Summary of educational activities on the topic: “Soon we will go to school” outline of a lesson on the world around us (preparatory group) on the topic. Notes on educational activities for speech development “Travel to school Lesson notes on the topic of going to school soon

Goal: developing the communicative competence of preschoolers.


1. Correctional - educational:
— Expansion, clarification, updating of the dictionary on the topic “School supplies.”
— Improving the grammatical structure of speech (inflection skills, word formation)
2. Corrective and developmental:
— Development of general and fine motor skills, coherent speech, thinking, imagination;
— Development of spatial orientation:
3. Correctional and educational:
-Developing in children the skills of cooperation, a sense of responsibility, accuracy, initiative, and independence.
Equipment: school supplies, bell, laptop (with a recording of the song “What do they teach at school?”), ball, mnemonic diagrams (sound, letter), red circles, “diaries” on the board and for children (sheet with names of lessons) , counting sticks.

Progress of the lesson.

1. Organizational moment.

- Let's smile at each other and everyone will say hello to their neighbor, calling him by his affectionate name.
- Having guessed the riddles, you will find out what we will talk about today.

- I look like a box
You put your hands on me.
Schoolboy, do you recognize me?
Well, of course I -...(pencil case)

If you perfect it, you can draw whatever you want:
Sun, rivers, mountains, beach. What is this?(pencil)

Now I'm in a cage, now I'm in a line.
Be able to write about them!
you can also draw
What am I...(Notebook)

If you give her a job -
The pencil was in vain.(Rubber)

I'm ready to blind the whole world -
House, car, two cats.
Today I am the ruler -
I have...(Plasticine)

I'm big, I'm a student!
In my backpack....(Diary)

Cost of the house:
Who will enter it?
That mind will gain.(School)

- Well done, guys, everyone guessed the riddles! Who guessed what awaits us today?
— Would you like to be at school now? Now I will say the magic words and you will all turn into schoolchildren. Shall we try? Close your eyes.
- Spin around, spin around, you’ll all turn into schoolchildren. That's it - now you are real students - first graders. And this is our class. It has desks, a blackboard and even a grade book.
— What are the names of the children who study at school? (students),
- Who teaches the children? (teacher).
-I will be the teacher, and you will be my students.
— We will have 5 lessons and for each lesson we will receive grades. Agreed?

The bell rings. Lesson 1 - literacy.

I will make different sounds if you hear the sound A, clap your hands.
(A, O, U, O, Y, A, O, U, I, Y, A, O)
-Now let's play game "Traffic Controllers". I will pronounce words if you hear that the word begins with the sound A, pick up the red circle.
(Orange, house, onion, pineapple, Anya, varnish, bus)
— The evil Sound Eater ate the first sounds of A in words. You need to know these words.
(..bricot, ...pineapple, ...quarium,. ...bus,, ...pelsin, ..August, ...sino, ..temperature)
-Come up with words that begin with the sound A. (children call in a chain).
- Look at the diagram. We hear sounds with our ears and pronounce them with our mouths. (Ear-mouth diagram)
-Sound A denoted by a letter A. (A letter is set).
(Scheme Eye-letter)
I suggest you write a letter A in the air, and now we will lay out the letter A from sticks.

Call. Physical education lesson.


One, two, three, one, two, three -
(movement in a circle with a sports step)
We came to visit the school.
We stand on our toes -
(walking on toes)
And we grow, we grow, we grow - hands
(slowly raise your arms up)
We get up and squat -
(children squat and stand up one by one)
And we won’t get tired at all.
We'll grow up a little -
(torso tilts left - right)
Let's go to school with joy -
(I keep walking in a circle).

Well done. We give ourselves a 5 in physical education, next lesson is mathematics.

In this lesson, you and I will count the school supplies that we cannot do without at school. (counting to 5 with the words pencil, pen)
-And now I propose to play the game “One - Many.” Children, in a chain, take objects (school supplies) and say: “I have an eraser, but there are erasers in the store,” pencil - , pen - , album - ,

Well done! Now let's compare the items: Game "On the contrary"

The pencil is short, and the ruler….(long)
The notebook is thin, and the book .... (thick)
The elastic band is small, and the pencil case ..... (big)
The album is light, but the briefcase... (heavy)
The green pencil is sharp, and the blue one... (blunt)

Now let's count the syllables in words (ruler, pencil, pen, chalk, plasticine). Which word is the longest, shortest?
— The lesson is over. Well done! Let's put 5 in our diaries! (Children stick 5 in their “diary”, and the speech therapist is on the board)

Call. Change.

Let's play with the ball game “Big and small”.

I name a word - an object and throw a ball to one of you. The one who catches the ball calls it affectionately.
Paints, pencil-, notebook-, book-, ruler-, pencil case-, brush-, eraser-, plasticine, paperclip-, button-.

The bell rings for class. The next lesson is natural history.

What do you think is being taught in this lesson? (children's answers)
The lesson will not be ordinary, we will solve tricky “Trick Riddles”

Winter in the den
Sees a dream

Fastest from fear
A turtle is rushing(hare)

Even a foreigner knows that everyone in the forest is more cunning than the hare(fox)

A simple question for kids:
“Who is the cat afraid of?” ...mice(dogs)

The whole street heard the chicken mooing.(cow)

Game “Does this happen?”

Correct the errors.

Pupils go to school at night. You can take pajamas to school. The pencil case was put in Dasha’s briefcase. The primer is read by the student. Vova was cutting paper with scissors.
— The lesson is over. Well done! Let's put 5 in our diaries! (Children stick 5 in their “diary”, and the speech therapist is on the board)

Children take comfortable positions (on the carpet). I suggest you listen carefully to the song called “What do they teach at school?”
— What did you learn from the song about what they teach at school? (Children answer)
— The lesson is over. Well done! Let's put 5 in our diaries! (Children stick 5 in their “diary”, and the speech therapist is on the board)
“Now it’s time for us to go back to kindergarten.” Let's say our magic words: “Spin around, spin around, turn into a preschooler!” Here we are in the garden!

Lesson summary:

— Today we visited school. I want you to answer the question of whether you want to go to school and why. (The bell “goes” in a circle) Children pass the bell around and express their opinion:

I want to go to school because... or
— I don’t want to go to school because…..

Very soon you will all go to school, where your first teacher will meet you. For you, she will be the smartest, most beautiful, kind and strict, caring, like a mother. I am sure that you will study only with an “A”!!

— To remember our trip, we will take a photo with our “diaries.” You will see the photo on the stand in your group. I will also give you colored pencils that you can use in your group to draw in your free time.

Municipal budgetary preschool educational institution “Kindergarten of a general developmental type with priority implementation of activities in the cognitive and speech direction of children’s development No. 63 “Zhemchuzhinka”

Prepared by: teacher Talipova A.N. Naberezhnye Chelny. 2014

Topic: “Soon to school”
Age: 6-7 years, preparatory group.
Integration of educational areas: social - communicative, cognitive development, speech development, physical development.
Objectives: - educational:
- consolidate forward and backward counting skills;
- consolidate children’s ability to count within ten, the composition of numbers;
- consolidate children’s knowledge of names, the sequence of days of the week, and the ability to name adjacent numbers;
-solve examples of addition and subtraction;
- consolidate knowledge about geometric shapes;
- strengthen the ability to navigate on a sheet of paper.
Literacy training
- continue to teach children the ability to divide words into syllables and name them;
-learn to compose sentences according to a given pattern, determine the order of words in a sentence;
- consolidate the ability to find words based on given sounds, determine its place in a word (beginning, end, middle), and highlight it when pronouncing it.
Developmental: develop logical thinking, imagination, memory; self-esteem skills and mutual assistance.
- cultivate perseverance, patience, interest in mathematics and literacy;
- cultivate friendly relations between children.
Methodical techniques:
gaming (game - travel);
visual (use of pictures, didactic games);
verbal (reminder, instructions, questions, individual answers from children);
encouragement, lesson analysis.
Demonstration material: a playing field with a picture of a kindergarten and a school; along the route from kindergarten to school, tasks are given in rectangles that must be completed; ball, sentence diagram, number series, drawings.
Handouts: red and yellow stars, numbers, number houses, pencil cases with numbers for each child
Organization of children: in a circle, at tables;&
Individual work: consolidate Diana’s knowledge of the composition of the number 7, develop Nazar’s self-control.
Preliminary work: problem solving, individual work.
1. Organizational moment – ​​1st task - warm-up.
2. Work on the topic of the lesson:
- 2nd task “Find a place in a row”
- 3rd task “Settled houses”
- 4th task Physical education “Movement”
- Task 5 “Sounds and syllables”
- Task 6 “Enchanted Proposal”
- Task 7 “Route Scheme”.
3. Summary of the lesson.

V.: Guys, let's stand in a circle, hold hands, smile and remember our poem - greeting.
In a wide circle, I see,
All my friends stood up.
We'll go right now
Now let's go left
Let's gather in the center of the circle,
And we will all return to our place.
Together we will be very friendly
Answer questions
We all want to do
We all want to know a lot.
V.: Guys, we have guests today, let’s greet them, smile and give them our good mood.
What games do you like to play?
Children's answers.
V.: And I suggest you play the game “Soon to school.” Today each of you can check what he learned in kindergarten. In front of you is a playing field depicting a kindergarten and a school. We need to cover the distance from kindergarten to school by completing assignments. But before leaving, you need to determine the location of the kindergarten.
Children: - In the upper left corner.
Q: - who can tell where the school is located on the playing field?
Children: - In the lower right corner.
V.: Well done! We determined the correct location for the kindergarten and school. So, let's start the game. What task do you think we will do first?
1 task “Don’t yawn – answer questions quickly!” (with ball)
1. What time of year is it now?
2. What day of the week is it today?
3. What day of the week will it be tomorrow?
4. What day of the week was yesterday?
5. How many days are there in a week?
6. What is the name of the fifth day of the week?
7. What are the “weekend” days of the week called?
8. Name the neighbors of the number five.
9. Name a number less than seven.
10. Name a number greater than four.
11. Name a number greater than seven but less than nine.
V.: Well done! You completed the first task. And to complete the following tasks, we take places at the tables.
Task 2. Didactic game “Find a place in a row.”
V.: Guys, look at the number series. Here all the numbers are mixed up and you need to restore order in the number series.
Children come up one by one and put the numbers in the correct order.
V.: And you coped with this task. What task will we do next?
3 task. Didactic game “Settled in the houses.”
Q: In this task you need to populate number houses. Take number houses and everyone completes the task independently.
After completing the task, one child completes it on the board.
V.: Well done, let’s move on and see task 4 before us. It's called "Get Healthy." Guys, what improves your health?
Children: Gymnastics.
V.: Correct. Let's conduct a physical education session "Movements"
We kick top to top
We clap-clap our hands.
We are the eyes of a moment-a-moment
We shrug our shoulders.
One-two, one-two,
It's time for us to get busy!
One here, two there,
Turn around yourself!
One-sit down, two-stand up
Everyone raised their hands up.
V.: Well done! We rested a little and improved our health. Let's continue our game.
Task 5. "Sounds and syllables."
V.: In this task you need to determine the place of the sound in the word. Take the sound tracks, I will name the words, and you must determine the place of the sound in the word: at the beginning, in the middle or at the end.
1. -[a] - book, crayfish, saw, bag, orange.
-[t] - cake, phone, kitten,
Educator: Well done, now listen to the next task.
2. “Dividing words into syllables” (clapping)
Vase, bus, duck, car, watermelon, cabbage, pumpkin, dog, soap.
Educator: And you completed this task.
6 task. "The Enchanted Proposal." Look at the board, what do you see? (sentence diagram). - How many words are in this sentence? (3)
-make sentences using diagrams and drawings.
Educator: Well done!
- Now let's draw our entire route.
Draw a rectangle in the lower right corner (school)
In the lower left corner there is an oval
There is a circle in the lower right corner
There is a triangle in the center
In the upper left corner there is a square (kindergarten).
V.: Guys, you completed all the tasks and covered the path from kindergarten to school. Now we make sure that everyone has the necessary knowledge to do well in school.
Q: - Which tasks seemed the most interesting? Milena? Leila?
- Which task seemed the most difficult?
- What did Nazar like most?
- I liked how you all worked together and actively today.
And for good work, everyone will receive stars - those who think they did a great job in class take a red star, and those who think they need to work out a little take a yellow star.

Municipal state educational institution "Bolshegalkinskaya secondary school",

preschool group

Organization of continuous direct educational activities with children of the preparatory group

on the topic: “Soon to school”

MKOU "Bolshegalkinskaya Secondary School", preschool group

Explanatory note

The NNOD summary was compiled in accordance with the Program “From Birth to School” edited by N.E. Veraksy, T.S. Komarova, M.A. Vasilyeva, using ICT.

In the process of educational activities, the integration of educational areas (social and communicative development, speech development, cognitive development, physical development) is observed, in accordance with the Federal State Educational Standard.

The presented summary is the author’s development, built in accordance with didactic and general pedagogical principles:

The principle of developmental education (building education in the child’s zone of proximal development)

The principle of continuity (the lesson was built on the basis of previous joint actions of the teacher and children).

The principle of activity (motivation and interest were maintained).

Principle of accessibility (age-appropriate).

The principle of psychological comfort

This development consists of three stages, for each of which clear instructions are given. At the preparatory stage, children are offered the game “Good Morning!” where children’s attention is activated and the mood for the upcoming work is given. The appearance of a fairy-tale character (postman Pechkin) suggests options for children's answers, any answers from children are accepted, even the most incredible ones, and we lead to the fact that there is a letter in the envelope.

During educational activities, children demonstrate the ability to maintain a conversation, answer the teacher’s questions, interact with peers, and play out problematic situations. During this part of the lesson, the educational process is individualized (minimal assistance, advice, reminders, leading questions, demonstration, additional explanation). In the middle of the lesson there is a physical exercise corresponding to the topic of the lesson. The use of ICT made it possible to interest and attract the attention of children.

In the process of educational activities, the teacher creates conditions for each child to achieve results, the implementation of the person-oriented model is traced. The teacher demonstrates the ability to recognize and accept the personality of each child, take into account their point of view, feelings, emotions, and establish partnerships with children.

This development was published on the educational project

Target: improvement of ideas about sounds and letters, the formation of sound analytical and synthetic activity as a prerequisite for learning to read and write.

Objectives of the priority educational area:

"Speech development": mastery of speech as a means of communication and culture, enrichment of active vocabulary, development of speech creativity, sound and intonation culture of speech,

Objectives of OO in integration:

“Social and communicative development”: development of communication and interaction of the child with adults and peers, formation of independence, purposefulness and self-regulation of one’s own actions.

"Cognitive development": development of children's interests, curiosity and cognitive motivation, formation of cognitive actions, formation of consciousness, development of imagination and creative activity.

"Physical development": enrichment of motor experience, development of movement coordination, hand-eye coordination, gross and fine motor skills, formation of focus and self-regulation in the motor sphere.

Prerequisites for educational activities: the ability to listen, the ability to ask for help, express gratitude, follow instructions received, complete the work, enter into a discussion, focus on your lesson, correct shortcomings in the work.

Equipment for the teacher: laptop, projector, ball, flower - seven flowers with tasks,

Equipment for children: an envelope with a letter, cards - diagrams and chips of different colors for sound analysis of a word, pictures of fairy-tale characters for each child, cards with sentence diagrams, cards for making sentences, notebooks for each child, a golden key of knowledge.

Introductory part (motivational, preparatory stage)

Contents of NNOD

The teacher invites the children to the group. Let's stand side by side, in a circle, and say "Hello!" to each other. We are not too lazy to say hello: “Hello!” and “Good afternoon!” to everyone; If everyone smiles, a good morning will begin.Game "Good morning!"(The teacher takes the hands of the child standing next to him with the words “Good morning, Ksyusha!” the child takes the hands of the next one with the same words, etc. Then follows the general greeting of the children: Good morning, start the day. First of all, we drive away laziness. We promise to try and study diligently.Educator: - Guys, today we have an unusual meeting. Look how many guests came to us. They want to see what you have learned, what you know and what you can do.

(There is a knock on the door, the postman Pechkin comes in and hands over an envelope.)

What do you think is in it? (children's answers)- Here's the letter. Shall we read it? (the teacher reads the letter)

Contents of the letter:“Hello, guys! We look forward to your coming to school. The path ahead of you is long and full of challenges. But you will meet friends who will help you cope with all the difficulties. We are sending our gift - a flower - a seven-flowered flower, on its petals there are tasks for you. After completing all the tasks, you will receive something without which it is impossible to get to school. We wish you a good journey and believe in your luck. School principal and teachers."Educator: Guys, they wish us: Bon voyage! It will be easier to go and go. Of course, the good path will also lead to something good.Are you ready? Then let's hit the road! But first, let's repeat the magic words:We always speak beautifully, clearly and slowly, we always remember what we taught in class.

Main part (content stage)

Contents of NNOD

Educator: And now it’s the turn to play the game “On the contrary” Slide No. 2 Game "Say the other way around" (The teacher says a word and throws the ball to the child, and the child says the word with the opposite meaning and throws the ball to the teacher) Now take your seats and listen to the first task.First petal. You guys, don’t yawn when answering questions. Slide No. 3 You need to answer the questions with complete answers.Second petal. Make a sound analysis of the word "school". Slide No. 4 One child works at the blackboard. The rest are in place. We say the word. We determine the number of syllables and name them. Determine the number of sounds in a word. Number of vowels, number of consonants. Determine the stressed syllable. /sh/-initial sound, according to, always TV. Remember that there are consonants that do not have a softness-hardness pair. What do you know about them(always soft consonants ch, shch, y; always hard consonants – zh, sh, ts) /To/-according, TV /O/-voice, beat /l/-according, TV /A/- voice, soundless -Name the pairs for the consonant sounds in the word “school” (sh - no pair, /k/-/k/, /l/-/l/)Checking the child's work at the board. Let's show the slide. Click to open the color chips. Fizminutka (the teacher reads poems about letters, children depict this letter) A is the beginning of the alphabet, which is why it is famous. And it’s easy to recognize her: she puts her feet wide. Everyone knows: the letter I is the most boastful. This letter has no angle, which is why it is round. She was so round that she could roll. Convenient letter! What's convenient about it is that you can hang your coat on the letter. Let's spread our legs with the letter L, As if in a dance - hands on our sides. Leaned to the left, to the right, It turns out great. Let's raise our heads higher and breathe easily! You need to know the letters clearly! Let's do it again.Third petal. Enter the classroom for the first time. Slide No. 5 - No. 6 We managed to pass the second test, and we found ourselves in a classroom where each student had his own place at his desk. Guess where each of them sits. To find the right place, determine:1) what sound does the word begin with?2) what color chip indicates this sound?3) count the number of syllables in a word (the number of syllables is indicated on the desk)(Each child has pictures depicting fairy-tale characters (students): Malvina, Pierrot, Harlequin, Pinocchio, Artemon, leech). Suggested words (pictures): Mal-vi-na (ag., tv., blue, 3 syllables), Piero (ag., soft., green, 2 syllables), Ar-le-ki-no (voice. , red, 4 syllables), Bu-ra-ti-no (according, tv, blue, 4 syllables), Ar-te-mon (voice, red, 3 syllables), pi-yav-ka (according to , soft, green, 3 syllables)I show the children images of the heroes: Malvina and Pierrot. Slide No. 7 - Describe Malvina, what is she like? Choose adjectives (beautiful, kind, big-eyed, caring, sweet, wonderful)- Describe Pierrot, what is he like? Choose adjectives (sad, sorrowful, offended, unhappy)- What sound is found in both words? (Malvina, Pierrot). Name words that begin with this sound. Why couldn't they name it? Are there any other letters like this? (ъ). What do they serve for, what is their role in the word? (children's answers) - Guys, Pierrot has prepared for you an interesting game “The Sound Got Lost” (Children must identify the sounds that are lost) The hunter shouted: “Oh! The doors (animals) are chasing me! » An orange cap (turnip) sits firmly on the garden bed. The lazy guy is lying on a cot, gnawing, crunching, cannons (drying). The poet finished the line and put a barrel (period) at the end.Fourth petal. Look at the objects, name them affectionately. Slide No. 8 The slide shows objects: briefcase, notebook, pencil case, pen, ruler, pencil, doll, eraser.Beautiful Malvina is grateful that you found her place at her desk. But this girl is not only beautiful, she is also kind and loves to call all objects affectionately. Malvina offers to play her favorite game “Name it kindly” (name words with a diminutive meaning) -Do all the words you named fit together? (extra "doll") Why? (children's explanations). Come up with a sentence using the word "doll".What do the other words have in common? (these are all school supplies)

Articulation warm-up. "Fence"smile, exposing your closed teeth with tension."Window"open your mouth wide - “hot”, close your mouth - “cold”"Watch"smile, open your mouth, move the tip of your tongue (like a clockwise direction) from one corner of your mouth to the other."Delicious jam"smile, open your mouth, lick your upper lip with a wide, cup-shaped tongue, then the lower lip."Ball"puff out your cheeks, deflate your cheeks.

Fifth petal. You combine two words into one, and pronounce what comes out.-If a stork has long legs, what is it like?-Long-legged stork.-If a catfish has long whiskers, what kind of catfish is it?-Long-whiskered catfish.-If a wolf has sharp teeth, what kind of wolf is it?-Sharp-toothed wolf.-If a horse has fast legs, what kind of horse is it?-Fleet-footed horse.-If a squirrel has a long tail, what kind of squirrel is it?-Long-tailed squirrel.-If a cow has long horns, what kind of cow is it?-Long-horned cow.-If a dog has smooth fur, what kind of dog is it?-Smooth-haired dog.- Well done, guys did it!

Sixth petal. Put the word in order, make a sentence.You came up with sentences with the word "doll". What is the difference between a word and a sentence? (children's answers) -How do you spell the first word in a sentence? (with a capital letter). What comes at the end of a sentence? (dot) What other signs can appear at the end of a sentence? (exclamation, question marks). They orally make proposals based on the proposed model. (3-4 models)Field work with handouts. (Arrange the cards with words in order to make a sentence.) Work in notebooks: make diagrams for sentences. (The morning has come. What a beautiful day! Shall we go to school in the fall?)The work is being checked and conclusions are drawn.

Final part (reflective stage)

Contents of NNOD

Seventh petal. Petal surprise.There is no task on the seventh petal, but the words are written: You have passed many testsAnd we moved forward stubbornlyYou have encountered many difficulties,Even more awaits them.For efforts, for labor and for ingenuityI give you this new key,May he open all the doors to knowledge,May it only bring joy to everyone.(A large Golden Key is presented) Slide No. 9 Reflection: “Guys, you really overcame a lot of obstacles and showed your knowledge. What did each of you like most today? (children's answers) Today you made me happy: - You were the most attentive (children's names) - The most intelligent (children's names) - The most disciplined (children's names) - The most diligent (children's names)Thanks guys! Thank you for your attention. Slide No. 10


    Gerbova, V.V. Classes on speech development in the senior group of kindergarten. Lesson plans/ V.V. Gerbova. – M.: Mosaic – Synthesis, 2010.

    Educational process: planning for every day according to the program “From birth to school” edited by N.E. Veraksy, T.S. Komarova, M.A. Vasilyeva. – M.: Mosaic – Synthesis, 2014.

Internet resources.

1. http:|//

2. http

Implementation period: long-term (September – May).

Project type: psychological and pedagogical.

Age of children: preparatory group

Project participants: educators, children of the preparatory group, parents, primary school teacher, educational psychologist, director of the art studio.

Relevance of the project:

Entering school is a new stage in a child’s life. Many children cross the threshold of school with trepidation, anxiety and excitement. After all, their personality began to occupy a more significant social position – that of a schoolchild. This solemn event is sometimes overshadowed by anxiety and fear of the unknown. In order to avoid negative emotions in first-graders and help them adapt to school, information about the school and the way it is presented by parents and kindergarten teachers plays an important role.

A child's attitude towards school is formed before he goes there. Many parents try to create an emotionally attractive image of the school: “You will be an excellent student here,” “You will make new friends,” “Teachers love smart kids like you.” Adults believe that by doing so they are instilling in the child an interested attitude towards school. In reality, a child who is tuned to a joyful, exciting activity, having experienced even minor, negative emotions (resentment, jealousy, envy, annoyance) can lose interest in learning for a long time. The school provides plenty of reasons for such emotions: failures against the backdrop of seeming universal success, difficulties in finding friends among classmates, discrepancies between the teacher’s assessment and the usual parental praise, etc.

Theoretical analysis of pedagogical literature and practice data convinced us of carrying out targeted work to form a positive attitude towards school in children of the preparatory group using a variety of forms and methods of work, through the creation of a subject-development environment, through pedagogical education of parents, and interaction with primary school teachers.

School-oriented projects help to increase the social and cognitive activity of children, the targeted formation of integrative qualities in them, necessary for the successful inclusion of children in school life.

Target: to form ideas about school and a positive attitude towards school life.


For children
1. Formation of motivation for learning and interest in the learning process itself
2. Promote the development of creative abilities, cognitive motivation, and intellectual qualities of children;

3. Development of communication skills in interaction with peers and teachers, arbitrariness of behavior;

For teachers:

Formation of social personality traits of a future first-grader necessary for successful adaptation at school;

For parents:

Expanding the range of knowledge about school readiness among parents of preparatory group children


Favorable course of the adaptation school period.

Formation of motivational readiness for school in children;

Increasing parental competence in preparing children for school;

Reducing the level of situational anxiety among parents about the upcoming transition of children to school.

Job analysis:

Diagnostics showed that at the end of the school year, all children had formed an educational and cognitive motive for learning; all children in the group are ready for school . Projective drawing “School” presented the effectiveness of the work carried out to form a positive image of the school in the perception of future first-graders - the motivation of all children acquired an optimal character (educational and cognitive).

Project Implementation Plan

Preparatory stage:

Prepare in the group the necessary material for cognitive and productive activities;

Prepare homework for parents, collect the necessary information and format it;

Help from parents in selecting literature and board and printed games on school topics;

Cooperation with the school library and primary school teachers;

Diagnosis of children at the beginning of the year;

Individual counseling of parents based on the results of diagnostic readiness of children for school.

Main stage

Cognitive development

Teacher's story "The children went to school."

Making riddles, reading proverbs, solving puzzles, crosswords about school.

Teacher's story "The history of the school."

Excursion to the school (attending a lesson, meeting the teacher).

Excursion to the library (exhibition of school-themed books).

Intellectual quiz “We play - we develop” (psychologist).

Participation in the interregional tournament of abilities “RostOK - UnikUm”.

Game exercises with Lull circles.

Didactic games: “Pack a school bag”, “Wonderful bag”, “Confusion”, “Live week”, “What’s extra”, “Add a letter”, “Logic beads”, “Guess where it’s hidden”, “When it happens” ?”, “What first, what next”, etc.

Tabletop-printed: “Battleship”, “Who can reach the goal faster”, “Games with beads”, lotto “Get ready for school”, “Let’s make numbers from counting sticks”, “Find the treasure on the map”, puzzles, mosaics.

Plane modeling games: Tangram, Columbus Egg; chess, checkers.

Speech development


“How is school different from kindergarten”, “What do we know about school”, “Why do we need to study”, “Who teaches children?”, “Soon we will go to school”

Conversation: “How a librarian works,” “What do we know about the library.”

Examination of paintings and illustrations about the school of the past.

“What will my first day of school be like?” (fantasy story)

“Why I want to go to school” (monologue story)

Correctional classes “What kind of school is it?” (psychologist)

Word games: “Radio”, “Travel”, “Chain”, “Guess who is my friend”, “The fourth wheel”, “I know...”, “Telegraph”, “inverted words”, “Who is flying (running, jumps, walks)”, “Remember the words”, “Add a letter”, etc.

Design of an exhibition in the book corner on the topic: “School. School supplies."

Reading fiction (listed below)

Social and communicative development

Plot-role-playing games:


"Shop. School goods"


Entertainment: “Meeting with kindergarten graduates.” (Looking at a briefcase, books, notebooks, pencil case, etc.)

Theatrical activities: puppet show “Kolobok”, director’s play “Little Red Riding Hood” (for kids)

Acting out and discussing the situations “School uniform”, “It’s difficult for me!”, “Recess”, “Lesson”.

Handmade “Bookmark for a book” (gifts for 4th grade students), notebooks, textbooks for playing school, forms.

Repair of books for children.

Conversation “People you know and don’t know”, “Safe behavior on the street”, “Rules for handling dangerous objects”.

Didactic games “Dangerous - not dangerous”, “Who is the odd one out”, “Which of these people are your relatives”, “Put the pictures in order”.

Life safety situations “I fell”, “Alone on the street”, “Help numbers”.

Artistic and aesthetic development

Compilation of illustrated books for children “Baby Books”.

Collage: “My future briefcase”

Design of the exhibition of children's drawings “What did you like at school”

Drawing “Pictures for the ABCs”, “Goodbye, kindergarten”, “School”, “Bouquet for the teacher”.

Modeling “Letters”, “Numbers”.

Integrative lesson (artistic, aesthetic, cognitive) “I’m at school.”

Construction: “My School” - building material (by submission)

Planar modeling - compiling scenes from mosaics on a school theme.

Physical development

Games with elements of competition: “Who will get through the hoop to the flag the fastest”, “Whose team will throw more balls into the basket”, “Who will reach the middle first”

Relay games: “Fun Competitions”, “Relay in Pairs”, “Obstacle Course”, “Ball Over Head”, etc.

Conversation: “How to take care of your clothes”, “Food culture is a serious matter”

Reading “Ya. Akim “Neumeika”, S. Mikhalkov “I Myself”. N. Litvinova “The Kingdom of Cutlery.”

Finger games to develop fine motor skills.

Joint activities of parents and children

  • Orientation in space: diagram - route “I’m going to school” (together with parents);
  • drawing up a family tree (3 – 5 generations);
  • come up with and draw a family coat of arms
  • select photographs of parents during school years, family photographs for the design of children’s portfolios.

Interaction between teachers and families

Parent meeting: “Children’s readiness for school”

Training “My future first-grader”

Articles and consultations in the folder for parents “What a child who is going to school should know.”

Consultation with a psychologist: “Which aspects of school readiness are especially important”, “Advice for parents whose children are preparing for school”

Reading books about school at home with your children.

Workshop for parents “First school difficulties: how to cope with them?” (psychologist)

Making memos:

“Crib sheet for parents of future first-graders.”

"Wise Advice."

Final stage

For children

Exhibition of creative drawings by children “What did you like at school.”

For teachers

Presentation of the project: “We are future schoolchildren” (report on the work done)

Diagnostic drawing “School”

Diagnosis of children at the end of the year.

For parents

Create a children's portfolio.

Manuals and fiction used to implement the project.

1. V. Bardin “Preparing a child for school.”

2. T.N. Doronov “From preschool educational institution to school.”

3. T.B. Anisimova “Preparing a child for school.”

4. Moscow “Enlightenment” “educational literature” 1996 “Children, get ready for school.”

5. S.V. Chirkov “Parent meetings in kindergarten”.

6. S. Soloveichik “Pedagogy for everyone.”

7. Handbook of educational psychologist 1, 2014.


1. N. Nekrasov “Schoolboy”.

2. L. Tolstoy “Filippok”.

3. I. Lystsov “How the notebook was born.”

4. A. Barkov, R. Suryaninov “Where the book came from.”

5. S. Marshak “Yesterday and Today.”

6. M.A. Panfilov "School".

7. A. Barto “First-grader”

8. L. Tolstoy “Stories from the ABC”.

9. B. Zakhoder “This book is sick.”

10. L.Barbas “Who needs an A.”

11. Internet materials (cognitive information), etc.

Illustrative and printed visual material:

1. Selection of subject pictures “School supplies”.

2. Selection of illustrative material on the topic “School. Past and future."

3. Photo materials on the topic “Our graduates”, “Chronicles of a family album”.

4. Paintings by artists:

5. B. Kustodiev. School in Moscow Rus'. 1912.

6. F. Reshetnikov. Two again. 1951.

Name: Lesson summary: “Soon to school”
Nomination: Kindergarten, Lesson notes, game activities, Preparatory group 6-7 years old

Position: teacher of the first qualification category
Place of work: MBDOU No. 190
Location: Orenburg city

Lesson notes
topic: “Soon to school!”
general developmental group for children aged 6–7 years

Target: Summarize the knowledge gained during the year.



— Fix counting and order of numbers (up to 20),

— Improve children’s skills in dividing words into syllables, finding the place of sounds in a word and composing phrases.

— Develop the skill of self-control and self-esteem.


— Develop logical thinking, the ability to solve simple mathematical problems, the ability to navigate on a sheet of paper,

— Develop fine motor skills of the hands;

— Develop phonemic hearing, perception, attention, memory, verbal and logical thinking.


- Cultivate curiosity, love for school, desire to learn.

— Develop the ability to listen to a friend’s answer,

Equipment and material: phonogram of the song: “They teach at school”, tables - desks, simple pencils, a checkered sheet according to the number of children, a set of letters - syllables, cards with number houses and examples for each child, easel, illustration: “September 1”, Kinder jars - a surprise with words inside, blue and red chips to determine sound analysis, whatman paper, glue, colored palms, a model of the sun, a bell or a bell. A ribbon of bright colors for each child.

Preliminary work: looking at illustrations, asking riddles and reading books about school: “Filipok”, “Odnoklassniki”, “I want to go to school”, memorizing the poem: “What awaits me at school”, S/R game: “School”, learning words for a sedentary game : “Sun”, making multi-colored palms for the sun (circled, cut out), as well as a model of the sun.

Types of children's activities:

  • Gaming.
  • Communicative.
  • Cognitive.
  • Productive.
  • Motor.
  • Musically - artistic.

Planned results:

  • children’s ability to act independently and take initiative;
  • children’s ability to follow social norms of behavior and rules in various activities.
  • development of logical thinking among students;
  • the ability of pupils to solve intellectual problems;
  • expansion and activation of vocabulary.

Criteria for assessing children's activities:

  1. Active participation in educational activities.
  2. Independence in performing assigned tasks.
  3. Interaction with peers and adults.
  4. Manifestation of volitional efforts.
  5. The ability to evaluate one’s own actions and give reasons for evaluating the activities of peers.


  1. Introductory part:

Meeting children with music "They teach at school"

Creating motivation for educational activities.

  1. Main part:

Lesson No. 1 in mathematics:

D/i: “Find your place”;

Task No. 1 “Number houses”;

Task No. 2 Graphic dictation: “Draw a figure”;

Change: Low mobility game “Sun”.

Lesson #2 on speech development:

Task No. 1 D/i: “Kinder surprise”

Task No. 2 D/i: “What word is hidden and superfluous?”

Task No. 3 “Make up a phrase”

Lesson #3 by application:

Task No. 1 “Sun of Friendship”

Final part:

Assessment of children's activities

Performing an excerpt of the song: "Kindergarten"

Lesson 30 min.

Progress of the lesson:

Music song sounds: "They teach at school."

Educator: What event is shown in the picture? Guys, what do you think this all means?

Educator: Soon you will go to school, and the first bell will ring for you on September 1st. Would you like to spend one day at school?

Children: Yes!

Educator: Guys, where do you come to study? Where does school start?

Children: From class.

Educator: Close your eyes and imagine that we are in a classroom, there are desks in front of us, and numbers on the desks.

(bell rings...)

We need to take our seats. But for this you need to complete the task.

D/i: “Find your place”

I give each of you a card on which the number of your place at the table is hidden. Whoever “reads” this entry correctly will take his place.

Please “read, solve” your card - for example, 1+2=No.3,

1+1=№2, 2+2=№4, 1+0=№0, (from 1 to 20)

Educator: Well done, you did a good job. As you understand, what will the first lesson be?

Children: Mathematics.

Educator: Sit correctly, back straight, arms in front of you.

First task: "Number houses"

I'm giving you cards. In the boxes you need to enter numbers from which you can make a given number. Everyone will have their own card.


(the guys check and correct.)

Educator: Well done, you completed this task.

Next task.

This is a graphic dictation: “ Draw a figure." A checkered sheet of paper lies on the edge of the desk and a pencil. Under my dictation you must draw a figure. Be careful, don’t ask again, I will repeat it 2 times.

Start: put a point, from it 1 cell to the right, 1 down, 1 to the right, 1 down, 1 to the right, 1 down, 5 cells to the left, 1 cell up, 1 to the right, 1 up, 1 to the right, 1 up, 1 to the right.

Educator: We're done. What kind of figure did you get?

Children: Ladder.

(several children show their work - a ladder)

Educator: Sign it yourself. The class attendants will collect the work. We'll check them before lunch.

Educator: At school, between each lesson, there is what?

Children: Change to relax.

Guess the riddle:

Zhenya L.: Someone in the morning, slowly, inflates a yellow balloon, and when he lets it out of his hands, it will suddenly become light all around.

Children: Sun

Educator: I suggest you play the game: "Sun"

The red morning has come

The sun rose clear.

The rays began to shine

Make little children happy.

The clouds have arrived

The rays are hidden!

(for the last words, the children begin to twist the ribbon - a ray)

(bell rings)

Educator: This means the next lesson begins. Speech development.

(there are kinder surprises on the plate)

D/i: “Kinder - surprise”

Each of you will take a kinder, inside it is a word that you need to read to yourself, then lay out the sound patterns of the words on the table using colored lids.

Educator: Everyone completed the task. Next

D/game: “Which word is hidden and superfluous?”

Educator: Why do you think there are syllables on the tables?

Children: You need to make words out of them. To do this, we will divide into subgroups, each subgroup has its own word that needs to be composed.

(children make up words)


Educator: How many syllables are there in the word - SHKO-LA? (let's clap with the children)

Children: 2,

Educator: Well done. In the word TET-RA-D?

Children: 3

(and so on until the end...)

Educator: Come up with each subgroup its own phrase with the word that was posted.

(I ask one child at a time from the subgroup)

Children: Red pencil is a phrase, etc.

Educator: Okay, well done.

(the bell rings from class.)

Educator: What do you think is the next lesson?

(I point to the desks where glue and colored palms are laid out - laid out by those on duty)

Children: Application.

Educator: We have already prepared for you: "Sun of Friendship" What do we have left to finish?

Children: Glue our palms.

Educator: Right. Get to work.

(glued your palm to the Whatman paper, sat down in your seats)

(bell rings)

Educator: Well done . The lesson has come to an end.

AND our journey to school has come to an end.

(close our eyes)

Educator: We found ourselves in kindergarten again.

I liked the way you worked today.

At school, kids get grades. What did you like?

And in conclusion, we will sing an excerpt from the song: "Kindergarten".

Thank you for your attention.

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