growing.

The concept of “recreational resources” is not only geographical, but also historical. Therefore, over time, more and more new types of recreational resources have arisen, are emerging and will continue to emerge. Understanding this fact allowed the famous Ukrainian scientist in the field of recreational geography A. Beidik to identify ufological recreational resources - territories in which anomalous phenomena caused by contacts with extraterrestrial civilizations were discovered. Although such contacts have not been proven by science, the recreational and tourism industry is increasingly attracting areas of probable presence of life forms of extraterrestrial origin to tourist sites.

For recreational geography, a comprehensive and specialized assessment of the recreational resources of the territory is of great importance. In many ways, it is subjective and depends on the experience, intellectual and educational level of the researchers. Recreational resources are assessed qualitatively, quantitatively, points and costs.

For qualitative assessment, the words “best”, “best”, “worse”, “most”, “more”, “attractive”, “average”, “more profitable” and others are used. Qualitative assessment in recreation always takes place. People have an internal ability to compare. Having visited at least two recreational facilities, they necessarily compare their quality. This qualitative assessment, in all its subjectivity, significantly influences the general opinion about the level of attractiveness of certain recreational facilities and territories.

Quantitative assessment determines the formal characteristics of recreational resources in meters, kilometers, grams per liter, temperature, salinity, level of water pollution, depths of coastal waters, amount of precipitation, etc. Assessing the recreational attractiveness of Batumi beaches in comparison with the beaches of Odessa, one can qualitatively characterize Odessa beaches as it’s better because the climate there is dry in summer and there is sand, not pebbles, and you can name the amount of precipitation in millimeters in July in Odessa and Batumi, and also compare air humidity in the corresponding quantitative indicators.

The scoring is somewhere in the middle between qualitative and quantitative. Based on the subjective process of developing rating scales, one or another type or subtype of recreational resources receives a certain score. The most commonly used is the 37-step scale. For example, a 5-step scale corresponds to a qualitative assessment of “best”, “above average”, “average”, “below average” and “worst”.

The valuation of recreational resources currently dominates in the field of their economic development. Investments are directed to the use of the most attractive resources, which, as a rule, have the highest price. The recreational component in the price of one hundred square meters or hectare of land around large cities, in the Crimea, and the Carpathians is overwhelming. The constant rise in prices for recreational resources is the call of the times.

V. Stafiychuk suggests using the following methods for assessing and analyzing recreational resources: normative index, balance, graphic, cartographic, scoring, expert, comparative geographical, statistical and mathematical-statistical (threshold analysis, factor, correlation, regression, cluster methods , potential method, latent structure method, spatial diffusion method, Berry method), modeling, etc.

Questions and tasks

1. Define recreational resources.

2. What is the main property of recreational resources?

3. What groups are recreational resources divided into?

4. What are natural recreational resources?

5. What do historical and cultural recreational resources include?

6. Name the components of socio-economic recreational resources.

7. How are recreational resources assessed?

8. What methods of assessment and analysis of recreational resources do you know?

Recreational resources of the world. Recreational refers to natural conditions, resources and public facilities

Which can be used for recreation, tourism and healthcare.

Recreational resources are divided into natural-recreational and cultural-historical. Natural recreational areas include sea and lake coasts, mountainous areas, territories with a comfortable temperature regime, they are used for the following types of tourism: beach (Côte d'Azur of France, Italian Riviera, Golden Sands of Bulgaria, islands of the Mediterranean and Caribbean Seas, Oceania), winter ( Alps, Scandinavian mountains, Carpathians, Pyrenees, Cordillera), ecological (visiting national parks and undeveloped territories).

Resources of the World Ocean. From the second half of the 20th century. Considerable attention is paid to the development of the resources of the World Ocean. The ocean is rich in biological, mineral and energy resources. More than 70 chemical elements are dissolved in seawater, which is why it is called “liquid ore.” Using the latest technologies, some of them are already being removed from water, in particular bromine, iodine, magnesium, table salt, etc.

The biological resources of the World Ocean are marine organisms that are used by humans. There are 180 thousand species of animals and 20 thousand species of plants in the Ocean. Fish, marine invertebrates (oysters, crabs), marine mammals (whales, walruses, seals) and seaweed are of economic importance. So far they provide only 2% of humanity's food needs. The most productive zone is the shelf zone.

The mineral resources of the World Ocean are very diverse. Now oil, natural gas, coal, iron ores, diamonds, gold, amber, etc. are being extracted on the ocean shelf. The development of the ocean floor has begun. Large reserves of iron-manganese raw materials were discovered here, significantly exceeding their reserves on land. In addition to the main components, ocean deposits contain more than 20 useful elements: nickel, cobalt, copper, titanium, molybdenum, etc. Technologies for extracting iron-manganese ores from the ocean floor have already been developed in the USA, Japan, Germany and other countries.

The energy resources of the World Ocean are inexhaustible and diverse. Tidal energy is already used in France, CILLA, Russia, Japan. A significant reserve is the energy of waves, sea currents, and water temperature differences.

Nowadays, the problem of economical use of the riches of the World Ocean and the protection of its resources arises. The world community is especially concerned about oil pollution in the ocean. After all, only 1 g of oil is enough to destroy life in 1 m3 of water. To preserve the nature of the World Ocean, international agreements are concluded on the protection of waters from pollution, rules for the use of biological resources, and the prohibition of testing weapons of mass destruction in the Ocean. Great hopes are placed on the use of truly inexhaustible resources in the future: solar energy, wind, internal heat of the Earth, and space.


Recreational resources are an important component in human life, especially in our dynamic times, because they help meet people’s needs for relaxation and restoration of vitality. Therefore, previously unknown objects are being discovered, and more and more new areas of natural landscapes are being developed. And in the future, in order to increase the level of development of recreation in various territories, various recreation places are equipped, health resorts, sanatoriums, and boarding houses are built. In cities, the number and area of ​​parks and squares is increasing, artificial lakes are being created, and water parks are being built. But for all this it is necessary to know how favorable a particular territory is for the development of recreational activities. And in this regard, specialists from various fields of activity are developing their own methods for assessing recreational resources.

The purpose of this work is to analyze various methods for assessing recreational resources. In this case, the following tasks were solved:

Definition of the concept of recreational resources and indicators characterizing them;

Identification of the main approaches to the assessment of recreational resources;

Assessment of cultural and historical recreational resources;

Assessment of natural recreational resources;

Consideration of various economic evaluation approaches.

Recreational resources: concept and characteristics

Recreational resources are resources of all types that can be used to restore and develop a person’s physical and spiritual strength, his ability to work and health in recreation and tourism.

Recreational resources include:

· natural complexes and their components (relief, climate, water bodies, vegetation, wildlife, national parks);

· cultural and historical (cultural, archaeological sites, historical areas, monuments, ethnographic diversity)

· socio-economic (economic potential of the territory, including infrastructure, labor resources).

The most important characteristics of recreational resources are the following:

1. volume of reserves (mineral water debit; area of ​​recreational territories; excursion potential (in hours) of tourist centers), necessary to determine the potential capacity of territorial and recreational complexes, level of development, optimization of loads;

2. area of ​​distribution of resources (dimensions of aquifers, beaches; forest cover, water content of the territory; boundaries of stable snow cover), which makes it possible to identify potential recreational lands and establish sanitary protection districts;

3. period of possible exploitation (duration of a favorable climatic period, swimming season, occurrence of stable snow cover), which determines the seasonality of tourism, the rhythm of tourist flows;

4. territorial immobility of most types of resources, causing the attraction of recreational infrastructure and flows to places of their concentration;

5. relatively low capital intensity and low operating costs, which allows you to quickly create infrastructure and obtain social and economic effects, as well as independently use certain types of resources;

6. Possibility of repeated use subject to compliance with the norms of rational environmental management and carrying out the necessary measures for reclamation and improvement.

Based on their origin, natural recreational resources are divided into physical, biological, and energy-informational.

Physical recreational resources are all components of inanimate nature, classified as physical and geographical resources: geological, geomorphological, climatic, hydrological, thermal.

Energy-informational recreational resources are fields of noospheric nature that serve as factors of attraction of an area or landscape and have a positive effect on the psychophysical (emotional and spiritual) state of a person. This type of resource is the basis for the development of cultural and religious tourism.

Biological recreational resources mean all components of living nature, including soil, faunal, and floristic.

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