Where is this country located in Qatar? Judicial system

There is one truly heavenly place. This is a small but amazing country called Qatar. The standard of living here is very high. Tourists can visit beautiful and unique places. After visiting the country’s sights, there will be a lot of impressions that will last for many years.

Where is the state of Qatar located?

On the northeastern outskirts of Arabia, on a small peninsula of the same name, there is a small country called Qatar. The state is a monarchy of the Islamic world - an emirate. On the mainland border it neighbors Saudi Arabia, and the rest of the state has access to the capital of Qatar - Doha. Where is the city? Qatar, like its capital, is located in the Middle East. The area here is mostly desert. Naturally, such a geographical location directly affects many factors, such as climate, flora, fauna, etc.

Briefly about the state and its history

Despite the small area of ​​Qatar (11,500 sq. km), the state is considered the richest. Qatar receives such benefits thanks to its largest oil and gas reserves. The emirate is a member of the Organization of Gas and Petroleum Exporting Countries.

The history of the Emirate of Qatar begins in the period BC. Records about the people who lived in these territories were left by Herodotus and Pliny. The peninsula became a state in the 7th century AD, when Islam came to this territory. Of course, this was influenced by where Qatar is located, or, more precisely, neighboring states.

The formation of Islam occurs under the influence of its neighbor. For a long time, Qatar was in the Ottoman Empire. After its collapse, the state became a protectorate of Great Britain. In 1971, the country gained independence and became officially known as the State of Qatar.


In order to correctly characterize the topography of a given area, it is necessary to pay attention to where Qatar is located. According to physical and geographical characteristics, its entire territory is a desert. Only in the north do flat terrain and a few oases occasionally appear. The southern region is slightly elevated and consists of high sandy hills.


The climate of these places also directly depends on where Qatar is located. It is tropical, continental type and very dry. There is no winter in these areas, and in summer the temperature can rise to 50°C with a plus sign. Average temperatures in January reach +16°C, in July - +32°C. In this regard, the flora and fauna of the country is very scarce. Mostly reptiles and rodents live here.

Inland waters

Of course, if you understand where Qatar is located, it immediately becomes clear that there are practically no rivers on the peninsula. There are also watercourses that dry up in the summer. However, the country's residents have learned to obtain drinking water by desalinating sea water. There are underground springs in the oases, but there are not enough of them for the whole country. Thanks to them, only the northern regions are provided.


According to the state structure, Qatar is However, in the Islamic world, this word means something else. The fact is that the emirate is a non-hereditary monarchy. That is, all power (executive, legislative, judicial and military) may not necessarily be inherited. Due to the government system in Qatar, it is prohibited to create political parties or trade unions, as well as to hold various types of political demonstrations. There is an Advisory Council for consultation on diplomatic and government affairs in the country. It includes 35 people.

Administrative divisions and population

Qatar consists of 7 regions - municipalities. Population - 1,900,000 people. More than 90% of the population lives in the capital Doha and its suburbs. In terms of national composition, about 40% of the population are Arabs (this is understandable, given where Qatar is located), 18% are Pakistanis and Indians, 10% are Iranians and 14% are representatives of other nationalities. About 80% of the population are Muslims, 9% profess Christianity. Other religions are also common.


The state's economy is mainly focused on oil and gas production. 85% of extracted gas and oil products are exported, replenishing the country's budget by 70%.
The country has developed many industries. 25% falls on the service sector, but agriculture in the country is not developing at all. Only some northern regions, due to their close proximity to oases, have the opportunity to engage in gardening and growing date palms. In livestock farming, nomadic tribes are engaged in breeding goats, sheep and camels.

Qatar is also developing in the military sphere. Officially, it has been cooperating with the United States in this regard since 1992. One of the major foreign centers of the United States Army is stationed here.

The number of Qatari armed forces is more than 12 thousand people. Of these, 8.5 thousand are ground forces, air forces - 2.1 thousand, marines - 1.8 thousand.


The Republic of Qatar (where the state is located, described above) has been repeatedly accused of interacting with various planets. The reason for this was the presence of the popular television channel Al-Jazeera in Doha. There were speeches and messages from famous terrorists, for example, Osama bin Laden.


In terms of tourism, the state is also gradually developing. People say that Qatar is 10 years ago. Relaxation by the ocean goes well with shopping and diving in the Persian Gulf.

Form of government absolute monarchy Area, km 2 11 586 Population, people 1 699 435 Population growth, per year 0,96% Average life expectancy 74 Population density, people/km2 147 Official language Arab Currency Qatari rial International dialing code +974 Internet zone .qa Time zones +3

Brief information

Not long ago, Qatar was a forgotten country in the Persian Gulf. However, as it turned out, Katera has very large deposits of oil and gas, and therefore the country has been actively developing in recent decades, including in tourism terms. Tourists in Qatar can enjoy desert safaris, Bedouin villages, rich markets, ancient mosques with minarets, camel racing, and, of course, excellent long sandy beaches on the shores of the Persian Gulf.

Geography of Qatar

Qatar is located on the Arabian Peninsula in Western Asia. In the south, Qatar borders Saudi Arabia (this is its only land border). A strait in the Persian Gulf separates Qatar from the neighboring island nation of Bahrain. The total area of ​​Qatar is 11,586 square meters. km., and the total length of the state land border is only 60 km.

Most of Qatar's territory is desert. In the south of Qatar there are high hills, and in the north there is a sandy plain with oases. The highest point in the country is Qurayn Abu al Bawl (103 meters).


The capital of Qatar is Doha, which is now home to more than 600 thousand people. Doha was built in 1825 (then called Al Bida).

Official language

The official language of the people of Qatar is Arabic, which belongs to the Semitic group of the Afroasiatic language family.


More than 77% of Qatar's population is Muslim (72% Sunni, 5% Shiite). Another 8.5% are Christians.

State structure

According to the current Constitution of 2003, Qatar is an absolute monarchy headed by the Emir from the al-Thani dynasty. By the way, the al-Thani dynasty has ruled Qatar since 1825, i.e. since the formation of this state.

The power of the Emir in Qatar is absolute, and he is guided by the principles of Sharia when governing the country. It is the Emir who appoints the Prime Minister, ministers and members of the Advisory Council (35 people), which has legislative power. All laws in Qatar are approved by the Emir.

Climate and weather

Winters in Qatar are mild and summers are very hot. In January the air temperature drops to +7C, and in August it rises to +45C. The average annual precipitation is 80 mm. The best time to visit Qatar is from October to May.

Sea in Qatar

Qatar is washed by the Persian Gulf on all sides except the south. The total coastline is 563 km. The coastline in Qatar is sandy with numerous small islands, sand bars and reefs.


People lived on the territory of modern Qatar, according to archaeologists, 7.5 thousand years ago. Around 178 BC. the inhabitants of Qatar traded with the ancient Greeks and Romans (they were intermediaries in the trade of Ancient Greece and Ancient Rome with India).

In the 7th century AD. Islam begins to spread on the territory of modern Qatar, and the country becomes part of the Arab Caliphate.

At the beginning of the 16th century, Portugal had great influence in the Persian Gulf, including Qatar. Portuguese traders buy gold, silver, silk, pearls and horses from the Gulf countries.

In 1783, Qatar fell under Bahrain's rule, and this continued until 1868. In 1871, Qatar became part of the Ottoman Empire. In 1916, Qatar seceded from the Ottoman Empire, but became a British protectorate.

It was not until 1971 that Qatar gained independence from Great Britain.

Culture of Qatar

The culture and traditions in Qatar were formed under the influence of Islam, and everyday life in this country complies with Sharia law. There are two main religious holidays in Qatar - Eid Al-Fitr, which lasts three days to celebrate the end of Ramadan, and Eid al-Adha (we know it as Eid al-Fitr). Eid al-Adha is celebrated 70 days after Eid al-Fitr.


Qatar's traditional cuisine has been heavily influenced by immigrants from Iran and India, and more recently from North Africa.

Many traditional Qatari dishes are made from seafood (especially lobster, crab, shrimp, tuna and snapper). All meat in Katera is “halal”, i.e. complies with Muslim laws.

One of the most popular traditional dishes in Qatar is machbous, which is a stew of meat with rice or seafood. Also in Qatar, tourists are recommended to try “Hummus” (chickpea puree with sesame seeds), “Waraq enab” (grape leaves stuffed with rice), “Taboulleh” (shredded wheat, seasoned with parsley and mint), “Koussa mahshi” (stuffed zucchini), “Biriani” (rice with chicken or lamb), “Ghuzi” (lamb with rice and nuts).

As for desserts in Qatar, some of them include pistachio pudding, bread pudding with nuts and raisins, and cheesecake with cream.

Traditional soft drinks in Qatar include coffee, fruit waters and herbal infusions. Residents of this country prefer Arabic coffee, seasoned with cardamom or slightly sweetened, or thickly brewed Turkish coffee. Sometimes sweet coffee "qahwa helw" (with saffron, cardamom and sugar) is served.

Fruit waters and herbal infusions are sold directly on the streets in all cities of Qatar.

You can only drink alcohol in restaurants and hotels that have a special license.

Sights of Qatar

Despite the fact that Qatar has a very ancient history, there are not many attractions in this country. This is due to the geographical location of Qatar, which has many deserts. However, the Top 10 best attractions in Qatar, in our opinion, may include the following:

  1. Fort Umm Salal Mohammed
  2. Mounds of Umm Salal Ali
  3. Doha Weapons Museum
  4. Fort at Al Zubar
  5. Ancient fortifications at Al Zubar
  6. Al Waibah Fort
  7. Abdullah bin Mohammed Palace
  8. State Mosque in Doha
  9. Al Raqiyat Fort
  10. Al Rayyan Mosque

Cities and resorts

The largest cities in Qatar are Doha, Ar Rayyan, Al Wakrah, Al Khor and Umm Salal.

As we have already said, Qatar is washed by the Persian Gulf on all sides except the south. The total coastline is 563 km. The coastline in Qatar is sandy with numerous small islands, sand bars and reefs. You can swim in the sea wherever you want, the main thing is not to leave trash behind.

The best beaches (i.e. resorts) in Qatar, in our opinion, are the following:

Al Ghariya Beach (80 km north of Doha)
- Dukhan (80 km west of Doha)
- Fuwairit Beach (80 km north of Doha)
- Khor Al Adaid (80 km south of Doha)
- Maroona (80 km north of Doha) – also known as French Beach
- Ras Abrouq (Bir Zekreet) (70 km west of Doha)


Tourists from Qatar usually bring handicrafts, Korans, gold jewelry, daggers, a Dal-la coffee pot, bronze figurines, wooden boxes, henna, Arabic lamps, hookahs, rugs, scrolls with Arabic script, and rosaries.

Office hours

The working week in Qatar lasts from Sunday to Thursday. Weekends are Friday and Saturday. The official working day begins at 07:00 and ends at 15:30.

Sun-Thu: 07:30-13:00 (some banks are open in the afternoon)

State of Qatar

Square: 11 thousand sq. km

Administrative division: 10 municipalities (baladiyat)

Capital: Doha

Official language: Arab

Currency: Qatari rial

Population: 841 thousand (2007)

Population density per sq. km: 76.4 people

Proportion of urban population: OK. 95%

Ethnic composition of the population: Arabs; a small percentage of Africans

Religion: Islam (Wahhabism)

Basis of the economy: oil and gas production

Population employment: in industry - St. 70%; in the service sector - approx. 25%; in agriculture - approx. 3%;

GDP: 57.77 billion USD (2007)

GDP per capita: 68.7 thousand USD

Form of government: unitarianism

Form of government: constitutional (virtually absolute) monarchy

Legislative body: unicameral parliament

Head of State: emir

Head of Government: prime minister appointed by the emir

Party structures: none

Fundamentals of government

Until 2003, Qatar had an Interim Constitution adopted in April 1970 (as amended in 1972). In July 2002, a draft of a new constitution was submitted to the emir for consideration. In April 2003, the provisions of the Basic Law were adopted by referendum. On June 8, 2004, the Constitution was approved by Emir Hamad bin Khalifa al-Thani. Effective since June 9, 2005. The Basic Law consists of five chapters and one hundred and fifty articles. Amendments are adopted by two-thirds of the votes of parliament (Shura Council) and approved by the emir. In the first ten years after entry into force, the Constitution is not subject to change.

The Constitution proclaims a democratic form of government and the equality of all citizens before the law. However, the head of state is still the emir - Hamad bin Khalifa al-Ta-ni. The right to the throne is passed down through the male line. The official heir to the throne since 1996 is Sheikh Jassem bin Hamad al-Thani.

Legislative power, according to the Constitution, should be exercised by a unicameral parliament - Shura Council (Majlis al-Shura), twenty members of which will be elected by general elections, and fifteen will be appointed by the emir. The parliament is expected to draw up bills (which will not come into force without the approval of the emir anyway), approve the budget and monitor the work of the government. Previously, the Advisory Council had the status of an advisory body under the emir.

Executive power belongs to the government, which is formed by the emir.

In accordance with the Constitution, local government bodies (municipal councils), reporting to the Ministry of Municipal Affairs, are elected. Women have the de jure right to vote and be elected.

Judicial system

The main source of legislation is Sharia law. There is no special body of constitutional control, but the Basic Law states that its creation is provided for.

Leading political pariahs

The activities of political parties are prohibited in Qatar.


Since June 1995 – Hamad ibn Khalifa al-Thani

Prime Minister

Since April 2007 Hamad ibn Jassem ibn Jaber al-Thani

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QATAR (State of Qatar) Qatar. State of Qatar State on the peninsula of the same name in the Persian Gulf. Terr. 11.3 thousand sq. km.Us. OK. 250 thousand (1982): mostly Arabs. Capital - Doha. Official language - Arabic.K. - absolute monarchy. Independence declared on September 1st. 1971. Before that he was under

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Useful information for tourists about Qatar, cities and resorts of the country. As well as information about the population, currency of Qatar, cuisine, features of visa and customs restrictions in Qatar.

Geography of Qatar

Qatar is a state (emirate) in southwest Asia, located on the Qatar Peninsula in the northeastern part of the Arabian Peninsula. It borders on Saudi Arabia in the south and is washed by the Persian Gulf on all other sides. In the northwest it has a maritime border with the islands of Bahrain, in the southeast it has a maritime border with the UAE.


State structure

Qatar is an absolute monarchy. The head of state is the emir. The Emir appoints the Prime Minister, members of the Council of Ministers and the Advisory Council. The power of the emir is limited only by Sharia law.


Official language: Arabic

English is widely spoken in Qatar.


The state religion is Islam. It is professed by about 95% of the population. Most Qataris are followers of Sunni Islam; Most Iranians are Shiites.


International name: QAR

The Qatari rial is equal to 100 dirhams. There are banknotes in circulation in denominations of 500, 100, 50, 10, 5 and 1 rial, as well as coins in denominations of 50, 25, 10, 5 and 1 dirham (only coins of 50 and 25 dirham are in wide circulation).

Currency exchange is possible in almost any bank and store, as well as in numerous private money changers.

Credit cards and travel checks are accepted for payment in almost all major shopping centers, hotels and transport, ATMs also work in almost any bank, hotel or store.

Popular attractions

Tourism in Qatar

Office hours

Banks are open from Saturday to Thursday from 7.30 to 13.30. Exchange offices are open on the same days from 8.00-9.00 to 13.00, and from 15.00 to 20.00 (some are open until 21.00 and later). Friday is a non-working day.


In Qatar you can buy inexpensive gold products (the gold will be of low standard, but the products themselves are quite high quality), as well as fabrics.

Stores are open from Wednesday to Saturday from 8.00 to 12.00, on Thursday from 8.00 to 11.00. Markets are open from 8.00 to 12.00, some continue to work in the evening, from 16.00-16.30 to 19.00-20.00. Friday is a non-working day.

Emergency numbers

Police, ambulance, fire - 999.

Photo and video shooting

It is prohibited to photograph military and police facilities, airports and the interior of mosques. In everyday photography, you should also be very careful - you should not take pictures or even point the lens at men without their consent. It is especially not recommended to photograph women and clergy; sometimes even police can actively prevent filming.

National characteristics of Qatar. Traditions

Much in the country is subject to customs and traditional Islamic norms, so certain rules of behavior must be observed.

Qatar is rich without ostentation: excellent beach holidays on the shores of the Arabian Gulf, well-trained hotel staff, inexpensive and high-quality shopping. Entertainment - safari, diving and camel racing, excursions to the Bedouins and sheikhs. All about Qatar: visa, travel, tours and prices.

  • Tours for May all over the world
  • Last minute tours all over the world

Qatar boasts a wonderful combination of oceanfront relaxation, inexpensive shopping and gentle Islamic traditions. The best time to stay in Qatar is September-January and March-May. There are quality hotels and sandy beaches. On many beaches, the pools are interconnected and equipped with water slides. The Arabian Gulf is rightfully considered an excellent place for diving. Qatar today is Dubai five to seven years ago. The resort is developing dynamically. But since it is not yet very popular, the prices here are much lower for the same quality of service. Russian tourists are treated here with great friendliness.

Time difference from Moscow


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  • with Samara
  • with Yekaterinburg
  • with Omsk
  • with Krasnoyarsk
  • with Irkutsk
  • with Yakutsk
  • with Vladivostok
  • from Severo-Kurilsk
  • with Kamchatka

How to get to Qatar

National carrier Qatar Airways operates regular flights on the Doha - Moscow route on Wednesdays, Fridays and Saturdays. The flight lasts just over 5 hours.

You can also get to Doha on the wings of Turkish Airlines via Istanbul - the travel time increases, but the cost is noticeably lower.

Search for flights to Qatar


To travel to Qatar, citizens of Russia and CIS countries need a visa, which can be obtained upon arrival. For your own peace of mind, it would be a good idea to take out a travel insurance policy, which, however, is not asked when entering the country.

Customs in Qatar

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