Magnetic storms schedule September. Increased solar activity in September

The 2017 solar explosion provoked serious magnetic storms in September: find out when they are expected and why they are dangerous

Solar flare today 2017 © shutterstock

Forecast of magnetic storms in September 2017 from will be useful to all weather-dependent people.

The beginning of autumn promises several serious outbreaks of solar activity. In particular, on September 6 there was a powerful explosion on the Sun, to which scientists assigned a score of X9.3 on a 10-point activity scale. This is the largest solar flare in the last 12 years. Today, its consequences have not yet been studied by specialists. However, the level of flare activity has gone off scale and is 10.3 points.

In this regard, a serious impact of solar flares on humans is expected. There may be a deterioration in health, as well as failures in the operation of communication systems, the Internet, and even failure of space technology.

Significant magnetic storms are also expected in mid-September and at the end of the month. Therefore, you should be on guard so that they do not take you by surprise and spoil your well-being and mood at the beginning of the school year.


During September 2017, the strongest manifestation of solar activity is expected.

Magnetic fluctuations are possible 2, 6, 17, 26, 30 numbers.

Magnetic storms expected 1, 7, 8, 9, 13, 14, 15, 16, 24, 27, 28, 29 numbers.


years - the cause of occurrence

Geomagnetic disturbances on Earth periodically occur due to processes occurring on the Sun, especially in the region of dark spots. During solar flares, plasma particles burst into space at enormous speed and, reaching the lower layers of the earth's atmosphere, cause storms on our planet.

Magnetic storms in September 2017 years - feeling unwell

During magnetic storms and serious geomagnetic fluctuations, people sensitive to them often experience headaches, insomnia, disruption of the cardiovascular system, exacerbation of chronic diseases, decreased performance, loss of strength, increased adrenaline in the blood, stress and depression.

The body's reaction to magnetic storms is different for each person. Scientists have not yet found an exact answer to the question of why solar activity can greatly affect our body. It is believed that the reason for a person’s poor health may be his current state of health. Whether we are healthy or sick, what is the state of our immunity, whether we suffer from depression or other mental disorders - all these factors influence how we will survive the next magnetic storm.


In addition, suspiciousness is an important factor. It is believed that only 10% of humanity truly suffers from excess solar activity, and the remaining 90% invent symptoms for themselves and believe in them.

Whether this is really so is up to you to decide and check. We can advise how to behave during magnetic storms in September 2017.

What to do to make it easier to survive magnetic storms in September 2017 year:

  • limit work that requires increased attention and concentration, or postpone it for another time;
  • try to avoid stressful situations;
  • relax more and walk in the fresh air;
  • monitor your blood pressure;
  • take sedatives: valerian, motherwort, hawthorn, sage, soothing teas;
  • follow the recommendations of your doctor and always have the necessary medications with you;
  • Eat right to lower your blood cholesterol levels. A plant-based diet, consumption of natural juices, decoctions, chicory, a dairy diet and lean meat are recommended. Avoid drinking alcohol during this period.


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Magnetic storms magnetic storms 2017 magnetic storms in 2017 magnetic storms in September magnetic storms in September 2017 schedule of magnetic storms in September 2017 magnetic storms in September 2017 schedule magnetic storms in September 2017 magnetic storms in September 2017 magnetic storms in September 2017 in detail magnetic storm calendar for September 2017 magnetic storms in September 2017 magnetic storms in September 2017 magnetic storm schedule magnetic storms in 2017 schedule days of magnetic storms days of magnetic storms in September days of magnetic storms in September 2017

Finally, the Sun began to show its character in the form of frequent and quite powerful solar flares, which has not happened for almost 12 years.

A series of powerful flares began on the Sun on September 4, their consequence was a decrease in the Earth's magnetic field. The laboratory of X-ray solar astronomy at the Physical Institute of the Academy of Sciences (FIAN) explained that after flares, a plasma cloud formed on the surface of the Sun, which literally “burns” the magnetic field of our planet.

On September 5, the number of solar flares of class C and higher reached 13, and on September 6, the most powerful flare in the last 12 years was recorded, it was classified X9.3. On September 8, another powerful flare occurred, which was also assigned class X (there were 21 flares of class C and higher in total). On September 10, out of 7 flares, one again reached class X - X8.2, after which no strong flares were observed until mid-September.

As Scott McIntosh, director of the Observatory at the National Center for Atmospheric Research, explained, in reality, large flares are a normal occurrence during the final stage of the solar cycle, which lasts 11 years.

When the Sun's activity declines, the magnetic fields that cause sunspots begin to accumulate in the equatorial region and form vortices, the researcher explained. The same thing happens on Earth: due to the so-called Coriolis force in the Northern and Southern Hemispheres, water swirls in opposite directions, and at the equator, multidirectional flows turn into a whirlpool.

“These groups of spots are very unstable. These are usually the ones that produce the largest and most dangerous outbreaks,” McIntosh told Gizmodo. He also noted a paradoxical pattern: the strongest magnetic storms occur during periods of least solar activity.

Scientists predicted the strongest magnetic storms after such powerful flares, however, their prediction did not come true - the magnetic storms were very moderate. However, many scientists have made extreme predictions, including the death of life on our planet and the death - in the distant future - of the Sun itself. Esotericists also did not remain in debt - according to many, such solar flares are harbingers of difficult periods for humanity, although not the end of the world, Thank God. Every person has the right to their own opinion, and I would also like to express mine.

If you look at these events from a subtle level, i.e. from higher measurements, it should be noted that the indicated flares, as well as flares that may occur until the end of September (I’m not looking further yet), are quite an ordinary phenomenon that fits into the patterns and periods of solar activity established by man on the basis of long-term observations. Since the Sun is a very complex cosmic object, its activity or passivity is difficult to fit into a certain number of years. Of course, the Sun has the right to “go beyond” the established periods, especially since it did not establish them. Much more interesting are the facts that (see above) large flares are a normal phenomenon for the final stage of the solar cycle. In other words, this kind of manifestation of solar activity is a completely expected part of a complex scenario, which includes information exchange between the Sun and the planets of the solar system. After the exchange of such programs on more subtle levels, including through the interaction of magnetic fields, “communication” occurs at the level of the solar wind, which “completes” a multi-vector and multi-level program of interactions (including vibrational) at all levels within the Solar system. Moreover, this program refers to systemic programs, and not extraordinary ones, both for the Sun and for the Earth. According to our information, these phenomena do not relate to either the “transition” or the “ascension”. Yes, we can talk about a certain correction of the Earth’s magnetic field, but again, these corrections do not go beyond the usual.

However, strong flares in September provide an opportunity to look at what is happening inside the Solar System at the level of information and energy interactions. And here we can talk about a certain leveling of information interaction between all planets. Speaking in esoteric language, the flows of information from the subtle planes have not only been completely balanced between the planets and the Sun, but also between the Sun and the Center of our Galaxy. In fact, a double system (duplicate) of information interaction has been formed, in which programs from the Galaxy Center now reach each planet both directly and through the center of the Sun, which may be the key to a more harmonious development of our star system. As our system revolves around the Galaxy Center, the impact of energies on our system shifts from certain constellations and individual stars. Again, according to our information, our sector of the Galaxy is beginning to be influenced by the energies of the constellations Pegasus, Cygnus and Ophiuchus, while the influence of the energies of the constellations Orion, Pleiades and Ursa Major is beginning to decrease. What this could mean for humanity and the individual is still difficult to imagine. But it can be noted that such constellations of the Higher Zodiac as Pegasus, Cygnus and Ophiuchus carry the qualities of Evolution, Transition to a new level and Rooting of the new in the most general sense.

I repeat that if there are changes in the near and intraplanetary spaces, they are in the nature of very subtle changes at the level of information programs for the development of the Earth and its life forms within the framework of the natural stages of planetary evolution. We can talk with caution about the beginning of correction of the planetary genome, again at a subtle information level. In the future, this means the replacement of some biological types of life with others, again taking into account changes in climatic conditions, which take centuries and even longer periods. These changes rather look like adjustments to ongoing programs in order to identify the viability of individual species in new conditions. Of course, adjustments to new programs are also taking place here, so far only experimentally.

The human genome as a whole will remain stable for many decades to come. However, changes in the Earth's magnetic fields can create new field conditions to which the genome of humans and other biological species cannot but respond - first at the field level, and then at the biochemical level (RNA-DNA). Let me remind you, however, that many gene sections, especially those that are “responsible” for a balanced psycho-somatic state of a person, are in a latent state (and it would be good to “awaken them”) or in a distorted form (and it would be good to heal them), without direct gene intervention, but solely through the wave influence of higher consciousness.

One can note closer interactions between the subtle plans of Earth, Venus and Mars for the exchange of information about different forms of biological life on these planets.

We were told that on some planes (dimensions) such interaction is intended to take into account the experience of evolution and involution of life forms that existed and exist on Venus and Mars and which differ significantly from earthly life forms, especially in relation to more complex biological systems. Many people talk about the “parallel existence” of some plans of these three planets, which intersect in the task of determining the vector of life development. It is quite possible that the further development of some forms of life will be transferred from planet to planet due to the dramatic development of planetary events. Esotericists also talk about the presence of a system of transitions-portals between these planets for multidimensional interactions of entities of the subtle plane.

Changes are also observed in the functioning plans of Shambhala. We can say that Shambhala is temporarily “closed to visitors” due to large-scale transformations of subtle plans. These transformations concern, first of all, the plans of existence of the Archangels, who accept and assimilate the evolutionary plans transmitted by the Sanat Kumaras. The Kingdom of Angels, which operates in denser dimensions, closer to humans, is so far least affected by these changes.

Taking into account the fact that changes, albeit on the most subtle levels, are taking place, and in this sense we cannot escape them, I would like to offer a person more in-depth work with himself, in particular, with his life experience, defining goals and meanings incarnations, etc. Since the subtle plane is changing and entails changes in the denser layers of existence, we recommend starting with that subtle, true thing that is inherent in each of us, realizing and manifesting this truth in practical actions and events.

Finally, the Sun began to show its character in the form of frequent and quite powerful solar flares, which has not happened for almost 12 years.

A series of powerful flares began on the Sun on September 4, their consequence was a decrease in the Earth's magnetic field. The laboratory of X-ray solar astronomy at the Physical Institute of the Academy of Sciences (FIAN) explained that after flares, a plasma cloud formed on the surface of the Sun, which literally “burns” the magnetic field of our planet.

On September 5, the number of solar flares of class C and higher reached 13, and on September 6, the most powerful flare in the last 12 years was recorded, it was classified X9.3. On September 8, another powerful flare occurred, which was also assigned class X (there were 21 flares of class C and higher in total). On September 10, out of 7 flares, one again reached class X - X8.2, after which no strong outbreaks were observed until mid-September.

As Scott McIntosh, director of the Observatory at the National Center for Atmospheric Research, explained, in reality, large flares are a normal occurrence during the final stage of the solar cycle, which lasts 11 years.

When the Sun's activity declines, the magnetic fields that cause sunspots begin to accumulate in the equatorial region and form vortices, the researcher explained. The same thing happens on Earth: due to the so-called Coriolis force in the Northern and Southern Hemispheres, water swirls in opposite directions, and at the equator, multidirectional flows turn into a whirlpool.

« These groups of spots are very unstable. They are usually the ones that generate the largest and most dangerous outbreaks.,” McIntosh said in an interview with Gizmodo. He also noted a paradoxical pattern: the strongest magnetic storms occur during periods of least solar activity.

Scientists predicted the strongest magnetic storms after such powerful flares, however, their prediction did not come true - the magnetic storms were very moderate. However, many scientists have made extreme predictions, including the death of life on our planet and the death - in the distant future - of the Sun itself. Esotericists also did not remain in debt - according to many, such solar flares are harbingers of difficult periods for humanity, although not the end of the world, Thank God. Every person has the right to their own opinion, and I would also like to express mine.

If you look at these events from a subtle level, i.e. from higher measurements, it should be noted that the indicated flares, as well as flares that may occur until the end of September (I’m not looking further yet), are quite an ordinary phenomenon that fits into the patterns and periods of solar activity established by man on the basis of long-term observations. Since the Sun is a very complex cosmic object, its activity or passivity is difficult to fit into a certain number of years. Of course, the Sun has the right to “go beyond” the established periods, especially since it did not establish them. Much more interesting are the facts that (see above) large flares are a normal phenomenon for the final stage of the solar cycle. In other words, this kind of manifestation of solar activity is a completely expected part of a complex scenario, which includes information exchange between the Sun and the planets of the solar system. After the exchange of such programs on more subtle levels, including through the interaction of magnetic fields, “communication” occurs at the level of the solar wind, which “completes” a multi-vector and multi-level program of interactions (including vibrational) at all levels within the Solar system. Moreover, this program refers to systemic programs, and not extraordinary ones, both for the Sun and for the Earth. According to our information, these phenomena do not relate to either the “transition” or the “ascension”. Yes, we can talk about a certain correction of the Earth’s magnetic field, but again, these corrections do not go beyond the usual.

However, strong flares in September provide an opportunity to look at what is happening inside the Solar System at the level of information and energy interactions. And here we can talk about a certain leveling of information interaction between all planets. Speaking in esoteric language, the flows of information from the subtle planes have not only been completely balanced between the planets and the Sun, but also between the Sun and the Center of our Galaxy. In fact, a double system has formed(duplicate) information interaction, in which programs from the Galaxy Center now reach each planet both directly and through the center of the Sun, which may be the key to a more harmonious development of our star system. As our system revolves around the Galaxy Center, the impact of energies on our system shifts from certain constellations and individual stars. Again, according to our information, our sector of the Galaxy is beginning to be influenced by the energies of the constellations Pegasus, Cygnus and Ophiuchus, while the influence of the energies of the constellations Orion, Pleiades and Ursa Major is beginning to decrease. What this could mean for humanity and the individual is still difficult to imagine. But it can be noted that such constellations of the Higher Zodiac as Pegasus, Cygnus and Ophiuchus carry the qualities of Evolution, Transition to a new level and Rooting of the new in the most general sense.

I repeat that if there are changes in the near and intraplanetary spaces, they are of the nature very subtle changes at the level of information programs for the development of the Earth and its life forms within the framework of the natural stages of planetary evolution. We can talk with caution about the beginning of correction of the planetary genome, again at a subtle information level. In the future, this means the replacement of some biological types of life with others, again taking into account changes in climatic conditions, which take centuries and even longer periods. These changes rather look like adjustments to ongoing programs in order to identify the viability of individual species in new conditions. Of course, adjustments to new programs are also taking place here, so far only experimentally.

The human genome as a whole will remain stable for many decades to come. However, changes in the Earth's magnetic fields can create new field conditions to which the genome of humans and other biological species cannot but respond - first at the field level, and then at the biochemical level (RNA-DNA). Let me remind you, however, that many gene sections, especially those that are “responsible” for a balanced psycho-somatic state of a person, are in a latent state (and it would be good to “awaken them”) or in a distorted form (and it would be good to heal them), without direct gene intervention, but solely through the wave influence of higher consciousness.

One can note closer interactions between the subtle plans of Earth, Venus and Mars for the exchange of information about different forms of biological life on these planets.

We were told that on some planes (dimensions) such interaction is intended to take into account the experience of evolution and involution of life forms that existed and exist on Venus and Mars and which differ significantly from earthly life forms, especially in relation to more complex biological systems. Many people talk about the “parallel existence” of some plans of these three planets, which intersect in the task of determining the vector of life development. It is quite possible that the further development of some forms of life will be transferred from planet to planet due to the dramatic development of planetary events. Esotericists also talk about the presence of a system of transitions-portals between these planets for multidimensional interactions of entities of the subtle plane.

Changes are also observed in the functioning plans of Shambhala. It can be said that Shambhala temporarily« closed to the public» in connection with large-scale transformations of subtle plans. These transformations concern, first of all, plans of existence of the Archangels, who accept and assimilate the evolutionary plans broadcast by the Sanat Kumaras. The Kingdom of Angels, which operates in denser dimensions, closer to humans, is so far least affected by these changes.

Taking into account the fact that changes, albeit on the most subtle levels, are taking place, and in this sense we cannot escape them, I would like to offer a person more in-depth work with himself, in particular, with his life experience, defining goals and meanings incarnations, etc. Since the subtle plane changes and entails changes in the denser layers of habitat, we recommend start with exactly that subtle, true what is inherent in each of us, to realize and manifest this truth in practical actions and events.

Tatiana Zolotukhina

Publication Website " OMART.A.SATT"

It has already been proven that solar activity can affect a person and harm health. Avoiding sun exposure is almost impossible, but if you protect yourself in advance, you can reduce the risk to a minimum level. In this regard, we invite you to find out on what days we can expect magnetic storms in September.

In autumn, our body is exposed to temperature changes, and the influence of additional negative factors can further harm our health. A magnetic storm is a phenomenon that happens every month. When the Sun is most active, a person may experience discomfort and bad mood. Of course, protecting yourself from the effects of storms is quite difficult. However, it turned out that if you prepare for them a few days in advance, you can protect your health from serious consequences. The site’s experts bring to your attention the schedule of magnetic storms for September.

Geomagnetic fluctuation from September 11 to 14

Fortunately, we will not experience any strong magnetic storms in September. However, the slight geomagnetic wobble that will last from September 11 to 14 can still have a big impact on our health. Although the influence of the Sun will not be too dangerous during this period, it is recommended to get more rest, avoid heavy physical work and avoid conflicts.

During these days, you should spend more time indoors rather than outdoors. Do not forget that in autumn a person’s immunity becomes weaker, which means that even a small magnetic storm can cause significant harm to your body.

Magnetosphere disturbance on September 16

On September 16, the Sun will become active again. Due to the fact that by this time your body will not have time to recover from the past magnetic fluctuation, you will again be able to feel a sharp deterioration in your condition. Therefore, on this day you should again devote more time to rest, and postpone important matters to another time. On September 16, walks in the fresh air will do you good. However, you should not be in places with large crowds of people - instead, it is better to take a walk in the park or go to the forest.

At this time, you should not become a participant, much less an initiator of quarrels, make large purchases and sort things out with your partner. During this period, your emotional state may be unstable, and troubles may arise not so much due to the influence of the Sun, but due to mood swings.

Magnetic wobble September 22

By the end of the month, another magnetic fluctuation is expected, which will last only one day. It will be less dangerous than the previous ones, but despite this, you should pay more attention to your health. People suffering from hypertension should not leave home without the necessary medications during this time. Going to the gym on September 22 is not a good idea. To avoid weakness and headaches, this day should be spent calmly.

How to protect your health during magnetic storms

Despite the fact that the Sun will not be too active this month, we advise you not to neglect the recommendations that will help you protect your health. During geomagnetic fluctuations it is necessary:

  • reduce physical activity;
  • do not visit noisy places;
  • do not spend a lot of energy on communication;
  • stock up on necessary medications;
  • if your condition worsens, seek help from a doctor;
  • fight insomnia using traditional methods;
  • avoid conflicts and do not provoke quarrels.

By following these simple tips, you can protect your body from the harmful effects of the sun.

Magnetic storms will not be able to spoil the impression of the first autumn month, and this is evidenced by the monthly horoscope. In it you can find useful recommendations that will help you avoid problems and change your life for the better in September. We wish you happiness and good luck, and don't forget to press the buttons and

29.08.2018 07:15

Weather-dependent people should play it safe in March: solar activity will be at its peak at the beginning of the month, and...

Flashes of solar activity, or magnetic storms, as they are commonly called, differ in their intensity, and as a result, in their impact on the well-being of the inhabitants of the earth. Over the past few days, there have already been three strong outbreaks of solar activity. The first of them was recorded on September 7.

Depending on the individual physiological characteristics of each human body, people tolerate magnetic storms differently. Some people are sensitive to the slightest changes in solar activity, while others won’t even notice. The “schedule” of magnetic storms for the current month will help weather-sensitive people prepare for atmospheric changes.

Solar flares in September 2017: a period of magnetic storms of the same strength was last observed 12 years ago

The last increase in solar activity is ending; solar activity has decreased to a class C level, which is considered weak. This information was provided by scientists from the Laboratory of Solar X-ray Astronomy of the Physical Institute of the Academy of Sciences.

As one of the representatives of the laboratory explained, in the last few days the planet has been experiencing a magnetic storm of 4/5 points. The storm was 10 times stronger than experts predicted. The occurring phenomenon is of a planetary nature, which arises due to the interaction of two large groups of sunspots on which a certain amount of energy has accumulated, which is released in the form of a flare.

Solar flares in September 2017: forecast of magnetic storms for September

Humanity has already experienced one of the most “severe” magnetic storms on September 9. Presumably we can expect the following solar activity forecast:

September 12 - calm magnetosphere;
September 13-14 - weak magnetic storms;
September 15 - magnetic storm of medium strength;
September 16 - weak magnetic storm;
September 17 - magnetic excitation, which indicates stabilization of the magnetosphere;
18-26 - a stable, calm situation in the magnetic sphere is expected;
September 27-30 - a series of weak magnetic storms.

Solar flares in September 2017: how to survive magnetic storms

Flashes of solar activity affect both the functioning of body systems and the psychological state of a person. On such days, chronic diseases often worsen, you may feel pain in the joints, nervous breakdowns and migraines occur.

Prevention of poor health on days of increased sun activity will include good sleep, avoidance of conflict and stressful situations, and drug prevention in the presence of chronic diseases.

The most weather-sensitive people are considered to be patients with cardiovascular diseases, diseases of the nervous system and those with vegetative-vascular dystonia syndrome. Such patients should carefully monitor changes in their health during magnetic storms and, if anything happens, immediately consult a doctor.

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