Which fable is the easiest to learn? Fables for learning by heart

Schoolchildren are very familiar with the situation when they are asked to learn fable and tell it the next day. In this case, you need to act very quickly, using a special method of memorizing works of this literary genre.

You will need

  • - writing utensils;
  • - a blank sheet of paper;
  • - text of the fable.


Remove all unnecessary things from your workplace and restore general order in the room. Often, extraneous things can only do harm, since they will not allow you to properly concentrate on memorizing the text. By removing all irritating factors, you can improve your morale.

Place a book with a fable in front of you and read it very carefully from beginning to end three times. Do it out loud. As you read, you will need to complete two key tasks. First, take a pencil and underline the key words in the text that form the basis of the fable's content. For example, if we take Krylov’s work “The Crow and the Fox,” then it will contain the following “keys”: cheese, cheat, captivated, perched, breathing, eyes, etc.

Secondly, while familiarizing yourself with the content of the fable, try to imagine an image of what is happening in it. Build associative rows. These two methods will help capture the content of the fable as a single whole. Now read fable again, stopping at each line and memorizing the words (form, tense, etc.).

Write down this fable on a piece of A4 paper. This will allow you to introduce visual memory into the memorization process. Also speak out loud the lines you write down. Do not neglect this point, as it is very effective for quick memorization. To make things easier for yourself, break it down fable for 4 lines. Continuous text is much more difficult to master.

Now go directly to memorization. Teach fable only according to the version written by you personally. Read only the first line 3 times and repeat it out loud without looking at the sheet. After that, read lines 1 and 2 together and play them out loud. Then - 1, 2 and 3. Do the same with each quatrain until you have mastered the entire content of the fable.

Write little cheat sheets with those key words or lines that are very difficult to remember. Repeat fable at night and tell it a few more times in the morning. All these simple techniques will help you master it in the shortest possible time and present it in class perfectly.

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Schoolchildren are very familiar with the situation when they are asked to learn fable and tell it the next day. In this case, you need to act very quickly, using a special method of memorizing works of this literary genre.

You will need

  • - writing utensils;
  • - a blank sheet of paper;
  • - text of the fable.


Remove all unnecessary things from your workplace and restore general order in the room. Often, extraneous things can only do harm, since they will not allow you to properly concentrate on memorizing the text. By removing all irritating factors, you can improve your morale.

Place a book with a fable in front of you and read it very carefully from beginning to end three times. Do it out loud. As you read, you will need to complete two key tasks. First, take a pencil and underline the key words in the text that form the basis of the fable's content. For example, if we take Krylov’s work “The Crow and the Fox,” then it will contain the following “keys”: cheese, cheat, captivated, perched, breathing, eyes, etc.

Secondly, while familiarizing yourself with the content of the fable, try to imagine an image of what is happening in it. Build associative rows. These two methods will help capture the content of the fable as a single whole. Now read fable again, stopping at each line and memorizing the words (form, tense, etc.).

Write down this fable on a piece of A4 paper. This will allow you to introduce visual memory into the memorization process. Also speak out loud the lines you write down. Do not neglect this point, as it is very effective for quick memorization. To make things easier for yourself, break it down fable for 4 lines. Continuous text is much more difficult to master.

Now go directly to memorization. Teach fable only according to the version written by you personally. Read only the first line 3 times and repeat it out loud without looking at the sheet. After that, read lines 1 and 2 together and play them out loud. Then - 1, 2 and 3. Do the same with each quatrain until you have mastered the entire content of the fable.

Write little cheat sheets with those key words or lines that are very difficult to remember. Repeat fable at night and tell it a few more times in the morning. All these simple techniques will help you master it in the shortest possible time and present it in class perfectly.

    Memorize one sentence at a time (or some parts at a time, maybe lines at a time; in general, the most important thing is to divide the text into equal small parts). Read each sentence out loud and repeat without looking 3 times. Then, after each sentence, recite the text by heart from the beginning and then re-read it all again. Then take the next offer. And if there was a mistake somewhere, then it doesn’t count at once, and you have to tell it again.

    This is the system I came up with myself; I’ve probably been learning all the texts since grade 5)
    But this is if you need to know him in such a way that you can then answer quickly and verbatim.

    It depends on what level you have, usually after 12th grade it’s not bad, but if you’re weak, then take courses, if you’re friends from time to time, expand your vocabulary, read light literature, just texts, news, translate all the words you don’t know and write them down on a piece of paper, watch movies in English. language, because hearing the language is also difficult. And it’s also very good to find a friend who is a native speaker of this language, it doesn’t matter whether he’s English or Chinese, the main thing is that he speaks, you can find him on social media. networks, through some games, online chats, I developed my vocabulary very well using this method. Also, take about 3 words from the dictionary and memorize them before bed, every day, and within a week you will know 21 words. use programs in English. language, etc. The main thing here is desire, incentive, not to be lazy.

    English - go to England. Latvian - communicate with Latvians

    Sing it out loud as often as possible

    Everyone has their own way, just learn, cram and don’t ask questions... do the job

    Watch Soviet "pirate" films.
    There, first there is an English “text”, and after a couple of seconds there is a Russian translation. You will learn “conversational English” “at once”.

    That's how I taught myself)

    Read books in English, watch films in the original, communicate. And even better - go to the UK\US for a couple of years =) There is nothing better than language practice among native speakers =)

    Speak it. I mean, not just memorize words, but immediately compose simple sentences from them. If you really need it, search the Internet. There are whole techniques, for example, building associative chains.

So, the school curriculum of each student clearly includes such an important subject as Russian literature. It's no secret that children do not always like to learn fables, since such rhymed lines are capacious and lengthy.

But I wonder how you can learn a fable quickly, spending a minimum amount of time on this activity? This question is often asked by parents who are worried about the workload of teenagers, because the child not only has to do written homework for several hours, but also spends even more time cramming an instructive poem.

First method. "By definition of the main idea"

If the teacher assigned you to learn a fable as homework, the 5th grade can easily and simply cope with this task. Why the fifth one? The fact is that, according to the school curriculum, it is in this class that one gets acquainted with the work of such a unique writer as Ivan Andreevich Krylov. It was from his pen that everyone’s favorite works “Monkey and Glasses”, “Elephant and Pug”, “Dragonfly and Ant”, “Quartet” and “Donkey and Nightingale” belonged.

Children love to read such instructive stories in verse, but learning them by heart may pose some difficulties. A caring parent comes to the rescue, knowing exactly how to alleviate the child’s plight. So, the first thing you need to do is read the fable 5 times, carefully look at the illustrations (if any), and then discuss with the student the problem that the author has brought to the attention of the public. At first it will be a free presentation, but the main thing is to understand the essence and visually remember the narration of the lines, and then the child, without realizing it, will begin to recite correctly composed rhymes by heart.

Professional teachers assure that the fable is a literary genre that is easily stored in the mind, without the need to particularly “strain your brains.” Interesting and captivating lines rhyme easily, and the author rarely uses words that are difficult to remember and perceive. The main secret of the fable is based on this, because children are simply delighted to study these particular works rhymed in a comic form. So now it’s clear: in order to quickly learn a fable, it is recommended that you first analyze each of its sentences and understand the main idea that Ivan Krylov wanted to convey to his young readers through time and generations.

Second method. "By lines and quatrains"

The first method is not suitable for all children, since the essence of the fable seems to be clear, but the rhyme just doesn’t fit. Repeated reading of the work does not help, and all attempts to reproduce at least something from memory are completely nullified. Do not despair, because there is another method of how to quickly learn by heart invented fables in verse.

If a strict parent pays attention, she will notice that the rhyme in the fables is every line, and the work itself is conventionally divided into quatrains. This was done for a reason, but for better perception of new information. So why not use such a structure for your own purposes, especially since it is easy and very convenient to do.

So, the student must memorize the fable two lines at a time, and then combine them into one quatrain. There is no need to spread yourself over a large amount of information; you need to gradually increase the load (as in sports). It’s much easier to remember two lines than the whole fable, and combining them together won’t cause any difficulties at all. When one quatrain “flies off your teeth,” it’s time to move on to mastering the second, and after that it is recommended to combine both for reinforcement.

As practice shows, the vast majority of schoolchildren choose this particular method to better memorize the fable, the study of which is mandatory homework. More than 70% of schoolchildren already use this method on a subconscious level and do not forget about it as they grow up. This tip is also suitable for graduates, although in this case the study of fables is no longer included in the school curriculum.

Third method. "Using Talent"

Many parents on online forums ask the same question: “How can you quickly learn poetry, fables, grade 3?” The problem is really relevant, since in elementary school problems with memorization are much more common, but they should not be considered global - everything can be solved.

So, at this age, schoolchildren consider themselves children, and therefore treat studying as great fun. So why not choose a game-based way to study all your homework assignments? A good approach, especially, works great in real life. Pastas are no exception, for the study of which you can organize an entire theatrical production with the whole family. Parents will have to figuratively reincarnate as fable characters, and then read their monologues by heart, preferably several times.

The student will definitely enjoy this kind of fun, and he will begin to memorize the rhymed lines automatically, without making any effort. The main thing here is to strictly follow the text and not include improvisation, otherwise the teacher in class will hear Ivan Krylov’s classic fable in the most unexpected interpretation. The method is excellent, but not all parents have the desire to try so hard for their child and either try on the image of a Donkey or transform into a Monkey. It’s in vain, because this is not only a real way to quickly learn homework, but also a unique opportunity to once again get closer to the younger generation, find “common ground” and smooth out previous everyday conflicts.

Note to parents

So, if parents have decided to teach Krylov’s fable, they should show maximum patience to their child. You should not shout or raise your voice, since such methods will still not bring positive results and will not speed up the memorization process.

When preparing homework, it is not at all necessary to use excellent students as examples, thereby lowering your child’s self-esteem. This method of teaching will lead to inferiority complexes, as well as a complete reluctance to complete any homework, regardless of the chosen topic.

Ideally, a student can learn a fable in 30-40 minutes, but not everyone has enough time for this. In this case, parents should not continue cramming; it is best to take a short break and give the student the opportunity to rest a little and “switch his thoughts.” Later, you should return to studying the work by heart, and it will be quite obvious that there is progress.

Very often, children go to bed having poorly learned the fable, and parents start a scandal and moralizing before going to bed. You should not do this, because the child, waking up in the morning, will recite the work by heart as if he himself were its direct author. This is a feature of human memory that has been used more than once by schoolchildren of different generations. So the so-called “second wind” will help out more than once in the morning.

And the last, but very important point: you should not feel sorry for the child and agree with the teacher that there is simply not enough time to study the fable in the evening. The student must understand that there are no concessions at school, and they must cope with all difficulties.

In this simple way, a person’s character is formed from elementary school, as well as a diligent attitude to study and life in the future. Each student will have an incentive to learn the fable by heart in order to once again prove to the teacher and demonstrate to their classmates their maturity. Otherwise, parents will always have to justify their child, find explanations for his failures and defeats, and this cannot be done.

So, it would seem that a long and tedious process of learning a fable by heart can turn into an easy and fun game, and take only half an hour of free time from the student. As many years of teaching experience show, all this is possible if you do not waste time on domestic scandals and reproaches of the child. It is best to set a goal, interest and stimulate the student, and the very next day he will definitely please his parents with an excellent grade in his diary.

Not only in school you need to learn poems by heart in a short time. Paying tribute to the fashion of education, people in everyday life show their erudition and ability to recite poems, fables, and passages of prose from the literary heritage of famous writers that are appropriate to the situation. How to quickly learn the text you like?

To quickly memorize information, you will need to tune in to the right mood. Try to put the room in order. Because things that are out of place can distract attention. Ventilate the room. Turn off your computer, tape recorder and TV. Read the text you want to memorize several times. Read carefully, imagining the detailed images that the author put into each line. Mentally highlight the key words of the text, make associative series. For example, if you need to learn Ivan Krylov’s fable “The Swan, the Crayfish and the Pike,” then the “keys” will be: comrades, in harmony, flour, swan, crayfish, pike, etc.

Prepare a blank sheet of paper and a pen in advance. With their help you use visual and mechanical memory. Read the first line of the fable 3 times, then say it out loud and write it on a sheet of paper. Then read the first and second lines several times and also, while saying them, write down the second line and so on. Break the fable into quatrains. Short passages will be easier for you to pronounce and remember.

Memorize the fable from the text you wrote in your own hand. Say the words out loud with intonation. An easy method for learning poetry is singing. Put the words of the fable you are learning to any simple motive. Advanced youth practice a fashionable style of music - rap. Recitative highlighting the main words will not just become a way to memorize a fable, but an interesting entertainment. Before going to bed, repeat the piece you are learning. At night, the human brain rethinks all the knowledge acquired during the day in a calm rhythm. And if you repeat the poem the next morning, it will definitely bounce off your teeth no matter where you recite it.

The main thing to quickly remember information is to constantly train your memory. You will develop it if you do everything for pleasure. Do not treat the task of memorization as hard labor, otherwise the process will truly become hateful for you. Simple tips for memory development can be found.

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