When is Riverman's Day celebrated? Marine and river fleet workers celebrate their professional holiday

Water is an element without which life on Earth is impossible! Rivers, seas, and oceans not only supply us with food and water, but also ensure the economic development of the country. Millions of people and goods are transported by water. And these trips are carried out by high-class specialists. They celebrate their professional holiday - Sea and River Fleet Workers' Day - on the first Sunday in July. Every year for two centuries these brave men have received congratulations and good wishes from the government, relatives, friends and passengers. Pay attention and prepare your speech in advance to your sailor!

Excursion into history

The Great Peter I created and approved Russian Azov, by his order it became the main port of the country. This is where the long and successful journey of Russian sea vessels began. with public money collected by the state. Everyone contributed a piece to this necessary and important cause. Over the course of thirty years, the fleet has been transformed beyond recognition: dozens of powerful galleys, frigates, and brigantines. And most importantly - brave and courageous workers who, without sparing themselves, promoted and multiplied the fleet.

The River Fleet Day holiday is still relatively young. By decree of the head of the Supreme Council of the USSR, it is celebrated in 1988. Every year, parades and special events are held, which are attended by many people. After all, almost every boy still dreams of becoming a ship captain and going on an exciting journey.

Strength and power

Today the Russian fleet is the most powerful in the world. This is the merit of the state, captains, ordinary repairmen and everyone involved in this profession. People who have dedicated their lives to working on the country’s “wet” highways are kind, brave and sympathetic. Always ready to come to the rescue and lend a helping hand. They, like brothers and sisters, stand shoulder to shoulder and will not abandon a friend in trouble. This industry has its own beliefs and traditions that have been observed for many decades.

Prepare your congratulations on River Fleet Day in advance so that you can pronounce it with expression and not forget the words!

May there always be a happy wind

Hangs in the sails.

And tears appear

Just from laughing in front of my eyes.

Let the pier always meet you,

Warmth and comfort, kindness,

And I sincerely congratulate you,

Happy Fleet Day, a solemn day!

I wish you career growth

There is always a fair wind,

Let time rush by more slowly

No years go by in vain!

Such wishes can be expressed to relatives and acquaintances on River Fleet Day.

Students, applicants

Since childhood, many have been obsessed with the idea of ​​devoting their lives to water surfaces. But, having studied at special universities, specialists prefer to work on the shore. The best educational institutions open their doors to applicants. There are many people who want to get an elite profession. The training is interesting, but it can also be difficult. Of course, practice is the basis of the program. Special vessels are used, fully equipped for training young specialists and going to the open sea. Therefore, the holiday Day of River Fleet Workers also concerns them. Students celebrate this holiday with pleasure and congratulate teachers with cheerful performances.

Kind words

A professional holiday for real sailors is more important than their own name day. They prepare in advance for this event. If there is a person in your circle who is affected by River Fleet Day, congratulate him from the bottom of your heart.

The holiday of brave and courageous people,

On the sea or river - it doesn’t matter

They perform difficult service,

Ferries, ships are sailing

Thanks to their efforts,

Our brave and dear ones.

May success follow you

Let it sound like only laughter at work.

Career growth and favorable winds.

We know it can be difficult for you!

Cause you never give up

You are proud to be called river workers!

You are bound to water forever,

This is your element, support, work!

Such a congratulation can be written in a beautiful postcard and presented to a loved one on River Fleet Day. You can make a postcard with your own hands in the form of an applique or drawing. On this day it is nice to receive such a gift and attention.


The first Sunday in July is a wonderful warm day. The weather is beautiful, you can have a picnic in nature, of course, near a pond. Invite your friends and have a fun party. A good reason for such a celebration is the Day of the Sea and River Fleet Workers. Prepare congratulations, competitions, quizzes in advance. Delicious food, warm water and good company - the party will be a great success! Say kind words to people in this profession. After all, they are all one friendly team. This is who we need to follow as an example. They will never leave you in trouble, either on land or on water. With their help, the country's economy is successfully developing, millions of passengers travel safely.

Celebrate all holidays cheerfully, let the gray days be forgotten on such days. Use your imagination, effort and have fun!

International Children's Book Day is an annual event organized and sponsored by the Swiss non-profit organization International Board on Books for Young People (IBBY).

As part of the event, writing competitions are organized, awards are presented, and meetings with children's writers are held.

International Children's Book Day is always celebrated April 2, on your birthday Hans Christian Andersen.

That is, World Children's Book Day is celebrated:
* April 2 is the birthday of Hans Christian Andersen.

G.H. Andersen is a Danish writer, author of many plays, travel accounts, short stories, novels, and, of course, fairy tales. It was thanks to his “fabulous” works that the author immortalized his name. Currently, at least 3,380 fairy tales by Hans Christian Andersen have been translated into more than 125 world languages ​​(including Russian).

In Russia, the famous storyteller became famous for the following creations: “The Snow Queen”, “The Little Match Girl”, “Thumbelina”, “The Ugly Duckling”, “The King’s New Dress”, “The Princess and the Pea”, “The Steadfast Tin Soldier”, “Ole Lukoile” etc..

* For a five-day period, May 10, 2019 is a day off.
* During a six-day period, May 10, 2019 is a working day.

If the calendar date 05/10/2019 coincides with annual paid leave, the leave is NOT extended by one day.

March 18 in Crimea is a day off or a working day:

According to the above laws, on the territory of the Republic of Crimea and the city of Sevastopol the date "March 18" is a non-working holiday, an additional day off.

That is:
* March 18 is a day off in Crimea and Sevastopol.

If March 18 coincides with a holiday (as, for example, happens in 2023), the holiday is transferred to the next working day.

If a holiday coincides with annual paid leave, March 18 is not included in the number of calendar days of leave, but extends it.

Is March 17 a shortened working day:

If the calendar date March 17 falls on a working day, then the duration of work on this day is reduced by 1 hour.

This norm is established in Article 95 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation and applies to working days preceding, among other things, regional holidays.

Sea and river transport is one of the important and reliable sectors of the economy. many countries.

Professional holiday of sea and river fleet workers, celebrated every year on the first Sunday of July. And in 2019 this holiday falls on July 7th.

Heroes of the occasion

Established by Decree of the Presidium of the Supreme Soviet of the USSR dated October 1, 1980 No. 3018-X “On holidays and memorable days”, as amended by Decree of the Presidium of the Supreme Soviet of the USSR dated November 1, 1988 No. 9724-XI “On amendments to the legislation of the USSR on holidays” and memorable days."

The workers of the blue highways have always been the glory of Russia, and now such concepts as mutual assistance and maritime labor brotherhood remain defining for them. Therefore, without sailors and river workers of the passenger, merchant and icebreaker fleets, port workers, ship repairers and many other specialists who ensure the operation of sea and river roads in Russia, the past, present and future of our country is unthinkable.

It’s nice that the traditions that have been developing in the navy for centuries are not only alive now, but are also developing, strengthening, and multiplying. The sea and river fleets today remain an important component of the transport complex, an integral part of the entire country’s economy, and play a significant role in the implementation of Russia’s transport strategy.

Creation of the Russian fleet

The date of creation of the Russian fleet is October 20, 1696. On this day, at the insistence of Peter I, the Boyar Duma issued a “sentence” (decree) “Convenient articles that belong to the captured fortress or fortification from the Turks of Azov,” in which it decided that “there should be sea vessels.” This was a decision of historical importance. As a result of its implementation, Russia - the largest continental state - was also supposed to become a maritime power.

In fact, the construction of the fleet by Peter I in Voronezh began at the end of 1695, after returning from the unsuccessful first Azov campaign, according to the “consultation” of the generals. On November 4, by the “sentence” of the Duma and the decree of Peter I, the construction of a regular Russian fleet by “kumpanships” began, into which the nobility (18 kumpanships) and the clergy (17 kumpanships) were grouped. The responsibilities of the merchants included the construction, armament, maintenance and repair of ships. The clergy had to build one ship from 8 thousand households, and the nobility - from 10 thousand households. Nobles who had less than 100 households contributed annually half a ruble from each household.

On December 11, 1696, a decree was issued on the construction of 12 ships by merchants, townspeople and foreign merchants. In total, the merchants had to build 52 ships of different ranks and galleys. The state built the ships with money collected from the population.

Soldiers of the Preobrazhensky and Semenovsky regiments, carpenters collected from all over the country, and 50 foreign craftsmen were appointed to build the ships. The organization of the construction of ships was entrusted to the Military Order-Discharge, headed by Voivode T. N. Streshnev. To study shipbuilding and maritime affairs in 1697, Peter I, under the guise of a sergeant of the Preobrazhensky Regiment, Peter Mikhailov, as part of the Great Embassy, ​​went to Holland and England and sent about 100 young people there. Ship masters and craftsmen were trained in Russia. The construction of the Azov fleet was carried out at shipyards in Voronezh, Tavrov, Stupino, Bryansk, Chizhovka, Pavlovsk.

In 1697, the first admiralty was established in Voronezh. In the fall of 1698, some of the ships were launched, and in the spring of 1699, a squadron of 10 ships and several vessels entered the Sea of ​​Azov. In August, on one of them, the 46-gun ship “Fortress,” Peter I sent Duma clerk E.I. to Constantinople for negotiations. Ukraintsev and personally accompanied him with the squadron (10 ships, 2 galleys, 2 vessels) to Kerch. This demonstration of the Russian fleet contributed to the signing of a peace treaty with Turkey on July 3, 1700.

By 1700, 40 sailing ships and rowing ships were built for the Azov Fleet. By decree of April 20, 1700, the construction of ships was transferred to the state, and the merchants had to contribute funds. The construction of the Azov Fleet continued until 1711. A total of 215 ships were built, including 44 58-gun ships. After the Treaty of Prut (1711), according to which Azov and Taganrog were transferred to Turkey, the Azov fleet ceased to exist. The experience gained during its construction was used in the Baltic Sea, which played an important role in the Northern War. Ships for the Baltic Fleet were built at the shipyards of St. Petersburg, Novgorod, Olonets (Lodeynoye Pole), Uglich, Arkhangelsk and Tver (Kalinin).

Over the course of 30 years (1696-1725), a regular Russian fleet was created. In total, 111 battleships, 38 frigates, 60 brigantines, 8 shnives, 67 large galleys, a significant number of scampaways (half-galleys), bombardment ships, fire ships, shmaks, rams, up to 300 transport ships and many small ships were built. In terms of combat and seaworthiness, Russian battleships (the best of them were Lesnoye and Ingerman-land), the construction of which began in 1708, were not inferior to foreign ones, and galleys successfully operated in the skerry areas of the Baltic Sea against Swedish ships.

All important orders concerning shipbuilding and the creation of the fleet came from Peter I, whose main assistants were F.A. Golovin, F.M. Apraksin and K.I. Kruys, and for the supply of ships - Franz Timmerman and treasurer S.I. Languages. Of the ship masters (this rank was equivalent to the rank of captain of the 3rd rank), the “master of good proportions” F.M. was especially famous. Sklyaev and Richard Cozents, as well as Vasily Shipilov, F.S. Saltykov, G.A. Menshikov and apprentices Ivan Nemtsov, Mokei Cherkasov, Konstantin Yuryev, F.P. Palchikov, Yuri Koluenov.

By 1718, most command positions in the fleet were occupied by Russian people who had the necessary knowledge, experience and distinguished themselves in battle. In this regard, in January 1721, by decree of the Senate, it was prohibited to accept foreigners into service in the fleet. By 1725, the number of personnel in the fleet reached 7,215 people. Officers and shipbuilders were trained in specially created schools (Navigation, Admiralty) and Maritime Academies. St. Petersburg became the main center of shipbuilding and personnel training for the Russian Navy.

In 1696-1725 The Azov and Baltic fleets and the Caspian flotilla were created. During these years, the Russian fleet won its first major victories in naval battles near the island. Kotlin, Gangut Peninsula, Ezel and Grengam Islands, gained dominance in the Baltic and Caspian Seas.

After the death of Peter I, in 1725, the construction of warships in the country almost ceased - only those ships that were already on the stocks were completed. It was ordered not to go to sea to avoid losses. The fleet was inactive, the ships were dilapidated. Catherine II wrote in 1763: We have an abundance of ships and people, but we have neither a fleet nor sailors.

The Commander-in-Chief of the Russian Navy, Admiral Vladimir Masorin, announced plans for reform of the Russian Navy, the result of which should be the creation of a combat-ready ocean fleet, which has the world's second largest group of carrier-based aircraft.

The first push to create a fleet began in the 80s of the 19th century, when the Russian leadership decided to create a fleet in the Pacific Ocean - to protect Russia’s eastern borders and support its influence in the region. Insufficient concentration of efforts, unbalanced programs, combined with the general technical backwardness of the country and incompetent leadership led to the defeat of the Russian fleet in the 1904-1905 war with Japan, the main forces of which were equipped with the latest ships built in British shipyards.

After the Russo-Japanese War, Russia was unable to begin restoring its fleet for quite some time. War and revolution 1905-1907 plunged the country into a deep financial and economic crisis. The government could not allocate funds sufficient to implement the post-war shipbuilding programs developed by the Naval General Staff. The fleet was slightly replenished only by ships laid down during the Russo-Japanese War, and several cruisers ordered abroad and at domestic shipyards. The Navy Ministry made enormous efforts to repair and re-equip the surviving ships with more than modest annual funds allocated to the ministry.

February 11, 1918 V.I. Lenin signed a decree on the creation of the Workers' and Peasants' Red Fleet (RKKF). As an inheritance from the Russian Imperial Navy, on the basis of which it was formed, it inherited a huge number of warships of all classes and auxiliary vessels: in the Baltic v 4 dreadnought battleships, 9 cruisers, 62 destroyers and torpedo boats, 26 submarines, 5 gunboats boats, 23 mine and net minelayers, 110 patrol ships and boats, 89 minesweepers, as well as over 100 various auxiliary vessels, 70 transports and 16 icebreakers (a total of about 600 warships and vessels); on the Black Sea there are 7 battleships, 2 cruisers, 20 destroyers and 4 torpedo boats, 11 submarines (a total of about 400 ships and auxiliary vessels).

Many ships were part of the Arctic Ocean Flotilla, the Caspian, Amur and Siberian flotillas.

International Children's Book Day is an annual event organized and sponsored by the Swiss non-profit organization International Board on Books for Young People (IBBY).

As part of the event, writing competitions are organized, awards are presented, and meetings with children's writers are held.

International Children's Book Day is always celebrated April 2, on your birthday Hans Christian Andersen.

That is, World Children's Book Day is celebrated:
* April 2 is the birthday of Hans Christian Andersen.

G.H. Andersen is a Danish writer, author of many plays, travel accounts, short stories, novels, and, of course, fairy tales. It was thanks to his “fabulous” works that the author immortalized his name. Currently, at least 3,380 fairy tales by Hans Christian Andersen have been translated into more than 125 world languages ​​(including Russian).

In Russia, the famous storyteller became famous for the following creations: “The Snow Queen”, “The Little Match Girl”, “Thumbelina”, “The Ugly Duckling”, “The King’s New Dress”, “The Princess and the Pea”, “The Steadfast Tin Soldier”, “Ole Lukoile” etc..

* For a five-day period, May 10, 2019 is a day off.
* During a six-day period, May 10, 2019 is a working day.

If the calendar date 05/10/2019 coincides with annual paid leave, the leave is NOT extended by one day.

March 18 in Crimea is a day off or a working day:

According to the above laws, on the territory of the Republic of Crimea and the city of Sevastopol the date "March 18" is a non-working holiday, an additional day off.

That is:
* March 18 is a day off in Crimea and Sevastopol.

If March 18 coincides with a holiday (as, for example, happens in 2023), the holiday is transferred to the next working day.

If a holiday coincides with annual paid leave, March 18 is not included in the number of calendar days of leave, but extends it.

Is March 17 a shortened working day:

If the calendar date March 17 falls on a working day, then the duration of work on this day is reduced by 1 hour.

This norm is established in Article 95 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation and applies to working days preceding, among other things, regional holidays.

A lot of literary works and poems have been written that elevate the sea and its bottomless blue expanses. Artistic paintings were dedicated to him, showing all the power and natural beauty. Almost every teenage girl, after reading the book “Scarlet Sails,” dreamed of the same fairy tale, entirely connected with the sea, filled with romantic and airy motifs.

Often in childhood, boys imagined themselves as brave heroes and sailors, plowing the vast expanses of water and opening up new horizons. Some managed not to lose their mysterious dream, but to make it come true. And now such men bear the proud title of workers in the sea or river fleet. The day of their noble profession is celebrated in Russia on the first Sunday of July.

History of a significant day

Despite the long-standing creation of the sea and river fleet, the solemn date itself, when workers of such a difficult profession are congratulated, was formed in the Russian Federation relatively recently. In 1980, a decree of the Presidium of the USSR was issued, in which all memorable days were prescribed. It indicated the order of the state on the creation of this celebration and the date of its holding. In addition to our country, Ukraine and Belarus celebrate River Fleet Day at this time.

Historical background

This solemn day takes its historical origins from the beginning of the formation of trade routes in Rus'. From that time to the present day, they have been the economic potential of our country and help build strong ties with other countries. Separately, I would like to highlight the workers themselves on River Fleet Day, because without them these services to the Russian economy would not be so significant. Of course, the profession of sailors is very difficult and dangerous, but the greatness with which they carry it speaks of their great love and devotion to this noble cause.

Today, the sea and river fleet is a complex industry in which only qualified specialists work, who devote themselves to their own profession without reserve. Thanks to them, our country is provided with protection and water transport. Without them, the future and present of the Russian maritime power would be unthinkable.

Congratulations on River Fleet Day

Concerts, mass celebrations and parades are not all that sailors deserve on their professional holiday. It is much more important and pleasant to receive congratulations and attention from your family, friends and loved ones. Therefore, one should prepare in advance for these significant and memorable days of the river fleet, sea and military.

In order for congratulations to touch them to the depths of their souls and remain in their hearts for many years, it is recommended to present them in poetry or prose. You can expressively voice your congratulations in the presence of the hero of the occasion or write a verse in a greeting card. A good way to congratulate you on River and Sea Fleet Worker's Day is to send an SMS with wishes. In any case, such attention will be pleasant and dear to any man whose life is closely intertwined with the sea.

Navy Day in Russia

This is another holiday associated with the sea. Navy Day is celebrated in the Russian Federation on the last Sunday of July. This date is famous for its military and naval parades, festive festivities and concerts. At the festival of the navy, on the embankments there are displays of warships that amaze with their power and grandeur. At the end of the concert program, fireworks are launched in large cities.

The history of the Navy holiday dates back to 1939. In accordance with the decree of the Council of People's Commissars of the USSR, it was celebrated on July 24. But this lasted only until 1990. At this time, a new decree is issued, and the memorial day of the navy is moved to the last Sunday in July. After this, the date was no longer postponed or changed.

In modern Russia, the holiday is celebrated not only by workers of the navy and river fleet, but also by organizations and enterprises providing support to ships and sailors. Also, their close and dear people join in the celebration of the “lords of the seas”. Such holidays bring people together and instill in them a sense of pride for their homeland. The workers themselves also treat this day with reverence and celebrate it with all the scope of the Russian soul.

The Navy of the Russian Federation plays a very important role in the defense and combat operations of our state. It has in its arsenal marine infantry, submarine forces, coastal troops and aviation. All this is complemented by numerous equipment, equipment and personnel who service the fleet on land.

Russia has a deep history, and many memorable events and victories are associated with the Navy. For many centuries, sailors have deservedly made our country a great maritime power. We can talk about their exploits, courage and victories for a very long time. Studying the Navy and its achievements, we can proudly say that all sailors who have ever given their lives to this persistent and hard work are the heroes and joy of our country.

In conclusion

In July, the main holidays associated with workers of the sea and river fleet take place. The state is very sensitive to these events and always organizes colorful celebrations, concerts and parades. One has only to see all the power and beauty of warships, aircraft and sailors to understand what an important place they occupy in the Russian armed forces and what dangerous and difficult work the river and sea fleet workers are capable of.

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