When to write “not” and when to write “neither” with different parts of speech. Negative particles “not” and “nor”: rules, examples

It would be difficult for us to refuse anything if it were not for the negative particle. As one of the most commonly used functional parts of speech, it helps us express our attitude to a given situation. We’ll talk about its role in the Russian language, as well as its varieties, in our article.


All parts of speech are usually divided into two large groups. The first includes independent words. They have their own meaning and are the basis of our speech. However, it would be difficult for us to compose a text using only this group. Therefore, the so-called service particles come to their aid. These include the negative particle. However, this is not the only variety of this group.

There are also the following:

  • Forming the form: let, would, come on.
  • Interrogative: really, really, really.
  • Exclamation marks: how, what.
  • Requirement: then, ka, s.
  • Doubt: whether.

Each of them has its own specific purpose and special role in the Russian language. It would be difficult to express emotions without using particles.


Difficulties often arise in writing negative particles. It turns out that “not” and “neither” have completely different meanings. Each of the rules has a historical basis.

We will write “neither”:

  • When we want to strengthen the existing denial. Let's compare two sentences:
  1. There were no fish in the lake. 2. We didn’t see a single fish in the lake.

In the second sentence the negation is stronger than in the first. The emphasis is placed on the fact that the fishermen did not observe any fish at all in the reservoir, absolutely none.

  • In complex sentences. This particle is very often used in the dependent clause.

For example: Everywhere I went, I thought about the sea.

I can’t learn the rules, no matter how hard I try.

  • When using homogeneous and enumerated members.

Neither mathematics, nor biology, nor physics were completed by Petya on time.

  • There is no predicate. Very often you can substitute the words “impossible” or “no” to them.

For example: No fire, no smoke (no).

Neither lie down nor rest (impossible).

The main function that this negative particle conveys is reinforcement.


This auxiliary part of speech has a slightly different meaning. Usually we use “not” when we want to refuse something or give the word an antonymous meaning. Let's consider other cases when “not” is a negative particle:

  • A double “no” is pronounced when making a statement.

For example: I couldn’t help but say this. I understood that it was impossible not to confess.

  • In some exclamatory sentences denoting surprise we also write “not”:

How can you not admire this city! What color did not the sky flicker during a thunderstorm?

It is worth distinguishing between the spellings of “not” and “neither” in pronouns. In this situation, everything depends on the stress. In a strong position we write “E”: no one, NOT with anyone, NOT with anyone. We use “I” without emphasis: Not at all, NOT for anyone, NOT about anyone.

and gerunds

It is not easy for schoolchildren to remember the spelling rules for a given particle with different groups of speech. Each of them has its own spelling features. How is the particle “Not” written with participles? The answer to this question is simple: always separate. We immediately recall its similar spelling with the verb. The participle is formed precisely from it. Hence the same principle of their writing. For example: not doing - not doing, not sunbathing - not sunbathing.

However, there are cases when a word without this important particle is simply not used. In this case, we will write it together. Let's look at an example: To be indignant about the rain - to shout, indignant about the rain. Both with a verb and with a similar gerund, the negative particle is written together.

This rule is easiest for students to remember, since there are very few exceptions to it.

Particle "not" with nouns

The rules for spelling words are not always simple. For example, noun, as well as adj. and adverbs have their own pattern of using them with the particle “not”.

We will write it together in the following cases:

  • Forming an antonym with “not”. For example: friend - foe, weather - bad weather, handsome - ugly, few - a lot.
  • Impossibility of using words without “not”: Clumsy, scoundrel, slob, violently.

“Not” is written separately if:

  • There is a clear contrast. It is usually expressed by the conjunction “a”. For example: The man turned out to be not his friend, but his enemy. Not luck, but complete collapse and disappointment awaited us.
  • Denial is emphasized: It was not my mother who called on the phone (but someone else). We came not in the evening, but at night.
  • There is a gain. For example: Our neighbor is not tall at all. My sister is by no means a sneak.

We have presented the main cases when the particle “not” with nouns is written both together and separately. Do not forget that adverbs with adjectives also fall under this rule. If you remember this important feature, then you won’t have to remember the spelling “not” for each part of speech separately.

"Not" with participles

Another case when a negative particle is written “not” rather than “neither” is when it is used with participles. Many people confuse its spelling with participles. These parts of speech are formed from verbs, but with “not” they are written completely differently.

Everyone knows that participles have the ability to form phrases using dependent words. In the case when it is used specifically as part of a phrase, we will write it separately from “not”. Example: A student who did not complete the exercise received a bad grade. As you can see, the participle “not completed” is written separately from “not”, since it has the dependent word “exercise”. In this case, it is included, which explains its spelling with a negative particle.

However, there is another side to this rule. In the case where there is no revolution, the participle changes its spelling. Let's look at an example: The exercise remains uncompleted.

It would seem that the meaning of the sentence has not changed. However, the syntax is completely different. Now the participle does not have any dependent words with it. This means that there is no reason to write it with the particle separately.

Let's change this example with just one word: The exercise remained uncompleted by the students. We note the difference: now a word has appeared that forms a participial phrase (by the disciples). In such a situation, we will write it separately from “not”.

Well, and, of course, as with every rule, there are exceptions. If the participle is not used without this particle, then we will write it together, regardless of whether there is a revolution or not. For example: The raging wind did not subside until dawn.


In this article, we looked at the main cases when “not” is a negative particle, and when it plays other roles. It should not be confused with “ni”: they have different spelling features. However, the main function of “not” is still negation. In some interrogative and exclamatory sentences we can use it as an affirmative. Also, do not forget that with each part of speech it is written differently.

Teacher's comments on the material being studied

Possible difficulties

Good advice

It is difficult to remember all the cases in which NOT or NI are written according to tradition.

Refer to Appendix 1 and fill in the gaps in the words where necessary.

When should you write NOT, and when NOT in cases like

n... believed n... in what,

n... spilled n... crumbs?

The meaning of such expressions consists of two components: denial of something (didn’t believe, didn’t scatter) and strengthening of this denial (not in anything, not a crumb). Accordingly, negation is formalized with the help of the particle NOT, and its strengthening - with the help of NI.

This case should not be confused with the double negation of the type could not help but remain (that is, remained). The particle NOT is written here twice.

It can be difficult to distinguish between the spellings NOT and NI in the following cases:

Who did he complain to!

To whom did he complain, no one wanted to help.

In the first case, we have an exclamatory sentence with a general meaning (in such sentences the word is often found only). Its affirmative meaning can be interpreted through the question: “Is there anyone left to whom he has not complained?” This question is rhetorical in nature (it does not require an answer). In such sentences you should write NOT.

In the second case, we have a complex sentence in which the subordinate part has a concessional meaning (no one wanted to help, although he complained to everyone). In the subordinate clause with a concessional meaning, you should write NI.

You can make a mistake in writing the following combinations:

None other than...

Nothing other than...

In these cases, you should write the particle NOT.

Use of particles NOT and NOR

NOT is a negative particle. It attaches a negative meaning to the member of the sentence before which it stands (has been more than once).

NI is a particle that can have several meanings: to express negation, and to express strengthening, and to express affirmation.

Studying this spelling requires special attention.

He already asked for nothing. Whoever I asked, everyone just shrugged. N.. trees in the steppe. Where has he ever been?

Typical cases in which the particle NOT is used

Typical cases in which the NI particle is used

The particle does NOT give a negative meaning to the member of the sentence behind it:

not for the first time;

wrong city.

The particle is NOT used in exclamatory and interrogative sentences (often with the word only):

Who hasn't been here yet?

Who hasn't stayed here!

The particle NI is used to enhance negation when there is a word with a negating meaning in the sentence:

doesn't know a word.

This case should not be confused with double negation like " couldn't help but stay».

The particle NI is used when the predicate NO is missing, expressing negation:

Not a cloud around.

(Wed: There's not a cloud around).

The particle NI is used to express a statement in the subordinate part of a complex sentence after the words who, what, how, where etc.:

No matter how hard you try, nothing will work.

He didn't ask for anything anymore. (The particle does NOT give a negative meaning to the verb behind it.)

No matter who I asked, everyone just shrugged their shoulders. (The particle NI in the subordinate part of a complex sentence expresses a statement (= asked everyone).)

NO trees in the steppe. The particle NI stands when the predicate NO is missing. ( There is not a tree in the steppe.)

Where has he never been? (The particle is NOT used in an exclamatory sentence with the word ONLY.)

NOT or NOR in pronouns

N..who will not come; n..who was to blame; n.. who to ask; n.. did not depend on anyone.

Nobody will come. There was no one to blame. There is no one to ask. Didn't depend on anyone.

Problem 23.1.3. Once the magnet is pulled through the ring with the south pole towards the ring, the second time - with the north pole.

In which of these cases will a current arise in the ring, and if in both, will the direction of the current be the same?

Problem 23.1.4. A metal ring is passed next to a permanent magnet (see figure). Will an induced current appear in the ring in this case?

Problem 23.1.5. Two frames rotate in a uniform magnetic field. In what case will an induced current appear in the frame?

Problem 23.1.6. Next to the straight conductor through which electric current flows, there is a square conducting frame. At some point in time the frame begins to move. In what direction does the frame move (see figure) will an electric current arise in it?

Problem 23.1.7. A permanent magnet is pulled through a metal ring as follows: within two seconds, the magnet is brought from a great distance and inserted into the ring, over the next two seconds the magnet is left motionless inside the ring, over the next two seconds it is removed from the ring and carried away a long distance. At what time intervals does current flow in the ring?

Problem 23.1.9. In experiments on observing electromagnetic induction, a square frame made of a thin wire with one side is in a uniform magnetic field perpendicular to the plane of the frame. The field induction uniformly increases from value to value. The experiment is repeated, doubling the side of the frame. How will the induced emf in the frame change?

Often, when writing, people encounter certain spelling problems that can put a person into a creative stupor. For example, many people do not know when to write “not” and when to write “neither”. Often people get confused. The use of particles “not” and “ni” with different parts of speech is carried out according to clear rules. Knowing them will allow you to cope with the correct spelling of words in the text.

Total particle value

So, more details. Each of the particles is endowed with its own meaning, which plays a key role in directly placing word forms in a certain position. In order to understand when “neither” is written and when “not”, you need to familiarize yourself with the general appearance of the corresponding rule.

The use of particles is not Using particles neither
Expression of basic negation: We Not let's go on a trip.Giving the effect of enhanced denial: I didn’t see neither stars.
Usage in the form of stable elements: This student not at all fool!Use as stable phrases: His clothes - neither caftan nor cassock.
In negative or interrogative sentences (quite often “not” goes side by side with the particle “only”): What am I only Not got up to it on the eve of the summer holidays!Negation in a sentence that lacks a subject: In an abandoned castle neither souls.

Use as a repeating element (particle) Young grandchildren Not could Notthink about the well-being of your grandmother.

Spelling particles for nouns and adjectives

Let's look at combinations with specific parts of speech. In the first case, the use of the particles “not” and “nor” is subject to a rule that has a slight aspect that relates to both the adjective and the noun. What does it mean?

If a synonym can be found for a certain word that does not have the prefix “not-,” then it is written together in both cases:

My friends saw a small (=small, compact) house on the lawn;

There is no need to tell me lies (=lies, deception).

And if after the corresponding word there is a contrast in the form of “conjunction “a” + antonym”, it is necessary to write “not” separately:

This stone road is not wide, and narrow;

I don't consider him a friend and the enemy.

Also, “not” is written separately from the adjective in the following cases:

  • designation of any color or taste: he did not draw scarlet sails;
  • comparative degree: but I am no lower than my brother.

Spelling particles for verbs and gerunds

Since participles are a special form of the verb, both parts of speech have a common basis in the form of a single rule. Almost always, the listed elements of the Russian language are separated from “not”:

Without thinking about his future, he rarely attached importance to education;

The snow-white horse did not dare to jump over the fence.

Spelling particles for participles

When faced with these parts of speech, people often think about when to write “not” and when “neither”, which entails a number of small problems. In fact, the situation is not complicated at all, you just need to pay close attention to some aspects.

Continuous writing Separate writing

Absence of dependent words with the full form of the participle: I still have it in my pocket Not wasted money.

The presence of dependent words in the full participle: Not resolved excellent student task
The role of dependent words in the full participle is played by adverbs of degree or measure: this is absolutely Not suitable placeWhen the opposition is placed, which is expressed using the conjunction “a”: in the flowerbed one could see Not blossoming, and fading roses
The participle is characterized by a short form: ours with some more requests Not sent

Spelling particles for pronouns

If there is a preposition between 2 elements of a pronoun, then this combination will be expressed as three separate words. For example:

My father has no one to borrow a small amount of money from;

In the first lesson we had nothing to talk about.

The greatest number of questions arise when using “not” and “neither” as prefixes. In fact, everything is very simple:

There is also another rule that allows you to clarify when you write “not” and when “neither” when encountering certain constructions. Here it is:

Spelling particles for adverbs

Any negative adverb will be written together with the elements “not” or “nor”. For example:

I don’t regret the action I took at all;

My friend doesn’t need to bring a cheat sheet with him: he already knows all the answers.

But the particle is separated from the main word in some cases. If:

  1. an adverb should be written with a hyphen: you are not behaving like a Christian;
  2. next to it is an intensifying adverb: we do not Very we want to go to school;
  3. adverb does not end with the letters -e or -o: I don’t always draw colorful pictures.

A significant part of the considered uninflected parts of speech ending in -o or -e are subject to rules that have their own special characteristic. Here they are:

Spelling particles with conjunctions and prepositions

In the Russian language, in addition to independent parts of speech, there are also service parts, which are a kind of “sticky” segments, thanks to which sentences acquire a coherent and logically complete appearance. These small elements can also be located next to the “not” and “nor” particles. The rules governing such situations are quite clear with a brief explanation of the essence:

  • “not” is always separated from coordinating conjunctions, but lends itself to merging in the area of ​​the compound conjunction that” (= although);
  • “not” is written separately with all non-derivative prepositions, but together - with “despite” or “despite” (= in spite of);
  • “not” is part of only one particle “really”; in other cases the negative particle is written separately.

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