Summary retelling. All works of the school curriculum in a brief summary

It is very important to instill correct and healthy habits in a child from childhood. One of these useful and vital habits is the love of reading. A reverent attitude towards books will last a lifetime if a child in childhood fell in love with this activity with all his soul. You've probably heard or read Deniska's Stories and know who wrote this book.

Works by Viktor Dragunsky, collected in a collection "Deniska's stories", recommended for reading almost from the very cradle. When a child reaches the age of two, he will be very interested in listening to the humorous stories of a children's writer, which his mother will read to him. And having learned to read, the child will happily absorb these works himself. After all, they are very easy to read, easy to understand and very addictive.

If you want to familiarize yourself with the book “Deniska’s Stories,” you can find a summary of the best works from this collection in this article.

  1. Abstract of the book.
  2. "Enchanted Letter"
  3. "Paul's Englishman".
  4. "Twenty years under the bed."
  5. "The secret becomes clear."
  6. "The Main Rivers of America".
  7. "Dog Thief"

Abstract of the book “Deniska’s Stories”

This is a series of stories by the Russian writer Viktor Dragunsky about the boy Denis, who constantly finds himself in awkward comic situations. The prototype of Denis Korablev’s image was the writer’s son, whose name even coincides with the main character of the works. From the summary of “Deniska’s Stories” on Wikipedia, we learn that the action takes place during the USSR, namely in the 50s and 60s in the city of Moscow.

Curious situations haunt Deniska every now and then. He gets into them everywhere: at school (“Main Rivers”), at home, in the yard. The boy has great imagination and resourcefulness. He has his own original approach to every problem, he shows ingenuity and tries to find the right solutions.

  • The collection of short stories consists of 70 humorous stories.
  • The narration is told on behalf of the main character, who is Denis Korablev.
  • The stories are written in a humorous genre, in simple and understandable language.

Each child will imagine themselves in the place of the main character and experience unpleasant moments with Deniska. And also in Dragunsky’s book it is clearly shown that what is “good” and what is “bad”, so your baby will learn to do the right and deliberate actions so as not to get into unpleasant situations like Denis Korablev.

Review of the book

I am the mother of a 4-year-old son and enjoy reading Victor Dragunsky’s book to him. He really likes the main character, and he laughs at the ridiculous situations that Deniska often finds herself in.

Natalya, 28 years old

Review of the product

Easy to read. I read it with great interest, without stopping. Very funny stories. I liked it. Therefore, I recommend this book to everyone.

Ivan, 11 years old

"Enchanted Letter"

Once upon a time on New Year's Eve children played in the yard. And then a truck with a Christmas tree pulled up. When the movers carried out the Christmas tree, the children were filled with delight. They looked at the spruce and enthusiastically shared their impressions with each other. There were three of them: Deniska, friend Alyonka and Mishka. And then the girl squealed joyfully and exclaimed: “Look, detectives!” The guys started laughing at her, but it turned out that no one could pronounce this simple word correctly.

Alyonka was unable to do this because of a lost tooth, and Mishka was dying of laughter, grimacing and mocking the poor girl. But, as it turned out later, he himself could not pronounce the enchanted letter. All he could manage was: “Giggles.” Deniska laughed loudest of all, but on the way home he said “Fuck.” Oh, this enchanted letter!

"Paul's Englishman"

The story begins with a description the last summer day in the Korablev family. On the eve of September 1, dad brought home a large watermelon, so all family members sat at the table and devoured this tasty delicacy. Then his friend Pavel, whom he had not seen all summer, came to visit Deniska.

In the process of communication, it turned out that Pavel did not waste time in vain in the summer, but learned English. Deniska became very envious, because he wasted his time playing games and entertainment. Denis’s mom and dad began to take an active interest in what Pavel could say in a foreign language and why he didn’t use his knowledge. However, as it turned out later, Pavel mastered only one word, and even then it was the name Petya in English - Pete. This is where his knowledge ended.

"Twenty Years Under the Bed"

One cold winter evening Deniska’s parents went to the cinema, and Mishka came to him and invited him to visit. The boy happily agreed and, quickly getting ready, set off with his friend. There were a lot of people visiting Mishka: Andrei, Alyonka, Kostya and he and Deniska. The guys decided to play hide and seek, leaving the kids as losers. It was not interesting to play in the room, so the children went out into the corridor, hiding under fur coats and curtains.

However, Deniska, once again trying to hide, discovered that his secluded place was occupied, and not finding anything suitable, he slipped into Efrosinya Petrovna’s next bedroom and hid under the bed. The boy was thinking in his head how wonderful it would be when Kostya discovered him here and was surprised at his resourcefulness. But events began to happen not according to plan.

Instead of Kostik an old lady came into the room and went to bed turning off the lights in the room. Deniska panicked, a lot of thoughts were spinning in his head, but he couldn’t come up with anything suitable. After sitting under the bed for quite a long time and completely despairing, Denis accidentally knocked on the trough that stood under the bed. The old woman woke up and started screaming. With difficulty, the boy got out from under the bed, sneezing from the accumulated dust, and, confusing the closet with the door of the room, climbed into it. Well, then Denis’s dad came and rescued his son from “20 years of captivity,” since it seemed to the boy that he had been sitting under the bed for an eternity.

"The secret becomes clear"

This funny story happened to Deniska, when he didn't want to eat semolina porridge. Mom insisted, but the boy could not cram the hated semolina into himself. Then the mother promised that she would take her son to the Kremlin if he emptied his plate. Deniska really wanted to get there, so he tried to swallow the porridge. He tried in every possible way to improve its taste, but the semolina only became more disgusting.

When his mother left the room, the boy decided to act immediately: he took the plate and poured it out the window. Returning to his place, he imagined what a wonderful day it would be, and that he would finally get to the Kremlin! However, Denis's dreams were interrupted by a knock on the door. An angry man in a suit stood on the threshold, and semolina porridge flowed down his clothes in thin streams. At this point our hero realized that he couldn’t see the Kremlin like he could see his own ears, and that everything secret would sooner or later become clear.

"The Main Rivers of America"

This funny incident happened to Deniska at school. The boy did not learn his lessons because he was busy playing games all evening. In the morning, late for school, he realized that he needed to learn poetry and prepare for geography by learning the rivers of America. Korablev was called to the blackboard, and his teacher Raisa Ivanovna wanted to hear Nekrasov’s poem. But Denis began to read Pushkin, pretending to be a fool. His friend Mishka suggested that he needed to learn a poem by Nekrasov, but Denis could not hear the name of the poem and said: “A little man with a marigold.”

Raisa Ivanovna did not want to give Denis a bad grade, so she wanted him to answer at least something. She asked to name the largest river in America. The boy didn’t know what to answer, but classmate Petya decided to help by writing the name of the river on a piece of paper. Denis said with relief: “Misi-pisi.” Of course, this was wrong, and the whole class, including the teacher, began to laugh until they cried.

Having received a bad mark in his diary, Deniska made a promise to himself that he would always study his lessons.

"Dog Thief"

When Deniska was at the dacha, a most amusing story happened to him. One day his neighbor asked him to look after his dog Chapka, while he went to the river to swim. The boy played with the dog, but soon he got tired of this activity. And then a friend Vanya walked past the fence with a fishing rod and called Denis to the river to fish. The boy said that he could not leave the dog, but Vanka advised him to hide Chapka in the house.

Having placed the dog under house arrest, Deniska decided to catch up with his friend, went around the corner, but saw Chapka. Deciding that the dog had escaped, he dragged the dog home. Having managed, Denis again went to the river, but soon saw Chapka again. She was angry with the boy and did not want to go home. So Denis covered her with nonsense and dragged her home. Throwing the dog into the room, the boy started to run to Vanka, but no such luck! He again met...Chapka, returned home again with the dog and, having checked all the locks and doors, ran tired to the river.

When Deniska ran to the river, he saw that his friend had already caught fish and was going home. Then they decided to return to the river after lunch and went to the house of neighbor Boris Klimentievich. When the guys approached the house, they saw a whole crowd near the gate. It turned out that Deniska stole other people's dogs, mistaking them for Chapka. The story ended happily, the owners found their Scottish terriers, and a neighbor nicknamed Denis “The Dog Thief.”

  • book summaries;
  • quotes.

Brevity is the sister of talent


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M.:1999. - 616 p.

In this book you will find a summary and detailed analysis of all works included in the school literature curriculum, biographical information about the authors, and summaries of critical articles. The book is an indispensable assistant for school students and applicants during classes and when entering a university. The book will be very useful in preparing for the Unified State Exam in literature, writing essays, and also for general development. What is especially valuable about this book is that it provides brief biographical information about the authors (Born, Studied, What and when he wrote, Where and when he died). The book also gives the theory of literature (types of literature, genres, movements, etc.).

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Types of literature 3
Epic Genres 3
Lyric genres 4
Drama genres 5
Literary movements and currents 8
Classicism 9
Romanticism 10
Sentimentalism 13
Naturalism 14
Realism. . 15
Symbolism 17
Literary movements in Russia in the 19th-20th centuries.
Natural school 18
Acmeism 19
Futurism 19
Imagism 21
OBERIU (Association of Real Art). 21
Structure of a work of art
Artwork idea 22
The plot of a work of art 22
Composition of a work of art 22
Poetics of a work of art, figures of speech 23
Features of poetic speech and versification
Stanza 25
Rhyming. 25
Foot 25
Two-syllable sizes 25
Trisyllabic poetic meters 26
“The Lay of Igor’s Campaign, Igor Svyatoslavich, Olegov’s grandson”
Summary. 28
"Words..." . 29
Brief biographical information. 30
Ode “On the Day of Elizabeth Petrovna’s Accession to the Throne”
1747 31
“Evening reflection on God’s Majesty on occasion
great northern lights." 32
Brief biographical information 33
Ideological and artistic content of Derzhavin’s odes 33
"To Rulers and Judges" .34
Brief biographical information 35
"Quartet" 35
"Swan, Pike and Crayfish" .36
"Dragonfly and Ant" 37
"The Crow and the Fox" 38
Brief biographical information 38
"Forest King" 39
“Svetlana” (excerpt) 40
Brief biographical information 42
"Woe from Wit"
Summary 43
I. A. Goncharov. “A Million Torments” 55
Brief biographical information. 56
"Belkin's Tales"
"The Station Agent" 58
"Peasant Young Lady" .59
Ideological and artistic originality of “Belkin’s Tales” 60

"Dubrovsky". 65
"The Captain's Daughter"
Summary 66
Ideological and artistic originality of the story
"The Captain's Daughter" 71
"Little Tragedies"
"The Stingy Knight" 72
"Mozart and Salieri". 75
"Stone Guest" 78
“Feast in Time of Plague” 83
Ideological and artistic originality
"Little tragedies" 85
Genres of Pushkin's lyrics 87
The theme of the poet and poetry in the works of Pushkin 88
Reflection of the ideas of “poetry of reality”
in Pushkin's lyrics (according to Belinsky) 93
The theme of love in Pushkin's lyrics 94
Philosophical lyrics 96
"Eugene Onegin"
Summary 97
Ideological and artistic originality of the novel in verse
"Eugene Onegin". 111
Belinsky about Pushkin’s novel (articles 8 and 9) 112
Author's digressions and the image of the author in the novel
"Eugene Onegin" 116
Brief biographical information 126
"Hero of Our Time"
Summary 127
V. G. Belinsky about the novel “Hero of Our Time” 137
Ideological and artistic originality of the novel
"Hero of Our Time" 139
“A song about Tsar Ivan Vasilyevich, the young guardsman and the daring merchant Kalashnikov...”
Summary 140
Ideological and artistic originality of “Song...” .141
Belinsky about “Song...”. 142
Summary 142
. 144
Belinsky about the poem “Mtsyri” 144
The main motives in Lermontov's lyrics 145
Brief biographical information.155
Summary 156
Ideological and artistic originality of the comedy “The Inspector General”. . 163
Summary 166
Ideological and artistic originality of the story “The Overcoat”. . 168
"Dead Souls"
Summary 168
Ideological and artistic originality of the poem
"Dead Souls" 183
About the second volume of “Dead Souls” 185
Brief biographical information 186
"Fathers and Sons"
Summary 186
D. I. Pisarev. "Bazarov" 200
Ideological and artistic originality of the novel
"Fathers and Sons" 204
Brief biographical information 206
“Who lives well in Rus'”
Summary 207
Ideological and artistic originality of the poem
“Who Lives Well in Rus'” 236
Periodization of creativity 237
“Yesterday at six o’clock...” 238
“Reflections at the Front Entrance” 238
"In memory of Dobrolyubov". 241
"Elegy" 242
Brief biographical information 243
Summary 243
Ideological and artistic originality of the drama “The Thunderstorm” 252
Brief biographical information. 256
Summary 257
N. A. Dobrolyubov. “What is Oblomovism?” 274
Brief biographical information 278
"Spring Storm" 279
"Spring Waters" 279
“There is in the primordial autumn...” 280
“You can’t understand Russia with your mind...” 280
“When the decrepit forces...” 280
Brief biographical information 281
“I came to you with greetings...” 282
“Whisper, timid breathing...”. . 282
Brief biographical information 283
“My bells...” 284
“In the middle of a noisy ball, by chance...” 284
From the works of Kozma Prutkov. "From Heine" 285
Brief biographical information 285
“Gentlemen Gol Ovlevy”
Summary 286
Ideological and artistic originality of the novel
“Messrs. Golovlevs” 293
Fairy tales
"The story of how one man of two generals
fed." 294
“The Wise Minnow” 295
Ideological and artistic originality
tales of Saltykov-Shchedrin 296
Brief biographical information 297
"White Nights"
Required information 298
Summary 299
Ideological and artistic originality of the story 300
"Crime and Punishment"
Required information 300
Summary 300
Ideological and artistic originality of the novel 317
Brief biographical information.....319
"War and Peace"
Summary 320
Ideological and artistic originality of the epic novel
"War and Peace" 416
“War and Peace” as an artistic whole 416
"People's Thought". . 416
“Family Thought” 420
Female images in the novel 422
Spiritual quest of Tolstoy's heroes (Andrei Bolkonsky
and Pierre Bezukhov) 424
“War and Peace” - an epic novel (genre originality) 426
“Dialectics of the soul” (features of psychologism
Tolstoy) 427
"After the Ball"
Summary. 428
Ideological and artistic originality of the story 429
Brief biographical information 430
"Ward number 6"
Summary 430
Ideological and artistic originality of the story 435
Summary 436
Ideological and artistic originality of the story 438
"The Cherry Orchard"
Summary. 438
Ideological and artistic originality of the play 443
Brief biographical information 445
"Old Woman Izergil"
Summary 447
Ideological and artistic originality 450
"Chel kash"
Summary 450
Ideological and artistic originality" 453
“Song of the Petrel” 453
“Song of the Falcon” 454
Ideological and artistic originality of “Songs”
about the Petrel" and "Songs about the Falcon" 456
"At the Bottom"
Summary 457
Ideological and artistic originality of the song “At the Lower Depths” 464
Brief biographical information 465
Summary 465
Ideological and artistic originality of the story 473
Brief biographical information 474
"Antonov apples" 476
"Lyrnik Rodion" 477
"Chang's Dreams". 478
"Sukhodol" 479
The originality of realism I. A. Bunin, I. A. Bunin
and A.P. Chekhov. 481
Genres and styles of works by I. A. Bunin; 482
“Eternal themes” in the works of I. A. Bunin 482
Works by I. A. Bunin about the village. Problem
national character, 483
"Cursed Days"
Ideological and artistic originality 484
Brief biographical information 484
Stories Summary:
"Bargamot and Garaska". . 485
“Petka at the dacha” 486
Grand Slam 486
“The Story of Sergei Petrovich” 487
The theme of loneliness in the stories of L. Andreev 488
"Judas Iscariot"
Summary 489
Ideological, artistic, originality of the story
"Judas Iscariot" 491
Brief biographical information 492
"Anna Snegina"
Summary 492
The ideological and artistic originality of the poem. . 49 7
“Letter to Mother” 498
“Uncomfortable liquid moonlight...” 499
“The feather grass is sleeping. Dear plain..." 501
Brief biographical information.....; 502
"Factory" 502
"Stranger" 503
"Russia" 505
"On the Railroad" *. . . . 506
Summary 508
Ideological and artistic originality of the poem 512
Brief biographical information 514
Satire in the lyrics of V. V. Mayakovsky 515
The theme of the poet and poetry in the works of V. V. Mayakovsky 516
"At the top of my voice" 518
Summary 524
Ideological and artistic originality of the poem 533
"Silver Age" of Russian poetry
Brief biographical information 534
"Fantasy" 535
“I caught the departing shadows in my dreams...” 536
"Reeds". 536
Brief biographical information 537
“To the young poet” 538
"Creativity" " 538
"Shadows" 539
Brief biographical information 539
"On the Mountains". 540
“Could you?” 541
“Violin and a little nervously” 542
Brief biographical information 543
“Freedom comes naked...” 544
“Don’t be naughty!” . 544
Brief biographical information...."... 545
"It was by the sea" 546
"Overture". 546
"Igor Severyanin". . 546
"Classic roses". . . 547
Brief biographical information. 547
"Giraffe" 548
"Worker" 549
Brief biographical information 550
“I was given a body - what should I do with it...” 551
“The cloudy air is humid and echoing...” 551
“The bread is poisoned and the air is drunk...”, 552
"Leningrad". 553
“You and I will sit in the kitchen...” 553
“I’ll tell you from the last one...” 553
“For the explosive valor of the coming centuries...” 554
“Armed with the vision of narrow wasps...” 554
“We live without feeling the country beneath us...” 555
Brief biographical information 555
“I learned to live simply, wisely...”. . . 556
“I had a voice. He called comfortingly..." .556
“Twenty-one. Night. Monday..." 557
From "Requiem" * 557
Brief biographical information. . 561
"February. Get some ink and cry...” 562
"Winter Night" 562
“In everything I want to achieve...” 563
Brief biographical information 564
"Virgin Soil Upturned"
Summary. 565
Ideological and artistic originality of the novel 597

The work of the famous Don writer Mikhail Sholokhov began with his writing short stories that reflected everything that the writer saw or experienced himself. His first collections were “Azure Steppe” and “Don Stories”. In these stories, Sholokhov depicts everything that happened in his era, when the tragic and terrible events of the post-revolutionary period took place: a person could not find himself, there was a lot of death and violence.

History of the collection

Sholokhov began writing “Don Stories” (a summary of the chapters will be presented in this article) in 1923. Then he was still a young and inexperienced writer. It is known that initially all the stories were published separately, and only in 1926 they were published as a separate book.

Sholokhov republished his collection in 1931. During this time, the number of stories in it changed: initially there were nineteen, but in the second edition there were already twenty-seven. After this, the book was no longer published for twenty-five years.

Collection structure

The collection “Don Stories” by Sholokhov (a brief summary will be presented below) consists of nineteen works. This collection begins with the story “Birthmark,” which is the epigraph to the entire work. The second author placed his work “The Shepherd”, where he shows how helpless a person can be. A world of cows struck by plague. The shepherd and those who come to help are unable to stop the epidemic.

The third story is “Food Commissar”, which is usually the one that readers most often choose to read. Subsequent works are usually known to readers: “Shibalkovo Seed”, “Alyoshka’s Heart”, “Melon Plant”, “The Path is a Little Road”, “Nakhalenok” and others. In the story "Kolovert" the author shows how complex and difficult the fate of the peasants is.

The collection “Don Stories” by Sholokhov (a summary of chapters and parts will be presented below) also includes the following works: “Family Man”, “Chairman of the Revolutionary Military Council of the Republic”, “Crooked Stitch”, “Resentment”, “Mortal Enemy”, “ Foal", "Galoshes", "Wormhole" and "Azure Steppe". The last story in this Sholokhov cycle was the story “The Farmhands.” It tells about the fate of Fyodor, who at first was a farm laborer, and then decided to leave his owner.

Theme and idea of ​​the collection

The main and, probably, the only theme of the entire collection “Don Stories” by Sholokhov, a brief summary of which will be presented in this article, is a description of the life of the Don Cossacks. Before Mikhail Alexandrovich, there were already writers in classical literature who tried to imagine the life and way of life of the Don Cossacks. But Sholokhov did it truthfully and honestly, because he himself grew up and lived among them. Therefore, he did not need to study their life, he knew it perfectly.

In each of his stories in the collection, the author tries to show the main idea: there is nothing more important than educating the younger generation in the traditions of the older one. Once you destroy the old world with blood and death, then it will be difficult to rise and wash yourself from it.

Characteristics of the heroes of “Don Stories”

The heroes of the collection of “Don Stories” by Sholokhov, a brief summary of which will be of interest to both schoolchildren and adults, are most often people who really existed. These real characters, about whom Mikhail Alexandrovich wrote, lived in the village of Kargin near the village of Veshenskaya, Rostov region. But, undoubtedly, the author uses both fiction and means of expression to create a more complete feeling for the reader of the story he is telling.

Sholokhov's heroes have to go through the trials of death, blood and hunger, so most often they are strong personalities. In Sholokhov’s stories, all Cossacks can be divided into two types. The first is the older generation, which is completely immersed in tradition. They think about family well-being. There are a majority of such Cossacks in Sholokhov’s stories. The second, shown by Mikhail Sholokhov in “Don Stories,” a summary of which is in this article, is represented by young and active Cossacks. They are trying to destroy the structure that has developed over the years.

M.A. Sholokhov “Don Stories”: a summary of the chapter “Aleshkin’s Heart”

The main character of the story is a small boy who was barely fourteen years old. But in terms of his physical development, he is weak and does not look his age at all. And all this because his family has been starving for a long time. His close relatives died from malnutrition: his mother and sister. Alexey is trying to fight for life, but it is difficult for him, since his sister was simply killed because of the stew. Alexey saw how people ceased to be humane and humane, and this scared him.

The story of the death of Alyosha’s sister is monstrous. The Polish woman was so hungry that she decided to break into someone else’s house to find at least some food. Makarchika, the owner of the hut, did not tolerate the thief and, swinging, hit him on the head with an iron. Because of this, Polka died. But this woman once bought a house from these children for just a mug of milk and a few handfuls of flour.

After the death of his sister, Leshka had been on hunger strike for five months. But he still tried to withstand the test and survive. He had nowhere to go: the house was sold, and the boy suffered from the cold. Then he went to work as a hired worker, but here he received nothing except beatings. Leshka died saving a child, whom the bandits wanted to hide behind.

The main character of this story in Sholokhov’s collection “Don Stories” (the contents of the chapters are presented in the article) is Minka, who is already eight years old. He lives with his mother and grandfather. Because of his restless and restless character, everyone around him calls him not by his name, but by Nakhalenko. There is another meaning in the nickname: all the residents of the village know that he was born without a father, and that his mother was never married.

Soon the boy's father returns from the war. Before the war, Thomas was a local shepherd. Very quickly father and son become close. Soon Foma becomes the collective farm chairman. People from the food detachment appear in their village and demand that they give up the wheat. Minkin’s grandfather voluntarily gave the grain, but the pop neighbor did not want to do this. But Nakhalenok showed where the cache was. After this incident, the priest harbored a grudge against him, and all the village children stopped communicating with him.

Sholokhov “Don Stories”: a summary of the chapter “Family Man”

The main character of the story is Mikishara. He married early, and his wife gave him nine sons, but she soon died of fever. When Soviet power was established, the two eldest sons went to fight. And when Mikishara was forced to go to the front, he found his son Danila among the prisoners. And the first one hit him. And he died from the sergeant’s second blow. For the death of his son, Mikishara was promoted in rank.

In the spring, the captive Ivan was also brought. The Cossacks beat him for a long time, and then the father was ordered to take his son to headquarters. On the way, the son asked to escape. At first Mikishara let him go, but when the young man ran, his father shot him in the back and killed him.

The main content of the story “Alien Blood”

An elderly couple once picked up a soldier who was seriously wounded. Before this, a tragedy happened in their family - their son died. Therefore, while nursing the wounded man, they became attached to him as if he were their son. But when the soldier recovered and became a little stronger, despite his affection, he still returned to the city. Grandfather Gabriel worried for a long time, but still Peter turned out to be a stranger.

Then the comrade sends the young man a letter from the Urals, where Peter himself once lived. He invites him to come and together restore the enterprise where they once worked together. The final parting scene is tragic. The old man asks the young man to tell the old woman that he will return. But after Peter left, the road along which he left simply collapsed. And this is symbolic. The author tried to show the reader that the wounded soldier would never return to their farm again.

Analysis of stories

“Don Stories” by Sholokhov, a summary of which can be found in this article, is quite realistic. In them, the author tries to talk about the war, but does it truthfully. There is no romance in what is happening on Grazhdanskaya, and Sholokhov openly states this. But the Don writer sees beauty in something else, showing how beautiful the Cossack people are, their speech, life and way of life.

Mikhail Alexandrovich created his stories so that the reader could think about the meaning of life, what war brings and what every person does to ensure that it does not happen again. Therefore, these Sholokhov works are also relevant for modern society.

It is worth reading them, since Sholokhov in “Don Stories,” a summary of which is presented in this article, demonstrates the main and important lesson that we must not forget the history that was created by death and blood. The author constantly reminds the reader that in any situation it is necessary to remain human.

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