Summary of educational activities for teaching literacy in the preparatory group Topic: “Journey to the Land of Fairy Tales. Summary of GCD for teaching literacy in the preparatory group “Tsvetik-seven-tsvetik” Nod teaching literacy New Year

Teaching literacy using elements of the developmental methodology of V.V. Voskobovich.

Target: develop cognitive interest, desire and need to learn new things through the use of Voskobovich’s educational games.



  • consolidate knowledge of the letters learned;
  • get acquainted with a new sound and letter;
  • develop the ability to remember the outline of a letter with the help of Voskobovich’s educational games: the iconic construction set “Baby Cord”, “Letter Designer”, “Igrovisor” with the application “Labyrinth of Consonant Letters”; “A set of letters” (appendix to the carpet “Larchik”).
  • use fairy-tale characters “Little Geo” and “Raven Meter” in the educational process; developmental environment “Purple Forest” to create a game situation that promotes memorization of educational material.


  • develop phonemic awareness;
  • develop children's speech;
  • develop fine motor skills and mental processes (memory, thinking, imagination, attention).


- foster a sense of mutual assistance.

Preliminary work: design of the development environment “Purple Forest”.

Equipment: iconic construction set “Baby Cord”, “Letter Designer”, “Igrovisor” with the application “Labyrinth of Consonant Letters”; “A set of letters” (appendix to the carpet “Larchik”). Fairy-tale characters “Baby Geo”, “Raven Meter”; developmental environment “Purple Forest”, Velcro strips.

Abstract of the GCD “Visiting the Letters”
(preparatory group)

Organizational moment

Educator: Guys, it's time to teach literacy. Let's get acquainted with a new sound and letter. Baby Geo came to visit.

Introductory part

Baby Geo really wants to go to school. His mother told him that for this he needed to know the letters. And the wise Raven Meter advised the Kid to go to the fairyland of letters. There, all children and animals get acquainted with letters: they remember their name, spelling and learn to read. Baby Geo was brave, courageous and very inquisitive and therefore decided to go to fairyland. And it is located in the Violet Forest. Together with the Kid we go to get acquainted with the letters and learn a lot of interesting things. We need to do gymnastics.

Pronounce the sound clearly.
Speak loudly and clearly.
It will definitely help us
Gymnastics for the tongue.

(Articulation gymnastics at the teacher’s choice).

Main part

Educator: So we found ourselves in the fairyland of letters. Look, two houses met on the way. Letters live in them. Raven Meter has prepared riddles about letters for you. Listen carefully.

- This letter is a wheel

And it looks like... (Oh).

- Everyone knows this letter,

The letter is glorious,

Main in the alphabet. (A)

- Take a needle

And pave the paths:

Left - one, right - two,

Obliquely it will be -three.

What letter? Look. (AND)

- This letter has a leg,

And very sharp horns. (U)

- He was a round bun,

But the mouse gnawed my side,

Left a path

And just a little. (E)

- This letter has a leg,

And just one stick. (s)

- This letter in the gym,

They called it a crossbar. (P)

- Our Nastya is a tumbler,

Leans forward

And it won't fall.

Left, right and back,

That's what the guys say.

And everyone knows:

Nastya loves the letter... (N)

— The little bear found honey,

I went home happily.

“Here’s some honey I’ll quickly eat,

“And I will remember the letter” ... (M)

(One house is made using red Velcro tape (for vowels), the other using green and blue (for consonants)). Children guess riddles about letters and explain which house they will be placed in.)

Physical education minute

We came to visit the letters,

(Walking in circles)

Fairytale houses found

(They stop, raise their hands up,

Depicting the roof of a house)

The letters settled in them,

(Sit down)

Here's the box for "O"

(Make the letter o with your fingers)

It's very round.

To visit her from afar,

The letter A has arrived.

(Stand up and wave their arms)

The letters live happily:

They dance, clap, sing.

(Jump, clap their hands)

Educator: Well done guys, you guessed the riddles about the letters. Raven Meter is pleased that you recognized the letters. Baby Geo was attentive and quickly remembered these letters. Letters never quarrel. Look how they can be friends.

(The teacher composes syllables, the children read.)

Educator: Guys, teach Baby Geo to read syllables.

(Children take turns coming out and making up syllables. Then the syllables are completed to form a whole word.)

Educator: Guys, the Kid really enjoyed composing the syllables and reading them. He says “thank you” for the interesting reading exercise. Educator: Here- knock-knock the ax knocks.

Another letter has moved into the house.

Educator: What sound do you hear most often? (Sound [t]).

What sound is this? (consonant, hard, voiceless).

Let's come up with words starting with this sound.

(Children come up with words and, with the help of the teacher, determine whether the sound t is hard or soft.)

Educator: The sound t can be hard and soft and is denoted by the letter “T”. ( Shows the letter T).

Which house will this letter live in, and why? (Children's answers).

Educator: What does the letter T look like? (Children's answers).

(The teacher prepares pictures in advance of what the letter “T” looks like).

Exercises to remember the image of the letter “T”

  1. Children write a printed letter in the “Labyrinth of Consonant Letters” notebook
  2. Depict the letter on the playbook “Baby Cord”.

Educator: Little Geo listened to everything attentively and remembered the letter t. But suddenly a strong wind blew and the letters scattered. Guys, you need to make syllables with the letter “T”. (Children form syllables with the letter “T”. Complete them to form a whole word.)

Final part

Educator: The kid learned a lot of interesting things in the country of letters. Learned to form syllables and words. What about you? (Children's answers).

Goodbye, fairyland of letters!

To be literate,
The letters need to be studied.

Natalia Pukhova
Summary of educational activities for teaching literacy “Winter has come”

The children enter the office to the sound of crunching snow and take their places next to the chairs.

1 slide – "Picture of Winter".

Let's talk about winter, name the signs of winter.

2-slide "Message".

3rd slide - text

I will read the letter to you.

“Hello guys.

I invite you on an exciting journey

with many games and interesting tasks.

Who I am, you don’t know yet.

But I can say for sure that I like to play and surprise.

I only appear in winter.

And who I am, you will find out when you complete all my tasks. And my girlfriends will help you. A strange star fell from the sky

It fell on my palm and disappeared.

(snowflake)- snowflakes.

See you.

4th slide - snowflakes

Well, guys, are you ready to go on an exciting journey?

Children; Yes…

Well, then let's go.

5-slide "Ear, Mouth, Snowflake"

What do you think we will talk about now?

What sounds do you know?

What do you know about vowel sounds?

Name them

What do you know about consonants?

What are they?

- « WINTER» - we will do a sound analysis of the word

Put this word in chips. One child works at the board.

How many sounds are there in a word? « WINTER» ? (also 4)

How many consonants are there in a word? « WINTER» ? (2 consonants). Name them (sounds Z and M) .

How many vowel sounds are in a word « WINTER» ? (2 vowel sounds)

What sounds are these? (and, a).

Log; Well done guys, you did a great job with this task.

5th slide game “Name and color the pictures whose names begin with WITH:

6th slide "Part of the House"

What are we going to talk about?

Winter words divided into syllables: frost, snow, snowflake, Snow Maiden, cold, winter, snowballs, sleds.

7slide game "Count it"

Tit, bullfinch, magpie, woodpecker, sparrow.

Who did we think?


8th slide "Proposal Scheme"

What does the proposal consist of? What else do you know about the proposal?

9th slide of the picture making a proposal

10th slide game "Let's decorate"

What can we decorate in winter? To do this, select pictures with a sound at the beginning of the word, bring them here, we will decorate our Christmas tree.

Guys, look who sent us a message with tasks.

Who is this? 11-slide

I think that the snowman is bored, so he decided to play with you by sending a message with tasks. After all, today has just begun winter and he doesn't have any snowman friends yet. Let's thank the snowman for the exciting journey and draw him friends "Snegovichkov".

Publications on the topic:

Topic: Necklace for Cinderella Purpose: To contribute to the formation of the basis for children's mastery of literacy through sound analysis of words. Tasks:.

Summary of educational activities for teaching literacy “We are literate!” (senior preschool age) Goal: Development of sound culture of speech. Program objectives: Educational: 1. Continue teaching children to conduct sound analysis of words.

Abstract of educational activities for teaching literacy on the topic: “Differentiation of sounds [k] - [g]” Program objectives: 1) Correctional and educational: Consolidate.

Summary of GCD for teaching literacy using mnemonics “Sound [B] and letter B” MUNICIPAL BUDGETARY PRESCHOOL EDUCATIONAL INSTITUTION KALMIYABASHEVSKY KINDERGARTEN “BELL” Summary of educational activities for children of different ages.

Summary of educational activities for teaching literacy in the preparatory group “Sounds [З] and [З’]” Goal: to create conditions for children to become familiar with the sounds “З”, “Зь”. Objectives: correctional and educational: To introduce the sounds “З”, “Зь”;.

Program content: I. Develop children's ability to navigate the sound reality of language: 1. Name words with a given sound;.

Summary of educational activities for teaching literacy in the preparatory group “Magic Basket” Didactic support for the lesson: Visual material: basket, pictures (hat, candy, hoop, bow, watermelon, envelope with a letter, cards.

Tatiana Garnysheva


Improve the skills of sound analysis of words: identify vowels, consonants (soft, hard, voiceless, voiced); place of sound in a word; divide words into syllables, determining the number of syllables;

Improve the technique of conscious reading of words and sentences; enrich children's vocabulary.


Develop phonemic hearing, visual perception, thinking, attention, memory;

Develop the ability to answer the teacher’s question with a complete answer, practice coming up with sentences with a given word;


Create a good mood;

Foster a sense of camaraderie, the ability to listen to the teacher and comrades, the desire and ability to work in a team;

Encourage activity and independence.

Vocabulary work:

sound, syllable, word, sentence, stress, letter.

Organization of the lesson:

1st part, standing on the mat, then at the tables, physical exercise - on the mat.


Dispensing: letters for coloring, colored pencils (blue, red, a table for determining the place of a sound in a word, chips, object pictures for determining the number of syllables, the word “”, words divided into 2 parts, puzzles and cards for composing a word.

Demo: numbers 1, 2, 3 to determine the number of syllables in a word, syllable table for reading, pictures for composing a word using the first letters, split sentence “I’M GOING TO SCHOOL.”

Progress of the lesson:

“Invented by someone simply and wisely

When meeting, say hello:

Good morning!

Good morning! sun and birds.

Good morning! smiling faces.

And everyone becomes kind and trusting.

Good morning lasts until evening."

Guys, let's look at each other and smile. Let your smiles be with us throughout the lesson, we are in a good mood, we are ready to start the lesson.

You learned a lot in kindergarten, you will soon go to school, and now we will test your knowledge and skills.

What do you need for this? (listen carefully to the teacher, answer questions correctly). The lesson will be interesting and difficult, so you will need attention, resourcefulness and your knowledge, we do not quarrel and help each other.

Remind me what we study in literacy classes? (we study sounds and letters).

How are sounds and letters different? (we pronounce and hear sounds, and we see and write letters).

What sounds are there? (sounds are vowels and consonants).

There are letters on your table, let's name them?

(A U O M S H S H L Y N R K P T I Z V ZH B G D Y L)

Take a colored pencil and fill in the letter with the appropriate color.

What two groups did we get? (vowels and consonants).

How are vowel sounds pronounced? (they are sung, do not encounter obstacles during pronunciation, form a syllable).

How are consonants pronounced? (they are not sung, they encounter an obstacle during pronunciation, they do not form a syllable).

“The vowels stretch out in a ringing song,

They may cry and scream

They can cradle a child in a crib,

But they don’t want to whistle and grumble.”

"And the consonants agree

rustle, whisper, hiss,

But I don’t want to sing to them.”

And now I have the next task for you, listen carefully. I read the tongue twister: “Margarita was collecting daisies on the grass, Margarita lost daisies in the yard.”

What sound is very common in this tongue twister? (sound "R").

Now I will pronounce words, and you must determine the place of the sound “R” in the word: at the beginning, middle or end of the word, and mark with a chip the square on the card where this sound is located.

(river, drum, mosquito, rainbow, size, cheese, watermelon, outlook)

I have prepared unusual balls for you, what do you see on them? (letters). You need to make as many words as possible from the available letters.


“There’s a lot of trouble with letters

Well, that's the kind of people they are,

But when the mind is smart

Build them in a clear row,

Letters will turn into words

And they will talk to you."

DREAM, ELEPHANT, NOSE. What can you say about these words, what are they? (short).

Name some other short words (cat, house, cheese).

What other words are there? (long). Name long words (bicycle, steam locomotive, excavator).

And now I suggest you play the game “Find your house.” Each house has its own number: No. 1, No. 2, No. 3, No. 4. Take object pictures, name your word, divide it into syllables and find your house, how many syllables are in the word, this will be the number of your house.

Help me find my house.

Well done, take your places at the tables.

“Everything has a name -

Both the beast and the object.

There are a lot of things around,

But there are no nameless ones!

And everything that only the eye sees -

Above us and below us

And everything that is in our memory

Signified by words."

What time of year is shown in my picture? (winter).

- “WINTER” - let's look at this word.

How many letters are in the word "WINTER"? (4 letters)

How many sounds are there in the word “WINTER”? (also 4)

How many consonant sounds are there in the word “WINTER”? (2 consonant sounds). Name them (sounds Z and M).

Where in this word is the sound Z and the sound M? (the sound Z is at the beginning of the word, and the sound M is in the middle).

The sound Z is consonant, sonorous, soft.

The sound M is consonant, sonorous, hard.

How many vowel sounds are in the word “WINTER”? (2 vowel sounds)

What sounds are these? (and, a).

What vowel is in the middle of the word? (AND)

Where is the sound "a"? (at the end of a word)

Divide this word into syllables. How many syllables are in the word “WINTER” (two).

Why does this word have two syllables? (because there are two vowel sounds).

Let's remember the rule - “The number of vowel sounds in a word, the number of syllables in a word.”

Read the first syllable (ZI, the second syllable (MA).

Which syllable is stressed? (MA).

Name the unstressed syllable? (ZI)

Well done guys, you completed the task.

Next task: reading according to the syllable table and composing words.

(magpie, Vova, crow, owls, braids, cow, hair).

You have cards with words laid out on your tables; when I was preparing for class, I mixed them up. You need to make up a word, arranging the syllables in the right order, read it and make a sentence with this word. You will work in pairs.



Well done guys, you did a good job.

There are pictures in front of you, you need to guess the word by its first letters. (SCHOOL).

Tell me, please, what are the letters made up of? (words).

What comes out of words that come together? (offers).

Our speech consists of sentences. In order to speak correctly and beautifully, we select words according to their meaning to each other, and we come up with sentences.

Now make a sentence from the words you see here: SCHOOL. V. COMING. ME (I'M GOING TO SCHOOL).

What sign is put at the end of a sentence? (dot).

What other signs are put at the end of a sentence?!)

Pronounce the sentence so that you can put signs (.,) at the end of the sentence.

Solution to the puzzle:


4 3 2 1 1 2 3 4 3 4 1 2 1 2 3 4

Cards: you need to make up a word that does not have enough syllables, insert the appropriate syllable and read this word.



Guys, I’m happy for you, you completed all the tasks that I prepared for you.

Which task did you like the most?

Which activity did you find difficult?

You showed your skills, knowledge, and showed ingenuity. Well done!

“How good it is to be literate in the world,

After all, literacy is a step to the light,

Which should not be missed."

Thank you for your work!

Summary of direct educational activities (DEA) in the educational field “Communication” (beginnings of literacy) for children 7 years of age.

Topic: “Soon, New Year is coming!”

Program content:

1. Strengthen children’s ability to conduct a sound analysis of a word, classify sounds into vowels and consonants; update children's knowledge about consonant sounds, continue to teach them to use existing knowledge when typing words; practice reading words and sentences; learn to build a logically correct sentence construction; independently indicate the number of words in a sentence with a diagram; continue to form active and passive New Year's vocabulary.

2. Continue to develop phonemic perception, mental and cognitive activity, develop perception and memory when copying, sound culture of speech; independence, initiative, intellectual competence.

3. Develop organization, the ability to listen to a friend, interact in class with adults and peers; Encourage children to demonstrate independence in work and the ability to evaluate the results of their activities.

4.Health protection: instill hygienic writing skills.

Dictionary: sounds, letters, vowels, consonants, voiced, unvoiced, hard (soft), syllables, words, sentences, diagram, chain of words, congratulations, holiday, New Year, postcard.

Material : postcard with the text of the telegram, “snowballs”, volumetric colored circles to demonstrate the diagram of the word, a set of letters for composing the word - winter (demonstration and handout), manual “Beads”, multi-colored paper balls for printing words, manual “Christmas tree with balls” , a chest, paper snowflakes with New Year's words, strips with a deformed sentence, strips for drawing up a sentence diagram for each child, a New Year's dictionary, children's cards made in advance; stars for the Christmas tree, congratulations for display and copying, colored pens and markers for everyone.


1.Surprise moment.

Guys, look, we have a surprise today! What is this?

Children read aloud. Then one child reads louder.

What holiday is approaching? What time of year does it happen?

And today we will prepare for the New Year.

I wonder who sent us this telegram? (children's answers)

If the children haven’t guessed, the teacher says:

I'll give you a hint. It starts with the sound Zb and ends with the sound A, time of year.

2. Warm up.

In winter you can play in the snow. Do you want it? And the snowballs will not be simple, but sound ones.

Educator: vowels. Children: A, O, U, I.Y.

Educator: consonants. Children: they call.

Educator: voiced consonants. Children: ……..

Educator: consonants are deaf. Children: ...... Educator: soft consonants. Children: ..... Teacher: hard consonants. Children call.

At the end they draw a conclusion about the sounds.

3. Sound analysis of the word.

Look, several colorful snowballs are stuck. Come in, have a seat. What do they look like? (On the diagram of the word. But think about which one, remember the riddle).

Tell me about every sound in the word "winter."

Make up this word from letters (one child at the board).

How many syllables are there in this word? Come up with a sentence with this word, give it to winter!

4. Chain of words.

In winter, on New Year's Eve, a green miracle appears in the house. What is this?

And we have a Christmas tree (opens a magnetic board on which a Christmas tree is drawn). Want to decorate?

And we will decorate it with a chain of words. Each bead is a word. Each next word begins with the last sound of the previous one.

Take the beads and go out to decorate. My word is pineapple. What's the last sound? Further by analogy.

It turned out beautifully! A real garland!

5. Decorating the balls.

Will you make a newspaper for the holiday? You have prepared samples of balls. They need to be decorated and signed. When you glue the picture, you will know which word needs to be written with colored pens.

The children sit at the tables. Look what word came out? And you?

The teacher works with children individually if they have difficulty.

How great it turned out. Take it to Father Frost's Workshop.

6.Working with syllables.

Guys! Look, what kind of decorated Christmas tree do we have there? -Let's come closer. Do you know who dressed her up? Fairy-tale heroes. Read the first syllable and guess. (Children read and guess).

7. Vocabulary work.

What is this under our Christmas tree? Perhaps winter has a surprise in store for you!

The chest is placed on the table and opened.

Oh! What is this? (snowflakes) How unusual! With words.

Snowflakes are handed out to the children and they read aloud on their own. Then individually, one by one.

What holiday are all the words associated with? Now you will have a New Year's dictionary. Place snowflakes under the Christmas tree.

8.Work with the proposal.

Look at some words here. Apparently Santa Claus was passing by. His bag became thin and everything spilled out. Come in, sit down, let's see now. (Children read).

What's happened? Nothing is clear. Rearrange the words so that it is clear. Read it. What happened? (sentence) Who is the sentence talking about? What did you do? Where did you come? What is NA? How many words are there in a sentence? What letter is the sentence printed with? Why? What's at the end? Why? Lay out this sentence in strips (one child can be at the board). At the end they check.

9. Making postcards.

It is also customary to congratulate each other on the holiday. How do people do this? (children list).

And you and I prepared postcards. Decorate them with a star (children glue them to the Christmas tree). Something is missing. Congratulations. What can you write?

People rejoice and say, read (exhibited (black and white version): Happy New Year!

How many words? What is C? Why is the word New written with a capital letter? (name of the holiday). What's the sign at the end? (!) Because we say it joyfully.

Name the vowels. What color should we write it in? Consonants. What color?

Print your congratulations below, under the Christmas tree, using colored pens.

Children are typing. Check against a color sample. The teacher asks:

Read what you wrote or wrote.

Who would you like to congratulate? What else? (if guests are present) Give your cards and smiles to our guests.

Nomination “Methodological work in preschool educational institutions”

ECD for preparing children for learning to read and write (senior group) Topic: “Travel to the country of Abvgdeyki.”

Target: teach children sound analysis and synthesis of words.


  • to form children’s knowledge of vowels and consonants;
  • learn to determine the number of syllables in a word;
  • learn to correlate sounds and letters;
  • develop children's phonemic hearing and visual perception;
  • develop children's speech;
  • consolidate the ability to determine the presence of a given sound in a word;
  • fix graphic images of letters;
  • cultivate a desire to learn your native language.

Equipment: Demonstration material: “Locks for sounds”, manual “Herringbone”, magnetic board, flannelograph with a silhouette of a tree, figures of animals and birds, toys, ball. Handout: pictures with images: bow and hatch, colored squares to indicate sounds in the word scheme, emoticons: sad and happy.

Vocabulary: hatch, crawl, breaststroke.

Progress of the lesson

Educator: Today our group received a letter from Wise Owl. She invites us to the fairyland “ABVGDEIKU”. Do you want it? To get to this country we need to cross a magic bridge, but let's first check if we can take you all there. I will throw the ball to you, and you will catch it, and answer my question; whoever answers correctly will be able to cross the magic bridge.

Ball game.“Catch the ball if you hear the sound r in the word” (sound a, sound k).

Educator: Well done, everyone completed the task, which means you can all cross the bridge and get into the land of sounds. ( Everyone passes through the bridge).

Educator: In this land of sounds there are two castles, sounds live in them. Look carefully and tell me, do they look alike? How are they different? What sounds live in the red castle? What sounds live in the blue-green castle? Why is the second castle blue-green? Why is the door to the red castle open? Why is the door to the blue-green castle closed? Well done.

Educator: What else can castles be built from? I will name the material, and the one to whom I throw the ball will name what it will be: 1. - made of straw? - straw; 2. - made of stone? - stone 3. - made of wood? - wooden 4. - glass? - glass 5. - made of iron? - iron 6. - made of rubber? - rubber 7. - made of plastic? - plastic 8. - made of brick? - brick.

Articulation gymnastics.

Educator: Now let's try to build a house using our tongue. First, we put up the walls (fence). We will make large, bright windows (windows) in the wall. We will put shutters (sail) on the windows. We’ll build a pipe on the roof (pull your lips into a tube) And now we’ll paint the ceiling, windows (delicious jam, wash the floors (brush your teeth). Our house is ready, you can prepare for the holiday.

Game “Decorate the Christmas tree”.

Educator: What holiday is coming up? How do we celebrate it? (We decorate the Christmas tree). We also have a Christmas tree, but it is not decorated. I suggest decorating our Christmas tree with balls. But these balls are not simple, they have pictures on them. So, having received the ball, you must determine how many syllables are in the title of this picture. If there is one syllable, hang the ball on the topmost triangle, if two syllables - on the second middle triangle, if three syllables - on the largest bottom triangle. (Children check how many syllables are in the names of their pictures and, commenting, hang the balls on the Christmas tree). What a beautiful elegant Christmas tree we have!

Mapping words.

Educator: You and I have worked hard, decorated the Christmas tree, and now sit down at the tables and listen to the riddles of the Wise Owl, and we must draw up the answers in the form of a diagram, we will find out what sounds live in these words. They threw off the golden feathers from Yegorushka, Made Yegorushka cry without grief. ( Onion) Place a picture of an onion in front of you. How many sounds do you think there are in this word? Why?

There are three boxes under the picture, which means there are three sounds in the word. Look and listen to how to read this word and how the pointer will help me. Now let's try to read it the same way. Listen to how the first sound of Llluk sounds in the word. Repeat the word, emphasizing the first sound. What is he like? (l-consonant, hard, indicated in blue). Listen to what the second sound sounds like -Luuuk, repeat what sound it is (vowel, in red) Guess what the third sound sounds like in the word -luUK, what is it? (consonant, hard, blue). What word will you get if you replace the letter y in the word onion with the letter y? (Luke).

Take a picture of a hatch. (We perform the same analysis of the word with the word hatch.)

Educator: Now let's play game "Live Sounds". Those children who guess my riddles will play. What is the second sound in the word “bow”, what is the first sound, what is the third sound? Now make up a word. Did the children form the word correctly? The sound “K” - name a word based on your sound, the sound “L” - name your brother, the sound “U” - spin around in place. Well done, sounds, you completed the tasks. Put sounds in your houses and sit down.

Articulation game “Guess what vowel sound I will pronounce?” The teacher, without a voice, “pronounces” vowel sounds with his lips alone. The child must guess, then the children “riddle” their vowel sounds.

Educator: I suggest you move on. Look, a tree has grown on our way, and little animals are sitting under the tree and don’t know what to do? Let's help them find their places. - Place on the top of the tree a bird whose name begins with the sound [s] (magpie) - Place on the trunk of a tree an animal whose name begins with the sound [b] (squirrel) - Under the tree on the right, plant a bird whose name begins with [y] (duck) - Plant under a tree an animal whose name begins with the sound [k] (cat) - An insect flies above the cat, whose name begins with the sound [o] (wasp) Well done.

We helped all the animals find their places and can return to kindergarten. The owl says thank you and gives you toys. You need to select only those objects whose names contain the sound k (cube, boat, book, pencil, pen, dog, bag, snowflake, butterfly, cat, frog, paint).

It’s time for us to return to the group, but look, our bridge has disappeared somewhere, probably washed away by water. How can we cross to the other side? (Children express opinions). Yes, you can swim across the river. We quickly went down to the river, bent down, washed ourselves, 1, 2, 3, 4 - that’s how nicely we refreshed ourselves. And now we swam together, You need to do this with your hands: Together once is breaststroke, One and the other is crawl, we all swam as one, We look like dolphins. So we swam across the river.

Bottom line.

Educator: Where have we been? What interesting things did you see or learn in the fairyland, what did you like most? The Wise Owl handed me the chest. Let's see what lies there? These are emoticons, look how different they are. There is a happy smiley and a sad one. I suggest you choose your own emoticons. If you liked our trip, it was easy for you to complete the tasks, take a cheerful emoticon, and if you were bored, it was not very easy to complete the tasks - a sad one.

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