Cool watch. Game “Magic Chair”

Here are collected notes for class hours on topics relevant to first-graders. Junior school age is the time of forming a new team, actively learning practical skills of social behavior. Many of the developments of teachers presented in this section are devoted to holding events of precisely this kind.

Please also pay attention to useful tips on organizing and conducting educational classes. As well as special events dedicated to important public holidays and memorable dates.

Lessons on morality and socialization for yesterday's preschoolers.

Contained in sections:

Showing publications 1-10 of 61.
All sections | Cool hours in 1st grade

Class hour “September 1 in 1st grade” Class hour"September 1st in the first class" _ Goals: creating a festive atmosphere, introducing children to school. Tasks: formation of educational motivation and desire to learn; development of a culture of communication and mutual understanding; education of universal human values. Equipment: posters...

Class hour “Dreams and Goals” for 1st year students of the technical school Class hour on the topic : "Dreams and Goals". Target: teach how to set life goals and achieve them, understand the difference between dreams and goals. Tasks: 1. Give an overview of possible life goals and inspire teenagers to achieve them; 2. Help teenagers make plans for the future. Plan classes: 1....

Class hours in 1st grade - “The kindest hands.” Classroom scenario for 1st grade dedicated to Mother's Day

Publication “The Kindest Hands.” Scenario for a class hour in 1st grade dedicated to...” Scenario for a first-grade class hour dedicated to Mother's Day “The kindest hands” Goals:  teach children to express their feelings for their mother;  cultivate respect and caring attitude towards the mother;  develop a sense of duty and responsibility for your...

Image library "MAAM-pictures"

Scenario of the holiday-class hour “Initiation into first-graders” Celebration of initiation into first-graders Goals: 1. adaptation of first-graders to school. 2. increasing learning motivation. 3 formation and cohesion of the team. 4. instilling skills of correct behavior at school. PROGRESS OF THE HOLIDAY: Teacher: Hello, adults! Hello children! Day...

Class hour in 1st grade “Let's talk about happiness” Teacher: Talalay O.N. Let's talk about happiness. Goal: to show children what human happiness consists of, and to lead them to understand the most important conditions for this (friends, mutual understanding, family, love, health, decent standard of living. Eq uipment: - poster with ...

Class hour for grades 1–4, dedicated to March 8th Class hour dedicated to the Day of March 8 for grades 1 - 4 Teacher: Talalay O.N. Goal: to cultivate respect for women and mothers; to the work of mothers and grandmothers; the ability to express gratitude and bring joy to loved ones. Objectives: - to form the concept of the meaning of a calendar date; -...

Class hours in 1st grade - Class hour on Knowledge Day in 1st grade “Getting to know each other”

September 2 Lesson on getting to know first-graders 1. Conversation: - So the first bell rang for the first lesson. You are now not just girls and boys, you are now students. I will meet you every morning in this class. My name is _ 2. About the rules of behavior at school. - At our school...

Class hour in 1st grade “Good and Evil” Topic: “Good and Evil” Form: Class hour. Class: First. Goals: 1. Contribute to the formation of children's ideas about good and evil; 2. Using the example of literary works and games that are accessible to children, explain what meaning people attach to the concepts of “good” and “evil”....

In the initial period of learning, when children are just adapting to an unfamiliar environment, it is important to be able to organize exciting and educational cool watch - 1st grade kids should remember it as a bright and joyful event of their childhood.

At this age, children already strive to be adults outwardly, but internally they retain a very childish love for cartoons and bright pictures. Therefore, any topic that is interesting for first-graders, conducted in a fun way, is a success and gives children a feeling of celebration. Here it is, a godsend for exciting lessons that makes lessons look like a fairy tale - presentation 1st grade.

During this period, children learn constructive interaction in a group of peers and willingly take part in joint projects. Class hour in first grade, developed and carried out together with the children, and the presentation used in this case in 1st grade, promotes their creative self-expression. In addition, a feasible contribution to the common cause contributes to emotional closeness and the formation of friendly relations between classmates. Therefore, when choosing a presentation for 1st grade, the topic and scenario of the class hour, you need to strive to demonstrate the talents of everyone. Positive emotional experiences associated with a situation of success give children confidence in their abilities and, ultimately, stimulate them to achieve achievements in educational activities. On our website you can download a free presentation for 1st grade, scripts, developments, class notes on any topic for first grade.

Class hour for 1st grade:

“I have the right to rights”


Primary school teacher

MBOU "Bolshinskaya secondary school"

Skutina Irina Grigorievna

The purpose of the class hour:

Introduce children to their rights as enshrined in the Convention on the Rights of the Child.

Classroom objectives:

1. Introduce students to the fundamental rights and freedoms set out in the Convention on the Rights of the Child and teach them how to apply them in life.

2. Help children realize that there are no rights without responsibilities, no responsibilities without rights.

3. Develop the ability to name your rights and analyze the actions of others.

4. Cultivate respect for other people.


Multimedia projector, screen, cards, presentation.

Progress of the class hour

I. Teacher's opening speech

Teacher: Good afternoon, dear guys. Our class hour today is devoted to an important problem of modern society - the rights that every person has. But before we start a serious conversation, I suggest you get ready to work together in pairs and create a good mood for each other - shake hands.

II. Introducing children to their rights and responsibilities

Let's watch the dramatization and answer the question: Is Vova right?

-Vova, let's play with us!

-I can’t.

- If you don’t agree to play with us, we won’t let you out of the room.

- You have no right! Am I a serf to you? If I want, I play; if I want, I don’t play,” Vova answered indignantly.

Do you think Vova is right?
-Yes, Vova is right. Now, if he lived 200 years ago and was a serf, then his owners could order him to play with them whenever they wanted. But in modern society everything is not like that.
In modern society, every person has equal rights.

So what is right? What rights do every person and you have? We must answer these questions today.

Teacher: What is the name of the country in which we live?

Children: Russia.

Teacher: What are the people living in our country called?

Children: Russians.

Teacher: Our state is very rich and large, look at the map of Russia, name the capital of our homeland. What a huge territory our state occupies. And our state is rich, first of all, with its people.

Our state is multinational, people of different nationalities live here, they have different skin colors, hair and eye colors, they profess different religions. And what helps them live peacefully are the rules that people have come up with for themselves.

Teacher: People act and act differently, but we must learn to evaluate the actions of others and our own actions, and the rules will help us with this - laws. Each state has its own laws, but they all serve to make a person’s life better. They talk about what a person should do and what not to do. All these laws are placed in special books - collections of documents.

The first document I will tell you about is the “Declaration of Human Rights”. Word "declaration" means a statement. Those states that signed the declaration live by the laws that are written in it. This document states that every person has the right to work, rest, education, etc. Every person has the right to life, freedom, whatever race and nationality he may be; a person has the right to choose his religion. Children cannot protect themselves, which is why many countries, including Russia, have signed the Convention on the Rights of the Child. Convention– agreement, i.e. Several countries have agreed to protect children's rights and decided that:

1 lesson The protection of the rights and interests of children rests with their parents. Parents are the legal representatives of their children and act to protect their rights and interests in relations with any persons.

2 lessons Only you were born

Your first right:

Get it to be proud of

Your personal name.

3 lessons It is very difficult to live alone in the world.

The right to live with mom and dad use it everywhere guys.

4th grade. There is also the right to remember, think and create.

And your thoughts to others, if you want to give them.

5 lessons I'm not happy with the sprout and I'm not that strong yet

But dare you hurt me - we have such a law.

1 lesson If you have a fever, your whole body aches

And there’s no time to play, then call a doctor for help

It’s also the right of children.

2 lessons. To make friends with science, with a book in a small hand

I use the right to study in my native language.

3rd grade. When I grew up, I took my books and went to first grade.

All children go to school - we have this right.

4 lessons I can celebrate my holiday, just like an adult.

If I get hungry, I have the right to receive food.

5th lesson.Whether you are weak or strong, white and black don’t care.

You were born to be happy

This right is all given.

Teacher: So what rights do all children and all people on earth have?

Right to life

Right to a name at birth

Right to citizenship

The right to protection of life, honor and dignity

The right to freely express one's opinion

The right to medical care and health care

Right to education

Right to rest and leisure

Right to own property

Right to free movement

The right to care and education by parents

The right to protection from all forms of exploitation and violence

Teacher: I suggest you play the game “Allowed - Forbidden.” Now I will tell you about some right, and you guys will find the corresponding sign and answer: it is allowed or prohibited.

Look at this sign:

The man raised the flag.

Listen to the child's opinion (allowed).

There's a little boy standing in the corner,

Crying, breaking down.

Beat, punish a child

Strictly (prohibited)

Children should live with their mother,

Always give her flowers -

This (allowed).

This edge means:

Mother and child are separated.

This (prohibited).

Learn to draw and sing,

If you are sick, get treatment,

This - ( allowed).

This child is working

He has little strength,

Legs buckle.

Hard work as a child ( prohibited).

Living together in peace together,

make friends with different children -

This ( allowed).

This weak one is hunched over,

He bows to the strong.

To be a slave to a master

Strictly (prohibited).

Teacher: Well done, guys! You did an excellent job - you named all the rights that we talked about today so that yours are respected. Do not allow the rights of other people to be violated.

Teacher: I invite you to take part in a quiz about rights. Now I will read to you about the violation of the rights of fairy-tale heroes, and your task is to name the fairy tale and the fairy-tale hero.

1.Which hero can complain that their right to the inviolability of their home has been violated? (Hare “Ice Hut”.)

2. In which fairy tale was the bakery hero subjected to attempts on his life several times and threats of being eaten? (Kolobok)

3.Which of the fairy-tale characters took advantage of the right to free movement on a broom? (Baba Yaga)

4. Which fairy-tale heroine’s right to rest and reasonable limitation of the working day was violated? (Cinderella)

5.Who enjoyed the right to run a household and grew a giant crop? (Grandfather "Turnip")

6.Buratino sold his alphabet and did not take advantage of the right to...

(Free training)

Teacher: Well done, guys! You did an excellent job - you named all the rights that we talked about today so that yours are respected. Do not allow the rights of other people to be violated.


You need to know the rights of a child

Not only know, but comply

Then it will be easy for us to live,

Play, be friends and don’t bother.

Final class hour "How we lived 1st grade."

Progress of the event

The melodies of school songs sound softly.

1.Cl. hand: Dear guys! The school year is coming to an end, and with it the first stage of our life together in the class team. We did a lot, learned a lot.

As usual, you were in a hurry to get to this class,
He became special, he became family.
Sometimes we were happy, and sometimes we were angry,
But you are accustomed to consider this class yours.
Today he is ready to receive you again,
But otherwise I’ll tell you to cross the threshold!

Cl. hand:

In our class
Today is a special day
We are a little happy and sad,
We solemnly gathered today
For the class hour “Not the last call”.

Every person should have a home - not just a home with a roof over their head, but a place where they are loved and expected, understood and accepted for who they are, where it is warm and cozy. Each of us dreams of a home where everyone will live happily, in love and harmony.

Let's see in what mood you came to class today.

Let's start with an activator exercise. We need to support each other. Let's turn to each other, hold hands, shake the neighbor's hands, give each other smiles.

Over the course of the year, you and I have grown, each of us has reached some heights. Let's play our game "That's Great!" The participants in the game come to the board and talk about their achievement. In response to each such statement, everyone should respond in unison, “That’s great!” and at the same time raise your thumb up.

2. Nowadays, it has become fashionable to hold awards in various categories. Remember, for example, “Teffy”, “Nika”, “Golden Gramophone”, “Oscar” finally! I decided to keep up with these traditions, and now the winners in the following categories will be announced.

Kl.ruk . I invite classmates of the winners in this category here to thunderous applause.“For active participation in the life of the class”!

Cheerful disposition, whole soul wide open.
He will give everyone his last shirt.
It's simple and easy to be friends with him,
Not everyone can be like this.

They have everything you need:
Pens, books and notebooks
There is a briefcase for two,
Next to them everything is fine.

Cl. hands The winners take the stage...

Awarding students in various categories.

Exercise “Similar - not similar.”

Guys, turn to face your neighbor on the desk, look carefully at each other and complete the task: “Raise your hands up only those ...”

Who has blue eyes;

Light (dark) hair;

Whose names contain the letter A...

Who has the same color in their clothes...

- who has a friend in class?

Each of you has something in which you are similar and different from each other, but this did not stop you from having a friend.

Does the fact that your neighbor has a different eye or hair color prevent you from making friends, playing, or studying?

Class teacher: It happens that in our class someone feels sad. How can you see such a child? (by facial expression, behavior, etc.) How can you help a person who is sad? Have any of you ever shown a friendly attitude towards one of the guys? Let's be kinder to each other.And our class hour came to an end. Let's see in what mood you will leave class today. Show it to me.

“Presentation on how we lived for 1 year”

Music is playing

Goals: to familiarize students with the concept of “culture of peace” and reveal its components; show the importance of education in the formation of students with a positive self-concept and a positive attitude towards the world around them; continue the development of students’ communicative skills.

Equipment: poster diagram with the name of the topic, peas according to the number of students, globe model, poems about the world for students, chairs arranged in a circle, illustrations about nature, printed words “I”, “people”, nature”, “world”, “peace” vulgarity, stupidity, boredom”, “the world of art, love, kindness”, proverbs on the board, recording the sounds of wind, waves, rain, proverbs.

Progress of the class hour

Teacher's opening speech

Teacher. Today we will have a serious conversation about what a person should be, about his attitude towards people and the nature around him.

Extend your palms to the sounds of calm music. I put peas in them and ask you to look at them carefully.

Tell me, what do these peas look like? (Children's answers.)

The pea is similar to our planet Earth, this is exactly how it is seen from space. Now let's think about what each of you can see on this small copy of planet Earth. We closed our eyes and fantasized.

(A recording of the sound of wind, sea waves, thunder, lightning, raindrops sounds.)

What did you imagine, what did you see? (Children's answers.)

Consider the diagram-map (put the word “I” on the image of Russia),

Guys, who knows how many such “I”s live on Earth? (Children express their guesses.)

There are five billion inhabitants on our planet.

(A sign with this number is posted.)

That's a lot. But every person is a whole world. We will not find two completely identical people. Everyone should try to become better.

Let's think: what am I, what is good about me and what would you like to improve? (Children think.)

Generalization : There are no perfect people, but there is something good in every person. It is very important to learn to see this goodness not only in yourself, but also in the people around you.


(Written on the board.)

Live for people, people will live for you.

Life is given for good deeds.

Teacher. Can a person live alone? Who do we see on the planet next to us? (Children's answers.)

A person constantly needs communication. Read the second word that I post on the diagram map. (The word “people” is displayed.)

All people have enough space on earth, sun, air, water and food. And it seems like there is nothing to divide, but people are constantly in a state of war. Why? (Children's answers.)

Summary: there are 2 worlds:

The world of art, love, goodness

A world of vulgarity, stupidity, boredom. (Words are posted on the card.)


Teacher. Each person must decide for himself what kind of world to live in, what kind of world to build.

Now try to continue the phrase: “I don’t like it when...” (Children add, for example, when they scold, offend, call names, etc.)

Generalization : It depends on you how your relationships with people will develop. Quote from the Bible: “Do not do to other people what you would not want them to do to you.”

Creative work

Teacher. Preparing for this class hour, you had to answer the question “Without what would people’s lives be impossible?” The answers were shown in the drawings. But for now they are gray and gloomy. You are given a little time to make these drawings bright and colorful.

(The guys work in groups, quiet, calm music sounds. At the end of the work, the teacher asks the children to tell the children from the drawings, what a person cannot live without. The children tell in groups.)

Summary: everything you just talked about is called in one word “nature”.

(The word is posted on the card.)

You all know that nature must be protected. How? (Do not litter, do not break trees, do not pick flowers, do not offend animals, do not pollute water bodies, etc.)

Everything we talked about today can be called in one word: “peace.” This concept includes both man and all the nature around us.

(The word “peace” is posted on the map.)


Zhenya celebrates his birthday

The hero of the day is eight years old!

The guests gave it to Zhenya

Gun, tank and pistol.

And just like the real one,

As happens with soldiers -

Black, new, shiny,

With a round disc automatic.

The guests ate cheesecakes,

Zhenya was playing in the room -

He's a military toy

I took it apart piece by piece.

What have you done, Zhenya?

Broke everything? What a nightmare!

I'm disarmed! -

The hero of the day shouted loudly.

Summing up

Teacher. Now look at your pea again. Did you manage to save it? It was difficult. She could get lost, break into pieces. It is also difficult to preserve the world in which we live. You need to live in harmony with yourself and with others, to see the beauty of nature. I wish you peace, goodness and health.

Summary: What was valuable to you during class today?

(They answer in a chain.)

Additional material

Reading the story “Bad” by V. Oseeva

“The dog was barking furiously. Falling on his front paws. Right in front of her, pressed against the fence, sat a small, disheveled kitten. He opened his eyes wide and meowed pitifully.

Two boys stood nearby and waited to see what would happen next...”

Teacher. Let's imagine this situation and think about how this story ended. (Students give different endings to this story.)

What can we say about these boys?

Have you encountered similar situations?

Now let's listen to the continuation of the story.

“A woman looked out the window and hurriedly ran out onto the porch. She drove the dog away. She shouted angrily to the boys:

Shame on you!

What's a shame? “We didn’t do anything,” the boys were surprised.

This is bad! - the woman answered angrily.”

Teacher. Why was the woman angry? Why were the boys surprised?


One day, someone knocked loudly on the door of the Merry Men Club. “Come in!” - said Pencil. And an unfamiliar boy appeared in the room. "Hello! - he greeted. - What are you doing here? “We are preparing for the concert,” answered Pencil. "This is interesting! - said the boy. - I'm an artist too! I can show you this number! Ooh! Do you want me to perform at your concert?” - "Let's! - Pencil was delighted. “We don’t have enough artists.” - “I will show trained animals. This works out great for me. In a week my number will be ready!” - the boy boasted and left.

And Buratino said: “I saw him somewhere. But where? I don't remember."

The boy came again a week later. Pencil shook his hand and asked, “Are you ready?” - “What's ready? Animals? It's not interesting! - the boy answered. - I changed my mind! I will dance. Everything will be ready in a week!” And he left.

And Buratino thought again: “Where did I see him anyway?..”

A week later, the boy rushed into the room and shouted: “I changed my mind! Dancing is not interesting, I'll show you a musical number! I’ll come in a week!”

And Buratino said: “But where did I see him? I don’t remember at all.”

Time passed, but the boy did not come. He ran into the room when everyone was getting ready to go to the concert. "Ready?" - asked Pencil. “Yes,” the boy answered. - These will be tricks! - “What tricks? - Pencil was surprised. - And the musical number? - “I changed my mind... I’ll show you some tricks...” - “I remembered! - Pinocchio suddenly shouted. - Yes, this is Obeshchalkin! - “Obeshchalkin! - everyone shouted. - You will not perform. We won’t let you on stage!”

Obeshchalkin ran away and never entered the Merry Men Club again. But maybe he came to you?

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