Materials British Bulldog. Methodological recommendations for preparing for the international gaming competition "British Bulldog"


Game competition in English « BritishBulldog" will be held December 12, 2018.

The content of the competition is built taking into account the school curriculum. Participants complete assignments at school outside of school hours during 75 minutes under the supervision of school organizers and office attendants. Competitive tasks are compiled for four age groups: 3-4, 5-6, 7-8 and 9-11 grades. Pupils of 2nd grade can take part in the competition, but a separate version of tasks is not provided for them, so they answer questions for grades 3-4. Participation by 1st grade students is not permitted. Competition tasks are divided into blocks aimed at various types of language activities and consist of 60 questions, for each of which you must choose one of four answer options.

An important feature of the competition is the mandatory inclusion of audio materials in tasks, on which the first 10 questions of each age variant are based. The content complex also includes blocks with questions aimed at working with visual materials, in which knowledge of the language becomes more of a means for completing a task. All age options present questions based on educational material; assignments for high school students may include questions about the most significant events and prominent personalities of English-speaking countries. Such blocks become an additional means of motivation for learning the language and expanding the lexical and cultural range. Completing competitive tasks also contributes to the development of foreign language communicative competencies (speech, language, intercultural). The contents of previous competitions can be found on our website in the “British Bulldog” section.

Participation in the competition is voluntary. The competition is open to everyone without pre-selection. You can take part in the project on the basis of an educational organization. A student in grades 2-11 who has paid the registration fee can become a participant. The right to free participation can be granted to orphans, students of orphanages, schools at hospitals and sanatoriums.

The participation of educational organizations in the competition is carried out through regional and national organizing committees. If there are students at the school who wish to take part in the competition, a representative from the school needs to contact the regional organizing committee, where he can clarify information about the conditions of participation, the form and timing of registering an application, receiving materials, and also receive the necessary documents and instructions. Contact information for the regional organizing committee can be found by writing a letter to the central organizing committee at the email address .

For teachers of educational institutions organizing the British Bulldog competition in the current academic year, With December 15 to 23, 2018 On-line testing will be carried out "British Bulldog Teachers` Contest". Detailed information about the project and rules of participation can be found on the website in the section"BBTC" . Participation in testing is free.

This section contains the Regulations on the competition and its schedule for the regional organizer, and general instructions. Please note that Deadlines for accepting applications for participation in the competition from schools in individual regions may vary, so detailed information follows contact the regional organizing committee.

We present to your attention questions and answers to the British Bulldog competition for 2015-2016 for grades 3-4.
Listen text :
Listen to the recording and answer the questions

1. Where is Tony?
Possible answers:

C) At the shops D) At the sports ground

2. What is Tony doing now?
A) Swimming B) Playing football
C) Shopping D) Talking on the phone

3. On what day of the week does he usually play football?
A) Sunday B) Saturday
C) Friday D) Thursday

4. Where is Tony’s mother?
A) At home B) At the swimming pool
C) At the shops D) In ​​the park

5. Who did Tony’s mother go to the shop with?
A) Tony B) Her daughter
C) Her friends D) Her husband

6. How often do they usually do the shopping?
A) Twice a week B) Once a week
C) Every day D) At weekends

7. What is Mary doing at the moment?
A) Doing shopping B) Chatting with friends
C) Swimming D) Lying on the beach

Let's see how to make such snowflakes out of paper.

8. How does the woman who is calling Tony feel?
Possible answers:
A) Happy B) Pleased
C) Fine D) Disappointed

9. What does the woman want Tony to do when he returns home?
A) To go to the shop B) To swim in the pool
C) To call her back D) To send her a message

10. Who does the woman want to speak to? Select the option where the names are in the right order.
A) Tony, Mary, mother B) Mary, Tony, mother
C) Tony, mother, Mary D) Mother, Tony, Mary

Read the text. For each question choose the correct answer
Sylvia Venner is a 12-year-old dancer. She’s from Australia but lives in Whitstable, England, with her parents, her older sister Gloria and younger brother Charlie. She dances in competitions. Her dream is to dance on stage in a London theatre. When Sylvia was four, her mother started dancing with her for fun. A year later, Sylvia joined a dance school in the town where she lives. She works hard at dancing. “I practice for two hours every day after school and for three hours every Saturday morning. My feet are still growing. It’s important to make sure you have the right size shoes when you dance in competitions so last month I went to London to buy some new ones.”

11. Whose family lives in the UK?
A) Sylvia B) Parents C) Sylvia’s D) Her parent

12. Which child is the oldest in their family?
A) Gloria B) Charlie C) Sylvia D) Their mother

13. What’s Sylvia’s greatest wish?
A) To go to Australia B) To go to the theater
C) To buy new shoes D) To dance in a London theater

14. How old was Sylvia when she started dancing?
A) Three B) Four C) Six D) Seven

15. How old was Sylvia when she began to study at a dance school?
A) Four B) Five C) Six D) Seven

16. On what days does Sylvia study dancing in the morning?
A) At weekends B) On Saturdays
C) On Sundays D) On all week days

17. What is Sylvia’s problem?
A) She is tired B) Her feet are growing
C) She feels bad D) She often falls down

18. In Sylvia’s opinion, what is important when dancing in competitions?
A) To be tall B) To have nice shoes
C) To be thin D) To have the right size shoes

19. When did Sylvia go to London?
A) Next month B) Last month
C) This month D) Last year

20. Why did Sylvia go to London?
A) To buy new shoes
B) To take part in a dance competition
C) To consult the doctor
D) To enjoy her free time

Do you know who they are?
Choose A) B) C) or D)

21. He/She cannot go to the ball because he/she doesn’t have beautiful clothes.
22. He/She lived in Sherwood Forest.
23. He/She ate a piece of an apple and died.
24. His/Her Fairy Godmother gave him/her a pair of glass shoes.
25. He/She helped the poor.
26. He/She was raised by a pack of wolves.
27. He/She lived in a wood with the dwarfs.
28. He/She is a character in The Jungle Book.
29. The black panther and the bear were his/her friends.
30. His/Her beautiful dress disappeared at midnight.

Put the words in the right categories.
Choose A) B) C) or D)

31. Cupboard
32. Felt-tip pens
33. Tangerine
34. Apron
35. Apricot
36. Eraser
38. Trousers
39. Pencil sharpener
40. Shirt

Choose the correct answers

41. Lory is... girl in my class.
A) younger B) the youngest
C) the youngest D) young

42. Whose cat is this? It’s….
A) my B) me C) mine D) our

43. There aren’t ... cups in the cupboard.
A) some B) much C) a D) any

44. Tony... three foreign languages.
A) speaks B) cans speak C) spoken D) is speaking

45. Look! It….
A) snow B) snows C) snowing D) is snowing

46. ​​Billy is… in fantasy books.
A) interest B) interested C) of interest D) interesting

47. Tom wasn’t … school this morning.
A) at B) to C) of D) out

48. My sister…speak English very well.
A) can to B) cans C) can D) will can

49. Mary…her homework at the moment.
A) does B) doing C) is doing D) do

50. … friends do you have?
A) How many B) How much C) How long D) How often

Find the correct answers

51. The Thames is a river flowing through….
Possible answers:
A) London B) Paris
C) Budapest D) New York

52. The most famous lake monster in Scotland is said to live in ….
Possible answers:
A) Loch Shin B) Loch Awe
C) Loch Ness D) Loch Lomond

53. This is the largest island in Europe.
Possible answers:
A) Rhodes B) Crete
C) Sardinia D) Great Britain

54. The colors on the British flag are….
A) white, red, blue B) white, orange, green
C) white, blue, black D) red, blue, gold

55. When children knock on the door on Halloween they say: “… !”
A) Trick or life B) Trick or money
C) Trick or sweets D) Trick or treat

57. Originally Guy Fawkes Night is a/an … celebration.
A) German B) British
C) Indian D) American

58. Which country was contemporary football first played in?
Possible answers:
A) the USA B) Spain
C) Brazil D) Great Britain

59. The Beatles are from this city.
Possible answers:
A) Glasgow B) London
C) Liverpool D) Manchester

60. The oldest underground in the world is in….
A) London B) Beijing C) Moscow D) New YorkA

March 17, 2012

Over the past 5 years, a competition for knowledge of the English language has been held in Russia. All schoolchildren from grades 3 to 11 of general education institutions can take part in this competition. Anyone can become a participant in the competition: there is no pre-selection.

The organizers of this event are holding a competition to show all schoolchildren that English is not just a set of boring rules, cramming and complex exercises, but a way to get to know a new country and culture. This competition helps you understand that learning English is an interesting and fun activity.

The competition is held according to four age groups: grades 3–4, grades 5–6, grades 7–8 and grades 9 11th grade. The results of the competition are summarized separately for each parallel.

For students 5 11 classes suggested to answer 60 questions of varying complexity. Number of tasks for participants from 3 4 classes reduced to 50. The tasks are divided into blocks (10 questions each) aimed at various types of language activity (understanding speech, understanding connected text, knowledge of grammar, vocabulary). The tasks of the first block are based on the listening text. Listening involves understanding speech perceived by ear. Listening texts are selected for each age group.

75 minutes are allotted to complete the tasks.

Each version contains very simple tasks: each participant manages to give the correct answer to at least a few of them. The tasks themselves require the student not to mechanically reproduce the rules, but to demonstrate ingenuity and logical thinking.

The organizers of the competition are the NOU "Institute of Productive Training" (St. Petersburg) and LLC "Center for Productive Training" (St. Petersburg). The competition is part of the IPO program “Productive Learning – Education for All”, approved by the Russian Academy of Education.

Tasks from the British Bulldog competition 2011"

I suggest you pay attention to some variants of tasks from the competition 2011". Correct answers are highlighted in bold

3-4 grades

I live in the north of England. My favorite season is summer. In June, July and August the days are very long. When I come … (1) from school, I … (2) my homework and … (3) go to play with my friends in the back yard. We usually play… (4). In summer I also like going out … (5) long walks in the country with my parents and my dog.

1.A) home; B) to home; C) to house.

2. A) take; B) make; C) do.

3. A) than; B) then;C) they.

4.A) football; B) the football; C) in football.

5. A) on; B) of; C) for.

Choose the correct answer

6. My Mother wasn’t… this morning.

A) at the home; B) in home; C) at home.

7. … lumps of sugar do you want in your tea?

A) How many; B) How much; C) Any.

8. Where... go on Sunday?

A) do you; B) you; C) does you.

9. He…early in the morning.

A) get up; B) gets up; C) gots up.

10. Tom… television every evening.

A) looks; B) sees; C) watches.

5–6 grades

Read the text and find the right answer

Susan Kente is a “dog-sitter”. She looks after people's dogs from Monday to Friday. She wakes up at 5.15 a.m. and 15 minutes later she gets up. She has a shower, she

drinks a glass of orange juice and she sometimes has toast and butter. Then she goes outside to the garden and gives the dogs their breakfast, the slowest eats first. Then they all get into Susan’s car. It's very dirty! Susan takes the dogs to the park and they run about. She always takes some water and biscuits for them. They go back to the car at 11.00 a.m. and then they go back home. At about 5.00 p.m. the dogs’ owners come to collect their dogs. Some people say it’s boring to look after the dogs, but Susan doesn’t agree.

1. Susan takes care of the dogs…a week.

A) two days; B) five days; C) seven days.

2. She gets up at ... five.

A) a quarter to; B) half past; C) a quarter past.

3. She has a … in the morning.

A) bath; B) bathroom; C) shower.

Choose the correct variant

4. My book is dull, … is very interesting.

A) you; B) your; C) yours.

5. The pupils played…after school.

A) hockey; B) the hockey; C) in hockey.

6. She is fond of listening….

A) music; B) to music; C) by music.

Find the word which has the closest meaning to the given word

A) often; B) always; C) rarely.

A) intelligent; B) stupid; C) dull.

A) nice; B) up-to-date; C) beautiful.

Choose the best reply

10. Hello! How are you?

A) I’m an engineer.

B) Pleased to meet you.

C) Fine, thanks. And you?

11. Would you like some crisps?

A) No, please. B) No, thanks. C) No, okay.

12. What does she do? She….

A) does secretary;

B) is a secretary;

Do you know London? Read the sentences and find the correct answers

13. London stands on the river….

A) Thames; B) Clyde; C) Avon.

14. Where does Queen Elizabeth II live?

A) Buckingham Palace;

C) Westminster Abbey.

15. It is one of the oldest buildings in London.

A) Whitehall; B) The Tower; C) Big Ben.

7–8 grades

Read the text and fill in the gaps with the right words

1.A) by; B) on; C) in.

2. A) a; B) the; C) no article.

3. A) a; B) the; C) no article.

4. A) seat; B) habitat; C) house.

5. A) wild; B) wildlife; C) naturalistic.

6. A) for; B) as; C) with.

Which variant is correct?

7. Look at the sky, I think it... soon.

A) will rain; B) rains; C) is going to rain.

8. Why don’t you … a picture of us?

A) take; B) have; C) do.

9. I was suddenly asked to…a speech.

A) take; B) make; C) do.

One of the underlined words is unnecessary. Which one?

10. I want to get by a good result in my exam.

A) to; B) by; C) a.

11. You can't miss my house; it's opposite of the market.

A) my; B) it's; C) of.

12. My teacher who has been helping me to prepare for my exam.

A) who; B) been; C) for.

Choose the most suitable article

13. Trafalgar Square

A) a; B) the; C) no article.

14. Tower of London

A) a; B) the; C) no article.

15. Houses of Parliament

A) a; B) the; C) no article.

Do you know Great Britain?

16. Which country is not a part of the UK?

A) Scotland; B) Wales; C) Iceland.

17. William the Conqueror invaded the British Isles

in the… century.

A) eighth; B) eleventh; C) fifteenth.

18. The Battle of Trafalgar took place during ….

A) WWII; B) the Civil War; C) the war against Napoleon.

9-11 grades

Read the text and fill in the gaps with the right words

1. A) when; B) where; C) what.

2. A) hay; B)grass; C) thatched.

3. A) busy; B) quiet C) small.

4. A) round; B)at; C) through.

Which variant is correct?

5. He said that Greece…ancient culture.

A) has; B) have; C) has had.

6. It annoys me that he….

A) always smile; B) will smile; C) is always smiling.

7. Shortly after our arrival…Turkey, she fell ill.

A) in; B)to; C) at.

Which variant is wrong?

8. He... have done it.

A) must; B) did not; C) can't.

9. I told him that I… the film.

A) had seen; B) would see; C) see.

10. I saw her... the window.

A) open; B) opening; C) opened.

Select the word, which best completes each sentence

11. I was so busy that I had the time to … the report.

A)read; B) skim; C) study.

12. As we were losing, we could only ... to their plans.

A) yield; B) urge; C) help.

13. He asked that they… from smoking in the room.

A) refrain; B) stop; C) refuse.

Do you know Great Britain and its culture?

14. The Great Fire of London was in….

A) 1600; B) 1660; C) 1666.

15. The Battle of Trafalgar took place in ….

A) 1805; B)1812; C) 1814.

16. The Prime Minister of Great Britain during WWII was….

A) Winston Churchill;

B) Margaret Thatcher;

C) David Cameron.

Still have questions? Can't complete the task?
To get help from a tutor, register.
The first lesson is free!

"British Bulldog"- international competition in English, one of the projects of the Institute of Productive Learning of the Russian Academy of Education (St. Petersburg) under the leadership of academician M.I. Bashmakova.

For the first time in Russia, the competition was held in 2007 and attracted more than 200,000 participants, and in recent years the number of participants has exceeded 900,000.

The form of the competition is similar to its “brothers” - the “Kangaroo”, “Russian Bear” and others competitions. However, there is an element in it that distinguishes the British Bulldog from other similar competitions - listening. All competition tasks contain questions that participants answer after listening to the text in English.

The competition is part of the “Productive Game Competitions” program of the Institute of Productive Education under the leadership of Academician of the Russian Academy of Education M.I. Bashmakov and is held with the support of the Russian Academy of Education. The program is focused on the development of schoolchildren through extracurricular activities and enrichment of the learning environment. Participation in productive gaming competitions contributes to the formation of analytical skills, systematization and consolidation of knowledge, expansion of the information environment, and the search for new ways to achieve results, as a result of which schoolchildren increase motivation, including to study individual subjects, develop cognitive activity and individual abilities.

The content of the British Bulldog competition is aimed at various levels of English proficiency (elementary, pre-intermediate, intermediate, upper-intermediate) and is built taking into account the school curriculum. The assignments also include questions based on educational material that helps expand cultural horizons. Awakening and developing interest in learning the English language, getting to know the history and culture of the English-speaking world are one of the means of familiarization with universal aesthetic values, and also contribute to the development of communicative competencies (speech, language, intercultural).

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Attention! Slide previews are for informational purposes only and may not represent all the features of the presentation. If you are interested in this work, please download the full version.

In 2010, the International English Language Game Competition “British Bulldog” was held in Russia for the fourth time. The number of participants - students in grades 10-11 in 2009 was more than 40 thousand people. All of them study English in different conditions: some study in linguistic gymnasiums or classes with in-depth study of a foreign language, attend elective courses and electives in English, others study with tutors, and are preparing to take the Unified State Exam. Many people listen to songs, watch movies in English and try to understand both the meaning of statements and the exact meaning of individual words, memorize phrases and expressions. More and more schoolchildren are traveling abroad, entering into a real process of communication with native speakers or foreigners who speak English. There are also those who learn the language using a computer, using well-known Internet dictionaries, electronic manuals, visiting websites for English language learners, joining groups for English language learners on social networks, and playing various computer games. As a result, teenagers interested in English have different strategies for understanding foreign language speech.

It can be argued that everyone who expressed their readiness to take part in the competition, find out their level of language proficiency, compare themselves with their peers, enjoy the competition: by showing good results, completing a difficult task, learning something new and interesting about the language and culture of English speakers countries The competition is widespread, and every year someone takes part in it for the first time.

Participation in the competition can be divided into three stages: preparatory, stage of direct participation, stage of reflection and analysis of one’s answers.

At the preparatory stage, it is useful to familiarize yourself with the tasks of the competition from previous years using a presentation. The test task consists of 6 sections of 10 questions each. Most of the tasks are aimed at testing listening, reading, knowledge of vocabulary and grammar. Over the years, assignments from the course “Business English,” “Conversational English,” and “English and American Literature” were also included.

Section 1 “Listening”. In past years, texts on the topics “Tourist trip abroad”, “Learning foreign languages”, “Tourism”, “Tour of an ancient city” were presented for listening. The format of the task is multiple choice “one out of three”. Having familiarized yourself with the questions before the first listening, you need to independently determine the topic of the text and pay attention to the numerals; you may have to not only hear this or that number, but count something. This task may contain low-frequency vocabulary, for example, exquisite– refined, dreadful- horrible, loathsome- disgusting, recess- break, change. For numerals, as well as unfamiliar words, it makes sense to talk in a whisper in advance to prepare yourself for listening.

Section 2 "Reading". Read the text with the missing words and fill in the gaps by choosing the correct form of the word (see the tense form of the verb, cognate nouns, adjectives, adverbs, prepositions, synonyms, articles). In addition to the multiple choice format, which requires a detailed understanding of the meaning of the text, this task can use the “true - false - no information” format, which involves understanding and extracting the necessary information. In the British Bulldog - 2007, an excerpt from Lewis Carroll's work "Alice in Wonderland" was offered for reading; in 2008, a text on the topic "Ecology" was proposed; in 2009, a text about a guide dolphin; in 2010, a parable about a nightingale and rose. The task may include:

  • unfamiliar vocabulary, for example:
    peep- sneaking a glance, peeking,
    daisy- chain- a wreath of daisies.
  • complex grammatical phenomena
    Every time we turn on the television or open a newspaper, there are new horror stories about how pollution an adverse(hostile) on our planet.
    In this sentence there are two blanks that need to be filled in. In the first case, you are offered a choice: A)ishavingb) hasc) have.

Despite the fact that the two actions develop in parallel, “we turn on TV or open newspaper" and watch or read horror stories about how "pollution provides hostile impact on our planet,” the Present Continuous form is used. This is the so-called stylistic use, which allows you to create a more vivid, real picture. The use of the Present Indefinite form is also grammatically justified, but the continued Present Continuous form makes the sentence more expressive. So you see how forests are dying, animals, birds and fish are suffering. Form ishaving used for reasons of brightness of style.

To fill in the second blank, the following options are offered: a) effectb) affectc) influence. Affect, if the test is not related to psychology, where the state of affect means a state of strong excitement, it is a verb. Here we see that before the phrase « adverse …» there is an article an, which means the missing word is a noun, and you have to choose between the words effect And influence. Effect is a noun that translates as “result, impression”, influence- "influence". In essence, these words are synonyms. If you turn to a dictionary, for example,, you can find information about what exactly effect combines with adjective adverse: anadverseeffect, and the noun influence used with an adjective bad: badinfluence.

Let's look at another example. It is known that nouns can be countable and uncountable, and many uncountable nouns can become countable, and vice versa, in the process of narrowing or expanding their meaning. When deciding on the use of features of countable nouns, such as articles and plurals, it is necessary to take into account whether a particular word is used in a broad or narrow sense. For example, in the sentence Asmoreandmorerainforestis destroyed, thethreattowildlifeincreases the word rainforest means tropical forest in a broad sense, as a climatic zone, is uncountable and is used with a singular verb.

Difficulties may also arise when choosing the following options for substitution in a sentence:

The nightingale begged the rose tree…how to get a red rose.

A) to say

b) to tell

c) to tell

Verb tosay most often used when one specific phrase is pronounced, but it is after it that a preposition can be used to, if there is an addition: tosayto(her) . Verb totell implies a certain story or story, often used with interrogative pronouns when, where etc. when requesting any information or factual material. Therefore, option c) totellto- definitely wrong. We see that the nightingale needs information; in the sentence this is evidenced by the pronoun how- How. The correct option would be b) tell.

The Unified State Exam in English includes writing a formalized statement (essay) with elements of reasoning. When writing an essay, it is mandatory to know and use means of speech coherence ( linkingwords) – introductory words and phrases for introducing arguments, developing thoughts, contrasting and generalizing. Similar words were not ignored by the developers of the British Bulldog competition tasks. Let us recall the meanings of some of them that the competition participants had to face:

  • however- however
  • although- Although
  • eventually- over time, eventually
  • moreover- moreover
  • in brief- in short
  • firstly, secondly, thirdly- firstly, secondly, thirdly
  • for a start, to start with- for starters
  • eventhough– used with strong contrast, opposition
  • despite = in spite of…– despite... (requires a gerund)

While reading the text and filling in the gaps in it, you need to pay attention to the rules for coordinating tenses. If the predicate verb in the main sentence is in the past tense, then in the subordinate clause a so-called “temporal shift” occurs: all tenses shift into the past (in comparison with the Russian language), for example:

  • He said he knew her. He told that he knew her.
  • He said he knew her. He told that he had known her.
  • He said he recognized her. He told hat he would know her.

Converting direct speech into indirect speech is one of the special cases of tense coordination. Since over the past four years there have never been tasks to transform direct speech into indirect speech in competitive tasks, they can be expected next year.

Section 3. “Vocabulary and Grammar.” Twice these were tasks for a read text, once they were tasks on knowledge of vocabulary for the course “Business English” and once they were tasks on phrasal verbs (verbs with prepositions that change their meaning).

Of course, lexical tasks for the read text were easier to complete, but they contained unfamiliar vocabulary:

  • colloquies– conversational,
  • museon- to think, to be thoughtful,
  • declaim- speak with pathos
  • fumes(plural) – evaporation

The assignment for the “Business English” course covered many grammatical topics, such as: comparing a feature using the absolute form of possessive pronouns: Mycarisnotsobigashers, adverb muchmany, fewlittle with countable and uncountable nouns. The greatest difficulties were caused by the use of gerunds, complex objects, cases of using inversion, and the rules for forming adjectives from numerals.

A gerund is an impersonal form of a verb that has the characteristics of a verb and a noun. A gerund is formed by adding the ending to the verb ing. It makes sense to pay attention to the following difficult cases of using the gerund:

  • after verbs admit, avoid, consider, deny, enjoy, fancy, feel like, finish, can’t help, involve, mean, mind, dislike, miss, practice, risk, can’t stand, suggest. For example: Hedislikesmyleavingworkearly.
  • in expressions with its: Itsworthgoing
  • after the verb to spend: I spend my time swimming and sunbathing.
  • after prepositions: Are you interested in joining a tennis club? I must apologize for arriving late.

It should be borne in mind that after verbs tostop, totry, toremember Both gerund and infinitive with particle are used to.

Let's look at the complex addition in more detail. It consists of two parts: a noun in the general case or a pronoun in the objective case and the infinitive of the verb. The proposals are constructed in the following order:

My mother
Their engineers

would like

Mr Din
our director

to do
to read
to write
to sign
to construct
to deliver
to buy

the books
the contract
the goods
the plant
an inquiry

A complex addition is translated into Russian using an additional clause.

After sensory verbs, e.g. tohear, tosee, tonotice, towatch, tofeel, toconsider, and also after the verb tomake particle to is not placed before the infinitive. Therefore, in the sentence Theystoodandwatched thechildbothsandwiches from the proposed options

a) eat

b) ate

c) eats

choose a) eat.

Adjectives are formed from numerals as follows: atwo- dayconference, atwo- hoursession, athree- monthholiday. This option is also possible: Atwo days' conference,Atwo hours' session,Athree months' holiday.

The compilers of the competition tasks did not forget about one of the most difficult phenomena of the English language - inversion (reverse word order), choosing the following cases of inversion for inclusion in the task:

Rarely have I read anything so well written.
Should you see her in London, give her my regards.
Only when I hear from you will I relax.
Unless I hear from you I won’t relax.

There are a lot of phrasal verbs in the English language, and you should try to remember them. Over the years, participants in the British Bulldog competition had to deal with the following verbs; here is a list of them:

  • bringup- bring up
  • carryon- conduct business, perform duties
  • comeacross- accidentally meet, come upon, attack
  • goon- continue
  • keepup- to be in time, to keep up. Go slower, I can't keep up with you ( Icantkeepupwithyou).
  • makeup- constitute a part, percentage
  • takeafter- to be similar
  • take off- take off
  • take off- undress,
  • takeup- take up space,
  • turn up- come, come. We arranged to meet Dave last night, but he didn’t turn up.

Section 4 “Stylists”. This section presented model texts related to conversational style and official business style (business letter, dialogue with a colleague).

A feature of the conversational style is the presence of phrasal verbs and idiomatic expressions, for example:

  • runaround– run aimlessly here and there,
  • runaground- run aground
  • runfoulof- collide,
  • runforluck- run with all your might, chase luck,
  • cutandrun- to flee, to run away,
  • runringsaround- to outshine (surpass), outshine

The task regarding the official business style was to test knowledge of the commonly used vocabulary of business correspondence: attention- attention, approval- acceptance, approval, consideration– consideration, inconnection- in connection, reply, response- answer, appreciated– welcome, prompt- fast, ahead of schedule.

It was interesting to reflect on the difference in the use of words economic(economic) – economical(economical, for example, fuel consumption); shadow(shadow) - shade(shade, shadow, shading). And, of course, the speaker gives a speech makesaspeech in front of an audience audience but not in front of a crowd crowd and not in front of onlookers onlookers.

Section 5 "Synonyms". Knowing synonyms is very useful. It helps to avoid repetition by rephrasing sentences. Here are examples of interesting tasks (the correct answer is in bold):

  1. There has been a protracted (protracted, lengthy) discussion over the issue.
    a) explosive
    b) heated
    c) lengthy
  2. She paid the delivery man grudgingly (reluctantly).
    a) generously
    b) unwillingly
  3. The plans for reorganization were acclaimed by the employees.
    a) criticized
    b) praised
    c) accepted
  4. Peep
    a) glance -fastsight,
    b) peenge – whine, whine, complain,
    c) glare - fierce look
  5. Considering
    a) thought – thought,
    b) think over –ponder,
    c) think away - get out of your head
  6. Daisy-chain
    a) wreath -wreath,
    b) fetter - leg shackles,
    c) shackle – to shackle
  7. Trouble
    a) labor - labor,
    b) calamitytrouble, disaster, misfortune, catastrophe,
    c) beshrew – to curse, curse, bring disaster
  8. Our position was undermined by the opposite party.
    a) conspired (conspire)
    b) splintered(split, split)
    c) weakened(loosen)

There were also tasks for synonymous replacement of entire sentences, for example: I came across his report while clearing out my office – I found his report by chance.

Section 6 “Language and Literature”. This section presented tasks on knowledge of grammatical structures and established phrases characteristic of literary English, such as:

  • It is difficult (for me) (to do something).
  • tohavesomethingdone- do something with the help of another person
  • tochangeonesmind– change point of view
  • bychance- by coincidence, inadvertently;
  • incase- in case...
  • inchargeof- be responsible for
  • most- majority

The developers of the competition paid attention to the formation of the plural of compound nouns: editors- in- chief(editors-in-chief), forget- me- nots(forget-me-nots), words that are exceptions to the rules: phenomenon(phenomenon) - phenomenal(phenomena), data(information, data, this word is used only in the singular), billiards(playing billiards), like news, which do not have a plural form.

There were also cases of using verbs with words denoting the amount of money, period of time, distance: Threedaysisn't t longenoughforagoodholiday, inversion with words so, neither: SodoI, …. NeitherdidI.

The assignments on English and American literature aroused great interest among the participants.

In general, Sections 3-6 of the British Bulldog Competition from previous years were aimed at testing (and developing) language knowledge and covered almost all grammatical topics, including the most difficult ones. There were no tasks to test knowledge of factual material on regional studies, with the exception of tasks on English and American literature. This is a very vast layer of material, and it is impossible to know everything. Participation in the Internet Olympiad of the foreign publishing house Macmillan can be of great benefit in the formation of regional knowledge. TowardstheBritishCulture", etc. Probably, in the coming years, such tasks will also be presented in the competition booklet.

Let us note that the basis for the development of foreign language abilities are attention, memory, thinking and speech. You need to read more, including in the Russian language, develop your memory by memorizing some interesting facts about regional studies, be attentive, analyze the linguistic phenomena you encounter, creating your own associative connections, listen more to speech and speak.

During the competition, each participant receives a colorful booklet with tasks and an answer sheet, in which they need to fill out personal data and carefully mark the correct answers.

After the competition, the booklet with tasks remains with the competition participants. It’s good if they look for information at home to compare their answers with the established language norm. At the next lesson, it is advisable to set aside time to discuss competition tasks. In January of the year following the next competition, the competition organizers post tasks and correct answers on the website


Fedotkina E.V., Matveeva N.V. Developing the abilities of students at a non-linguistic university to speak foreign languages ​​with the help of computer technologies / Bulletin of the Moscow State Linguistic University, Issue 567 Pedagogical sciences: Developmental education in the system of foreign language training: problems, innovations. Prospects. – M.: IPK MSLU “Rema”, 2009. pp. 165-175.

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