Cottage community Ognikovo 1. Cottage village "Ognikovo Park": in search of meaning

One of our most environmentally friendly projects is located 47 km from Moscow along Novorizhskoye Highway. The Ognikovo Park cottage community will be of particular interest to those who want to get everything at once: a plot of land near a forest and a lake, a nearby reservoir, ready-made communications. It is suitable for those wishing to live close to the city (15 minutes from Istra). If you are looking for a village with a kindergarten and a school, their five-minute accessibility will be a pleasant addition: Ognikovo Park will be a comfortable place for your family to live all year round.

The cottage community is surrounded protected forests, where moose, hares, and foxes live. It is ideal for family leisure: in summer and autumn in Ognikovo Park there is an abundance of berries and mushrooms. In winter it is a haven for skiing. The forest is also good sound insulation: the Novorizhskoe highway lies nearby, but in the Ognikovo Park village you can’t hear it at all.

Along the cottage village “Ognikovo Park” there is a large flowing pond. Please note: part of the coastline has been converted into sandy beach: You can relax and go fishing literally next to your house.

Three 3 km from the Ognikovo Park village there is a bank closed to traffic Istra Reservoir, which can be reached through the forest or with a special pass through the dam.

Communications - everything is built and everything works!

Construction work in the village has been completely completed. By purchasing a plot of land in Ognikovo Park from the owner, you receive all the necessary communications for a full-fledged city life in nature:

  • water supply (working);
  • sewerage (working);
  • electricity (three-phase at the rate of 10 kVA per household, works);
  • main gas (working);
  • concrete roads (fully built);
  • community fence (built);
  • 24 hour security.

Excellent accessibility of residential infrastructure.

Just 3 kilometers from the Istra Reservoir and 40 km from the Moscow Ring Road is located the wonderful cottage community Ognikovo-1. Its residents can experience all the advantages of life in a country house, without experiencing the slightest difficulty due to the fact that the infrastructure of a big city is located at a great distance.

Inside the village you will find a superbly landscaped area with guest parking, a beach, a boat station and a children's playground. The rest of the infrastructure necessary to ensure maximum comfort for residents is located outside its boundaries. Nearby are the Ognikovo park hotel, which will allow you and your guests to have a wonderful time, and the Master Class gymnasium will help your children get a full-fledged education. To walk through beautiful places and encounter natural beauties, there is no need to travel far, you just need to go outside the village. One of the attractions of these places is the Resurrection New Jerusalem Monastery, which is included in the list of the main shrines of Orthodox Russia and is located just 15 minutes away.

In addition, the territory of Ognikovo-1 is guarded around the clock and you can enter its territory only through one entrance, which guarantees complete safety and tranquility for all its residents.

Having learned that almost half of the plots without a contract in cottage and dacha settlements in the Moscow region are now being sold in its western sector, I immediately hit the road. After visiting the south, east and north of the Moscow region, I really wanted to know what kind of honey is smeared in the west? Why is the land there better than others? It took a long time to choose the village to visit. There are, indeed, many of them in the West - hundreds and for every taste. Do you want a finished stone house on a plot of 10 acres with all communications for 39,000,000 rubles, do you want 5 acres of a field with daisies without communications at all for 300,000 rubles.

The composition of the soil in the western Moscow region is the same as in others - loam with a high iron content. Water? The water here is quite clean. And the air, by the way, is also mostly free of harmful impurities. The reason for this is the almost complete absence of large-scale industries in these parts. This is how it happened historically. Why? I'll explain. All the wars that Russia has experienced over the past 200 years came from the west. And their main blow was aimed at Moscow. And therefore, taught by the bitter experience of several generations, the inhabitants of the Moscow province, and then the Moscow region, tried to locate their large production facilities to the east, south and north of the Capital. Stay out of harm's way, as they say.

What's in the west? There, as usual, there are forests and rivers as an additional obstacle to the enemy’s advance. The western sector has remained agricultural for 200 years, or, in extreme cases, a sanatorium. But for the last 15 years, what kind of agriculture can there be in non-black soil areas? You know, none. That is, if any herbicides or something similar ever entered the Western lands, then over the past decade and a half they have long since dissolved, washed away and decomposed into harmless molecules.

The managers there have already been buzzing my ears about the amazingly clean ecology in the sector between Kubinka and Solnechnogorsk. True, as a skeptical person, especially regarding intrusive advertising, I try not to take anyone’s word for it. But in this case we have to admit that they are right, although not 100%. Because here too there are pockets of trouble. Take, for example, the story of the Volokolamsk landfill. In general, yes, the average cleanliness indicator in the west of the Moscow region is higher than in other sectors.

To close the question, I suggest looking at a fairly recent environmental map, which I downloaded from the Internet (

Looking at it with an inquisitive and unprejudiced gaze, you will notice that both dirty and clean areas can be found anywhere, if there is a desire. But I had it, and I finally found land, not spoiled by pollution, to the north of Istra, in the area of ​​the village of Ognikovo, Ermolinsky rural settlement, Istrinsky district, Moscow region. There turned out to be a lot of such land there, enough for a dozen or one and a half villages of the most diverse classifications. But I settled on one with a name appropriate to the location. So, I present the holiday village “Ognikovo Park”.

The DP received its name, naturally, from the name of the nearby settlement of Ognikovo. This place, as it turned out, has a rich history, stretching all the way back to the 17th century, when the village itself was a village and was called in the chronicles as “the village of Vognenikovo, Vognikovo also, and in it there is a church place.”

Let's quickly go over this story. Since the beginning of the 18th century, Vognikovo has been under the management of the Naryshkin family. It was in those times that the stone Church of the Intercession and the manor’s estate were built here. Then the estate and the forests and fields surrounding the village passed to the Chaplins, then to the Potemkins, and so on and so forth. The last owners of the estate, before its nationalization in 1917, were, it seems, the Lobanov-Rostovsky family. In Soviet times, due to the clean air and beautiful view, the estate was converted into a boarding house for workers, which existed here until 1996. Now, on the territory of the former estate (and then a boarding house), enterprising people have set up the Ognikovo-Pokrovskoye park hotel, designed to accommodate 450 visitors at a time. A hotel with saunas, gyms, two swimming pools and billiards, the administration of the establishment attracts vacationers with crystal clear lakes, a ski base and a cozy restaurant. It attracts, by the way, everyone, and not just those who purchased the corresponding ticket from the travel agency. This means that all the benefits of the park hotel can be used by landowners living in the area, of course, not for free. But the main thing is that they have such an opportunity.

Now from history we will naturally move on to assessing the external infrastructure of the Ognikovo Park DP. The nearby boarding house has grocery stores in Dukhanino, Kurtasovo and Ognikovo. We also include medical institutions, schools and kindergartens located 12 kilometers away from the village of Istra or Zelenograd located 23 kilometers away. It seems too far to take children there? Okay, then this option: 5 minutes from the Ognikovo Park village there is a private boarding school “Master Class” and a kindergarten “La Maison”. Having summed it up, we come to the conclusion that the Ognikovo Park subsidiary has a developed external infrastructure.

What about internal resources? The dacha village is more than five years old. During its existence, he, as a zealous owner, was able to acquire a complete package of communications: an electrical network (10 kW per plot), a gas main, year-round water supply and sewerage. The roads of the village are covered with concrete slabs, a perimeter fence has been installed, an entrance group with a checkpoint and an automatic barrier has been built, there is a children's playground and street lighting in the dark.

The territory of the village was initially divided into 184 plots ranging from 7 to 28 acres. Then some large areas were divided. As a result, we can say that the Ognikovo Park subsidiary has about 200 plots, of which about 60% have been sold to date. The land is offered with communications along the borders, without a mandatory contract for the construction of a house. The cost of communications is included in the price of the land.

The developer of the village is the M9 company, well-known in the western sector of the Moscow region.

I will give here a selective, and therefore far from complete, table of the proposals currently available in the village. Those interested in more detailed data are directed to the M9 company website in the section related to the Ognikovo Park DP (

I’ll just add that until the end of May 2018, there is a special spring discount in the village, the amount of which ranges from 10 to 45%.

Table 1.

Plot number

Plot area (acres)

Cost of the plot (rub.)

Discount amount (%)

Cost of plot with spring discount (RUB)

The village’s Internet page on the M9 company website is tiny, but it provides information about the village no worse than any other full-fledged site. From there I learned that the village is surrounded by protected forests, in which moose, hares and foxes live. That DP “is ideal for family leisure, because in summer and autumn there are a lot of berries and mushrooms in these forests, and in winter there is freedom for skiing. Although, of course, there was some excessive hyperbole here. It is said, for example, that the surrounding forest acts as an excellent sound insulator, protecting Ognikovo Park from the noise that runs nearby, the Novorizhskoye Highway. But in my opinion, even an open field would protect from the noise of the highway passing 17 km to the south. At the end of the descriptive part, the site reports that there is a large flowing pond near the village, and part of its coastline has been turned into a sandy beach. And three km from the village there is a bank of the Istra Reservoir, closed to traffic, which can be reached through the forest or with a special pass, through the dam. I would just like to know if the development company can help in obtaining this pass?

The telephone line for communication with the dispatcher of the M9 company, as usual, worked well. They answered right away, and when they found out which village I was interested in, they immediately connected me with its manager. We talked with the girl for a short time, quickly agreeing to meet at the entrance to the village the next day.

I set out on the road on a cloudy working day. I fumbled a little on the roundabout, but, having reached New Riga, I rushed into the region without any delays. There were no incidents along the way. Where the navigator suggested, turn right or left. The road was smooth everywhere, without flaws. It took me an hour to cover the 54 kilometers from the Moscow Ring Road to the village checkpoint. Not for long. This hour to the ring road is well within the acceptable standard of daily travel for many working people in the capital.

There was only one thing that bothered me during the trip. The area in the vicinity of Dukhanino and Ognikovo turned out to be, in my opinion, overly populated.

It was one thing to count the number of existing villages on the map, quite another to see them in person. They walked one after another, fence to fence, along the right and left sides of the curb. Standing right next to the road and far out into the field. A whole city of cottages and dachas. Now, in the spring, driving here or leaving here is not difficult at all. What will happen here in the summer? We can only hope for public transport. But I didn’t notice a dedicated lane for the regular bus connecting Ognikovo with Istra.

The manager was waiting for me at the entrance to the village. I got into her car, and we went to choose a plot for me to buy.

Immediately behind the barrier there was a children's playground, well equipped and spacious.

The Ognikovo Park DP is already fairly built up. Judging by the houses already erected, the people who settled here were quite wealthy. Which, in general, is not surprising when the minimum plot costs more than a million rubles.

I was wondering how much people pay to maintain the village? For security, garbage removal and clearing roads of snow. It turned out that the money was quite reasonable - 3,000 rubles each. per site per month.

Rough joints of concrete slabs echo loudly in the interior of the SUV.

The entire architectural style of the Ognikovo Park DP is limited by SNIPs. The fence is no higher than 2.5 meters, the ridge of the house is no higher than 6. The distance from the edge of the site, the distance from the neighboring building must also be maintained. Therefore, without violating the laws adopted in the country, everyone builds here “whoever can.” It turns out colorful. But it doesn’t cause any negative emotions. Now, during the melting of the snow, most construction work in the village has stopped. But the land will dry up and the people will continue to improve.

Despite the rather dense buildings, it is not crowded here. Whatever one may say, the size of the plots, the vast majority of which are more than 10 acres, makes itself felt.

The remaining vacant plots are not measly leftovers from the master's table. There is one in the center of the village, and there is one near the forest. In any case, those that the manager recommended to me seemed quite worthy.

The village has several neighbors, the same villages with solid houses and a calm, well-established way of life. For me, there is nothing special about them that is better than the villages of the same class that I visited in other parts of the Moscow region. Moreover, I have met more beautiful settlements, and for much less money. But what is my opinion against the general trend of Muscovites towards a healthy lifestyle?

When I was returning home after the meeting, I remembered how almost 20 years ago I talked with a native Muscovite born in 1895. He was drafted into the army back in 1914, and he spent the entire First World War as a dragoon on the Galician front. He was wounded several times and barely survived. The man became friends with Mayakovsky, drank with Yesenin, and then did not leave the noisy and dusty Capital, even for evacuation. But he was able to live a long and happy life.

What I mean is that people attach too much importance to some special ecology; they are ready to pay a lot of money to become part of it, even if not for the whole year. But it seems that something else is prolonging our lives.

Table 2. The cost of plots without a contract in the villages of the western sector of the Moscow region

Village name

Area of ​​plots (acres)

Distance from Moscow

Announced communications

Price (RUB)

KP "Happiness"

Electricity, gas, water supply, sewerage

3 500 000- 6 100 000

KP "Lesnoy"

2 150 960- 2 777 520

CP "Quiet Beach"

Electricity, gas, water supply, sewerage

1 432 000- 6 240 000

DP "Ognikovo Park"

Electricity, gas, water supply, sewerage

1 359 000- 7 487 274

G Rigory Nikolaev, especially for the portal A

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