Who studies the inner world of man. Psychological structure of my “I”

“Man and the world around him” - ... Cognizes the world around him. We receive information about the world around us through... Understanding the world around us... strive to establish... 4. To achieve a set goal, a person carries out: A) movement; B) training; B) food; D) activity. Relying on... and using... helps to understand the world around us.

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“Sciences studying man” - Chordates. Hominids (apes). Sciences that study the human body: (name - what it studies). Multicellular animals. Human. The place of man in the system of the organic world. Primates. Genus. Subtype. Methods for studying the human body. Squad. Type. Genetics is human inheritance.

“How a person understands the world” - Knowledge. World. I am ideal (It's nice to see myself). Knows the world. Ways of knowing the world. Knowledge of nature, society, oneself. Low self-esteem. Knowing yourself is not easy. I am real. Inflated self-esteem. I am dynamic (What I want to be). Draw comparison lines in a comparison table. Curious people.

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Psychology as a science that studies the inner world of man. Psyche is the inner world of a living being, a person. Psychology is the science of the soul, the inner world of man.

Method of introspection The ideal is the highest perfection, the goal of human aspiration. Introspection (self-observation) is one of the ways to study mental phenomena. A test is a test, task or trial.

Self-observation method Consciousness is a person’s perception of what is happening in his mind. This is the first definition of consciousness given by the English philosopher John Locke in the 17th century. J. Locke Consciousness is the highest level of mental reflection and self-regulation, inherent only to man as a socio-historical being. Consciousness acts as a continuously changing set of sensory and mental images that are directly presented to the subject in his “inner experience” and anticipate his practical activity.

Psychological structure of my “I” The structure of a person’s personality, developed by Soviet psychiatrists Superconscious (a level of mental activity that is not subject to volitional control when solving creative problems, creative intuition) Consciousness (feelings and mental images conscious of a person) Unconscious (deep mental processes and states that a person does not realizes, manifests itself, for example, in dreams)

Psychological structure of my “I” Personality structure according to Sigmund Freud Super-ego (a system of moral norms and requirements for human behavior) conflict I (the result of a person separating himself from the environment) conflict It (unconscious concentration of instinctive impulses, sexual and aggressive) Z. Freud

Reasons for the diversity of a person’s ideas about himself Temperament is a psychological manifestation of the type of human nervous system. Temperament type Temperament properties Choleric Strong, unbalanced type of nervous system. Characterized by high activity, initiative, increased excitability, sudden changes in mood, short temper, and sometimes aggressiveness. Sanguine Strong, balanced, mobile type of nervous system. Energetic, active, friendly, calm, easily gets along with people, gets used to new surroundings. Phlegmatic Strong, balanced, inert type. High performance, endurance, and patience are combined with slowness, low reactivity and plasticity. Melancholic A weak type of nervous system, which is characterized by increased sensitivity, vulnerability, self-doubt, timidity, isolation, and a tendency to deep experiences.

Reasons for the diversity of a person’s ideas about himself “I know everything, but not myself”? Francois Villon L.N. Tolstoy “If a person has lived a long century, he has experienced many changes - he was first a baby, then a child, then an adult, then an old man. But no matter how the person changed, he always said “I” to himself. And this “I” was always the same in him. The same “I” was in the baby, and in the adult, and in the old man. This unchanging “I” is what we call the soul.”


Human- part of nature, its living world. Like other living beings, he breathes, eats, grows, develops, and gives birth to children. And therefore, people, like animals, need air, water, food, warmth.
Yet man is different from animals. The difference is huge. Man is a rational being. Yes, there are many smart animals among them, for example, aquatic inhabitants - dolphins or our four-legged friends - dogs. But only man has real intelligence.
Thanks to this, people have created a special world - modern cities, roads, factories, cars and planes, telephones, televisions and much, much more.

human brain

Where is a person’s mind “placed”, where does he “live”? In the brain. Animals also have a brain, but in humans it is especially developed. The brain is a perfect organ that ensures the smooth functioning of the body and controls all body systems. The brain allows us to think and feel, it stores our memories and moves the body.
During sleep, the body rests. But the brain works even during deep sleep: it reviews the events of the past day and accumulates memories.
Learning something new, like adding, subtracting, or playing a musical instrument, takes a long time. Once learned, these skills accumulate in the brain's "database" and will be recalled as needed to avoid having to learn everything all over again.

This is interesting
- The brain consumes one-fifth of all the energy entering the body, but makes up only one-fiftieth of its weight.
- There is no connection between brain size and intelligence.

Look at the pictures. Tell us about the mood of the person in each drawing.

In the first picture the person is surprised, in the second he is happy, in the third he is upset, and in the fourth he is angry, we determined all this by the facial expressions of his face.

Throughout his life, a person experiences the world. Cognition begins with the work of our senses (eyes, ears, etc.), which send information about the environment to the brain. Thanks to this, we see objects, hear sounds, smell. This is what happens perception person of the surrounding world.

Thinking- thinking, comparing, classifying different information about the world around us, establishing connections between objects, phenomena, drawing conclusions.

Imagination- a person’s ability to imagine something that is not in front of him.

Memory- the body’s ability to retain received information about the surrounding world for its further use in the process of life.

Come up with some interesting car. Draw it.

Sign the steps of knowledge

Answer the questions:
1. A person’s ability to understand the world around him using his senses. Answer: perception
2. The organ in which the human mind is “housed”. Answer: brain
3. The ability to retain received information. Answer: memory
4. The ability to think about, compare, and classify received information. Answer: thinking
5. Science that studies the inner world of man. Answer: psychology
6. The ability to imagine something that is not there. Answer: imagination

Tomology is an experimental science that studies the inner world of man, his capabilities and development. Tomology also deals with the layer-by-layer study of the human mind, its various parts. The word is similar to tomography, a method of studying the internal structure of a person by scanning it in intersecting directions. Practically, tomology does the same thing, but from the psychological side of the issue.
It was found that the mental structure does not represent a complete structure, but is a set of disparate parts. This is in most cases the cause of internal conflicts and nervous breakdowns. There is an assumption that in the combination of the components, the main possibility of mental health is hidden. Based on this, scientists have set the task of finding ways by which it is possible to unite subpersonalities into a single whole to realize the ability to perceive reality holistically.
The main term of tomology is awareness. The inner world of a person is subject to certain laws. Awareness helps a person understand the laws of reality and study the work of his own mind.
By studying the inner world, actions, thoughts, a person is freed from problem areas that manifest themselves in stress, depression, uncertainty and other conditions. This happens naturally, without coercion, in an organic rhythm.
Tomologists claim that there are no general cases in their science, that it differs precisely in that it offers to comprehend the inner world through a person’s personal experience. A reasonable attitude helps a person achieve harmony with the world as a whole. By becoming himself, a person learns from a negative situation, experience, and in the future will not waste his life in vain.
Before tomalogues, no one had previously examined a person’s experiences in such detail, analyzing the history of the experience from the cause to the effect on behavior. People observed themselves for 7 years and recorded their emotions. They described everything that happened. Currently, only a few dozen similar works are known, and all of them reflect negative states.
Tomologists believe that if a person observes himself without making adjustments, then as a result of observation, a negative experience arises, and the person loses power over himself. By observing one's own anger, a person can discover compassion and learn that only fearlessness is hidden in it. Therefore, it is very important to understand that you cannot change anything on purpose. After all, violent change leads to a serious change in the mental structure of the individual. If, for example, you change your shortcoming, then another one may appear that causes greater internal inconvenience. According to Tomalists, everything can change when you begin to observe yourself without judgment.
If a person’s intellectual development can be considered horizontal, then vertical development is what a person achieves. Vertical development begins when a person has applied his potential. Vertical development is the presence of a person at every stage of life, it is a free mind, it is developed intuition. All this will arise when you consciously observe yourself.
With the help of tomology methods, a person learns to break the connection with his negative state, to distance himself from it, which helps to experience any state quite easily.
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