What year is it according to the ancient Slavic calendar? Saturn provides stability, moderation, reasonable restrictions and a certain conservatism, and also gives logic and anticipation of the future

Soon we will be celebrating the New Year according to the eastern calendar, the patron of which will be the Yellow Earth Dog. But according to the Slavic calendar, the coming 2018 will be the year of the Curled Hedgehog.

Let's figure out, at least in general terms, what we should expect from this beast.

This year has long been considered special. The Slavs languished in anxious anticipation and had many hopes for this year.

It was believed that the energy of the Hedgehog could heal many mental wounds and help every person find inner harmony.

Also, this year is always fertile, although it is not particularly generous with global changes. 2018, the Year of the Curled Hedgehog, will also have a tangible impact on the energy of each of us this time.

So, the Hedgehog is a symbol of economy. So try to spend your money wisely. But at the same time, you shouldn’t be greedy either. Always reward those who deserve it.

Good luck in 2018 will accompany hardworking and active people. Therefore, if you want wealth and prosperity, then you will have to roll up your sleeves. The hedgehog will not help lazy people.

As for the sphere of love in 2018, everything will go very well here. The hedgehog will bring changes for the better.

2018 will get rid of unnecessary and unnecessary contacts and in return will give you bright and pure love. Those who are in a couple can expect the relationship to grow and move to a new level. In this regard, it is very important to let go of all your fears. Single people have an excellent chance of finding their soulmate.

The Year of the Hedgehog will also be favorable for marriage, new additions to the family, or conception. Family values ​​will come to the fore in 2018.

In 2018, the mood promises to be at a very high level. The main thing is to avoid pessimists, otherwise you can easily become depressed. Luck will also smile on those who learn to enjoy life and be grateful for the little things.

But your health should be carefully monitored. Even minor symptoms of malaise should not be ignored. Perhaps higher powers want to draw your attention to something specific. Try to be attentive to these signs. In addition, this way you can avoid health problems.

According to the Slavic calendar, in contrast to the eastern horoscopes that prophesy the coming of the Dog, in the coming 2018 the Curled Hedgehog will be the patron. The calendar of our Slavic ancestors is radically different from the eastern one, since it has a different interpretation of chronology. In pagan times, the Slavic people used a totemic yearbook, where the years were united into sixteen-year cycles. Each year a patron was approved - a totem in the image of an animal, to which completely human traits and qualities were attributed.

In ancient times, the hedgehog, due to its rounded shape, which allowed it to release spines in all directions, was identified as a solar sign and associated with self-defense. These animals, unique in many respects, inhabited the planet already 15 million years ago, and nature itself took care of their safety. When meeting an enemy, small and seemingly harmless hedgehogs curl up into a ball, pointing their sharp needles threateningly. In addition, they are resistant to the most toxic poisons; their diet even includes snakes and scorpions. Hedgehogs are not afraid to enter into unequal fights, usually emerging victorious. They have an irrepressible vitality that leads strictly to their goal.

When the symbol of the year comes into its own

Our distant ancestors communicated with the forces of nature, therefore traditional Slavic holidays were closely tied to certain dates in accordance with the movement of the main celestial body - the Sun. In pre-Christian times in Rus', what year it would be was determined according to the ancient Slavic calendar. It began on the pagan holiday Komoeditsa, which marked the onset of the spring equinox and was dedicated to the strengthening Sun-Yaril. In 2018, this day (according to the modern Gregorian calendar) occurs on March 20.

How does the hedgehog sign affect a person?

It was believed that totems largely conceal a deep sacred essence, determine the characters and tastes of people, directly influencing fate. Under the sign of the Curled Hedgehog, people are born with extraordinary personal qualities and abilities.

Important! In 2018, representatives of the hedgehog sign born in 1938, 1954, 1970, 1986, 2002 will have good luck, especially business people striving for new achievements.

  • Psychological portrait. Outwardly, hedgehog people may seem very active and rather fussy, but patience and prudence are not alien to them. They are real fighters for justice, they have their own opinions, although they do not always draw the right conclusions. Hedgehogs have a stubborn character and, once a decision is made, it is almost impossible to convince them. They are also characterized by unpredictability.
  • Career. An analytical mind, attention to detail, excellent memory, especially visual, pedantry, and conscientiousness contribute to successful career growth.
  • Friendship. In communication, hedgehogs are quite prickly; if they want, they can offend even with a joke, but still in friendly relations they are very reliable people. If you ask for help, they will immediately come to the rescue. Although they do not trust anyone completely, they choose their friends carefully.
  • Family. Caring about the arrangement of housing and a sincere desire for constancy make it possible to create strong marriages with hedgehogs. But you need to be prepared that they demand the same from their loved ones. Hedgehogs are neat and thrifty, although a little meticulous and grumpy.

Those who are planning a new baby now, keep in mind that hedgehog children can be restless and stubborn in childhood. Although, as they grow up, they will become calmer, more honest, homely people who will be able to achieve high heights in life.

What will the year be like?

According to the Slavic horoscope, 2018 is fertile for reforms, random phenomena and is marked by prophecies and freedom. The year is perfect for starting a family and having children.

To find the protection of heavenly forces, you need to develop more of the positive traits inherent in this prickly animal. Good luck in 2018 will definitely be brought by persistent activity, for which there were no opportunities in past years.

The Slavic calendar does not lose its relevance over the years. On the contrary, in the modern world people are increasingly turning to it.

2018 will be a very unusual year, because it will pass under the influence of the Curled Hedgehog. This patron is very unusual and ambiguous in character. From January 1, 2018, the Crouching Fox will be replaced by the Hedgehog, so you should start thinking about how to change something in your life, but not locally, but globally. Try to rewrite your destiny in advance, look into the future.

Love and relationships in 2018

In love, the Curled Hedgehog will help you survive difficult breakups or get used to a new person, a new soul mate. Adaptation to new conditions will be more successful than before. The Curled Hedgehog perfectly helps anyone who is vulnerable to cope with troubles. This applies to newlyweds and parents with a small first child. Any doubts about happiness should dissipate very quickly. This will be a great time to add to the family.

Marriage in such a year will also unite a young family. Try to escape the clutches of everyday life if you are in search of a soulmate. The more and harder you try to fight negativity and apathy, the greater your chances of successfully finding love or friendship.

It is better to build any relationship on trust. Diplomacy will often come to your aid, but you should not rely on kindness to open all doors. If someone tries to take away your love and happiness, don't stop at anything. This is especially true for men who are overly compliant. A little sass won't hurt you, especially at the beginning of this year. Proponents of quick success will have to be patient, because people will not make contact too easily. The Curled Hedgehog will make everyone work hard. Secrets must be kept, and your secrets must not be shared with just anyone.

Finance and career in 2018

From January 1, you will need to stop spending money thoughtlessly. Austerity must be supported by common sense. Otherwise you will be disappointed again and again. The hedgehog puts a taboo on useless purchases that many people like to make from time to time. The exception will be those acquisitions that can be called forced.

It's not worth borrowing. You need to take out mortgages and loans with extreme caution if you are determined to buy an apartment, house or car. This will be a good year for accumulating finances. In any case, it is better to think several times before buying something. It is best to invest money in your own comfort. You can buy something for your home and start making repairs.

At work, each person will be influenced by his own doubts, but not by the influence of others. This means that you need to put your thoughts in order, removing doubts and negative programs. Thoughts are material - remember this throughout the coming 12 months. In 2018, you need to do more planning to avoid the sudden appearance of troubles. Try to think about what will happen next. The present tense must be developed in advance so that unforeseen difficulties do not arise. This is the year of punctual people and those who do not like to waste words. The energy of the main symbol of 2018 according to the Slavic calendar will be orderly and creative.

Mood and health according to the Slavic calendar

The curled up Hedgehog is a symbol of solitude and tranquility. Spend more time with family or alone. Do what you love and be creative. You will have a creative spark at the beginning of the year, which will open new doors. The most important thing is to remember to be honest with yourself. The mood will be good if you don't chase the stars and don't be petty. You cannot earn all the money and you cannot become good for all people. You will still have to offend someone.

But sadness and resentment can bypass you. Everything will depend on the environment, on the company. Unfortunately, it will be easy to become infected with laziness or depression. Think with your own head so that you don’t regret later that you didn’t listen to your heart at an important moment.

It is best to schedule a vacation during transition periods in 2018 - from February to March, from May to June, from August to September or from November to December. Hard work is the main condition for success, and proper and timely rest will play an equally important role in the development of your luck. Overwork will not do you any good - your health will be shaky this year. You should have the desire to become better in everything, but you don’t need to sacrifice anything. If the Universe has plans for you, it will implement them in any way.

This year will be quite calm in its energy, but far from the most successful for people without initiative. Try to maintain composure and take care of your health. Failures may creep up unnoticed in 2018, but even the most superficial caution will help stop any problems in love, business and finance. Signs of fate will surround you everywhere, because this will be a spiritual time, which is designed for those who are not used to believing in miracles, but also do not deny that sometimes they do happen. Good luck to you, and don't forget to press the buttons and

24.11.2017 07:57

In ancient times, each newborn person was assigned a palace according to the Slavic astrological calendar. It reflected not only...

Prediction for 2018 according to the Slavic calendar

Year of the Curled Hedgehog

In pagan times in Rus', a totem book was in use - the Slavic horoscope of animals. According to the Slavic calendar, 2018 is the year of the Curled Hedgehog. What to expect from this representatives of this animal totem and how it characterizes the next year.
Women who want to give birth to a child next year need to remember that he will be restless and rough. However, an adult Curled Hedgehog will be homely, intelligent, honest and loyal. You can tell such people any secret without fear; they are always accompanied by luck and love.

Dark Sokh (Elk) 1912 1928 1944 1960 1976 1992 2008
Dark Sokh is a pioneer, leading others, who is protected by the Higher Powers. The totem of a restless person, impetuous and proud, not stopping at the heights achieved, very often misunderstood and incomprehensible to those close to him. The less he doubts and thinks about his ideas, the more he will be able to give to this world.
Stinging Hornet (Wasp) 1913 1929 1945 1961 1977 1993 2009
Stinging Hornet - people born during this period are very active, fuss a lot and love to make noise. Hornets have strong intuition and determination. To achieve their goal, they use any means without bothering with morality. From birth, they have an excellent memory, are extremely thrifty and jealous - they will never give up theirs to anyone, and besides, they can also take away someone else’s. Leaders by nature, they love to put others in their place, using all their causticity and wit.
Lurking Lute (Wolf) 1914 1930 1946 1962 1978 1994 2010
Hidden Lute are people of great strength, natural grace and the ability to find a way out of the most difficult life situations. They have cat-like habits, but despite all their external softness and relaxation, they can manifest themselves very sharply and suddenly, instantly mobilize and show their claws and fangs. Although they themselves do not like to create and maintain order, they do not forgive others for the slightest violation of it. Possessing generosity, patience and kindness of character, they will not allow even their loved ones to sit on their necks or limit their freedom. For Lyut, there are only those frameworks, obligations and restrictions that he has set for himself.
Fire Veksha (Squirrel) 1915 1931 1947 1963 1979 1995 2011
Fiery Veksha is the sign of a person who has Higher protection. Those born this year are extremely dexterous and agile, they play all the time and are slightly disingenuous. They have a lively mind - they grasp everything on the fly and instantly delve into the situation, finding the best way out. They have a nervous character and are often prone to mood swings and depression. In life they rely only on themselves, so they go to work early and start a family.
Pearl Pike 1916 1932 1948 1964 1980 1996 2012
Pearl Pike - people born this year are under the protection of their deceased ancestors. These are conservatives and orthodox, endowed with inner peace and confidence in their rightness, therefore in communication they are direct and frank.
Bearded Toad 1917 1933 1949 1965 1981 1997 2013
The Bearded Toad is a person with natural wisdom to create harmonious relationships with the world. He knows how to appreciate what he has, is very economical, thrifty, modest and neat. A wonderful family man and hospitable host, not particularly pretentious to his surroundings. This is a conservative who does not like change, loves his comfortable “swamp”, and clearly knows what he wants from life
Wild Boar (Boar) 1918 1934 1950 1966 1982 1998 2014
Wild Boar are very fearless people, always ready to fight back anyone they consider an enemy. They strive for primacy in the business that interests them. After the desired is achieved, they usually seek solitude for relaxation and fall into apathy. In their calm state, Boars are extremely intelligent and do not take futile actions. People of this type usually take a long time to price and sway, after which, having gained momentum, they rush towards the goal, sweeping away everything in their path.
White Owl 1919 1935 1951 1967 1983 1999 2015
White Owl is a person who lives according to his own regime, leading a secluded lifestyle. Very suspicious, mysterious and superstitious. In a favorable environment, his talents for extrasensory perception can reveal themselves in an extraordinary way. Having found a friendly environment for his activities, the Eagle Owl is able to move mountains.
Hissing Snake 1920 1936 1952 1968 1984 2000 2016
The Hissing Snake are people who have the gift of harmonizing the space around them. They have a philosophical mindset; everything secret is more important to them than the obvious. They are a little secretive, do not like to talk much, are practical, efficient and thrifty. They move towards their chosen goal persistently, but flexibly, and when unexpected obstacles arise, they change their skin like a snake.
Crouching Fox 1921 1937 1953 1969 1985 2001 2017
The Crouching Fox is a people of mysterious destiny and a life full of adventures. They are dexterous, inventive, mocking, cunning, mocking, very careful and prudent - they never get into trouble, preferring to do everything quietly or on the sly. These are skillful intriguers who take life extremely seriously and know how to achieve their goals.
Curled Hedgehog 1922 1938 1954 1970 1986 2002 2018
Curled Hedgehog - unpredictable, prickly, fussy and noisy people. They have an excellent memory and special pedantry to detail. Very reliable friends and faithful spouses.
Soaring Eagle 1923 1939 1955 1971 1987 2003 2019
Soaring Eagle are missionaries and reformers, obsessed with ideals and ideas. Their character is bold, changeable and proud, they do not tolerate manipulation and dictate, they live by their own rules and laws. They are very aristocratic, very scrupulous in communication, and usually faithful in friendship and love. They can predict impending troubles.
Spinning Mizgir (Spider) 1924 1940 1956 1972 1988 2004 2020
The spinner Mizgir is a man of the clan; he needs the support of his family and friends like air. He loves and knows how to unite large groups of people and create any organizations. He is very power-hungry, sensitive, and knows how to systematically achieve his goals, using all his extraordinary creative potential for this. Mizgir is the keeper of traditions and hearth, a reliable support for family and society
Crowing Rooster 1925 1941 1957 1973 1989 2005 2021
Crying Rooster - people born during this period are harsh and hasty in their judgments and actions, very active, fearless and ambitious. They always try to be visible and have their own original opinion on everything. They love their home and children very much.
Golden Horned Tur (Bull) 1926 1942 1958 1974 1990 2006 2022
Golden-horned Tur - people of this year of birth harmoniously combine good nature and rage in their character. They love to patronize the weak. They are very hardy, stubborn and patient, and in case of danger they show extraordinary courage and aggression. They will stand to death for what is dear to them.
Firemane Horse 1927 1943 1959 1975 1991 2007 2023
Firemane Horse is the year of active and courageous, honest and diligent people. They are very talented, romantic; resilient and purposeful. Horses love travel and extreme sports, so you can very rarely find them at home, as they are always in a hurry to get somewhere.

Slavic horoscope for 2018

The Slavic horoscope is based on the pagan beliefs of our ancestors, who believed that the period of birth of each person is characterized by the influence of certain forces, which subsequently influence his fate and character. The basis for drawing up the horoscope was the Svarog Kolo - the solar cycle, divided into twenty periods of time, each of which corresponds to its own deity of the pagan pantheon or the force of nature.
For the people they patronize, these forces and gods play a very significant role, acting as guides between their charges and the forces of the Universe, endowing them with positive and negative qualities, giving them strength and largely predetermining their life path. Let's find out what cosmic forces promise to representatives of various signs of the ancient Slavic horoscope for 2018!
Yarilo (March 21 - April 20)
The bright god, who personified the gentle spring sun among the Slavs, endows his children with incredible reserves of energy and a passionate nature. People born at this time do not give in to difficulties and are ready to face any danger. They are mobile, inquisitive and proactive, never sit in one place and are always ready to test this world for strength.
In 2018, Yaril's children will work hard. However, unlike past years, when every effort was not so easy, now all the work will be fully rewarded. The period promises to be so successful that you simply won’t notice many obstacles, jumping over them in one jump. However, this does not mean that you can act impulsively, relying solely on fortune - any business project that you are trying to implement must be based on a clear plan and analytical calculations.
In my personal life a period of peace and harmony will finally reign. Even the most unsociable representatives of this sign will be surrounded by such attention from the opposite sex that all that remains is to choose from a huge number of contenders for the heart. However, astrologers warn you to beware of thoughtlessly wasting the sexual energy generously released by your totem. Fleeting connections will not lead to good things, but they will easily lead to health problems.
Lada (April 21 - May 21)
The beautiful goddess of love and beauty generously gifted her charges. People born during this period almost always have an attractive appearance, excellent health, kindness and the ability to manage a household. Children of Lada know how to complete any undertaking, and they do it without any visible effort. Their kind and open disposition attracts a huge number of people to them, so such individuals are never lonely, and their home is always filled with jokes, laughter and cheerful voices.
2018 will be filled with new acquaintances, long-distance business trips, fun travels and interesting events for the children of Lada. The main thing is to beware of less than honest individuals entering your circle. Your natural openness and naivety can play a cruel joke - scammers will try to extract a large sum of money from you.
In the cycle of affairs and events, do not forget about the need to rest. Sometimes it seems to you that internal energy has an endless supply, but thoughtless waste of energy will lead to nervous exhaustion and apathetic moods by the second part of the year. It is better to spend your vacation with a couple of close friends or in the company of a loved one - this way you will not only fully enjoy the trip, but also recharge yourself so much that you will end the year with ease and unambiguous financial success.
Lelya or Letnitsa (May 22 - June 2)
The gentle wife of the god of storm and thunder, Perun, endowed her charges with pronounced mental abilities, the ability to maneuver in dangerous situations and easily find a common language with people. Such individuals are distinguished by integrity and a clear understanding of life. They react sharply to any injustice, trying to take any offended person under their wing.
2018 will require you to rein in your natural restlessness. It's time to rethink your life values ​​and understand in which direction you want to move forward. Astrologers recommend taking a short break from a career in which you have already achieved significant results, and devoting more time to your personal life. This is especially true for Lelya’s children, who have not yet tied the knot. Dedicate this period of your life to creating a new unit of society and adding one more member to it.
From a business point of view, 2018 can be described as successful. Your ability to assess the consequences of any step will be beneficial - you can not only save money, but also increase it. Especially if you decide to open a new direction and carefully monitor the situation with competitors. Try not to lend money to friends and relatives - or be prepared for the fact that you will not see this amount very soon.
Kostroma (June 3 - June 12)
In the pantheon of the ancient Slavs, this deity patronized the period of “flight”, that is, the first days of summer, which influence the productivity of all crops. Kostroma endowed his wards with a sensitive nature, eloquence and talent in the field of art. Such people rarely act on the basis of logic, but have a strong intuition, which makes it possible to avoid many troubles if they do not begin to be led by fatalistic sentiments.
In 2018, it is worth giving up the habit of blaming the machinations of evil forces for all failures. It's time to overcome all difficulties! Don’t worry that you won’t be able to cope with the assigned tasks - there are a lot of people who have rallied around you and will lend a shoulder in difficult times. In professional activities, it is better to give preference to team projects, but this does not mean that you need to sit in a corner - showing initiative and the ability to take responsibility will help you earn not just a good reputation, but also money.
In matters of relationships, refuse any frivolous actions. Do not make promises to friends and family that you cannot keep, so as not to provoke a scandal. Love relationships will require the ability to find compromise and make concessions. Your significant other has been carrying the load of household chores for too long while you were having fun with your friends. Spend your free time in your home environment and do not refuse your loved one help. Otherwise, there is a risk of being left broke at the end of the year.
Dodola or Share (June 13 - June 21)
A deity who was considered by the ancient Slavs to be the patron of all young men and women, helping them to realize their secret dreams and desires. Representatives of this sign are naive and inquisitive. It is about such people that even in old age they say that they are young at heart and bursting with youthful enthusiasm. At the same time, Dodola children do not like unnecessary activity and prefer a measured and understandable way of life, neglecting cranes in the sky if they already have a tit in their hands.
In 2018, you will need to show remarkable intelligence and high performance if you want to end this period with a positive result. Time is more favorable than ever for career aspirations and the development of your own business. Fortune will definitely be on your side if you set truly significant goals for yourself.
In the personal life of Dodola children, a period of stagnation awaits. If you have already found your soul mate, you should not wait for bright passions. The development of relationships will occur rather by inertia, but this does not mean that you will not be pleased with this state of affairs. Lonely representatives of the sign may not count on bright acquaintances, but among your usual social circle you can find a person who has long had romantic feelings for you.
Veles or Kolyada (June 22 - July 22)
Kolyada occupied one of the most significant places in the Slavic pantheon, because it was this god who was responsible for the movement of the entire world and ensured the appearance of the Sun and Moon in the sky. The children of Veles are truly mystical personalities who often choose for themselves the path of astrologers or fortune tellers, philosophers and literary figures. They are not particularly sociable, preferring to live in the comfortable conditions of their small world, protected from bustle and routine.
In 2018, astrologers predict good luck for all representatives of this sign, but scientists, writers and engineers will take advantage of the special arrangement of the heavenly bodies. A long period of painful research was left behind. Only bright thoughts and brilliant ideas will come into your head. The main thing is not to shelve them, but to put them into practice in order to feel not only moral satisfaction, but also to strengthen your financial condition.
In your personal life, you should abandon the practice of idealization. Most likely, the year will bring several disappointments in fairly close people. You should not erase a person from your life because of his momentary weakness. Try to understand that everyone can make mistakes, and be able to accept apologies for them, because you yourself are far from ideal.
Kupalo (July 7)
Only one day a year passes under the auspices of this deity, so we can safely say that the children of Kupala are unique and interesting personalities. They have a rich inner world that attracts others to them. Representatives of this sign are easy to communicate, have huge reserves of tenderness, have a keen sense of natural forces and gravitate towards everything unusual and mysterious. The only thing that can create life difficulties for them is frequent mood swings.
In 2018, it is worth abandoning the usual practice of adventurous decisions. Especially when it comes to further career advancement. Don't think that you will be able to solve cases at once. Astrologers say that only measuredness, analytical thinking and the ability to carefully weigh the pros and cons will help you overcome the next career step.
Remember that sudden mood swings have a negative impact on personal relationships. You have been searching for yourself for too long, forgetting about the needs of your other half. In 2018, you should give your loved one the maximum amount of attention if you don’t want a protracted conflict or breakup.
Dazhdbog or Vyshen (July 23 - August 23)
This deity among the Slavs was responsible for productivity, fertility and family well-being. The children of Dazhdbog fully possess inner strength and resistance to life’s storms, because they are proud, self-sufficient and exceptionally smart. In life, they often occupy the position of a clear leader, both in the family and in the team, so it is impossible to force them to follow anyone’s lead. Representatives of this sign never indulge in weaknesses and are able to swim where another person will certainly drown.
Despite all your natural prudence, in 2018 you may show surprising short-sightedness in your actions. Remember that people cannot work tirelessly for a long time, so you should moderate your demands on subordinates and colleagues with whom you work together. The desire to achieve your goals using openly authoritarian methods will lead to discord at work, up to the need to find a new place of employment.
But in personal life, perseverance and the ability to go to the end will play a positive role - lonely representatives of the sign will definitely achieve the reciprocity of a person who has long been the object of their sympathy. Do you already have a family? Pay attention to increasing the comfort level of the apartment. Most likely, the matter will concern minor but necessary repairs.
Maya or Seva (August 24 - September 8)
In the ancient Slavic pantheon, this deity was responsible for good weather, rain and solar heat, ensuring the ripening of fruits. Individuals born under the auspices of Maya are pure in thoughts, do not tolerate hypocrisy and are distinguished by their pleasant appearance and manners. Children of Maya patronize people who need care and understanding, are extremely tactful and will never say a word that could cause offense. They easily master crafts, so they are successful in handicrafts.
In 2018, astrologers do not promise a calm and measured life. Events will change each other at the speed of pictures in a kaleidoscope, so you will have to give your best to maintain the appropriate pace. However, the busy year will bear fruit. New acquaintances can become patrons for you, and interesting projects can bring not only recognition, but also material encouragement.
In your personal life, everything will be exactly the opposite. Your family boat will sail on a smooth lake, devoid of even the slightest ripple, so you can enjoy a period of harmony. Seva's lonely children will look for a person who can share their sorrow and joy, however, most likely, the year will pass in fleeting hobbies without much prospects for continuing their acquaintance.
Women in labor (September 9 - September 11)
These deities rule for only a few days, so people born at this time are distinguished by unusual behavior and often attract attention. Women in labor were deities responsible for filling the world with animals, birds and fish, so it is not surprising that individuals born at this time love our smaller brothers. They are modest and shy, often more inclined to contemplation than to active action. The only exceptions are those things that really captivate them and give them pleasure.
In 2018, you will see new, unexplored horizons that promise tangible benefits. However, it will be possible to reach these heights only if representatives of the Rozhanits sign are able to force themselves to do what they need, and not just what they want. If you are able to step out of your personal comfort zone and show the proper initiative, you will be able to reach the next career stage.
It won't be difficult to do this. Your significant other will provide any support and assistance in these matters, demonstrating that you are truly a close-knit team that goes through life together and withstands adversity. In 2018, the heavenly bodies recommend learning to overcome natural shyness in personal relationships. Only in this way will those children of Rozhanitsy who still have not found a mate be able to win the person they like.
Mokosh (September 12 - September 27)
The only main female deity in the ancient Slavic pantheon, controlling nature and its forces. Mokosh, who is also the patroness of women's crafts, generously endowed her children with skills, so among them there are often singers, musicians, artists and simply talented craftsmen. They are not used to giving in to difficulties and take on any job with ease. No wonder they always argue!
In 2018, you will finally have the opportunity to take a break. In recent years, Mokoshi’s children have worked tirelessly, so they will gladly take the time-out offered by fate. This period is good to devote to self-improvement and hobbies - learn new languages, attend master classes, relax and travel, absorbing new knowledge and impressions. The reliable foundation laid earlier will allow you to relax your attention to work matters.
In matters of relationships, you should stop imposing your opinion on every issue, especially when you are not really asked for it. Do you want to help a loved one? Make a concrete effort and offer tangible support rather than reproach him for his mistakes. With your significant other, it is better to show maximum flexibility and the ability to compromise. A dominant communication style will lead to discord and scandals.
Svarozhich (September 28 - October 15)
God, who personified the fire that fell from heaven, endowed his charges with indomitable internal energy. The children of Svarozhich are real warriors who devote their whole lives to battles and battles, trying with all their might to achieve victory. These strong personalities are always surrounded by people in need of care and protection.
2018 does not promise the same global results as the last period of your life, but luck is still on the side of the children of Svarog. It is worth taking advantage of this smile of fortune to complete the work you have started and put a significant end to all projects. The career field will delight you with the ease with which you will step over several steps at once. Those representatives of this sign who work in the field of jurisprudence will be especially lucky - dizzying successes will force even your competitors to speak respectfully about you.
In your personal life, you will not be able to complain about a lack of attention from the opposite sex. Natural artistry and sense of humor will make more than one heart beat faster. However, if you don't want to spend a year alone, moderate your narcissism. Your significant other is tired of being in the shadow of such a brilliant person and may well exchange you for a slightly less dazzling, but more attentive person.
Morana, Morena or Mara (October 16 - November 1)
Mara is the gloomy goddess of withering and death, to which all living things on earth are subject. Personalities born during her reign stand firmly on their feet, are very resilient and completely uncompromising. They go straight through life, not allowing the slightest deviation from the goal. On the one hand, this is often accompanied by success, but on the other, it leads to the fact that Mara’s children are lonely and are rarely favorites in the company.
In 2018, the children of Mara need to learn to assess real danger. The tactic of moving ahead will be completely unwinnable. They may try to drag you into behind-the-scenes games that, frankly, you are not good at. Walk away from any conflicts with dignity and don’t fall for the bait - they’re just trying to piss you off in order to denigrate you in the eyes of management.
As for personal relationships, the stars advise Mara’s children to moderate their jealousy, which they often show without the slightest reason from their partner. Otherwise, no troubles are expected. Moreover, representatives of this sign who have recently started a relationship may decide that fate has brought to them a person who is their soulmate for life. Couples getting married in 2018 are sure to be happy in this union, so don't miss the chance to build a strong nest.
Semargl (November 2 - November 22)
This fiery deity guarded the hearth, patronized agriculture and animal husbandry, provided offspring for animals and replenishment of families for people. The children of Semargl are fair and honest individuals who always stand up for the offended and offended. Representatives of this sign know how to look into the very essence of things and often show a tendency towards clairvoyance, so do not be surprised if you hear from them a prediction that will soon come true.
The year 2018 will be marked by an increased risk of any financial transactions for the children of Semargl. If you deal with securities, are involved in investing, or trade on the stock exchange, think twice before taking any steps. Transactions that promise high profits may turn out to be just a gamble. Your motto for 2018: “The best is the enemy of the good!” Be satisfied with a small profit so as not to lose everything. In addition, the stars do not recommend chasing easy money on the Internet.
In the sphere of personal relationships, on the contrary, a completely harmonious period awaits you. Lonely representatives of this sign should not refuse business trips abroad. There are high chances of a promising acquaintance, which can result not just in finding a soul mate, but also in a change of place of residence. Family individuals can seriously think about procreation, because your family unit will only benefit from this.
Skipper Beast (November 9 - November 22)
Simultaneously with Semargl, the Skipper Beast, a deity to whom all reptiles and dark forces obey, also enters the period of reign. People born under his protection instantly sense danger and are able to recognize the darkest thoughts of people. Children of the Skipper-beast are individuals prone to traditionalism, reverence for origins and respect for family values.
After a period of high-profile achievements, you should lie low. Astrologers say that you just need to wait out 2018, avoiding dangers in time and not trying to overcome unfavorable circumstances. This is the only way you will protect all the savings of past years from loss and be able to maintain your won positions in the professional sphere. In your work, you should only take on team projects - even though the reward will be smaller, but responsibility for possible failures will be shared among all team members.
Your pride can play a cruel joke in personal relationships. In 2018, when there is nothing much to brag about, you may plunge into depressive moods, taking out your anger on your significant other. If you manage not to stoop to petty quibbles, preserve the love of your partner, who will provide you with any support in return. The best advice that astrologers give is to take a proper vacation and go to a quiet, romantic place to revive all the emotions of the first months of love.
Winter (November 23 - November 30)
During the period when Winter rules the world, amazing people are born, distinguished by their curiosity, thirst for knowledge and extraordinary intelligence. It is not surprising that children of Winter often find themselves in science and research, becoming famous scientists. The desire to understand the world is so dominant over the desire to acquire material values ​​that children of Winter can often work for the sake of work, forgetting to demand legitimate financial reward.
2018 should be a period of growing up for you, even if you are no longer a child. Unfortunately, you are so naive that you often become a victim of unscrupulous people. So this time, there will be a person in the work team who wants to rake the heat with your hands. If you fall for the sweet-voiced persuasion of this rogue, you will again fly past promotions and financial bonuses.
The sphere of personal relationships will suddenly be filled with exciting events. Lonely representatives of this sign will finally meet a person who will be ready to accept you with all your eccentricities and will reliably protect you from the storms of life. Try to at least sometimes emerge from your little world to take part in everyday affairs - your soul mate is ready to move mountains for you, but sometimes she simply does not have the strength to fight everything alone.
Vyrgon (December 1 - December 10)
A terrifying deity, similar in appearance to the Greek Medusa Gorgon. The individuals who were born during the reign of Vyrgoni are independent natures who hate any pressure and encroachment on their personal freedom. That is why it is very difficult for them to build relationships with other people. Despite all their dislike for work, the Vyrgoni children love to live for their own pleasure, so they try to earn money in all possible ways. Dexterity, cunning and developed imagination come to their aid in this.
2018 will require internal changes from you. Individuals who have not learned to live in proportion to their income may become completely entangled in lies and credit fraud, which can lead not only to the loss of friends and acquaintances, but even to the loss of personal freedom. Use your wits to start your own business. The stars say that the service sector can be a real goldmine for you.
The personal front will be characterized by a period of stagnation. For too long you have indulged in fleeting pleasures, not paying attention to the people who appreciate you with all your shortcomings. Family representatives of this sign will have to devote more time to their partner in 2018. Endless gatherings with friends will result in a series of stormy scandals.
Kitovras or Karachun (December 11 - December 23)
The deity, which is a combination of horse and man, has enormous wisdom, incredible strength and the ability to understand people. However, the tendency to immoderate alcohol consumption often awakens a violent temper in him. However, in relationships with close people, representatives of this sign are distinguished by incredible meekness and good nature. They will never refuse a request, often sacrificing their own interests for the good of their neighbor.
In 2018, astrologers predict a period full of incredible achievements for you. At this time, you can fully justify the nickname of fate's favorites. Individuals who are engaged in freelancing will be especially lucky. Your source of income can become a full-flowing river if you are able to consider several very promising areas for cooperation in a series of small orders.
In pursuit of big money, do not forget to devote time to health. It is best to engage in some kind of sport with your significant other. You disappear so often at work that you have completely stopped devoting time to it. Going to the gym or pool, or simple bike rides along the paths of the nearest park will help you regain your former warmth and closeness.
Perun, Indrik or Unicorn (December 24 - January 20)
One of the most revered deities of the pantheon generously showered his charges with strength, intelligence and courage. Among the representatives of this sign there are two diametrically opposed types of personalities - the best of them are models of justice and honesty, true altruists and lovers of humanity. The worst manifestation of Perun is embodied in people prone to immoderate pleasures, scandals and fights.
In 2018, the children of Perun will have to live through a difficult but interesting period. Most likely, you will want to dramatically change your life, which may result in looking for a new job or even preparing documents for a trip abroad with the desire to settle there forever. If you are determined and not afraid to start from scratch, astrologers predict you will have the support of the stars in any endeavor.
In a relationship with a partner, you will need to learn to take responsibility for your words. Remember that a word spoken in the heat of a quarrel can very painfully injure someone dear to you. Do not try to prick more painfully in a weak spot to confirm your dominant position. Tolerance for other people's shortcomings and the ability to empathize will help you improve your life and enter a new phase of relationships filled with harmony and happiness.
Stribog or Kryshen (January 21 - February 20)
The terrible Stribog was responsible for storms and winds in ancient Slavic beliefs. The individuals he patronizes are generously endowed with mental flexibility and intellectual abilities. These are true innovators who know how to approach problems from an unexpected angle. Stribog children are sociable, distinguished by their ability to conduct business and establish connections with a variety of people.
2018 promises to be a period in which you will have to show leadership qualities. The time when you could do any activity that brought you pleasure is over. Now you need to cool your hot head in order to emerge victorious from the career race. You are entrusted with the mission of the main inspirer of the team, capable of taking the company to a new level.
In the personal life of Kryshnya's children, a measured existence awaits, which will occasionally be disrupted by outbursts of romantic feelings. Take advantage of the respite from the intricacies of love to pay attention to close relatives. They will need your help in matters related to home improvement. It is quite possible that we are talking about repairs or improving the comfort of the dacha.
Rod (February 21 - March 20)
One of the most revered gods by the Slavs is the progenitor of all life on earth. Perhaps this is why people born during his reign feel very keenly any changes in natural processes. These are amazingly patient individuals towards other people’s shortcomings, who are distinguished by their friendliness, wisdom and ability to find compromise solutions.
2018 will bring long-awaited peace and tranquility into your life. The children of Rod worked long and fruitfully in past periods of life, so they will enjoy such a respite from worries and anxieties. However, this does not mean at all that you should indulge in doing nothing. People born under the auspices of Rod simply do not know how to sit idle. You may be able to take a hobby that was previously just for fun to the next level.
Astrologers warn you about the risk of worsening conflicts on the personal front. Unjustified attacks of jealousy will exhaust the patience of your significant other, who, out of anger, can give a real reason for worry. Show trust in your partner and make sure this step will bring you closer. Children will help you survive a relationship crisis - you will definitely have to unite to solve their problems.


The Slavic calendar is a gift from our ancestors. When Christianity had not yet come to Russian soil, the Slavs believed that each year corresponded to a patron animal.

This knowledge is still relevant today, because the Slavic calendar, like the eastern one, makes it possible to predict the future.

According to the Slavic calendar, 2018 will be the year of the Curled Hedgehog, writes dailyhoro.ru.

Whether it’s a coincidence or not, in the Slavic calendar the characteristics of this patron animal are in many ways similar to the description of the Yellow Earth Dog in the Eastern calendar.

Main characteristics of 2018

The Year of the Curled Hedgehog was considered a slightly passive time and devoid of dynamics. People did not expect global changes from such periods.

The Slavs always celebrated the Year of the Hedgehog with a special sinking heart, because they believed that the Hedgehog was able to heal internal wounds.

This is a year of fertility and hard work. This is a purely material year, but its spiritual calm can work for the benefit of our general mood. This is a time of reconciliation and living hand in hand with those we care about.

Finance and work in 2018

The Curled Hedgehog is a symbol of austerity. The ancient Slavs believed that in the Year of the Hedgehog you should not spend a lot of money and give away your savings.

At the same time, it is better to be as generous as possible with those who deserve it. Helping colleagues would be very appropriate now. By the end of the year, you can begin to reap the benefits of your generosity.

Callous people will be left behind. If the consequences of selfishness do not occur in 2018, they can be felt later when the time comes.

Saving, however, has nothing in common with greed. Try to look for benefits everywhere and in everything. Sell ​​old items without bidding. In 2018, every penny counts.

Love and relationships in 2018

The Slavs believed that the Curled Hedgehog could change life for the better. In love this will be very noticeable. People who want to know the greatest happiness will have to take their relationships to the next level. This will be a very good year for weddings, weddings and marriage proposals.

This is also a great time to conceive and give birth to a child.
A child born in the year of the Hedgehog will be strong in spirit and body, he will be healthy and unbending. This year can make you the same.

The only thing required of you is desire. Any problems that you encounter should be regarded as a way to increase wisdom.

Life experience is the greatest value in 2018. In love and relationships with people you need to be careful, because every new day you may encounter disagreements. A little diplomacy will help you stay afloat and maintain harmony.

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