Legendary Soviet phrases - πάπυρος. Catchphrases from Soviet films

Buying a higher education diploma means securing a happy and successful future for yourself. Nowadays, without documents of higher education you will not be able to get a job anywhere. Only with a diploma can you try to get into a place that will bring not only benefits, but also pleasure from the work performed. Financial and social success, high social status - this is what possessing a higher education diploma brings.

Immediately after finishing their last school year, most of yesterday's students already know for sure which university they want to enroll in. But life is unfair, and situations are different. You may not get into your chosen and desired university, and other educational institutions seem unsuitable for a variety of reasons. Such a “trips” in life can knock any person out of the saddle. However, the desire to become successful does not go away.

The reason for the lack of a diploma may also be the fact that you were unable to take a budget place. Unfortunately, the cost of education, especially at a prestigious university, is very high, and prices are constantly creeping up. These days, not all families can pay for their children’s education. So a financial issue can also cause a lack of educational documents.

The same problems with money can become a reason for yesterday’s high school student to go to work in construction instead of university. If family circumstances suddenly change, for example, the breadwinner passes away, there will be nothing to pay for education, and the family needs to live on something.

It also happens that everything goes well, you manage to successfully enter a university and everything is fine with your studies, but love happens, a family is formed and you simply don’t have enough energy or time to study. In addition, much more money is needed, especially if a child appears in the family. Paying for tuition and supporting a family is extremely expensive and you have to sacrifice your diploma.

An obstacle to obtaining higher education may also be the fact that the university chosen for the specialty is located in another city, perhaps quite far from home. Studying there can be hampered by parents who do not want to let their child go, the fears that a young man who has just graduated from school may experience in front of an unknown future, or the same lack of necessary funds.

As you can see, there are a huge number of reasons for not getting the required diploma. However, the fact remains that without a diploma, counting on a well-paid and prestigious job is a waste of time. At this moment, the realization comes that it is necessary to somehow solve this issue and get out of the current situation. Anyone who has time, energy and money decides to go to university and get a diploma through the official route. Everyone else has two options - not to change anything in their lives and remain to vegetate on the outskirts of fate, and the second, more radical and courageous - to buy a specialist, bachelor's or master's degree. You can also purchase any document in Moscow

However, those people who want to get settled in life need a document that will be no different from the original document. That is why it is necessary to pay maximum attention to the choice of the company to which you will entrust the creation of your diploma. Take your choice with maximum responsibility, in this case you will have a great chance to successfully change the course of your life.

In this case, no one will ever be interested in the origin of your diploma - you will be assessed solely as a person and an employee.

Purchasing a diploma in Russia is very easy!

Our company successfully fulfills orders for a variety of documents - buy a certificate for 11 classes, order a college diploma or purchase a vocational school diploma and much more. Also on our website you can buy marriage and divorce certificates, order birth and death certificates. We carry out work in a short time, and undertake the creation of documents for urgent orders.

We guarantee that by ordering any documents from us, you will receive them on time, and the papers themselves will be of excellent quality. Our documents are no different from the originals, since we use only real GOZNAK forms. This is the same type of documents that an ordinary university graduate receives. Their complete identity guarantees your peace of mind and the ability to get any job without the slightest problem.

To place an order, you only need to clearly define your desires by selecting the desired type of university, specialty or profession, and also indicating the correct year of graduation from the higher educational institution. This will help confirm your story about your studies if you are asked about receiving your diploma.

Our company has been successfully working on creating diplomas for a long time, so it knows perfectly well how to prepare documents for different years of graduation. All our diplomas correspond to the smallest details with similar original documents. Confidentiality of your order is a law for us that we never violate.

We will quickly complete your order and deliver it to you just as quickly. To do this, we use the services of couriers (for delivery within the city) or transport companies that transport our documents throughout the country.

We are confident that the diploma purchased from us will be the best assistant in your future career.

Advantages of purchasing a diploma

Purchasing a diploma with entry into the register has the following advantages:

  • Saving time for many years of training.
  • The ability to acquire any higher education diploma remotely, even in parallel with studying at another university. You can have as many documents as you wish.
  • A chance to indicate the desired grades in the “Appendix”.
  • Saving a day on the purchase, while officially receiving a diploma with posting in St. Petersburg costs much more than a finished document.
  • Official proof of study at a higher education institution in the specialty you require.
  • Having a higher education in St. Petersburg will open all the roads for quick career advancement.

On October 26, 1932, Stalin called writers “engineers of human souls.” This definition immediately became a “meme.” Of course, in the USSR they did not know this word, but there were more aphorisms with a viral effect in the Union than in modern Russia. The role of propaganda in the USSR has never been underestimated. Socialist realism as a creative method was created largely to glorify the merits of Soviet power. Writers in the USSR were free in their artistic ambitions to a certain point. When “engineering developments” went beyond the boundaries of the Party Plans, the reality for the “engineers” could change beyond recognition. Camps, exile and even executions were the answer for miscalculations.

2. “There is NO SEX IN THE USSR!”

One of the favorite phrases of anti-Soviet people of all stripes, with the help of which they wanted to demonstrate the absurdity of the Soviet way of life. In fact, with this meme, not everything was so simple: journalism calls it a phrase taken out of its context. It was heard in 1986 during the Moscow-Boston teleconference “Women Talking to Women.” An American woman asked: “In our TV advertising everything revolves around sex. Do you have such TV advertising?” An unknown Soviet woman stood up and answered: “We don’t have sex, and we are categorically against it!” Of course, the participant in the teleconference meant erotica and pornography, and not the absence of sexual intercourse as a fact in the Soviet Union. However, the meme has firmly settled in the minds of citizens: for example, it was adopted by some Soviet women who, jokingly, cut off the sexual claims of their gentlemen.


This positive phrase was spoken by Joseph Stalin at the congress of “Stakhanovite” workers in 1935. Over time, after Khrushchev condemned the Stalinist cult, this meme began to be uttered to summarize some unpopular decision of the authorities: the monetary reform of 1961, the abolition of payments on government loans, an increase in food prices. The heroes of the film “Operation Y” paraphrase this meme. “Living, as they say, is good, but living well is even better!”.


This call was the most widespread and recognizable in the USSR, since it stood as a slogan in every Soviet newspaper. However, ordinary people did not fully understand the greatness of this phrase and used it as an invitation to have a drink after a working day.


The meme appeared in the element of the Russian language with the light hand of Vasily Lebedev Kumach, who wrote the song “Soviet Simple Man” of almost the same name in 1946. In particular, there were these words:
Walks proudly along the pole,
Changes the movement of rivers
High mountains are moving
Soviet common man.
It is curious that over time, Soviet citizens began to use this meme (with evil irony) in relation to various kinds of swindlers “living on unearned income.” Probably due to the fact that the latter often hid behind the title of “simple Soviet man” during police interrogations.


This phrase was uttered by the writer Anatoly Safronov in 1958 at a meeting of the Union of Soviet Writers, at which Boris Pasternak was condemned for publishing his novel “Doctor Zhivago” abroad. During the late USSR, this meme was used to mock Soviet reactionary critics who opposed the publication in the Soviet Union of works by Alexander Solzhenitsyn, Leonid Grossman, Vladimir Voinovich and others condemning the policy of Stalinist repression.
Around the same time, the phrase was adopted by school literature teachers who egged on careless students.


This meme has firmly settled in the “phrase book” of the Soviet citizen: fathers scolded their sons with its help, shop foreman scolded lazy workers, local police officers scolded parasites. In addition, the phrase was replicated in millions of Soviet posters. The basis was a quote from one of Lenin’s works, where the leader of the USSR wrote: “He who does not work, neither shall he eat” - this is clear to every worker.” However, few people knew that Ilyich borrowed a phrase from the New Testament, the second letter of the Apostle Paul to the Thessalonians, which says: “For when we were with you, we commanded you this: if anyone does not want to work, neither should he eat.” The phrase was “inverted” in the film “Operation “Y” and other adventures of Shurik” and sounded in a new way as “Who does not work, eats. Study, student."

(USSR (Union of Soviet Socialist Republics, also Soviet Union) - a state that existed from 1922 to 1991 on the territory of Eastern Europe, Northern, part of Central and Eastern Asia.)

Wise sayings about the USSR (Soviet Union)

“The indestructible union of free republics

Great Rus' united forever.

Long live the one created by the will of the peoples

United, mighty Soviet Union!”

Sergey Mikhalkov, El-Registan


I get it
from wide legs
priceless cargo.
I -
Soviet Union.”

V. Mayakovsky

“Who doesn’t regret the breakup Soviet Union, he has no heart; whoever wants to recreate it in its previous form has no head.”

USSR“It’s a cross between Earth and Mars.”

“Yes, in Soviet Union There was a lot of bad stuff, but there was a lot of good stuff too. The villainous Bolsheviks had at least three great achievements to their credit that were too much for the monarchy: they fed the hungry, educated the illiterate, and defeated German imperialism.”

B. Akunin

Russia, of course, is not Soviet Union, who undoubtedly played a leading role in world politics.”

E. Primakov

“Like so many empires that came before, Soviet Union ultimately exploded from within and splintered into pieces, falling victim not so much to direct military defeat as to a process of disintegration accelerated by economic and social problems.”

Z. Brzezinski

“Not a single country, not a single people of the anti-Hitler coalition suffered such heavy victims as Soviet Union, and no one has put so much effort into defeating the enemy who threatened all of humanity.”

“For the last ten years, the policy towards USSR and its allies convincingly proved the correctness of the course we have taken to eliminate one of the strongest powers in the world, as well as the strongest military bloc. ... We achieved what President Truman set out to do with Soviet Union through an atomic bomb. True, with one significant difference - we received an appendage of raw materials, and not a state destroyed by an atom, which would not have been easy to create. Yes, we spent many billions of dollars on this, and they are already close to what the Russians call self-sufficiency.”

B. Clinton

“...was it worth changing the evil empire to an evil banana republic that imports bananas from Finland.”

V. Pelevin

“The defeat of the Soviet system is a blow of epochal significance. After this, it is pointless to count on a high position of our country in the world community, similar to the one it occupied during the times USSR.”

A. Zinoviev

Soviet Union prohibits agitating for the assertion that two plus two is five, while fascist dictatorships prohibit proving that two plus two is four.”

L. Feuchtwanger

“The core element of any US policy regarding Soviet Union there must be a long-term, patient, but firm and vigilant containment of Russia’s expansionist tendencies.”

J. Kennan

“You can’t mix USSR with Russia, Soviet power with the Russian people, executioner with victim.”

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