Lesson notes on femp using logical blocks of dienes. Summary of GCD in the senior group: A playful journey through the fairy tale “Turnip” with Dienesh blocks

Program content:

Help you learn to correctly name the parts into which hoops divide the plane; consolidate the names of the seasons, counting down, the ability to encode and decode blocks according to four properties (color, shape, size, thickness); develop the ability to classify objects according to four properties; ability to analyze, compare, generalize; develop thinking, attention, imagination; cultivate friendly relationships, respect for teaching aids, independence; bring joy and pleasure from educational games.

Materials for the lesson:

Illustrations for the seasons: girl-autumn, girl-winter, girl-spring, girl-summer;

Sample image of "Time Machine";

Game "Tangram" (one set for two children);

Game “Blocks of Dienesh” (one set for two children and one set for the teacher);

Basket with a set of vegetables and fruits;

Pictures for the game “Fourth Wheel”;

Cards for the game “Make Beads”;

Cards for the game “Put the birds in the houses”;

Cards-symbols corresponding to the properties of the blocks: color (red, yellow, blue), shape (circle, square, triangle, rectangle), size (large, small), thickness (thick, thin);

–Three hoops: red, blue, yellow.

Progress of the lesson

Organizational moment.

Children enter the group, stand in a semicircle, facing the teacher.

Educator: Children, tell me, why do people smile? (Children's answers)

Smile at each other, smile at your guests.

Game "Greeting"

Turned their faces to each other,

We smiled.

They offered their right hand,

And then they shook her

And we hugged each other, walked away and bowed,

And we spun around a little

Is everyone ready to practice?
Children: We will try very hard

I wish you a good mood and invite you on a fun journey through the seasons on the Time Machine. Children, do you want to go on a trip with me? (Children's answers).

Since our journey is unusual, I suggest you turn into blocks. You want? (children's answers) Each person choose a block from the basket and tell us who you are. (children say: “I am a blue block, big, thick, square)

As I already said, today we will travel on the Time Machine. To do this you need to build it. The success of the trip depends on how friendly and attentive you are to each other.

Children, come to the table and build your “Time Machine” from geometric shapes according to this model. (The teacher puts the sample on the easel, the children build a silhouette figure based on it).

Game "Tangram"

Don’t forget that you will be “jumping” from one season to another on your “Time Machine” at times, so work together.

Main part.

Educator: Built? Well done! Now come to me, stand in a circle, hold hands. For your cars to start moving, you need to count backwards from 20 to 1. (Children count and then sit on chairs).

Educator: Who is meeting us? (Picture showing: image autumn girls). Children's answers.

Autumn has prepared a basket of vegetables and fruits for us. (Show basket)

Find blocks that are similar in shape and color to vegetables and fruits. (Children choose the blocks they need) Now describe them and find symbol cards that correspond to the selected blocks. (Next, children find blocks and symbol cards corresponding to vegetables and fruits)

Children, look, Autumn has prepared another game for us.

Game "Fourth wheel"(The teacher shows the picture, the children find an extra object and explain why it is extra).Gymnastics for the eyes. (Children use the pupils of their eyes to draw a circle, square, triangle).

Educator: Okay! Our journey continues as we head into the next season. Who will meet us after autumn? (winter) (Picture showing: image winter girls ) Why do you love winter? What fabulous holiday happens in winter? (Children's answers) Close your eyes, imagine that the New Year has come. Open your eyes. What is the main symbol of the New Year? (Christmas tree)

Guess what kind of tree Santa Claus brought for the holiday?

It is not small, not blue, not red, not yellow, not rectangular, not square, not round, not thin (answer: large, green, triangular, thick). Children find this block.

What needs to be done to make the tree become New Year's? (Children's statements) Let's decorate the Christmas tree and make beads for it according to the patterns that are on your table (optional).

Game "Make Beads"

(children draw beads from blocks according to four properties). After the children complete the task, the teacher asks questions:

How many blocks were used to build the beads?

How many yellow blocks were used? red? blue?

How many rectangles did you use? squares? circles? triangles?

Which figures are more numerous: yellow or red? How long?

Well done! Now there will be a jump into the next season. Close your eyes. (Picture posted: image spring girls ) Now, look who is meeting us? (Spring) In spring, many birds return to us from warmer climes.

Physical education minute(children's choice)

Educator: Children, let's help the birds find their houses.

Game “Place the tenants in the houses”

(Children are given pictures of houses; they need to find blocks that correspond to these properties; the blocks are “birds”).

While the children are working, the teacher asks questions: What bird lives here? (shows)

Why was this bird placed here? (children's answers)

Educator: Okay! We move on to the next time of year. Who's meeting us? (Summer) (Picture showing: image girls - summer ) Remember how beautiful it can be in the summer, how many flowers bloom in the flower beds. Let's plant flowers in the flower beds too.

Game with three hoops “Plant flowers in the flower beds”

Children, count how many flower beds there are. (7) Let's name them.

Think of the blocks as flowers. We will plant flowers like this: inside the red hoop - everything red flowers; inside a blue hoop- all big flowers; inside the yellow hoop - all triangular flowers.

Inside the blue hoop, outside the red and yellow(all big)

Inside the red hoop, outside the blue and yellow ( all red)

Inside the yellow hoop, outside the red and blue(all triangular)

Inside the blue and red, outside the yellow hoop - everything is not triangular, not rectangular, not round(square)

Inside the blue and yellow, outside the red hoop - all yellow

Inside the red and yellow hoop, outside the blue hoop - all the blocks that are not thick(thin)

Inside the blue, red and yellow hoops -blue, small, thin blocks

What flowers are left outside the flowerbed?

The final part.

Educator: Our journey is coming to an end! Did you enjoy our trip? What time of year is your favorite? What tasks were easy for you today? Which ones are difficult?

What time of year is it now? (Children's answers) We are staying at this time of year for now, and the “Time Machine” is going to another kindergarten. How are you feeling after our trip? Take a joyful emoticon for yourself, and let it always give you a good mood.

Summary of OOD with Dienesh's blocks in the senior group “Nolik visiting the guys.”

Type of lesson: integrated (educational game-entertainment).

Educational area: cognitive development.

Integration of educational areas: social and communicative development, speech development, physical development, artistic and aesthetic development.

Section: general educational activities: “First steps in mathematics. We explore and experiment.”

Goal: the formation of elementary mathematical concepts and intellectual abilities of students in joint gaming activities in the process of solving practical tasks.

Software tasks:


Systematize children's knowledge of the formation of elementary mathematical concepts (standards of geometric figures) through didactic games and game tasks.

Summarize knowledge: about geometric shapes - triangle, circle, rectangle, square; in the ability to distinguish figures by shape, color, size, thickness.

Strengthen the ability to depict and lay out an object from geometric shapes, using constructive means, consisting of several parts..

To support students’ interest in intellectual activity, the desire to play games with mathematical content, to show persistence and determination.

Exercise your ability to work with diagrams using your imagination.

Learn to emotionally perceive and evaluate your work and the work of your comrades, rejoice at success, and correct mistakes.


To develop cognitive interest, attention, memory, practical thinking, intelligence, and the ability to perform logical operations.

To promote the development of communication skills, grammatically correct conversational speech, and skills of free communication with adults.

Develop creative imagination, aesthetic perception, fantasy.

Develop fine motor skills of the hands.

Develop independence and the desire to achieve positive results at work.

Develop the ability to perform tasks in a group and subgroup of peers, to act actively in a simple problem situation.


Cultivate a sustainable interest in mathematics, physical activity and artistic and aesthetic work.

Foster independence, hard work and accuracy when completing tasks.

To develop the skill of a culture of behavior and communication with peers, showing a friendly attitude to each other, mutual assistance and mutual assistance.

Preliminary work of the teacher: drawing up lesson notes, making demonstrative and handout materials for organizing children's activities, selecting musical ringtones, making diagrams, geometric figures from paper; selection of equipment, group registration.

Preliminary work with children: conversation games to activate emotional and mental processes, guessing riddles, looking at posters and illustrations “Geometric Shapes”, logical games and exercises with Dienesh blocks: “Find the treasure”, “Find a couple”; individual lessons, application of geometric shapes; geometric design on a plane (plane modeling): “Fold the pattern.”

Forms of organizing educational activities for pupils, taking into account the integration of educational areas: frontal, subgroup, individual.

Forms of implementation of children's activities: actualization of sensory experience - a surprise moment, orientation in space in the process of movement, solving a problem situation, interaction with the hero in a playful way, educational game, gymnastics for the eyes, didactic game, conversation, physical. a minute, productive activity.

Methods, techniques and technologies used: problematic (to help find a cartoon character); gaming motivation (the use of surprise moments (the appearance of a hero and objects), didactic games and exercises; verbal (explanation, instructions, questions, individual answers of children, the teacher’s story, the use of literary words, assessment of children’s activities); productive methods (practical): construction; physical minute; encouragement; OOD analysis.

Types of children's activities: gaming (audio recording, didactic, developmental and logical games), productive (application, design), communicative (conversation), motor (orientation in space, physical exercises).

Vocabulary work (consolidation of terms): identical, different, as well as names of shapes, sizes, colors, thickness.

Material and equipment:

Handout: printed task cards with the task.

Didactic tools (demonstration material): Nolik doll (from the film “The Fixies”); educational and game manual “Logic blocks of Dienesh”, easel, image of cartoon characters Fiksikov, backpack, printed cards with diagrams, balloon; gymnastic sticks.

Equipment: audio recording of an excerpt of a song from the animated film “Fixies”, recording of the ringtone of the SMS message “Come to the phone”, mobile phone, camera.

Expected result:

Development of elementary mathematical abilities, ideas about the parameters “big - small”, “thick - thin”

Knowledge of the shape, size, color, thickness of geometric shapes; the ability to depict and lay out a picture of geometric shapes using constructive means.

Pupils' interest in intellectual activity.

Skills in the culture of verbal communication, improving a moral attitude towards the environment, the ability to work collectively.

Progress of the lesson:

Educator: Guys, let's say hello to our guests and wish them a good day. It's good when guests come to the house. But that’s not all, you will have another guest today, try to guess who it is.

(audio recording from the animated film "Fixies" sounds)

Educator: Guys, who is this guest?

Children: Are these Fixies?

Educator: Yes, Fixies are little people who live in various devices, things created by human hands. You know that the Fixies have this sign - a splayed handle. Palm with three fingers spread. Sometimes it's a gesture of greeting, but more often it's a sign of a job well done. Fixies often use a special sign that adorns their clothing, work tools and vehicles.

Or maybe Fixik is already here, let’s do an eye exercise and maybe we’ll see him.

Exercise for the eyes “Where are the Fixies?”

We need to give our eyes a rest, we will blink quickly. (blink quickly)

One, two, three, four, five, we’ll look for Fixies.

Let your eyes look at the ceiling. (Look up)

Let's lower our heads and look at the table. (Down)

And again upstairs - where is Fixik running? (Up)

And let's look around.

We will cover our eyes with our palms.

We will open our eyes again and set them up for work.

At the moment when the children close their eyes, the teacher takes out the Nolik toy and puts him on the table.

Educator: Let's say hello to Nolik according to Fiksikowski.

Children: Hello, Nolik! (show palm with three fingers).

Nolik: Hello, I'm Nolik.

Educator: Guys, I invited Nolik to our group so that he could get to know you and we would become friends.

Nolik: Now we are friends, but this is a secret.

(Audio signal “Computer Virus” sounds)

Nolik is upset about something.

Educator: While we were doing gymnastics for the eyes, Nolik put his helper somewhere in the group. And now a virus program has made him invisible. Guys, let's help Nolik destroy the computer virus. Since this is not a human virus, from which people get the flu, but a computer mathematical one, we will remove it using Dienesh’s mathematical blocks. Let's tell Nolik what Dienesh blocks are.

Children: These are geometric shapes that differ in shape, color, size and thickness.


“Find the right figure.” Individual work using maps and diagrams.

Educator: We found the necessary elements of the virus program. Now you need to collect them in a certain sequence.


“Make a chain of geometric shapes according to the diagram.” Teamwork according to the scheme.

Virus disabled Children find a helper.

Educator: Guys, why do you need a helper? What's inside? (Tools).What tools do you know? What are they for? (Children's answers).

Physical education lesson “Helper”.

Nolik: I really enjoyed playing with Dienesh’s blocks. Simka and I love to lay out our tools.

Educator: Our guys like to arrange blocks into sectors.

TASK 3 “Place the pieces in the correct sector.” Children are divided into two teams and choose a captain. Lay out the figures in the desired sector “big - small, thick - thin”. The captain checks the correctness of the task.

Nolik: And when we work with Simka, for example, I repair a phone, and Simka repairs a refrigerator, then we sometimes need to separate the tools. I need some for work, some for Simka, and some for both me and her.

Educator: Our guys love to arrange blocks into hoops.

TASK 4 “Arrange the blocks into hoops.”

Educator: Guys, would you like the Fixies to live in our kindergarten? Let's try to place them in different groups.

TASK 5 “Place the tenants in the house.”

Nolik: I liked it so much, but I stayed too long in your garden and Simka will be very angry.

Educator: I think I know what to do, what do girls like? (Play with dolls). Let's put together a Merry Doll for Simka, take a photo of her, she will see the photo and smile, and when a person smiles, he cannot be angry.

TASK 6 “Doll for Simka”

Independent activity of children with demonstration material (repetition and consolidation of knowledge).

Construction of a “Doll for Simka”.

Nolik: Start the task.

Children: (independent work).

The teacher approaches the tables one by one and stimulates the children’s independent creative activity.

Educator: Well done! Let's come and see each other, what wonderful dolls we have made.

Nolik: I think Simka will like them too.

The teacher takes out a camera from the Backpack Helper and hands it to Nolik. Nolik photographs the children's work and says goodbye to them.

Nolik: THOUSAND, guys! Goodbye! I will definitely pass on photos of your work to Simka! It was very interesting with you!

The final part (summarizing, reflection - generalization of knowledge).

The teacher invites the children to stand in a circle in the center of the room.

The teacher addresses the children: Guys, our lesson has come to an end. You are so great, you have completed so many tasks! Guys, who was our guest, from which cartoon?

Children's answers.

Educator: I have a balloon in my hands, passing it to each other, I want you to tell me what we did today in class? What new did you learn today?

Children's answers: We played games with geometric shapes using Dienesh blocks, made a gift “A Doll for Simka,” played with Nolik, etc.

Educator: Today you completed the tasks and helped Nolik understand how to play together together. And now we need to say goodbye to our guests!

Children: Goodbye!

Sarantseva Elena Gennadievna
Job title: teacher
Educational institution: MBDOU "Kindergarten No. 87" Samara
Locality: Samara
Name of material: Methodological development
Subject: Summary of a game lesson in mathematics using Dienesh blocks
Publication date: 11.04.2017
Chapter: preschool education

Summary of a game lesson in mathematics using Dienesh blocks.

Middle group.

Topic: "Tricks of the sly fox."






logical conclusions;


make up

recognize symbols;

mastering the ability to classify sets according to two properties: color

and shape, size and shape;

Development of spatial imagination, ingenuity;


Logical task tables, “Wonderful bag”, Dienesh blocks, two

hoops of different colors, checkered sheets, logic problems.

Progress of educational activities.


A very cunning fox came to visit us today.

This red-haired cheat is good at math.

And I decided to check on you, I brought you envelopes,

I posted it all over the group, I just forgot what went where.

Are you guys ready to find her surprises?

And what did you learn to show that little fox?

The first envelope in my paws is with a logical task (they fall) - oh,

I'm awkward..

Game “Which figure is next?”









are the pictures different? What is the same about them? What shape should you draw?

in the next one and why? (Fig. 1)

Fox brings "Wonderful bag":

I brought you riddles - aren't you smart guys?

I have no corners

And I look like a saucer

Who am I, friends? (Circle)

He's known me for a long time

Every angle in it is right.

All four sides

Same length.

I'm glad to introduce him to you,

And his name is..... (Square)

Three corners, three sides

Can be of different lengths.

If you hit the corners,

Then you’ll quickly jump up yourself. (Triangle)

Game “Make an Animal”.

Children at the tables make up a fox, a bear, a squirrel,

using only identical shapes - triangles, squares, circles.

Fox: I suggest a physical minute, you need to stretch your bones

You played great and were able to prove to me

That the country of mathematics is important to each of you.

The sun looked into the crib...

One, two, three, four, five.

We all do exercises

We need to sit down and stand up,

Extend your arms wider.

One, two, three, four, five.

Bend over - three, four,

And stand still.

On the toe, then on the heel -

We all do exercises.

At the edge of the carpet, children find an envelope with symbols. Children

They understand that this is another trick of the sly fox.

Game "Flower Glade"(Dyenesha blocks).

An adult places two hoops of different colors on the carpet. Inside the blue

hoop you need to collect blue flowers (shapes). And inside the red is everything

round. Then, at the intersection of two hoops, figures with

common characteristics: color (red) and shape (round).

Educator: while you and I were arranging flowers in the flower beds, the fox ran away

and left a big mushroom. Let's see what's hidden in it.

The teacher reads a letter in which they can find it if they draw it

a scheme for moving through the forest, focusing on the fox’s story. Educator

hands out sheets of checkered paper on which a fox's house is drawn, explaining that

every cell is a step. Reads the fox's story, and the children indicate the direction

movements and landmarks: walk five steps forward to two trees, three steps

to the left to the old stump, from the stump five steps forward to a lawn with flowers,

to the right five steps to a large fly agaric. Four steps forward from the fly agaric

to a large oak tree, three steps to the right to a fast stream. Without crossing it -

five steps forward to the strawberry bush, and then right five steps to the house

The fox appears:

I thank all the guys, and, of course, I will reward you!

People say that I am a sly fox,

And you handled everything even more cunningly, friends!

Gifts for you from me!

Olga Demintievskaya

Summary of organized educational activities « Journey into the forest»

Educational area: "Cognitive Development"

Integrated educational region:

"Speech development"

"Physical development"

Target: identifying, enriching and consolidating children’s knowledge about domestic and wild animals.


1. Educational area "Cognitive Development":

To consolidate ideas about domestic animals, their appearance, lifestyle, habits;

Exercise children to classify Dienesh blocks according to two characteristics: color and shape.

Fix the names of geometric figures: highlight their properties.

Ability to recognize numbers up to 3 and relate them to the number of objects.

Foster a love of nature and an interest in animals.

2. Educational area "Speech development"

To develop the ability to use generalizing concepts in speech (Wild and domestic animals).

Learn to solve riddles.

Activate children's vocabulary.

3. Educational area “Social and communicative development”

Learn to express your point of view, listen to peers and maintain a conversation.

To form in children a sense of cohesion, unity, and a positive emotional mood within the team.

4. Educational area "Physical development"

Contribute to the preservation and strengthening of children’s physical and mental health through physical education.

Promote the development of a caring attitude towards your health.

Develop motor activity and coordination of movements.

Materials and equipment. Dienesh logic blocks and a set of cards, pictures "Wild Animals", letter, tree layout.

OOD progress.

Motivational-oriented, organizational.

Educator: We have guests today. Let's wish loud: "Good morning!". Now let's say it in a whisper. The postman brought us a letter today. Let's find out who sent it to us. (The teacher reads the letter). “Hello, dear guys! We had a problem, our pets ran into the forest and got lost. Please help me get them back!” This is a letter from my grandparents. Well, guys, can we help? After all, trouble happened to them. What pets could run away from their grandparents? What kind of animal can you ride? Today we will ride a horse. (The sound of hooves). Before take your seats, you need to answer questions.

Game "Give me a word":

It's warm in summer and cold in winter.

The hare is gray in summer and white in winter.

The hare is fluffy, and the hedgehog is prickly.

Lemon is sour, and candy is sweet.

The elephant is big and the dog is small.


The horse's hooves click, click, click,

And we are in the cart, hop-hop!

But before we go into the forest, we need to remember how to behave in the forest? Let's review the rules of behavior in the forest.

If you came to the forest for a walk,

Breathe fresh air

Run, jump and play

Just don't forget,

That you can't make noise in the forest,

Even sing very loudly,

The animals will be scared

They will run away from the forest edge.

You are just a guest in the forest.

Here the owner is the oak and the elk.

Take care of their peace,

After all, they are not our enemies!

Children: Don’t make noise, don’t play with matches, don’t throw garbage, don’t break trees.

Educator: That's right guys! Don't make noise, don't shout, but help each other. So you and I have arrived in the forest, come out.

How beautiful it is here! What's the air like? Let's take a breath of fresh, clean air. (Children inhale through their nose and exhale through their mouth).

Look, the miracle tree is growing.

Miracle, miracle, wonderful,

And on it, but on it, not flowers bloom,

Not leaves, but wild animals.

Let's sit down on the stumps and relax.

Educator: Guys, look carefully at the tree. What animals do you see? Where does the squirrel sit?

Children: A squirrel sits under a tree.

Educator: Where does the forest sit?

Children: The fox is sitting under a tree.

Educator: Sa, sa, sa - here sits the forest. What are these animals called in one word? Children: Wild.

Educator: Why?

Children: Because they live in the forest, get their own food, build their own housing.

Educator: Guys, count how many animals there are?

Children: Three.

Educator: Guys, we have numbers. Shows the numbers, children say how many objects they represent.

Educator: Guys. Our wild animals love to play. Let's play with them.

Children: Yes.

Educator: You will need to find the necessary figures and put the number that I show. We will put the figures in baskets.

Game with Dienesh blocks. Picture of a squirrel – number 2, blue circle; picture of a hare – 3, yellow triangle; fox – number 1, red square. We will collect red cones in a red basket, blue cones in a blue basket, and yellow cones in a yellow one. Are you ready? First let's play with the squirrel. What pieces does the squirrel like to play with?

Children: With a blue circle.

Educator: How many circles does the squirrel need to find? (Shows number 2)

Children complete the task with all the animals. The teacher shows a red rectangle - the number 0. The children answer that this number means not a single object.

Educator: Guys, say goodbye to wild animals. We need to move on. It looks like it's starting to rain. (Takes out an umbrella). Rather, we hide under an umbrella so that the rain does not wet us. (The sound of rain sounds).

The rain comes and does not go away.

It's raining, but it's not raining.

Rain, rain.

It rains a little, like this -

Clap quietly with me.

And it can also be strong.

Clap hard with me.

And there are also in the sky miracles:

Thunder rumbles, a thunderstorm begins.

Became weak again

And he completely fell silent.

Educator: Guys, look, a magic chest. This chest contains animals that ran away from their grandparents. You need to guess the animals based on their descriptions. Well, are you ready? Listen carefully to the riddles. (Riddles on autumn leaves). Riddle about a cat. Let's see. Right.

How can you affectionately call a cat? (Answers).

What cat? What does a cat like to eat?

Riddle about a dog. Let's see if it's really a dog? What kind of dog do we have? What benefits do dogs bring? (Guards the house)

What does a dog like to eat? (Bone)

What does the dog like to do? (Wag your tail).

What animals are these? (Domestic). Why?

Riddle about the hare. What kind of animal is he? (Wild)

What about the rest? (Domestic)

That's right, so we will return the bunny back to the forest, and now we will take these animals to grandparents.

They approach the house. Grandfather and grandmother are sitting.

Educator: Say hello. Grandfather and grandmother are already waiting for us. Look, we have brought your animals.

Oh, what a great fellow you are, thank you for finding our animals.

Educator: Guys, because you are so great and helped them, your grandparents want to treat you to cookies, and these cookies are not simple, but geometric. On a tray they lie Dienesha blocks, children have cards). Guys, the last task, you now have to put the necessary shapes on the strips. Start the task. Whoever can handle it raises his hand.

It's time for us to return home. Get on the cart.


Here, we have arrived. Come to me.

Guys, where were we today? (In the forest).

Who did we see there? (wild animals)

What animals did you see? (Bear, hare, wolf, fox, squirrel).

What did we do?

Who did you help today?

What did your grandparents treat you to?

Guys, you are great! Everyone tried their best today. I hope you enjoyed it trip to the forest? We'll wave to the guests, let's say: "Goodbye!"

Lesson summary on FEMP in the middle group

using Dienesh Blocks.

Subject:"Journey to the Land of Geometric Shapes"

Target: consolidate children's knowledge of geometric shapes and the ability to work with Dienesh blocks.


Learn to name geometric shapes, describe their properties according to 3 characteristics (color, shape, size);

Practice forward and backward counting within 5, and quantitative counting;

Accustom to use words in speech that characterize quantitative and spatial relationships;

Develop attention, the ability to analyze and compare objects according to independently identified properties, and generalize;

Continue learning to act according to the teacher’s verbal instructions;

increase the cognitive activity of children due to the attractiveness of the learning process, its emotional motivation, and plot content;

To foster friendly relationships, a sense of responsiveness, and a desire to help the cartoon character.

Vocabulary work: poster, geometric shapes, mysterious, travel.

Bilingual component: bear - ayu, hare - koyan, mouse - tyshkan, cat - mysyk.

Equipment: « rocket », combination lock, diagram of a fairy-tale city, “flower meadow”, red and blue hoop, Dienesh blocks for the game “Settled in the House”, toy crow, trees for the mysterious forest, geometric shapes for the fox and the bear, game “Treasure Hunters”, poster for the fairy tale “Adventures” Pinocchio."

Progress of the lesson:

1. General circle:

Hello my friends! I'm very glad to see you.

Let's stand in a circle and rejoice at this day, the meeting of friends and guests.

Game: "Clap, hello"

Children stand in the middle of the group clap their hands and put their palms to the neighbor’s palms with the words:“Clap, hello!”

2. Main part:

Guys, I want to invite you on an exciting journey. Ready to travel?

How can you get there quickly? (on a rocket)

Take your seats (children have blue and red emblems on their chests)

So, the rocket is ready for launch, count from 1 to 5, and off we go.

(children’s hands above their heads “house”, exhale ooooh).

It’s interesting to know what country we found ourselves in? In the land of geometric shapes. Oh, what is this, look, what do you think happened? (children's answers)

The phonogram “Tail by Tail” sounds

Children, who is singing this? Why is Leopold the Cat so angry? So who chewed on these figures? (Mice)

We need to do something, let's quickly go to the land of geometric shapes. Oh, look, there’s a big lock at the entrance, how can we open it?

Code lock game

Which figure is extra, why?

(they opened the lock and found themselves in the land of geometric shapes)

Look how interesting and beautiful it is in a fairyland.

(The phone is ringing. The teacher picks up the phone)

“Yes, I’m listening to you. Is this Leopold the cat speaking? Okay, I'll talk to the guys) ( hang up).

Guys, Leopold the cat needs our help; He was invited to the cinema and sent a poster for a fairy tale, and the mischievous little mice cut the poster into pieces and scattered them throughout our group. Can we help you find a fairy tale poster?

Look, this is what remains of the poster. In place of the empty squares there should be parts of the poster, and we will find them after we complete all the tasks of the mice. What task do you think we will start with? (from 1), why?

Search with your eyes in our group number 1.

Task 1. We ended up in the “Fairytale City”

Where does Little Bear live? (ay)

Where does the Hare live? (koyang)

Where does Leopold the cat live? (mysyk)

Where do mice live? (tyshkan)

Well done, you completed the task, let's find part of the poster here and use a magnet to glue it to place (Which?) No. 1.

Number 2 – task No. 2. We got to the "Flower Meadow"

Look, the harmful little mice have done a mischief here too, scattering all the flowers from the colorful flowerbed. Let's put some flowers in the flowerbed.

Team blue - collects blue flowers and places them in a blue hoop;

Team red – collects round flowers and places them in a red hoop.

Where will we place the rest of the flowers? (to the general part). Why? (because they are not red or square).

We found part of the poster and placed it on number 2.

Number No. 3 – task 3 “City of Masters”

Children sit at tables according to the emblems.

Individual work with Dienesh blocks – game "Settled Houses"

Part of the poster No. 3 - in its place

Number 4 – task 4 “Mysterious forest”

So the white-sided magpie has arrived, look, she brought something. (in the beak there is a bag, there is a letter):

I'm a clumsy bear

Cheerful and shaggy,

He lived quietly in the forest,

I was friends with the little fox.

And the evil sorcerer once

He destroyed us all.

You guys. Help

Collect us from figures!

Here is a photo of a bear and a fox.

I invite girls to collect a fox, and boys to collect a bear. Walk around, look for shapes and match the animals to the pattern.

Well done, you've broken the spell on the animals.

Count how many figures are there in the image of a bear, which figures? And the chanterelles? Well done!

Part of the poster No. 4 is in its place.

Number 5 – task No. 5 “Treasure Diggers”.

The last part of the poster was hidden under one of the figures. You must use the diagram to find it.

The entire poster has been restored.

What is the name of the fairy tale to which Leopold the Cat was invited? (the adventures of Pinocchio). We will take a photo of the poster and send it to Leopold by email. Well, it's time for us to return to kindergarten.

Take your seats in the rocket, count from 5 to 1 - let's fly (oooh).

3. Result, reflection:

Did you enjoy the trip? What was interesting? What was difficult?

4. Palming: you have become kinder, smarter, more friendly.

I know for sure that each of you has a kind, sympathetic heart, and you will always come to the rescue in difficult times. Well, Leopold the cat, for helping him put together the poster, has prepared a treat for you. (candies)

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