People born in the first quarter of the moon. Lunar birthday and moon phase

The waning Moon replaced the waxing one in the sky. Not much time has passed, and the Moon in all its beauty, which just recently shone fabulously, begins to melt, waste its strength and light. The moon, from bright and full, begins to turn into a small, narrow crescent, which will soon disappear completely. The Moon now symbolizes weakening, beginning the process of dying. What do we need to know about the waning moon?

The waning moon is the time when it is necessary to finish all previously started tasks. This is confirmed by many years of observations of the Moon. This time is most favorable for finally breaking up with bad habits, completing protracted repairs, and completing unfinished business.

On the waning moon

On the waning moon, practices related to liberation and purification are performed. Do clearing of rubble, general cleaning, energetic cleansing of the house, liberation from negative thoughts, emotions, beliefs and attitudes. The beginning of the third phase is marked by a feeling of incredible fullness of life. But you can’t get too carried away and throw out energy: everything must be in moderation.

During the period of the waning Moon, medical operations are better, almost all household work is completed with ease, the number of conflict situations decreases, and misunderstandings are more easily resolved. This time is suitable for diet and skin care: the use of special masks, wraps and other cosmetic procedures is especially effective. Under the waning Moon, it is best to clean up the house and sell a valuable item.

If you were born during the waning moon

The moment of the waning moon includes the period of intermediate phases from the full moon to the new moon. This period can be divided into two phases: The first is the time from the full moon to the third quarter. The second is the time from the fourth quarter until the disappearance of the lunar crescent. Synchronously with the waning of the Moon, the effect of energy and all those processes and phenomena in those areas of life that the Moon controls decreases. Let's consider what character traits people born on the waning moon have.

During the third phase of the moon

People born in the third phase of the moon are overwhelmed with conflicting feelings. They look at themselves as if from the outside and are never satisfied with what they see. To others, they may seem unreliable, constantly changing their beliefs. In the worst case, during the third phase, reckless people are born, influenced by fleeting impulses, illusory desires and dreams. They say about them: “Not of this world.” Often their emotions are beyond their control.

These people need constant friendly contact; being in a team is not a whim for them, but an urgent need. If they don't get help from friends, they can become quite unpredictable. People who unwisely indulge their whims risk wasting their energy. In the third phase of the Moon, born actors and performers are born.

During the fourth phase of the moon

People born in the fourth phase of the Moon look absolutely calm, they often have a cold and hard expression on their faces. These people really lack emotional freedom, the ability to correctly evaluate themselves and control themselves and their impulses. They are characterized by emotional outbursts and impulsive reactions to many events that irritate them. Such people definitely need to learn not to lose their minds in any situation, but also to hide their feelings deeply, without suppressing them.

During the period of the waning Moon, you should cut your hair, do general cleaning, get rid of everything unnecessary, begin treatment, cleansing the body, etc. During the period of the waning Moon, it is advisable to do things that are already established and do not require much effort. An important telephone call made during the waning Moon will most likely not give the desired effect, because on the other end of the line you are listening to a person whose biorhythms are also on the decline. He would rather redirect you to another authority than delve into your problem.

For these phases of the Moon, any work that can be completed quickly is suitable. By getting rid of some bad habit, we seem to kill it. After the habit has disappeared, new inclinations take the place of old ones - renewal begins. This time is considered favorable for completing all kinds of affairs.

The birthday fell on the 1st lunar day. On this day, heroes in life are born.

It is difficult for such people every 16th lunar day - at this time they are weakened and they do little. Relationships with those born at this time are also extremely difficult.

People born on the 1st lunar day always expect something great; they can live like this all their lives and not wait for their finest hour. Sometimes inspiration dawns on them, and they accomplish a feat: they must join in the activity unexpectedly and brightly.

They are bad at passivity in business (waiting is not their strong point), accumulation of experience, soaring and elevation. It is difficult to make radical changes, draw conclusions from mistakes made, accumulate experience and wisdom, open up new opportunities and find resources.

Those born on this day usually live in wealth and luxury. Their home is unlikely to become scarce. They easily achieve success and are often the pride of the family.

A child born on this day will live long if there is no influence of malefic planets in his horoscope. People born on the first day of the Moon always expect something great: they can live their whole lives like this and not wait for their finest hour if their will, determination and hard work are poorly nurtured from early childhood. Sometimes inspiration suddenly dawns on them, and they accomplish a feat. People of the 1st ld. can be involved in activities unexpectedly and brightly. They need to be very careful about their thoughts, since they affect the world around them and people much more strongly (even if this happens unconsciously) than others.

We all come from childhood and the influence of our parents and their upbringing leaves an imprint on our entire future life. Parents are obliged to teach their child a culture of thought, words, feelings, and to instill responsibility in him. They must teach the child a creative direction of activity, instill in him a sense of joy from creativity.

People born on the 1st lunar day are usually slow and indecisive. They prefer not active actions, but reflections, daydreams and daydreams. They are excellent at creating mental and emotional models, which are then implemented in life. Therefore, such people need to be very careful about their emotions and desires - even the most negative of them can come true!

A person on the 1st lunar day can wait for something all his life, being half asleep, secretly dreaming of glory, exploits and great achievements. But he is also capable of unexpectedly and brightly realizing himself at the end of his life, surprising everyone around him, and achieving a lot in a couple of years. As a rule, those born on the 1st lunar day are long-lived people, but only if they are careful and attentive to their own health.

They are excellent at working with the mentality at the subconscious level: it is easy for them to maneuver in the chaos of their own and other people’s thoughts, easily manage time and jokingly manage with all urgent matters. If on their lunar birthday, on the new moon, they think of something and draw a bright, emotional picture in their imagination, there is a high probability that their plans will be realized and embodied in the smallest subtleties and details. The main thing that can be advised to such people is to monitor their violent emotions and control the intricacies of their many thoughts. And also not to overwork physically, since it is very difficult for them to restore wasted energy, it takes them too much time.

A person was born in the first quarter of the lunar cycle. Morning of the month - "Artemis". I came to explore this world, get acquainted with it, solve tactical problems and make tactical plans, make up my mind, look around and launch all life processes, affairs of relationship.

Those born in the 1st quarter are “small children” of preschool age and their life task, the purpose for which they were born is the same as that of babies - to get acquainted with this world, learn to communicate, take care of themselves and “behave in people.”

Those born in the first quarter of the Lunar cycle are eternal “preschoolers,” people of a virgin soul that has not yet acquired much experience. They, like children under three years old, know little, but they learn and absorb information easier than others. They sleep a lot and physically and spiritually it is difficult for them to wake up; they need rest more than others. Because every day they, like small children, receive more impressions from life than “adults.”

It’s as if everything is new to them, they take everything at face value, it’s easier for them to open up to the world and other people.

They draw strength from the Earth, like babies from their mother; like babies, they need physical care, comfort, and warmth. Having become adults, our “kids” continue to be nourished by the Earth, they are given strength by trips to nature, and all sorts of rituals like “lean against a birch tree” help them more than others. In a word, remember the kids, and everything will become clear to you.

Those born in the 1st phase are allowed a lot and are forgiven more than others, because they have not yet reached that degree of “adulthood”, which imposes great responsibility.

The quality of life of those born in the first quarter, as well as the quality of life of children, depends in almost everything on the “parents” - on the environment in which they live. If their loved ones take good care of them, then their whole life can turn out to be a continuous “happy and carefree childhood.” If they are unlucky with their surroundings, they have the hardest time coping with difficulties - life in the “childhood of a street child” mode is perhaps the most difficult of all possible options. To improve the quality of your life. Those born in the first quarter just need to find good, caring “parents”.

The best partners and life companions for people of the first phase of the Moon are considered to be people born in the third lunar phase. Those same “caring parents” are most often found among those born in the 3rd quarter, born “adults”, whose task is precisely to live an adult life, work, raise children, take care of their parents, etc.

Which famous people were born on the 1st lunar day? On this day such famous people were born as:

The intensity of the lunar influence on humans is constantly changing. Degree influence of the moon varies and depends not only on a specific day of the lunar month, but also on the phase.
There are four lunar phases : waxing, waning, full moon and new moon. Each of them has its own psychological characteristics.
People born in different phases of the lunar cycle have different personality traits. A person’s knowledge of what phase of the Moon he was born in will allow him to better understand others, be less offended and be more tolerant.

Waxing Moon (I and II phases )

Time of the waxing moon favorable for all kinds of beginnings and renewal. Take up some business during the new moon and continue to do it throughout the entire lunar cycle. The result will be great.
It is worth trying to do as much as possible in the area of ​​creating coziness and comfort. The positive energy of the waxing Moon helps in such actions.
In this phase, the Moon gradually begins to transform from a silvery speck into a full shining ball. With this, she seems to remind people that a stage for growth and life improvement is coming.
The young moon is a symbol of birth and development. This time is ideal for planning and starting things: try to exercise, paint the house, repair the car, invite guests to your house, devote yourself to your favorite activity, re-read your favorite book.
People born in the first phase of the Moon are characterized by a love of comparisons, comparisons, and curiosity. They can be very naive. Their characteristic property is a combination of gullibility and independence. Emotionally, they develop quite late, know how to be patient, and have their own opinion on any matter.
The behavior of such people is difficult to predict. Okies retain emotional calm and dreaminess for a long time.

People born during the second phase of the moon very flexible and emotionally receptive. They are characterized by insight. They find their support in life in constant emotional contact. They painfully tolerate indifference and perceive many things intuitively.
Such people have a rich inner world, which gives them the opportunity, if the need arises, to understand their emotions, impulses, and unreasonable outbursts. They often become upset if they perceive coldness in communication. They need constant emotional contact to feel comfortable and have peace of mind.

Waning Moon (III and IV phases)

The time of the waning moon is the time to complete all affairs. As the Moon transitions into a new moon, its effect on nature changes. This time is the most favorable for finally giving up a bad habit, finishing a boring project, or finishing a protracted renovation.
The moon gradually turns into a small month, which then disappears altogether. It symbolizes decline, capturing the process of dying.
Under the influence of the waning Moon, it is best to clean up your house, sell a valuable item, and quit smoking or drinking. Such actions will be successful.
For these, any work that involves completion is suitable. By getting rid of some bad habit, we seem to kill it. After the habit has disappeared, renewal occurs, new inclinations take the place of old ones.
People born in the third phase of the moon overflowing with feelings. They look at themselves as if from the outside and are never satisfied with what they see. To others they may seem unreliable and change their beliefs. In the worst case, during the third phase, stupid people are born, influenced by fleeting impulses and illusory desires. Often their emotions are uncontrollable. These people need constant contact; being in a team is not a whim for them, but a necessity. If they don't get help from friends, they can become unpredictable. People who indulge their whims risk wasting energy. During the third phase of the Moon, many actors are born.

Born in the fourth phase of the moon They appear imperturbable and often have a cold and hard expression on their faces. These people lack emotional freedom; they do not know how to correctly evaluate themselves and manage themselves. They are characterized by impulsive reactions to many irritating factors and emotional outbursts. Such people need to learn not to lose their minds in any situation without suppressing their feelings.

New moon

The few days between the waning and new moon are called the new moon. This is a time for rebirth and renewal. The darkness that accompanies this time reminds us that any life is not eternal.
Everyone is equal before. Everything has its logical conclusion. You close the book when it is read, throw away things that have served their purpose. Every activity ends one way or another. However, every death predicts a birth.

The period of the lunar cycle at the junction of the fourth and first phases is called the “days of Hecate”. The first day of Hecate (the penultimate day of the Moon) is associated with the element of air. A person born at this time will fuss throughout his life. Overloaded with emotional connections, addictions, contacts, he usually does not have time to do anything. The second day of Hecate (just before the new moon) is associated with the element of fire.
People born on the last day of the lunar cycle often experience mental suffering caused by deep internal contradictions. They are tormented by fears, nightmares, unfounded premonitions, bad dreams emerging from the depths of the subconscious.
The third and fourth days of Hecate, when the young Moon takes over, bring emotional imbalance to people. The third day gives the world people who are usually self-absorbed, unshakable in their beliefs. They are ready to defend their principles to the end. There are people who are distinguished by their childish view of the world and innocence. They are usually born on the fourth day of Hecate. Taking any words on faith, they are sincerely surprised how they could be deceived. It is very difficult to convince them of anything. As a rule, these are fanatics of their business.

Full moon

Full moon is the period of the lunar cycle during the transition from the second phase to the third. This is a time of heightened emotionality, and the ability to concentrate decreases. During the full moon, a person tends to overestimate his capabilities, so the likelihood of mistakes he makes increases. People are overcome by overconfidence.
The full moon is a period of mental stress, this is especially noticeable in unbalanced people. People are more susceptible to suggestion, become more irritable, and follow their feelings.
This phase of the regular moon cycle is favorable only for play and relaxation. It is best to avoid stressful situations and the need to make decisions.
For people born on a full moon, characterized by independence and complete freedom in action. They know the value of themselves and others. They say about such people that you can’t fool them. They are also characterized by high sensitivity, subtlety of feelings and the ability to empathize. Having an internal reference point. they will not give in to provocations. Their striking feature is the ability to infect others with optimism. People often turn to them for knowledge and experience. The rational reasoning with which these people bribe others can lead them themselves into a dead end.

Moon phases

Today, astrologers have proven that the phase of the moon at the birth of a child greatly influences his character. For example, if a baby was born on a waxing moon, then in his life he will give preference to studying the world, acquiring a variety of knowledge, and will also strive to develop all the abilities inherent within. Such people strive for an active life and want to have respect for their work. We can say with confidence that these are selfish people, since they are focused only on their own lives and the problems of the people around them are completely unimportant to them.

If a person was born on the waning moon, then you should not expect any special activity from him. Such people prefer to seek answers to various philosophical questions. Usually, they do one thing they love and have several close friends. Such people don’t care what others think about them; it’s important not to fall in their own eyes.

People who were born in the first phase of the Moon are characterized by special activity and assertiveness, because of this they achieve all their intended results. They are very talented, so it is difficult for them to choose just one activity. They constantly want to be the center of attention. They are very bad at finding a common language with other people. But it is important to note that until people born in this phase understand their own souls, they can suffer many failures.

People of the second phase of the Moon adapt well to any environment. They easily and simply find a common language with different people, regardless of their social status. They achieve their goals without much effort. They are very practical, so they will never miss the opportunity of a profitable deal. Usually, by the age of 30, these people have a family and a fairly stable financial situation.

Those born in the third phase of the moon underestimate themselves; they can achieve great success if they simply believe in their own strength. They quickly choose their favorite business and achieve great success in it even in their youth, but, unfortunately, as they get older they stop worrying about the social side of life and become isolated from others. At the end of life, severe disappointment in one’s own life may follow.

Those born in the fourth phase of the Moon are most often loners. Their childhood is spent in hospitals or at home with various diseases, because of this they have almost no friends. They are completely inactive, therefore they will never be able to achieve a leadership position; they prefer to obey instructions. Very often, they choose a job that is uninteresting for themselves.

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