Cadets of the VU MO RF. How to enter the military university of the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation

Military University of the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation

The Military University, created on the basis of the Humanitarian Academy of the Armed Forces and the Military Academy of Economics, Finance and Law, is a multidisciplinary educational institution, the leading educational and methodological center of the RF Armed Forces, training officers in the humanitarian, legal and philological fields.

November 5 is considered the founding day of the Military University (the day of the formation of the Red Army Teachers' Institute in 1919).

The educational process in it is carried out by 43 departments, which employ highly qualified teaching staff. About 500 teachers have various academic degrees, 92 of them are doctors of science and more than 400 are candidates of science. More than 20 university scientists are academicians and corresponding members of the Academy of Sciences. Dissertation councils defend dissertations in 23 scientific specialties.

The Military University has 11 faculties, 9 of which (military psychological, culture and journalism, military social work, military legal, prosecutorial and investigative, foreign languages, foreign military information, management of educational bodies, internal troops) training cadets and officers of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation.

Today, the Military University conducts two-level training for officers with higher military special education and higher military education in 20 specialties and 5 specializations in the humanitarian, legal and philological fields.

Directions and specialties of training


The Military University trains officers with higher military-special education (course of study 5 years) at the faculties:

  • military psychological (by specialty: a) psychology and b) psychology of social work, with the qualification “psychologist, psychology teacher”);
  • culture and journalism(in specialties: a) socio-cultural activities with the qualification “manager of socio-cultural activities”; b) journalism with the qualification “journalist”);
  • military social work(in specialties: a) public and state training and sociology with the qualification “sociologist”; b) social work and crime prevention with the qualification “social work specialist”);
    military legal (specializing in legal consulting work with the qualification "lawyer");
  • prosecutorial-investigative(in specialties: a) prosecutorial and investigative work with the qualification “lawyer”; b) judicial work with the qualification “lawyer”);
  • foreign languages(specialty in linguistics and intercultural communication, translation and translation studies with qualification “linguist, translator”);
  • foreign military information(specializing in linguistics and intercultural communication, translation and translation studies with the qualification “linguist, translator”).

    The Military University offers full-time preparatory courses.

The educational process at the Military University is carried out according to 2000 academic disciplines 53 departments, 8 faculties, military institute (military conductors), Linguistic and Sociological centers of the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation.

22 foreign languages ​​are studied at the university.

Scientific and pedagogical activities are carried out by about 700 scientists, of whom 133 doctors and 549 candidates of sciences, 148 people have the academic title of professor and 281 - associate professor, 116 people have honorary titles.

The university operates 11 dissertation councils in which dissertations are defended in 20 scientific specialties.

Training of scientific and pedagogical personnel is carried out in doctoral studies, full-time (full-time, targeted) and part-time postgraduate studies, as well as by seeking academic degrees of doctor and candidate of sciences.

The university has created a modern educational and material base, library and educational information fund. There is an intra-university information and computer network. Access to the global information network “Internet” is provided.

Accommodation for cadets in dormitories is organized in accordance with modern social security standards.

The university conducts professional retraining of military personnel discharged from military service for a new type of activity in 15 civilian specialties. Advanced training was organized for officers 22 specialties, and retraining - according to 3 specialties.

Since 2011, the Military University has switched to training military specialists and civilian youth according to federal state standards of higher professional education of the 3rd generation. Bachelor's and Master's degrees are open for admission to students.

Training of specialists is carried out for the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation, all federal executive bodies of the Russian Federation, as well as for the armed forces of 23 foreign states near and far abroad.

In 2011, the staff of the Military University was awarded the International Prize “European Quality” “for the high level of professional, research, cultural and educational activities.”

In 2012, the Military University was recognized as “The best institution in Europe in the field of education”

VUMO (Military University of the Ministry of Defense, formerly VIIIA) is one of the leading educational institutions in our country. Over the years of its existence, more than 30 thousand highly qualified specialists have been trained within its walls. Students and graduates of the Military University have taken and are taking part in many conflicts, declared and undeclared wars, defending the interests of our country. After completing their military career, they successfully operate in private business. The events of the end of the century scattered our graduates all over the world. But, no matter where we were, no matter what we did, each of us remained faithful to the cadet brotherhood.

Military University (VUMO)- a unique military educational institution, the geography of our graduates - the whole world, their biographies - are worth books, films, songs. We are all different, but what unites us is that our Alma Mater is the Military University or the Military Institute of Foreign Languages. His names change, but the essence and spirit remain the same.

The Military University, without exaggeration, is a forge of personnel for intelligence officers, special propagandists, and lawyers, who have always been and are the elite of society in any country. Evidence of this is that many VUMO graduates are deputies of the State Duma, bankers, high-ranking employees of the Presidential Administration, Government, GRU, SVR, FSB, FAPSI, Ministry of Foreign Affairs, owners of large enterprises, writers, journalists, scientists, lawyers, functionaries of leading political parties and so on.

1 Extra-budgetary faculty -

Students are trained at the non-budgetary faculty on the basis of full-time and part-time forms of study. Students receive education in the following specialties: "Psychology", "Sociology", "Translation and Translation Studies", "Jurisprudence". Full-time education - 5 years, part-time - 6 years, second higher professional education - 3.5 years. As of September 1, 2008, more than a thousand students are studying at the faculty.

Admission to the faculty is carried out in accordance with the rules of admission to the Military University on a competitive basis. Persons who have a state-issued document on secondary (complete) general education are accepted for the first year. Persons with higher professional education can be enrolled based on the results of the interview and submitted documents.

2 Military Psychological Faculty -

The faculty was created on July 6, 1994 on the basis of the combined arms faculty. From 1994 to 2000, students majoring in Psychology were trained at the faculty. In 1996, the training of military psychologists for military units began on the basis of State Standards of Higher Professional Education. Since 1998, the faculty switched to training specialists from among civilian youth. In 2007, the first intake of female cadets was carried out at the Faculty of Military Psychology. Competition among female applicants in 2007 and 2008. was more than 10 people per place, which indicates the high prestige and importance of the profession of a military psychologist.

3 Military Law Faculty -

Today, the faculty carries out the task of training officers with higher military-special education in the specialty “Jurisprudence”, specialization “Legal support of military activities”, intended to perform functional duties in the positions of assistant commander of a regiment (ship of the 1st rank), a brigade for legal work, a legal adviser of the legal service ( groups) of the administration, institution, organization of the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation with subsequent use in positions in the legal service units of higher military authorities, as well as teachers of legal disciplines in military educational institutions and in military departments at state educational institutions of higher professional education. Duration of training - 5 years.

4 Military Institute (military conductors) -

By order of the Government of the Russian Federation dated April 10, 2006 No. 473-r, the Moscow Military Conservatory (military institute) was reorganized into the Military Institute (military conductors) of the Military University.

The Military Institute (Military Conductors), being a structural subdivision of the Military University, trains officers with higher military-special education for the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation, federal executive bodies of the Russian Federation and the armed forces of foreign states in specialty 070105 "Conducting (conducting a military brass band) "with a training period of 5 years.

Currently, the Military Institute (Military Conductors) is the only military training center in the world that trains military conductors - leaders of military orchestras and song and dance ensembles with higher musical education for the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation and the armies of foreign countries.

5 Boarding school for pupils of the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation

The educational institution was created in order to obtain secondary (complete) general education and provide comprehensive education for the daughters of military personnel who have lost their parents (parents), as well as the daughters of officers and warrant officers serving in military service in areas with unfavorable climatic conditions.

Today, the boarding school has 180 girls in 9 classes of 20 people each. Classes are conducted in eight cycles: “Russian language and literature”, “Mathematics, fundamentals of information science and computer technology”, “History and social studies, law and geography”, “Physics, chemistry and biology”, “Physical education”, “Technology”, "Foreign languages" and "World artistic culture, art and music".


6 Prosecutorial and investigative faculty -

The faculty trains law officers in the specialty "Jurisprudence" and the specializations "Prosecutorial and investigative work" and "Judicial work" from among civilian youth and military personnel for 5 years. University graduates continue military service in the positions of prosecutors and investigators and employees of military courts. The main customer of the faculty is the Main Military Prosecutor's Office, therefore its frequent guests are the Deputy Prosecutor General of the Russian Federation - Chief Military Prosecutor, Doctor of Law, Colonel General of Justice S.N. Fridinsky; Candidate of Legal Sciences, Colonel of Justice A.Yu. Vinokurov and other officers of the Military Prosecutor's Office.

7 Special Faculty -

Faculty of training foreign military specialists.

at the faculty it is carried out in the form of doctoral studies, full-time and part-time adjunct studies, training of students, cadets (women), and course participants. The faculty is located in two territories: territory No. 1 - humanitarian direction; territory No. 2 - legal and philological directions. The faculty trains cadets, students, adjuncts and students of retraining and advanced training courses. Adjuncts undergo full-time and part-time postgraduate training in 11 departments: geopolitics, pedagogy, psychology, political science, military law, criminal procedure, geopolitics, criminology, Middle Eastern languages, moral and psychological support, philosophy. Students are trained in the specialty “Organization of moral and psychological support for troops,” and cadets are trained in 9 specialties: “Translation and translation studies”; "Jurisprudence: legal advisory work"; "Jurisprudence"; "Prosecutorial and investigative work"; "Sociology"; "Social work"; "Psychology"; "Journalism"; "Cultural and leisure work."

8 Faculty of Military Social Work -

The faculty trains officers with higher military-special education, the training period is 5 years in the following specialties: “Public and state training and sociology” with the qualification “sociologist”; "Social work and crime prevention" with the qualification "social worker".

9 Faculty of Distance Learning -

are part of the student faculties. Since 2005, correspondence departments have appeared, and in September 2008, in accordance with the directive of the General Staff, the department of correspondence education was re-established. Its first chief was Lieutenant Colonel P.N. Petrov.

10 Faculty of Foreign Military Information -

The faculty trains specialists for the Main Directorate of the General Staff of the RF Armed Forces with the qualification “linguist-translator” with knowledge of two foreign languages ​​in the specializations “Organization of foreign military information and communications”, “Obtaining and processing of foreign military information” and “Analysis of foreign military information”. Currently, cadets of the faculty study 27 foreign languages.

11 Faculty of Foreign Languages ​​-

The faculty's task is to provide high-quality training for military translators to support the international activities of the Ministry of Defense and the Government of Russia. The result of the five-year training period is the training of an officer with the qualification “linguist-translator” in the specialty “Linguistics and Intercultural Communication”, fluent in two foreign languages, capable of summarizing and annotating foreign language sources and providing translation at the official and unofficial levels in the interests of the Russian Defense Ministry and the state both in the Russian Federation and abroad. The main customer of the faculty is the Main Personnel Directorate of the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation.

The curriculum provides training in 30 foreign languages, including 16 Western (English, French, German, Spanish, Romanian, Portuguese, Finnish, Italian, Czech, Polish, Lithuanian, Estonian, Serbian, Swedish, Norwegian, Hungarian) and 12 oriental languages ​​(Arabic, Persian, Chinese, Turkish, Japanese, Vietnamese, Dari, Laotian, Khmer, Korean, Hebrew, Pashto). To ensure the educational process, the Faculty of Foreign Languages ​​today has a highly professional teaching staff, which has a high rating among similar teams of civil universities in the country.

12 Faculty of Culture and Journalism -

The Faculty of Culture and Journalism trains officers with higher military-special education in the specialties “Socio-cultural activities” with the qualification “manager of socio-cultural activities” and “Journalism” - with the qualification “journalist”.

13 Faculty of retraining and advanced training -

Currently, the faculty is one of the leading departments in organizing the educational process for additional educational programs for military specialists and civilian personnel of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation. In modern conditions, the main task of the faculty is to organize training for students aimed at fully satisfying the needs of military specialists in obtaining knowledge about the latest achievements in the relevant branches of science and technology, advanced domestic and foreign experience, in improving skills and abilities, and developing business skills to prepare them to a new type of professional activity.

14 Faculty of management of educational bodies -

The faculty of management personnel carries out the task of training officers with higher military education in the specialty "Organization of moral and psychological support", qualification "specialist in the field of management", intended to fill the positions of deputy commander of a regiment - brigade (ship of the 1st rank) for educational work, and in subsequently, without additional education, in departments and departments of educational work of divisions, corps (squadrons), armies (flotillas). The duration of training for students at the faculty is 2 years.

In total, 19 doctors of science, 22 professors, 45 candidates of science teach at the departments of the faculty; 5 doctoral students, 27 full-time adjuncts, as well as part-time adjuncts, candidates for the academic degrees of candidate and doctor of science are undergoing scientific and pedagogical training.

Throughout the history of the faculty, graduates have received higher military education, preparing to fill the positions of deputy regiment commanders (detachment chiefs) for political affairs, and now - deputy commanders of regiments and brigades for working with personnel.

15 Financial and Economic Military Institute -

By order of the Government of the Russian Federation dated March 21, 2007 No. 307-r, the Military Financial and Economic Academy (Yaroslavl) was created on the basis of the property complexes of the Yaroslavl Military Financial and Economic Institute and the Military Financial and Economic University of the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation.


I. Requirements for candidates for enrollment as cadets

In accordance with paragraph 1 of Art. 35 of the Federal Law of March 28, 1998 No. 53-FZ “On Military Duty and Military Service” cadets are considered as candidates for admission to the Military University citizens of the Russian Federation , meeting the requirements established for citizens entering military service under a contract, having a state-issued document on secondary (complete) general, secondary vocational education or a diploma of primary vocational education, if it contains a record of the citizen receiving the appropriate education, from among:

  • citizens aged 16 to 22 years who have not served in the military;
  • citizens who have completed military service and military personnel undergoing military service upon conscription - until they reach the age of 24 years;
  • military personnel performing military service under a contract (except for officers) - until they reach the age of 24 years.

The age of applicants for study is determined as of August 1, 2013.
Candidates for enrollment in the military institute (military conductors) of the Military University must have the skills to play one of the instruments of a brass band and have training in the scope of the program of a music school or an equivalent educational institution.

II. Pre-selection of candidates
from among the military personnel

2.1. Preliminary selection of candidates from among military personnel includes determining their suitability to study at the Military University:

  • by age and education;
  • for health reasons;
  • by level of physical fitness;
  • in the category of professional suitability based on a psychological and psychophysiological examination in accordance with methodological documents developed for military commissariats and military units, as well as socio-psychological studies conducted during military service. Preliminary selection in military units is carried out by regular and non-staff professional psychological selection units.

2.2. Military personnel wishing to enroll at the Military University, until April 1, 2013. served report in the name of the commander of the military unit, in which they indicate detailed information about themselves (military rank, surname, first name, patronymic, position held, date of birth, education), as well as the name of the military educational institution, faculty and chosen specialty. Candidates for enrollment in the military institute (military conductors) of the Military University also indicate their preferred military orchestra instrument.

2.3. Attached to the report:

  • photocopy of a document (certificate, certificate, certificate, diploma) of secondary education;
  • autobiography;
  • characteristics in the form established by order of the Minister of Defense of the Russian Federation dated April 24, 2010 No. 100;
  • service card;
  • professional psychological selection card, drawn up in accordance with the Guidelines for professional psychological selection in the RF Armed Forces;
  • medical examination card and medical documents;

personal matter candidate for admission.

2.4. Military personnel who have passed preliminary selection for admission to study are sent by the formation commander to June 1 2013. to the Military University for professional selection.
Military personnel who have not passed the preliminary selection for admission to training are sent by the formation commander to the place of military service, indicating the reasons for the refusal.
2.5. Lists pre-selected candidates from among the military personnel, approved by the first deputy commanders of the formations, personal matters military personnel undergoing military service under a contract and entering the Military University are sent in accordance with the established procedure to the Military University by May 15, 2013
2.6. At the Military University with June 1 2013. with candidates from among the military personnel are carried out 25-day training camps in order to prepare them for professional selection.
2.7. Upon arrival at the Military University, but no later than one day before the meeting of the admissions committee on the issue of making a decision on enrolling a citizen for study, candidates are required to present to the admissions committee originals of documents giving the right to enter a university on preferential terms established by the legislation of the Russian Federation and original document of education , in addition, military personnel who have completed the first courses of educational institutions of higher professional education, or who have incomplete higher education (in universities with state accreditation), represent academic certificate.

III. Preliminary selection of candidates from among citizens,
those who have and have not undergone military service

3.1. Persons from among the citizens who have and have not undergone military service, who have expressed a desire to enter the Military University, submit statements to the department of the military commissariat of the constituent entity of the Russian Federation at the place of registration until April 20, 2013.

The application shall indicate: last name, first name and patronymic, date of birth, address of the candidate’s place of residence, name of the military educational institution, level of professional education, specialty in which he wishes to study. Candidates for admission to the military institute (military conductors) of the Military University also indicate the instrument of the military orchestra.

3.2. Attached to the application:

  • photocopy of birth certificate;
  • autobiography;
  • reference from the place of work, study or service in the form established by order of the Minister of Defense of the Russian Federation of 2010 No. 100;
  • a photocopy of a state-issued document on the appropriate level of education (students submit a certificate of current academic performance; persons who have completed the first and subsequent courses of educational institutions of higher professional education that have state accreditation submit an academic certificate);
  • three certified photographs (without headdress, size 4.5x6 cm);
  • a photocopy of a document proving the identity and citizenship of the candidate (passport, in its absence - an insert for the birth certificate; for those living outside the Russian Federation - a foreign passport of a citizen of the Russian Federation);
  • photocopies of documents confirming the rights of candidates in accordance with current legislation for enrollment outside of competition, their exemption from testing knowledge in general education subjects, or preferential rights for enrollment.

Registration of candidates' access to information constituting state secrets is not required.

The listed documents are generated in educational work candidate for admission.

A passport, military ID or certificate of a citizen subject to conscription for military service, an original state-issued document on the appropriate level of education, as well as original documents giving the right to enter the Military University on preferential terms established by the legislation of the Russian Federation, are presented by the candidate to the admissions committee Military University upon arrival, but no later than one day before the meeting of the admissions committee to make a decision on enrolling the candidate at the Military University.

3.3. Preliminary selection of candidates for cadets from among citizens who have not served in the military is carried out by the draft commissions of military commissariats at the place of residence of the candidates. Civilians who have completed military service are selected directly by military commissioners until May 15, 2013 and includes determining their compliance with the requirements established in section I of these Rules, and suitability to study at the Military University based on the results of a medical examination and professional psychological selection.

3.4. The decision to send candidates from among citizens who have not served in military service to the Military University for professional selection is made by the draft commissions of districts, cities (without regional division) or other municipal (administrative-territorial) entities equal to them and is announced to the candidates. For citizens who have completed military service, the decision is made by the military commissar of the district.
Personal files, medical examination cards and professional psychological selection cards of these candidates are sent by district military commissars to the Military University until May 20, 2013

3.5. Persons from among the citizens of the Russian Federation living outside the Russian Federation, who have previously served or have not undergone military service, family members of military personnel or civilian personnel of the Armed Forces who are part of a group of troops (in military units) stationed outside the Russian Federation may apply applications accompanied by the documents listed in clause 3.2 of these rules, as well as a medical examination card addressed to the head of the Military University until May 20, 2013.

Persons from among the citizens of the Russian Federation who have and have not served in military service, living outside the Russian Federation, where there are no groups of troops (military units) of the Russian Federation stationed outside the Russian Federation, no later than June 28, 2013. must arrive at the Military University with a certificate of secondary (complete) education, documents proving identity and citizenship, for consideration by the admissions committee as candidates for admission to the Military University with the preparation of the necessary documents and admission to entrance examinations. Reimbursement for travel expenses from the place of residence, and in case of non-admission, and back, is made by the Military University.

3.6. The admissions committee of the Military University, based on the consideration of received documents, accepts candidates decision on their admission to professional selection. The decision is formalized in a protocol and communicated to candidates through the relevant military commissariats, Suvorov military schools or military units stationed outside the Russian Federation until June 20, 2013 for study, indicating the time and place of entrance examinations or reasons for refusal.

3.7. Candidates admitted to professional selection, upon arrival at the Military University, but no later than one day before the meeting of the admissions committee on the issue of making a decision on enrollment, are required to submit to the admissions committee passport of a citizen of the Russian Federation, birth certificate, military ID or certificate of a citizen subject to conscription for military service, original document on secondary education,original documents giving the right to study on preferential terms established by the legislation of the Russian Federation.

The procedure for enrolling candidates as cadets at the Military University

Admission rules

Candidates who successfully pass the professional selection are entered in the appropriate order into the competition lists and, based on the results of the competition, are enrolled to study at the Military University.

Outside the competition, candidates who have successfully passed the professional selection are accepted from among:

  • orphans and children left without parental care;
  • citizens under the age of 20 who have only one parent - a disabled person of group I, if the average per capita family income is below the subsistence level established in the relevant constituent entity of the Russian Federation;
  • citizens discharged from military service and entering the Military University on the recommendations of commanders of military units;
  • participants in hostilities;
  • citizens who, in accordance with the Law of the RSFSR of May 15, 1991 No. 1244-1 “On the social protection of citizens exposed to radiation as a result of the Chernobyl nuclear power plant disaster,” were granted the right to non-competitive admission to institutions of higher professional education;
  • other citizens who, in accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation, have been granted the right to non-competitive admission to institutions of higher professional education.

When enrolling cadets in the Military University, priority rights are given to candidates who have shown equal results during the entrance examinations, from among:

  • citizens who have a preferential right to enter higher and secondary specialized educational institutions in accordance with the Law of the RSFSR dated May 15, 1991 No. 1244-1 “On the social protection of citizens exposed to radiation as a result of the disaster at the Chernobyl nuclear power plant”;
  • citizens discharged from military service;
  • children of military personnel performing military service under a contract and having a total duration of military service of 20 years or more;
  • children of citizens discharged from military service upon reaching the age limit for military service, health reasons, or in connection with or in connection with organizational and staffing events, the total duration of military service of which is 20 years or more;
  • children of military personnel who died while performing their military service duties or who died as a result of injury (wounds, trauma, concussion) or illness received by them while performing their military service duties;
  • other citizens who, in accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation, are given preferential rights when entering universities.

Candidates from among the following are exempt from testing knowledge in general education subjects:
military personnel who served in conscription and at the same time performed tasks in an armed conflict of a non-international nature in the Chechen Republic and in the immediately adjacent territories of the North Caucasus, classified as an armed conflict zone;

  • graduates of Suvorov military schools awarded a medal (gold or silver) “For special achievements in teaching”;
  • persons who graduated with medals (gold or silver) “For special achievements in learning” from state accredited educational institutions of secondary (full) general or primary vocational education, as well as persons who graduated with honors from state accredited educational institutions of secondary vocational education, with positive the results of the interview (the decision to conduct an interview or take exams is made by the chairman of the selection committee);
  • other citizens who, in accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation, are exempt from testing knowledge in general education subjects upon admission to universities.

The exercise of a candidate's rights to exempt him from testing his knowledge in general education subjects, the preferential right upon admission or the right to non-competitive admission is carried out only if his educational file contains certified copies of documents confirming this right.

Preparatory courses

The Federal State Treasury Military Educational Institution of Higher Education "Military University" of the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation (hereinafter referred to as the Military University) was created in 1994 on the basis of the Humanitarian Academy of the Armed Forces and the Military Academy of Economics, Finance and Law of the Russian Armed Forces.

The Military University is the legal successor of the Military-Political Order of Lenin, the October Revolution, the Red Banner Academy. V.I. Lenin, the Humanitarian Academy of the Armed Forces, the Military Red Banner Institute of the Ministry of Defense, the Military Academy of Economics, Finance and Law, the Lvov Higher Military-Political Order of the Red Star School, the Yaroslavl Military-Financial Academy and the Moscow Military Conservatory.

The day of formation of the Military University was set on November 5 (the day of the formation of the Teachers' Institute of the Red Army in 1919).

The main staff structural divisions of the university include:

  • military institute (military conductors);
  • ten faculties (military-humanitarian, internal troops, financial-economic, military-legal, prosecutorial-investigative, foreign languages, retraining and advanced training, special, moral and psychological support for troops, extra-budgetary);
  • 50 departments;
  • Center (linguistic Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation);
  • Center (psychological work of the RF Armed Forces);
  • Scientific Research Center (Sociological Armed Forces of the Russian Federation);
  • Research Center (military scientific information, military legal problems);
  • Research Center (fundamental military-historical problems)
  • research laboratories, departments and services, support units.

The Military University trains foreign military personnel from 21 countries: Abkhazia, Azerbaijan, Armenia, Angola, Afghanistan, Belarus, Vietnam, Nicaragua, Congo, Kazakhstan, Cambodia, Kyrgyzstan, Laos, Mongolia, Syria, Tajikistan, Turkmenistan, South Ossetia, Cuba, Mozambique, Egypt.

With his feet a person must grow into
the land of their homeland, but the eyes
let the whole world see it.

D. Santayana

Military University of the Russian Defense Ministry

The date of creation of the university is considered to be November 5, 1994. The university was created on the basis of the Military Academy of Economics, Finance and Law of the Russian Armed Forces and the Humanitarian Academy of the Russian Armed Forces. This association was the first experience in creating a single educational institution that trains officers in such different areas.

VUMO of the Russian Federation trains specialists for the needs of the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation, for all executive authorities and for the armed forces of 22 countries near and far abroad.

In 2003, the first extra-budgetary faculty in the history of higher military education was organized to provide tuition for civilians. Year after year this faculty is becoming more and more popular.

In 2011, the staff of VUMO of the Russian Federation received the award “For a high level of professional, research, cultural and educational activities,” and the head of the university became a laureate of the international award “For Contribution to World Science.”

Military University of the Russian Defense Ministry: training

The university has a perpetual license to conduct educational activities and a certificate of state accreditation issued in 2011.

The main goal of the Military University is to train and retrain high-quality officers with higher professional education, taking into account state educational standards, the requirements of the troops and the prospects for organizing a professional army.

At this stage of its existence, VUMO RF has become a multidisciplinary educational institution, the main scientific and educational center of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation. Officers are trained in 13 different areas of command, humanitarian, financial and economic, philological, military conductor and legal profiles.

The Sociological and Linguistic Centers of the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation take part in the educational process. Education at the university is conducted by 54 departments.

Faculties of VUMO RF:
financial and economic;
prosecutorial and investigative;
military legal;
retraining and advanced training;
military conductors;
internal troops of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia;
foreign military information and foreign languages;

For military personnel discharged from military service, the university provides professional retraining in 16 different civilian specialties.
Since 2011, VUMO of the Russian Federation has been training officers using a two-level training system, that is, there are bachelor's and master's degrees. There is also a postgraduate course and dissertation councils operating here.

The dormitories for cadets have been completely refurbished and meet the standards of modern social security.

Training camps for military personnel and the selection of candidates professionally suitable for enrollment as cadets are carried out at the training center of the Military University, located in the Shchelkovsky district of the Moscow region.

For more detailed information, you can visit the website of the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation, which has a page dedicated to the Military University of the Russian Ministry of Defense. On the page you can find contact details of the admissions committee, preparatory courses and other information useful to applicants and their parents.

Military University of the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation - qualified personnel for the Russian army!

: VUMO RF Military University of the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation (VUMO RF)

The Military University of the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation (VUMO RF) was created in 1994 on the basis of the Humanitarian Academy of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation and the Military Academy of Economics, Finance and Law of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation and is a leading center for training officers with higher military-professional education in the following areas: such as jurisprudence, philology, finance, economics, linguistics and others.

Training at VUMO is conducted in 13 areas of training, 22 foreign languages ​​are studied. The Military University has 8 faculties, a military institute (military conductors), and a Linguistic and Sociological Center of the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation. For officers of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation there is a faculty of retraining and advanced training, where annually more than 1000 officers receive the necessary additional knowledge.

Since 2003, the “Extrabudgetary” faculty has been operating, which allowed civilians for the first time in the history of military universities to receive higher education here on a paid basis. Applicants without age restrictions can apply to the faculty. There is no military department at the faculty.

Admission to VUMO occurs in several stages. Firstly, everyone who has not served in the army must submit an application to the military commissariat department at the place of registration no later than April 20. In addition to copies of basic documents, the application must be accompanied by a reference from the place of work or study and an autobiography. Preliminary selection is carried out by draft commissions at the place of residence. Those who pass the first selection are admitted to professional selection - determination of suitability based on physical and psychological health and entrance examinations (Unified State Examination score competition in general education subjects, physical training, and for those entering the specialty “Conducting a military brass band” an additional creative exam is held). It's quite difficult to do.

There are age restrictions for applicants: the applicant must be from 16 to 22 years old if he has not served in the military, and no more than 24 years old for those who have served or are active military personnel.

Girls can only enter the faculty of foreign languages ​​and extra-budgetary.

Full-time preparatory courses lasting 7 months are available for applicants. Training takes place in the evening three times a week. Preparation is carried out in basic general education subjects. Training is paid.

The Military University operates a barracks system - all junior cadets live in the barracks, senior cadets and students of the extra-budgetary faculty live in dormitories and the city.

University graduates upon completion of their studies enter service in the Armed Forces, work in the GRU, FSB, FSO, in the State Duma, the Federation Council, and the Ministry of Foreign Affairs. Traditionally, VUMO produces very “strong” military translators. The main “customers” of graduates are the Main Personnel Directorate, the Main Military Prosecutor’s Office, the Ministry of Emergency Situations and other law enforcement agencies. Also, one of the important areas is the training of military specialists for the armed forces of foreign states.

VUMO is one of the best higher military educational institutions in Russia, which confirms the title of “The best institution in Europe in the field of education”, awarded to the university in 2012.

Official website of VUMO RF.

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