Summary of the GCD for familiarization with fiction in the middle group “Reading and dramatization of an excerpt from a fairy tale by K.I. Chukovsky "Doctor Aibolit"

Svetlana Sukhova
Abstract of an open educational activity for familiarization with fiction in the middle group “Through the pages of the fairy tales of K. I. Chukovsky”

Target: Introducing children to verbal art through the wonderful world of fairy tales

K.I. Chukovsky. (Consolidating knowledge about the work of children's writer K.I. Chukovsky)


Educational: Recall with the children the name and content of K.I.’s works Chukovsky with whom met before, to awaken in children the joy of meeting their loved ones fairy-tale characters, learn to understand the humor of his works. Develop the ability to determine content literary works based on excerpts from books and illustrations.

Developmental: Develop interest in illustrated editions of familiar works. Develop creative imagination, participate in activities offered by the teacher « fabulous» situations. Develop attention, visual and auditory memory.

Educating: Cultivate love for fairy tales, teach to perceive the content of the work, to empathize with the characters. Inspire in children a desire to do good deeds and help others.

Activation and enrichment dictionary: poker, trough.

Integration of educational regions: Speech development, artistically- aesthetic development, cognitive development, physical development.

Preliminary work: Reading the works of K.I. Chukovsky -"Aibolit", "Moidodyr",

"The clattering fly", "Telephone", "Cockroach", “Fedorino’s Mountain”; design of a book exhibition, books dedicated to anniversaries by K.I. Chukovsky; memorizing passages from works; viewing a film based on the works of K.I. Chukovsky.

Equipment: Book exhibition " Fairytale world of fairy tales K. AND. Chukovsky", portrait of K.I. Chukovsky, children's drawings based on the works of K.I. Chukovsky, telephone, big book fairy tales with decorated pages: images on pages-"little mosquito with a flashlight", “silhouettes depicting a cap with a red cross, glasses, medicines); things - pillow, blanket, small sheet; puzzle- "Moidodyr"; Fedora costume - headscarf, apron, slippers, ladle, bagels; musical registration: phone call, fabulous music, music of storm and wind; medals for children "Connoisseur fairy tales» .

Sequence of work

Etude "Greetings"

Good morning, children! I am very glad to see your kind faces and radiant eyes! Now let’s say hello to the guests and wish them good morning too!

(children say hello).

Now let's smile together to the right. Let's smile to the left, let's smile at our guests. And the guests will smile at us in return too. Amazing!

"Getting into the Situation"

Dear guys, today I invite you to the fabulous world of literature by one writer who loved children very much and fairy tales. He also loved different animals, big and small, kind and not so kind, but fairy tales he wrote - of course for small children. Have you guessed which one? storyteller I'm having a conversation? (children's answers).

Which you know Chukovsky's fairy tales? (children's answers)

Do you like fairy tales by Korney Chukovsky, Why? (because they are kind, funny, interesting.)

« Literary sketch»

“Grandfather Korney wrote good books,”

He raised adults and children.

There will be our grandchildren and children

Game situation "Telephone Riddles"

The telephone rings call: (the teacher conducts a dialogue)- Who's talking? Elephant. -Where? -From a camel. -What do you need? -Chocolate. Guys, with what fairy tales called us? (answers children: "Telephone")

Guys, what do you think this teaches? fairy tale? (children’s answers... – teaches you to understand humor, lifts your spirits.)

The telephone rings call: “Bring me your babies, I’ll eat them for dinner today!”

Guys, where is this from? fairy tales called us? (answers children: "Cockroach"). What is the character of a cockroach, do you think? (answers children: wicked, scary, red-haired, mustachioed, villain, monster, etc.). Can you portray it to me, convey it with facial expressions and gestures? (children show).

Oh, how can I scary, and our guests will be afraid. Scary and is it good to be formidable? (No).

What do you think this teaches? fairy tale? (children's answers... - she teaches to be brave, not to be afraid of anyone., then let's smile at each other and always be only kind.

Speech motor gymnastics: “It’s not easy to be kind” (with elements of finger gymnastics)

“Being kind is not at all easy,

Kindness does not depend on height,

Kindness does not depend on color,

Kindness is not a gingerbread, not a candy,

Kindness does not age over the years,

Kindness will warm you from the cold,

If kindness shines like the sun

Adults and children rejoice.

How wonderful we played with you, and became even kinder to you.

Game situation "Magic book" fairy tales»

(Sounds fabulous music.)

Guys, pay attention to how bright the light one of them emits. A teacher with children approaches the exhibition and draws attention to a large book fairy tales.

Educator: Before us is a big book fairy tales, I open and read: (wind chime sounds)"Once Upon a Time in a Book" fairy tales there was a storm, there was a strong wind and everything got mixed up, and now the heroes fairy tales have mixed up their pages, can we help them figure it out?

The children agree.

The teacher shows the children illustration depicting"mosquito with a flashlight",

Where do you think this is from? page, from which fairy tales? (children's answers - "The clattering fly", and someone can remember tell lines from this fairy tale: “Suddenly, Little Mosquito flies from somewhere, And in his hand a Small flashlight is burning.”, “Beautiful butterfly, eat the jam...”, maybe someone else can add. Well done guys.

But look, another one image page, but only... a strong wind ruffled page, and only silhouettes are visible on it. (attributes)

The teacher turns to children: What do you see here? (red cross on a cap, glasses, medicine. Who does it all belong to)

Children: this a page from a fairy tale"Aibolit".

Does anyone want tell excerpts from this tale? (“Good doctor Aibolit! He sits under a tree. Come to him for treatment, And a cow and a wolf, And a bug, and a worm, And a bear!” etc.)

Guys, what about this pages ran off pillow, blanket, sheet... You guessed what they are from fairy tales? (answers children: The blanket ran away, the sheet flew away, and the pillow, like a frog, jumped away from me, “You must, you must, wash your face in the mornings and evenings”...) Children, but when the main character fled from this fairy tales, it fell apart into puzzles, I suggest you put it together.

Game exercise “Assemble the puzzle "Moidodyr"

(children put together a puzzle on the carpet, it turns out - Moidodyr). Well done, you completed the task.

“The appearance of Fedora and solving problematic situations”

Guys, someone came to visit us, now please put the puzzle together in a box, and I’ll go meet the guest.

Fedora comes out with a ladle and crying: -Oh-oh-oh! Oh-oh-oh! Come home! Hey you stupid plates, why are you jumping around like squirrels? Hello guys! Did you find out who I am? (that's right, I'm Fedora Egorovna). I came to your kindergarten with pages of this book.

Didn't you see that my dishes didn't run through here? (children's answers)

Why did they run away from me? (children's answers)

What should I do, what should I do, how should I turn around the dishes? Children offer options.

-Fedora: Oh, thanks for the advice, here's bagels for lunch. (I won’t, I won’t offend the dishes. I will, I will, I will love and respect the dishes!”). Goodbye guys, I ran to clean the dishes.

Final part

Guys, we've closed the last one. a page from our book. Did you enjoy our trip to fairy tales? (children's answers). What did you like or remember most? (children's answers)

I think we will continue to get acquainted with fairy tales K. AND. Chukovsky. Today you were very active, resourceful, and showed your knowledge in literature. I want to give you each medal: "Connoisseur fairy tales» . You did great today, you can applaud yourself.

Nenets fairy tale "Cuckoo"

Software tasks:

Develop coherent speech;

Cultivate love and sensitivity to the mother and her requests.

To learn to understand and evaluate the character of the characters, to consolidate the idea of ​​the genre features of a fairy tale, as a treasury of folk wisdom, and of instructiveness as a genre feature of a fairy tale.

Preliminary work: teacher’s story about the life of the indigenous population of the North, looking at albums and books about the North, conversation about the North.

Equipment: toy deer, illustrations depicting the nature of the North, globe.

Progress of the lesson:

Educator: Children, what country do we live in? Tell us about Russia. What is our Motherland like?

Children: Our Motherland is big, beautiful, rich.

Educator: Our country is not just big, but huge. In the south it is always warm, winters are not harsh, but where is it always cold?

Children: In the North.

Educator. How can you get to the North instantly?

Children. With the help of magic.

Educator. Let's do some magic. Close your eyes.

Kreks, fex, pex! (The wind sounds howling)

Today we will talk about the peoples of the North, I will introduce you to a Nenets folk tale.

Answer the question, why is the fairy tale called a folk tale?

Children's answers.

Educator: Yes, the folk tale is correct because it was written by the people, and this people are called Nenets - the indigenous inhabitants of the North.

They have been living here for a long time. These are very brave and strong, hardworking people. They lead a nomadic lifestyle. Their main occupation is reindeer herding and fishing. Repeat these words. (children repeat the words in chorus and individually

In search of food for their deer, they often move - wander, from one place to another. The reindeer will eat the food - lichen moss, and move on, followed by the reindeer herders. The place where the reindeer herders live is called a camp. (the story is accompanied by a display of illustrations). Maybe you know the name of the house where the indigenous northerners live?

Children's answers.

Educator. (shows presentation). They live in tent camps. Chum is made from reindeer skins. The chum can be quickly disassembled and transported to another place. The deer is the animal that feeds and clothes the indigenous people. Deer run through deep snow where a car cannot pass. Guys, as you already know, winter is very harsh in the North. But these people are not afraid of any frost. Why do you think?

Children's answers.

Children's answers.

The shoes on my feet are also made of deer fur, these are prima. Please note that all clothes and shoes are sewn by women. You can't buy clothes like this in stores. Northern women have a lot of work: they sew, heat the stove, cook, fish, pick berries, prepare firewood for the winter, take care of children and much more.

Now let's rest a little.

Physical education lesson “Birds”

Songs are sung.

(a phonogram of blackbird and cuckoo birds singing sounds)

Educator. Today I will read you a fairy tale called “The Cuckoo”.

Then the children ran after their mother.

Educator: This is where the fairy tale ends, and whoever listened, well done.

How does this fairy tale end?

Children. It ends sadly.

Educator. 1. Why did mom turn into a cuckoo!

Children. The children were not given water.

2. Why didn’t mom return to the children?

Children. She was very offended.

Educator. How should you treat your mother?

Children: always take care of their mothers, take care of them, look after them, especially when they are sick, help in everything, be hardworking.

Children. Mom needs to help, look after her, obey her, and not upset her.

Educator. Be kinder, more attentive to your mother, always help her in everything, offer her your help more often, and then your mothers will be kind, cheerful and, most importantly, healthy.

Lesson on familiarization with fiction. Reading the Nenets fairy tale “Cuckoo”.

GCD for familiarization with fiction. Reading the Nenets fairy tale “Cuckoo”.

Software tasks:

Continue to acquaint children with the peculiarities of life of the peoples of the North using the example of works of fiction;

Expand knowledge about the uniqueness of life of the peoples of the North;

Draw children's attention to the national flavor of the fairy tale;

To develop in children an interest in the life, traditions and customs of other peoples;

Teach children to evaluate the actions of the heroes of the work;

Develop coherent speech;

Cultivate love and sensitivity to the mother and her requests, using evidence-based speech.

Vocabulary work: chum, Nenets, malitsa, tundra, camp, moss, reindeer herding, fishing, nomadic.

Equipment: toy deer, illustrations depicting the nature of the North, mock-up tent, fur products.

Literature: “Introducing preschoolers to; environment and social reality."

Reader for little ones. (Compiled .) M., 1987.

Progress of the lesson:

Educator. Guys, tell me, what is the name of the region in which we live?

Children's answers.

Educator. That's right, you and I live in the North. Today we will talk about the peoples of the North, I will introduce you to the Nenets folk tale “Cuckoo”. Answer the question, what peoples inhabit the tundra?

Children's answers.

Educator: Yes, Khanty, Nenets, Mansi, Selkups are the indigenous inhabitants of the North. Their main occupation is reindeer herding and fishing. Repeat these words. (children repeat the words in chorus and individually).

They have been living here for a long time. These are very brave and strong, hardworking people. They lead a nomadic lifestyle. In search of food for their deer, they often move - wander, from one place to another. The reindeer eat the food - reindeer moss, and move on, followed by the reindeer herders. The place where the reindeer herders live is called a camp. (the story is accompanied by a display of illustrations). Maybe you know the name of the house where the indigenous northerners live?

Children's answers.

Educator. (shows the layout of the tent). They live in tent camps. Chum is made from reindeer skins. The chum can be quickly disassembled and transported to another place. The deer is the animal that feeds and clothes the indigenous people. Deer run through deep snow where a car cannot pass. Guys, as you already know, winter is very harsh in the North. But these people are not afraid of any frost. Why do you think?

Children's answers.

Educator. Let's take a closer look at the national clothes. What is it made of?

Children's answers.

Educator. Yes, these are fur clothes, but they are not called fur coats, they are called malitsa. Malitsa is made from reindeer skin with the fur inside. Women decorate it with patterns - ornaments

Hantei ornaments are beautiful,

They contain all the objects of my Motherland,

You won't find it anywhere else in Russia

Such flowers and fabulous animals.

(M. Shulgin)

The shoes on my feet are also made of deer fur. Please note that all clothes and shoes are sewn by women. You can't buy clothes like this in stores. Northern women have a lot of work: they sew, heat the stove, cook, fish, pick berries, prepare firewood for the winter, take care of children and much more.

Guys, please tell me what a winter night is like in the North: long or short?

Children's answers.

Educator. Yes, in winter in the North the nights are long and dark. But in the summer there are almost no nights. That's why they are called white. The herald of the white nights can be called the cuckoo.

White nights, white nights

The eyes of the sky are wide open...

Now let's rest a little.

PHYSMINUTE. Game "Summer or Winter Night".

The teacher reads the work.

There lived a poor woman on earth. She had four children. The children did not obey their mother. They ran and played in the snow from morning to evening. The clothes will get wet, and the mother will get sushi. They'll shovel the snow, and take the mother away.

And the mother caught fish on the river herself. It was hard for her, and her children did not help her. My mother became seriously ill from such a life. She lies in the tent, calls the children, asks: “Children, my throat is dry, bring me some water!”

The mother asked not once, not twice. Children don't go for water. Finally, the eldest wanted to eat, looked into the tent, and the mother was standing in the middle of the tent, putting on a malitsa. And suddenly the little girl became covered with feathers. The mother takes a board on which the skins are scraped, and that board becomes a bird's tail. The iron thimble became her beak. Instead of arms, wings grew. The mother turned into a bird and flew out of the tent.

Brothers, look, look, our mother is flying away like a bird,” cried the eldest son.

Then the children ran after their mother.

Mom, we brought you some water.

Cuckoo, cuckoo, cuckoo! It's too late, son, I won't be back.

So the children ran after their mother for many days and nights over stones, through swamps, over hummocks. They wounded their feet and bled. Wherever they run, a red trail remains.

The mother cuckoo abandoned her children forever. And since then, the cuckoo has not built its own nest, has not raised its own children, and from that very time on, red moss has been spreading across the tundra.

Questions about content.

1. Why did mom turn into a cuckoo!

2. Did the children act rightly towards their mother?

3. What does this folk tale teach?

4. What does it warn about?

Children's answers.

Educator. That's right, guys! We must always take care of our mothers, take care of them, look after them, especially when they are sick, help in everything, be hardworking. After all, people say: “You can’t take a fish out of a pond without labor,” “The work is bitter, but the bread is sweet.” What proverbs about work do you know? Children's answers.

The teacher reads the story again.

NCD with children of the senior group Theme “Nenets folk tale “Cuckoo””

Goal: Continue to develop interest in fiction.


To help understand and appreciate the character of the heroes of the Nenets folk tale “Cuckoo” To ensure that children understand new words (tundra, Nenets, chum, malitsa, pima) To facilitate the transfer on paper using visual means of a favorite passage from a literary work To arouse in children an emotional attitude towards a literary work To promote education kindness, attentiveness and responsiveness to family. Promote the development of thinking, attention, memory.

Technologies: information and communication, person-oriented

Materials and equipment: pictures of cats and birds (finch, crow, cuckoo), text of the fairy tale “Cuckoo”, illustrations for the fairy tale, presentation with photo explanation of new words, album sheets, colored pencils

Preliminary work: Examination of the image of a cuckoo, conversation about the bird and its habits. Exhibition of books with fairy tales designed by different artists.

Progress of joint activities:

1.Introductory part

Game “Find the extra one” (extra picture “cat”, because the others depict birds, remove the extra picture)

You will find out the name of the fairy tale if you guess the riddle:

What kind of bird
Doesn't sit on eggs
Snooping around other people's nests,
Doesn't he know his children? (Cuckoo) (among the three pictures we find the one with the image of a cuckoo)

2. Main part

Vocabulary work (presentation showing)

Nenets - inhabitants of the north of Russia;

tundra - cold northern treeless spaces;
chum - the dwelling of the Nenets, a hut covered with skins;
pimas - winter shoes of the northern peoples - high boots made from the skins of deer legs with the fur facing out;
malitsa - among the inhabitants of the Far North: long outerwear made of reindeer skins with fur on the inside with a hood and mittens with fur on the outside

Now please listen to the Nenets folk tale “Cuckoo”.

Reading a fairy tale by the teacher, showing illustrations.

Why did mother turn into a cuckoo?
– What were the children like? ( , evil, stupid, cruel, insensitive,
frivolous, ruthless)
– What did the children do when they saw that their mother had become a cuckoo? (listen to the answers, read the passage)

– How do you think the children felt when they ran after the cuckoo?
– How did this fairy tale make you feel?
“People say: “The fairy tale is a lie, but there is a hint in it - a lesson for good fellows.” What does this fairy tale teach us? (children's answers)

Physical education lesson “Birds”

Little birds, (The children stood up and pretended to be birds,

Small birds, waving their arms and standing up, squatting, “flying”

They fly through the forest, around tables)

Songs are sung.

A violent wind blew in (Hands up, swaying from side to side)

I wanted to take away the birds. (Hug themselves with both hands)

The birds hid in the hollow, (Children sit on their chairs)

No one will touch them there. (“Hide” - cover their heads with their hands)

on topic: Retelling of the Nenets fairy tale “Cuckoo”

Software tasks:

Educational field "Communication"

Develop children's ability to tell a fairy tale in a chain, using reference signals. Improve the dialogical form of speech:

    activate thinking using search questions; encourage the desire to express your point of view; consolidate the ability to answer questions using detailed complex and complex sentences.
Develop the ability to come up with your own fairy tale endings.

Educational field "Socialization"

Develop the ability to recognize emotional states: joy,

sadness, and react to them.

To cultivate a sense of respect and love for mother, a desire to help her, protect her, and bring joy. Cultivate a sense of empathy for the heroes of the fairy tale.

Educational area "Cognition"

Continue to develop the ability to distinguish colors by lightness, saturation, and name them correctly (light green, light pink)

Educational field "Artistic creativity"

Encourage you to create compositions, complementing them with details.

Preliminary work:

drawing portraits of mothers, making greeting cards, reading and dramatizing the Nenets fairy tale “cuckoo” in children’s activities.

Materials and equipment:

reference cards for telling a fairy tale, framed photographs of children's mothers, drawings of portraits of children's mothers, a box of surprises, handmade roses.

Progress of the lesson:

The teacher invites the children to the creativity wall, on which portraits of mothers made by the children are hung.

Guys, please guess the riddle (I..Kosyakov):

Who loves you children more?

Who loves you so tenderly,

And takes care of you

Without closing your eyes at night? (Mother)

Do you know poems about mom? who wants to read?

(children read poems about their mother if they wish).

Here are some wonderful lines that different poets wrote about mom.

If you were asked to paint these poems, what color paint would you use?

If you were composers, what kind of music would you compose for these poems?

Why do poems about mom make you feel this way?

Not long ago we heard an unusual story, I found illustrations for it, try to find out what kind of story it is.

Once upon a time there lived a poor woman.

She had four children.

The children did not listen to their mother,

played in the snow from morning to evening.

Mom caught fish alone in the river,

The children did not help their mother.

One day my mother became seriously ill.

I asked the children to bring some water!

The children did not go for water.

The children wanted to eat and came to the tent.

And mom is standing in the middle of the plague.

Suddenly my mother turned into a bird and flew away.

Mom, we brought you some water

cuckoo! Cuckoo! I won't come back!

Children: this is the Nenets fairy tale "Cuckoo".

If you recognize a fairy tale from the illustrations, then you can probably tell it, try telling it in a chain. (Children tell a fairy tale in a chain, using supporting sentence patterns.)

Guys, what is the nature of this fairy tale? (This tale is sad)

Put your hand on your heart, how do your hearts feel after telling this sad tale?

What kind of hearts do the four brothers have?

Do you remember what words Russian folk tales often end with? (The fairy tale is a lie, but there is a hint in it, a lesson for good fellows.)

Why do our fairy tales end with such words? (each fairy tale teaches its readers something - kindness, hard work, etc.)

Imagine that each of you can send an urgent telegram to this fairy tale. Would you like to perform such magic? What will help you with this, what do you need for magic? (Magic object, magic words) are you ready to make magic?

Physical education lesson “magic words”

we will send a message

Into a sad fairy tale.

Help us, sunshine,

Give a hint

mummy cuckoo, (Waving hands)

naughty children. (pretend to be struggling)

Help me please

We have a cheerful wind! (running in circles)

Spin around with us (turn around yourself)

Magic come true!

(children, passing a magic wand to each other, pronounce the words “telegrams” addressed to the heroes of the fairy tale.)

Do you think the fairy tale has changed after such magic? How?

Guys, we have a suitcase of “surprises” in our group. Let's take a look into it. Look, maybe there is some surprise for you there today?

(children take out a “photo surprise”).

Do you recognize who is captured in these photographs? Place photographs of mothers on the table, listen to your hearts. How do you feel?

Please tell us why you love your mothers?

What does each of you do to make your mother smile more often?

Does it happen when your mother looks at you with sadness? In what cases?

What would you like to wish your mothers? (children say wishes for mothers)

You can say these wishes to your mothers on March 8th. Your mothers love flowers, let's give them a bouquet made by ourselves.

(Children stick flowers on a pre-prepared sheet of Whatman paper)

What did you understand from our conversation today?

I am very pleased that you love your mothers so much and try not to upset them. I want to give you lines from a story about my mother, written by Yuri Yakovlev

Mom, close your eyes and listen. And you will hear your mother’s voice, it lives within you, so familiar, dear. You won’t confuse it with any other voice, even if you become an adult, you will always remember your mother’s voice, mother’s eyes, mother’s hands.

Summary of educational activities for introducing children of senior preschool age to fiction. "THE TELLING OF THE NENETS FAIRY TALE THE CUCKOO".

12.06.2012, 17:53


Types of children's activities: play, communication, perception of fiction.
Goals: to form moral concepts in students, to encourage them to think about the common aspirations and aspirations of all peoples; to consolidate students’ understanding of a fairy tale as a treasury of folk wisdom, and of instructiveness as a genre feature of a fairy tale.
Planned results: expresses positive emotions when listening to the Nenets folk tale “Cuckoo”; knows how to maintain a conversation, express his point of view, reason and give the necessary explanations; actively participates in outdoor play.
Preliminary work: the teacher’s story about the life of the indigenous population of the North, looking at albums and books about the North, conversation on the topic “How I help my mother,” memorizing proverbs about work.
Materials and equipment: laptop, presentation for the fairy tale “Cuckoo.
Contents of organized children's activities
1. Organizational moment.
- Boundless expanses of tundra, countless threads of rivers encircle the green taiga, lakes and saucers glisten like pearls on the amber green of mosses. The sun rarely peeks out from behind the veil of clouds, and at night, here and there, the reflections of the northern lights flash and play. This is the Far North. From time immemorial, the Nenets, Khanty, and Mansi lived on this land.
They have been living here for a long time. These are very brave and strong, hardworking people. They lead a nomadic lifestyle. In search of food for their deer, they often move - wander from one place to another. The reindeer will eat the food - lichen moss, and move on, followed by the reindeer herders. The place where the reindeer herders live is called a camp. (the story is accompanied by a display of illustrations). Maybe you know the name of the house where the indigenous northerners live? (children's answers)
2. PHYSICAL MINUTE. Game "Summer or Winter Night".
The teacher shows the children two sheets of paper. One sheet is painted in a light tone - a white summer night, the other is dark - a winter night. Children perform various dance movements to the music. The teacher shows a dark sheet - the children “fall asleep”, a light sheet - the children dance.
Educator. The northern peoples have their own songs and dances. They also composed and invented many folk tales. Today I will read you one of these fairy tales, it is called “Cuckoo”.
3. Reading a fairy tale. "CUCKOO"
That's what happened. There lived a poor woman on earth. She had four children. The children did not obey their mother. They ran and played in the snow from morning to evening.
They will return to their tent, they will drag whole drifts of snow on the trees, and take the mother away. The clothes will get wet, and the mother will get sushi.
It was difficult for the mother.
Once in the summer my mother was fishing on the river. It was hard for her, and her children did not help her.
From such a life, from hard work, my mother fell ill. She lies in the tent, calls the children, asks:
- Kids, give me some water. My throat is dry. Bring me some water.
The mother asked not once, not twice. Children don't go for water.
Senior says:
- I'm without pims. Another says:
- I'm without a hat. The third says:
- I'm without clothes.
And the fourth doesn’t answer at all. Then the mother said:
“There’s a river close to us, and you can go get water without clothes.” My mouth was dry. I'm thirsty!
The children laughed and ran out of the chum. They played for a long time and didn’t look at their mother in the tent. Finally the elder wanted to eat and looked into the tent.
He looks, and his mother stands in the middle of the tent. He stands and puts on his malitsa.
And suddenly the little girl became covered with feathers. The mother takes a board on which the skins are scraped, and that board becomes a bird's tail.
The iron thimble became her beak. Instead of arms, wings grew.
The mother turned into a bird and flew out of the tent. The eldest son shouted:
- Brothers, look, look, our mother is flying away like a bird!
Then the children ran after their mother and shouted to her:
- Mom, we brought you some water. The mother answers them:
- Ku-ku, ku-ku! Late, late. Now the lake waters are in front of me. I'm flying to free waters.
The children run after their mother, call her, and hand her a ladle of water.
The little son shouts:
- Mom, mom! Come home! Some water! Drink, mom!
The mother answers from a distance:
- Ku-ku, ku-ku, ku-ku! It's too late, son, I won't be back. So the children ran after their mother for many days and nights - over stones, through swamps, over hummocks.
They wounded their feet and bled. Wherever they run, there will be a red trail.
The mother cuckoo abandoned her children forever. And since then the cuckoo has not built its own nest, nor has it raised its own children.
And from that very time on, red moss has been spreading across the tundra.

4. Conversation.
- In the fairy tale the following words were found: chum, pima, malitsa. How do you understand their meaning?
Chum is a cone-shaped dwelling covered with reindeer skins.
Pima - high boots made of deerskin.
Malitsa - outerwear made of reindeer skins with a hood and mittens.
- How did the children in this family live? (The children lived well: they ran around until the evening, did not do any housework, did not even clean up after themselves.)
- What can you say about how their mother lived? (Their mother’s life was not easy: “The children will bring snowdrifts into the chum, but take the mother away, the clothes will get wet, and the mother will dry!” She did all the work alone, no one helped her...)
-Did the children’s attitude towards their mother change when she got sick? (The children’s attitude towards their mother did not change even when she got sick. The children did not care about their mother, they didn’t even give her water. They played on the street, and only looked into the tent because they wanted to eat.)
- Why do you think the mother turned into a bird and flew away from her children? (It was hard for the mother to see her children growing up callous and indifferent.)
- The tales of the peoples of the North are as wise and instructive as the tales of other peoples of the world: they condemn evil and affirm good. They raise important moral issues that are still relevant today.
5. Playing with the ball.
Children stand in a circle. Children pass the ball to each other and say affectionate words about their mother.
6. Reflection.
- What fairy tale did we read? What is it about?
- What game did you play?
- What's your mood?

Summary of educational activities for reading fiction in the middle group. Fairy tale by N. Sladkov “The Bear and the Sun”

Educator: Bondarenko Irina Viktorovna

Integration of educational areas : “Reading fiction”, “Music”, “Physical education”, “Communication”, “Socialization”, “Cognition”.

Types of children's activities : gaming, communicative, cognitive-research, perception of fiction.

Goals: introduce children to a new fairy tale, teach them to listen to a fairy tale, and develop coherent speech;continue to develop the ability to address listeners, teach carefully, listen to peers and teachers.

Planned results: knows how to maintain a conversation, expresses his point of view; emotionally perceives N. Sladkov’s fairy tale “The Bear and the Sun” and expresses his attitude towards its characters; shows positive emotions when listening to the recording “Spring is Murmuring”.

Materials and equipment : illustrations for N. Sladkov’s fairy tale “The Bear and the Sun”; pictures depicting early spring.

Activating the dictionary: leaked, slush, slope, lopsided.

Contents of organized children's activities

    Reading an excerpt from F. Tyutchev’s poem “Winter is angry for good reason”

No wonder winter is angry...

Winterno wonderangry,

Her time has passed -

Spring is knocking on the window

And drives you out of the yard...

Children, how does spring sound? ( Children's answers).

Educator : - Now we will listen to how spring rustles... (listening to the recording “Spring is Murmuring”).

What sounds did you hear? (Children’s answers).

Speech exercise “Say otherwise”:

Educator : The sun is shining, how else can you say it? Children's answers: (sparkles, caresses, burns, pleases, cauterizes).

Educator : The snow is subsiding.

Children ,: turns black, melts, settles.

Educator : The water is running.

Children : flowing, babbling, dripping.

Educator: Bears sleep in their dens all winter, and they wake up in the spring. I will read you N. Sladkov’s fairy tale “The Bear and the Sun”

2. Reading the fairy tale “The Bear and the Sun” by N. Sladkov

Water seeped into the den and wet the bear's pants.

May you, slush, dry up completely! - the Bear cursed. - Here I am now!

The Water got scared and began to gurgle in a quiet voice:

It’s not my fault, Medvedushko. Snow is to blame for everything.

It started to melt, let the water go. But my business is watery - it flows downhill.

Oh, so it's Snow's fault? Here I am now! - the bear roared.

Snow turned white and got scared. He creaked in fear:

It's not my fault, Bear, it's the Sun's fault. It’s so hot, it’s so scorching - you’ll melt here!

Oh, so it was the Sun that wet my pants? - the Bear barked. - Here I am now!

What about “now”? You can’t grab the sun with your teeth or reach it with your paw. Shines to himself. The snow melts and drives water into the den. The bear wets his pants.

There is nothing to do - the Bear left the den. He grumbled, grumbled, and even scratched his head. Dry your pants. Celebrate spring

Children look at illustrations for a fairy tale.

Questions for children:

Why was the bear angry?

Why wasn't the water to blame?

How was the snow justified?

Could the bear have done anything to the sun?

What did the bear have to do?

What time of year is it?

Where does spring begin?

3. Physical education minute.

The bear crawled out of the den,

I looked around on the threshold. Turns left and right.

He stretched out of sleep: Stretching, arms up.

Spring has come to us again.

To quickly gain strength,

The bear's head was twisting. Head rotation.

Bent back and forth, Bends forward and back.

Here he is walking through the forest.

The bear is looking for roots

And rotten stumps.

They contain edible larvae -

Vitamins for the bear. Tilts: touch with your right hand

left foot, then vice versa.

Finally the bear had his fill

And he sat down on a log. The children sit down.

4. Reflection.

What did we do today?

What fairy tale did we read?

What did you like most?

Detailed summary of the educational eventOrganizational information
Event, scope. Direct educational activities. Introduction to fiction
Age group,
number of people Preparatory group, 12 children
Event duration 30 minutes
Methodological information
Topic of the lesson/event
Introduction to the fairy tale by V.V. Bianki "Teremok"
Classification of classes/events in the system of educational events (educational, consolidation, final, entertaining) educational
Goals of the lesson/event
Introduce children to the fairy tale “Teremok” by V.V. Bianchi. Cultivate an interest in literature.
Objectives of the lesson/event
- Activate children's speech;
- Develop children’s ability to answer questions in complete sentences;
- Fix the names of forest wild animals;
- To foster in children a cognitive interest in nature and natural objects;
- Cultivate a love of fairy tales.
Knowledge, abilities, skills and qualities that will update/acquire/consolidate
children during a lesson/event Development:
- grammatical structure of speech;
- vocabulary;
- attention, memory;
- love and respect for nature.
Preliminary work
- Acquaintance with the biography of V.V. Bianchi;
- Reading a fairy tale by V.V. Bianchi "Owl"
- Didactic game “Who Lives Where”;
- Introducing children to the owl and marten;
- Learning riddles about forest wild animals.
Used literature, sources of information (indicating active links).
Tale by V.V. Bianki "Teremok" equipment, materials and other conditions for a high-quality event Magnetic board, magnets, tables, chairs according to the number of children, a book with the fairy tale by V.V. Bianki "Teremok" »
Indication of applications for the lesson/event: (presentations, didactic materials, handouts). What software were they created with?
Portrait of a writer (Appendix 1)

Picture of an owl (Appendix 4)

Stages of the lesson/event Time, duration
stage Detailed description of AMO according to the established scheme:
- Goals and objectives of the method
- Necessary materials (stationery, etc.) that will be needed for the successful implementation of the method
- Preliminary preparation (if required)
- Technology
- Note (what is important for the teacher to know or take into account when using this method)
- Method options
Actions of the teacher, instructions ZUNs and qualities that are formed in children at this stage
Entering the topic
Interactive lecture (input)
Elaboration of topic content
Summing up (reflection)
2 min.
3 min.
8 min.
9 min.
3 min.
5 min. AMO game "Signal"

No materials provided.
The teacher gathers the children in a circle.
AMO "Guess the riddle"
Goal: Guess the riddle by connecting the answer to the topic of the lesson.
Materials: Portrait of V.V. Bianchi
Technique: The teacher reads a riddle about the tower to the children and informs them that today they will get acquainted with the fairy tale by V.V. Bianki "Teremok".
Purpose: Communication of new information; supporting attention to information.
Materials: Fairy tale V.V. Bianki "Teremok"
Technique: The teacher reads a fairy tale to the children by V.V. Bianki "Teremok".
AMO Remembering the plot of a fairy tale using mnemonic tables.
Goal: To consolidate children’s knowledge about the new material they heard.
Magnetic board, magnets
Picture of a woodpecker (Appendix 2)
Picture of a starling (Appendix 3)
Picture of an owl (Appendix 4)
Picture of a squirrel (Appendix 5)
Picture of a marten (Appendix 6)
Picture of a bee (Appendix 7)
Picture of a bear (Appendix 8)
Technique: The teacher hangs pictures with fairy tale animals on a magnetic board and asks them to remember the plot of the fairy tale.
AMO Physical Education Minute “Who Lives Where”
Purpose: Relieve psycho-emotional stress, warm up
Create a positive emotional mood for work, concentrate attention.
No materials provided.
Technology: Children go out to the middle of the hall in a free order. The teacher reads a poem. Children repeat the movements after the teacher.
AMO “Like it, didn’t like it”
Purpose: Find out your impressions of the lesson.
Materials Magnetic board, portrait of V.V. Bianki, stickers.
Technology: The teacher hangs a portrait of V.V. on a magnetic board. Bianchi and asks the children to glue the stickers according to the instructions.

Children stand in a circle holding hands. The teacher transmits the “signal” by lightly pressing the hand of the child standing next to him on the right. The child who received the “signal” (with his left hand) must pass it to the person standing next to him with his right hand. Etc. in a circle until
The “signal” will not reach the presenter, who at this moment may let out a joyful exclamation. The same is repeated in the other direction.
The teacher shows a portrait of Bianka V.V.
- Guys, do you remember who this is? (Bianchi)
- And what fairy tale by V.V. Do you know Bianchi? (Owl)
And now I will read you another of his fairy tales, and you will find out what it is called by guessing the riddle.
The house is not big,
But it is roomy.
You can fit in it
To a wide variety of residents.
But there is a lock on it.
This house is ... (Teremok)
The teacher reads a fairy tale to the children by V.V. Bianki "Teremok".
- Guys, what is the name of the fairy tale you heard? Is this a folk tale or an original one? Do any of you know the difference between folk tales and original fairy tales? Folk tales were passed down by people from generation to generation, they were invented by the people, but the author's fairy tale has an author - a specific person. So what is the name of the author of “Teremok”?
- Let's remember what happened in this fairy tale? Where was the tower made? (In the hollow of a thick old oak tree).
Conversation on the content of the read work.
(Children are offered illustrations with fairy tale animals, looking at which they remember the sequence of events).
Who settled first in the little house? (The Woodpecker was the first to settle in the tower). Who occupied the mansion after the woodpecker? (The second resident was Starling, the first singer in the grove). Who arrived next? (Then Owl arrived). Who drove the owl out of the little house? (The owl was chased away by Squirrel - a jump rope along the branches, and a nurse through the hollows). Who drove the squirrel away? (The squirrel was driven away by Marten). Who was the marten afraid of? (The marten was afraid of a swarm of bees). Who came last? (The last one to appear was the Teddy Bear “the end of your mansion”).
What did he do? (The bear destroyed the tower).
− What happened to the hollow? (It increased.)
− What Russian folk tale does the plot of V.V.’s fairy tale resemble? Bianchi "Teremok"? ("Teremok")
− What unites these fairy tales?
The plot of the fairy tale. The fairytale action takes place between the moment of the emergence and destruction of the tower. In both of these tales, the main characters are animals. All the heroes strive to get inside the tower. In the fairy tale by V.V. Bianca's ending is the same as in the Russian folk tale: a bear came and destroyed the little house.
- How are these fairy tales different?
One is an author's tale, the other is a folk tale. The fairy tale “Teremok” presents different types of housing: a tower and a hollow. In his folk tale, the animals live together in a little house, and in V.V. The Biancas chase each other away.
The sparrow lives (we wave our hands “wings”)
under the roof. (join hands above head - “house”)
In a warm mink (palms folded into a nest)
mouse house. (“house” and depict “ears” of a mouse)
At the frog (crouched, knees spread, palms apart)
house in a pond, (“house” and a circle of hands in front of you – “pond”)
Warbler's house ("house" and flap "wings")
in the garden. (hands up - “trees”)
-Hey, chicken, (right hand forward - “hey” and fingers in the “testicle” - “chicken”) where is your home? (spread your arms, raise your shoulders and “house”)
- He is under his mother’s wing (wave his “wings”).
- Guys, what fairy tale did you learn about today? (With the fairy tale “Teremok”) Who wrote this fairy tale? (V.V. Bianki) What is this fairy tale about? (about the life of forest inhabitants) Guys, did you like the fairy tale? If you liked the lesson and would like to know other fairy tales by V.V. Bianki, then stick a sticker on the magnetic board next to the portrait of V.V. Bianki, and if you didn’t like the lesson, put a sticker at the bottom of the magnetic board. The emergence of closeness and a positive internal environment.
Set up for class.
Development of attention and interest in fairy tales.
Development of thinking. Children's ability to answer a question in a complete sentence. The ability to remember the content of a fairy tale using reference pictures.
Relieving tension. Consolidating the ability to perform various movements according to the text.
The ability to draw conclusions from the material heard.


Consolidate knowledge about the signs of autumn;

To cultivate an emotional perception of the picture of autumn nature;

Develop the ability to express your impressions in figurative words;

Preliminary work: Observing living and inanimate nature during a walk in autumn, guessing riddles on the topic, looking at autumn leaves from different trees, learning imitation movements, listening to music about autumn.

EQUIPMENT: ICT, illustrations with autumn landscapes (different in mood),viewing a reproduction of Levitan’s painting “Golden Autumn”,music by Tchaikovsky “The Seasons. Autumn"


The teacher brings a maple leaf to the group and says that she found the leaf on the street in front of the kindergarten entrance, but this leaf is unusual: you will find out who sent it if you guess the riddle...

The field is empty, it's raining. The wind blows away the leaves.

The fog is creeping in from the north,

Sad clouds loomed.

Birds are moving south

Slightly touching the pine trees with my wing.

Guess my dear friend,

What time of year is it?...

Children answer: Autumn

The teacher draws attention to the path of leaves and says:

Guys, look what the laid out leaves look like...

The children answer.

That's right, you know that the path that leads into the forest is called a path. Let's go along this path to visit AUTUMN (children snake their way to ICT)

The ICT depicts a girl in an autumn outfit who meets them in the forest. Welcoming them (slides with autumn landscapes and seasonal changes are shown), the children go on a journey to the autumn forest, a melody soundsTchaikovsky "Seasons. Autumn"

After watching, rain music sounds...

V.: - invites you to a physical education session

Physical education minute:

Between the soft spruce paws, the children alternately raise and lower their hands in front of them. The rain is quietly drip, drip, drip! palms up

Where the twig has long since dried up, Slowly they squat with their hands lowered and pressed to the body.

Gray moss, moss, moss has grown! hands. the hands are slightly laid out to the sides, the palms are facing


Where the leaf sticks to the leaf, the children slowly rise, holding their heads with their hands, like a hat.

A mushroom appeared, a mushroom, a mushroom.

Who found his friends? They stand straight, shrugging their shoulders.

It's me, it's me, it's me! They press their hands to their chest, nodding their head affirmatively

V.: Guys, take comfortable places on stumps in the forest. Have you observed the changes that occur in nature in autumn? So let's remember and name them.

Children answer: (the leaves change color and fall to the ground, the sun heats less, it rains often, a cold strong wind blows, birds fly to warmer climes, mushroom and berry harvests ripen, wild animals make supplies for the winter).

V.: Autumn can be depicted not only with the help of colors, not only with the help of music and movements, but also with the help of words, as poets do, so listen to the poem about autumn for yourself.

The children answer.

V.: Listen to I. Maznin’s poem “Autumn”. Think about what period of autumn this poem is talking about.


Every day is sharper than the evening

Tearing leaves from branches in the forest...

Every day it’s evening before,

And it's still getting late.

The sun seems to be slowing down

No strength to rise...

That's why the morning rises

Above ground almost noon. I. Maznin

After reading the poem, the teacher asks questions.

Q: -What period of autumn did the poet write a poem about? Why do you think so?

How does the poem say this?

The children answer.

Q: - Remember what they say about the wind. What is he doing? How do you understand these words? What is said about the sun?

The children answer. The teacher reads the poem again.

Q: -What do you think is the mood of this poem?

Q: How should it be told?

The children answer.

The teacher reads the poem, giving instructions for memorization (later we will memorize the poem).

Educator: Now let’s try to tell the poem that we learned to AUTUMN.

The children answer.

Autumn thanks the children and goes on to decorate the trees in the forest.

V.: Guys, it’s time for you and me to return along the path to the kindergarten to tell everyone about our exciting journey.

Returning to the kindergarten, the teacher offers to remember what the children saw and heard during the trip.

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