Personal qualities of a creative person. Creative people are playful but disciplined.

The thinking of creative people constantly requires digging within themselves and generating new ideas, of which there are more and more every day. Thanks to these ideas, creative people can improve their lives in one way or another.

Desire to ask questions

Very creative mind. He actively tortures himself with a large number of questions and diligently seeks answers to them. In this it is similar to the mind of a child.

The ability to start thinking from scratch

This is the second quality that creative thinkers have, which means they use “thinking from the ground up.” This means asking yourself the question: “I wonder if I would start doing this if I didn’t know what I know and didn’t do what I’m doing now?”

And if such a person answers this question in the negative, then he stops doing this task and takes up some other activity. It is simply amazing how many smart people continue to persistently do something for which they have no desire at all.

Readiness for change

The third quality of these people is that they are willing to accept change. They are well aware that in our lives, unwillingness or inability to change leads to sad consequences. And if you want to be responsible for your life, then you must not only adapt to life changes, but also make these changes yourself.

It is believed that 70% of the decisions we make along the path of life later turn out to be wrong, which you can read about at Based on this statement, a person should be ready to change his mind at any moment and start doing something new.

Ability to recognize incorrect judgments

The fourth quality of creative individuals is the willingness to calmly admit that their judgments are wrong. People expend a lot of energy to protect themselves from the idea that they made the wrong decision. And creative people are flexible in this regard. They can change their minds and admit the fact that they were wrong.

Training without interruptions

Truly creative people freely admit that they may not know something. After all, it is impossible to know everything.

It doesn't matter what problem you have. Anyway, someone has most likely already solved it. And that means there is a solution to this problem. The easiest way to solve any problem is to find a ready-made solution and try to repeat it. That's what you need to experience the mistakes of other people so that you can apply it in your practice.


Creative people stubbornly follow their goal. They know well what exactly they want. They present their goal as if it is already real. And the more they visualize their goals, the more they come up with methods to achieve them. This means they get to what they want faster.

Controlling your ego

The seventh quality of a creative person is that his ego does not play a big role in his decision making. He is willing to accept a good idea from any source.

Creativity is not a rare privilege of extraordinary individuals. Most people create something new in their daily lives. Each person creates his own ideas and puts them into public use. In turn, he draws ideas from his social environment, updates and enriches his views, skills, knowledge and culture with new elements.

Differences between people in this regard are only quantitative; they determine greater or lesser socially significant value what this or that person creates.

Creative abilitythis is a special ability to rearrange elements in the field of consciousness in an original way so that this restructuring provides the ability to perform new operations in the field of phenomena. This definition assumes the existence of two "fields" − fields of consciousness, And fields of phenomena, that is, the physical environment from which a person receives information. All people create, at least in childhood. But for many this function atrophies quite quickly; For some, it not only remains, but also develops, and constitutes the goal and meaning of their entire life.

Science is a means of creating new knowledge. Therefore, when solving scientific problems, the realization of human creative potential requires possession of the necessary knowledge. Scientific creativity is available only to professionals, specialists who, with the help of imagination, create images and concepts that have universal value.

All science can be divided into "primary" And "secondary". The first is the sphere of obtaining fundamental knowledge. The second is the sphere of development and practical (applied) use of fundamental knowledge. Both spheres closely interact with each other and cannot exist without each other.

For geophysics, the lack of understanding by academic and ministerial authorities of the fundamental importance of this interaction turned out to be far from harmless. Geophysical science was artificially divided along departmental lines into fundamental (academic research institutes) and applied (industry research institutes of the Ministry of Geosciences and the Ministry of Oil Industry). This division has become one of the reasons for the current crisis in domestic geophysics.

When analyzing creative activity, it is important to distinguish between concepts such as "creation" And "productivity". A productive scientist can, without having high creative potential, be an excellent systematizer, formalizing and developing into a specific system ideas and hypotheses proposed by other specialists (this is the sphere of “secondary” science). A scientist with great creative potential may be unproductive in terms of the number of scientific works he creates. But we can point out many scientists who simultaneously combined high creative potential with high productivity (Euler, Gauss, Helmholtz, Mendeleev, N.I. Vavilov, L.D. Landau, I.E. Tamm, N.V. Timofeev-Resovsky, V. P. Efroimson, A. A. Lyubishchev).

Creativity is not a rare privilege of extraordinary individuals. Most people create something new in their daily lives. Each person creates his own ideas and puts them into public use. In turn, he draws ideas from his social environment, updates and enriches his views, skills, knowledge and culture with new elements.

Differences between people in this regard are only quantitative; they determine greater or lesser socially significant value what this or that person creates.

Creative abilitythis is a special ability to rearrange elements in the field of consciousness in an original way so that this restructuring provides the ability to perform new operations in the field of phenomena. This definition assumes the existence of two "fields" − fields of consciousness, And fields of phenomena, that is, the physical environment from which a person receives information. All people create, at least in childhood. But for many this function atrophies quite quickly; For some, it not only remains, but also develops, and constitutes the goal and meaning of their entire life.

Science is a means of creating new knowledge. Therefore, when solving scientific problems, the realization of human creative potential requires possession of the necessary knowledge. Scientific creativity is available only to professionals, specialists who, with the help of imagination, create images and concepts that have universal value.

All science can be divided into "primary" And "secondary". The first is the sphere of obtaining fundamental knowledge. The second is the sphere of development and practical (applied) use of fundamental knowledge. Both spheres closely interact with each other and cannot exist without each other.

For geophysics, the lack of understanding by academic and ministerial authorities of the fundamental importance of this interaction turned out to be far from harmless. Geophysical science was artificially divided along departmental lines into fundamental (academic research institutes) and applied (industry research institutes of the Ministry of Geosciences and the Ministry of Oil Industry). This division has become one of the reasons for the current crisis in domestic geophysics.

When analyzing creative activity, it is important to distinguish between concepts such as "creation" And "productivity". A productive scientist can, without having high creative potential, be an excellent systematizer, formalizing and developing into a specific system ideas and hypotheses proposed by other specialists (this is the sphere of “secondary” science). A scientist with great creative potential may be unproductive in terms of the number of scientific works he creates. But we can point out many scientists who simultaneously combined high creative potential with high productivity (Euler, Gauss, Helmholtz, Mendeleev, N.I. Vavilov, L.D. Landau, I.E. Tamm, N.V. Timofeev-Resovsky, V. P. Efroimson, A. A. Lyubishchev).

A gifted person is like a bright star in the sky, requiring special attention. It is necessary to take care of him so that he turns into a beautiful, full of energy star. Creating conditions that stimulate the development of creative thinking is one of the most important goals when working with gifted children.

It remains for us, teachers, to discern, distinguish, and reveal the deep meaning of children's insight. And, illuminated by their light, consciously return this meaning to children in order to encourage and push them to further creative insights...



Orlova Lilia Fedorovna,

senior teacher

MBDOU TsRR – kindergarten “Malysh”

village Cheryomushki, Republic of Khakassia

Formation of the qualities of a creative personality

Human talent is

a small sprout, barely pro-

pecked from the ground and three-

attracting enormous attention

mania. It is necessary to groom and cherish, look after him, make

everything necessary for him to

grew and bore abundant fruit.

V.A. Sukhomlinsky

A gifted person is like a bright star in the sky, requiring special attention. It is necessary to take care of it so that it turns into a beautiful, full of energy star.

In most scientific concepts, giftedness and the prerequisites for its development are associated with the creative capabilities and abilities of the child, defined as creativity Creativity (from the English create - create, create) are the creative abilities of an individual, characterized by a readiness to accept and create fundamentally new ideas that deviate from traditional or accepted patterns of thinking and are included in the structure of giftedness as an independent factor, as well as the ability to solve problems. According to American psychologist Abraham Maslow, this is a creative orientation,innately characteristic of everyone,but lost by the majority under the influence of the existing system of upbringing, education and social practice.

At the household level creativity manifests itself as savvy - the ability to achieve goals, find a way out of various situations, using the environment, objects and circumstances in an unusual way. In a broad sense, it is an unconventional and ingenious solution to a problem. And, as a rule, with ordinary tools or resources, if the need is material.

Creativity can manifest itself in thinking, communication, and in certain types of activities.

One of the important directions in the development of creativity in preschool children is the formation of the qualities of a creative personality.This involves solving the following problems:

1. Formation of independence of thinking, i.e. the ability to find your own solution, original answers, openly express bold ideas and hypotheses, defending your own opinion.

2. Development of purposefulness and perseverance when searching for problems, the desire to complete the work started.

3. Formation of accepting criticism without offense, from a positive position, expressing criticism of other people with a desire to help.

4. Development of the desire to sympathize and worry about people, animals, and plants.

5. Encouraging initiative, independence, and ingenuity in the child.

6. Developing the ability to maintain confidence in one’s abilities, despite temporary difficulties and failures.

Giftedness – a combination of three characteristics: above-average intellectual abilities, creativity and perseverance.

Thus, the necessary signs of giftedness necessarily includethe child’s intellectual development is above the average age level, since only this level provides the basis for creative productivity.

Only whenhigh creativity is combined with a high level of intelligence, there is good adaptation to the social environment, emotional balance, independence, high and prolonged creative activity.

As a rule, gifted children are interested in any field of science. They have many ideas and desires. The teacher’s task is to support them and help them realize themselves.

Creating conditions that stimulate the development of creative thinking is one of the most important goals when working with gifted children. According to the results of many studies, the development of children's creativity occurs when direct educational activities are organized in conditions favorable to creativity: the creation of situations of success, the incompleteness of the problems under consideration (what happened, what needs to be thought about, to get to the truth, to approach heuristic finds), the emergence of more and more new and more complex questions, a great desire in search activities (to find answers!), creating an atmosphere of understanding. In addition, it is necessary to constantly emphasize responsibility and independence, and to focus parents’ attention on the interests of their children. At the same time, it is advisable to pay attention to special training in various aspects of creative thinking: searching for problems, putting forward hypotheses of alternativeness and originality.

When working with gifted children, you need to use the following:conceptual provisions:stimulation of individual research interest, group creativity, involvement in productive creative activity.

How to teach? – learn to find unusual, non-standard solutions.

The range of creative tasks is unusually wide in complexity - from solving a puzzle to inventing a new machine. Solving these problems requires observation, the ability to analyze, combine, etc. - all that together constitutes creative abilities. It is easier for a person with a creative mind to find a creative twist in a business and achieve high results. But nature is not generous with talents, they, like diamonds, are rare, but the same nature has endowed every child with the opportunity to develop. And such development should begin not when a person has become a specialist, but much earlier. Training an inventor, just like an athlete, is a long process.How? Introduce TRIZ (separate elements of the theory and methodology for solving inventive problems).

Currently, technical TRIZ techniques and methods are successfully used in kindergartens to develop inventive ingenuity, creative imagination, and dialectical thinking in preschoolers.

The purpose of TRIZ is not just to develop children’s imagination, but to teach them to think systematically, with an understanding of the processes taking place.

Tool for working with children- pedagogical search.

If the child does not ask a question, then the teacher asks it himself: “What would happen if...”

Class - not a form, but a search for truth.


I. Search for the essence.

Children are presented with a problem (question) that needs to be solved. And everyone is looking for different solutions, for what is true.

P. “The Mystery of the Double” - identifying contradictions: good - bad (for example: the sun is good and bad. Good - it warms, bad - it can burn). The beginning of thought and intelligence is where the child looks for contradictions.

III. Resolving contradictions (with the help of games and fairy tales).For example: you need a large umbrella to hide under it from the rain, but you also need a small one to carry it in your bag. The solution to this contradiction is a folding umbrella.

Techniques for resolving contradictions:

1. Change in the state of aggregation of a substance (water in a sieve - freeze and transfer in a sieve).

2. Change in time (speed up time and grow). Solving fairytale problems and inventing new fairy tales. How to save Kolobok from the Fox?

  1. historical: how was the wheel, airplane, fork, pencil, etc. invented?
  2. on walks: who is the mother of the wind, who are his friends, what does the wind whisper about, what does the wind argue with the sun?
  3. empathy technique: what does this bush feel, is the tree in pain?

There are techniques for resolving contradictions in kindergarten.

Crusher - fragmentation and unification (union of kids in a fairy tale to cope with the wolf).

Matryoshka - matryoshka principle (one in one).

Toropyzhka - the principle of preliminary action and anti-action (Masha climbed into the basket to get to her grandparents).

Parrot - principle of copying.

Good Wizard- turn harm into benefit, evil into good.

Fidget - the principle of dynamism.

I don't want to - the “vice versa” principle.

Simulation methodlittle people, which is used in classes to familiarize themselves with surrounding objects and their properties.

An important point in the process of organizing developmental activities is the creation in children motivation, which is based on the basic needs of preschool children. Psychologists note that a child develops very earlythe need for awareness of one’s importance, recognition, self-affirmation,which a child can realize in a play situation.

It is in the game that the preschooler’s need to act independently, actively, like an adult is realized. Sometimes to solve problems they needturn into wizards, artists, tailors, designers etc.

A strong incentive that motivates preschoolers to activity is the motive of personal benefit, which cannot be ignored when conducting creative activities. It is also significant for preschoolersneed to communicate with adults.The communication process should be accompanied only by positive emotions: the joy of new knowledge, the joy of discovery, the joy of creativity, satisfaction with praise. It is important for teachers to give up the habit of “telling children”; they need to learntalk to them.

Gradually, it becomes most significant for older preschoolerscognitive need.

Along with cognitive, in older age,the need for creation.Its role is especially great in the development of the child’s creative potential.

It remains for us, teachers, to discern, distinguish, and reveal the deep meaning of children's insight. And, illuminated by their light, consciously return this meaning to children in order to encourage and push them to further creative insights.


  1. “Working with gifted children: searches and finds/according to Art. L. Golovanova/ Magazine “Public Education” – 2004. - No. 7.
  2. “Learn together” / according to Art. M. Nefedova / Magazine for parents “Family and School” - 1992. – No. 1-3.
  3. “A gifted teacher required”/according to Art. Veronica Sorokina / Magazine of caring parents “Schoolchildren’s Health” - 2006. - No. 10.
  4. Prokhorova L.N. Traveling around Fantalia. Practical materials on the development of creative activity of preschool children. – St. Petersburg: “Childhood-Press”, 2000.

1. A worthy goal - new (not yet achieved), significant, socially useful. Fifteen-year-old schoolboy Nurbey Gulia decided to create a super-capacity battery. He worked in this direction for more than a quarter of a century. I came to the conclusion that the required battery is the flywheel; I started making flywheels – on my own, at home. Year after year he improved the flywheel and solved many inventive problems. He persistently walked towards the goal (one stroke: Gulia received AS 1048196 in 1983 - according to an application made back in 1964; 19 years of struggle for recognition of the invention!). In the end, Gulia created super flywheels that surpass all other types of batteries in terms of specific stored power.

2. A set of real work plans for achieving the goal and regular monitoring of the implementation of these plans. The goal remains a vague dream unless a package of plans is developed - for 10 years, for 5 years, for a year. And if there is no control over the implementation of these plans - every day, every month.

Ideally, you need a system (described by D. Granin in the book “This Strange Life”), which was followed by the biologist A.A. Lyubishchev. This is a regular accounting of hours worked, a systematic fight against time loss.

In most cases, plans include acquiring the knowledge necessary to achieve a goal. Often this knowledge turns out to be outside the scope of the existing specialty - you have to start from scratch. M.K. Čiurlionis, having conceived a synthesis of music and painting, went to elementary art school (and by this time he was a highly qualified professional musician): together with teenagers he learned the basics of painting.

3. High efficiency in implementing planned plans. There must be a solid daily “output” - in hours or units of production. Only auxiliary work - compiling a personal file - requires about three hours a day. Card index V.A. Obrucheva contained 30 pounds (!) of neatly written sheets of notebook format. After J. Verne, I remind you, there was a card index of 20,000 notebooks left.

4. Good problem solving technique. On the way to a goal, it is usually necessary to solve dozens, sometimes hundreds of inventive problems. You need to be able to solve them. Biographers of Auguste Piccard write: “The invention of the bathyscaphe is fundamentally different from many other inventions, often accidental and, in any case, intuitive. Piccard came to his discovery only thanks to a systematic, thoughtful search for a solution”... Of course, in Piccard’s time there was no TRIZ, but the creator of the stratospheric balloon and bathyscaphe knew how to see technical contradictions and had a good set of techniques, even by modern standards. It is no coincidence that many of the problems solved at one time by Piccard became firmly established in TRIZ problems - as training exercises.

5. The ability to defend your ideas - “the ability to take a blow.” Forty years passed from the dream of going underwater to the actual launching of the first submersible. Over the years, Auguste Piccard had to experience a lot: lack of funds, mockery of journalists, resistance from specialists. When, finally, it was possible to prepare the bathyscaphe for the “Great Dive” (descent to the maximum depth of the ocean), Piccard was almost 70 years old, he was forced to refuse personal participation in the dive: the bathyscaphe was led by his son Jacques. Piccard, however, did not give up. He began work on a new invention - the mesoscape, an apparatus for exploring medium depths.

6. Effectiveness. If there are the five qualities listed above, there should be partial positive results no longer on the way to the goal. The absence of such results is an alarming symptom. It is necessary to check whether the goal has been chosen correctly and whether there are any serious miscalculations in planning.

The structure of the technology for developing the creative potential of an individual includes the following main components:

1. Preliminary diagnosis of the level of creative development;

2. Motivation (represents one of the leading areas of work);

3. Organization of creative activities. Certain conditions must be created to promote the development of the creative potential of the individual and its realization.

4. Quality control of creative activities. Considerable attention must be paid to the control process. When using the methodology, the main attention should be focused on the process of organizing creative activity and creating certain conditions conducive to its effective implementation.

5. Determining whether the results obtained correspond to those planned. Objective and reflective analyzes of the effectiveness of the work performed. Identification of difficulties and problems in re. The process of development of creative potential and the transition from reproductive to productive activity is clearly visible when considering the three types of creativity identified by G.S. Altshuller and I.M. Vertkin. The authors consider the application of a known solution to a known problem to be creativity of the first type (the simplest). Creativity of the second type is a new application of a known solution or a new solution to an old problem, that is, a solution by means that are not accepted, not familiar in this area. With creativity of the third type, a fundamentally new solution is found for a fundamentally new problem. For the development of society, as the authors note, any type of creativity is important. But its first type directly implements progress, and the second and third types solve the problems of the distant future, making the necessary adjustments.

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