When will there be a meeting for future first graders. Parent meeting for future first graders

First parent meeting for parents of first graders

“Nothing that is important to know can be taught,”

all the teacher can do is point out the paths.”
Aldington R.

Purpose of the parent meeting:

Creating conditions for the inclusion of parents of future first-graders in the process of preparing their child for school.


1.Introduce parents to each other.

2. Introduce the difficulties of a child’s adaptation to school and provide necessary recommendations.

4.Filling out documentation.

Class : 1 D

Progress of the meeting:

1. Introduction

Good evening, dear parents! I'm glad to see you in our first class. I understand how exciting it is for you when your child enters school. I heartily congratulate you and your children on this stage of growing up.

I am very pleased to meet new students and their parents, but the moment of our meeting is also characterized by the fact that not only you are worried, but, I honestly admit, so am I. Will we like each other? Will we find mutual understanding and friendship? Will you be able to hear, understand and accept my demands and help our little first-graders? The success of our joint work with you depends on this.

Now everything will be new for your children: lessons, teacher, school friends. It is very important that you, loving parents, are close to your children. Now you and I are one big team. We have to rejoice and overcome difficulties together, grow up and learn.

We will all go together on a long voyage on the ship of knowledge, which lasts 11 years. I hope that for the first four years our team will be friendly and united. In order for us to feel comfortable together, let's get to know each other.

2. Information about the teacher.

I am the captain of our ship. My name is Gorelysheva Oksana Valerievna.

To find out which of the parents are present at the meeting, I will list them row by row.

3. Age characteristics of a primary school student

The transition to schoolchildren is a very difficult experience for children. The whole way of life is changing dramatically. Additional responsibilities appear and your social circle expands.

As a rule, from 7 to 11 years of age, a child’s development occurs smoothly, without any special crises. At this age there is a minimum of illnesses and psychological trauma. Relationships with parents are still significant, but still fade into the background. Teachers have enormous authority, and relationships with peers reach a new level. Friendship is born, the first betrayals are shocking. In such experiences, one begins to develop one's own ideas about what is good and what is bad.

A normally developing primary school student is distinguished by a breadth of interests: he is interested in everything in turn, trying himself in a wide variety of areas. The child is cheerful, energetic, full of ideas and dreams. The happy age of Tom Sawyer is given to children by nature itself before the trials of adolescence and youth. Remember this, dear parents.

4. Our ship is heading to the “Land of Knowledge”! About the program.

The class will study according to the “School of Russia” program. This program is accessible, gives good computing skills, and teaches children to work independently. Continuity in the content of the course of study is maintained between primary school and secondary school. Since 2011, all schools have switched to new standards. All textbooks in the “School of Russia” set have been revised in accordance with the standards; each textbook comes with a workbook.


It is absolutely not necessary to be able to count to 100, and, by and large, this is not particularly difficult. It is much more important that the child is oriented within ten, that is, counts in reverse order, knows how to compare numbers, understands which is greater and which is smaller. He was well oriented in space: above, below, left, right, between, in front, behind, etc. The better he knows this, the easier it will be for him to study at school. So that he doesn’t forget the numbers, write them down. There is plenty of counting material around, so in between, count the pine cones, birds, and trees. Offer your child simple tasks from the life around him. For example, three sparrows and four titmice are sitting on a tree. How many birds are there in total on the tree? The child must be able to listen to the conditions of the task.


By the first grade, usually many children already read at the very least, so you can play with sounds with your preschooler: let him name surrounding objects that begin with a certain sound, or come up with words in which a given letter should appear. You can play broken phone and sort the word by sound. And, of course, don't forget to read.

Spoken speech

When discussing what you read, teach your child to express his thoughts clearly, otherwise he will have problems with oral answers. When you ask him about something, do not be content with the answer “yes” or “no”, clarify why he thinks so, help him complete his thought. Teach them to consistently talk about the events that happened and analyze them. You can play antonyms with a ball. “Black” - you throw the ball to him, “white” - the child throws it back to you. In the same way, play edible - inedible, animate - inanimate.

General outlook

Many parents think that the more words a child knows, the more developed he is. But this is not entirely true. Nowadays, children are literally “bathing” in the flow of information, their vocabulary is increasing, but what matters is how they use it. It’s great if a child can fit a complex word into place, but at the same time he must know the most basic things about himself, about his people and about the world around him: his address (separating the concepts of “country”, “city”, “street”) and not only the names of father and mother, but also their patronymic and place of work. By the age of 7, a child can already understand, for example, that grandmother is mother’s or father’s mother. But, most importantly, remember: after all, a child goes to school not only to demonstrate his knowledge, but also to learn.

5.Teaching aids necessary for a first-grader. Our guides.

View presentation slides with teacher comments.

1.Goretsky V. G., Kiryushkin V. A., Vinogradskaya L. A. and others. ABC. Textbook. 1st grade. In 2 parts

2. Kanakina V. P., Goretsky V. G. Russian language. Textbook. 1st class

3. Klimanova L. F., Goretsky V. G., Golovanova M. V. et al. Literary reading. Textbook. 1st grade. In 2 parts

4.Moro M.I., Volkova S.I., Stepanova S.V. Mathematics. Textbook. 1st grade. In 2 parts

5. Pleshakov A. A. The world around us. Textbook. 1st grade. In 2 parts


1.Goretsky V. G., Fedosova N. A. Prescriptions. 1st grade. In 4 parts

2. Kanakina V. P. Russian language. Workbook. 1st class

3. E. Tikhomirova: Russian language. 1st grade. Tests for the textbook by V.P. Kanakina and others. In 2 parts.

4. Olga Krylova: Literacy tests. In 2 parts.

5. Uzorova, Nefedova: My first copybooks. 1st grade. To the ABC O.V. Uzorova, E.A. Nefedova

6. Boykina M. V., Vinogradskaya L. A. Literary reading. Workbook. 1st class

7.Moro M.I., Volkova S.I. Mathematics. Workbook. 1st grade. In 2 parts

8. Victoria Rudnitskaya. Mathematics tests for the textbook M.I. Moro. In 2 parts

9.Volkova S.I. Mathematics. Test work. 1st class

10. Pleshakov A. A. The world around us. Workbook. 1st grade. In 2 parts

11. Pleshakov. The world around us. 1st grade. Tests.

6. Secrets of successful swimming:

The most important thing is to create a common attitude, a common position of the child in relation to school and learning. Such an attitude should make entering school a joyfully anticipated event, evoke a positive attitude towards the upcoming learning with other children at school, and make learning itself a joyful and interesting activity.

The knowledge of first-grade students is not assessed in points, so instead of asking: “What grade did you get?” ask: “What was interesting in class? Which guys did you meet? What did you eat in the cafeteria today?”; It must be taken into account that a kindergarten teacher and a teacher can perceive the same child differently. Sometimes this is stressful: changing attitudes can be painful. Support the child in this situation, while at the same time treating the teacher correctly; Last and most importantly: when comparing your child with other students, praise him for his successes and achievements.

Dear mothers and fathers, grandparents! If you are interested in your child succeeding in school, first of all, help him acquire and develop the following skills:

take everything you need to school;

prepare correctly and quickly for the lesson (doing homework);

greet teachers and children;

answer the questions posed and ask them yourself;

listen to the teacher’s explanations and assignments, complete assignments;

ask for help if something doesn’t work out;

do one thing for a long time;

respond correctly to comments;

establish friendly relationships with peers.

How can I help my child prepare his homework?

Parents who almost immediately give their children complete independence in preparing homework are just as wrong as those who immediately begin to overprotect.

1. Check whether the child’s workplace is properly organized (lighting, absence of unnecessary objects on the table).

2. For a seven-year-old child, the time of continuous work should not exceed 15–20 minutes, and by the fourth grade – no more than 30–40 minutes. During work, it is necessary to take breaks (about 5 minutes).

3. You should not give your child additional tasks other than those given at school.

4. Teach children to sit down for homework at the same time every day.

5. You cannot do homework for your child.

6. Reduce control over time. Remember that self-correction is the first form of self-control and it should be encouraged in every possible way.

7. Support your child’s efforts, express confidence that he will succeed.

Successful education largely depends on effective cooperation between family and school, so be prepared at any time to leave your own affairs and take care of your child.

7. Requirements for team members.

The school has its own requirements. For example, I will strictly monitor compliance with discipline and completion of tasks.

You need to provide your child with:

- school uniform: casual (firstly, business style of clothing: girls and boys - dark blue bottom, under it you can wear plain turtlenecks, blouses, shirts and dress shirts; neat appearance: hairstyle, presence of buttons and working zippers , handkerchiefs; secondly, no denim, this is not school clothing, no sports T-shirts or suits during lessons, a second pair of shoes is required. Cell phones are prohibited during lessons!

8. To swim, first-graders will need:

-Comfortable briefcase with a hard back.

-Notebooks, printed copybooks.

- Notebooks in a narrow line, in a cage (2 pcs., 12 sheets). They will come in handy later.

-Textbook covers and bookmarks (on your own). All notebooks and textbooks must have covers! Textbooks and workbooks should have bookmarks!

-Pencil case (soft, with zipper):

- 2 blue pens;

- 2 simple pencils (TM, M);

- colored pencils (6 colors, required: blue, green, red);

- eraser;

- ruler (wooden, 20 cm);

- sharpener (with a container for shavings), or one large one per class.

-communication diary. It is needed not so much for children as for communication between teachers and parents. I will paste advertisements there.

For art and technology lessons.

- drawing paper (separate sheets!);

- gouache paints, watercolors (6-12 colors);

- brushes 3 pcs. (No. 2,5,10);

- a cup - a sippy cup;

- oilcloth 60x60 cm (for all desks)

- colored pencils;

- colored paper (separate sheets!);

- colored cardboard (separate sheets!);

- children's scissors;

- glue (pencil);

- plasticine (12 colors), stacks (knives for modeling), board for modeling;

- an apron, if necessary;

- folders.

For physical education lessons:

-white T-shirt;

-sports suit;

-sneakers with rubber soles;

-skis, ski poles with clips for carrying.

9. Organization of the educational process at the beginning of the trip:

Features of the organization of the educational process at the beginning of training, such as:

- five-day school week;

- there will be no homework, but this does not mean that there is no need to repeat what was studied at school; It’s not for nothing that there is a proverb: “Repetition is the mother of learning.” Every day, ask your child what new he learned in class today, open the textbooks and ask the child about the material he has studied, read at home, write down the letters he has learned, count, help the child with everything,

- grade-free training in the first grade, verbal assessment of work, “funny stamps” and honorary covers as positive marks.

10.D.z for parents : cut cards for sound-letter analysis of words in green, blue and red colors, merging syllables. Squares need to be cut out of cardboard of the appropriate color, the merging syllables should be printed, pasted on cardboard, cut out and placed in transparent envelopes so that children do not have to worry about finding the right pictures;

Prepare natural materials for technology lessons: cones, leaves that will need to be dried (10 pieces of different sizes)

Photograph child – send to the teacher by email. mail.

Cards with emoticons for reflection and work in the lesson, yellow, red, green colors;

11. Preparation of documents for school. Free food (order before September 1st!)

12. Selection of the parent committee.

13. Filling out the form.

14. Conclusion.

The main rule for the victory of your children is that only together, all together, we will overcome all difficulties in raising and studying children.

If you have any difficulties, wishes, or complaints, be sure to contact me. We will solve them together.

Please ask any questions you have, I will try to answer them all.

I hope for cooperation. Thank you for your attention!

Questionnaire for parents of future first-graders.

1. Last name, first name, patronymic of the child ____________________________________________________________

2. Date of birth of the child ______________________________Snils______________________________

Birth certificate______________________________No. honey. policy_________________

3.Home address (indicate address by registration and actual address, citizenship)

4. Information about parents: two-parent family, single-parent family (underline as necessary)

(Single-parent families: single mother , mother is divorced , widowed mother , father is a widower , father is divorced (underline))

5. Information about parents:

surname, name, patronymic of mother ____________________________________________________________

father's last name, first name, patronymic ____________________________________________________________

date of birth______________________________________________________________________________


place of work_______________________________________________________________________________

job title___________________________________________________________________________

mobile phone___________________________________________________________________

email mail of one of the parents_______________________________________________________________

6. Social status of the family (complete, single-parent, large family, low-income, raised by a mother (father), family of the unemployed, family of a Chernobyl survivor, family of internally displaced persons, child under guardianship). Underline what is necessary.

7. Additional information about other family members (full name, date of birth, where they study)



8. Who will pick up the child from school? ___________________________________________________

9. Your child’s hobbies (what interests him, what clubs and sections he attends)



10. Is your child excited about going to first grade? ____________________________________

11. Fill out the tables

Doesn't know the letters

Doesn't know all the letters

Knows all the letters

Reads syllables

Reads words syllable by syllable

Reads words fluently

Reads sentences, texts

Doesn't know the numbers

Knows numbers

Counts to 10

Counts to 10 and back

Counts to 20

Counts to 100

12. Health features that school teachers need to know about.






For the meeting:


    Ship drawn on whatman paper

    Applications for GPA;

    Applications for independent withdrawal from school;

    Printed contracts;

    Consent to vaccinations;

    Applications for visiting clubs

    Printable class list for giving birth. committee with dates of birth and phone numbers of parents

    Printed attendance sheet

    Minutes of the meeting

    A printed application – consent to involve the child in labor education.

    Consent to the processing of personal data

    Application and list of documents for free meals

    List of group work

    Academic year schedule

    Schedule of lessons, extracurricular activities, bell schedule

    Questionnaires for parents

Slide 2

“Being ready for school does not mean being able to read, write and do math.

To be ready for school means to be ready to learn it all.”

Wenger L.A.

Purpose of the parent meeting:

Creating conditions for the inclusion of parents of future first-graders in the process of preparing their child for school.


  • Introduce parents to each other.
  • Introduce the difficulties of a child’s adaptation to school and give recommendations on this topic.
  • Provide practical advice and recommendations for preparing your child for school.

Progress of the meeting

(Before the start of the meeting, parents take tokens of a certain color and sit in groups by color.)

Hello. I am very pleased to meet the parents of my new students, but the moment of our meeting is also characterized by the fact that not only you are worried, but, I honestly admit, so am I. Will we like each other? Will we find mutual understanding and friendship? Will you be able to hear, understand and accept my demands and help our little first-graders? The success of our joint work with you depends on this. We are meeting some parents for the first time, others we already know. I'm glad to see you all. It’s nice to see parents who brought their younger children to me, I’m glad to see my students who enrolled their children in my class - it’s a great honor for me. In order for us to feel comfortable together, let's get to know each other a little. Each of you, tell your group neighbors what your name is and write on one flower petal how best to address you (by name, by first name and patronymic.)

(On the tables in the groups there is a flower cut out of paper.)

Very good. We got to know each other a little. Now let me tell you a little about myself. (The teacher talks about himself and his hobbies.)

From the first of September, everything will be new for your children: lessons, teacher, school friends. It is very important that you, loving parents, are close to your children. Now you and I are one big team. We have to rejoice and overcome difficulties together, grow up and learn. To learn means to teach ourselves. As a rule, their mothers and fathers, grandmothers and grandfathers study together with children. The teacher also studies with his students. I hope that our team will be friendly and united throughout the four years.

Slide 2

Tell me, can you make a clap with one palm? Need a second hand. The clap is the result of the action of two palms. The teacher is only one palm. And no matter how strong, creative and wise she is, without a second palm (and it is in your face, dear parents), the teacher is powerless. From here we can deduce first rule:

- Only together, all together, we will overcome all the difficulties in raising children.

Take everything one flower at a time. Color them. (On the tables there are flowers of the same size, color, shape, colored pencils, felt-tip pens.) Now compare your flower with the flowers of your neighbors. All the flowers were the same in size, color, shape. Tell me, after you have painted a flower, can you find two completely identical flowers? (No.) We, adults, UNDER THE SAME CONDITIONS, do everything differently. From here our second rule:

- never compare your child with another! There is no one or something better or worse. There is OTHER! We will compare, but these will only be the results of the same child yesterday, today and tomorrow. It's called MONITORING. We will do this in order to KNOW HOW AND WHAT TO DO WITH THIS TOMORROW. We will do this in order to grow every day. And not only in studies, but also in actions.

Slide 3 - 8

- And now I offer you all the well-known fairy tale “Kolobok” on a psychological level and ask you to take an active part in its analysis.

So, let's begin. (Parents help in retelling the fairy tale using pictures.)

Once upon a time there lived a grandfather and an old woman. They didn't have children. They were lonely, and they decided to bake a bun. What did they do? Right. They swept along the bottom of the barrel, scraped along the box, and they got a bun.

First commandment: A child born into a family should always be welcome.

They scraped the bottom of the barrel, swept the box, and they got a bun. They put it on the windowsill to cool.

Second commandment: Do not leave small children unattended.

The bun rolled along the path and met there first a bunny, then a bear, then a wolf.

Third commandment: Teach your child to communicate with the outside world.

He met a gentle, cunning fox.

Commandment four: Teach your child to recognize good and evil, the true intentions of people.

The fox ate the bun.

Fifth commandment: Teach your child to overcome difficult life situations independently with honor and dignity, without harm to life.

This is the well-known fairy tale we have with five important commandments for your child.

You've already received a lot of advice on raising a child. Now let's talk about the child's readiness for school.

I present to your attention a small test.

Test for parents.

Mark each affirmative answer with one point.

1. Do you think your child wants to go to first grade?

2. Does he think that he will learn a lot of new and interesting things at school?

3. Can your baby independently engage in some painstaking work (painting, sculpting, assembling a mosaic, etc.) for some time (15-20 minutes)?

4. Can you tell that your child is not shy in the presence of


5. Can your child coherently describe a picture and compose a story based on it in at least five sentences?

6. Does your child know poetry by heart?

7. Can he name the given plural noun?
8. Can your child read, at least syllable by syllable?

9. Does the baby count to ten forward and backward?

10. Can he add and subtract at least one unit from the numbers of the first ten?

11. Can your child write the simplest elements in a checkered notebook and carefully draw small patterns?

12. Does your child like to draw and color pictures?

13. Can your child handle scissors and glue (for example, make paper appliqués)?

14. Can he assemble a whole picture from five elements of a picture cut into pieces in a minute?

15. Does your baby know the names of wild and domestic animals?

16. Does your child have generalization skills, for example, can he name apples and pears using the same word “fruit”?

17. Does your child like to spend time independently doing some activity, for example, drawing, assembling construction sets, etc.

If you answered yes to 15 or more questions, which means your child is quite ready for school. You did not work with him in vain, and in the future, if he has difficulties in learning, he will be able to cope with them with your help.

If your baby can handle the contents 10-14 questions above, then you are on the right track. During his classes, he learned a lot and learned a lot. And those questions to which you answered in the negative will indicate to you what points you need to pay attention to, what else you need to practice with your child.

In the event that the number of affirmative answers 9 or less, you should devote more time and attention to activities with your child. He's not quite ready to go to school yet. Therefore, your task is to systematically work with your baby, practice various exercises.
On the threshold of school, perhaps the most important thing is to teach the child independence. After all, the child will have to complete one task after another, make decisions, build personal relationships with classmates and the teacher, and therefore bear responsibility.

There are still four months before school. How and what to pay attention to when preparing a child for school?


It is absolutely not necessary to be able to count to 100, and, by and large, this is not particularly difficult. It is much more important that the child is oriented within ten, that is, counts in reverse order, knows how to compare numbers, understands which is greater and which is smaller. He was well oriented in space: above, below, left, right, between, in front, behind, etc. The better he knows this, the easier it will be for him to study at school. So that he doesn’t forget the numbers, write them down. If you don’t have a pencil and paper at hand, it doesn’t matter, write them on the ground with a stick, or lay them out with pebbles. There is plenty of counting material around, so in between, count the pine cones, birds, and trees. Offer your child simple tasks from the life around him. For example: three sparrows and four titmice are sitting on a tree. How many birds are there in total on the tree? The child must be able to listen to the conditions of the task.


By the first grade, usually many children already read at the very least, so you can play with sounds with your preschooler: let him name surrounding objects that begin with a certain sound, or come up with words in which a given letter should appear. You can play broken phone and sort the word by sound. And, of course, don't forget to read. Choose a book with a fascinating plot so that your child wants to know what happens next. Let him read simple phrases himself.


When discussing what you read, teach your child to express his thoughts clearly, otherwise he will have problems with oral answers. When you ask him about something, do not be content with the answer “yes” or “no”, clarify why he thinks so, help him complete his thought. Teach them to consistently talk about the events that happened and analyze them. Invite a group of his peers to play. For example: the guys think of some object and take turns describing it to the driver, without saying the word they had in mind. The driver's task is to guess this word. Those who guessed the word must describe the hidden object as clearly as possible. You can play antonyms with a ball. “Black” - you throw the ball to him, “white” - the child throws it back to you. In the same way, play edible - inedible, animate - inanimate.


Many parents think that the more words a child knows, the more developed he is. But this is not entirely true. Nowadays, children are literally “bathing” in the flow of information, their vocabulary is increasing, but what matters is how they use it. It’s great if a child can fit a complex word into place, but at the same time he must know the most basic things about himself, about his people and about the world around him: his address (separating the concepts of “country”, “city”, “street”) and not only the names of father and mother, but also their patronymic and place of work. By the age of 7, a child can already understand, for example, that grandmother is mother’s or father’s mother. But, most importantly, remember: after all, a child goes to school not only to demonstrate his knowledge, but also to learn.

Raising children is a complex process. Be creative in choosing educational means, and most importantly, do not forget that one of the most reliable is the good example of you, the parents. Take your memory back to your childhood more often - this is a good school of life.

Slide 9- 11

What could a child tell you about his upbringing:

A little reminder for you from a child:

  • Don't nag me or nag me. If you do this, I will be forced to defend myself by pretending to be deaf.
  • Never even hint that you are perfect and infallible. It gives me a sense of the futility of trying to compare with you.
  • Don't be afraid to be firm with me. I prefer this approach. This allows me to determine my place.
  • Don't do for me and for me what I can do for myself.
  • Don't make me feel younger than I really am. I will take it out on you by becoming a “crybaby” and a “whiner.”
  • Don't test my integrity too much. When intimidated, I easily turn into a liar.
  • Don't make promises you can't keep - it will shake my faith in you.
  • Don't let my fears and concerns worry you. Otherwise I will be even more afraid. Show me what courage is.

The life of the class is built not only on learning, but also on joint collective activities. Now in groups, think, consult and decide what events and holidays we could hold together in first grade. Maybe someone can organize a holiday, trip, event themselves. Write your joint sentences in the middle of the flower. (Parents fill the flower.)

- Good evening, dear parents! Welcome to elementary school. I'm glad to see you in our first class. I understand how exciting this moment is for you. receipts child to school. I heartily congratulate you and your children on this milestone. growing up.

“I am very pleased to meet new students and their parents, but the moment of our meeting is also characterized by the fact that not only you are worried, but, I honestly admit, so am I.” Will we like each other? Will we find mutual understanding and friendship? Will you be able to hear, understand and accept my demands and help our little first-graders? The success of our joint work with you depends on this.

“Now everything will be new for your children: lessons, a teacher, school friends.” It is very important that you, loving parents, are close to your children. Now you and I are one big team. We have to rejoice and overcome difficulties together, grow up and learn.

— To study means to teach ourselves. As a rule, their mothers and fathers, grandmothers and grandfathers study together with children. The teacher also studies with his students. I hope that our team will be friendly and united throughout the four years. In order for us to feel comfortable together, let's get to know each other.

Slide number 3.

— My name is Kravchenko Natalya Vladimirovna. And now, to get to know you, I will announce the list of students, and you, please, tell me if their parents are here. (The class list is read out.)

  1. Getting to know UMC.

— I work according to the teaching and learning complex “Harmony”, using various developmental technologies, using textbooks: Slide number 4.

  1. Introduction to the Federal State Educational Standard.

On September 1, 2011, our school, like all educational institutions in Russia, switched to a new Federal State Educational Standard for Primary General Education (FSES NOO).

What is the Federal State Standard for Primary General Education? Slide number 5.
Federal state standards are established in the Russian Federation in accordance with the requirement Article 7 of the Education Law and represent “a set of requirements mandatory for the implementation of basic educational programs of primary general education (EEP IEO) by educational institutions that have state accreditation.”
What requirements does the new Federal State Educational Standard put forward? Slide number 6.
The standard puts forward three groups of requirements:
· Requirements for development results
· Requirements for structure basic educational program of primary general education;
· Requirements for terms of implementation basic educational program of primary general education.

What is the distinctive feature of the new Standard? Slide number 7.

A distinctive feature of the new standard is its active character, which sets the main goal of developing the student’s personality. The education system abandons the traditional presentation of learning outcomes in the form of knowledge, skills and abilities. The wording of the standard indicates actual activities which the student must master by the end of primary education.

Requirements for the structure and conditions for the implementation of the program relate more to the teacher and the administration of the gymnasium. I will dwell on the requirements for the results of mastering OOP.

The requirements for learning outcomes are formulated as:

  • personal
  • meta-subject
  • subject results.

First generation standards formed, gave knowledge . Second generation standards develop skills.

The goal of the school is not only knowledge, but also skills:

  • set a goal and achieve it;
  • independently obtain and apply knowledge;
  • draw up a plan of your actions and independently assess their consequences;
  • ask questions;
  • express your thoughts clearly;
  • take care of others, be a moral person;
  • maintain and strengthen your health.
  • In the information society, the main thing is not knowledge, but the ability to use it!

A distinctive feature of the beginning of education after the adoption of the Federal State Educational Standard is that the child begins to master ICT.Slide number 8.

  • Along with traditional writing, the child immediately begins to master keyboard typing.
  • Studying the world around us involves not only studying textbook materials, but also observations and experiments carried out using digital measuring instruments, digital microscope, digital camera and video camera.Slide No. 9
  • Widely used in modern schools design method. ICT tools are the most promising means of implementing project-based teaching methods. There is a series of projects, by participating in which children get to know each other, exchange information about themselves, about school, about their interests and hobbies. Parents should encourage their children to do this work in every possible way.
    What is extracurricular activity, what are its features?

Slide number 10.
The standard assumes the implementation of both classroom and extracurricular activities in an educational institution. Extracurricular activities are organized according to directions personality development:

  • sports and recreation,
  • spiritual and moral,
  • social,
  • intellectual,
  • general cultural.

Slide number 11.

  • completing homework (starting from the second half of the year),
  • individual lessons from a teacher with children requiring psychological, pedagogical and correctional support (including individual lessons on oral speech, handwriting and writing, etc.),
  • individual and group consultations (including remote ones) for children of various categories,
  • mugs,
  • sections,
  • round tables,
  • conferences,
  • disputes,
  • school scientific societies,
  • olympiads,
  • competitions,
  • exploratory and scientific research.
  1. Organization of the educational process.

Slide number 12.

According to the curriculum in 1st grade

Russian language – 5 lessons
literary reading – 4 lessons
mathematics 4 lessons
the world around us 2 lessons
music 1 lesson
fine arts -1 lesson
technology – 1 lesson
physical education – 3 lessons

Slide number 13.

5.Purchase to the main lessons:

  • Checked notebooks - 4 pcs.
  • Notebooks with oblique rulers - 4 pcs.
  • Covers for notebooks and books are thick
  • Simple pencils
  • Wooden ruler 20 cm
  • Eraser, sharpener
  • Notebook folder
  • Pencil case
  • Book stand
  • Diary
  • Colored pens

Slide number 14.

6.Purchase to physical education and rhythm lessons: Czech

Slide number 15.

7.Purchase for art lessons:

  • Sketchbook
  • Colored pencils
  • Sippy cup
  • Watercolor paints, gouache 6 colors
  • Set of brushes
  • Paper napkins
  • Folder

Slide number 16.

  1. Buy for lessons labor:

For technology lessons:

  • Colored paper (single sided)
  • Origami paper (double-sided)
  • Colored cardboard
  • Corrugated cardboard
  • White cardboard
  • Scissors with blunt ends
  • Glue stick, PVA glue
  • Plasticine
  • Modeling board
  • Wet wipes
  • Folder

Slide number 17.

  1. School uniform
  2. Changeable shoes.
  3. Recommendations for the summer.
  • organization of your workplace (order on the table, in the room...)
  • learn to be independent (dress, undress, fold and not throw things around); parents are not allowed to go to school
  • teach to understand verbal instructions (please give me a red box from the top shelf of the closet...). If it’s difficult right away, start with the basics.

Analyzing the results of group and individual interviews of children, I would like to draw your attention to speech development:

  • poor vocabulary (ear, child, flag...; in the text - cook ear)
  • poor ability to correctly construct sentences, compose stories (fantasize, invent...)
  • explain the meaning of what you read (read and understand...)
  • During a conversation, make sure that his speech is correct. There should be exemplary speech at home! (Don’t let no one call, then...)

Fingers are very helpful in speech development . Fingers help you speak!!!

Slide number 18.

  • modeling
  • hatching
  • cutting
  • tying bows
  • untying knots
  • unbuttoning, buttoning
  • mosaic
  • constructor

IN We are all interested in the child studying well and growing physically and mentally healthy. Successful learning rests on 3 pillars: FAITH, HOPE, LOVE.

  1. FAITH in the child’s capabilities and success.
  2. HOPE for success. Do not allow any negative attitudes towards the child. (...when you go to school, they will take care of you;...when you get bad marks, you will find out)
  3. A child should feel the LOVE of his parents all the time. It is especially important when something doesn’t work out for him and the first difficulties arise.

Each child is individual. Some people will study very easily and get good grades, while others will have to work hard for this. We must accept children as they are.

My task and yours is to help them open up, express themselves and show all their best sides!!!

Slide number 19.

  1. Questionnaire.

Parent meeting for future first graders

Entering school is an event that is associated with joy, excitement and difficulties for a child. At once his entire way of life changes - his daily routine, his diet, his range of responsibilities expands, his social position changes. The child finds himself in a new environment, meets new children and adults. Even children who come to school from kindergarten do not always easily get used to the school environment.

From the first day, the child experiences mental stress that places additional demands on the body. Unfortunately, the period of adaptation to school sometimes has an adverse effect on the student’s health. Some children experience overstrain of the nervous system, decreased resistance to colds, disrupted behavior, sleep, appetite, and decreased performance. The occurrence of adverse events depends on the child’s health status and how prepared he is for entering school. The success of preparation largely depends on the participation of parents.

And the first step should bedeveloping a positive attitude towards school. How? Here are some tips.

1. If the child is happy about this event and is looking forward to it, rejoice and wait with him. If a child does not want or is afraid to go to school, try to calm him down, tell him all the good things about school, about how you yourself went to school. What did you do at school, what were you especially interested in, what made you happy there.

2. Make all preparations for school together with your child. He needs to know what you bought for him and prepared for school. The child should be calm that he has everything.

3. Don't scare your child at school. When you go to school, the teacher will show you.

In order for the child’s process of adaptation to school to be painless, the child needs to be prepared for school in advance. The psychophysical characteristics of a six-year-old child indicatethat he is ready for first grade. The development of brain functions is close in a number of indicators to the brain of an adult (90% - to the weight of an adult). A child of this age is ready to assimilate available information in education. During this period, attention, memory, thinking and imagination develop.

^ How to prepare your child for school.

1. The child must be healthy.

Before school, the child undergoes an examination by specialists and receives advice on the individual characteristics of the period of school adaptation. Doctors-specialists fill out the child’s medical record. Make sure that you have received all preventive vaccinations according to age. Parents are required to know detailed information about the health status of their child and present it to the teacher for an individual approach to the child.

If your health deteriorates during the educational process, you need to consult a doctor and notify the teacher to reduce the load. Pay attention not only to the child’s complaints, but also to his behavior. Here's what should cause you concern:

Sleep disturbance;

Loss of appetite;

Headaches, pain in the abdomen, in the heart area;

Increased sweating;


Disinhibition or restlessness;

Inability to concentrate;

Irritability, rudeness;

Mood swings;

Unreasonable fears (darkness, loneliness, school);

Obsessive movements (blinking, licking lips, biting nails, coughing, etc.);

Refusal to talk, leaving in response to a remark;

Other complaints.

2. A child’s adaptation to school also depends onenvironment surrounding the child at home. The following may have an adverse effect:

Violation of the daily routine (getting up late, not going to bed for a long time, eating at different times, walking irregularly and little, lack of work and non-compliance with hygiene rules).

Negative habits of parents;

Conflict situations in the family (try to avoid them or sort things out not in the presence of the child);

Errors in upbringing (spoiledness, permissiveness, unnecessary prohibitions, leaving a child without parental supervision).

It is necessary to create a healthy environment in the family. A friendly attitude, spending leisure time together with children, good family traditions, a proper daily routine, good nutrition, daily walks in the fresh air - all this allows the child to painlessly endure the period of adaptation to school.

3. Skill developmentconscious discipline.

Before school, the child must develop conscious discipline skills. Organized children learn these skills in kindergarten. Parents should help their children at home with this. Children must be diligent and complete various types of tasks within 20 minutes at their workplace. Children should be able to treat others with respect, both adults and peers.

When learning, it is very important to develop the ability to listen and answer questions posed, to understand the task the first time. To do this, parents do not need to repeat the request several times, but rather ask about the completed task. It’s good if the child has constant responsibilities around the house: washing dishes, cleaning his bed, room, toys, helping to care for younger children, any other feasible help for his mother. The child should feel that the well-being of the family depends on him.

Parents are always an example for their child. Never swear, don’t yell at your child, condemn the bad actions of other people, and don’t ignore other people’s rudeness. Notice good deeds, rejoice in someone else's happiness, sympathize with someone else's grief.

4. Preparing a child for school requires a certain level of knowledge aboutthe surrounding world. By the age of six, children should be able to:

Distinguish a living object from a nonliving one;

Distinguish between animals and plants;

Distinguish what nature has done from what man has done;

Know what is useful and what is harmful;

Know the names and distinguish between 3 trees, 3 shrubs, 3 herbaceous plants, 3 indoor plants;

Know the names and distinguish between wild and domestic animals, distinguish 3 birds;

Know 3 professions;

Also, the child should know everything about his family. Namely: by the names of all family members, your first, middle and last names, in detail your home address, home phone number or mobile phone of one of the parents, as well as the first, middle and last names of your mother and father, their place of work and position.

5. Even in kindergarten, children learnliteracy and mathematics. A certain level of knowledge, skills and abilities is included in the kindergarten program. It is good if the teacher used developmental programs and teaching aids in his work to prepare children for school. Moreover, there are now a huge number of them and they are developed starting from the age of three. It is during the period from 3 to 7 years that a child’s memory is able to store a large amount of information in its corners. And besides the kindergarten, there are many preschool developmental educational courses in the city.

There is an opinion among parents: “Why teach before school? School will teach you everything.”

Yes, indeed, school will teach you a lot. But the knowledge, skills and abilities that a child received before school largely determine the level of his development. And children with moreAt a high level, it will be much easier to master the school curriculum and the period of adaptation to the new regime will be painless. It's like a house that stands stronger on a foundation than without one.

^ Minimum volume of ZUN for literacy

Know all the letters of the alphabet;

Distinguish between sounds and letters;

Be able to print your name and other simple words.

^ Minimum volume of knowledge in mathematics.

Know counting from 1 to 10 in forward and reverse order,

Be able to write printed numbers;

Correlate the number of objects and the corresponding figure,

Solve examples within 10 using clarity;

Solve simple problems of finding the sum and remainder based on clarity;

Know the simplest geometric figures;

Distinguish between temporal (yesterday, today, tomorrow) and spatial (left, right, in front, behind, above, below, inside and outside the object) representations.

6. It is very important to pay attention tospeech development of the child. And if you notice any difficulties, you need to contact a speech therapist. A specialist will help you overcome these difficulties: give recommendations and develop an individual set of exercises. Don't be afraid to ask for help. The teacher does not have sufficient knowledge to solve speech therapy problems. And the child, embarrassed by his speech, becomes unsure of himself and even acquires an inferiority complex.

Here's what to pay attention to:

Clear pronunciation of all speech sounds;

The difference between sounds that are similar in pronunciation, for example z - s - c;

Development of articulation (lips must move correctly and beautifully when speaking, you cannot speak with a half-closed mouth);

Be able to speak loudly and quietly as necessary, otherwise during recess they shout loudly, but during class they answer quietly;

In an unstressed position we use the sound a in words;

Be able to speak not in sounds and individual words, but in whole sentences, coherent texts;

Talk to your children as much as possible! The child not only waits for this communication, but also learns to communicate himself. Show interest in everything that happens to your child. Teach him to tell him about a walk, his friend, some incident in a way that is understandable. Not in fragments of words and phrases, but in coherent text. If mother and son went somewhere or did something together, then let the child himself tell dad about it, and you help him, perhaps correct him. Read more books, tell fairy tales together, invent fairy tales yourself.

7. A child’s writing skill, which will be developed in 1st grade, depends on the development of the hand - the ability of the fingers to perform small movements. Therefore, before school is very importanttrain fine motor skills . This does not mean that you should learn to write letters at home.Do not do this under any circumstances! Otherwise, you will reinforce the wrong writing skill, and relearning is always more difficult than teaching.

Already at three years old, a child becomes familiar with a pencil and pen. It is very important not to miss this moment. Immediately teach how to hold the pen correctly (show how). If your child is already holding his hand incorrectly, try to retrain him so that he can consolidate the new skill before school.

But to train fine motor skills of your hand, you can do as much as possible:

Draw, paint, trace according to a template and stencil, do shading;

Sculpt from plasticine, clay and even dough;

Work with scissors, glue, cut out shapes, make appliqués;

To play with a construction set with small parts, it is better if it is a construction set with iron parts, with a screwdriver and a wrench.

8. Trying to create an atmosphere of joyful anticipation of the first day of school, purchasing everything you need in accordance with the teacher’s recommendations, do not forget to prepare for the future first-graderyour workplace. To do this you need:

Choose a convenient place to study at home;

Adjust the desk according to the child’s height,

The table lighting should be on the left side;

Make sure you have the correct posture (from the chest to the table - palm, from the eyes to the table - 30 cm, back straight);

Near the table is a bookshelf for children's books.

9. Buying school supplies follow the teacher's recommendations.

1. School uniform.

2. Physical education form.

3. Briefcase.

4. Textbooks. Copybooks. Covers for them.

5. Notebooks (10 - 15 pieces per square and wide line). Covers for them.

6. Diary for students in grades 1 - 4.

7. Pencil case:

2-3 ballpoint pens;

2-3 well-sharpened simple pencils;

6 sharpened colored pencils (primary colors);

The elastic band is soft;




Glue stick.

8. Ruler 20 - 25 cm plastic.

9. Counting sticks.

10. Mathematical fan (with numbers).

11. For drawing lessons: album 40 sheets, paints (12 colors), brushes No. 1, 2, 3, plastic jar.

12. For labor lessons - folder:

Plasticine (12 colors), board;

Colored cardboard, colored paper, album 20 sheets;

PVA glue - 85 g, glue brush,

Scissors, a simple pencil, a plastic ruler 20 - 25 cm;

Threads 3 - 4 colors, 2 needles with a large eye, 2 - 3 pieces of white fabric the size of a handkerchief.

10. Documents.

1. Application for admission to 1st grade (in form).

2. Medical card.

3. Photocopy of birth certificate.

4. Application to the extended day group.

5. Questionnaire for the teacher.

All-Russian competition of pedagogical excellence “Meeting of parents of first-graders”

Developed by a primary school teacher at the Municipal Educational Institution Arkhangelsk Secondary School"

Kurmaeva Svetlana Yakovlevna


Purpose of the parent meeting:

Creating conditions for the inclusion of parents of future first-graders in the process of preparing their child for school.


Introduce parents to each other.

Introduce the difficulties of a child’s adaptation to school and give recommendations on this topic.

Provide practical advice and recommendations for preparing your child for school.

Progress of the meeting

Good afternoon, dear parents!A crucial moment is coming in your life - soon your children will become schoolchildren. This is an important event in their life. They will have new responsibilities, new friends, new interactions with adults. Children need your help more than ever.The first year of school is very important. How the child will study in the future largely depends on him. First grade is a serious test for both the child and the parents.

Schooling begins at 6 years and 6 months. This is exactly how old they should be on September 1, 2012, and thisone of the first conditions for admitting children to school.

Assessing a child's readiness for school primarily by the level of his intellectual development is the most common mistakeparents. Many believe that a necessary condition for preparedness is the largest possible amount of knowledge that a preschooler should have.Fathers and mothers, without teaching their child basic self-care skills, load him with all kinds of information, without taking into account age characteristics. Such children come to school reading and counting, but six months later they are overtaken by those who could neither read nor count. Often they cannot listen to the teacher if he does not address them directly and does not reinforce their work with rewards, which they are used to when studying at home with their mother or grandmother.

In a classroom setting (with a capacity of 25 people), unfortunately, the opportunities for individual work with such children are minimal, and they quickly lose interest in learning, and since they themselves cannot concentrate and work actively, they begin to lag behind, and with about In the middle of the school year, it becomes more and more difficult for them to study. And the parents can’t understand what’s going on.

Why do all first-graders have a great desire to learn at first? And why does this desire disappear quite quickly for many of them?
Most often, adults are to blame for this. What do I mean? We sometimes hear these words:
- “When you go to school, they will show you there”;
- “Just try to bring me deuces”;
- “If you end up with a strict teacher, you’ll cry.”

It is necessary to instill in the child a respectful attitude towards learning work, emphasizing its importance for all family members. There must be an optimistic note that confirms the parents’ confidence that the child’s education will be successful. Do not show your feelings about future learning in the presence of children. On the contrary, demonstrate joy and confidence, evoke positive emotions, and do not be intimidated by failures.

One must be able to find attractive moments in a difficult school life, talk about the important and new things that the school, classmates, teacher, and the knowledge and skills that he will master will bring into his life:
- “You will learn to read and will read books to your sister or brother”;
- “When you learn to write, you will write a letter to your grandmother”;
- “When you learn to count, you can shop like an adult.”

In order for your child to feel confident in the first grade, and for him to learn as easily as possible, the future student needs to master a number of skills even before entering school. First of all, of course, parents can help children master them.

Six months left. What is the goal in these six months?

- the first and most important thing a child should be taught is the ability to hear and listen; If a child knows how to listen, then he will definitely learn everything.
- teach your child to be independent (he arranges things himself, collects toys himself...);
- teach to communicate politely with adults;
- pay more attention to the child’s speech (read to them, ask them to retell it, learn tongue twisters, riddles, build complete sentences rather than answer in one word);
- be demanding of them, but fair;
- don’t try to teach your child to write now; it’s better to let them develop hand motor skills, because... The development of motor skills is directly related to children's speech.

First, subtle movements of the fingers develop, then articulation of syllables appears. The development and improvement of speech is directly dependent on the degree of formation of fine movements of the fingers. But there is no point in teaching written font, although the biggest difficulties for children arise precisely when learning to write; we, the teachers, will teach the children this. To prepare your hand for writing, you should sculpt more from plasticine, draw, hatch, sew, work with small parts of a construction set or mosaic, play with a ball, counting sticks, do finger gymnastics,color drawings without going beyond the contours, fasten buttons, tie shoelaces.

Of course, your child will try to write with a pen. It is important to monitor what type of pen is in the child’s hands (it should be light, level at the grip site, have a limited contour below which the fingers should not fall), and how he holds it (when writing, the pen is held with three fingers: the thumb on the left, the middle support on the right, the index finger from above directs the movement of the handle, the end of the handle “looks” towards the shoulder)

The child should know about himself and his family:

Your full name;

How old is he. When is his birthday?

Where does he live (Address);

What are the parents' names?

What do the parents do?

The name of our country and its capital;

Before entering 1st grade, a child must know:

Primary colors;

Days of the week, their sequence;

Parts of the day

Understand the meaning of the concepts “yesterday”, “today”, “tomorrow”;


Seasons;have an idea of ​​seasonal changes in nature;

Determine the weather conditions: sunny, cloudy, windy, rainy, snowing.

The concept of “right - left”;

Main professions;and be able to explain what people in these professions do.

Domestic and main species of wild animals;

Baby animals;

Know wintering and migratory birds;

Types of transport;

Know what vegetables and fruits are. Be able to distinguish vegetables from fruits;

What a child should know in mathematics

In mathematics, a child should know:

Direct and reverse counting: from 0-10 and from 10 - 0;

Recover a number series in which some numbers are missing;
Perform counting operations within ten, increase/decrease the number of objects “by one”, “by two”;

Composition of numbers (from two smaller ones and from separate units);

Know the concepts of “more - less, equally”, “big - small”, “high - low”, “wide - narrow”;

Know the basic geometric shapes: circle, square, triangle, oval, rectangle;

Be able to correlate the number and number of objects;

Compare, group, classify objects;

Compose and solve the simplest problems in one operation involving addition and subtraction;

Compare by length, height, width;

Distinguish the shape of objects;

Be able to divide an object into two/three/four equal parts.

Focus on squared paper - be able to write a graphic dictation (one cell to the right, one cell to the left, etc.).

D.b. visual-spatial representations are formed. This means that he should have access to the following:

1) the child must be able to distinguish objects and geometric shapes by their shape (oval, round, square, rectangular, triangular, etc.);

2) he must be able to distinguish figures by size (large, small, medium) and master such concepts as more-less, long-short, high-low, thick-thin, wide-narrow;

3) the child must be able to determine the location of objects and figures in space in relation to each other, i.e. understand the spatial relationships between them: high-low, up-down, above-down, far-close, left-right, front-behind.

4) draw straight, non-trembling lines;

5) “see” the line and write in it;

6) see the cells and accurately draw the drawing along them.

7) Must be able to show the right eye, right hand, etc.

Memory, thinking, attention and speech

The child must be able to:

Retell a simple piece you heard;

Tell a story based on a picture (not in separate words, but compose a story based on a picture);

Know the poems;

Write fairy tales;

Answer the questions asked;

Do any task according to the model;

Be able to describe a picture from memory;

Remember up to 10 pictures seen;

Finish sentences;

Find an extra picture or word;

Be able to solve riddles;

Group objects by attribute.

What a child should know from reading

The child should know:


Be able to correlate sounds with letters;

Isolate sounds from words;

Select words based on a given sound or letter;

Pronounce all sounds correctly;

Use simple and complex sentences in speech;

Write short stories about an object, picture or any topic;

Retell stories close to the text;

Retell from memory the contents of the plot picture;

Memorize and recite poems, riddles, repeat verbatim sentences consisting of about 10 words;

Complete tasks independently according to the proposed sample;

From a speech therapy point of view, full-fledged oral speech, which can serve as a reliable basis for mastering writing, means the correct pronunciation of all speech sounds (first of all, there should be no replacement of some sounds with others). Correct pronunciation of all speech sounds is important because in the first stages of learning to write, synchronous (simultaneous with writing) pronunciation by the child of each written word is very widely used. This allows you to clarify its sound composition. The complete exclusion of pronunciation complicates the sound analysis and synthesis of words, which leads to a sharp increase in the number of errors in children (omission of letters, insertion of extra letters, etc.). Incorrect pronunciation, associated with the replacement of some speech sounds with others (such as [SALF] instead of [SCARF] or [GOLKA] instead of [GORKA]), gives the same, if not worse, result - the same type and difficult to eliminate letter substitutions.

Writing skills

Don't forget about writing skills.

The child must be able to:

Outline pictures

Trace block letters around the office

Correctly hold the pen in your hand

Copy a geometric figure by cell

Copy geometric shapes from a sample;
Be able to continue shading the drawing;

Intellectual development

In this area, the child must be able to:

Solve simple logic problems, puzzles and puzzles, solve riddles;
. find an extra item in a group;
. add missing items to the group;
. tell how certain objects are similar or different;
. group objects by attribute and name it;
. restore the sequence of events (what happened first, then); arrange the pictures in the correct sequence.

Hearing, vision, attention, memory, speech

Here a preschooler needs to be able to:

Find 10-15 differences in two similar pictures;
. accurately copy a simple pattern;
. describe a picture from memory;
. remember a sentence of 5-6 words and repeat it;
. read a poem by heart, tell a fairy tale;
. retell a story you heard;
. make up a story based on the picture!

It is too early for children who cannot and do not know the above to go to school. And if such a child ends up in school, he does not master the program well, his performance decreases, and the child’s psyche is disturbed. Therefore, you need to be sure that your child is ready to go to school.

Now I'll call"portrait" of a first-grader who is not ready for school. Let these moments make you think:

excessive playfulness;

lack of independence;

impulsiveness, lack of control of behavior, hyperactivity;

inability to communicate with peers;

inability to concentrate on a task, difficulty perceiving verbal or other instructions;

low level of knowledge about the world around us, inability to make generalizations, classifications, highlight similarities and differences;

poor development of finely coordinated hand movements, hand-eye coordination (inability to perform various graphic tasks, manipulate small objects);

insufficient development of voluntary memory;

delayed speech development (this could be incorrect pronunciation, poor vocabulary, inability to express one’s thoughts, etc.).

The question of a child’s readiness for school should also be considered from the point of view of a speech pathologist. Children with often pronounced developmental disabilities in preschool age usually do not stand out (or stand out little) among their peers and therefore do not cause much concern among parents. However, with the start of schooling, the complete failure of these children is often discovered. They have difficulty mastering literacy, write with specific errors, and cannot keep up with the pace of the class.

As a rule, psychological and physiological readiness for school arises naturally during the normal development of a preschooler; This means that the child plays a lot on his own, with peers and adults, both in role-playing games and games according to the rules. He draws, sculpts, colors pictures, works with various construction sets, tries to play instruments (tambourine, pipe, drum) and, of course, listens to fairy tales and stories. Adults reading to children should be an integral part of every child's day. Growing up in such an atmosphere, a child by the age of 6, and sometimes even earlier, strives to learn to read and count, and in this at first he may well be helped, without violating the methods of the adults around him. And all this happens naturally, without unnecessary stress in the form of special lessons.

Dear parents! The success of learning lies not only on the shoulders of the teacher, but also on yours. How your child learns will depend not only on me, but also on whether you can find 30 - 60 minutes a day and devote them to your child. And not only for classes, but also for solving any personal problems and experiences.

After all, the world of a six-year-old child is unusually interesting, he looks at everything with wide open eyes, he himself still does not know how to choose what he needs. The task of parents and teachers is to choose and give him what is accessible to his age, to give such knowledge that, when developed, would not exceed his capabilities.

Admission to school, according to the regulations of the Ministry of Education, begins on April 1. We are waiting for you with a photocopy of your birth certificate and a photocopy of your passport. We will inform you about the remaining documents later.

You will bring the medical certificate to school after passing the medical examination.

Very soon a very difficult period will come in your baby’s life; he will become a schoolchild. And very, very much during this period will depend on you, your patience, organization and parental love. Well, while you still have time, everything is in your hands.

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