What a big event happened at the end of 1949. The USSR became a nuclear power

1940, May 7. K. Voroshilov, People's Commissar for Military and Naval Affairs from November 6, 1925, People's Commissar of Defense of the USSR from June 20, 1934, removed from his post. Subsequently, the Armed Forces of our country were headed by: S. Timoshenko (1940–1941), I. Stalin (1941–1947), N. Bulganin (1947–1949), A. Vasilevsky (1949–1953), N. Bulganin (1953– 1955), G. Zhukov (1955–1957), R. Malinovsky (1957–1967), A. Grechko (1967–1976), D. Ustinov (1976–1984), S. Sokolov (1984–1987), D. Yazov (1987–1991), M. Moiseev (08/23/1991), E. Shaposhnikov (1991).

1940, June 28–30. A peaceful solution to the issue of the return of Bessarabia and the inclusion of Northern Bukovina into the USSR.

1940, July–August. Proclamation of Soviet power in Lithuania, Latvia and Estonia and their acceptance into the USSR as union republics.

1941, February 3. The People's Commissariat of State Security was formed by separation from the NKVD. On July 20, 1941, the NKGB was merged with the NKVD, on April 24, 1943, it was again separated from the NKVD, and on March 15, 1946, it was transformed into the Ministry of State Security (03/5/1953 it was merged with the Ministry of Internal Affairs). The first People's Commissar of the NKGB was V. Merkulov. Subsequently, this department, renamed the ministry, was headed by: V. Abakumov (1946–1951), S. Ignatiev (1951–1953).

1941, May 6. The release of V. Molotov from the duties of chairman of the Council of People's Commissars (he was the chairman of the Council of People's Commissars since December 1930). Subsequently, the government of the USSR was headed by: I. Stalin (1941–1953), G. Malenkov (1953–1955), N. Bulganin (1955–1958), N. Khrushchev (1958–1964), A. Kosygin (1964–1980) , N. Tikhonov (1980–1985), N. Ryzhkov (1985–1990), V. Pavlov (1991).

1941, August 28. Decree on the expulsion of the Volga Germans to the east and the liquidation of their Autonomous Soviet Socialist Republic. In the subsequent years of the war, Karachais, Kalmyks (1943), Chechens, Ingush, Balkars, Crimean Tatars (with the liquidation of the corresponding autonomies) and Meskhetian Turks (1944) were also deported.

1941, September 29 – October 1. Conference in Moscow of representatives of the USSR, USA, Great Britain on military supplies.

1941, December 5 – 1942, April 20. The counteroffensive of the Red Army in the Battle of Moscow, which ended with the first major defeat of the Wehrmacht, which marked the beginning of a radical turning point in the course of the war.

1942, January 1. Signing of the United Nations Declaration in Washington by 26 states.

1942, June 28. The beginning of a large-scale offensive by German troops towards the Volga and the North Caucasus.

1942, October 9. Decree establishing complete unity of command in the army and replacing political commissars with deputy commanders for political affairs.

1942, November 19. The transition of the Red Army to the counteroffensive at Stalingrad. A radical turning point in the Patriotic War.

1943, January 12–18. Breaking the blockade of Leningrad. The blockade was completely lifted on January 27, 1944.

1943, July 5 – August 23. Battle of Kursk. The first victory fireworks in Moscow in honor of the liberation of Orel and Belgorod (August 5).

1943, August. The introduction of shoulder straps into the Red Army was modeled on the shoulder straps of the pre-revolutionary Russian army.

1943.4 September. Meeting of Stalin and other leaders of the country with senior representatives of the Russian Orthodox Church. Reconciliation of the Soviet state with the Church.

1943, November 28 – December 1. Tehran Conference of Heads of Government of the USSR, USA and Great Britain.

1944, January 28 – February 1. X session of the USSR Supreme Council. Transformation of the People's Commissariat of Defense and the People's Commissariat of Foreign Affairs from all-Union to Union-Republican People's Commissariats.

1944.15 May. Patriarch of Moscow and All Rus' (since September 12, 1944) Sergius (I. Stragorodsky) died. Subsequently, the Russian Orthodox Church was headed by Patriarchs Alexy I (S. Simansky) (1945–1970), Pimen (S. Izvekov) (1971–1990), Alexy II (A. Ridiger) (since 1990).

1944, June 6. Allied landings in Normandy. Opening of a second front in Western Europe.

1945, February 4-11. Crimean (Yalta) conference of heads of government of the USSR, USA and Great Britain.

1945, May 9. Victory Day over Nazi Germany. The end of the Great Patriotic War.

1945, July 17 – August 2. Berlin (Potsdam) Conference of Heads of Government of the USSR, USA and Great Britain.

1945, September 2. Signing of the Act of Unconditional Surrender of Japan. The end of World War II.

1945, August 20. Creation of a Special Committee under the State Defense Committee to manage “all work on the use of intra-atomic energy of uranium.”

1945.5 December. V. Komarov, President of the USSR Academy of Sciences (1936–1945), died. In the post-war years, the Academy of Sciences was headed by presidents S. Vavilov (1945–1951), A. Nesmeyanov (1951–1961), M. Keldysh (1961–1975),

A. Alexandrov (1975–1986), G. Marchuk (1986–1991), Y. Osipov (since 1991).

1946, February 25. Reform of military administration bodies: the People's Commissariat of the Navy was abolished (formed on December 30, 1937), the naval forces were included in the People's Commissariat of the Armed Forces of the USSR, the Red Army was renamed the Soviet Army.

1946, March 18. Adoption of the law “On the Five-Year Plan for the Restoration and Development of the National Economy for 1946–1950.”

1946, May 13. Creation of the Committee on Jet Technology under the Council of Ministers of the USSR. Beginning of construction of the first special testing ground in the area of ​​the village of Kapustin Yar, Astrakhan region.

1946, July 11. The Saratov-Moscow gas pipeline was put into operation. The beginning of mass gasification of the capital.

1946, July 29 – October 15. USSR participation in the Paris Peace Conference to prepare peace treaties with Italy, Hungary, Bulgaria and Finland.

1946.14, August 26. Resolutions of the Central Committee of the All-Union Communist Party of Bolsheviks on the magazines “Zvezda” and “Leningrad”, “On the repertoire of drama theaters and measures to improve it.” The beginning of an ideological campaign against “kowtowing” to the West.

1946, autumn. A large shortage of grain and the onset of famine (until the summer of 1947) due to drought (in Ukraine, Moldova, the right bank regions of the Lower Volga region, the North Caucasus, central black earth regions) and prolonged rains (in the east of the country).

1946, December 25. A team of scientists led by I. Kurchatov launched the first reactor in the USSR in Moscow and carried out a nuclear fission chain reaction on it.

1947, March 28. Resolution of the Council of Ministers of the USSR and the Central Committee of the All-Union Communist Party of Bolsheviks “On the creation of courts of honor in the ministries of the USSR and central departments.” The first “court of honor” was held at the USSR Ministry of Health in the case of professors N. Klyueva and G. Roskin on June 5–7, 1947.

1947.14 December. Resolution of the Council of Ministers of the USSR and the Central Committee of the All-Union Communist Party of Bolsheviks “On carrying out monetary reform and the abolition of cards for food and industrial goods.”

1948, June 24. The establishment of a blockade by the Soviet Union of the western sectors of Berlin. Beginning of the Berlin Crisis (resolved May 12, 1949).

1948, July 31 – August 7. A session of the All-Russian Academy of Agricultural Sciences, which recognized the teaching of Academician T. Lysenko as the only correct one in the field of biology. The beginning of the campaign against genetics and cybernetics.

1948, October 20. Resolution of the Council of Ministers of the USSR and the Central Committee of the All-Union Communist Party of Bolsheviks “On the plan for shelterbelt forest plantations, the introduction of grass crop rotations, the construction of ponds and reservoirs to ensure high and sustainable yields in the steppe and forest-steppe regions of the European part of the USSR,” designed for 1950–1965.

1949, January 25. Creation of the Council for Mutual Economic Assistance (CMEA) of the countries of the socialist community.

1949.15 February. Resolution of the Politburo of the Central Committee “On the anti-party actions of a member of the Central Committee of the All-Union Communist Party of Bolsheviks, Comrade A.A. Kuznetsov.” and candidates for membership in the Central Committee of the All-Union Communist Party (Bolsheviks) vol. Rodionova M.I. and Popkova P.S.” The beginning of the “Leningrad affair”.

Select a statement characterizing the development of the USSR in 1964-1985.

A) XX Congress of the CPSU, which debunked the personality cult of I.V. Stalin

B) exit N.S. Khrushchev resign

Possible answers:

1) 1 - A, 2 - B +

2) 1 - B, 2 - A

6. The essence of the “thaw” in the 1950s. is

1) transition from unity of command to collegiality

2) the beginning of the spiritual emancipation of people +

3) weakening of the influence of the CPSU on all aspects of society

4) introduction of a multi-party system

C) the concept of “developed socialism” and practice;

1. The political life of the USSR during the “Brezhnev” period was characterized by the following phenomenon:

1) regular rotation of party cadres

2) a return to the Leninist principles of building socialism

3) rehabilitation of victims of political repression

4) political rehabilitation of J.V. Stalin. +

2. For the period 1965-1985. was not typical:

1. financing of the social sphere on a residual basis

2. priority attention to the social sphere +

3. priority development of heavy industry

4. Complication of the demographic situation

1) the beginning of the development of virgin and fallow lands

2) increased bureaucratization in management +

3) focus on workforce rejuvenation

4) acceleration of socio-economic development

4. Political development of the USSR in 1964-1982. characterized by three statements:

1) Introduction of a multi-party system

2) Consolidation of party control over society in the new Constitution of the USSR of 1977 +

3) Deepening the criticism of Stalinism

4) Continuation of Khrushchev’s policy of decentralization of management

5) Neo-Stalinism +

6) Liquidation of economic councils, restoration of ministries +?

5. Two reasons for the failure of the 1965 reforms are:

1) conservative forces were able to prevail over the reformers +

2) the people were outraged by these reforms and protested against them

3) large-scale peasant uprising

4) establishment of plans from above based on the achieved level of production and wage fund limits +

5) the reforms were canceled shortly after they began

6.The economic reform in the field of agriculture and industry, launched in 1965, provided for ...

1) increased centralization and bureaucratization of management

2) transition to private property

3) expansion of material incentives and independence of enterprises +

4) nationalization of enterprises and industries

2. Foreign policy (1945-1985):

1. The Warsaw Pact organization, created in 1955, included:

1) USA, UK, France, Canada, Italy

2) USSR, China, Afghanistan, India, Vietnam, Laos

3) USSR, Azerbaijan, Albania, Bulgaria, Hungary, Poland, GDR, Romania, Czechoslovakia +

4) USA, USSR, UK, France

2. The Cold War is considered to be the period

1) from W. Churchill’s speech in Fulton (USA) on March 5, 1946 with a call for a transition from allied to Atlantic solidarity until the collapse of the USSR at the end of 1991 +

2) from the creation of NATO to the fall of the Berlin Wall

3) from the creation of NATO and the Federal Republic of Germany (FRG) in 1949 to the unification of Germany in 1990.

4) from the creation of the Warsaw Pact in 1955 to the unification of Germany in 1990.

3. The beginning of the Cold War led to...

1) strengthening the anti-Hitler coalition

2) organizations of the European Union

3) the creation of military-political blocs (NATO, Department of Internal Affairs) +

4) dissolution of the Comintern

4. Refers to the concept of "Cold War"...

1) Cuban missile crisis +

2) the US war in Iraq in 2003.

3) formalization of the anti-Hitler coalition

4) creation of the Triple Alliance

5. The system of measures to strengthen the economic and military intervention of the USSR and its Warsaw Pact allies in the internal affairs of the countries of Eastern Europe was called:

1. "Marshall Plan"

2. “policy of détente”

3. “peaceful coexistence”

6. The concept of “Cold War” refers to...

1) boycott of the 1980 Moscow Olympics by Western countries +

2) the US war against Iraq in 2003.

3) creation of an anti-Hitler coalition

4) registration of the Triple Alliance

7. The concept of “Cold War” refers to...

1) Russia’s transition to “shock therapy”

2) A. Hitler’s rise to power in 1933.

3) Caribbean crisis of 1962 +

4) Yalta conference of the “Big Three” in 1945.

8. With the beginning of the Cold War, there was (was) going on...

1) creation of the European Union

2) creation of military-political blocs (NATO, Department of Internal Affairs) +

3) dissolution of the Comintern

4) strengthening the anti-Hitler coalition

1) the “Truman Doctrine” was formulated

2) establishment of the Communist regime in Czechoslovakia

3) severance of diplomatic relations with Yugoslavia +

4) Construction of the Berlin Wall

10. The “doctrine of limited sovereignty” in relation to socialist countries was formulated:

1. N.S. Khrushchev

2. Yu.V. Anropov

3. L.I. Brezhnev +

4. I.V. Stalin

3. Perestroika and collapse of the USSR (1985-1991):

1. The post of President of the USSR was first introduced in _____.

2. The course of the April (1985) Plenum of the CPSU Central Committee, aimed at strengthening technical re-equipment and enhancing the “human factor”, was called:

1. "thaw"

2. “Novo-Ogarevo trial”

3. acceleration of socio-economic development +

4. concept of “developed socialism”

3. The essence of changes in the political system of the USSR in 1985-1991. characterized by four statements:

1) The beginning of the formation of a multi-party system +

2) Introduction of the Supreme Soviet of the USSR, which elected the Congress of People's Deputies from among its members

3) Personnel rejuvenation

4) Strengthening the total control of the CPSU over all spheres of social life

5) Proclamation of a course to improve socialism +

6) Course towards building a legal socialist state +

7) Development of a “command-administrative system” of management

4. The period of perestroika dates back to...

1) strengthening the command and administrative system

2) the beginning of the exposure of the personality cult of I. Stalin

3) development of the Constitution of “developed socialism”

4) adoption of the law “On Cooperation” +

5. “New political thinking” is...

1) foreign policy course of M.S. Gorbachev +

2) implementation of the “500 Days Program” by G. Yavlinsky and S. Shatalin

3) reform of the political system

4) program of transition to market relations

If you try to look at the events of the second half of the 40s through the eyes of Soviet leaders, then for them the situation in the world looked like this: the USA has weapons of unprecedented destructive power, but the USSR does not yet; The USA emerged from the war with enormous military-economic potential, and the USSR is forced to heal its wounds; the US refusal to continue economic assistance to the USSR, obstacles to the spread of Soviet influence, political demarches of Western leaders - is nothing more than an undeclared war, the purpose of which is to weaken the Soviet Union and minimize its role in Europe and the world (including through race weapons, and in the future perhaps by open military means).

Today, when documents from the first period of the Cold War have been published in the United States, the thesis about the desire of the American leadership to exhaust the USSR in the arms race, weaken it and even destroy it with an atomic bomb is finding new confirmation. Thus, documents on the possible launch of nuclear strikes on the USSR (Pinsers, Dropshot plans, etc.) became available; The position of one of the ministers in the administration of Truman W. Foster is known, who justified the doubling of US military spending by the fact that this “will deprive the Russian people of a third of their already very meager consumer goods.” The opinion of G. Truman himself, who declared after the test of the American atomic bomb that he now had a “good club” for the Russian guys, is no secret either.

The military-industrial complex played a priority role in the post-war economy of the USSR. did not rule out the idea that the country might again, as in 1941, find itself unprepared for a major war - this time with the United States and its allies. Along with the modernization of the ground forces (the creation of new tanks, artillery pieces, the release in 1947 of an assault rifle invented by the designer Kalashnikov - the world-famous AK-47), new MIG jet fighters were mastered, and new warships were laid down. However, the main emphasis was placed on the speedy elimination of the US nuclear monopoly - the creation of its own atomic bomb and means of delivering nuclear weapons to the territory of a potential enemy. At that time, the United States already had plans to launch atomic strikes on 20, 50, and then more Soviet cities. L. Beria, who was appointed chairman of a special (nuclear) committee in the Presidium of the Council of Ministers, was appointed to supervise the Soviet nuclear project by the government. Enormous technical, financial and human resources, including prison labor, were placed at his disposal. Through the incredible efforts of Soviet scientists and designers, thanks to the work of hundreds of thousands of people, the first ballistic missile R-1 was successfully launched in the USSR in 1948, and an atomic bomb was tested in 1949.

It should be noted that work in this area was significantly accelerated by Soviet intelligence and counterintelligence. The creation of a rocket and an atomic bomb in the USSR could have been completed later if Soviet scientists had not used in their developments information on the production of German V-missiles obtained in the Soviet zone of occupation of Germany, and had not compared their research in the nuclear field with data on the American nuclear power plant. project received from the Soviet intelligence network in the West (including from members of the so-called “Cambridge Five”). The achievements of the USSR in the field of nuclear and missile technologies, made possible thanks to such scientists as Kurchatov, Korolev, Keldysh and others, made it possible not only to create the country's nuclear missile shield, but also to use the latest discoveries for peaceful purposes. Already in 1954, the world's first nuclear power plant was launched in Obninsk, and research was actively carried out on launching an artificial Earth satellite into space, which was crowned with success in 1957.


September 24, 1918- Organization in Petrograd of the State X-ray and Radiological Institute, which included the physics and technology department headed by Professor A.F. Ioffe.

December 15, 1918- Creation of the State Optical Institute (GOI) in Petrograd, headed by Academician D.S. Rozhdestvensky.

end 1918 of the year - Creation of the Central Chemical Laboratory in Moscow, which in 1931 was transformed into the Physicochemical Institute, headed by Academician A.N. Bach.

January 21, 1920- The first meeting of the Atomic Commission, in which A.F. took part. Ioffe, D.S. Rozhdestvensky, A.N. Krylov and other outstanding scientists.

April 15, 1921- Creation of a Radium Laboratory at the Academy of Sciences, headed by V.G. Khlopin.

end 1921- Development and implementation of I.Ya. Bashilov technologies for processing uranium ore from the Tyuyamuyun deposit to produce radium and uranium preparations on a factory scale.

January 1, 1922- Transformation of the State X-ray and Radiological Institute into three independent research institutions:

X-ray and Radiological Institute headed by M.I. Nemenov;

Physico-Technical Institute (LPTI) headed by A.F. Ioffe;

Radium Institute headed by V.I. Vernadsky.

March 1, 1923- Adoption of a resolution of the State Council of Labor and Defense on the extraction and accounting of radium.

1928 - Creation of the Ukrainian Institute of Physics and Technology (UPTI) in Kharkov, headed by I.V. Obreimov.

1931 - Creation of the Institute of Chemical Physics in Leningrad headed by N.N. Semenov.

1931 - Creation on the basis of the Institute of Applied Mineralogy of the State Research Institute of Rare Metals (Giredmet) headed by V.I. Glebova.

1932 - D.D. Ivanenko put forward a hypothesis about the structure of nuclei from protons and neutrons.

1933 - Creation of the Commission for the Study of the Atomic Nucleus of the USSR Academy of Sciences, which included A.F. Ioffe (chairman), S.E. Frish, I.V. Kurchatov, A.I. Leypunsky and A.V. Mysovsky.

1934 - P.A. Cherenkov discovered a new optical phenomenon (Cerenkov-Vavilov radiation).

1934 - Obtaining A.I. Brodsky (Institute of Physical Chemistry, Academy of Sciences of the Ukrainian SSR) of the first heavy water in the USSR.

December 28, 1934- Creation of the Institute of Physical Problems in Moscow, headed by P.L. Kapitsa.

1935 - I.V. Kurchatov, together with his collaborators, discovered nuclear isomerism.

1937 - Obtaining a beam of accelerated protons at the Radium Institute at the first cyclotron in Europe.

summer 1938- Formulation by the director of the Radium Institute V.G. Khlopin's proposals for developing the problem of the atomic nucleus in the institutes of the USSR Academy of Sciences in the third five-year plan.

end 1938- Formulation by the director of the Physical Institute S.I. Vavilov’s proposals for organizing work at the institutes of the USSR Academy of Sciences on the study of the atomic nucleus.

November 25, 1938- Resolution of the Presidium of the USSR Academy of Sciences on the organization of work in the USSR Academy of Sciences on the study of the atomic nucleus and the creation of a permanent Commission on the atomic nucleus at the Physics and Mathematics Department of the USSR Academy of Sciences. The commission included S.I. Vavilov (chairman), A.F. Ioffe, I.M. Frank, A.I. Alikhanov, I.V. Kurchatov and V.I. Wexler. In June 1940, V.G. was added to the Commission. Khlopin and I.I. Gurevich.

March 7, 1939- Proposal by M.G. Pervukhin on the concentration of research work on the atomic nucleus at the Physico-Technical Institute in Kharkov.

July 30, 1940- Creation of a Commission on the Uranium Problem to coordinate and generally manage the research work of the USSR Academy of Sciences on the uranium problem. The commission included V.G. Khlopin (chairman), V.I. Vernadsky (deputy chairman), A.F. Ioffe (deputy chairman), A.E. Fersman, S.I. Vavilov, P.P. Lazarev, A.N. Frumkin, L.I. Mandelstam, G.M. Krzhizhanovsky, P.L. Kapitsa, I.V. Kurchatov, D.I. Shcherbakov, A.P. Vinogradov and Yu.B. Khariton.

September 5, 1940- Suggestions from A.E. Fersman on speeding up exploration and production of uranium ores.

October 15, 1940- The Commission on the Problem of Uranium prepared a plan for scientific research and geological exploration for 1940-1941. The main objectives were:

Research into the possibilities of implementing a chain reaction using natural uranium;

Clarification of the physical data necessary for assessing the development of a chain reaction on uranium-235;

Study of various isotope separation methods and assessment of their applicability for the separation of uranium isotopes;

Studying the possibilities of producing volatile organic compounds of uranium;

Study of the state of the uranium raw material base and creation of a uranium fund.

November 30, 1940- Report by A.E. Fersman on the results of searching for uranium ore deposits in Central Asia.

October 1941- Obtaining the first intelligence information about work on a uranium project in the UK.

summer 1942- Proposal by G.M. Flerov on the creation of a nuclear explosive device.

September 28, 1942- Order of the State Defense Committee “On the organization of work on uranium”, which marked the beginning of the development of work on atomic energy in the USSR. The order ordered the creation of a Special Laboratory of the Atomic Nucleus (Laboratory No. 2) at the USSR Academy of Sciences to coordinate work on the atomic project.

November 27, 1942- Memo by I.V. Kurchatova V.M. Molotov, which contained an analysis of intelligence materials on the development of the atomic project in Great Britain and proposals for the creation of atomic weapons in the USSR.

February 11, 1943- The order of the State Defense Committee on the organization of work on uranium designated M.G. as the head of work on the uranium problem. Pervukhin and S.V. Kaftanova. The scientific leadership of the problem was entrusted to I.V. Kurchatova.

March 10, 1943- Appointment of I.V. Kurchatov, head of Laboratory No. 2 of the USSR Academy of Sciences (now the Kurchatov Institute RRC, Moscow), the scientific center of the atomic project.

1943 - Systematic analysis of I.V. Kurchatov of intelligence materials of the NKVD of the USSR on the development of nuclear projects in the USA and Great Britain and his development of proposals to M.G. Pervukhin about the development of work on the nuclear project in the USSR.

November 1944- Beginning of development of technology for producing uranium metal.

November 21, 1944- Sending a group of Soviet specialists to Bulgaria to analyze the state of uranium ore deposits.

December 8, 1944- The decision of the State Defense Committee to transfer the mining and processing of uranium ores to the jurisdiction of the NKVD of the USSR and the organization of a special department for these purposes.

late 1944- Creation of NII-9 (now VNIINM named after A.A. Bochvar, Moscow) in the NKVD system for the development of technologies for the production of metallic uranium, its special compounds and metallic plutonium (director V.B. Shevchenko).

May 9, 1945- Sending a group of Soviet specialists to Germany led by A.P. Zavenyagin for the search and acceptance of materials on the uranium problem in Germany. The main result of the group’s activities was the discovery and removal to the USSR of about one hundred tons of uranium concentrates.

August 6, 1945- First military use of the atomic bomb by the United States of America. Air bomb dropped on the Japanese city of Hiroshima.

August 9, 1945- Second military use of the atomic bomb by the United States of America. Air bomb dropped on the Japanese city of Nagasaki.

August 20, 1945- By decree of the State Defense Committee, a Special Committee was created under the State Defense Committee to manage all work on the use of atomic energy. Chairman - L.P. Beria, members of the Special Committee - G.M. Malenkov, N.A. Voznesensky, B.L. Vannikov, A.P. Zavenyagin, I.V. Kurchatov, P.L. Kapitsa, M.G. Pervukhin and V.A. Makhnev. A Technical Council was created under the Special Committee. Chairman - B.L. Vannikov, members of the Technical Council - A.I. Alikhanov, I.N. Voznesensky, A.P. Zavenyagin, A.F. Ioffe, P.L. Kapitsa, I.K. Kikoin, I.V. Kurchatov, V.A. Makhnev, Yu.B. Khariton and V.G. Khlopin. The following were created under the Technical Council: the Commission on the Electromagnetic Separation of Uranium (headed by A.F. Ioffe), the Commission on the Production of Heavy Water (headed by P.L. Kapitsa), the Commission on the Study of Plutonium (headed by V.G. Khlopin), Commission for Chemical Analytical Research (headed by A.P. Vinogradov), Section on Occupational Safety and Health (headed by V.V. Parin).

August 30, 1945- By the decision of the Council of People's Commissars of the USSR, the First Main Directorate (PGU) was formed under the Council of People's Commissars of the USSR. Head of PSU - B.L. Vannikov, deputy chief - A.P. Zavenyagin, P.Ya. Antropov, N.A. Borisov, A.G. Kasatkin and P.Ya. Meshik, members of the PSU board - A.N. Komarovsky, G.P. Korsakov and S.E. Egorov.

September 1945- Start of joint work on exploration of uranium deposits and uranium mining in East Germany.

October 8, 1945- Decision of the Technical Council of the Special Committee on the creation of Laboratory No. 3 (now ITEP, Moscow) for the development of heavy water reactors (director - A.I. Alikhanov).

October 17, 1945- Agreement with the Government of Bulgaria on the exploration and production of uranium ores.

November 23, 1945- Agreement with Czechoslovakia on the extraction and supply of uranium ore from the Jachimov deposit.

January 29, 1946- Decision of the UN General Assembly on the creation of the UN Atomic Energy Commission.

March 1946- Beginning of development of two variants of industrial reactors (chief designer of the vertical reactor design - N.A. Dollezhal, chief designer of the horizontal reactor design - B.M. Sholkovich).

March 21, 1946- Resolution of the Council of Ministers of the USSR on the establishment of special prizes for scientific discoveries and technical achievements in the use of atomic energy.

April 9, 1946- Decree of the USSR Government on the creation of KB-11 (Arzamas-16, now RFNC-VNIIEF, Sarov), a center for the development of atomic weapons (director - P.M. Zernov, chief designer and scientific director - Yu.B. Khariton).

April 1946- Decree of the USSR Government on the creation of nuclear explosion diagnostic tools at the Institute of Chemical Physics (scientific supervisor of the work - M.A. Sadovsky).

June 19, 1946- The Soviet Union submitted proposals to the UN Atomic Energy Commission for an international convention “On the Prohibition of the Production and Use of Atomic Weapons.”

June 21, 1946- Resolution of the Council of Ministers of the USSR on the plan for the deployment of KB-11 work on the creation of two versions of an atomic bomb based on plutonium and uranium-235. The decree ordered the development and submission for State testing of an aerial bomb based on plutonium by March 1, 1948, and an aerial bomb based on uranium-235 by January 1, 1949.

1946 - Creation at the Radium Institute of technology for processing irradiated reactor fuel and separating plutonium from it (scientific supervisor V.G. Khlopin).

April 21, 1947- Decree of the USSR Government on the creation of a test site (Mountain Station, Training Site No. 2, Semipalatinsk Test Site) for testing an atomic bomb (the head of the test site is P.M. Rozhanovich, the scientific supervisor is M.A. Sadovsky).

September 15, 1947- Agreement with the Polish government on exploration and production of uranium ores.

1947 - Beginning of the formation of KB-11 units.

June 10, 1948- Resolution of the Council of Ministers of the USSR on supplementing the work plan of KB-11. This Resolution obligated KB-11 to carry out, before January 1, 1949, theoretical and experimental verification of data on the possibility of creating new types of atomic bombs:

RDS-3 - an atomic bomb based on the principle of implosion of a “solid” design using a combination of Pu-239 and U-235 materials;

RDS-4 - an atomic bomb based on the principle of implosion of an improved design using Pu-239;

RDS-5 is an atomic bomb based on the principle of implosion of an improved design using a combination of Pu-239 and U-235 materials.

After the abandonment of the creation of the RDS-2 cannon-type atomic bomb based on U-235, the indices of these nuclear charges were changed. The same decree obliged KB-11 to carry out theoretical and experimental verification of data on the possibility of creating the RDS-6 hydrogen bomb by June 1, 1949.

June 10, 1948- The resolution of the Council of Ministers of the USSR “On strengthening KB-11 with leading design personnel” was approved by K.I. Shchelkina as first deputy chief designer, V.I. Alferov and N.L. Dukhova - deputy chief designer.

June 15, 1948- The industrial reactor - object "A" of plant No. 817 - has been brought to its design capacity.

August 15, 1948- Resolution of the Council of Ministers of the USSR on the development of issues on the possibilities of creating means to counter nuclear weapons based on the use of flows of neutral and charged high-energy particles (Institute of Chemical Physics, Institute of Physics, Laboratory No. 2).

March 3, 1949- Decree of the USSR Government on the creation of the first serial plant for the production of atomic weapons (now EMZ Avangard, Sarov).

April 1949- Launch of the first research reactor using natural uranium and heavy water (Thermal Engineering Laboratory of the USSR Academy of Sciences, ITEP).

August 29, 1949- test of the first atomic bomb RDS-1. (7 a.m. local time, 4 a.m. Moscow time).

October 28, 1949- L.P. Beria reported to I.V. Stalin about the results of testing the first atomic bomb.

The Ox is the second sign in the Eastern horoscope. People born in the year of the Ox are a bundle of positive energy, strength and patience. A characteristic feature of the Ox is stamina and endurance, which allows the Ox to withstand all life’s challenges and easily achieve their goals. The Ox pursues the goal that it has chosen for itself persistently and purposefully. In the new team, the Bulls quickly find a common language and inspire trust among others. At some moments, the Ox may lose his temper, his boundless anger, like a hurricane, demolishes everything in its path, at such moments it is better to avoid contact with him. But the Ox is quick-witted and quickly finds control over himself.

1949 according to the Eastern calendar is the year of the Earth Ox

In this article you will learn:

What year is 1949 according to the Eastern calendar?

1949 is the year of the Earth Ox - the year of people who have great hard work and perseverance. Demanding of themselves and others. For his own satisfaction, the Ox is ready to work on himself until he achieves the desired result. Among the representatives of this sign there are often creative personalities, passionate speakers, and fair leaders.

As a leader, the Earth Ox is demanding, strict and fair.

He is attentive to his subordinates and merciless to those who do not carry out his instructions. In friendly relations, the Ox is loyal, you can always count on his help. At an early age, Bulls form friendships and are devoted to them for life. If, due to a combination of circumstances, the friendship ends, Oxen feel empty and find it difficult to find new friends.

Features of the Earth Ox sign according to the Chinese calendar

The most congenial situation for the Earth Ox is when he has a plan with clear instructions for action. The Ox tends to work in stable conditions, but it is possible that under certain circumstances he may take on a risky business. The Ox likes to be in control of the situation, likes to be aware of the events happening around him, in order not to lose the situation out of his control. The Ox loves to look good, attracting the attention of others.

  • For life goals, the Ox always relies only on its own strength and work and never looks for workarounds.
  • Bulls are conservative in nature, which does not allow them to violate generally accepted rules of life. Even if they manage to break the rules, not without outside help, the Ox will experience remorse for a long time.
  • The Earth Ox has a “broad soul” and is ready to share his benefits with people who are part of his circle of trust. He is attentive to others and always remembers their actions towards himself.

Inspired by a loving relationship, the Earth Ox immerses itself in its partner, surrounding him with care, tenderness and devotion. The nature of the Ox, not prone to romance, when in love, is capable of actions filled with tenderness, which is not typical for representatives of this sign. The Ox tries to create a strong family and comfort in the home. In raising children, the Ox acts as a tyrant, taking care of his child with excessive care.

Advantages and disadvantages of people born in the year of the Earth Ox

Pragmatic and calculating natures, they live according to clearly defined rules for themselves. Thanks to their perseverance and perseverance, they always achieve their goals. It is almost impossible to control a bull; he always sets his own priorities.

Possessing oratory skills, the Ox is able to easily win over an audience. The Earth Ox is comfortable being both in noisy companies and alone with himself.

Endowed his wards with the year 1949. Who else could be praised for such sober thinking? They fairly evaluate both their own qualities and the world around them. And these are all the Bulls, about whom we learn more from the article.

Prominent figure

Respect surrounds people whose date of birth is 1949. Which animal according to the Chinese calendar is so deprived of authority by society? Their opinion is always incredibly valuable to others. In addition to a mature analytical mind, the year 1949 also imparts rich creative talent to its natives. According to the Eastern horoscope, what animal can be so impatiently awaited both in a classroom, at a factory, and in a music club or art studio? The positive aspects of the Bulls are rare and multifaceted.

Assertiveness and patience

The year 1949 carries great tenacity. Whoever or whatever the representative of this sign meets on his way, he will overcome everything stoically and courageously. The Ox is hardworking and does not lose self-control in stressful situations.

1949 is truly different from many others. Whatever animal you touch according to the eastern calendar, none of them is characterized by such exceptional clarity of mind.

The Ox is ready to improve himself and help others in this important matter, providing friendly support. He is aimed at progress and development. The year 1949 belongs to the element of earth. What animal does it concern? It is the bull that peacefully nibbles the grass in the clearing, not bothering anyone, that personifies strength, but its most harmless and kind variety, as well as harmony and peace.

Calculating and attentive

He stands firmly on his feet, thinks everything through and tries to look forward confidently. The one whom 1949 brought to the earth is well versed in finance. Who else, if not these people, can be made in charge of financial matters with absolutely peace of mind? After all, they are thrifty, prudent and spend capital only on the necessary things.

Let's analyze the information about the year 1949 - which animal according to the horoscope. The characteristic indicates a radiant thirst to be open to the outside world and to experience it. The Earth Bull is extremely friendly. He is ready to give honesty to others, but wants to receive the same in return. And that's the only way.

Pretense and hypocrisy are alien to him; he prefers to say everything in person, because he believes that in a harmonious world, if a person hides something, this is already something that contradicts the balance. And the most important thing in life is balance, universal prosperity and happiness. The year 1949 brings honor and respect to its peers. Who do you think is often and enthusiastically praised both in the workplace and in the family team? Exactly them.

In a surprising way, hardness and softness are intertwined in the characters of these people. They can dig their heels in, fighting for something they have a right to. And at the same time, with loved ones (which include not the first people they meet) they can be extremely affectionate and loving people. In the event of force majeure, they are able to gather their will into a fist, lock their jaws and get both themselves and their family out of a difficult situation.

Balance is everything

Again, Bykov gave a very vivid characteristic of the desire for harmony in 1949. What animal can be described as peacefully chewing grass, which can be imagined not touching anyone, but ready to ride troublemakers on its horns?

These people show their rage only in the most critical cases, when those around them do not understand otherwise. Deep down in their souls, they believe in a harmonious world, where no one needs to be forced by force, where everyone who seeks will be rewarded. After all, the space around is so large that everyone will find something to suit their needs. You should not disturb his peace and try to take the bull by the horns, control, provoke and manage him.

His feelings are mirrored in relation to the feelings of others

Those whose date of birth is 1949 are endowed with stubbornness in defending their principles. What other animal can this concern as much as the Bull? It all depends on how you feel about it. Show tenderness - he will be kind to you. If you are honest, you can always count on his help and advice. But if you decide to take advantage of external simplicity, dire consequences may await you. The fact is that he only looks decent and naive. In fact, this person calculates everything in advance. And, if you are suspected of dishonesty and dirty play, you can forget about the interaction for a long time.

So act as openly and kindly as he does. After all, this is how harmony and balance in the world are achieved. And there is nothing wrong with this desire. If you don’t force him to flare up, you will have a calm and smooth relationship with a reliable and understanding partner.

Decency and responsibility

He will never forget your betrayal. But the bull will also forever remember and return you a hundredfold if you are kind to him. You will never meet a representative of this year who has fallen into debt. In their minds, this is something indecent, haunting and does not allow the psyche to relax. A prudent person cannot live in peace, knowing that something weighs on him for which he will have to pay. If you have to pay one way or another, why not do it earlier and forget?

Diverse nature

These are very multifaceted people who, all their years on earth, study and get to know the world around them, love it, admire it and try to improve. You really need to look for such life-loving people who know how to be serious and cheerful, and solve problems and have fun.

His connection with nature is close. This person may begin to mope if he does not have the opportunity to look at a beautiful landscape or breathe fresh air for a long time. Finding themselves in a clean and untouched environment, they feel how the soul is cleansed, the spirit calms down, how the mind gains clarity. Hence their wisdom.

They know how to set priorities correctly and will never get involved in a dangerous business without understanding the details. In the process of reflection, they can dissuade a couple of slightly warmer-hearted friends from this, who could suffer from this idea. So doing business with him is extremely profitable.

It's better not to provoke

Sometimes he may experience exacerbations, when, due to his stubbornness, he can make trouble. This must be treated very carefully. Indeed, in anger, this prudent good-natured man can be unbearable, even showing the traits of a tyrant. His horns can pierce many through holes in the bodies of those who made him nervous. So think ten times before playing with the Ox’s feelings, teasing him with what you think are completely harmless witticisms.

He can put up with it for a while, pretending not to care. But one day your patience will run out, and you will still have to ride the horns.

If you betray him, he may leave forever and never forgive you. No matter how loud the assurances and vows, this person is sure that actions are the best way to prove his position in love and friendship. So appreciate him, love him. Together with him, you will be able to build a harmonious and favorable reality around yourself.

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