When is the day of the Airborne Forces (Airborne Forces) in Russia. Airborne Forces Day (Airborne Forces Day)

Airborne troops have always been distinguished by their special courage and bravery. After all, performing the most complex combat missions in the sky, controlling an airplane, helicopter or parachute, is a very responsible and difficult task, requiring enormous concentration, good physical fitness and willpower. On the wonderful and wonderful holiday of the Airborne Forces, you can see men in formal military uniform on the streets of Russian cities. These are both those who are now serving in the airborne troops and those who were once in them. Russia has always been very proud of its paratroopers, who accomplished many feats and brought great glory. Many people are very interested in when the Airborne Forces Day will be in Russia, what date and how the celebration of this wonderful day will differ from other professional holidays of past years, whether order will be maintained on the streets.

This event is always distinguished by a magnificent and vibrant celebration, an interesting concert program and a lot of surprises. There are many people who are not involved in the holiday, who want to take part in it and fully enjoy the general high spirits and the sight of the military in a beautiful and solemn uniform. Airborne Forces Day 2016 will be held in all Russian cities on August 2. This is always a memorable date for the Airborne Forces. Since ancient times, this holiday has been a professional and significant day for those involved in these troops. All active duty and military personnel are carefully preparing for this day, both in Russia, Belarus, and Ukraine.

But another holiday is celebrated on August 2. This day is also called . He is the real patron of paratroopers and airborne troops. In all Russian temples and churches, solemn liturgies are held, and then a festive procession of the cross is held, which always attracts a lot of people.

August 2 is Airborne Forces Day, on which all paratroopers, sparkling with their famous blue berets to match the color of the sky, gather in the squares of Russian cities. They are applauded, photographed with them, interviewed. On this memorable date, festive concerts with a wide variety of programs are organized throughout the country, as well as discos and fireworks, and songs dedicated to the brave and courageous paratroopers are played everywhere.

In parks and alleys there are exciting games and attractions for children and adults, and on stage venues you can hear patriotic songs about paratroopers. Creative groups take an active part in the holiday, decorating it with their dances, ditties and other musical numbers. On Airborne Forces Day, various charity events and cheerful and vibrant folk festivals are also held. In addition, colorful fairs and exhibitions are often organized where you can purchase memorable patriotic souvenirs and other products dedicated to the theme of the holiday.

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Celebrated: in Russia, Belarus and other countries of the world
Name of the holiday

Airborne Forces Day
Decree of the President of the Russian Federation No. 549 of May 31, 2006

Day of Paratroopers and Special Operations Forces
Decree of the President of the Republic of Belarus No. 397 of July 30, 2010

Other names: Airborne Forces Day, Paratroopers Day
Meaning: dedicated to the birthday of the airborne troops 08/2/1930
Traditions: meetings between veterans and employees; presentation of medals, extraordinary military titles, promotions; swimming in fountains or ponds; military demonstrations, personnel reviews, patriotic events, concerts

Airborne Forces Day in 2019 is celebrated on August 2. The date is celebrated by airborne troops, support personnel, former paratroopers, cadets and teachers of specialized higher educational institutions.

Airborne troops (Airborne Forces) are a branch of the Armed Forces. They are designed to carry out offensive operations on land and airspace, defend areas, communications and fight the enemy, including in his rear. They are considered an elite unit and have a specialized material and technical base. A professional holiday is dedicated to them.


Airborne Forces Day began to be widely celebrated after the 50s of the 20th century. On this holiday, senior officials of the Ministry of Defense send congratulations to the military, present them with medals, extraordinary titles, valuable gifts and promote those who have especially distinguished themselves. Servicemen and veterans don blue and white vests and berets and joyfully greet each other on the streets. The vehicles display the symbols and flags of the Airborne Forces. Paratroopers organize meetings in parks, squares, monuments, monuments and other places. They sing songs with a guitar, remember events from the service, and drink alcoholic beverages. Meetings with comrades are accompanied by ritual bathing in fountains or ponds. For this reason, in some cities such man-made structures are first turned off and drained.

On Airborne Forces Day, the military organizes demonstrations, weapons and equipment are demonstrated, personnel are reviewed, concerts and patriotic events are held. The holiday is often accompanied by scuffles and fights between those wishing to test their strength, so the police work in an intensive mode.


The memorable date dates back to August 2, 1930, when the airborne unit landed from an airplane to carry out a combat mission. This event is considered the birthday of the airborne troops, which a year later began to actively form and be introduced into the Red Army of the USSR. At first they belonged to the air force, then to the ground forces.

The holiday is celebrated in Russia, Belarus and other CIS countries. Official celebrations in the Russian Federation began with Decree of President V. Putin No. 549 of May 31, 2006 “On the establishment of professional holidays and memorable days in the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation.”

In Belarus, the holiday is called the Day of Paratroopers and Special Operations Forces and was established by Decree of the President of the Republic of Belarus dated March 26, 1998 No. 157 (as amended on July 30, 2010 No. 397).

About the profession

Airborne Forces personnel perform dangerous and responsible tasks and often fight against superior enemy forces. They are primarily involved in offensive operations, which involve large losses in equipment and manpower. Some formations are preparing to parachute behind the front line. Their defense time can last several hours. If the main forces do not come to the rescue, the unit is broken up.

Employees receive special weapons that are designed for the tasks of this type of troops. The organizational and staffing structure is organized on the principle of divisions. Warriors can be in artillery, anti-aircraft, missile regiments, communications battalions, repair battalions, reconnaissance and medical companies. Russian airborne troops took part in all military conflicts in the country.

On August 2, Russia celebrates the Day of the Airborne Forces (Airborne Forces Day). According to established tradition, paratroopers celebrate their professional holiday in the most stormy manner.

Since Soviet times, this holiday has been celebrated on the second day of August. This moment has both historical roots (on this day the first landing was carried out in the Red Army), and much deeper ones, namely folk ones. On August 2, another important holiday is celebrated - which is most revered by Christians. The fact is that Elijah the Prophet is placed on a par with Nicholas the Wonderworker and belongs to the most sought-after saints in Rus'. If we turn to folk tradition, then Ilya is the master of thunder, heavenly fire, rain, so he can do a lot, since he is armed with fiery arrows.

Airborne Forces Day: history of the holiday

The official birthday of the Airborne Forces is August 2, 1930. It was then, during exercises of the Air Force of the Moscow Military District, near the city of Voronezh, that the first parachute landing in the USSR was carried out. 12 Red Army soldiers took part in this event, and the experiment was considered a success. Three years later, special purpose aviation battalions were formed in the Ukrainian, Moscow, Belarusian and Volga military districts, which were then renamed the Airborne Forces.

At the moment when the Great Patriotic War began in the USSR, five airborne corps were already fully equipped, the total number of which reached ten thousand people in each. Due to the fact that the paratroopers fought with incredible courage and character, their exploits were reflected in Soviet military poetry, cinema and prose. For example, the poignant poem “Kolpino” (“We are standing in a crowd near Kolpino”) by front-line poet Alexander Mezhirov and Bulat Okudzhava’s famous song “We need one victory” (“Our Tenth Airborne Battalion”) from Andrei Smirnov’s film “Belorussky Station” are dedicated to the heroism of paratroopers. ".

Traditions of celebrating Airborne Forces Day

According to the tradition that has developed over many years, Airborne Forces Day is celebrated not only by active and former paratroopers, while they themselves do not call themselves the word “former”, rejecting any phrases with it. Traditionally, commemorative and festive events are held on this day, while the paratroopers delight the audience with demonstration performances, during which they demonstrate their unique capabilities.

It is also customary that paratroopers celebrate their professional holiday on a grand scale, so it is hardly quiet on the streets of Russian cities. In turn, those who continue to bear military duty do not allow themselves to go beyond professional boundaries.

In turn, demobilized soldiers on August 2, wearing blue berets and vests, despite the weather, mostly bathe in fountains. In this regard, it should be noted that paratroopers generally behave within the law, so law enforcement officers do not have to interfere with their festive activities.

Congratulations on Airborne Forces Day:

Takes the colors of the sky.
Even if you are dressed in a vest,
It's no secret to friends
That the soul is wide open.

If you suddenly need to go into battle -
Nothing bolder or cooler.
And for those who are with you,
There is no better defender.

Happy Airborne Forces Day
Congratulations, paratrooper!
Heaven in blue
Your holiday has been dissolved.

They call, seething,
Let the oceans of love
Happiness spreads across the fields,
Fountains of wealth flow!

And luck flies
Having already straightened the dome.
So meet me! Let him watch
So that you can find the path to happiness!

Airborne Forces Day is a special holiday
Strong, courageous and courageous people.
May this day be full of joy,
Happiness, fun and true friends.

You deserve everyone's respect
They carried out their service tirelessly.
So accept congratulations now,
And wishes for success and love.

Let the slings be reliable,
The parachute does not fail.
I want paratrooper
Everyone found out how cool you are

How strong, smart and dexterous.
Like wearing a beret on one side,
Can you do it without stopping?
Celebrate your day for a day!

Airborne troops are a highly mobile type of military force, which is designed to capture the enemy by air and conduct sabotage and combat operations in the rear. The airborne forces in Russia are the main component of mobile rapid reaction forces. They report indirectly to the Airborne Forces Commander and include:

  • airborne divisions,
  • brigades,
  • individual units and institutions.

Traditions and milestones of history

It all started on July 26, 1930. On that day in Voronezh, under the leadership of L. Minov, a military pilot, the first training jumps in history took place.

On August 2 of the same year, for the first time, during an Air Force exercise near Voronezh, an airborne unit consisting of 12 people was parachuted to carry out the assigned task. This experiment made it possible to see the prospects of parachute units and their potential capabilities associated with rapid coverage of the enemy by air.

The experiment that took place attracted the close attention of many military specialists. Thanks to this, in September 1930, on the instructions of the commander of the troops, A.I. Kork, a second airborne assault force was brought in during maneuvers.

We decided to use landing forces in a more difficult situation. It was necessary to organize a covert drop of troops behind “enemy” lines. After landing, the paratroopers had to attack the headquarters of the rifle division, take possession of combat documents, then cross the virtual front line. The task was completed successfully.

Until 1946 inclusive, the Airborne Forces were part of the Air Force. After 1946 they were part of the ground forces, but reported directly to the Minister of Defense. The Airborne Forces gained independence only in 1991.

The holiday began to be widely celebrated at the end of the 50s of the last century; the traditions have been preserved in modern Russia. They imply meetings of employees and veterans in public gardens, parks, monuments, monuments and other places. On this day, soldiers wear berets and blue and white vests. Higher ranks send their congratulations to employees, award medals, valuable gifts, extraordinary titles, and promotions to those who have distinguished themselves.

Not a single meeting of comrades is complete without ritual bathing in a pond, and in the absence of such, the nearest fountains are in demand. In this regard, in some cities of Russia, such man-made structures are turned off and drained in advance. Guitar songs are heard everywhere, memories of events from the service flow, and alcoholic drinks are drunk. On the streets of Moscow, paratroopers happily greet each other. Flags and symbols of the Airborne Forces are placed on vehicles.

Another military holiday :

The event is not complete without military demonstrations, equipment and weapons are demonstrated, parades, patriotic events and concerts are held. Airborne Forces Day is often accompanied by numerous brawls and fights between those wishing to test their muscles, in connection with this the police need to work in an intensive mode.

When is it customary to celebrate

Airborne Forces Day is celebrated on August 2 every year. This is not a day off. At the official level, the celebration was approved by V. Putin by Decree No. 549 of 2006. The document determined what date to honor this branch of the military. The holiday will be celebrated in our country for the 11th time.

Who's celebrating

This event is a holiday for the following categories of citizens:

  • Airborne Forces employees,
  • support staff,
  • cadets and teachers of specialized universities.

Airborne Forces Day is also considered a holiday by those who have anything to do with this type of armed forces, their relatives, relatives and friends.

Briefly about the profession

Representatives of the Airborne Forces must perform the most dangerous and responsible tasks; they often have to fight an enemy of superior strength. They are used primarily in offensive operations, which are always associated with numerous losses in people and equipment. Thus, individual formations are being prepared for landing behind the front line. The duration of their defense is no more than a few hours. In the event that the main forces do not have time to come to the rescue, the unit will be defeated.

The Russian Airborne Forces participated in every military conflict on the territory of the country. Employees are equipped with special weapons designed for the tasks of this type of troops. Its number is about 50,000. The structure is built on the principle of divisions.

The airborne troops have written many colorful pages in our history of the armed forces. Their selfless devotion, courage and valor are forever covered in glory. And today, paratroopers evoke admiration and respect from both veterans and young people preparing for service. They are there where it is especially dangerous, where excellent combat skills and excellent physical fitness, courage and self-sacrifice are needed.

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