Brief summary of each chapter Scarlet Sails. The shortest retelling of the book Scarlet Sails chapter by chapter

Longren, a closed and unsociable person, lived by making and selling models of sailboats and steamships. The fellow countrymen were not very kind to the former sailor, especially after one incident.

Once, during a severe storm, the shopkeeper and innkeeper Menners was carried away in his boat far out to sea. Longren turned out to be the only witness to what was happening. He calmly smoked his pipe, watching how Menners called to him in vain. Only when it became obvious that he could no longer be saved, Longren shouted to him that in the same way his Mary asked a fellow villager for help, but did not receive it.

On the sixth day, the shopkeeper was picked up among the waves by a steamer, and before his death he told about the culprit of his death.

The only thing he didn’t tell was how five years ago Longren’s wife approached him with a request to lend him some money. She had just given birth to baby Assol, the birth was not easy, and almost all her money was spent on treatment, and her husband had not yet returned from the voyage. Menners advised not to be touchy, then he is ready to help. The unfortunate woman went to the city in bad weather to pawn a ring, caught a cold and died of pneumonia. So Longren remained a widower with his daughter in his arms and could no longer go to sea.

Whatever it was, the news of such demonstrative inaction by Longren struck the village residents more than if he had drowned a man with his own hands. The unkindness turned almost into hatred and also turned on the innocent Assol, who grew up alone with her fantasies and dreams and seemed not to need anything. I was neither a peer nor a friend. Her father replaced her mother, her friends, and her fellow countrymen.

One day, when Assol was eight years old, he sent her to the city with new toys, among which was a miniature yacht with scarlet silk sails. The girl lowered the boat into the stream. The stream carried him and carried him to the mouth, where she saw a stranger holding her boat in his hands. It was old Aigle, a collector of legends and fairy tales. He gave the toy to Assol and told her that years would pass and a prince would sail for her on the same ship under scarlet sails and take her to a distant country.

The girl told her father about this. Unfortunately, a beggar who accidentally heard her story spread rumors about the ship and the overseas prince throughout Kaperna. Now the children shouted after her: “Hey, hanged man! Red sails are sailing! So she became known as half-smart.

Arthur Gray, the only son of a noble and wealthy family, grew up not in a hut, but in a family castle, in an atmosphere of predetermination of every present and future step. This, however, was a boy with a very lively soul, ready to fulfill his own life's purpose. He was decisive and fearless.

The keeper of their wine cellar, Paul-dichok, told him that two barrels of Alicante from the times of Cromwell were buried in one place and its color was darker than cherry, and it was thick, like good cream. The barrels are made of ebony, and on them are double copper hoops, on which is written: “Gray will drink me when he is in heaven.” No one has tried this wine and no one will try it. “I’ll drink it,” Gray said, stamping his foot and clenching his hand into a fist: “Heaven?” He's here!.."

Despite all this, he was extremely responsive to the misfortune of others, and his sympathy always resulted in real help.

In the library of the castle he was struck by a painting by some famous marine painter. She helped him understand himself. Gray secretly left home and joined the schooner Anselm. Captain Gop was a kind man, but a harsh sailor. Having appreciated the intelligence, tenacity and love of the sea of ​​the young sailor, Gop decided to “make a captain out of a puppy”: learn about navigation, maritime law, pilotage and accounting. At twenty, Gray bought the three-masted galliot Secret and sailed on it for four years. Fate brought him to Liss, an hour and a half walk from which Caperna was located.

With the onset of darkness, together with the sailor Letika Gray, taking fishing rods, sailed on a boat in search of a suitable place for fishing. They left the boat under the cliff behind Kaperna and lit a fire. Letika went fishing, and Gray lay down by the fire. In the morning he went for a wander, when suddenly he saw Assol sleeping in the thickets. He looked at the girl who amazed him for a long time, and when leaving, he took off the old ring from his finger and put it on her little finger.

Then he and Letika walked to the Menners tavern, where the young Hin Menners was now the owner. He said that Assol was half-smart, dreaming of a prince and a ship with scarlet sails, that her father was the culprit in the death of the elder Menners and a terrible person. Doubts about the veracity of this information intensified when a drunken coal miner assured that the innkeeper was lying. Gray, even without outside help, managed to understand something about this extraordinary girl. She knew life within the limits of her experience, but beyond that she saw in phenomena a meaning of a different order, making many subtle discoveries that were incomprehensible and unnecessary to the inhabitants of Kaperna.

The captain was in many ways the same himself, a little out of this world. He went to Liss and found scarlet silk in one of the shops. In the city, he met an old acquaintance - the wandering musician Zimmer - and asked him to come to the "Secret" with his orchestra in the evening.

The scarlet sails bewildered the team, as did the order to advance to Kaperna. Nevertheless, in the morning the Secret set out under scarlet sails and by noon was already in sight of Kaperna.

Assol was shocked by the sight of a white ship with scarlet sails, from the deck of which music flowed. She rushed to the sea, where the inhabitants of Kaperna had already gathered. When Assol appeared, everyone fell silent and parted. The boat in which Gray was standing separated from the ship and headed towards the shore. After some time, Assol was already in the cabin. Everything happened as the old man predicted.

On the same day, they opened a barrel of century-old wine, which no one had ever drunk before, and the next morning the ship was already far from Kaperna, carrying away the crew, defeated by Gray’s unusual wine. Only Zimmer was awake. He quietly played his cello and thought about happiness.

He learns that the girl's name is Assol and that she is waiting for the prince on a ship with scarlet sails. To understand the essence of the extravaganza, you can study its summary (“Scarlet Sails”) chapter by chapter. A brief summary (“Scarlet Sails”, Green A.) will help reveal the main theme of the extravaganza. The chapter summary begins with the chapter “Prediction,” which immediately intrigues the young reader. This is why he needs scarlet sails.

He told Assol that one day a real ship with the same scarlet sails would sail for her, and on it would be a brave prince who would take her to his kingdom. Assol is a poor girl living with her father. One day, the old collector of legends Egle said that a prince would sail for her under scarlet sails. The story about the scarlet sails becomes another reason for them to ridicule the girl.

Chapter 4. The day before

He said that this was apparently “Ship Assol,” a crazy girl who was waiting for the prince under scarlet sails. The girl, sighing, raised her head, and suddenly in the opening between the roofs of the houses she saw the sea, and on it - a ship under scarlet sails. Egle promises the girl that one day a prince will come to her on a yacht with scarlet sails.

Chapter 7. Scarlet “Secret”

One day in the forest, little Assol meets the wizard Egle. The old man predicts to the girl that one day a brave, handsome prince will sail for her on a ship with scarlet sails and take her to a wonderful country. Gray's ship sails near the village of Assol and stops near the city of Lissa. In Lissa, Gray buys 2000 meters of scarlet silk and orders sails for the ship. Seeing scarlet sails through the window, Assol runs to the sea. Villagers gather on the shore, unable to believe their eyes.

Along the way, she encountered a traveling collector of fairy tales and legends named Egle. He introduced himself as a wizard and returned to her a ship with scarlet sails that had sailed to him, and composed a fairy tale as he went. From the thickets she saw an approaching ship, which shimmered like a scarlet rose under the wonderful play of light. Then the girl stretched out on the sleepy grass and fell asleep. The report said everything that was already known from the first chapter. Gray was once again convinced of the correctness of his actions.

Chapter 5. Combat preparations

Meanwhile, the “Secret” was floating out of the river bed at full speed. A musician played drawn out on the deck, and scarlet sails covered the entire mast. The onshore wind propelled the ship and gave the necessary shape to the sails. Alexander Green's story "Scarlet Sails" tells about the girl Assol, her loyalty to her dream and desire for it. The main conflict of the story “Scarlet Sails” is the confrontation between dreams and reality. Subsequently, Assol also lost friends.

The Secret" walked along the riverbed under scarlet sails. Arthur reassured his assistant Paten by revealing to him the reason for such unusual behavior. The story is multifaceted and reveals many important problems, so after reading the brief retelling of “Scarlet Sails”, we recommend reading the full version of the story. The color of the sail is symbolic. Scarlet is a symbol of victory and rejoicing. Assol to the city with goods. One sunny day, a girl is playing alone in the forest, launching into the stream a boat with scarlet sails, which her father had made the day before. The toy is picked up by an old wandering storyteller.

The captain has noticed more than once how the broad-shouldered, tanned guy deftly ties the sails. Then he goes to the city and selects the best scarlet silk from the shop. Traveling musicians perform nearby. Craftsmen were also invited there to sew new sails. Longren sails all night, thinking intensely about the future. Gray was interested in ships, yachts and everything connected with it.

At the age of 14, Gray leaves home and becomes a cabin boy on a ship. Longren is leaving for 10 days on a voyage. Assol is left alone and takes care of the housework. The famous work of Alexander Greene “Scarlet Sails” has turned several generations of readers into kind romantics. There are only 7 chapters in this work. The first contains the plot of the whole story and introduction to the main character.

Longren was a sailor on the huge brig Orion, on which he served for ten years. Soon he was forced to leave, as his wife Mary died, and there was no one to raise their little daughter Assol. The weather that evening was rainy and cold, and she contracted double pneumonia.

Being closed and uncommunicative by nature, after the death of his wife he became even more isolated, lived his own life, and devoted all his time to Assol. I always bought groceries in the city and never from Menners. One day, during a cold season, a sharp coastal storm arose. Menners was unable to control his boat and found himself in the destructive expanse of the sea. The only person who saw this was Longren.

Chapter 6. Assol is left alone

When Assol was eight years old, her father began taking her with him to the city to deliver goods to shops. Curiosity took over, and Assol lowered the toy boat into the water near the shore to watch it float. Having run home, Assol told her father about her adventure. He was glad that his daughter was safe and sound, and he remembered the good wizard with a good word. Longren thought to himself that the girl would grow up and quickly forget about this fairy tale.


At this time, a tramp was passing near the house. After four years of sailing, fate brought Gray's ship to the city of Liss, not far from which Caperna was located. In the evening, Gray took his fishing rods, called the sailor Letika with him, and they went fishing. On the way, the captain was silent and Letika knew that it was better not to break this silence. In the thick grass he saw a sleeping girl. Unable to restrain himself, he put his old ring on her little finger and admired the sleeping miracle for a long time. Letika found him in this state of mind.

In Alexander Green's work "Scarlet Sails" we are shown a picture of innocent childish love that touches the soul like an adult. At this time, Assol was sitting at home and reading a book. Seeing a huge ship with scarlet sails, she, not remembering herself, ran to the shore.

Alexander Green's story "Scarlet Sails" has long become the standard of love romance not only in Russian, but also in world literature. The main elements of the plot of the work develop against the backdrop of the love story of the main character, young Assol, her relationship with her father, the young noble youth Arthur Gray and the surrounding villagers.

This book is often included in the list of literature assigned to schoolchildren for the summer. In order to make it easier to keep a reader's diary, we invite you to read the shortest retelling of Scarlet Sails.

Chapter 1

In the first chapter, we meet the sailor Longren, who, after the tragic death of his young wife, is forced to quit his service and raise his little daughter Assol. The family lives poorly, those around them do not like Longren for his honesty and uncompromisingness, and the girl has almost no friends from among the neighboring children and spends most of her time playing games alone.

In order to earn a living, the former sailor carves wooden toys to sell. One day, while launching a small boat along a forest stream, Assol meets the kind traveler Egle and he predicts big changes in her life.

The old man promises the girl a meeting with her beloved, who will arrive in the city on a ship with scarlet sails and take her to a new life.

The baby shares the good news with her father. By chance, local residents learn about this conversation, they do not believe in the prediction, scoff at Assol’s dream and declare it crazy.

Chapter 2

This fragment tells about the young aristocrat Arthur Gray, his childhood and youth. A rich, pampered boy grew up in a big old castle, but from birth he raved about the sea and dreamed of becoming a captain. Contrary to the wishes of his parents, Arthur secretly gets a job as a cabin boy on the schooner Anselm, where he studies marine science for three years and, by the age of twenty, becomes an assistant captain.

Only after this the young man returns home. The mother, who was left alone after the death of Arthur's father, forgave her son long ago and supports him in realizing his dream. A young man buys a high-speed ship “Secret”, on which he goes to sea again.

Chapter 3

After spending almost three years on sea voyages, Captain Arthur gains considerable experience and a reputation as a strange, impractical person. He refuses lucrative but, in his opinion, uninteresting orders in favor of transporting exotic goods or other unusual assignments.

One day Gray stands on the pier in Lys. Taking advantage of his free time, the young captain, together with the sailor of his ship Letika, go night fishing and end up in the village of Kapernu - the homeland of Assol and her old man - father. Walking through the forest, Arthur meets a girl sleeping in a clearing among the trees. Struck by her beauty and serenity, Gray puts an old ring on the stranger’s finger.

Returning to the tavern, the young man begins to ask about the strange beauty, but hears only dirt and lies addressed to her. The innkeeper calls Assol crazy and her father a murderer. The story about the ship with scarlet sails on which the long-awaited prince is supposed to sail is also conveyed with ridicule.

However, Arthur is not inclined to believe evil stories, and when he sees Assol passing by, he is convinced of her mental health and understands that the girl simply has a kind, trusting and romantic soul.

Chapter 4

This chapter tells about the events on the eve of the meeting between Arthur and Assol. The day before, the merchant refused to accept Longren’s toys for sale, calling them old and outdated.

The father decides to take up sea fishing again to feed his family and goes to sea. An upset girl goes to the forest, where she always feels comfortable and protected.

That night, while sleeping, Arthur meets her. Waking up in the morning and seeing an old ring on her finger, Assol is seriously surprised and alarmed. Not knowing what to do, she decides to keep this event a secret from everyone.

Chapter 5

Returning to the Secret, Gray orders the ship to be moved to the mouth of the river and instructs Letika to find out in detail what happened to the Assol family. At this time, he himself goes to the trading districts of Lis in search of the best scarlet silk fabric. Having paid a disproportionately high price for two thousand meters of silk, the young man returns to the ship.

The team is at a loss - perhaps the captain decided to engage in smuggling? But Arthur calms the alarmed crew, explaining his actions with the desire to give his beloved the embodiment of her dreams.

On the way to the port, Gray meets street musician Zimmer, whom he invites to help carry out his plan. Zimmer agrees with pleasure and assembles a whole traveling orchestra.

Chapter 6

Returning from fishing, old Longren informs his daughter of his decision to hire a postal ship and soon set off on a voyage. Assol takes the news with a confused smile, her thoughts are clearly wandering somewhere far away.

The alarmed father did not want to leave the girl alone, but need drove him to earn money and, leaving his daughter a gun for self-defense, he went to sea for ten days.

Assol takes care of the housework, but does not stop thinking about the strange event the day before. Unable to bear it, she gives up her household chores and goes for a walk in Liss. Having met local residents along the way, the girl talks about the imminent changes that are about to happen in her life.

Chapter 7

Incredible events occur on Gray's ship. The wind develops new scarlet sails on the masts, a small orchestra plays on the deck, and the whole crew, in their best outfits, meets their captain.

Arthur himself takes the helm and directs the schooner to the shores of Kaperna. On the way, they meet a military cruiser, but, having learned the reason why the Secret is moving to the port, the commander not only gives way to the ship, but also sees it off with volleys from his guns.

Unsuspecting Assol is reading a book, sitting by the open window. Hearing a strange noise, she raises her head and sees an extraordinary picture - a huge snow-white ship under scarlet sails is heading towards the shore.

Music sounds, scarlet fabric flutters proudly against the background of the blue sky and sea. All the villagers ran out to see this miracle. They are embarrassed and look at what is happening with envy. And happy Assol walks through the gloomily silent crowd towards her dream.

The boat with Arthur on it departs from the ship. Assol, unable to wait any longer, rushes into the sea, where her beloved picks her up. Having boarded to the sounds of a beautiful melody, Assol admits to Gray that this is exactly the fairy tale she has dreamed of since childhood.

The happy lovers decide to take old Longren with them and leave to celebrate their engagement. The “Secret” with scarlet sails floats off into the sea.


It’s not for nothing that “Scarlet Sails” is classified as an extravaganza. It is with the help of magical elements that the plot is revealed, the features of the main characters and the actions of others are emphasized.

The book raises the eternal theme of contrasting dreams and reality, loyalty and meanness, devotion to one’s beliefs, despite external circumstances.

This article provides a very brief retelling of the story. Only the main fragments and events of the plot are highlighted here. After you have had the opportunity to read this sample of romantic love literature in brief, we strongly advise you to familiarize yourself with the complete original work.

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Scarlet Sails, a story by A. Green (Grinevsky), has long become a symbol of romantic love and faith in miracles that loving hearts create with their own hands.

In a small, run-down town, former sailor Longren lived with his daughter Assol. Many years ago, when he was sailing, his young wife Mary was left completely without money and turned to the innkeeper Manners for help.

But he offered the girl money in return for her love. She rejected his vile proposal, and went into the city in the cold rain to pawn her wedding ring. As a result, Mary caught a severe cold and died, leaving her baby daughter in the care of neighbors.

Longren, returning from his last voyage, remained on the shore and began making a living by making toy sailboats and ships. One day, during a strong storm, the boat with Manners on board was carried into the open sea. Only Longren was on the shore at that time.

When Manners began to beg him for help, he reminded the innkeeper how his young wife had once asked him for help. As a result, Manners died, and in Kapern people began to avoid the former sailor. Evil and unfair rumors about him were spread by Manners' son, who became an innkeeper following his father's example.

Assol grew up as a lonely girl, next to her unsociable father. Other children did not want to play with her, they teased and offended her. Therefore, communication with children was replaced by dreams and fantasies. She believed in every fairy tale she had ever heard. One day, Assol lowered a toy yacht with scarlet sails into the water stream. The fast water carried away the fragile toy.

The girl ran for a long time after the yacht and could not reach it. But she was helped in this by the old tramp Egle, who told the child about the dream ship. Someday such a ship with scarlet sails will come for her and take her to the land of love and happiness. You just have to really believe in it. Assol began to wait for her yacht, although people often laughed at her and considered her eccentric and abnormal. Only some good people in Kaperna loved and pitied the girl.

Arthur Gray was born into a rich and noble family. But nobility and wealth did not make him arrogant and arrogant; he was a kind and warm-hearted person. From a young age, he dreamed of travel and distant countries. Contrary to the wishes of his parents, he first joined the schooner Anselm as a simple sailor. After several years of hard work, the young man became the owner and captain of the galliot "Secret".

One day, fate brought him to a place not far from Kaperna. Having gone fishing with a sailor, the captain saw Assol sleeping in the forest. Admiring the beauty and tenderness of the girl, he put a ring on her finger. In a city tavern, Manners' son spoke loudly about a madwoman waiting for her yacht with scarlet sails. But the old coal miner interrupted him and replied that little Assol was not crazy, but an amazing girl living in the world of her fantasies.

She is a faithful and devoted daughter, a kind and sympathetic person. She sees the world in her own way, in all its beauty. Arthur decided to perform a miracle: he bought scarlet silk and ordered sails to be sewn, hired musicians and sailed to Caperna at sunset. All city residents gathered on the shore to admire the miracle. Assol also came running here. In front of the entire amazed public, the captain took the girl into his boat and within a few moments they were on board the galliot. The next day the dream ship was far from this city.

Longren, a closed and unsociable person, lived by making and selling models of sailing ships and steamships. The fellow countrymen were not very kind to the former sailor, especially after one incident.

Once, during a severe storm, the shopkeeper and innkeeper Menners was carried away in his boat far out to sea. The only witness to what was happening was Longren. He calmly smoked his pipe, watching how Menners called to him in vain. Only when it became obvious that he could no longer be saved, Longren shouted to him that in the same way his Mary asked a fellow villager for help, but did not receive it.

On the sixth day, the shopkeeper was picked up among the waves by a steamer, and before his death he spoke about the culprit of his death.

The only thing he didn’t tell was how five years ago Longren’s wife approached him with a request to lend him some money. She had just given birth to baby Assol, the birth was not easy, and almost all her money was spent on treatment, and her husband had not yet returned from the voyage. Menners advised not to be hard to touch, then he is ready to help. The unfortunate woman went to the city in bad weather to pawn a ring, caught a cold and died of pneumonia. So Longren remained a widower with his daughter in his arms and could no longer go to sea.

Whatever it was, the news of such demonstrative inaction by Longren shocked the villagers more than if he had drowned a man with his own hands. The ill will turned almost into hatred and also turned on the innocent Assol, who grew up alone with her fantasies and dreams and seemed to need neither peers nor friends. Her father replaced her mother, her friends, and her fellow countrymen.

One day, when Assol was eight years old, he sent her to the city with new toys, among which was a miniature yacht with scarlet silk sails. The girl lowered the boat into the stream. The stream carried him and carried him to the mouth, where she saw a stranger holding her boat in his hands. It was old Aigle, a collector of legends and fairy tales. He gave the toy to Assol and told her that years would pass and a prince would sail for her on the same ship under scarlet sails and take her to a distant country.

The girl told her father about this. Unfortunately, a beggar who accidentally heard her story spread rumors about the ship and the overseas prince throughout Caperna. Now the children shouted after her: “Hey, gallows! Red sails are sailing!” So she became known as crazy.

Arthur Gray, the only son of a noble and wealthy family, grew up not in a hut, but in a family castle, in an atmosphere of predetermination of every present and future step. This, however, was a boy with a very lively soul, ready to fulfill his own destiny in life. He was decisive and fearless.

The keeper of their wine cellar, Poldishok, told him that two barrels of Alicante from the time of Cromwell were buried in one place and its color was darker than cherry, and it was thick, like good cream. The barrels are made of ebony, and have double copper hoops on them, on which is written: "Gray will drink me when he is in heaven." This wine is

no one has tried and no one will try. “I’ll drink it,” Gray said, stamping his foot and clenching his hand into a fist: “Paradise? It’s here!..”

Despite all this, he was extremely responsive to the misfortune of others, and his sympathy always resulted in real help.

In the castle library, he was struck by a painting by some famous marine painter. She helped him understand himself. Gray secretly left home and joined the schooner Anselm. Captain Gop was a kind man, but a harsh sailor. Having appreciated the intelligence, perseverance and love of the sea of ​​the young sailor, Gop decided to “make a captain out of the puppy”: introduce him to navigation, maritime law, pilotage and accounting. At twenty, Gray bought the three-masted galliot Secret and sailed on it for four years. Fate brought him to Liss, an hour and a half walk from which was Caperna.

With the onset of darkness, together with the sailor Letika Gray, taking fishing rods, sailed on a boat in search of a suitable place for fishing. They left the boat under the cliff behind Kaperna and lit a fire. Letika went fishing, and Gray lay down by the fire. In the morning he went for a wander, when suddenly he saw Assol sleeping in the thickets. He looked at the girl who amazed him for a long time, and when leaving, he took off the old ring from his finger and put it on her little finger.

Then he and Letika walked to Menners's tavern, where young Hin Menners was now in charge. He said that Assol was crazy, dreaming of a prince and a ship with scarlet sails, that her father was the culprit in the death of the elder Menners and a terrible person. Doubts about the veracity of this information intensified when a drunken coal miner assured that the innkeeper was lying. Gray, even without outside help, managed to understand something about this extraordinary girl. She knew life within the limits of her experience, but beyond that she saw in phenomena a meaning of a different order, making many subtle discoveries that were incomprehensible and unnecessary to the inhabitants of Kaperna.

The captain was in many ways the same himself, a little out of this world. He went to Liss and found scarlet silk in one of the shops. In the city, he met an old acquaintance - the traveling musician Zimmer - and asked him to come to the "Secret" with his orchestra in the evening.

The scarlet sails bewildered the team, as did the order to advance to Kaperna. Nevertheless, in the morning the Secret set out under scarlet sails and by noon was already in sight of Kaperna.

Assol was shocked by the sight of a white ship with scarlet sails, from the deck of which music flowed. She rushed to the sea, where the inhabitants of Kaperna had already gathered. When Assol appeared, everyone fell silent and parted. The boat in which Gray was standing separated from the ship and headed towards the shore. After some time, Assol was already in the cabin. Everything happened as the old man predicted.

On the same day, they opened a barrel of hundred-year-old wine, which no one had ever drunk before, and the next morning the ship was already far from Kaperna, carrying away the crew defeated by Gray’s extraordinary wine. Only Zimmer was awake. He played his cello quietly and thought about happiness.

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