Lesson notes differentiation and s. Summary of a subgroup speech therapy lesson on the topic: Differentiation of vowel sounds, and the letters Ii and Yy in syllables

Tatiana Myzina
Summary of a subgroup speech therapy lesson on the topic: Differentiation of vowel sounds [and], [s] and the letters Ii and Yy in syllables

Summary of a subgroup speech therapy lesson

on topic: ", [s] and letters Ii and Yy in syllables, words and sentences"

Subject: « Differentiation of vowel sounds [and], [s] and letters Ii and Yy in syllables, words and sentences."

Target: differentiate sounds [and], [s] and letters and, s.



1. Teach children to distinguish by articulation sounds [and],[s].

2. Develop phonemic awareness and attention.

3. Develop skills syllabic analysis and visual perception, coherent speech.

enrich vocabulary by topic "Vegetables" And "Fruits".


1. Teach children to correlate correctly sounds [and] and [s] with letters I and Y.


1. Developing motivation to learn and communication skills.

Equipment: letters i-s, pictures, ball, baskets, tongue twisters, poster with letters different colors and sizes.

Progress of the lesson.

I. Organizational moment.

Psychological mood of students. Creating a favorable work environment.

Hello guys!

Let's smile at each other. May the lesson bring us all the joy of communication.

Today in class, guys, you will find many interesting tasks, new discoveries, and your assistants will: attention, resourcefulness, ingenuity.

The long-awaited call was given,

The lesson begins.

Sounds with letters came,

To restore order.

The one who names a lot will sit down items: (pie, pencil, bush, table).

II. Main part.

1. Introduction to topic.

Complete the sentences by choosing the appropriate words.

The cat caught... (mouse).

They bought Nina a teddy (bear).

What words have different sounds?

Today on class you and I will learn to distinguish sounds [s], [and] and letters s, and in syllables, words and sentences.

2. Comparative characteristics sounds.

What helps us pronounce

A) sound [s]

b) sound [and]

How are they similar? sounds, how are they different?

How are they similar? letters, how are they different?

3. Development of phonemic awareness.

a) Remember and repeat clearly syllabic chains with different striking positions.



beep beep beep


b) Game "Vice versa".

I'll call it hard syllable, and you are soft and vice versa: I am soft, and you are hard.

Would -, vi -, dy -, pi -, bi -, you -, di -….

4. Correlation sound with letter.

a) Examination letters(poster with different letters, different colors, sizes letters).

Find among them letter, which denotes sound [s], sound [and](show printed, lowercase, capital).

b) Work in notebooks.

Listen syllables, sound combinations and write down only vowels:

Vli, kty, kri, media, ardor, pli, see.

Examination: hang a card on the board with letters: And, s, and, and, s, and, and.

5. Differentiation of sounds and letters in syllables.

a) Game "Catch sound» .

If you hear sound[and] – clap your hands if sound [s] – stomp.

Words: fish, threads, braids, baby, cheese, needle, daisies.

6. Physical exercise:

Are you probably tired?

Well, then everyone stood up together.

Bent over

Straightened up, stretched,

And now they’ve bent over backwards.

We stretch our arms, shoulders,

To make it easier for us to sit,

And don’t get tired at all.

My head is tired too.

So let's help her!

Right and left, one and two,

Think, think, head.

Although the exercise is short, we rested a little.

7. Differentiation of sounds and letters in words.

a) - Today we will go to the store (word on the board "shop"- a dictionary word in which they sell many different goods.

What is this store called? (universal, supermarket). How can you resist and not buy too much?

The students we study will help us with this vowels(I, Y). We put items in baskets (pumpkin, melon, cucumbers, eggplant, plum, peach, orange, lemon) in accordance with sounds with explanation: “I can buy because sound(and, s) heard at the beginning, middle, end of a word.”

b) Write down words in a notebook in two columns, from one basket items with sound - Y, from another sound -I.

pumpkin plum

melon peach

cucumbers orange

eggplant lemon

c) Look at the objects of the first basket and the second basket and name them with a general word (vegetables, fruits). What can be prepared from vegetables and fruits?

8. Work on word formation.

Plum juice (Which)– plum.

Juice from lemons (Which)– lemon.

Peach juice (Which)– peach.

Orange juice (Which)– orange.

What are the benefits of vegetables and fruits?

9. Gymnastics for the eyes:

The flower was sleeping (close your eyes, relax)

And suddenly I woke up (blink eyes).

I didn’t want to sleep anymore, (raise your hands up - inhale, look at your hands,

He perked up, stretched,

He soared up and flew. (look left and right).

10. Differentiation of sounds and letters in sentences.

A baby came to us. He will recite a short poem. Memorize the poem, repeat it and write it down notebook:

The baby was very cute

He washed his hands with soap.

III. Results classes.

Which sounds and letters learned to distinguish?

Why did you learn to differentiate?

What new did you learn at class?

What did you like most?

Well done! I really liked the way you worked.

MBDOU "Combined Kindergarten No. 8" "Snow White"


directly educational activities

in the educational field "Cognition"

in a general development group

for children 6 – 7 years old

Subject: “Differentiation of sounds [Y] and [I]”

Educator: Banshchikova Yu.S. 2012

Program content:

Teach children to give acoustic-articulatory characteristics of the sounds [ ы ] and [ и ];

Strengthen the ability to perform sound-letter analysis and synthesis;

Strengthen the ability to divide words into syllables, determine the number of syllables in a word;

Differentiation of sounds [ ы ] and [ и ];

Develop phonemic awareness;

Develop communication skills - the ability to work in a team, negotiate, communicate with adults and peers.


Subject pictures by the number of children, cards-schemes for determining the sound at the beginning, middle or end of a word, pictures for determining the number of syllables, letters by the number of children for shading.

Progress of the lesson:

Organizational moment (the arrival of the greedy)

Educator: guys, let's go to the easel, look, “Greedy” came to visit us today. She says that she wants a lot of everything (the teacher pronounces the word in the singular, and the children must pronounce it in the plural), I tell her my fly, and she answers me my flies

Beetle fox beetles

Duck-ducks bee-bees

Bear bears woodpecker woodpeckers

Deer-deer hare-hares

Wolf-wolves wasp-wasp


Educator: What sounds did we make at the end of each word?

Children: we pronounced the sounds [Y] and [I].

Educator : You guys are great, let’s say goodbye to “Greedy” and go to the tables. (Dunno sits next to the teacher’s chair) Oh, guys, look who came to visit us.

Children: they answer that it’s Dunno

Educator: Guys Dunno says that he can’t distinguish between consonants and vowels. Let us help Dunno, imagine that we have a thread in our hands and pull it (children pretend to pull the thread, slowly spreading their arms to the sides while pronouncing the sounds [Y] and [I].

Educator: Has our thread broken?

Children: No

Educator: And when you and I made sounds, did the air meet a barrier?

Children: No

Educator: So if the thread did not break and the air did not meet any obstacles, then what sounds are vowels or consonants?

Children: Vowels (children must explain the answer)

Educator: Who can tell what color the vowel sounds are?

Children: (listen to the children's answers)

Educator: Guys, who can guess how the pronunciation of these sounds differs (the teacher shows the sounds [Y] and [I] with his lips in turn; the children try to guess), the sound [I] is a smile, and the sound [Y] is a window (lips wide open).

Educator: Well, Dunno, did we help you figure out how to distinguish vowels and consonants?

Dunno: yes - thank you very much. But here I have an envelope that I picked up on the way to you with some cards and pictures, I just can’t figure out what they are for.

Educator: Give Dunno your envelope, the guys and I will help you. So guys, look, there are diagrams and pictures here. What do you think they are for?

Children: (listen to the answers)

Educator: You need to correctly determine where the sound [I] or [Y] is located - at the beginning, middle or end of the word. (disassemble one picture together with the children, then the children do it independently). After the children complete the task, invite them to exchange diagrams and pictures with their neighbor and check each other. Having previously talked to the children, if the sound is at the beginning of the word, we close the first square, if at the end of the word we close the last square, and if the sound is second or third, then we close the middle square.

Educator: Guys, what did we talk about letters or sounds? Let's remember the letters we see and write, and the sounds we hear and pronounce, and yet what we talked about, of course, about sounds. (turn over the letters I and Y on the board). What letters are these, what are they called, what do they look like? (listen to the children’s full answers).

Dunno: thanks the children and invites them to play with him.

Educator: Guys, let's go to the mat and try to draw our letters in the air. The teacher stands with his back to the children and shows the children to repeat (first with the right hand, then with the left, left leg, right leg, eyes). Ask the children to stand in pairs: “Write a letter on a friend’s back,” switch places.

Educator: Now guys become a train: “Guess the letter.” I write a letter on the back of the last child, he passes it along the chain to the next one and so on until the end, the last child must guess what the letter was. Well done, you did a great job, and Dunno also really enjoyed playing with you.

Educator: Pay attention to the easel on which 3 pictures are attached, in which there are one, two and three syllables. Well, guys, Dunno, as always, got everything mixed up when he hurried to us. He says that the word whale has two syllables, the word chicken has one syllable, and the word clock has three syllables. How to check how many syllables are in each word?

Children: Listen to the children's answers.

Educator: Well done, which word is the longest, and why? Which is the shortest and why?

Children: Listen to the children's full answers.

Educator: Guys Dunno says that he understood everything, but is still upset because he prepared a surprise for his friends, but again he mixed everything up. Invite children to the table.

Educator: Guys, pay attention on the table there are two baskets; cards with the sounds [Y] and [I] are attached to them; pictures with the sounds [Y] and [I] and (several incorrect pictures) are laid out on the table. Your task is to take one picture at a time and put it in the basket with the desired sound. Dunno also tries to take the picture and put it in the basket, the children correct it.

Educator: You guys are so great, did you like Dunno, did you remember everything? Let's guys give Dunno a gift, go to your places. Children are asked to shade the letters Y and I.

Lesson notes for children in grades 1 – 3: vowel differentiation sounds Y AND. Development of phonemic awareness And formation clear phonemic representations, analysis and synthesis skills.

Goal: to teach children to distinguish the vowels Y and orally and in writing.

Equipment: individual mirrors, individual teaching material, table with vowels of the 1st and 2nd rows.

Progress of the lesson

1. Organizational moment. Setting a learning goal.

A table with vowels is hung on the boardI andII row.

Speech therapist. Remember and tell how the vowels of the first row were formed. (Students take turns calling). How were the vowels of row II formed?

2. Repetition of the material covered.

Speech therapist. Guys, remember and tell us how the vowel of row II E is formed. (Students answer.) Name the words in which E comes after the consonants. How are the consonants in these words pronounced? Why?

3. Working with individual mirrors.

Speech therapist. Guys, say the sound Y, and then the sound I, looking in the mirror. What did you notice about the pronunciation of these sounds? What happens to the articulatory organs when pronouncing the sound I?

The speech therapist explains:

When we pronounce the sound I, then:

- lips - “in a smile”;

- the teeth are close together, but not closed;

- the tongue lies in the mouth, its edges touch the molars;

- the neck “works” (the child’s hand rests on the neck for control).

Speech therapist. What happens to the organs of articulation when pronouncing the sound Y?

The speech therapist explains:

- the lips are not tense;

- teeth are open;

- the tongue is pushed deep into the mouth;

— the neck “works”;

- What conclusion can you draw? (The two sounds are similar in pronunciation.)

Speech therapist. We compared a pair of vowels AND Y, what did you find out?

Students: the vowels Y and are similar in articulation, but different in spelling.

4. Work with individual didactic material.

Students complete tasks of didactic material, read the tasks one by one, if difficulties arise, the speech therapist helps, clarifies, and explains.

In task 1 you should symbolize the syllables:

- hard voiced consonant - t;

- soft voiced consonant - z;

- voiceless hard consonant - T;

- voiceless soft consonant - Z.

Vowels in writing are traditionally marked with a circle:

- vowels of the first row - empty circle.

- vowels of the 2nd row - filled circle.

Task 1.

Read the syllables and label them with symbols.

Py, ti, li, we, you, bi, vi, fy, zy, si.

- In what syllables are the words hidden? Write it down.

Task 2.

“Confusion” (figure it out and write down objects and actions).

Sample: ardor - drank.

Task 3.

Game "One and Many".

Write the missing words into the daisy petals to make pairs.

Sample: elephant - elephants.

Indicate the hard and soft consonants before Y and.

Task 4.

Place the words in houses according to the pattern, write down the missing words to create pairs.

Sample: gardens - gardens.

Words: flowers, cogs, hands, telephones, cars, bridges, watches, cats.

Task 5.

Correct mistakes in word combinations.

White snowflakes light fluffs

Friendly children, any flowers

Sweet confetti funny kids

Task 6.

Look at the pictures and, distributing them in three columns, indicate the sounds in front of the letters I Y.

And s and - s

Task 7.

Read the proposal. First write down the words with the letter Y, and then with the letter I.

Dad has soap. There is a plum tree growing in the garden. It was damp in the forest. Misha has pencils. Chickens peck grain. At night a wolf howled in the forest.

Task 8.

Write it down, inserting the letters Y and.

From the pipes.. ..there is a thick d..m.

The car has new..e sh..n.. .

Z..my r..ba went to the bottom of the river...

M..sha and V..tya – small..sh.. .

N..na herself collected the r..zh..k.. in the forest.

Task 9.

Write down the text, insert the letters I and Y.

In the garden

Vegetables ripened in the beds: cucumber, pom..dor.., onion. N..picked up the tomatoes..in the box..to. M..sha collected..a cucumber..in the basket..well. The children... took the vegetable... to the basement.

Task 10.

Composition of a story-description based on an object picture.

5. Summary of the lesson.


Speech therapist. What did we work on today guys? What did you learn?

Students. We worked on distinguishing the vowels Y and orally and in writing.

GAME TASK “Snow-sound ball” (on development of auditory attention and perception).

Speech therapist. Just like a snowball, you can “blind” almost the same ball from sounds and call it “snow-sound”. To do this, after a pre-game agreement - from which sounds, for example, only vowels, or only consonants, or any, the snow-sound ball will be composed - the first student names the sound. Our topic is vowels of the 1st and 2nd rows, so we will use only these vowels.

The first student pronounces the sound A, the second student repeats the sound that the first student named and adds his own - Y, A. The third student repeats the first two sounds A, J, A and names his own - Y, U, etc.

The student who manages to “blind” the largest lump, that is, correctly reproduces the longest chain of syllables, wins.

, teacher-speech therapist, Zatobolsk, Kazakhstan.

Goal: Vowel differentiation s-and in syllables, words, phrases and coherent speech.

  • train children to distinguish between hard and soft consonants (in pronunciation, listening and writing);
  • practice indicating the softness of consonants in writing using the 2nd row vowel I;
  • develop motor-auditory attention and memory; verbal-logical thinking.
  • practice word formation using –ы, -и,

Progress of the lesson.

  1. Organizational moment
  2. One-two - keep your head up

    Three-four - arms wider

    Five-six - sit down quietly

  3. Preparatory stage:
    1. Breathing exercises: Inhale – arms up
    2. Exhale – lower through the sides (a-a-a-a)

      Inhale – arms to the sides

      Exhale – hug your shoulders (oh-oh-oh-oh)

      Inhale – arms forward

      Exhale – hands down (oo-oo-oo-oo)

    3. Articulation gymnastics:

    “frog”, “fence”, “pancake”, “breeze” “snake”

  4. Main part.
    1. Announcing the topic of the lesson.
    2. What are you looking at, cow?

      Strict and harsh?

      Teddy bear with an “a”

      Posted by “karova”

      You write

      Teddy bear with “s”,

      Teach Mishka a lesson -

      Turn it into a mouse.

      Cat grab mouse!

      There will be a quitter to know.

      Select words before and after vowel replacement, compare words by meaning and spelling

      (“Mishka” is the name of a boy, “mouse” is a wild animal)

    3. - Highlight the vowels ы-и, clarify the articulation of sounds
    4. I invite the children to pronounce the sound “ And" and look in individual mirrors in what position are the tongue and lips? (tongue at the lower teeth, lips “smiling”).

      Then the sound is made s. (when pronouncing this sound, the tongue is pulled away from the teeth).

      Show matching letters.

      Characteristics of sounds:

      Y – vowel of the first row

      I is a vowel of the second row. (the function of vowels of the second row is to soften the consonant in front)

    5. 4. Sound differentiation exercises Y - I in a syllable
    6. Ball game - “say it the other way around”:

      Was - (beat)

      Soap – (mil)

      Howled – (vil)

      Fervor - (drank)

      5. Raise the letter representing the sound being played.

      Py, ti, ri, would, ky, di, bi, mi, sy, you, we, ki, dy, pi.

      linden, cheese, whale, fish, lips, tongue, hands.

    7. - Repeat and write down:
    8. Sy-sy-si, ri-ry-ry, dy-di-dy.

    9. 6. Gymnastics for arms:
    10. Fingers are a friendly family,

      They can't live without each other

      This is the big one, and this is the medium one,


      And our last little finger is great

      Forgot your index finger

      So that the fingers live together

      Let's connect them

      Do the exercise.

    11. 7. Differentiation Y – I in words

Arrange word-pictures for each house according to the presence of Y – I:

Write the words in three columns in your notebook.

  1. Insert missing letters Y – I in words, write in your notebook:
  2. R(i)s, m(s)s, m(i)r, s(s)r, r(s)s, l(i)pa, k(i)no, s(s)ro, s( i)la,

    m(s)sl(s), v(s)l(s), p(s)l(s), p(s)l(s).

  3. “One is many.” Name the object in the plural.

Album - albums

Braid - braids

Panama - Panama hats

Cap - caps

Ruler - rulers

Horse - horses

Write in pairs in your notebook.

10. “Call a big object small, what is the sound at the end of your word”:

Pisces - fishes,

Burrows - (minks),

plums – (cream),

paws - (paws).

11. “Change the last sound, write down a couple of words”:

Gifts – gift(s),

Noses – nose(s),

Spikes - spike(s),

Flowers – color(s),

Gardens – garden(s),

Empty – empty(s).

  1. Differentiation I-Y in a sentence.
  2. Make up words, come up with sentences

    (In the spring rooks Vili nests

    In the forest howled hungry wolves.)

  3. Differentiation between I and S in connected speech.

Reading and retelling of V. Oseeva’s story “Just an Old Lady.”

    • Who was walking down the street? (Children were walking down the street. And an old woman was walking ahead)
    • What happened to the old lady? (Suddenly the old lady slipped and fell)
    • What did the boy do? (The boy helped the old lady up.)
    • What did the girl ask him? (The girl asked: “Is this your grandmother?” “No,” the boy answered)
    • Why was the girl surprised? (Why did you help her?)
    • What did the boy answer? (It's just an old lady)
    • Which of the guys did the right thing and why? (The boy did the right thing. We must help the weak and older.)

Find words with the studied sounds i-y, determine the location in the words.

14. Summary of the lesson.

  1. Two mothers have five sons.
  2. One name for everyone.

    Equal for years

    They are different in height. (hands and fingers)

  3. Red doors in my cave
  4. White animals sit at the door.

    Both meat and bread - all my spoils -

    I gladly give it to white animals. (lips, teeth, mouth)

  5. Always in my mouth

But you won't swallow it. (Language)

(use illustrations of words - riddles)

Locate differentiated sounds Y _I.

Literature used:

  1. Efimenkova L.N. “Correction of oral and written speech of primary school students” - M., 2001.
  2. Sadovnikova I.N. “Violations of written speech and their overcoming in younger schoolchildren” - M., Vlados, 1995.
  3. Efimenkova L.N. Sadovnikova I.N. “Correction and prevention of dysgraphia in children " M "Enlightenment" 1972
  4. Rau E.F., Rozhdestvenskaya V.I. “Correcting pronunciation for schoolchildren " M.: "Enlightenment" 1980.

Lesson topic: Differentiation S – I.

Target: improving children’s ability to distinguish the sounds I and Y and the letters corresponding to them in writing.

Tasks: learn to distinguish sounds and letters s - i;

enrich children's vocabulary;

develop auditory and visual attention and memory.

Equipment: cards with tasks according to the number of students.

Progress of the lesson.

    Organizational moment. - Hello, guys. The one who names the word starting with the sound I sits down.

2. Repeat the words, raising the corresponding vowel (s or u):

feast, beat, wash, you, sleep, we, world, you, cheese, squeak, dust, shooting range, squeal.

3. Listen to the poem.

Oh, and there’s a mess in Mishka’s notebook.

What are you looking at, cow?

strictly and harshly?

Teddy Bear

through A wrote "karova".

You write

"Bear" via s.

Teach Mishka a lesson -

Turn into a mouse

Cat grab mouse!

There will be a quitter to know.

(S. Pogorelovsky.)

sl - v- k-t- n-tk- l-p-


v-lk-hr-p-l –f-sh-n-

5. Game “One - many” (with throwing the ball).

The speech therapist calls the noun in the singular, the student, returning the ball, calls the same word in the plural and emphasizes the last vowel sound - s or And, For example:

frame-frames (s), notebook - notebooks (And), wall - stack (s) etc.

These v-sh-, these sl-v- myself- m- planted-. These bush-to-small-n-the-half-wall-. M-sh-zh-l- white m-sh-. Luce has s-n-e bus-. There is a lot in the marketgr-bov. Chicken-pecked-grain-shk-. You can't write down l-st- in books.The street is covered with snow. There is a rustling sound near the river. D-na carries it in his bagd-nu.

11. Summary of the lesson: - What did we do in class today?

How are the sounds I and Y similar?

What is the difference between the articulatory structure of the sounds I and Y?

Praise, encouragement.


sl - v- k-t- n-tk- l-p- v-lk- l – g-


These v-sh-, these sl-v- myself- m- planted-. These bush-to-small-n-the-half-wall-. M-sh-zh-l- white m-sh-. Luce has s-n-e bus-. There are a lot of towns on the market. Chicken-pecked-grain-shk-. You can't write down l-st- in books. The street is covered with snow. There is a rustling sound near the river. D-na is carrying d-nu in her bag.


sl - v- k-t- n-tk- l-p- v-lk- l – g-


These v-sh-, these sl-v- myself- m- planted-. These bush-to-small-n-the-half-wall-. M-sh-zh-l- white m-sh-. Luce has s-n-e bus-. There are a lot of towns on the market. Chicken-pecked-grain-shk-. You can't write down l-st- in books. The street is covered with snow. There is a rustling sound near the river. D-na is carrying d-nu in her bag.


sl - v- k-t- n-tk- l-p- v-lk- l – g-


These v-sh-, these sl-v- myself- m- planted-. These bush-to-small-n-the-half-wall-. M-sh-zh-l- white m-sh-. Luce has s-n-e bus-. There are a lot of towns on the market. Chicken-pecked-grain-shk-. You can't write down l-st- in books. The street is covered with snow. There is a rustling sound near the river. D-na is carrying d-nu in her bag.

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