Coplanar vectors are the parallelepiped rule.


The addition of several vectors in space is performed as follows: the first vector is added to the second, then their sum is added to the third vector, and so on. We know this rule as the polygon rule. The figure shows the addition of three vectors in space.

From point O the vector OA is equal to vector a, then from point A the vector AB is equal to be, from point B the next vector BC is equal to tse, and we connect the first and last points O with C we get the vector OS equal to the sum of vectors a, be and tse.

Let us formulate the polygon rule.

The figure shows the sum of six vectors.

If the beginning of the vector coincides with the end of the last one, then the sum is equal to the zero vector.

Consider the sum of vectors

After performing the addition according to the polygon rule, we obtain the vector AA or zero vector.

Let's solve problem No. 337 (c)

Simplify the expression

Solution: Let's replace the subtraction in the expression with the sum. To do this, replace the negative vectors with their opposite ones. The minus vector BC is equal to the vector SV, the minus vector RM is equal to the vector MR. The minus vector AP is equal to the vector RA. The AC vector added to the CB vector gives the AB vector. Vectors MR and RA give vector MA. Then, adding the vectors AB and BM, we obtain the vector AM. As a result, the sum of the vectors AM and MA gives a zero vector. The expression is simplified.

Let's solve proof problem No. 338.

Given parallelepiped ABCDA1B1C1D1. Prove that, where O is an arbitrary point in space.

Proof. Let's transform the left side of the equality. We represent vector OA as the sum of vectors OA1 and A1A according to the triangle rule. Vector A1A is equal to vector C1C as the opposite edges of the parallelepiped. Adding the vectors OC1 and C1C, we obtain OC. As a result of the transformations, we obtained the right side of the equality. The proof is over.

Parallelepiped rule. A vector lying on the diagonal of a parallelepiped is equal to the sum of vectors drawn from the same point and lying on three dimensions of the parallelepiped. B1. C1. A1. D1. B.C.A.D.

Slide 28 from the presentation “Definition of a vector in space”. The size of the archive with the presentation is 777 KB.

Geometry 11th grade

summary of other presentations

""Cone" geometry grade 11"- Truncated cone. The portion of a conical surface that encloses a truncated cone. Examples of cones from life. Cone. Truncated cone. Rigorous proof of theorems. Axial section of the cone. History of the study. The cone is obtained by rotation. Apollonius of Perga. Conical surface. The concept of a cone. Lateral surface area. Surface area of ​​a cone. Archimedes.

“Volumes and surfaces of bodies of rotation”- Examples from practical activities. Volumes. Identify the geometric shape. Why does the thermometer tank heat up faster? Summarize knowledge. Formulating the problem. Volumes and surfaces of bodies of revolution. A ball-shaped teapot has the smallest surface area. Proposing and testing hypotheses. Problem.

“Tasks on calculating the area of ​​a triangle”- Solving one problem. Lesson motto. Find the area of ​​the figure. Select a statement. Mathematical dictation. Checking progress. Calculate the area of ​​the figure. Personal goals. Ivan Niven. Square. Methods for finding the area of ​​a triangle. Area of ​​the figure. Physical education minute.

""Sphere and Ball" 11th grade"- Area of ​​the sphere. Sphere. Definition of sphere, ball. Section radius. Definition of sphere. Surface area of ​​a sphere. Distance from the center of the sphere to the plane. Circle and circle. Ball. Historical information about the sphere and ball. Physical education minute. Sphere and plane. Location. The relative position of the sphere and the plane. The relative position of a circle and a straight line. How to draw a sphere. Equation of a circle. Center coordinates.

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"Rectangular parallelepiped geometry"- All dihedral angles are right angles. The volume of the cube is 64. Rectangular parallelepiped in problems B9 and B11 of the Unified State Examination. Find the volume of the polyhedron. Find the square of the distance between the vertices. Rectangular parallelepiped. Find the angle CAD. Find the surface area of ​​the polyhedron. Find the volume. Formulas for the total surface and volume of a rectangular parallelepiped.

summary of other presentations

“Area of ​​plane figures” - Areas of the figures depicted. Area of ​​the figure. Calculation of areas of plane figures. Direct. Areas of figures. Apply the formula to calculate the area. Correct answers. Exercise. Algorithm for finding area. Inequality.

“Problems in coordinates” - How to find the coordinates of a vector. Angle between vectors. Find the coordinates of vector AB if A (3; -1; 2) and B (2; -1; 4). Find the length of vector a if it has coordinates: (-5; -1; 7). Quadrilateral ABCD is a rhombus. Cultivating interest and love for the subject. Lesson objectives. C is the middle of the segment. Lesson plan. Vector A has coordinates (-3; 3; 1). Formation of skills to perform generalization. Find the distance between points A and B.

““Cone” geometry grade 11” - Examples of cones from life. Apollonius of Perga. History of the study. Truncated cone. Surface area of ​​a cone. Archimedes. Lateral surface area. Axial section of the cone. The concept of a cone. Rigorous proof of theorems. The portion of a conical surface that encloses a truncated cone. Conical surface. The cone is obtained by rotation. Truncated cone. Cone.

“Bodies of rotation around us” - Cosmic bodies. Forest cone spruce. Industrial equipment. Leaning Tower in Italy. Cone. In outer space. Round towers. Melnikov's house. Find bodies of revolution. History of the Round Building. Bodies of rotation around us.

“Tasks on calculating the area of ​​a triangle” - Methods for finding the area of ​​a triangle. Select a statement. Personal goals. Square. Ivan Niven. Checking progress. Physical education minute. Lesson motto. Mathematical dictation. Calculate the area of ​​the figure. Solving one problem. Find the area of ​​the figure. Area of ​​the figure.

“Definition of a vector in space” - A vector lying on the diagonal of a parallelepiped. Zero vector. Proof of the scalar product formula. Properties. Addition. Polygon rule. Sign of coplanarity. Calculation of the dot product in coordinates. Parallelepiped rule. Codirectional vectors. A vector drawn to the middle of the segment. Decomposition of a vector into three non-coplanar vectors. A vector drawn to the point of intersection of the diagonals of a parallelogram.

Parallelepiped rule. To add three non-coplanar vectors, you can use the so-called parallelepiped rule. Let be non-coplanar vectors. B1. D. Let us plot vectors from an arbitrary point O in space. C. and construct a parallelepiped so that the segments OA, OB and OS are its edges. Then the diagonal is OD. This parallelepiped is represented by the sum of vectors. V. E. OD = a + b + c. Indeed, OD = OE + ED =. O. A. = a+b+c. OA+OB+OC.

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Math teaching

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There are 30 presentations in total

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