Speech therapy exercises for the letter L. Speech therapy exercises for the sound "l"


When pronouncing the “l” sound in the above words, clamp your tongue with the tips of your upper and lower incisors, as if biting it. This way you will fix the tongue and teach it to the correct position.

Repeat the following tongue twisters slowly and clearly:

- “Karl stole corals from Clara, and Clara stole Karl’s clarinet”;

- “Thirty-three ships tacked and tacked, tacked and tacked, tacked and tacked, but didn’t tack”;

- “Vlas’s daughter rinsed the striped mattresses, rinsed and rinsed, the river became striped.”

Take a piece of text from any classic work. Read with expression, paying attention to the correct pronunciation of the “l” sound. Let it be slightly exaggerated at first, but over time the language will remember its place well, and you will speak correctly.

Useful advice

It is better to perform all exercises in front of a mirror. This way you can visually control yourself.

The period in which children learn to speak is very important both for themselves and for parents, on whom it largely depends on how correctly the child pronounces letters and sounds. Children often have problems with some letters - for example, many children cannot pronounce the letter P, and also have difficulty with whistling and hissing letters. You can help your child understand the correct pronunciation of difficult letters.


To perform articulation gymnastics, sit the child comfortably in front of the mirror and sit next to him, so that he is also reflected in it.

The child must repeat the movement and hold the tip of the tongue on the teeth for 10-15 seconds. After this, he can rest and then perform the exercise 2-3 more times. With this exercise, the child stretches the hyoid ligament, which helps in pronouncing difficult sounds.

An exercise during which the child should open his mouth wide and forcefully hit the cusps behind the upper teeth with the tip of his tongue will help correct the pronunciation of the letter P. Simultaneously with the tongue strikes, ask the child to pronounce the sound D.

The child must repeat the movement with the sound “d-d-d” for 20 seconds, and then he can rest. This exercise prepares the child to pronounce the letter R - so after this, invite the child to growl and pretend to be a lion or a dog, saying “rrrr”.

After some time, you will notice improvements in your child's pronunciation.

Please note

Learning to pronounce certain letters can be very difficult for children. These letters most often include R, L and Sh. The letter R is rightfully considered the most difficult, and in some cases children can learn to pronounce it up to 5 years old. If you don't see any improvement in your baby's speech, it's time to think about how to teach your child the letter R.

Useful advice

If you have worked diligently with your child, but attempts to teach him to pronounce the letter R have not achieved the desired effect, then be sure to consult a speech therapist. Firstly, the specialist will be able to accurately identify the reason why the child is unable to pronounce this sound. Young children pronounce the letter P in different ways.

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Many parents are faced with the problem of pronouncing certain sounds in their children. Speech therapists have developed many special exercises to help a child easily master a particular sound that is causing him difficulty.


Start by warming up your lips and tongue. The child must learn to control his articulatory apparatus in order to pronounce everything. To prepare for pronouncing the “zh” sound, do the following exercises:
1) spread your tongue, placing it on your lower lip and sticking it out slightly (the tongue is resting, looks like a pancake)
2) Spread your tongue not on the lip, but on the lower ones and bite the front and side edges of the tongue
3) Imagine that there is jam on your upper lip, and you need to lick it off by moving your tongue from top to bottom, towards you.
4) Make a “cup” or “ladle” out of the tongue.
5) Direct a stream of air at some object (a cotton ball or a piece of paper) so that it moves.

After this, invite the child to blow, holding the tongue in the shape of a “cup” - this way you can evoke the sound “sh”, and the sound “zh” is pronounced in the same way, but with the participation of the voice.

Say various syllables with your child: ZHA, ZHZHI, ZHO, ZHU, ZHDA, ZHNA, ZHGU. Then (it is better to use appropriate toys or pictures) say various words that have the sound “zh”: toad, skis, acorn, beetle.

Teach your child various rhymes to practice the sound “zh”, for example: Beetle, seeing a crane,
He buzzed: “Where am I going?
I guess I'll wait a while
I’ll lie under the magazine!” - Please, can I have some cake?
- Please, can I have some ice cream?
- What do you want?
- I have a pie,
Jelly, boiled pork and a cone with jam!

To distinguish between the sounds “zh” and “z”, say the following couplets: I left the HALL,
The shoe stung me! You can’t YAWN at the table -
There will be no time to CHEW!

To distinguish between the sounds “zh” and “sh”, the child must master, for example, the following rhymes: Among the cardboard LIDS
The kitten RED was sitting. Here is a SPRING from the watch,
Light as a FLUSH. We sewed some pants for the hedgehog,
We sew a vest for a bunny,
We sew pajamas for the bear cubs.
Maybe make a jacket for mom?

Useful advice

When practicing one sound with your child, do not pay attention to the pronunciation of other sounds for now, concentrate the child’s attention on one.


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No child can speak from birth, and does not begin to speak clearly and without errors as soon as he learns to put together his first words and sentences. Therefore, of course, there is no point in panicking prematurely about defects in pronunciation. Although, without a doubt, how a child speaks primarily depends on the parents.


According to doctors, a child perceives and remembers the sounds of the surrounding world even before birth, and, after being born, can already recognize the sounds of his native language. It’s just that for the time being he doesn’t know how to express in words what he wants. The speech apparatus is formed later, and by about 5-6 years of age, speech is almost no different from the speech of an adult. Of course, speech development is different for each child - faster or slower. But in any case, communicate with your baby from the cradle. Let him listen to you - he will definitely repeat various sounds after you, including the letter “l”.

First, teach your child how to control his tongue, performing various movements with him for correct articulation - let him move his tongue in different directions, lick his lips, touch each tooth with his tongue, stretch out his lips in different ways, blow on a ball, etc. These exercises are called “brushing your teeth”, “delicious”, “painter”. Turn your activities into a game to keep him interested.

After such a warm-up, let him click his tongue like a “horse”, press his tongue to the roof of his mouth and in this position open and close his mouth.

Ask your child to hold his tongue between his lips and pronounce the sound “y”: as a rule, it turns out to be “l”, as you wanted.

Read and teach rhymes with your child, where the letter “l” is often heard.

Sit down with your child in front of the mirror and pronounce various sounds, and among them the letter “l”, he will see himself and you, which will allow him to more easily correct his mistakes in pronunciation.

If you are still concerned about the way your baby speaks, you should look for a book for a speech therapist or a collection of exercises for practicing pronunciation.

If even at the age of five the child cannot pronounce the letter “l”, then contact a speech therapist in a children’s consultation or, perhaps, in a kindergarten, where speech therapy groups often practice. After all, there are certain methods of language training, and a speech therapist will work with the child and give exercises to take home. Be calm and patient, and you will soon forget that the pronunciation problem even existed.

Children of all ages often experience various speech disorders. The most common among them violation of pronunciation of sounds, which cannot be considered a harmless defect, because it can lead to negative consequences for the child’s development: difficulties in learning to read and write (this is called dyslexia and dysgraphia), and subsequently to a decrease in performance in the Russian language. A child who pronounces sounds incorrectly is often imitated, which creates additional psychological problems.

The first step in preventing such problems at school is to contact a speech therapist who will correct the child’s speech deficiencies. But it happens that parents are very busy or they experience financial difficulties, because speech therapy assistance is not cheap.

Our task is to help parents who do not have a pedagogical education in developing the correct pronunciation of sounds, but provided that your child does not have deviations in the structure of the speech organs (bad bite, short frenulum of the tongue, lack of front teeth, high hard palate) and there are no severe speech disorders (alalia, dysarthria, stuttering, etc.).

Sound [L] is very difficult to stage and automate at home. Parents will need a lot of patience. At times it will seem

that all your efforts are in vain and you won’t succeed. The main thing is not to break down and methodically continue the work you started. But don't overload your child! It is enough to exercise twice a day for 10 minutes . Classes must be conducted in the form of a game or competition. It will take about a month, maybe more, to place and automate this difficult sound in forward and backward syllables.

“Vampa” instead of “lamp”, “yoshka”, not spoon), “uk”, and how I want to hear “bow”. This is not a complete list of substitutions and omissions that children make in their speech.

1. Distortion or skip sound [L] called "lambdacism".

Here are the most common:

The sound [L] in words is generally omitted: “apata” (shovel), “uzha” (puddle);

Interdental lambdacism: when pronouncing the sound [L] in words, the tip of the tongue is placed between the teeth.

Bilabial (labial-labial) lambdacism: instead of the sound [L], a sound close to the sound [u] is heard: “uapa” (paw), “uapata” (lapata).

Nasal lambdacism: the root of the tongue closes with the soft palate, and the exhaled stream of air passes through the nose. Nasal sounds [ng] are heard: “nguna” (moon), “ngama” (lama). This type of lambdacism occurs with rhinolalia (congenital or acquired cleft of the hard and soft palate: “cleft lip”, “cleft palate”).

2. Replacing the sound [L] with other sounds is paralambdacism:

The sound [L] in words is replaced by the sound [V]: “vuk” (bow), “gov” (goal);

The sound [L] in words is replaced by the sound [G]: “gapata” (shovel), “pagi” (floors), “stog” (table), “degaga” (did), etc.;

The sound [L] is replaced in pronunciation by the sound [D]: “doshad” (horse), “madysh” (baby), “gadava” (head), etc.;

The sound [L] is replaced by the sound [j]: “yoshka” (spoon), “yuya” (yule), “yodka” (boat);

The sound [L] in words is replaced by a soft sound [L"]: “luk” (bow), “lyapata” (shovel), “delya” (deeds), “dyatel” (woodpecker), etc.

3. Articulation exercises preceding the production of the sound [L].

To produce sound, long and hard work is required to “tune” the articulatory apparatus. Developing the necessary movements of the lips and tongue. The work begins with introducing the child with organs of articulation:- lips, upper and lower; teeth behind the lips, upper and lower; behind the upper teeth there is a tubercle; behind the tubercle the hard palate begins, which passes into the soft palate and ends with the velum palatine with a small uvula;

Here is the tongue, it has a movable tip; the back of the tongue can also rise and fall. Under the tongue there is a hyoid ligament (frenulum), etc.

There are muscles in our cheeks, lips, and tongue that need to be trained. And special gymnastics will help us - articulation.

For all types of lambdacism, you should first learn several articulation exercises, which must be performed daily in front of the mirror, counting (from 1 to 5), for 6-10 minutes twice a day:

1. “Smile” - keep your lips in a smile, exposing your upper and lower teeth.

2. “Tube” - extend your closed lips forward.

3. “Let’s punish the naughty tongue” - tongue on the lower lip and, spanking it with your lips, say: “Pa-pa-pa.”

4. “Let’s brush the upper teeth” (from the inside) - with a wide tongue from side to side at the upper alveoli (tubercles).

5. "Sail" - the tip of the wide tongue rests on the upper front incisors. The shape of the tongue resembles a sagging hammock. The exercise is static, it must be performed counting: the longer the tongue is held, the better.

6. “The cat laps up the milk”- a wide tongue, moving from top to bottom, licks the upper lip.

7. « The turkey is a talker" - tongue movements, as in the previous exercise, only the pace is fast. The movements of the tongue are accompanied by sounds characteristic of an angry turkey, something like: “bl-bl-bl-...”.

8. "Swing" - open your mouth slightly, smile broadly. At the count of “one - two,” the tip of the tongue rests first on the upper and then on the lower incisors (from the inside).

ØIf the tongue stubbornly refuses to rise up and stay behind the upper teeth, a proven exercise will come in handy:

"Horse" - Click the wide tip of your tongue on the roof of your mouth behind your upper front incisors. Mandatory condition: the mouth is slightly open, but the lower jaw is absolutely motionless!

ØTo securely fix the tongue in the “upper” position (on the palate), perform the following exercise:

"Fungus": The upper surface of the tongue is sucked to the palate, while the hyoid frenulum is stretched.

ØThe above exercises must be performed for 2-4 weeks. The main requirement is to develop the ability to:

Maintain the desired articulatory position correctly for 5 seconds;

Perform movements accurately;

Monitor the equal participation of the left and right halves of the tongue and lips in performing movements.

4. Methods of sound production [L]

If there is no sound at all in the child’s speech, then it is easiest to add it. In this case, you will not have to remove the false stereotype of sound pronunciation.

1. By imitation: Show your child correct articulation of the sound [L]:

The lips are in a smile, the mouth is slightly open, the teeth are open (the distance between the upper and lower teeth is 1 finger);

The wide tip of the tongue is raised and pressed against the alveoli (to the tubercles above the upper front teeth);

The exhaled air passes along the sides of the tongue, into the cheeks (if you touch your cheeks with your palms, you can feel their vibration).

Say the sound [L] and ask your child to repeat. The sound [L] occurs when the tongue is lifted from the alveoli.

2. Setting from interdental sound(cannot be done with a child who has interdental lambdacism):

ØThis method of producing the sound [L] can be used with various types of lambdacism and paralambdacism.

Tell your child a story “How a little steamer learned to hum”

Once upon a time there lived a small steamboat. He walked on the sea and carried cargo. But the big ships didn’t notice him and didn’t even respond. And all because the little steamer’s voice was very weak, and instead of a drawn-out and drawling whistle: “L”, it hummed something indistinct and quiet. The little steamboat decided to learn how to whistle correctly. He began to try different greeting options: “Uh!” ABOUT! No, that’s not it!” Out of frustration, the little steamboat bit his tongue and said: “Y.” And then a miracle happened: a clear and distinct sound [L] sounded over the water surface! The little steamboat thought that he had misheard, and repeated: “Y”, biting his tongue again. The sound [L] became even more distinct. Hearing the voice of the small steamboat, the large ships began to answer him with loud and drawn-out whistles: “L!”, “L!” So the little steamer learned to whistle correctly.

The child bites the tip of the tongue and pronounces the sound [Y] in a drawn-out manner. At the same time, the sound [L] should sound. Although, perhaps not the first time. After the sound [L] is obtained in isolation, attach it to the vowels: LA, LO, LU, LY, LE. At first, you will still have to bite the tip of your tongue. If it is difficult to do this in a forward syllable, try reverse syllables: AL, UL, OL, IL, EL, YL.

3. Setting the sound [L] with bilabial (labial-labial) lambdacism

Very often, the correct pronunciation of the sound [L] is interfered with by the lips, which are stretched out like a tube, or even completely curled behind the lips, which is why the sound takes on the shade of a frog croaking: vopata (shovel), savat (salad). It is necessary to neutralize the lips. It's unlikely to succeed the first time. An ingrained habit (usually a consequence of a strong friendship with a pacifier) ​​will make itself felt for a very long time.

Articulation exercises will help:“Smile”, “Fence”:

the lips stretch in an exaggerated manner in a smile, exposing the front teeth (the teeth are clenched). Maintain this counting position for as long as possible.

For some time, the adult will even have to hold the child’s lips, stretching them into a smile, using the thumb and forefinger. Only with such “violent” measures will it be possible to restrain “unruly” lips.

1. Setting the sound [L] from the correct [L"](soft sound L)

Perhaps the hard sound [L] will not work right away. You'll have to be content with its soft version: [L´]. Mitigation at the first stage of production is quite acceptable. It occurs due to excessive tension in the lip muscles. Over time this will pass. If the process drags on, you need to use a little trick. When pronouncing the syllables LA, LO, LU, LY, LE, the baby will have to touch the upper lip with the wide tip of his tongue.

Not entirely aesthetically pleasing, but the solid sound of the [L] sound is guaranteed. But you shouldn’t reinforce this habit either. Gradually let him “hide” his tongue behind his upper teeth.

Will help get rid of excessive tension and labialization of the lips relaxing massage of the circular muscles of the mouth, and light tapping them


Ø And also such exercises:"The horse snorts" - blow forcefully onto relaxed lips, imitating the snorting of a horse.

"Fish" - slap your relaxed lips against each other, like a fish does in an aquarium.

"Tired" - blow forcefully onto relaxed and parted lips.

5. Automation of sounds [L] in a child’s speech

So, the month passed in labor. If the hard sound [L] is not yet possible, fix the soft [L "] firstin syllables: LA - LYU - LE - LE - LI; then in words with the same syllables:

LYA: Lyalya, strap, poplars, earth, fields, Valya, Tolya, Kolya;

Lyu: people, chandelier, lupine, buttercup, fierce, Luda, Lucy;

LE: ice, flax, light, pilot, flight, lying, Lelya, Lyova, Lyosha;

LE: forest, lion, swan, fishing line, bream, laziness, summer, watering can, ribbon, babble;

LI: leaf, linden, line, lily, lemon, fox, tench, shower, midget, Lida.

It would be nice to secure and in plain language:

LA-LA-LA - the fields are turning green. LE-LE-LE - the leaves were lying on the ground.

LI-LI-LI - the bream splashed in the shallows. LYU-LYU-LYU - I love summer rain.

And something else in the same spirit. You can compose pure sayings together with your child. A very exciting activity!

Nursery rhymes and tongue twisters will also be useful:

Oh, Lyuli, Lyuli, Lyuli, Ghouls are sleeping on the branches...

Children dream in cradles. Everyone has long fallen asleep!

In straight syllables the sound [L´] is already being produced, then it’s time to move on to reverse syllables and to combinations with other consonants:

AL - OL - UL - EUL - FIR - YUL - YAL (soldering iron, poplar, bubble, dust, tulle, tulip, moth, polka, high chair, etc.);

SLE - SLI - SLY - SLY - SLI (trace, mica, slush, tears, plum...).

And other sound combinations and words, only with consonants: P, F, G, K (plus, splash, whip, flux, pleat, pleated, glissé, glucose, cranberry...)

ØSpeak with your child first syllables and words, and then pure phrases with these sound combinations. Sit in front of the mirror and do not forget to control the position of your tongue (its tip rests on the upper incisors!).

OL-OL-OL - we bought salt. UL-UL-UL - we will hang tulle.

EL-EL-EL - there is a snowstorm outside. EUL-EL-EL - there is dust on the leaves.

Hard sound [L] you will have to work for a longer period of time. Don’t be lazy to repeat the same syllable, the same word several times. It is unlikely that you will be able to achieve the correct sound right away!

Get started with direct syllables: LA - LU - LO - LE - LY and words with them:

LA: varnish, paw, bench, palm, weasel, ladushki, lama, lamp, bark;

LU: bow, magnifying glass, moon, puddle, beam, meadow, lawn, Lusha;

LO: forehead, elk, crowbar, boat, spoon, curl, elbow, deftly;

LY: bast, skis, bald head, bast, tables, floors, goals, etc.

Keep rhyming words in pure sayings:

LA-LA-LA - our Helen is small. LU-LU-LU - Lena loves praise.

LO-LO-LO - Lena is warm in felt boots. LY-LY-LY - Lena's felt boots are too small.

From nursery rhymes select these:

Little owl, owl, the birds sat on the pole.

Big head. And the kittens go to the corner.

She sat on a stake, sat down and sat,

She looked at the moon and sang a song.

Her eyes sparkled. The spoons heard -

Little eyes clap-clap, legs stretched out.

Paws top top. The kalachi heard -

And - it flew! Everyone jumped off the stove!

Our hands were covered in soap. The moon shines like brass

We washed the dishes ourselves. A harrier feasts on a frog.

We washed the dishes ourselves, a cheerful bee flies,

Helped our mother. The darkness of the night fell over the forest.

(V. Lifshits) (V. Lunin)

Let's continue working on the sound [L] in reverse syllables and words with them:

AL - OL - UL - YL - EL - YUL - YAL - YOL - IL (small, became, table, supposedly, stake, chair, mule, was, sat down, ate, crumpled, walked, found, sawed, walked, etc.) d.)

PLA - KLA - VLA - SLA - SHLA - FLA - BLA - GLA and other sound combinations with vowels: U, O, Y (crying, swimming, Klava, keys, gone, flags, eyes, etc.).

If the hard L sound works well in syllables and words, move on to phrases and phrases:

AL-AL-AL - our baby is still small. OL-OL-OL - the moth sat down on the table.

UL-UL-UL - we broke the chair. YL-YL-YL - Pavel was washing the floors.

At the first stage of automating the sound [L], the child repeats syllables, words and phrases after you, and at the final stage, he must himself remember words with these sounds, you just give tasks:

Remember the names of birds (animals, flowers, trees, etc.) with the sound [L].

Name food products with the sound [L].

List things with the sound [L].

Learn and guess with your child, riddles:

What kind of animal is it in the cold winter? We’ll find a prickly, green one in the forest in the winter.

Walking through the forest hungry? (Wolf) We’ll invite the green one to visit. (Christmas tree)

There is a hollow in the pine tree, it is warm in the hollow. This lump from the apple tree is a hop!

And who lives warm in a hollow? (Squirrel) Fell, rolled, and hid in the leaves. (Apple)

To finish working on the [L] sound, use tongue twisters and texts saturated with these sounds:

Polkan pushed the stick with his paw. Mila's mother washed her with soap.

Polkan pushed the stick with his paw. Mila didn't like soap.

The Christmas tree has pins and needles. In the winter cold everyone is young.

Splitting needles near the Christmas tree. Everyone is young in the winter cold.

The cat lapped milk, the cat rolled the ball of thread into the corner.

And Vitya dipped the bun in milk. The cat rolled a ball of thread into the corner.

Any children's book contains a variety of speech material and will help in automating the sound [L].

As you probably noticed, in the speech material there were almost no words with the sounds [Р´], [Р]. This is no coincidence. You should not overload your child’s speech with these difficult sounds (perhaps he doesn’t even have them in his speech yet!). We will postpone work on them until a later date.

If after a long time of work there is no result, then, if necessary, seek help from a speech therapist. And don't hesitate! With all the parental talents, the help of a specialist will not hurt.

Teacher-speech therapist Pergunova M.Yu.

List of used literature:

1. Gerasimova A.S. Popular speech therapy: a practical guide for classes with children 5-6 years old. - M.: Iris-press, 2008.

2. Glazunova E.N., Zalmaeva R.Ya. My own speech therapist. - St. Petersburg: Publishing House "Firefly", 2001.

3. Epifanova O.V. Development of activities for preschool children. - Volgograd, 2004.

4. Kondratenko I.Yu. We pronounce sounds correctly. Speech therapy exercises. - M.: Iris-press, 2008.

5. Polyakova M.A. Self-instruction manual on speech therapy. Universal guide. - M.: Iris-press, 2007.

Usually this sound “L” is placed easily and quickly, but only if the exercises are performed very accurately and correctly, for example, according to our method. All exercises are performed in front of a mirror so that you can control the position of the child’s lips and tongue.

So, first things first. In order to correctly pronounce the sound “L”, the lips must be in a smile, the teeth must not be closed, the distance between the lower and upper teeth is about 1 centimeter. The tip of the tongue rests on the upper teeth. Children usually either skip this sound or replace it with the sounds Y, Y, L, or V. If the back of the tongue is raised and the tip of the tongue is lowered and moved away from the teeth, then the sound “L” is replaced by the sounds “Y” or “Y”. If the tip of the tongue is at the top, but moved away from the teeth, then the sound “L” is produced. If a child raises his lower lip towards his upper teeth, then instead of the sound “L” the sound “V” is heard.

Now let’s begin performing tongue articulation exercises to correct the soft “L” sound to a hard one.

Lip exercises:

Fence - Teeth closed, lips in a wide smile. The upper and lower teeth are clearly visible. Hold motionless for about 5-6 seconds.

TV - The teeth are closed and visible, the upper and lower lips are raised, the corners of the lips are moved to the center. The lips form a wide square, as with the sound “Sh”. Two upper and 4 lower teeth are clearly visible. Hold motionless for about 5-6 seconds.

Smile - Lips are closed and stretched in a wide smile. Hold motionless for about 5-6 seconds.

Proboscis - Lips are closed, the corners of the lips are moved towards the center. Hold motionless for about 5-6 seconds.

Rabbit - Lips closed and stretched in a wide smile. Lower the lower lip so that only the lower teeth are visible, and the upper ones are covered by the upper lip. Hold motionless for about 5-6 seconds.

Each exercise must be repeated 4-5 times.

Then you need to alternate exercises in pairs:

Fence - TV, Smile - Proboscis, Smile - Rabbit. First, alternate at a slow pace, repeat everything 5-6 times, hold each lip position motionless for 2-3 seconds. Then alternate at a fast pace 5-6 times.

Setting the sound "L"

Donkey song - The mouth is slightly open, the lips are in a wide smile, the upper and lower teeth are clearly visible. Make the sound “Y-Y-Y”. (Possible errors - the sound “Y-Y” is pronounced “through the nose”. To check the correct sound, place the back of your hand on the child’s neck and feel a slight vibration). Then open your mouth wide and add the sound “A-A-A”. Pronounce the syllable -Я- together, drawing out both sounds. (Possible errors - replacing the sound -A- with the sound -Z-).

Repeat the syllable “Я” several times and make sure that both sounds are pronounced correctly. Then pinch the tip of your tongue with your teeth (do not change the position of your lips) and pronounce the syllable -Я-, pull out both sounds, and open your mouth wide with the sound -A-. If both sounds are pronounced correctly, the syllable “LA” will be heard. Pay special attention that the lower lip does not rise, otherwise instead of “LA” you will get the syllable “BA”. If instead of “LA” you hear the syllable “LA”, then you should repeat the syllable “YA” several times, without pinching the tip of your tongue with your teeth, make sure that the sound “A” is not replaced by the sound “I”.

Very often, a child, having heard the resulting syllable “LA”, involuntarily tries to say the syllable “LA” instead of “YA” and comes up with the habitually distorted sound “L”. Therefore, at first, when performing the exercise, it is advisable that you ask the child to say “YA” and not “LA”.

The resulting syllable “LA” must be repeated many times to reinforce the correct pronunciation. To make repetition interesting, play the game “Shooting Range”. Game "Shooting Range" - draw 10 target circles on a piece of paper. Repeat the syllable "La". If the syllable is pronounced correctly, then the target is hit - cross out 1 circle; if the syllable “LA” is pronounced incorrectly, then put a dot next to the target circle to indicate a miss. Agree in advance with your child that after how many “misses” you will move on to the next target. When finished, count the number of targets hit and misses. Repeat the game 3-5 times and compare the results. First repeat the syllable “LA” one at a time, and then in groups of 2-3 syllables. You can draw targets of 2-3 circles.

Having achieved the completely correct pronunciation of the syllable “LA”, proceed to practicing the correct pronunciation of the syllables “LO, LU, LE, LY”. Make sure that the tip of your tongue is clamped between your teeth. Most often, it is difficult to correctly pronounce the syllable “LU”, since it is necessary to change the position of the lips.

When the child learns to pronounce all these syllables, you can move on to pronouncing words with the sound “L”. First, you should repeat words starting with the sound “L”. In these words, it is easier to pronounce the sound “L” correctly, since the child clamps the tip of his tongue with his teeth, pronounces this sound and only then the whole word. It is more difficult to pronounce a word after a preposition, because in this case it is necessary that immediately after pronouncing the previous sound, the lips and tongue quickly take the correct position for the sound L.” Therefore, it is better to first repeat individual words with the sound “L”. Select 10-15 words that begin with the syllable “LA” and repeat them like this (pull out the “L” sound, achieve a clear, hard “L”):

- 1st time - sound - syllable - word (LL - LLA - LLAk, LL - LLA - LLApa, LL - LLA - LLAmpa and so on);

- 2nd time - syllable-word (LLA - LLAk, LLA - LLApa, LLA - LLAmpa and so on.);

- 3rd time - one word at a time, pull out the sound “L”;

- 4th time - game “correct the adult” - You repeat the words, alternating the correct and distorted “L”. The child must determine whether the word is said correctly and repeat it correctly;

- 5th time - in groups of 3 words (1st, 2nd, 3rd word, 2nd, 3rd, 4th word, 3rd, 4th, 5th word and etc.). This task is the most difficult, since the child is old.

If the child can easily pronounce the sound “L” correctly, then you can start with the second task (syllable - word).

Here is an approximate set of words for practicing the sound “L”

At the first stage, repeating syllables and words, hold the tip of your tongue at the sound “L”. But this position of the tongue is preparatory. When positioned correctly, the tip of the tongue is behind the teeth and rests on the upper front teeth. Therefore, gradually try to move your tongue by the teeth and try to achieve a clear, hard “L” sound with the tongue in the correct position.

Very good, consistently selected and varied speech material can be found in the book by Yu.B. Norkina “Home notebook for speech therapy sessions with children” issue 1, sound “L”. In addition to words, sentences, poems and stories, the book contains many exercises for the formation of the correct grammatical structure of speech, as well as tasks for the development of a child’s coherent speech.

Sound production exercises consist of three stages:

  1. Warm-up exercises.
  2. Exercises for making the sound “L”.
  3. Exercises to consolidate the sound “L”.

Warm-up exercises

The purpose of warm-up exercises is development of mobility of the articulatory apparatus. When different sounds are produced, they may differ in accordance with those parts of the speech organs that play the most significant role in the pronunciation of a particular sound.

The sound “L” is pronounced using the lips, tongue and air blown from the throat. To develop these skills, there are a number of simple but very important exercises that need to be performed in front of the mirror.

Smile– lips are stretched in a smile for 10 seconds, then the face relaxes (repeat 7-8 times).

Steamboat– the lips are stretched in a smile, the tip of the tongue has dropped and gone into the depths, and the base of the tongue has been raised.

In this position, a drawn-out sound is pronounced Y-Y-Y-Y, as if a steamboat is humming (starting from 1 minute and increasing to 3 minutes).

Breeze– the lips are stretched in a smile, the tip of the tongue is bitten. In this position the child blows. An adult should ensure that the air comes out evenly from both sides. This can be done by bringing your hand, paper, napkin or cotton wool to the child’s lips (starting from 1 minute and increasing to 3 minutes).

Jam– the mouth is slightly open, the tongue is stuck out. In this position, circular movements of the tongue begin on the lips, as if delicious jam is being licked. As an option, you can call the exercise the child’s favorite treat (1 minute).

horse– click your tongue across the palate, imitating the sound of a running horse’s hooves (1 minute), after that, maintaining articulation, remove the sound, imitating a hiding, silently running horse (starting from 1 minute and increasing to 2-2.5 minutes).

The optimal timing for each exercise is presented here, but is not strictly necessary.

If the child especially liked some exercise, and he is so carried away that he does not want to move on to the next exercises, then he can be allowed to continue without prejudice to the others.

For example, on the way home from kindergarten or school, as well as on a walk, you can invite your child to work on an exercise he likes. It will also be interesting to include exercises in outdoor games that develop fine and gross motor skills.

Sound production exercises

Exercises for making the sound “L” come down to establishing correct articulation and correct breathing.

The correct articulation when pronouncing the sound “L” is as follows:

  1. The lips are stretched in a smile and slightly parted.
  2. The teeth are slightly open.
  3. The tip of the tongue is raised to the base of the upper teeth and rests against them.
  4. When sound is made, air flows freely along the sides of the tongue.

This articulatory position is the basic exercise for making the sound “L”. It may have options in terms of positioning the articulatory apparatus (sometimes you can support the tongue with the tip of a spoon).

That's why break the articulatory position complex into blocks and combine them gradually in the child’s speech activity.

That is, each point can become an independent stage or exercise, after completing it and achieving a sustainable result, the next stage can be added to it.

Thus, step-by-step movement towards the correct sound production will be more effective.

Upon achieving the ability to pronounce the sound “L” correctly, but separately from other sounds, it is gradually introduced into the general sound of speech.

For this purpose they are used exercises with syllables in hard and soft positions, and upon achieving the result - exercises for pronouncing words.

Here you can apply the same exercises that were used in the diagnosis. By and large, at this stage, diagnostics becomes an integral element in establishing and consolidating the sound “L”.

With proper breathing, sounds, syllables and words are pronounced as you exhale, and the air, when pronouncing the sound “L”, passes exactly along the sides of the tongue.

Exercises to consolidate sound

To consolidate the sound “L” in speech, you will have to take control of its pronunciation and constantly remind the child how words with this sound are pronounced correctly.

Return your child to the beginning of the phrase every time he pronounces it incorrectly.

We need to undo the habit and create a new communication model. Don’t be lazy to praise your child every time he pronounces a difficult word correctly.

At this stage you can use tongue twisters, poems, nursery rhymes, fairy tales: about a fox, an elephant, a lion and other characters with words containing the letter “L”. Make more active use and model the exercises suggested earlier.

When to go to a speech therapist?

The baby's speech develops gradually. There is nothing special about the fact that a child does not pronounce certain sounds before the age of 5.

Many adults remember the problems they had with sound pronunciation. Accordingly, you need to draw an analogy with your child and try to remember what effective ways to solve speech problems he found.

If one of the parents visited a speech therapist who corrected his sounds, you can also remember how the classes went and what the most useful points he was able to extract from them.

In this case, the adult will be able to adapt to his child as much as possible, not as a parent, but as a person passing on useful experience to another and helping him learn how to pronounce sounds correctly.

Then you need to take your child to a speech therapist when he turns 5 years old and adults could not independently help him make sounds.

In addition, there are a number of situations when parents are not recommended to make sounds on their own:

  • when a child is diagnosed with organic disorders of the speech apparatus;
  • when a child is diagnosed with neuralgic diseases associated with disorders of the central or peripheral nervous system;
  • when a child is diagnosed with mental illness.

In these cases, a specialist should deal with the child’s speech development, along with the treatment the child receives for the underlying disease. In this case, a visit to a speech therapist should be prescribed by the attending physician.

A lesson conducted independently by an adult does not make sense and can harm speech development if:

  • the adult pronounces the target sound incorrectly;
  • in an adult, there is a lack of clarity in the overall sound of the sounds of the language;
  • the adult reacts unrestrainedly or aggressively to the child’s helplessness;
  • the child is distracted during class, and the adult cannot maintain contact with him.

If you notice that you have one of the above problems, then, in order to avoid the formation of a negative attitude towards your child’s speech classes, it would be best to stop them and go to a speech therapist.

Let's sum it up

If there are no obstacles, then you can create speech sounds yourself, based on existing instructions.

Introduction to speech production techniques will be useful anyway, because when working with a speech therapist, your child will receive a task that he will have to work on independently.

And well-coordinated contact in speech classes will only contribute to success.

As practice shows, production of speech sounds – responsible and complex, but the material is accessible for independent development.

This article gives you all the instructions necessary for this work, and also shows the basic principles on the basis of which you can develop original versions of exercises that your child will like.

Based on what you read, you can make the right choice: make sounds yourself or get help from a speech therapist.

Sometimes the help of a specialist can be invaluable, and in some cases, parental love and warmth will give an unusually powerful effect not only for sound production, but also for creating that creative atmosphere of interaction that will be a resource for relationships for many years.

The “l” sound is one of the simplest and is usually easy to correct. But before you start working with your child, you need to visit a speech therapist who will determine the causes of the speech defect and tell you how to work specifically in your case.

Causes of speech defects in children

Most sounds, including “l,” should be formed in a child by the age of 4-4.5 years. And if this does not happen, then you should think about the reasons. For example, he may not be able to pronounce all the sounds because someone in the family has a speech impediment, and the baby simply copies him. This often happens in bilingual families, when it is difficult for children to figure out where, what and how to pronounce. The cause may be a violation of the development of speech hearing (incorrect hearing of sounds), as well as pathologies of speech breathing and hearing loss. The structure of the articular apparatus (tongue, lips, teeth) is of no small importance: for example, a shortened frenulum makes it difficult to pronounce the sound “l” correctly, because the tongue simply does not reach the upper teeth.

Anatomical features can only be determined by a specialist, so do not try to draw your own conclusions. And don’t be alarmed if the doctor sees a shortened frenulum - today in most cases they prefer to stretch it with the help of special exercises rather than cut it.

Variants of incorrect pronunciation of the sound “l”

  • The sound “l” is absent - the child simply skips this letter (shovel - opata);
  • Replacing “l” with “y” (horse - horse);
  • Replacing “l” with “th” (spoon - yoshka, milk - moyoko);
  • Sometimes a child correctly pronounces a hard “l” and distorts a soft one, and vice versa.

If your speech therapist has not identified any serious deviations, then you can safely begin exercises on making the sound “l” at home. First of all, it is necessary to determine how we produce this sound (interestingly, the position of the tongue may differ slightly between different people with normal diction).

Correct position of articular organs

  • The tip of the tongue rests on the base of the upper teeth (it can also be on the upper alveoli or rests on the gap between the upper and lower teeth).
  • The air passes along the sides of the tongue (the air flow needs to be quite strong).
  • The lateral edges of the tongue do not rest against the upper or lower lateral teeth.

Usually the sound “l” is placed without much difficulty (sometimes a few lessons are enough). We will give tips on how to help your child learn to pronounce the letter “l” at home. Combine exercises with articulatory gymnastics, which will help improve the mobility of the lips, tongue, and laryngeal muscles. Children usually like these activities because they can make faces to their heart's content.

Exercises for training "l"

  1. Smile. You need to smile from ear to ear, without opening your lips, and stay in this position for up to ten seconds (7-8 times a day).
  2. Breeze. Open your mouth a little, bite your tongue a little with your lips and blow hard (up to three minutes a day).
  3. Delicious jam. Circular movements of the tongue over the lips, as if we are licking something tasty (1 minute).
  4. Clattering. Ask your baby to click like a horse, gradually speeding up. In this case, the lower jaw should remain motionless. Then do the same exercise, only more quietly, as if the horse is sneaking.
  5. Long tongue. Invite your baby to stick out his tongue as far as possible and try to reach either his chin or his nose.
  6. Tube. Roll your tongue into a tube several times a day - both useful and fun.
  7. The sound is "y". Ask to say “y-y-y”, but so that the tip of the tongue is in the back of the mouth, and its back is raised to the palate.
  8. Breath. Do breathing exercises more often: blow soap bubbles, blow on dandelions and lighted candles, instill in your child an interest in singing.
  9. Fine motor skills. Do modeling, sewing, drawing, appliqué more often - stimulation of the nerve endings on the hands will help in the development of speech and intellectual development in general.

How to organize classes correctly

First of all, we must remember that all exercises should be done in the form of a game. Think in advance about how you will work with your baby, because just one wrong move or word can put pressure on the child, and he will refuse the procedure. Please note that the child cannot always understand the deep meaning and significance of speech therapy exercises for his future, so the atmosphere of the game is very important. Start small, 1-2 exercises a day, so as not to overtire your baby. Conduct classes so that the child can clearly see his and your face, that is, in front of a mirror, with normal lighting, and preferably in a sitting position. The main thing is to remember to praise your child as often as possible.

When do you need a speech therapist?

Although the sound “l” is one of the simplest in Russian speech, it is not always possible to pronounce it at home even if you conscientiously perform all the exercises.

Situations that require contacting a speech therapist:

  • Your family's native language is not Russian, and you speak with an accent - many sounds will be extremely difficult to make;
  • one or more members of the household have difficulty speaking- it will be difficult to conduct full-fledged classes with the child;
  • you work long and hard with your baby, but there is no effect- You can’t do it without the help of a specialist. He will help you master a “stubborn” sound or tell you how to adjust your homework in a specific situation.

Teaching a child to say the letter “l” is not at all difficult if you immediately give the process a positive attitude. The baby should enjoy learning, so under no circumstances scold him if something doesn’t work out or the baby refuses to study. Remember that this is not at all easy for a little person, so all your patience and ingenuity will be needed here.

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