The moon is hollow inside. Hollow moon hypothesis

Along the way, THEY accelerated the processes on all fronts. Yesterday we read: Cannibalism is becoming more and more popular. Everyone thinks that this will happen in the near future. And THEY have already started this right now. The article below is a continuation of this topic:

“First of all, you won't believe it. But I'm really confused whether to write this or not. A new restaurant set up in Tokyo, Japan has announced special menus that include Human Flesh. Eww, but it's true. Even the government confirmed the restaurant's legitimacy. This sounds alarming, but it's true.

This completely shows the savagery and unheard of cruelty of human nature, which is unacceptable in this community. But the restaurant, called "Resoto ototo no shoku ryohin", which means "Edible Brother" in English, proved it.

The food menu ranges from 100 to 1000 euros with other dishes included. Recently, international news sources confirmed that a tourist from Argentina claimed that the first person ate human meat at the Edible Brother restaurant.

The meat can taste like any pork dish, as the flavor can be offset by excessive amounts of spices and drinks. And human flesh is now legal to eat in Japan, although 99% of the world's population is not yet willing to eat human flesh if offered.

Some people don't even understand the sources that meat comes from. It's simple, people make a will before they die to give their bodies for food, for about 30 thousand euros or 35,799 bucks, and leave the full amount of cash received to their families.

Young people who die at a young age may have a two-way contract with a restaurant that will then eat them.

This is how things begin. Who wants to be eaten?

P.S. V.K. However, this information is not such news. Here, for example, is a little from the Google search engine:

Perhaps, recently, the propaganda of glamorous cannibalism for gourmets of the “civilized” and tolerant West has been gaining momentum, which, in general, is not surprising given the general spread of gender perversions.

P.P.S. This publication, which, frankly speaking, did not particularly surprise me, reaped a good harvest of emergencies, where, apparently, some fighters for same-sex marriage, or meat-eaters, brought me. But there was a proposal to remove this material, however, without explanation. However, I provided a link to the source of the material, and provided links to similar materials from the Google search engine. Therefore, all complaints should be sent to the sources of information. Well, to illustrate the purity of thoughts of the tolerant public of the West, I offer one more link: A US pensioner tested her poison on neighbors in a nursing home Not meat-eating, of course, but also educational.

Many sites have written about the fact that the recently opened restaurant "Resoto ototo no shoku ryohin" in Tokyo is the first restaurant in the world that legally offers visitors to try dishes made from human meat. This news is fake and was created by La Voz Popular (a satirical publication in Spanish).

Original news: “In Japan, the first cannibal restaurant has been opened in the city of Tokyo, where you can legally taste human meat.” This news is 100% false. It is a pity that many sites published this news without checking. And it’s even more unfortunate that many readers believed in it.

In November 2017, many Internet users began to encounter multiple versions of an article reporting that a restaurant, Resoto ototo no shoku ryohin (which literally means “edible brother” in Japanese), had recently opened in Tokyo, offering visitors a taste. dishes made from human flesh.

Original article:

A restaurant for cannibals opened in Japan? How far the ambitions and perversions of the Japanese have gone can be judged by their desire to eat their neighbor. The first restaurant in the world to legally serve human meat as a dish has opened in Tokyo, Japan.

The scary restaurant, called "The Resoto ototo no shoku ryohin", which translates as "edible brother", has opened its doors to guests from all over the world. He offers his customers a varied menu, where prices range from 100 to 1000 euros, that is, a dish with human flesh will cost a little more than 1193 US dollars.

International news sources reported that a tourist from Argentina became the first person to try a dish made from human flesh at a new restaurant. He commented on his peculiar dinner as follows: “It seems that you are eating pork, in this restaurant they cook the meat with spices, so the taste remains uncertain.”

In Japan, a law was passed in 2014 that allows the consumption of human flesh, while maintaining conditions such as sanitary level and origin permitted by law. However, there is no doubt that approximately 99% of people in the world will not agree with this state of affairs.

And the most important question is “Where do they get human meat?”

Before death, people enter into an agreement with a restaurant, according to which they transfer their bodies to the disposal of the restaurant, the amount of the transaction is approximately 30 thousand euros or 35,799 dollars, they can use this money as they wish (for example, bequeath it to their relatives or donate it to charity).

This contract is concluded only with young people, and before donating their bodies, they must follow a special diet so that their meat becomes suitable for consumption.

Would you agree to sell your body for food?

The poor structuring of the article and its style suggest that this, to put it mildly, “article,” is most likely a truncated copy of something originally published in a language other than English. Indeed, the original was published on July 12, 2016 in La Voz Popular (a satirical publication published in Spanish).

The article, published in La Voz Popular, combines information from an April Fool's joke (which claimed that the Japanese government had approved the opening of the first cannibal noodle shop) and photos of props created to promote the video game Resident Evil 6, to make the fabricated story seem more likely to be true. .

Mexican news site Verne wrote about this hoax back in November 2017.

There is no restaurant on the outskirts of Tokyo offering human meat dishes, and there is no legislation in Japan that allows cannibalism. Some media outlets publish this fictitious information on their websites.

In this fictional news story, the restaurant is called Resu ototo no shokuryohin. It is also noted that it has been legal to consume human flesh in Japan since 2014 and that the families of people who choose to sell their bodies for this purpose can receive up to 30,000 euros.

The information does not have a reliable source. The only source mentioned in most publications is an Argentine traveler who chose not to reveal his identity. The primary source can be considered La Voz Popular; similar news was published on the publication’s website in July 2016; this publication, in its legal notice, claims to be a “satirical newspaper.”

A Verne employee consulted with a Japanese embassy representative in Mexico, who was unaware that the information was being circulated online and described it as "absolutely absurd." He also denied that Japanese law allows cannibalism.

Some restaurants in China offer soup made from babies who are 6-7 months old from conception. This dish costs from 3000 to 4000 yuan ($428.5-571.4) per serving. It is believed that this soup increases tone and vitality, and in older men it significantly increases potency.

One of his acquaintances, a businessman named Wang, who is already over 62 years old, told the correspondent that he is a frequent visitor to such restaurants, and then, pointing to his 19-year-old mistress, he emphasized that the dish of babies helps him a lot. The correspondent did not believe that someone really prepared such dishes, and then the businessman invited him to see everything with his own eyes.

Their first stop was in Foshan, Guangdong Province, they went to a restaurant and Wang asked a manager he knew if he could make them this dish. The manager said they don't have any babies in stock right now, but they do have fresh placenta. He also said that babies and placentas should not be frozen, otherwise they will not taste good. He further said that they had young spouses in mind who had come from the village to work and that the woman was pregnant with twins and all were girls. The couple were going to induce premature birth and abandon children. And then, according to the manager, there will be products for the dish they need.

The correspondent still didn't quite believe all this. For several weeks he conducted an investigation in the city, heard many stories about it, but was unable to obtain any concrete evidence. Then Wang called him and said that the product was already available and that now the weather had turned cold and several of his friends wanted to improve their health.

This time they went to Taishan, Guangdong Province. They found the right restaurant, where they were already waiting. And then, while the whole company at the table was waiting for the order, the correspondent was given the opportunity to go into the kitchen and take a look. There he saw with his own eyes for the first time what he had already heard a lot about. On the cutting table lay the small corpse of a baby who was only 5 months old. The cook apologized to him because the baby was very small.

The cook said that they usually receive babies through their channels from the villages. He didn't say what their purchase price was, but said it depended on the size of the baby and whether it was alive or dead. Mostly these are girls.

Wang, in turn, told his friend that he was paying more than 3 thousand yuan and all these details about how they get the babies did not interest him.

Everyone sitting at the table in the restaurant that evening poured soup into their plates, divided the baby’s meat and ate everything with gusto. The correspondent himself could not overcome himself and try this dish.

In the process of his investigation, the correspondent also managed to get in touch with one of the Beijing artists, who believes that eating dishes from babies is a kind of cultural behavior. He also called himself a Christian, and stated that neither the Bible nor the laws of the country prohibit feeding infants.

We all think: cannibalism has been abolished in the civilized world. And we are wrong. Rumors about cannibalism in China began to spread in the press 4 years ago. A journalist from one of the Western publications managed to attend a “dinner”, during which the hospitable hosts cracked a human embryo boiled in soup on both cheeks.

Hong Kong's monthly Next Magazine recently published an article revealing how dead babies and fetuses are the most prized delicacy among the Chinese. The article also described all the details of storing and preparing this “delicacy.”

The reason for the article was the revelations of Liu's maid at a banquet of a Taiwanese businessman. Liu, who lives in Liaolin Province, said that dead bodies of babies, as well as fetuses obtained as a result of abortions, serve as a way for the Chinese to improve their health and beauty. The young human body, according to her, has much more beneficial properties than the placenta. However, such a delicacy is not available to everyone. Those without specific connections have to sign up on long lists waiting for a human body.

Male embryos are considered the most valuable. By the way, in previous media materials devoted to the problem of “embryonutrition” in China, the opposite information was reported - they say that the Chinese only eat girls and demographic policy is to blame. Everyone knows that in China you can only have one child without persecution by the law. Women are generally treated as second class, and every time a newborn girl appears in a poor family, the husband and wife are faced with a choice: either kill themselves, or kill the child, or sell the girl on the black market as food.

Obstetricians who deliver babies tell journalists that all newborn children from mothers who do not have permission to give birth are given an injection of alcohol in the head, from which the child inevitably dies. Thus, they get rid of many of the problems of “unlicensed” children every day.

At the request of the magazine staff, Liu showed the place where the embryos are prepared. In front of astonished journalists, she cut the fetus into pieces and made soup from it.

Don’t worry, it’s just meat, and nothing more than a highly developed animal,” she said during the process. According to the customs of the region, the germs are fired in forges before being cooked. However, some Chinese cannibals prefer placenta rather than newborn children; it is more accessible and sells for only $10. In some restaurants in the southern province of Guangdong you can order a very popular dish: six- to seven-month-old baby soup with medicinal herbs. The cost of such soup is from 3000 to 4000 yuan.

The Chinese's passion for cannibalism is terrifying. In 2000, in Guangxi province, police detained a group of smugglers transporting babies in a truck, the oldest of whom was 3 months old. The children were stuffed three or four into bags and were practically dying. None of them had a missing person report from their parents. In 2004, a resident of the city of Shuangchengzi found a bag of dismembered babies in a landfill. The package contained 2 heads, 3 torsos, 4 arms and 6 legs. This and other terrifying information appears from time to time on the pages of publications and television screens in China.

Human babies are more difficult to obtain for food, and I believe China has laws regarding killing babies for this purpose. But there seems to be no law against eating aborted human fetuses or miscarriages. A number of abortion hospitals sell aborted fetuses for food.

Small fetuses are boiled for soup. Late uterine fetuses are eaten like roasted suckling pigs. It is clear that the Chinese government would be somewhat uncomfortable if Russian journalists wrote about this kind of thing, or made a film about what the Chinese do to cats and dogs. But it is worrying in vain: Russian journalists understand that such information cannot be published in any way; this would have a negative impact on public enthusiasm for closer rapprochement with the Chinese.

Reports that dead fetuses are used as a dietary supplement began circulating early last year with reports that doctors at clinics in Shenzhen were eating dead fetuses after performing abortions. Doctors defended their actions, arguing that the fetuses were beneficial for skin conditions and overall health.

Soon it was said in the city that doctors in the city recommended uterine fruits as a tonic. Cleaners at the clinic reportedly fought with each other over who could take home valuable human scraps. Last month, reporters from East Week, an affiliate of the Eastern Express, traveled to Shenjiang to check out the rumors. On March 7, the reporter came to the Shenjiang State Women's and Children's Health Center and pretended to be sick and asked the doctor for a fetus. The doctor said that they had run out of them in their department and asked me to come another time.

The next day the reporter came in during his lunch break. When the doctor finally emerged from the operating room, she was holding a glass bottle filled with thumb-sized embryos. The doctor said: “There are 10 fetuses here, all aborted this morning. You can take them. We are a public clinic and give them away for free."...

The reporter found that fetuses are currently priced at $10 each, but when supply is tight, the price could rise to $20. But this money is a pittance compared to the prices at private clinics, which reportedly make a lot of money from fetuses. The clinic on Bong Men Lao Street charges $300 for one embryo. The director of the clinic is a man about 60 years old. When he saw an ailing reporter, he offered him 9-month-old fetuses, which he claimed had the best healing properties. When a female doctor named Yang... from the Xing Hua Clinic was asked whether fetuses were edible, she heatedly declared, “Well, of course. They're even better than placenta. They can make your skin smoother, your body stronger, and they are good for your kidneys. When I was in the military hospital in Jiangti Province, I often brought fetuses home."...

A Mr. Cheng from Hong Kong claims that he ate fetal soup for over six months. He is in his 40s and often travels to Shenjiang for business. Friends introduced him to fetuses. He says he met a number of professors and doctors at public hospitals who helped with the purchase of embryos. “I felt uneasy at first, but doctors told me that the substances contained in fetuses would help me get rid of my asthma. I started taking them, and gradually the asthma disappeared,” Cheng said...

Zou Kin, a 32-year-old woman with excellent skin for her age, attributes her well-preserved appearance to a diet of fetuses. As a doctor at the Long Hu Clinic, Zou performed abortions on several hundred patients. She finds the fetuses to be very nutritious and claims she has eaten more than 100 in the last six months. She holds up a sample of the fetus in front of a reporter and explains the selection criteria. “Usually, people prefer the fetuses of young women; The best fetus to eat is the first-born boy. They will go to waste if we don't eat them. The women we abort don't want these fetuses. Besides, the embryos are already dead when we eat them. We don't perform abortions just to eat fetuses..."

Dr Warren Lee, president of the Hong Kong Nutrition Association, is aware of these unfortunate rumors. “Eating fetuses is a form of traditional Chinese medicine, and has deep roots in Chinese folklore...” he says.

In an article dated April 12, 1995. There is much more information from the Eastern Express, an English language newspaper in Hong Kong. If this is not enough for you, you can try to rummage through Chinese folklore yourself. As this person said, eating fetuses has deep roots in Chinese tradition.

S. Sergeev. (Based on materials from the National Alliance)

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