Mtsko verification of independent testing.

Every year, the Moscow Center for Quality Education conducts a large number of inspections of educational institutions in order to monitor the effectiveness of education and identify gaps in the educational process.

The highest quality are independent diagnostics from educational institutions. They are also the most popular.

Each school has its own internal monitoring of the quality of the educational process. All assignments (dictations, tests) are prepared by the teachers of this school, and they also check.

As a result, a subjective assessment is created, which can sometimes differ from the actual picture.

Independent assessments allow you to create an objective situation at the current moment, and also allow you to compare the success of students from one educational institution in comparison with another.

Analysis of identified errors allows you to quickly and timely correct the educational process, eliminating all shortcomings.

Schools independently decide which diagnostics to sign up for and how many classes will take part.

The administration has the opportunity to choose the time in advance, since all diagnostics are carried out according to an annual plan.

Unfortunately, very often situations occur that schools only submit one, the best class, for diagnostics.

In this way they try to present their school with the best result.

But here you need to understand that diagnostics is not a competition, but a tool to help improve the quality of the educational process.

First of all, these types of inspections are needed by the schools themselves, and not by the education quality center.

In addition, it is possible not to save data in the school portfolio. Within two weeks, the school can analyze the results and make a request to the MCCS not to save them.

This opportunity is especially important for teachers who will soon undergo certification for a higher category, which necessarily takes into account the assessment of the activities of the class in which they teach.

Parents can see information in their personal accounts about what subject the diagnostics were assigned for and when. This way they can help their child prepare.

Carrying out diagnostic tests

Carrying out diagnostics is a paid service. Therefore, if problems arise at the school on the day the inspection is scheduled, and they ask to cancel it, then funds will have to be paid again for a re-diagnosis.

First of all, you need to understand that information on the prescribed diagnosis appears on the official website of the MCCO a month before its appointment. There is also a demo version there.

The teacher needs to familiarize himself with all materials. Next, it is imperative to prepare students. One of the preparation points is filling out answer forms.

Absolutely all students, before the test, must clearly understand how to fill out the form correctly.

This is very important so that there are no stupid mistakes. Instructional and methodological materials appear on the site, available to teachers and schoolchildren, as well as webinars, the schedule of which is in the “monitoring and diagnostics” section (this section will be discussed below).

Webinars are good because in addition to receiving information, you have the opportunity to ask all your questions online and get complete answers to them.

After the verification, the results will be uploaded to the school’s personal accounts. They can be analyzed and the teacher’s work adjusted.

The results of the test may be considered unreliable if violations were identified during the process (according to independent experts) or if there were a large number of corrections in student answer forms.

Official website of MCCO

All information about monitoring and diagnostics is on the official website of the Moscow Center for Quality Education.

It can be found in three sections:

  • "To the leaders."
  • "To the teachers."
  • "To the parents."

But in all cases there will be a transfer to the page - “Managers” - “Monitoring and diagnostics”.

This section contains basic information and links to specific types of checks.

The basic information includes contact data, diagnostic stages, links to instructional and methodological materials, information about each subject diagnostic.

Types of checks:

  1. National Education Quality Surveys
  2. International comparative studies of education quality
  3. Computer diagnostics
  4. Basics of economic knowledge

National Education Quality Surveys

When you open this section, information about three types of assessment appears:

  • All-Russian testing work;
  • National Educational Quality Surveys;
  • Study of teacher competencies.

All-Russian testing has been carried out since 2015 in order to ensure the unity of the educational space of the Russian Federation and support the implementation of the Federal State Educational Standard.

In essence, these are tests for individual assessment of schoolchildren. In general, an objective analysis of the quality of education is obtained at the intermediate stages of education, and not at the end of the year.

When carrying out such work, uniform standards of conduct, inspection and evaluation are used in all regions of the Russian Federation; they are set out in the procedure for carrying out the GRP.

During the conduct, third-party participants are invited, most often from among parents, as independent observers.

National studies of the quality of education have been conducted since 2014. The NIKO program represents individual research projects on specific subjects at a specific time.

Projects - work on academic subjects, surveying students and collecting information about the learning process.

The purpose of NIKO is to identify students’ subject and interdisciplinary skills and the maturity of educational actions.

NICOs are carried out strictly according to the schedule, anonymously, there is no connection to student data. The selection of educational institutions occurs at the federal level by the program.

The results are used to assess the quality of the education system as a whole, and not the performance of a particular school or its teachers. These checks are carried out annually, and the results are discussed at conferences on assessing the quality of education.

The study of teacher competencies has been carried out since 2015. The initiators of such inspections are the Federal Service for Supervision and Control in Education (Rosobrnadzor).

The goal is to evaluate and suit teachers for their position and category.

The education of schoolchildren should be carried out only by professionals who strive every day to improve themselves and improve their competencies.

At the moment, there are no uniform mechanisms for the Russian Federation to ensure the quality of teachers’ work. This type of assessment is aimed specifically at achieving unity in this problem.

The essence of IKU is the anonymous completion of questionnaires with professional and sociological questions. The results are used to polish the education system, and not to evaluate a particular school and its staff.

International comparative studies of education quality

It provides information about research at the international level, comparison of education systems from different countries in order to identify gaps in the Russian system, taking innovations from other countries.

This section includes several programs:

  • International comparative study “Studying the quality of reading and text comprehension” PIRLS - comparison of the level of reading and text comprehension of primary school students in different countries of the world. Research is needed to understand the differences and effectiveness of different education systems. Conducted once every 5 years since 2001.
  • International program for assessing the educational achievements of students PISA - assessment of the educational achievements of students who have reached the age of fifteen. Within the framework of this study, knowledge and skills taken in life are assessed in three areas - “reading literacy”, “mathematical literacy”, “natural science literacy”. Held every 3 years, starting in 200.
  • The international program for assessing the educational achievements of students PISA based Test for Schools is an addition to the previous program. Answers to the same questions but with the aim of identifying students’ readiness for full functioning in society.
  • Comparative Study of the Quality of General Education TIMSS - a comparative assessment of the preparation of fourth and eighth grade students in mathematics and science. Held every 4 years since 1995.
  • A comparative study of the quality of general education TIMSS –Ad Advanced – a study of the preparation of high school graduates studying in-depth mathematics and physics. These two subjects are priority in terms of intellectual preparation of students. Such studies were conducted in 1995, 2008 and 2015.
  • International Computer and Information Literacy Study ICILS - a study of students' knowledge, skills and abilities in computer and information literacy. Eighth grade students are assessed. The study was conducted in 2013, the next one is planned for 2018.
  • International study on civic education in 8th grade of general education institutions ICCS - assesses the readiness of schoolchildren to become citizens of their country, their attitude towards their civic duty. Research has been carried out since 1999.
  • TEDS-M, an international study to study teacher education systems and assess the quality of training of primary and secondary school teachers in mathematics, was conducted in 2008. In addition to current teachers, students of higher educational institutions - future teachers - took part in the study.
  • An international study of teaching and learning systems was carried out to monitor the school environment and the conditions under which teachers work. Research has been carried out since 2008.

In this section, a small material is given about each program, which describes the implementation process and the results obtained. A link to the source is also provided, which the user can consult if necessary.

Computer diagnostics

When you open this section, you are offered to take training tests in subjects. Anyone can take advantage of this opportunity. It is very important to test your knowledge before independent diagnostics. Each user has their own password and login, which indicates the confidentiality of information.

Basics of economic knowledge

If you select this section, the system offers to solve a demonstration test on financial literacy. In today's world, it is very important to be financially literate.

The banking sector, like economic life in general, is developing.

Now financial services are available to schoolchildren over 14 years of age. At this age, they can already open accounts (of course, with the consent of their parents or their representatives), use bank cards, and open deposits.

Therefore, everyone should have the basics of knowledge in order to properly manage money and prevent financial fraud.

Monitoring and diagnostics are a very important activity of the Moscow Center for Educational Quality.

Thanks to it, the teaching staff of schools can timely monitor gaps in their educational process and effectively eliminate them.

Despite the fact that the service is paid, its significance is great and undeniable. That is why all schools, without exception, use independent diagnostics.

It is planned to carry out diagnostics of the MCKO in Moscow schools as part of the new academic year 2018-2019. Thanks to this procedure, the effectiveness of teaching methods will be assessed, as well as summing up the quality of the knowledge provided by schoolchildren. MCEC will allow you to identify professional teachers and note the main mistakes in order to modernize the education system.

Mandatory diagnostics of MCCO, carried out from November 15, 2018, is divided into three stages

Experts conditionally divide diagnostics into three subgroups:

  1. Assessment of academic achievements of all persons who are studying in educational organizations in the current academic year. Research work will be carried out in budgetary institutions (general education);
  2. National studies regarding the quality of knowledge provided to students. Comparative studies of the educational process are planned, conducted in accordance with the study of international methods (private schools);
  3. Diagnostics within the framework of VMKO. They were conducted from September to October and were aimed at studying the adaptation of first-grade students to the educational process.

The letter from the Moscow Department of Education dated May 14, 2018 contains a calendar of diagnostic activities of the Moscow Center for Education and Science for the 2018-2019 year. An inspection plan has been developed that will take place at the secondary school level. Information about these events is of interest to directors and teachers. The current academic year involves 7 stages of control.

MCKO inspection plan

A number of control points have been prepared for budgetary educational institutions within the framework of the International Center for Educational Institutions:

  • Experts plan to conduct mandatory diagnostics in grades 10, 4, 5, 6, 7, and 8. On November 15, the test will take place in grades 5 to 8 (and 10). It is also planned to hold similar events on March 14, 2019 in grades 4–8, 10 in 127 schools in the capital;
  • It is also planned for mandatory diagnostics in grades 9 to 11, which is classified as corrective. This procedure is planned to be implemented for schools that have encountered problems conducting the Unified State Exam in mathematics and the Russian language, showing unsatisfactory results. The 9th grade math test was conducted on October 3. In 10th grade, a similar procedure will take place on December 5th. Grade 11 will be tested on November 28th. The Russian language test for grade 9 was held on October 24. A similar procedure for grade 10 took place on November 8. Grade 11 will be tested on January 17th. Control is also planned in the area of ​​“elective subject” (determined by the educational institution). Will be held on December 13th for 11th grade;
  • There will be a test in subjects studied by schoolchildren at an advanced level. Diagnostics are planned to be carried out in April-May next year (for 10 classes participating in projects with in-depth study of subjects);
  • It is planned to conduct an inspection in specialized schools;
  • Within the framework of the MCED, it is envisaged to study the situation surrounding the success of elective classes. Grades 8 and 9 study financial literacy or history of Moscow (optional). Tenth graders have the opportunity to attend electives on the topic “memorable pages of the history of the Fatherland”;
  • Metasubject diagnostics. It is implemented in order to analyze the option of obtaining positive results when studying an educational program;
  • There will be diagnostics in primary school in the following disciplines: mathematics, reading and Russian language. The event is scheduled for April next year.

From September to November of this year, the first stage of diagnosis takes place. A special website has been developed - mcko dot ru. This resource allows you to submit an application to register. Experts have prepared a column “monitoring and diagnostics” (for managers). Anyone can study the documentation related to the audit.

Diagnostics of MTsKO November 15, 2018

The new academic season 2018-2019 will again not be complete without independent monitoring and diagnostics of the Moscow Center for Education and Science in the capital’s schools.

In accordance with the letter of the Moscow Department of Education (DOGM) dated May 14, 2018 No. 02-19-2520/18, mandatory diagnostics are carried out on November 15, 2018 in grades 5–8, 10 and on March 14, 2019 in 4–8, 10 classes in 127 schools in Moscow.

Schools are selected by open draw three days before the diagnosis. For each of the 127 selected schools, on the same day, the class and subject (block of 10 classes) of diagnostics are determined by open drawing. The subject (block in 10 classes) is selected from the list specified in the Appendix to the DogM letter. The work will be performed in electronic (computer) form. The results of mandatory diagnostics will be automatically included in the MRKO.

Thus, a state institution of additional professional education in Moscow has the opportunity to assess the effectiveness of teaching, draw conclusions about the quality of knowledge acquired by schoolchildren, identify the most capable teachers, prepare the ground for the introduction of new educational systems, and this is not the entire list of tasks that can be solved using data checks. Applications for participation in the events of the first stage of diagnostics can be submitted on the website ( in the school’s personal account.

The new academic season 2018-2019 will again not be complete without independent monitoring and diagnostics of the Moscow Center for Education and Science in the capital’s schools. Thus, a state institution of additional professional education in Moscow has the opportunity to assess the effectiveness of teaching, draw conclusions about the quality of knowledge acquired by schoolchildren, identify the most capable teachers, prepare the ground for the introduction of new educational systems, and this is not the entire list of tasks that can be solved using data checks.

Monitoring 2018-2019

All audit activities of the institution were divided into three large groups:

  1. Assessment of educational achievements of students in educational organizations in the 2018/2019 academic year (on a budgetary and extra-budgetary basis).
  2. National surveys on the quality of knowledge delivery.
  3. International comparative studies of the quality of the educational process.

Each group differs in the MCCO diagnostic calendar 2018-2019, as well as goals, participants and verification tools. But they have a common regulatory document - a letter from the Moscow Department of Education dated May 14, 2018 “On measures for independent assessment of the educational achievements of students in educational organizations in the 2018/2019 academic year.”

Inspection Plan for Secondary Schools

This is the most popular plan among teachers and directors, as it applies to all budgetary educational institutions in the capital. In the new academic year it will consist of seven stages:

  • Corrective mandatory diagnostics from grades 9 to 11. It will only affect those institutions in which the Unified State Examination results in Russian language and mathematics in 2018 were unsatisfactory.

  • Testing in those subjects that are studied at an in-depth level.

  • Inspections in organizations participating in the project to organize specialized training in basic general education programs.

  • Testing knowledge acquired in elective classes. For 8-9 grades this is “financial literacy” or “the history of Moscow”, and for tenth graders this is “memorable pages of the history of the Fatherland”.
  • Meta-subject diagnostics. Serves for analysis of achieving planned results in mastering the educational program.
  • Diagnostics in primary school (mathematics, Russian, reading). Will take place in April 2019.

Important! The first stage of diagnostics will take place in September – November 2018. Applications for participation in it must be submitted on the website in the school’s personal account. Also on the official website of the institution in the section “instructional and methodological materials” you can find complete information on conducting an audit.

In the current academic year, the Moscow Educational Center will also conduct raids on educational institutions that are not budget-funded (private schools). The MCCO 2018-2019 audit schedule for them is shown below.

National Education Quality Surveys

This group includes two diagnostic tools. These are the All-Russian testing works (VPR) and the program of National Research on the Quality of Education (NIKO).

The purpose of these methods is to ensure the unity of the educational space with universal compliance with accepted general education programs.

The features of VPR are:

  • the level of testing of schoolchildren’s knowledge is carried out through the same task for the whole country;
  • uniform assessment criteria are used;
  • schoolchildren are provided with absolutely identical conditions when taking the exam (reflected in special instructions);
  • unified assessment criteria (after the work is completed, schools have access to assessment criteria and recommendations).

VPRs provide an opportunity for school leaders to timely navigate the correct organization of the educational process and check the level of knowledge of their students for compliance with the all-Russian standard.

Important! While writing such tests, the presence of observers from parents or teachers is allowed.

Features of the NIKO program are:

  • anonymous questioning (computer testing technology or the use of machine-readable forms) of students in order to collect information about the learning process and its proper level;
  • The selection of participants is formed at the federal level using a special methodology (depending on the specific NIKO project).
  • the results of the surveys received are used to analyze the current state of the educational system and formulate programs for its development.

Important! When testing students under the NIKO program, assessment of the performance of teachers and regional executive authorities is not provided.

Participation in the new academic year in the NIKO project is shown below.

International comparative studies of education quality

In 2018-2019, this monitoring group will be marked by three events, each of which is aimed at different categories of schoolchildren.

  1. Progress in International Reading Literacy Study (quality of reading and text comprehension). It will be conducted among primary school students in different countries of the world.
  2. International Computer and Information Literacy Study (testing computer and information literacy for eighth graders).
  3. Research on civics education for eighth graders.

Non-diagnostic goals of MCCO in 2018-2019

In addition to monitoring educational institutions, the Moscow Education Center has many other goals and plans in the field of improving the level of education in Moscow and, in particular, in Russia. These are various international conferences, seminars and certifications.

Thus, the very first in the calendar of the new academic year is an important world-class event – ​​the Moscow International Forum “City of Education” (August 30 – September 2, 2018). The organizers plan to attract more than 70,000 participants, among whom will be representatives of the leadership of schools in Moscow, Russia and other countries of the world. The forum will end with a traditional Russian language festival.

And in February the main organizational event of the year will take place - an international conference on the development of a quality system for obtaining knowledge.

The center also offers advanced training courses for employees of educational organizations with the issuance of an appropriate certificate.

Anyone can familiarize themselves with the detailed schedule of diagnostic work for 2018 – 2019 on the MCKO website

The staff also understood the discrepancy between the amount of work and the allotted time, so they gave me an extra 10 minutes. After 55 minutes of work, I solved 24 tasks without checking. I handed in the work and came out in a terrible state, and told my dad about everything. Dad turned to the administration, and without any dispute I was allowed to write the work for as long as needed. I worked for another 60 minutes. It was uncomfortable: I felt like I was holding people back.

The answer form deserves special mention. It was standard, contained 26 points and did not correspond to the format of the work: in the number of tasks, in the absence of a form for a detailed answer. All this had to be written on the back in free form. At subsequent diagnostics, I was also given this form, and it also did not match the format of other work.

About a week later, we received an email with the diagnostic results (file attached). For each assignment, the table shows the topic of the assignment, the maximum score and the grade received. It turned out that I received a much lower grade than I expected. During the screening we were given assignments and my work; There were again no specifications and evaluation criteria. In many ways, my mistakes turned out to be stupid - I myself was surprised how I could write such a thing. We felt that some tasks were graded incorrectly, and one task did not correspond to the standard program. They were not allowed to photograph anything, and they were not provided with a copy of the work.

At home, we prepared and submitted an appeal by email, which remained unanswered. A little later we received a certificate (file attached), which indicated the initial result. They refused to give us a certified sheet with a transcript of the results.

It should be added to the above that the inability to analyze errors at home significantly reduces the educational benefit of such diagnostics. I was well prepared for the diagnosis, there is no doubt about it, and I was counting on a “5”. The first time the impression was so bad that I didn’t want to come there anymore.

Let us note that during this diagnostic, the administration and staff were interested in us, as CO-workers. We were given a personal registration sheet, we were open to dialogue, and we met halfway in everything that was not prohibited. Then the situation changed, but more on that next time.

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