The boat of love crashed into Mayakovsky’s everyday life. Vladimir Mayakovsky: The love boat crashed on Brick

From which work is the phrase “the love boat crashed into everyday life”? and got the best answer

Answer from Hema Malini[expert]
Already the second one. You must have gone to bed.
In the night the Milky Way is a silver eye.
I'm in no hurry, and lightning telegrams
I don't need to wake you up or bother you.
As they say, the incident is ruined.

We are even with you. There's no need for a list
mutual pains, troubles and insults.
Look how quiet the world is.
The night covered the sky with starry tribute.
At hours like these you get up and talk
centuries, history and the universe.

Reply from Vladimir[guru]
12 chairs

Reply from Benefits[guru]
From rough sketches in the last notebooks of the poet Vladimir Vladimirovich Mayakovsky (1893-1930), which are usually published under the title “Unfinished” (1928-1930) in their original form - in compliance with the author’s spelling, without punctuation:
the sea goes back The sea goes to sleep, As they say, the incident is ruined, the love boat crashed into everyday life We are even with you And there is no need for a list of mutual pains and grievances
Allegorically: about the cause of family troubles, when the romantic period of meetings and falling in love ended, and life together began with its everyday problems (jokingly ironic).

Reply from Matilda[guru]
The love boat crashed into everyday life.
Don't blame the boat for that,
The burden has accumulated in her from petty grievances,
Forgive each other, forgive...
But the boat stubbornly strives to the bottom,
Forgive each other, we have forgiven,
But, alas, they didn’t take into account one thing,
Forget, forget everything, don’t forget...
Vadim Zimchuk
The love boat crashed into everyday life... "
From a note by V. Mayakovsky
It must be the second time you went to bed
In the night the Milky Way with a silver eye
I'm in no hurry and lightning telegrams
I don't need to wake you up or bother you
as they say the incident is ruined
love boat crashed into everyday life
We are even with you and there is no need for a list
mutual pain, troubles and insults
Look how quiet the world is
The night has covered the sky with starry tribute
at hours like these you get up and talk
centuries of history and the universe
printed without punctuation,
like in Mayakovsky's notebook

Reply from Inna Zakharycheva[guru]
12 chairs

Reply from 3 answers[guru]

Hello! Here is a selection of topics with answers to your question: from which work is the phrase “the love boat crashed into everyday life”?

Lilya Brik is the only muse

VLADIMIR MAYAKOVSKY, whose centenary of birth was celebrated in July of this year, was always visible during his lifetime - an innovative poet, tribune, and fighter. But in the wake of his public speeches, poems and poetic battles there were rumors and gossip: the average person was interested in everything - from how much the poet earns and how he plays billiards, to his legendary muse and love - Lily Brik. Lilya Brik was especially interested...

"...You know, they have a real triangle - Mayakovsky lives with Lilya and her husband Osip Brik. You heard that they not only make up what in French is called a ménage à trois - love for the three of them, but also in one apartment. .. Can you imagine? Yes, yes, right in the same apartment..."

As often happens, lies in this juicy gossip around Mayakovsky and Lily Brik were interspersed with the truth. Yes, they lived together, yes, in the same apartment, but it was never love for the three of us. However, everything is in order.

Lilya Brik was born in Moscow in 1891, graduated from high school, studied mathematics at Professor Guerrier's Higher Women's Courses, studied sculpture in Munich, and in 1912 married Osip Brik.

It is interesting that at first, in 1913, the young futurist poet Vladimir Mayakovsky had an affair with Lily’s sister Elsa, and only a year later Lilya took her place in the poet’s heart. It was love at first sight, love that Mayakovsky preserved until the last day of his life. Soon after they met, Mayakovsky’s poem “A Cloud in Pants” was published with the dedication “To You, Lilya.” Lilya herself recalled: “Volodya not only fell in love with me, he attacked me... And although Osip and I were actually divorced, I resisted the poet... Only in 1918, having checked my feelings for the poet, could I tell Brik about our love for Mayakovsky. We all decided never to part and spent our whole lives as close friends, closely connected by common interests.”

Indeed, all three of them loved each other: Osip Brik was such a fan of the poet’s work that he published “A Cloud in Pants” as a separate book with his own money. Mayakovsky was Brik's closest friend, he loved Lilya, and she loved them both, although very early she actually ceased to be Brik's wife. But all the same, throughout her life she continued to treat him with tenderness. She herself wrote in 1915, that is, three years after her marriage: “Osya and I lived in St. Petersburg. I was already leading an independent life, and we somehow physically drifted apart...”

Big heart of a poet

MAYAKOVSKY fell in love more than once (for example, during a trip to Paris he met the beautiful white emigrant T. Yakovleva; in America he had another affair, from which the poet left a daughter). And he even called actress Veronica Polonskaya a member of his family in his suicide note. And yet, some kind of mystical feeling connected him with Lily, much deeper than ordinary love for a woman. The word “muse” in our time is almost always pronounced with a hint of irony, but it seems that Lilya really was a muse for the poet, and not only the inspiration of his poetry, but also the support of his life. After all, Mayakovsky rather wanted to be a “bawler” and a “rebel” and indeed seemed like that to many, but in his soul he was a vulnerable person and not even self-confident. To those who listened to Mayakovsky's speeches, who admired his bravado, thunderous voice, and enthusiasm, this might seem like fiction. His huge figure seemed the embodiment of strength. But nevertheless, like many people of art, deep down in his soul Mayakovsky constantly needed assurances of his greatness. Lilya Brik listened to the poet, admired him, reassured him, and inspired confidence. She did not play and certainly did not flatter him; she was truly confident in his genius. She generally had the talent to listen to people in such a way that they grew in their own eyes. Vasily Katanyan, the son of Lily Brik’s last husband, literary critic Vasily Abgarovich Katanyan, whom Lilya, already an elderly woman at that time, dearly loved and who repaid Lila in kind, told how with what interest and extraordinary attention she listened to him when he visited her in her tiny apartment on Kutuzovsky Prospekt in Moscow.

Was Lilya beautiful? No, Katanyan said, she was never what could be called a “beauty,” but she was unusually attractive - both physically and spiritually. It was good and comfortable with her, and I am sure that not only for me, but also for others who fell under her charm.

Mayakovsky's suicide in 1930 literally shocked the country, and rumors immediately spread that it was not suicide, but murder, that the GPU (then KGB) had a hand in it, and so on. These rumors have survived to this day. Meanwhile, Lilya Brik (she was abroad at the time of suicide) recalls: “Mayakovsky’s constant talk about suicide! It was terror. In 1916, early in the morning, a telephone call woke me up. Mayakovsky’s dull, quiet voice: “I’m shooting myself.” Goodbye, Lilik." I shouted: "Wait for me!" - I threw something over my robe, rolled down the stairs, begged, chased, punched the cab driver in the back. Mayakovsky opened the door for me. He said: "I shot myself, it misfired. The second time I didn’t dare, I was waiting for you.”

How often have I heard Mayakovsky say: “I’ll shoot myself, I’ll commit suicide. 35 years old is old age. I’ll live to be thirty. I won’t go any further.”

The idea of ​​suicide was Mayakovsky’s chronic illness, and like every chronic illness, it worsened under unfavorable conditions.

But then everything didn’t go well, and the test of his irresistibility seemed to have failed, and the failure of “Bath”, and the stupidity and hostility of the Rappovites (an influential literary group at that time), and the fact that those whom he expected did not come to his exhibition , and the fact that he didn’t get enough sleep the day before, the 14th. And he was wrong about everything. And in relation to Veronica Polonskaya, whom he wanted to force to leave her husband in order to prove to himself that still no one could resist him, and in relation to the production of “Bathhouse”.

Two deaths

The poet wrote his suicide letter two days before that fateful moment when he pulled the trigger. Here it is with short abbreviations: “Don’t blame anyone for the fact that I’m dying, and please don’t gossip. The deceased didn’t like this terribly.

Lilya, love me.

Comrade government, my family is Lilya Brik, mother, sisters and Veronica Vitoldovna Polonskaya.

If you give them a tolerable life, thank you.

As they say -
"the incident is ruined"
love boat
crashed into everyday life.
I'm even with life
and there is no need for a list
mutual pains, troubles and insults.

Stay safe, Vladimir Mayakovsky. 12.4.30"

In May 1978, Lilya Brik fell and broke her hip. She was already 86 years old, and she perfectly understood that she would never get out of bed. She chose to take a lethal dose of sleeping pills. Choosing the moment when her husband was away on business, she swallowed the Nembutal she had stored and began writing a suicide note, which she did not have time to finish: “I ask you not to blame anyone for my death. Vasik, I adore you! Forgive me! And friends, forgive me...”

All of Lilya Brik is in this note. Find the strength to say the warmest and most affectionate words to your husband and apologize... She really was a kind and sensitive person, and what more does a muse need? If she had been in Moscow then, in April 1930, who knows, maybe she would have taken the poet’s hand away from the pistol. But history, as we know, does not recognize the subjunctive mood...

ALREADY during the times of stagnation, in 1968, the magazine "Ogonyok", which was then edited by A. Sofronov, and after him other publications began a shameful campaign against Lily Brik. Like, she was not Mayakovsky’s muse, but an impostor who exploited him. And the fact that Lilya was a Jew made her, if not a Jewish Mason, then at least a highly suspicious person. Then, I remember, I thought that if Mayakovsky had lived to that time, he would not have shot at himself, but at those who threw mud at his beloved.

The love boat crashed into everyday life
From rough sketches in the last notebooks of the poet Vladimir Vladimirovich Mayakovsky (1893-1930), which are usually published under the title “Unfinished” (1928-1930) in their original form, observing the author’s spelling, without punctuation:
the sea goes back
The sea goes to sleep
As they say, the incident is ruined
love boat crashed into everyday life
We are even with you
There's no need for a list
mutual pain and resentment

Allegorically: about the cause of family troubles, when the romantic period of meetings and falling in love ended, and life together began with its everyday problems (jokingly ironic).

Encyclopedic dictionary of popular words and expressions. - M.: “Locked-Press”. Vadim Serov. 2003.

See what “The love boat crashed into everyday life” is in other dictionaries:

    Ah, offer. about everyday life, in everyday life; m. 1. Conditions of existence, way of life of what l. people, social environment, etc. Urban, rural life. Patriarchal life of the village. Life and customs of students. 2. Everyday life of a person in its usual... ... Encyclopedic Dictionary

    Another meaning is the abbreviated name of the Book of Genesis Life is part of the physical and social life of a person, including the satisfaction of spiritual and material needs for: food clothing for protection from the adverse effects of the environment ... ... Wikipedia

    everyday life- a, sentence; about life/those, in everyday life/; m. see also. household 1) Conditions of existence, lifestyle of what kind. people, social environment, etc. Urban, rural life. Patriarchal life of the village. Life and customs of students. 2) Everyday life of a person in... ... Dictionary of many expressions

    Vladimir Mayakovsky- Mayakovsky redirects here. For other uses, see Mayakovsky (disambiguation). Vladimir Mayakovsky Born July 19, 1893(1893 07 19) Baghdati, Russian Empire ... Wikipedia

    Direct speech is a statement introduced verbatim into the author’s speech (speaker or writer). Unlike indirect speech, it preserves the individual and stylistic features of the speech of the person whose statement is reproduced: dialect features, ... ... Wikipedia

    Mayakovsky V.V. Mayakovsky Vladimir Vladimirovich (1893 1930) Russian poet. Aphorisms, quotes Mayakovsky V.V. biography With us, even the most important words become a habit, they wear out like a dress. Vladimir Ilyich Lenin, 1924 We need life first... ...

    Aphorisms can be divided into two categories: some catch our eye, are remembered and are sometimes used when we want to show off wisdom, while others become an integral part of our speech and go into the category of catchphrases. About the authorship... ... Consolidated encyclopedia of aphorisms

    The request for "Mayakovsky" is redirected here; see also other meanings. Vladimir Vladimirovich Mayakovsky Vladimir Vladimirovich Mayakovsky 1929. Fo... Wikipedia

    Vladimir Mayakovsky Birth name: Vladimir Vladimirovich Mayakovsky Date of birth: July 7 (19), 1893 (18930719) Place of birth: Baghdadi, Kutaisi province Date of death: April 14 ... Wikipedia


  • It's over. To part in order to live, Grand Sissel. “The love boat crashed into everyday life,” “We didn’t get along,” “He’s such a womanizer,” “She’s such a bitch” - such explanations for the collapse of relationships have become familiar. But how are things really?...
  • It’s all over Break up to live, Gran S.. “The love boat crashed into everyday life”, “We didn’t get along”, “He’s such a womanizer”, “She’s such a bitch” - such explanations for the collapse of relationships have become familiar. But how are things really?...

VLADIMIR MAYAKOVSKY, whose centenary of birth was celebrated in July of this year, was always visible during his lifetime - an innovative poet, tribune, and fighter. But in the wake of his public speeches, poems and poetic battles there were rumors and gossip: the average person was interested in everything - from how much the poet earns and how he plays billiards, to his legendary muse and love - Lily Brik. Lilya Brik was especially interested...

“...You know, they have a real triangle - Mayakovsky lives with Lilya and her husband Osip Brik. Have you heard that they not only make up what in French is called ménage à trois - threesome love, but also in one apartment... Can you imagine? Yes, yes, right in the same apartment...”

As often happens, lies in this juicy gossip around Mayakovsky and Lily Brik were interspersed with the truth. Yes, they lived together, yes, in the same apartment, but it was never love for the three of us. However, everything is in order.

Lilya Brik was born in Moscow in 1891, graduated from high school, studied mathematics at Professor Guerrier's Higher Women's Courses, studied sculpture in Munich, and in 1912 married Osip Brik.

It is interesting that at first, in 1913, the young futurist poet Vladimir Mayakovsky had an affair with Lily’s sister Elsa, and only a year later Lilya took her place in the poet’s heart. It was love at first sight, love that Mayakovsky preserved until the last day of his life. Soon after they met, Mayakovsky’s poem “Cloud in Pants” was published with the dedication “To you, Lilya.” Lilya herself recalled: “Volodya not only fell in love with me, he attacked me... And although Osip and I were actually divorced, I resisted the poet... Only in 1918, having checked my feelings for the poet, could I tell Brik about my love for Mayakovsky. We all decided never to part and spent our entire lives as close friends, closely connected by common interests.”

Indeed, all three of them loved each other: Osip Brik was such a fan of the poet’s work that he published “A Cloud in Pants” as a separate book with his own money. Mayakovsky was Brik's closest friend, he loved Lilya, and she loved them both, although very early she actually ceased to be Brik's wife. But all the same, throughout her life she continued to treat him with tenderness. She herself wrote in 1915, that is, three years after her marriage: “Osya and I lived in St. Petersburg. I was already leading an independent life, and we somehow physically drifted apart..."

Big heart of a poet

MAYAKOVSKY fell in love more than once (for example, during a trip to Paris he met the beautiful white emigrant T. Yakovleva; in America he had another affair, from which the poet left a daughter). And he even called actress Veronica Polonskaya a member of his family in his suicide note. And yet, some kind of mystical feeling connected him with Lily, much deeper than ordinary love for a woman. The word “muse” in our time is almost always pronounced with a hint of irony, but it seems that Lilya really was a muse for the poet, and not only the inspiration of his poetry, but also the support of his life. After all, Mayakovsky rather wanted to be a “bawler” and a “rebel” and indeed seemed like that to many, but in his soul he was a vulnerable person and not even self-confident. To those who listened to Mayakovsky's speeches, who admired his bravado, thunderous voice, and enthusiasm, this might seem like fiction. His huge figure seemed the embodiment of strength. But nevertheless, like many people of art, deep down in his soul Mayakovsky constantly needed assurances of his greatness. Lilya Brik listened to the poet, admired him, reassured him, and inspired confidence. She did not play and certainly did not flatter him; she was truly confident in his genius. She generally had the talent to listen to people in such a way that they grew in their own eyes. Vasily Katanyan, the son of Lily Brik’s last husband, literary critic Vasily Abgarovich Katanyan, whom Lilya, already an elderly woman at that time, dearly loved and who repaid Lila in kind, told how with what interest and extraordinary attention she listened to him when he visited her in her tiny apartment on Kutuzovsky Prospekt in Moscow.

Was Lilya beautiful? No, Katanyan said, she was never what could be called a “beauty,” but she was unusually attractive - both physically and spiritually. It was good and comfortable with her, and I am sure that not only for me, but also for others who fell under her charm.

Best of the day

Mayakovsky's suicide in 1930 literally shocked the country, and rumors immediately spread that it was not suicide, but murder, that the GPU (then KGB) had a hand in it, and so on. These rumors have survived to this day. Meanwhile, Lilya Brik (she was abroad at the time of her suicide) recalls: “Mayakovsky’s constant talk about suicide! It was terror. In 1916, early in the morning I was awakened by a telephone call. Mayakovsky’s dull, quiet voice: “I’m shooting myself. Goodbye, Lilik." I shouted: “Wait for me!” - she threw something over her robe, rolled down the stairs, begged, chased, and punched the cab driver in the back. Mayakovsky opened the door for me. He said: “I shot, it misfired. The second time I didn’t dare, I was waiting for you.”

...How often have I heard Mayakovsky say: “I’ll shoot myself, commit suicide. 35 years is old age. I'll live to be thirty. I won’t go any further.”

...The idea of ​​suicide was Mayakovsky’s chronic illness, and like every chronic illness, it worsened under unfavorable conditions.

But then everything didn’t go well, and the test of his irresistibility seemed to have failed, and the failure of “Bath”, and the stupidity and hostility of the Rappovites (an influential literary group at that time), and the fact that those whom he expected did not come to his exhibition , and the fact that he didn’t get enough sleep the day before, the 14th. And he was wrong about everything. And in relation to Veronica Polonskaya, whom he wanted to force to leave her husband in order to prove to himself that still no one could resist him, and in relation to the production of “Bathhouse”.

Two deaths

The poet wrote his suicide letter two days before that fateful moment when he pulled the trigger. Here it is, briefly abbreviated: “Don’t blame anyone for the fact that I’m dying, and please don’t gossip. The deceased did not like this terribly.

Lilya, love me.

Comrade government, my family is Lilya Brik, mother, sisters and Veronica Vitoldovna Polonskaya.

If you give them a tolerable life, thank you.

As they say -

"the incident is ruined"

love boat

crashed into everyday life.

I'm even with life

and there is no need for a list

mutual pains, troubles and insults.

Stay safe, Vladimir Mayakovsky. 12.4.30"

...In May 1978, Lilya Brik fell and broke her hip. She was already 86 years old, and she perfectly understood that she would never get out of bed. She chose to take a lethal dose of sleeping pills. Choosing the moment when her husband left on business, she swallowed the Nembutal she had stored and began to write a suicide note, which she did not have time to finish: “I ask you not to blame anyone for my death. Vasik, I adore you! I'm sorry! And friends, forgive me..."

All of Lilya Brik is in this note. Find the strength to say the warmest and most affectionate words to your husband and apologize... She really was a kind and sensitive person, and what more does a muse need? If she had been in Moscow then, in April 1930, who knows, maybe she would have taken the poet’s hand away from the pistol. But history, as we know, does not recognize the subjunctive mood...

* * *

ALREADY during the times of stagnation, in 1968, the magazine “Ogonyok”, which was then edited by A. Sofronov, and after him other publications began a shameful campaign against Lily Brik. Like, she was not Mayakovsky’s muse, but an impostor who exploited him. And the fact that Lilya was a Jew made her, if not a Jewish Mason, then at least a highly suspicious person. Then, I remember, I thought that if Mayakovsky had lived to that time, he would not have shot at himself, but at those who threw mud at his beloved.

Kate 25.04.2007 09:00:29

How I would like to be next to such a person as Lilya Brik, just to watch her live. Now, I read her biography and a fire lit up inside me, I wanted to become better, more sincere, like she was. Tomorrow I will definitely go to the gallery to look at her photographs.

Read the verse “Loves? Doesn't he like it? I’m breaking my hands…” Vladimir Vladimirovich Mayakovsky is needed not only taking into account the love page of his biography, but also the last stage of his creative path. It is known that the work “Loves? Doesn't he like it? I’m wringing my hands…” - this is one of the sketches that were supposed to be embodied in a poem about the five-year plan.

Text of the poem “Loves? Doesn't he like it? I’m wringing my hands…” Mayakovsky is like a puzzle made up of separate parts. Each of them is the spiritual impulse of a person who has learned what it means to lose love.

The work is taught in literature classes in high school as an example of Mayakovsky’s love lyrics. We suggest reading the verse “Loves? Doesn't he like it? I’m wringing my hands…” completely online or download the text.


Loves? doesn't like it? I'm wringing my hands
and I scatter my broken fingers
so they tear it up after making a wish and let it go until May
corollas of counter daisies
Let the haircut and shave reveal the gray hair
Let the silver of the years cause a lot
I hope I believe it will never come
disgraceful prudence towards me

Already the second
you must have gone to bed
Or maybe
and you have this
I'm in no hurry
and lightning telegrams
I don't need to
wake up and disturb

the sea goes back
the sea goes to bed
As they say, the incident is ruined

We are even with you
There's no need for a list
mutual pain, troubles and insults.

It must be the second time you went to bed
In the night the Milky Way with a silver eye
I'm in no hurry and lightning telegrams
I don't need to wake you up or bother you
as they say the incident is ruined
love boat crashed into everyday life
We are even with you and there is no need for a list
mutual pain, troubles and insults
Look how quiet the world is
The night has covered the sky with starry tribute
at hours like these you get up and talk
centuries of history and the universe

printed without punctuation,
like in Mayakovsky's notebook

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